
  • May 9, 2023

Jimmy Buffett's 'Last Mango' is a Yacht Rock Dream Machine

Jimmy Buffett Last Mango Freeman boat

Last Mango Boatworks , the team behind the custom catamaran built for legendary singer Jimmy Buffett , has released a video depicting the boat's evolution.

The custom-built 42' Freeman was built in collaboration with Freeman Boatworks , Merritt Boatworks , and Pipewelders Marine . It was named Last Mango in homage to Buffett's 1985 country-tinged album " Last Mango in Paris ."

The hull comes courtesy of South Carolina's Freeman Boatworks, who built the one-of-a-kind platform to give Buffett additional creature comforts and performance compared to smaller boats he'd previously run. The hull was also reshaped to accommodate a custom pilothouse built by Merrit Boatworks in Pompano Beach, Florida. A custom tuna tower courtesy of Pipewelders Marine in Fort Lauderdale, Florida was added on top to make the 42-foot offshore fishing boat a truly unique vessel.

For those unaware, Buffett is a longtime boater while his music has been a staple of yacht rock playlists since the early 70's. The "Margaritaville" singer has spent his downtime aboard a number of boats over the years, most recently a 50-foot (15.25 m) Pacific Seacraft sailboat named Drifter .

But the Last Mango was several years in the making.

"So this project starts three years ago," says Scott Cothran, Director of Sales & Marketing for Freeman Boatworks. "This very educated guy named Vinny calls, very educated boat talker asking very educated questions about doing some kind of pilothouse and wanting design information. I got off the phone and looked at one of the guys I work with and said: 'that guy is fishing for information. He is a competitor. Don't answer calls from that guy.'"

That 'Vinny' was Captain Vinny LaSorsa, Buffett's longtime boatswain.

For Vinny, chauffeuring Buffett around Charleson, South Carolina four years earlier was the inspiration for reaching out to Freeman.

"So four years ago, a few of my friends had ridden on Freeman boats, and I actually saw a 33' Freeman zooming around Charleston Harbour, and they got my attention."

With Buffett's approval, LaSorsa reached out to Freeman, only to be rebuffed as the company was wary of the seemingly knowledgeable 'captain' who implied having a mysterious boss.

According to Cothran, "Then I get a phone call from one of the guys in South Florida, saying: 'you need to quit blowing this Vinny guy off.' I asked who does he work for, because he's gotta be a competitor. He knows way too much about boatbuilding and about the marine industry. And he's got some mysterious boss that clearly doesn't exist. He goes: 'his boss is Jimmy Buffett. Answer the dang phone call.'"

last mango catamaran

(Photos courtesy Captain Jimmy LaSorsa)

After confirming that LaSorsa and Buffett were indeed real, and serious buyers, Freeman began putting their team into order.

It all began with Buffett explaining his vision.

"We met Jimmy Buffett when he came to my house to talk about the build for his awesome new Last Mango," says company president Sally Freeman . "What was so great was that he bought a boat from us when he could have bought a boat from anyone in the whole wide world, and he chose a Freeman. That's pretty darn cool."

With Cothran leading the charge, and the ultra-knowledgeable LaSorsa watching over his shoulder, the growing team began allocating plans for a custom 42-foot Freeman catamaran that would utilize a pilothouse rather than a centre console.

"You don't understand the stuff that's gotta come together," says Cothran. "We gotta get with Yamaha, we gotta get with Garmin, we've gotta get JL (Audio). All these parts have gotta come together, they've gotta be perfect, and they've gotta happen very quickly. Doing a boat in record time, we've got to involve every bit of our team, our best of our best. They're gonna do it in a short amount of time, and we're still running full production on everything else. We're racking our brain trying to think of how we're going to do all this while still keeping the quality of everything along the way."

The pilothouse would prove to be one of several features requiring outside expertise. To fabricate a pilothouse for a hull that had never had one, the team added Roy Merritt of Merritt Boatworks to the mix.

"Jimmy Buffett came to us about a project," said Merritt. "I wasn't too keen on the idea, but between Vinny and Jimmy there's always a certain amount of arm twisting that goes on, if you know what I mean. When you're a builder you like doing different things, and that's what interests me. So we agreed to do it. Jimmy went ahead and purchased the boat, and we went ahead designing the pilothouse and what was going to go in it. We mocked it up, and we built it."

The final touch came from Pipewelders Marine, who added a custom stainless steel tuna tower, effectively turning the Last Mango into a fully customized offshore dream machine.

"Probably the highlight of the build was that so many people poured their heart and soul into it, and then Jimmy flies in to meet everybody at the plant," said Cothran. "It was a really cool experience. He signed stuff and hung out with everybody. It shows the common touch he has. That was fun."

"This was a great build," added Mark Hanke of Merritt Boatworks. "It was a one-off build. It's one of the projects that brought a lot of the guys together to show the quality and craftsmanship and trades, from your carpenters, to your painters, to your electricians, to your mechanics."

Captain Vinny summed it up nicely: "You're only as good as who you work with. I took an idea and a dream of Jimmy's and was fortunate to have him believe in me enough to carry out his vision. Throughout carrying out that vision we've had so many people willing to be right there for me, to help me make sure that I succeed. I don't think it can get any better than that."

You can check out the story of the Last Mango below:

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From a normally educateded Canadian... Get out yer Whipper Snappin Constitutional assault weapons n complain while your joke has been/ wanna be president runs away from his perverted Anti woman/human rights sins. Sorry about speed limits n manatees you effin loser. Happy trial Trumpy McTrumpster

Yup ... It's all the manatees fault. Pretty sure there is more than enough free waters for idjits like you to speed boat around n probably dynamite 🧨 fish. Crocodile Dum Dum.

Jimmy Buffett sings songs of the joys of boating in Margaritaville Florida. Yet when you come to Florida you find that boating is difficult, if not illegal, throughout the state. Why? Because of a big fraud Buffett started called The Save The Manatee Club. Restricted waterway access, heavy speed zones and millions in fines for attempting to use a boat in a normal manner. All Buffett's handiwork. He doesn't care; he raises his middle finger to Florida's boaters and can take his yachts to the Bahamas where he's not affected like all of them.

Boat speed zones ? All of the actual (and promptly buried) scientific studies on manatee hearing has proven that manatees cannot hear slow moving boats and…

If that's the case, here on the north end of Broward there are many illegal signs.

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A sport-fishing catamaran cruising across the open water.

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I suppose there are varying degrees of loving boats. Certainly, growing up near the water or having a heritage of seafaring people in your background doesn’t always guarantee that love, but in many cases, it is the rich stock for the gumbo of a water-loving life. And when that passion strikes, it can be so deeply ingrained that it is indeed the greatest ingredient of a truly full life. To say Jimmy Buffett was a lover of boats cannot be taken lightly.

Buffett’s longtime fishing buddy, the accomplished author and angler Carl Hiaasen, once put it into perspective, saying: “When Jimmy wasn’t on stage, he was on the water, or heading full speed to the water. He paid as much attention to the details of his boats as he did to his songs. Every line had to be just right.” Sadly, after battling skin cancer for four years, Buffett died on September 1, 2023, at the age of 76 of Merkel cell carcinoma.

Jimmy Buffett giving a thumbs up at the helm.

A Life on the Water

Buffett was infected with a love of the sea and boats of all manner—so much so, he wanted to always live by the sea. He spent the majority of his time away from his musical pursuits on the water, sailing, surfing, fishing or just messing about on his boats.

In a recent conversation I had with his sister Lucy Buffett, she spoke so glowingly of their childhood and the threads of growing up on the Gulf Coast that were woven into her late brother’s love of boats and the sea that made up a great portion of the fabric of his life.

Buffett’s grandfather from Nova Scotia famously jumped out of a window of the family home at 13 years old to become a runaway going to sea. He became a cabin boy on a sailing ship, and the stories of his time at sea surely put dreams of travel and adventure into his grandson’s head. The sea calls many with its charms. Lucy recalls, “Our grandfather never returned home full time until he was in his 70s. Our parents both worked in the Mobile, Alabama, shipyards, building big ships. This, along with the constant dream for us kids of having a house on the water that my parents couldn’t afford, were the seeds of life around the water that were planted in us.”

As Lucy recounts, “The boating mythology has been in our family since we can remember, because we spent a lot of time on the Mississippi coast at our grandparent’s home. It was always a big deal whenever our merchant mariner grandfather Capt. Buffett came home, because he would have been gone for months and months at a time. He always returned with stories of where he had been, from all over the world. That’s the story of the song ‘The Captain and the Kid,’ and all of that was true.”

A black and white image of Jimmy Buffett and Roy Merritt standing in a warehouse.

She continues, “As kids, our parents would rent a home for our vacations on Mobile Bay or at the beach, and Daddy and Jimmy would rent motorboats. Then our parents had some friends, the Kennedy engine family of Biloxi, who had a 100-foot wooden motor-yacht called Mariner II . They would go on extended trips on the boat to Tampa and the islands off the Mississippi coast. One year, Jimmy and their oldest son got to go on one summer trip as bait boys. That was the first time Jimmy was introduced to that type of leisure boating. They also had a seaplane in the 1960s, and those experiences were something Jimmy always talked about, saying, ‘Someday I’ll have one of those.’ So I think these things, along with the culture of the Gulf Coast to work hard and play hard on the water, had a huge impact on Jimmy. The first house he ever bought was for [his wife] Jane, and the second house was for my mom and dad, and it was on the water. It was their dream as well, working at the shipyard to have a house overlooking the bay. Jimmy also bought Daddy his first boat, a 17-foot Mako center-console.”

Lucy recalls, “Jimmy was always going to have some sort of boat. In Key West [Florida] in the mid- to late ’70s, it was the fascination of sailing and that romantic notion that led him to buy a little skiff with the first money he made. He then bought his first sailboat that he named Euphoria II , so that curiosity led to always having this bond with boats and being around the water. For him, there was no better place. He always had that forward-looking ability—‘What’s on the horizon?’—and he had to go do it.”

Jimmy’s Sport-Fishers

Many years and many more boats later, in 2006, Buffett owned a 42-foot Rybovich called Last Mango that he began to bring to the boatyard at Merritt’s Boat & Engine Works in Pompano Beach, Florida, for annual service and maintenance. This was the start of his long relationship with not only the yard but the Merritts as well. Over the years, there were several Buffett boats that frequently visited the yard, including the Rybovich, a 33-foot Freeman catamaran, a 42-foot Freeman cat project boat and even a sailboat—the only one to come into the yard—along with a host of support boats, including a Hell’s Bay skiff and an Albury Brothers center-console, among many others.

Black and white image of Jimmy Buffett laying next to a large bluefin tuna to show off its massive size, which length is more than Buffett's height.

While still enjoying his 33-foot Freeman pilothouse boat, Buffett contracted Freeman to build a complete 42-foot hull without a console installed. If you have been anywhere near the water with an interest in boats and access to the internet, you certainly would have seen that vision of Buffett’s that came to life as a 42 Freeman with a walkaround cabin that was built and installed by Merritt’s.

As the 42’s hull and deck were being built, Buffett, along with his longtime captain, Vinnie Lasorsa, and Roy Merritt, went to work on what Buffett wanted in this next boat. Having years of experience with a vast assortment of vessels—both power and sail—Buffett had a unique vision for what would suit his needs best for his use at that time. This boat brainstorming and planning was nothing new.

Jimbo Meador, the legendary Alabama waterman and lifelong Buffett family friend and companion, told me: “Jimmy was a brilliant guy when it came to any kind of boat, electronics, navigation; he always had some kind of new idea as far as everything on the water. Whether it was fishing or designing those concepts into the boats, he was always improving what he had.”

Close up detail of a sport-fishing catamaran's hull.

The Freeman Project

Utilizing the boatbuilding and styling expertise at Merritt’s and the team of carpenters, glass crew, painters and mechanics, the house was built and integrated into the Freeman hull with direction and hands-on input from Buffett, Lasorsa and Roy Merritt.

Building a full-scale wood mock-up on the shop floor gave Buffett a real gauge of scale and space to make the most out of everything they could do, even down to reclining on the bunks to be sure he would be comfortable on his “camping out” fishing trips. Console layout was carefully executed to fit a host of the latest Garmin electronics and vessel-control systems. The cabin was designed for maximum storage and ample seating, and included a dinette area so Buffett, the always busy taskmaster, could work on his laptop and have a place to dine while on board. All of this was accomplished while still honoring the walk-around layout and 360-degree fishability of the boat.

The Merritt house was married to the hull and deck, allowing for electrical, plumbing and other finish work to happen, including the faux teak-painted cabin walls and ceiling beams as well as tower install, blending old-world classic boat feels with advanced composite construction and design. Freeman pulled the hull from the mold in January 2019, and the boat left Merritt’s yard just seven months later, in July—quite a task in a tight time frame, but it showed the commitment and vision by all parties to get it done. In 2009, before the boatbuilding process had even begun, Lasorsa had an idea to give back and help US military veterans. Buffett, ever the idea man, promoter and philanthropist, encouraged Lasorsa to start Freedom Fighter Outdoors. With Buffett’s endorsement and urging, they began hosting events to take injured veterans fishing in Florida and on Long Island, New York. Building Freedom Fighter Outdoors to four and five events a year has impacted the lives of those veterans who participate beyond measure. This is all done in the spirit of giving back—a testament to the spirit and heart of both men.

As is often the case, the boating disease for real boat lovers kicks in after a while, and the desire for a larger vessel or more improvements and upgrades for the current model comes along. The boat enthusiast in all of us keeps thinking and dreaming of the next thing, and soon, the bug to build a dream and create the desired platform triggers the need to build the project.

And that was the case with Buffett. He was so pleased with the Freeman catamaran with the Merritt house, he had Lasorsa set up a meeting with Merritt once again. As those meetings typically go, Buffett—who loves a unique project—pleaded his case of needing a bit more comfort, a stand-up head and shower, a stateroom with a proper berth for overnighting and a larger salon, because it comes with a bigger boat that can also handle a bit more weather.

He wanted to stay with the catamaran hull platform with Mercury outboards. He was also looking to leave a legacy in the marine industry, in which he’d been a vibrant participant for the greater part of his life. The problem: he was working with Roy Merritt, who himself has made a great success of his family business building top-of-the-line world-traveling sport-fishermen for titans of industry and a host of discerning clients. What Buffett wants is not what Merritt builds, or even wants to build. However, as Buffett recognized, these two guys have something in common besides their friendship and a true love of boats. They are both guys that have achieved great things in their respective industries. They have both kept pace with their audiences and figured out what they want and what they need.

Buffett, with Lasorsa in tow, put on his best sales pitch, and with a bit of arm twisting, he cajoled the reluctant Merritt to begin the special project. But not just to build a boat. Buffett the philanthropist and marketer envisions a situation where they start up a company that would build the boats and give back to the industry by having a technical school for training young folks in the marine trades of welding, carpentry, painting, electrical and the like, and perhaps help troubled kids with few other prospects. Buffett saw improving lives as a large part of the mission, and this is the thoughtful, ambitious, caring Buffett at his best. The dropback works, and he hooks Merritt as solidly as a perfectly pitch-baited blue marlin. All of this was done in the best of old-school partnerships with a firm handshake—no lawyers, no multipage contracts, just two friends doing business.

A 56 foot catamaran hull being worked in a warehouse.

With the idea hatched and the basic parameters laid out, Merritt began just as he does with any new build. Having never done a catamaran hull, he enlisted the services of Michael Peters Yacht Design to create the running surface while he and his in-house team designed the layout and practical operating functions of the boat.

In order to satisfy the criteria for Buffett and have a fully functional rig with sufficient fuel capacity, a generator, a watermaker, ice makers, livewells and a host of other components that fit and can be serviced in place, all while getting the look of a finely styled classic boat, the length grew to 56 feet with a 17-foot beam.

There were a host of other considerations that were addressed during the development, such as the width of the walkaround, deck height off the water, tunnel height, major component placement in each hull, bow layout and seating, anchor locker and windlass configuration, flybridge layout, and a host of manufacturing and assembly issues that needed to be ironed out. Designed to be powered with quad 600-horsepower Mercury outboards for speed and reliability, the boat is certainly unique and fills a niche in the industry that has been missed to date. For Buffett, the inherent fishability of the walk-around layout, with a massive ­cockpit, combined with its length and beam, will make it a player on the blue water anywhere it goes. The big cat’s interior comforts, including a full-size stateroom, a large head with a shower, a spacious salon with a galley, an interior helm, a settee, a bar and a large flat-screen television, make it an ideal weekender and commuter. Topped with a spacious, beautiful flybridge, the Buffett-inspired 56 Merritt catamaran is as much a trendsetter as it is a practical fishing tool.

Read Next: Meet Roy Merritt in our exclusive interview with the legendary custom boatbuilder .

With this boat, Jimmy Buffett the visionary set the table for his marine legacy, while his trust and confidence in Merritt to build a quality boat are a testament to Merritt’s legacy and track record. With the great sadness of his passing, Jimmy Buffett’s dream will be realized, as the boat is being built as he envisioned it and wanted for his personal use, knowing that others would also see the many benefits of such a boat.

The treasured American writer Thomas McGuane spent a considerable amount of time with Buffett throughout his life as ­collaborator, friend and brother-in-law. Perhaps starting in the early ’70s ­fly-fishing for tarpon in Key West, they have logged many hours in various boats of all manner in many places far and wide. I’d say he put it best when it comes to Buffett and his love of boats and the sea when McGuane said: “I think Jimmy loved every boat that was ever born. As his knowledge of boats expanded through a lifetime of thinking about them, building and acquiring them, a day inevitably came when a boat project outlived him. Rest in peace, sailor.”

  • More: Issue 280 , Merritt Boats

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last mango catamaran

The Last Mango: Jimmy Buffett’s custom 42 foot long Freeman sportfish catamaran

The Last Mango: Jimmy Buffett's custom 42 foot long Freeman sportfish catamaran

last mango catamaran

Freeman Boatworks and Merritt Boatworks combined efforts to create a custom 42 foot long Freeman sportfish catamaran for music legend, Jimmy Buffett.

Jimmy Buffett and his Cpn. Vinnie LaSorsa run the ship.

Vinnie is based in Pompano Beach, Florida .

Jimmy lives in Palm Beach, Florida .

last mango catamaran

They wanted a pilothouse on it with windows that go up and down as opposed to side to side, shock-absorbing seats and a retractable awning .

The boat has been nicknamed The Last Mango .

Powered by quad 300-hp Yamaha outboards , the boat can hold 800 gallons of fuel .

last mango catamaran

At the helm, there are two Shockwave seats (as requested) and a full complement of the latest Garmin technology.

Two  17-inch Garmin 8617 MFD s dominate the dash and run the new  EmpirBus switching system .  From the MFD, the captain can control all ship systems down to the ball valves used to fill the forward ballast tanks that Freeman installed to bring the bow down in a head sea.

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The captain doesn’t have to manually open the valves, just tap the MFD and the icon on the screen will change when the valve is open to show if water is flowing or not. Pumps, aerators, AC, lights, horn, wipers—they’re all controllable through the EmpirBus.

There is a Yamaha Helm Master joystick on the main helm as well as the upper station. This lets the captain slide the boat sideways to the gas dock, hold position and drift in various configurations.

last mango catamaran

LaSorsa says he loves the maneuverability the Helm Master provides, but the Freeman drifts so nicely that he often doesn’t need the various drift-set functions when fishing.

When asked what his favorite feature of the boat is, LaSorsa answers quickly.

“I like being in the enclosed pilothouse ,” he says. “You don’t feel the wear and tear you feel when running a center console and cruising so fast. On those boats, you feel like a cocker spaniel in the back of a pickup truck on the highway . On this boat, you don’t get any of that. There’s no wind burn . It’s quiet and soft. You can hear each other. It’s easier on the body.”

Last Mango Boatworks

last mango catamaran


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Jimmy Buffett: A Bard's Life in 4 Boats

last mango catamaran

Jimmy Buffett: A Bard's Life in 4 Boats

The shape-shifting sailor-songwriter leaves a legacy of music and myth that puts boats front and center, right where they belong.


As cultural icons go, Jimmy Buffett was a slippery trickster. He was one of the great mystical troubadours of our lifetime. (Ask Bob Dylan). He was a middle-aged jester prancing before hordes of sunburned suburbanites, garishly dressed, making shark shapes with their hands. He was an authentic artist who mixed existing cultural elements in entirely fresh ways. He was a shameless shill in a shameless age. He was a rags-to-riches entrepreneur whose example spawned stirring tales of American enterprise. He was and was not an A-list pop star, whose diverse factions of devoted fans could be as different from each other as night is to day.

Jimmy Buffett was all these things. He was also a sailor, surfer, and fisherman who brought an enriching life on the water into our ears, into our hearts, and into our souls like nobody else on the public stage. He made people happy and made them dream. As we remember the singer/songwriter who died from Merkel cell carcinoma on September 1, 2023, let’s look back on Buffett’s magnificent life through the lens of four boats that reflected and shaped it.

Three Jimmy Buffett album covers

Boston Whaler 13

In February 1974, ABC/Dunhill Records released “Living and Dying in ¾ Time” to modest sales. Nothing in the song titles hinted that this was something new under the sun, the early inklings of a pioneering musical genre. The writer Jim Harrison, much later, would dub it “Gulf & Western.” Today, under the umbrella of the Trop Rock Music Association (, dozens of internet radio stations promote hundreds of working musicians. In this world, Buffett’s mid-1970s work was the Big Bang.

The buds of this new genre were apparent in the 1974 album but hadn’t yet flowered. Listen to the album’s fourth song. The title alone offers no clue; “Brahma Fear” merely evokes the timeworn cowboy component of a straight-up country and western number. Yet the lyrics in the second verse tell a different story: “Yes, I own a Whaler boat. It slides across the sea. Some folks say I’m part of it, and I know it’s part of me.” Where did the creator of this genre come from, and how did he find himself in such a deeply consequential Boston Whaler 13?

James William Buffett was born in Pascagoula, Mississippi, on Christmas Day 1946 and raised in Mobile, Alabama, by serious parents who sent him to Catholic schools, expecting him to become a U.S. Navy officer, or at least a good Southern lawyer. Instead, he washed out of Auburn University, banked some credits at Mississippi’s Pearl River Junior College, and ultimately graduated in 1969 from the University of Southern Mississippi with indifferent marks.

At Auburn, the freshman naïf, still more Catholic altar boy than experienced co-ed, watched a Sigma Pi ­fraternity brother attract girls with his guitar. Johnny Youngblood agreed to teach Jimmy three simple chords – G-major, C-major, and D-major – and the young acolyte practiced those with all the energy he never put into his Auburn classes.

From Pearl River Junior College it’s only 75 miles down US 11 to Bourbon Street in New Orleans. Buffett played covers at open mics. With several college friends he formed The Upstairs Alliance out of a second-story French Quarter apartment on Ursulines Street. A part-time shipyard job qualified him for credit to buy a sound system at a Mobile music store – his PA, his band. He wasn’t yet 20.

By 1970, a recently married Buffett had moved to Nashville with his new wife, hoping to break into the music business. Very quickly both Nashville and the marriage wore thin.

“Jerry Jeff Walker came to town,” Buffett recalled, “and a friend who worked at ASCAP was hosting him. We went out to the bar that night, and Jerry Jeff wound up at my house.” Soon after, a recently unmarried Buffett followed his hero to Miami looking for work.

“Jerry Jeff was the real deal, and there were all these other people coming through town – David Crosby, Rick Danko, Joni Mitchell. As a nobody, I couldn’t get over my luck, meeting all these people.”

In November 1971 Jerry Jeff proposed a road trip from Miami down the Overseas Highway, and Jimmy Buffett’s arrival in Key West was like a chemical reaction: Neither the man nor the place would ever be the same. Key West in those days had writers but didn’t yet have musicians or tourists – or, for that matter, margaritas. Ernest Hemingway was a ghost, while writers Jim Harrison and Thomas McGuane were alive and well and drinking at Capt. Tony’s Saloon. Truman Capote still turned up at Tennessee Williams’ infamous pool parties.

Buffett had found him a home – and stayed. The people he met and their exploits in those first few Key West years inspired “White Sport Coat and a Pink Crustacean” (June 1973). One track extols the pleasures of “sailing in those warm December breezes;” another, the “old red bike” that gets him around to the bars and beaches of his town.

It was those songs that bought him his first boat. A Key West banker had refused Buffett’s request for a $500 loan to buy the boat of his dreams, a Boston Whaler 13. But the $11,000 deal for “White Sport Coat” clinched it. In ABC’s video for Buffett’s first hit – or, as he later quipped about his entire life’s work, “one of my 2.4 hit records” – the man behind the wheel of a boat in the video for “Come Monday” could not possibly look happier in his newfound home on the water.

Three adult women dressed as "parrot heads" on a sunny day

By the mid-1980s “Margaritaville” had ­become a brand and ­“Parrot Heads” had formed the phlock that never stopped growing. Photo: Kenneth Hagemeyer/CC BY-ND 2.0

If Jimmy Buffett’s pleasure with the Boston Whaler ran deep, writer/photographer Tom Corcoran’s camera caught something deeper still on October 18, 1976. It was the moment at Flagler Marina in Palm Beach, Florida, just after a yacht broker handed Buffett the keys to his first real cruising sailboat: a ketch-rigged Cheoy Lee 33. The photo’s subject wears a lime-green T-shirt from the Euphoria Tavern in Portland, Oregon. “There was a look of contentment like no one had ever seen before,” Buffett wrote of that photo in Tales from Margaritaville in 1989. More than a mere lark, he saw the sailboat as a personal connection to his sailing-captain grandfather and as a tangible insurance policy against the unsteady line of work he’d been plying for more than half a decade.

While “Come Monday” reached No. 30 on the Billboard charts, subsequent releases sputtered. Starved for paying gigs near his Key West home, Buffett traveled regularly to play shows around the country, frequently in Texas. He was on the bill for Willie Nelson’s 1974 Fourth of July Picnic at the Texas World Speedway that so famously went off the rails into mayhem and car fires. (For full-color detail, listen to the “No. 2 Live Dinner” version of Robert Earl Keen’s “The Road Goes on Forever.”)

Meanwhile, the life and characters of Key West inspired a new palette in the developing songwriter. For Buffett’s alt-country mentors, the outlaw was a fertile character type that filled an infinite well of songs from Willie Nelson, Townes Van Zandt, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, and others. As a boy, Buffett had been steeped in Jim Hawkins’ “Treasure Island” stories. And in his New Orleans days, the pirate Jean Lafitte haunted the Old Absinthe House, still up there plotting with Andrew Jackson to beat back the British fleet. Buffett’s songwriting leap from Texas outlaws to salt-stained pirates wasn’t so broad.

His Key West bartender friend, Phil Clark, was the real pirate.

“You just knew it,” Jerry Jeff Walker recalled in 1992. “He had that kind of breath, and those eyes.”

Clark really did run his share of grass, and really did sail off to places like Providenciales, returning with what must have seemed like enough money to buy Miami. When Buffett sang about Clark in “A Pirate Looks At 40,” he employed an old songwriter’s trick, swapping the third-person pronoun for the first. “Mother, mother ocean, I have heard you call.”

Who is this I? Phil Clark? Buffett? (Did Johnny Cash really shoot a man in Reno?) To the very end of his life, and beyond, Jimmy Buffett would be described as a pirate – an ambiguity the emerging performer cultivated from his earliest days in Key West.

Two middle-aged men at the helm of the U.S. Naval Academy training sailboat in open waters.

Jimmy, right, tries his hand at the helm of the U.S. Naval Academy training sailboat Summerwind alongside skipper James ­Maitland in Annapolis, Maryland, in 2016. Photo: U.S. Navy/Alamy stock photo

But, oh, those songs. “Mother, mother ocean, I have heard you call. Wanted to sail upon your waters, since I was three feet tall. You’ve seen it all.” The incantation works like a prayer, finding its way straight to a boater’s heart. Lines like these made Buffett the undisputed bard of a new state of mind with its own particular approach to life. Through an alchemy that mixed sand, saltwater, bars, boats, cocktails, tire swings, and palm trees, Jimmy Buffett produced magic.

ABC/Dunhill saw something to back in these songs. A fall 1976 contract offered Buffett $132,000 to renew and another $100,000 to start work on the next record, three times the budget of his previous record, and 10 times that of his first. Producer Norbert Putnam, as disappointed as Buffett with Nashville, recommended a change of scenery for the next project: Criteria Recording Studios in Miami, Florida. At first Buffett balked. But then something dawned on him, and he wrote the song “Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes.” Buffett sailed Euphoria from Palm Beach to Miami, then spent two weeks of November 1976 making music history.

The recording project finished, he set off for the Bahamas aboard Euphoria with friends Tom Corcoran and Jane Slagsvol (who would later become his wife), National Lampoon managing editor P.J. O’Rourke, and 12-year-old Juan Thompson, son of gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson. Details from that trip appear in O’Rourke’s 1988 best-seller “Holidays in Hell.” The crew was halfway down the Exumas chain in Staniel Cay when Buffett stepped into a Batelco telecommunications building with one of the island’s only phones.

“That wasn’t supposed to be the single,” Corcoran heard him say. Euphoria quickly upped anchor and sailed off to Great Exuma, and Buffett embarked on a tour that never really ended for the rest of his days. “Margaritaville,” not “Changes in Latitudes,” was getting all the radio attention.

With “Margaritaville” money piling up, Buffett bought a larger Euphoria and set off to Tortola and St. Thomas, Caicos Islands, Dominican Republic, the eastern edge of the Bahamas, San Salvador, then 800 miles through the Atlantic to St. Maarten – on one passage with Glenn Frey of the Eagles. On the liner notes of his next album, Buffett wrote: “I have been a little too occupied changing winches, wiring spreader lights, repairing bilge pumps and numerous other jobs that go hand in hand with the pleasure of being a boat owner.”

An adult male on a sailboat in open blue waters on a sunny day.

Buffett takes his Tofinou 9.5, Groovy, for a sail in St. Barts. Above right: Promo photo taken aboard Euphoria. Photo: Shutterstock

Continental Drifter

Dan Streech, a lifelong sailor and cofounder of Pan Asian Enterprises, commissioned and distributed the iconic Mason 43 ocean-voyaging sailboat in 1980, then in 1988 the equally iconic Nordhavn 46 ocean-voyaging power yacht. At the news of Buffett’s death, Streech recalled his encounters with the singer.

“Every Nordhavn I’ve ever been aboard has had Jimmy Buffett music playing in the background,” he recalled. “When he sang about living lives of adventure, we believed he was singing about us. Then one day in 1998, he walked into our office and purchased N62 #2. He rechristened the boat Continental Drifter. I got to spend two fun days with Jimmy on board in Florida, two days I’ll never forget. That boat traveled many miles with, and for, Jimmy, and was seen up and down the Eastern Seaboard and the islands.”

Over the next several years, the Nordhavn would be replaced by two larger Continental Drifters: a Cheoy Lee Explorer 90, then, in 2003, the 124-foot Continental Drifter III built by Delta Marine in Seattle. The beach bum who failed the loan application for a Boston Whaler had become a mogul with a string of superyachts. The path from one to the other led through just one song.

Neither the producer nor its composer thought very much of “Margaritaville” during their November 1976 recording session in Miami.

“I wasn’t that excited about the title,” Putnam recalled. “A part of me sort of hoped he’d come up with a better song idea.”

The real-life scene that inspired it was at a Mexican restaurant in a strip mall near a freeway in Austin the previous spring. The songwriter had enjoyed several tequila drinks with a friend before catching a plane back home.

As Buffett told an audience in 2015, “She drove me to the plane, and I started the song. I got off the plane in Miami, and on the Overseas Highway there was a traffic accident on the Seven Mile Bridge. I sat there for an hour and a half, and I finished the song in three minutes.”

To everyone’s surprise, it cracked the Billboard Top 10, ultimately peaking at No. 8. By any ordinary music-industry standards, Jimmy Buffett would have been a one-hit wonder. But his life wasn’t ordinary, and neither was his career. While many diehard fans felt he took a wrong turn at “Cheeseburger in Paradise” (search “Church of Buffett, Orthodox”), something started building, slowly at first, almost invisibly through the early 1980s. By June 28, 1985, when Buffett headlined the sold-out Timberwolf Amphitheater near Cincinnati, he hadn’t had a radio hit in eight years. Timothy B. Schmit, formerly of the Eagles and Poco, was playing in Buffett’s Coral Reefer Band that summer. Looking out over a vast parking lot of wild revelers dressed in costume and bouncing colorful inflatable birds through the air, Schmit said, “These are your own personal Deadheads,” then corrected himself. “No, they’re Parrot Heads. You’ve got your Parrot Heads.” For a 30-year retrospective of this movement, the 2017 “Parrot Heads Documentary” on Netflix shows you everything you need to know.

After “Margaritaville” Buffett never had another Top 10 hit. That is, not until 2003 when Alan Jackson invited him to sing for 34 seconds on “It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere.” Still, through that decades-long “dry spell,” Jimmy Buffett did sell albums: in fact, nine platinum albums (more than 1 million sold), and eight gold albums (more than 500,000 sold). His 1985 compilation “Songs You Know By Heart” sold more than 7 million copies, and the “Boats, Beaches, Bars and Ballads” boxed set sold more than 4 million.

Buffett’s laid-back persona masked a shrewd businessman with an uncommon work ethic. In 1983 he noticed that the Chi-Chi’s restaurant chain touted every Tuesday as Margaritaville night: “Come, but be prepared not to waste away!” He sued for trademark violation and won. Partnerships began sprouting in 1984: Caribbean Soul T-shirts, a Margaritaville restaurant, the Margaritaville Store in Key West, founded on the mantra, as his partner Sunshine Smith recalled, “Don’t let your customers’ bad tastes get in the way of money.” By 2022 it was estimated that more than 20 million people pass through the doors of Margaritaville-branded businesses: casinos, hotels, restaurants, resorts, retirement communities. In 2023 Forbes magazine estimated Buffett’s net worth above $1 billion.

“’Margaritaville’ is a brand, a business empire, a point of view,” ran Life magazine’s summation in late 2023. “It’s perhaps the most profitable song in pop history, and the merchandizing that surrounds it – T-shirts, tequilas, tap rooms – has obscured its magic. First, and most important, ‘Margaritaville’ is a gorgeous song, life-loving and elegiac, finely crafted and cheeky, a nuanced nugget of genius."

Drop the needle on “Tin Cup Chalice,” the song that closes Buffett’s December 1974 album “A-1-A.” “I want to go back to the islands, where the shrimp boats tie up to the pilings. Give me oysters and beer for dinner every day of the year, and I’ll feel fine.” The song plays like a bohemian hymn: one man’s vision of heaven on earth, open to any who has ears to hear it or eyes to see it.

Three film clips, shot over some 50 years, stitch together an enduring expression of what that heaven might look like. In 1973 Christian Odasso and Guy de la Valdine produced “Tarpon” (, a 53-minute film in the cinema-vérité style that wasn’t commercially released at the time but that lived on in bootlegs and legend until 2008, when it was rescued from a barn and issued as a DVD. Jim Harrison, Tom McGuane, and Richard Brautigan (author of “Trout Fishing in America”) provided the onscreen talent. Jimmy Buffett wrote and performed the original film score.

Flats fishing, fly fishing, deep-sea fishing – through all the years of his life Buffett authentically pursued the moments he rhapsodized in his songs. In the 34-minute YouTube video “42’ Last Mango Walkthrough” (, his longtime captain, Vinnie LaSorsa, pulls back the curtain on Buffett’s last custom boat created for that mission: a 42-foot power catamaran built on a Freeman Boatworks hull, with a pilothouse designed and built by Merritt Boat & Engine Works, powered by quad Yamaha 300s. A boat that cruises at 40 mph and tops out at 60, Last Mango was built to cross quickly over to fish the Bahamas banks or to the Hudson Canyon. Buffett had put in 6,000 hours doing just that on the 15-year-old Rybovich-built Last Mango that the Freeman replaced.

“Yeah, now the sun goes sliding across the water. Sailboats, they go searching for the breeze. Salt air, it ain’t thin. It can stick right to your skin, and make you feel fine.”

“Tin Cup Chalice” is the song that plays through the background of a 2015 video clip made for Margaritaville TV ( The segment captures Buffett, alone on Ballast Key before playing a Key West show later that night, fly-fishing the same flats he’d been returning to for decades.

“This is one of my favorite fishing spots,” he says. “In 1974 I think I came out here for the first time. Good tarpon, good bonefishing. As I’m walking around here today, I know that a couple of pretty good songs were written or inspired by events that went on out here on this island. Before we go out tonight to that show, it’s kind of neat to come out here and relive this a bit.”

“And I want to be there. I want to go back down and die beside the sea there, with a tin cup for a chalice. Fill it up, good red wine. And I’ll be chewing on a honeysuckle vine.”

Through his words and music, we can all relive it a bit.

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BoatUS Contributing Editor Tim Murphy is the author of "Adventurous Use of the Sea" (Seapoint Books, Nov 2022). He sails Billy Pilgrim, a 1988 Passport 40, on the U.S. East Coast. He develops marine trades curriculum for the American Boat & Yacht Council.

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last mango catamaran

Jimmy Buffet’s New 1200-HP Power Catamaran

last mango catamaran

Jimmy Buffett’s new fishing machine is a 1,200-hp power cat designed for speed and comfort

last mango catamaran

These days, the Son of a Son of a Sailor (you may know him as Parrothead-in-Chief Jimmy Buffett) doesn’t like to hang around when he’s heading out to his favorite fishing spots. That’s why the “Margaritaville” chorus leader’s newest boat—a stunning, 42-foot, custom power catamaran dubbed Last Mango and painted Buffett’s favorite shade of seafoam green—can top out at more than 60 mph and cruise effortlessly at 40.

“We have four Yamaha F300 outboards, so 1,200 horsepower in total,” says Vinnie LaSorsa, Buffett’s longtime captain and BFF (Best Fishing Friend). “At 6,000 rpm we’ve seen 61 mph. It’s a fun boat that gets us there and back fast.”

last mango catamaran

“Since we took delivery, we’ve been using it a lot,” LaSorsa says. “We’ve probably put 400 hours on the engines and covered over 7,000 miles. It’s been all over the place.”

Buffett, who splits his time between homes in Montauk, Palm Beach, and “a little trailer in Malibu,” had pretty specific requirements for his new boat. After years casting a line from his beloved West Palm Beach–built Rybovich Express sportfisher, it seems Mr. B was looking for something that went a little faster, but not at the expense of comfort. He loved the look, performance, and smooth ride of the ultra-sleek, 42-foot power catamaran from South Carolina–based Freeman Boatworks. But, according to LaSorsa, he really wanted a boat with a pilothouse instead of an open center console. 

last mango catamaran

“We talked long and hard with Billy Freeman about building us a pilothouse version of the 42, but they were too backed up with orders. We had to come up with a plan B.”

The solution? Freeman agreed to provide a stripped-out 42 hull and deck to the revered nautical artisans at Merritt’s Boat & Engine Works in Pompano, who designed and built a custom carbon-fiber pilothouse and finished off the boat.

As LaSorsa notes, “Jimmy only had three requests: power-opening windows for the sides of the house, shock-absorbing seats, and a retractable power awning for the cockpit. Oh, and 58 rod holders so you can fish from pretty much anywhere on the boat.”

Why was a pilothouse so important to the 73-year-old singer-songwriter? According to Captain Vinnie it can get cold and foggy up in the Northeast, so it provides a warm retreat. Then in the midday heat of Florida and the Bahamas, it becomes an air-conditioned haven.

As you might expect, Last Mango boasts a very cool sound system. Designed for the boat by JL Audio, it pumps out Buffett’s favorite playlists through speakers in the cabin, cockpit, bow, and even up on the tower.

last mango catamaran

“When Mr. B’s on the boat he’s pretty much exclusively at the helm,” adds LaSorsa. “Being behind the wheel for him is the relaxing part.”

Any scary moments while out on the ocean? LaSorsa says he won’t forget a trip to the Bahamas earlier this year, in an area southwest of the Berry Islands known as The Pocket. “We were heading down to the Exumas and got into a heavy southeaster with wind against tide. The seas were a solid 8 to 10 feet. The boat did pretty well, but it was not comfortable. It was the roughest conditions I’ve been in.”

Even when Buffett isn’t wetting a line, it’s rare to see Last Mango tied to the dock. LaSorsa is the founder of Freedom Fighter Outdoors, a charitable organization that works with injured service members. With Buffett’s support and occasional participation, LaSorsa organizes fishing expeditions for wounded veterans. To help raise money, Buffett and LaSorsa created the Last Mango Boatworks website   selling cool Last Mango –logoed apparel, jewelry, and more. 

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Jimmy Buffet’s New 1200-HP Power Catamaran

last mango catamaran

Jimmy Buffett’s new fishing machine is a 1,200-hp power cat designed for speed and comfort

last mango catamaran

These days, the Son of a Son of a Sailor (you may know him as Parrothead-in-Chief Jimmy Buffett) doesn’t like to hang around when he’s heading out to his favorite fishing spots. That’s why the “Margaritaville” chorus leader’s newest boat—a stunning, 42-foot, custom power catamaran dubbed Last Mango and painted Buffett’s favorite shade of seafoam green—can top out at more than 60 mph and cruise effortlessly at 40.

“We have four Yamaha F300 outboards, so 1,200 horsepower in total,” says Vinnie LaSorsa, Buffett’s longtime captain and BFF (Best Fishing Friend). “At 6,000 rpm we’ve seen 61 mph. It’s a fun boat that gets us there and back fast.”

last mango catamaran

“Since we took delivery, we’ve been using it a lot,” LaSorsa says. “We’ve probably put 400 hours on the engines and covered over 7,000 miles. It’s been all over the place.”

Buffett, who splits his time between homes in Montauk, Palm Beach, and “a little trailer in Malibu,” had pretty specific requirements for his new boat. After years casting a line from his beloved West Palm Beach–built Rybovich Express sportfisher, it seems Mr. B was looking for something that went a little faster, but not at the expense of comfort. He loved the look, performance, and smooth ride of the ultra-sleek, 42-foot power catamaran from South Carolina–based Freeman Boatworks. But, according to LaSorsa, he really wanted a boat with a pilothouse instead of an open center console. 

last mango catamaran

“We talked long and hard with Billy Freeman about building us a pilothouse version of the 42, but they were too backed up with orders. We had to come up with a plan B.”

The solution? Freeman agreed to provide a stripped-out 42 hull and deck to the revered nautical artisans at Merritt’s Boat & Engine Works in Pompano, who designed and built a custom carbon-fiber pilothouse and finished off the boat.

As LaSorsa notes, “Jimmy only had three requests: power-opening windows for the sides of the house, shock-absorbing seats, and a retractable power awning for the cockpit. Oh, and 58 rod holders so you can fish from pretty much anywhere on the boat.”

Why was a pilothouse so important to the 73-year-old singer-songwriter? According to Captain Vinnie it can get cold and foggy up in the Northeast, so it provides a warm retreat. Then in the midday heat of Florida and the Bahamas, it becomes an air-conditioned haven.

As you might expect, Last Mango boasts a very cool sound system. Designed for the boat by JL Audio, it pumps out Buffett’s favorite playlists through speakers in the cabin, cockpit, bow, and even up on the tower.

last mango catamaran

“When Mr. B’s on the boat he’s pretty much exclusively at the helm,” adds LaSorsa. “Being behind the wheel for him is the relaxing part.”

Any scary moments while out on the ocean? LaSorsa says he won’t forget a trip to the Bahamas earlier this year, in an area southwest of the Berry Islands known as The Pocket. “We were heading down to the Exumas and got into a heavy southeaster with wind against tide. The seas were a solid 8 to 10 feet. The boat did pretty well, but it was not comfortable. It was the roughest conditions I’ve been in.”

Even when Buffett isn’t wetting a line, it’s rare to see Last Mango tied to the dock. LaSorsa is the founder of Freedom Fighter Outdoors, a charitable organization that works with injured service members. With Buffett’s support and occasional participation, LaSorsa organizes fishing expeditions for wounded veterans. To help raise money, Buffett and LaSorsa created the Last Mango Boatworks website selling cool Last Mango –logoed apparel, jewelry, and more. 

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the leading authority on Jimmy Buffett

last mango catamaran

Buffett’s new Freeman Catamaran

Jimmy Buffett upgraded his 33 foot Freeman catamaran to a custom built 44 foot Freeman with a seafoam green hull. The hull and quad Yamaha 300 outboards were shipped from Freeman’s facility in Summerville, SC to Merritt’s Boat and Engine Works in Pompano Beach, FL.

last mango catamaran

41 thoughts on “ Buffett’s new Freeman Catamaran ”

Somethin about a boat….. Nice

A boy and his toys. Nice. 🤙

Perfect comment.

We recovered your sail boat Savanna Jane while in Key West. Lines were loosened. Have loved your music since your first note🎼❤️👍

Last mango 2?

Aw…you could have gotten your boat built at Burger Boat in Manitowoc, WI!!!!

Jimmy,you would look much better sporting a boat such as mine. SEALARK ,is a custom built motoryacht… one of 3…Built by St Augustine Trawlers in 63, cypress on oak frames…51′ at the waterline,60′ overall…17.5′ beam…

I’m anchored in the midst of paradise behind Tybee Island, GA… I believe that you landed a float plane in the river where I am anchored a long time ago.

I’m living the lifestyle you have written and sang about… somebody’s gotta do it😎🌴

We saw it just the other day in the “barn” being worked on. 😊

There was once a man from Nantucket

Not bad for a group of 70 something guys singing 40 year old songs…….life must be good!

Sweet. We are happy to help with your boat payments. Though An invitation would be nice.

There are no payments. 😄

Its all about the money not the music

What would you do if you had the money? Would you show your face on your comment? Funny how people without money think it’s wrong for anybody to have money. It’s like what your people do when they work hard and earn money, throw it away because everybody doesn’t have the same amount? Don’t be a hater. And no I’m not one with money but that thought process is incomprehensible homeless or billionaire . Go have a margarita and relax, life is only as bad as you let it be. Cheers🍸

Art is right… can deny it all you want!

We helped too on Tues!!!

Steve Loudin

Mine’s bigger

Love the Dolphins colour!

Stick to boats, beaches, ballads….not politics.

Stick to being a music fan…not making dumb comments on a Facebook post

Jason is a fan of Ted Nugent? Kid Rock?

Who doesn’t love Ted Nugent 🎸 Let’s just listen to the music and leave it at that. To each their own who are we to judge 🤘🏻

Scott Daley weak

Right on, Jason…..musicians know nothing about politics!

When can i borrow it?

Wait, didn’t he just get the 33 last year?

Something about making money like Warren Buffet and spending it like Jimmy Buffet

Very about a boat party

I LOVE your new catamaran Jimmy!!! We need to visit and have a boat party!! You know my daughters Dad!!❤️❤️

No bad days on a boat. Beats any day working

Lived there as a young girl !

Old girl now !!!!!!!!

All good seas to you Capt. I see that you have put a lot if thought in the design of that hull. Im sure the below deck space is something most people could never imagine or appreciate. Im the guy you DON’T see cruising the coast of Palm Beach & N. Broward. If I ever get a return that brings me up behind you REALLY fast, Don’t stress. Ill give you the blues as I go away. Capt L.E.O. keep the Bow into. 🚤👮🇺🇸⚓

She sure is pretty. What’s her name?

Sheryl Moore

“3 DAYS on a BOAT”

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Freeman Boatworks x Merritt Boat Works collaboration for Jimmy Buffett

last mango catamaran

Jul 18, 2019

It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere…

Many of us in the boating world is familiar with Jimmy Buffet- the island hopping entertainer who is primarily known for his music. In November of 2017, Jimmy buffet bought a used Freeman 33 foot catamaran when he found out the waiting list for a new Freeman was several years. However, this was no typical Freeman fishing machine- it had a custom pilothouse fixed to it by Merritt Boat and Engine Works. 

freeman boatworks jimmy buffett delivery

(Jimmy Buffett with his custom 33 Freeman- via Freeman Boatworks Facebook)

Fast forward 2 years and the name Jimmy Buffett was finally at the top of the list to have his new Freeman catamaran built. This time he would opt for a 42 foot model with a seafoam green hull. Not long after it was announced that he would be partnering with Merritt once again- so the hull and quad Yamaha 300 outboards were soon being shipped from Freeman’s facility in Summerville, South Carolina to Merritt’s Boat and Engine Works in Pompano Beach, Florida. Following the release of the drawings for this one-of-a-kind boat, a crowd of boating enthusiasts formed a thread on The Hull Truth to share their findings of the build as well as discuss their opinions on it. This thread became so popular that Merritt themselves started to post updates with photos throughout the build for fans to see. It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere.

Jimmy Buffett Merritt Boat Drawings

(Freeman 42 Pilothouse drawings- via Merritt’s Instagram)

Over time this group of fans was able to see Merritt’s signature quality touch being put on a Freeman. Many of the onlookers claimed this to be their “dreamboat” while others voiced concern for the added weight of the enclosure sacrificing some of the performance in regards to the ride quality, efficiency, and speed. Merritt however, had this thought out already by creating the pilothouse out of carbon fiber- which is known for being extremely lightweight without sacrificing strength.

last mango catamaran

(Merritt employees making sure everything in the model is perfect before creating the real enclosure out of carbon fiber- via THT)

In addition to the stellar work by Merritt, those following the build also praised how involved Jimmy Buffett was throughout the entire process. Being found on site quite frequently.

Jimmy Buffett Freeman Boat

(Jimmy on-site- via THT)

The build is still in progress but was recently splashed for testing. Keep up with the build or review more of the details here! 

Jimmy Buffett Freeman Boat


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An image of the Custom Yacht Shirts logo featuring a tshirt with a yacht on the front within an orange circle.

Is this Jimmy Buffett’s 42′ Freeman “Last Mango” spotted at Boca Raton Inlet?

Sure looks like Jimmy Buffett’s new fishing machine and inspiration for  Last Mango Boatworks coming into the Boca Raton cut on this rough day…what do you think?

Is this the new Buffett battlewagon?

Let us know in your comments below!

Small Craft Warning with winds South / Southeast at 20 knots.

Jimmy Buffett’s Boat, “Last Mango” out of Key West fights the swells along with other boats from Big Sports Fishing Boats to Jet Skis.

South Florida is the boating capital of the World! From Government Cut in Miami to Haulover Inlet in North Miami to Hillsboro Inlet to Boca Raton Inlet and finally, at Boyton Beach Inlet boats fight the waves and the current to get into and out of the inlets.

Enjoy this first-hand view of some of the exciting action and beautiful, fast boats on tap on this afternoon at Palm Beach’s Southernmost inlet.

Thanks for viewing our Boca Boats video!

If you like South Florida boat action, be sure to hit the subscribe button on our Custom Yacht Shirts YouTube Channel  for upcoming updates of Palm Beach’s boat action!

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Last Mango Boatworks

What started as the name of a boat has turned into a simple way to make a difference; you purchase apparel and we give the proceeds to charity. Below are the charities we're currently supporting. Our Last Mango gear is inspired by our adventures and where the boat takes us. Every product that is available online is something we would use whether we are chasing sailfish off of south Florida’s coast or walking the beaches of Montauk.

Where it All Began...

Jimmy Buffett dreamed of a vessel that would be capable of turning overnight trips into day trips while keeping himself and guests comfortable and out of the elements. A vessel that could just as easily cross to the Bahamas on choppy days as it could chase giant blue fin tunas in the canyons of the northeast. With Merritt's Boats and Engine Works and Freeman Boatworks, this vision came to life in collaboration with his long time captain, Vinnie LaSorsa.

As a buzz began to spread of the legendary custom build, fans were seeking a way to connect with Jimmy Buffett’s dream boat and began to inquire about the apparel and gear of the Last Mango crew. We decided to make our crew gear available for purchase to the public via online purchases and donate profits of the sales to charity. The profits from the sales of the Last Mango apparel and gear is directly given back to charities we believe make a huge impact and difference. Our goal is to make our Last Mango Boatworks customers feel as though they are a part of something bigger than just a brand. When you make a purchase from our site, you become a part of the Last Mango Boatworks family. You join our efforts of supporting charities that we believe make a difference and collectively help to #SeeTheGoodSide


“We create unique outdoor experiences for injured service members.”

Unique Outdoor Experiences for Injured Service Members. Freedom Fighter Outdoors


Singing for Change (SFC Charitable Foundation, Inc.), is a private foundation established in 1995 by Jimmy Buffett, as a way of saying thank you to the friends, fans, and concert-goers around the country who have loyally supported his music career.


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LAST MANGO Boat for Sale

52' sea ray | 2006 | $549,900.

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Last updated Jun 2, 2024

Last Mango Boat | 52' Sea Ray 2006

  • Fresh Isenglass enclosure and optional bridge air conditioning,  
  • Adjustable thigh-rise helm seating on bridge
  • 24,000 BTU Bridge A/C & Heat 
  • Updated Dual SIMRAD touch screen electronics Closed array RADAR/GPS Plotter
  • Fridge on bridge
  • LCD TV on bridge
  • NEW Fusion multi zone bluetooth stereo with JL Audio AMP/Speakers and subwoofer
  • New Blue LED courtesy lights throughout
  • New Gray sea-decking throughout cockpit, on the bridge and on swim platform
  • Marquipt Crane for loading tender on platform
  • MITSUBISHI Gyro stabilizer - similar to Seakeeper 
  • Hardwood flooring in galley, , master and port staterooms with flatscreen TVs and two full head compartments with separate showers.
  • Washer Dryer combo
  • Bottom paint done 2023
  • Batteries new in 2023 

Denison Yachting is pleased to assist you in the purchase of this vessel. This boat is centrally listed by Jefferson Beach Yacht Sales.

Denison Yacht Sales offers the details of this yacht in good faith but can’t guarantee the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of this boat for sale. This yacht for sale is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal from that yacht market without notice. She is offered as a convenience by this yacht broker to its clients and is not intended to convey direct representation of a specific yacht for sale.


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last mango catamaran

First-Time Buyer?

Read our guide to learn the process for buying LAST MANGO


  • Yacht Details: 52' Sea Ray 2006
  • Location: Michigan City, IN
  • Engines: Cummins
  • Last Updated: Jun 2, 2024
  • Asking Price: $549,900
  • Maximum Speed: 30 kn
  • Max Draft: 4' 3''

Last Mango additional information

  • Cruising Speed: 26 kn
  • Beam: 15' 3''
  • Hull Material: Fiberglass
  • Displacement: 36,700 lb
  • Fuel Tank: 1 x 500|gallon
  • Fresh Water: 1 x 140|gallon
  • Holding: 1 x 68|gallon
  • Curved overstuffed sofa in Ultraleather
  • Dual freestanding ottomans
  • Bose Lifestyle 48 120V 2 ZONE DVD Media Center with 6 cube speakers
  • Samsung 50"  Flatscreen 
  • Pull out sleeper sofa
  • Pull out liquor cabinet 
  • Kenyon two burner stovetop
  • Corion countertops 
  • Brushed Nickle Sub-Zero refrigerator below counter
  • Panasonic Microwave
  • Wood floor option

Schedule a Tour of LAST MANGO

Contact our team to schedule a private showing.


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  1. The Last Mango: Jimmy Buffett’s custom 42 foot long Freeman sportfish

    last mango catamaran

  2. The Last Mango: Jimmy Buffett’s custom 42 foot long Freeman sportfish

    last mango catamaran

  3. The Last Mango: Jimmy Buffett's custom 42 foot long Freeman sportfish

    last mango catamaran

  4. The Last Mango: Jimmy Buffett’s custom 42 foot long Freeman sportfish

    last mango catamaran

  5. The Last Mango: Jimmy Buffett's custom 42 foot long Freeman sportfish

    last mango catamaran

  6. The Last Mango: Jimmy Buffett’s custom 42 foot long Freeman sportfish

    last mango catamaran


  1. Jimmy Buffett's 'Last Mango' is a Yacht Rock Dream Machine

    The Last Mango / Photo - Power & MotoryachtLast Mango Boatworks, the team behind the custom catamaran built for legendary singer Jimmy Buffett, has released a video depicting the boat's evolution. The custom-built 42' Freeman was built in collaboration with Freeman Boatworks, Merritt Boatworks, and Pipewelders Marine. It was named Last Mango in homage to Buffett's 1985 country-tinged album ...

  2. Jimmy Buffett's Maritime Dream and Legacy

    Jimmy's Sport-Fishers. Many years and many more boats later, in 2006, Buffett owned a 42-foot Rybovich called Last Mango that he began to bring to the boatyard at Merritt's Boat & Engine Works in Pompano Beach, Florida, for annual service and maintenance. This was the start of his long relationship with not only the yard but the Merritts as well.

  3. The Last Mango: Jimmy Buffett's custom 42 foot long Freeman sportfish

    Powered by quad 300-hp Yamaha outboards, the boat can hold 800 gallons of fuel. Jimmy Buffett Last Mango boat. At the helm, there are two Shockwave seats (as requested) and a full complement of the latest Garmin technology. Two 17-inch Garmin 8617 MFD s dominate the dash and run the new EmpirBus switching system.

  4. Jimmy Buffett's dream boat will be realized as he envisioned it

    Many years and many more boats later, in 2006, Buffett owned a 42-foot Rybovich called Last Mango that he began to bring to the boatyard at Merritt's Boat & Engine Works in Pompano Beach, Florida, for annual service and maintenance. This was the start of his long relationship with not only the yard but the Merritts as well.

  5. Jimmy Buffett's Custom-Built 42-footer Includes Full ...

    A few clicks on the speedo is nothing when you consider what they've gained, and Jimmy is more concerned about ride and comfort than top-end speed. "This boat eats up a head sea," LaSorsa says. It also has the range they need to find fish. Last Mango holds 800 gallons of fuel and gets .7 mpg when full and .8 when running light.

  6. Jimmy Buffett: A Bard's Life in 4 Boats

    In the 34-minute YouTube video "42' Last Mango Walkthrough" (, his longtime captain, Vinnie LaSorsa, pulls back the curtain on Buffett's last custom boat created for that mission: a 42-foot power catamaran built on a Freeman Boatworks hull, with a pilothouse designed and built by Merritt Boat & Engine Works, powered ...

  7. Building Buffett's Boat

    Last Mango holds 800 gallons of fuel and gets .7 mpg when full and .8 when running light. These guys could run from Nantucket to Bermuda if they slowed it down a bit. While Jimmy's must-have list only included three items, his custom touches are all over the boat.

  8. Jimmy Buffet's New 1200-HP Power Catamaran

    That's why the "Margaritaville" chorus leader's newest boat—a stunning, 42-foot, custom power catamaran dubbed Last Mango and painted Buffett's favorite shade of seafoam green—can top out at more than 60 mph and cruise effortlessly at 40. "We have four Yamaha F300 outboards, so 1,200 horsepower in total," says Vinnie LaSorsa ...

  9. Jimmy Buffet's New 1200-HP Power Catamaran

    That's why the "Margaritaville" chorus leader's newest boat—a stunning, 42-foot, custom power catamaran dubbed Last Mango and painted Buffett's favorite shade of seafoam green—can top out at more than 60 mph and cruise effortlessly at 40. "We have four Yamaha F300 outboards, so 1,200 horsepower in total," says Vinnie LaSorsa ...


    Last Mango Boatworks - What started as the name of a boat has turned into a simple way to make a difference; you purchase apparel and we give the proceeds to charity. Visit Website. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Pinterest Send an email. More Ways To Give Back. Books; Film & Theater; Giving Back;

  11. Buffett's new Freeman Catamaran

    August 10, 2019. Jimmy Buffett upgraded his 33 foot Freeman catamaran to a custom built 44 foot Freeman with a seafoam green hull. The hull and quad Yamaha 300 outboards were shipped from Freeman's facility in Summerville, SC to Merritt's Boat and Engine Works in Pompano Beach, FL. Previous Post. Buffett performs at Jones Beach.

  12. Jimmy Buffett's Last Mango

    Jimmy Buffett's vision of a pilot house high-performance catamaran has come to life. It all started with a Freeman Boatworks 33' Pilot House and, in turn, be...

  13. Last Mango Boatworks

    The Drifter. Last Mango Boatworks and LIVE Watersports have partnered to offer a one of a kind paddle board that gives back. As with all Last Mango products the proceeds from The Drifter sales are used to assist in the operating of Freedom Fighter Outdoors and Singing For Change. Shop Now From Live Watersports.

  14. Fast, Fishy and Good-Looking

    Jimmy Buffett's latest boat is a Freeman 42 catamaran with a pilothouse built by Merritt's. ... Buffett's Last Mango has a sleek sportfish profile but also the aggressive stance Freeman hulls are known for. In the pilothouse and below, Buffett kept things simple. "The only things Jimmy asked for were power opening windows for the port ...

  15. Freeman and Merritt Boatworks Collaboration for Jimmy Buffett

    Fast forward 2 years and the name Jimmy Buffett was finally at the top of the list to have his new Freeman catamaran built. This time he would opt for a 42 foot model with a seafoam green hull. Not long after it was announced that he would be partnering with Merritt once again- so the hull and quad Yamaha 300 outboards were soon being shipped ...

  16. The 56' Merritt slowly but surely taking shape right ...

    The 56' Merritt slowly but surely taking shape right before our very eyes #lastmangoboatworks #seethegoodside Merritt Boat & Engine Works Last Mango Boatworks Jimmy Buffett

  17. Is this Jimmy Buffett's 42′ Freeman "Last Mango" spotted at Boca Raton

    Small Craft Warning with winds South / Southeast at 20 knots. Jimmy Buffett's Boat, "Last Mango" out of Key West fights the swells along with other boats from Big Sports Fishing Boats to Jet Skis. South Florida is the boating capital of the World! From Government Cut in Miami to Haulover Inlet in North Miami to Hillsboro Inlet to Boca ...

  18. @abitaboardbarn with the Jimmy...

    It's a catamaran meaning it's more stable and capable of carrying more weight than a traditional board. ... Last Mango Boatworks thx. She is using her paddle in the vid. I meant it would be dicey if ur fly fishing, and take some swell or boat wakes to the side. Having the cooler behind you could help with being able to sit down, instead of ...

  19. LIVE Paddle Boards

    Last Mango Boatworks "The Drifter" Paddle Board by LIVE Watersports. from $2,849.00 Back to Top. Live Watersports, 5475 115th Avenue North, Clearwater, FL 33760, USA 727-475-2271 [email protected]. LX l2 L4

  20. ABOUT

    Last Mango Boatworks. What started as the name of a boat has turned into a simple way to make a difference; you purchase apparel and we give the proceeds to charity. Below are the charities we're currently supporting. Our Last Mango gear is inspired by our adventures and where the boat takes us. Every product that is available online is ...

  21. A look back at 2021

    We love seeing where our gear goes and all of the adventures that are taken while wearing it! Here is a look back at some of our amazing customers in Last Ma...

  22. 52 Sea Ray Last Mango 2006 Michigan City

    "Last Mango" is a beautiful example of a Sea Ray 52 Sedan Bridge and she is the ONLY one currently offered with a GYRO Stabilizer ! She has 1025 hours on Cummins QSM 11 660 HP - she has been in FRESH Water for the last 7 years and brackish prior to that. ... Catamaran Charter Featured Yachts For Charter Charter Destinations ...

  23. 2006 Sea Ray 52 Sedan Bridge Last Mango for sale in Michigan City

    "Last Mango" Is A Beautiful Example Of A Sea Ray 52 Sedan Bridge And She Is The ONLY One Currently Offered With A GYRO Stabilizer ! She Has 1025 Hours On Cummins QSM 11 660 HP - She Has Been In FRESH Water For The Last 7 Years And Brackish Prior To That.