Hanse Yachts: the head of the German yachting group takes the helm

Hanse factory

The Hanse Group has announced the imminent departure of its CEO Jens Gerhardt and the arrival of his successor on January 10, 2022. This managerial change comes at a time when the German manufacturer has just launched a new range of motorboats.

Briag Merlet

Jens Gerhardt leaves Hanse Yachts

Hanse Yachts Group, Germany's leading yacht builder, has announced the departure of its managing director Jens Gerhardt as of February 1, 2022. He has been at the helm of the sail and powerboat shipyard since November 2011 and will have led the company for 10 years. He will remain in an advisory capacity to the management.

"Dr. Gerhardt has played a decisive role in defining Hanse Yachts over the past 10 years. I would like to thank him for his outstanding and lasting service, especially in product development. We are pleased that he will continue to support us and provide us with his expertise, especially in the area of development", says Hanjo Runde, Chairman of the Board.

Jens Gerhardt quitte la direction de Hanse

An operational manager from the industry

Stefan Zimmermann replaces Jens Gerhardt as operational director of Hanse Yachts on January 10, 2022. An industrial engineer, he is also an avid yachtsman. He has held responsible positions in the industry for the past 25 years, in the automotive industry at Ford, as well as in the motorization and wind power market at Senvion, a composite industry with links to boating.

At the same time, a new Head of Finance and Human Resources was appointed. This is Sven Göbel.

Hanse wants to continue its growth

The change in management comes as the German builder has launched the new Ryck Yachts powerboat brand in 2021, in addition to its Fjord and Sealine launches and its Hanse, Dehler, Moody and Privilege sailing yachts. While the order book is well oriented, industrial issues are therefore at the heart of the concerns.

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  • Branche :   Sonstige Branchen 3,4
  • Branche :   Sonstige Branchen 3,0
  • Branche :   Sonstige Branchen 3,2
  • Branche :   Sonstige Branchen 3,6

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  • Branche :   Sonstige Branchen 4,6

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  • Branche :   Sonstige Branchen 3,7
  • Branche :   Sonstige Branchen 4,9

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  • Branche :   Sonstige Branchen 4,0

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  • Branche :   Sonstige Branchen 4,4

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  • Branche :   Sonstige Branchen 3,9

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  • Branche :   Sonstige Branchen 3,3

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  • Branche :   Sonstige Branchen 2,8

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New Hanse 360 - 36 feet of pure comfort and striking design

  • New Hanse 360 - 36 feet of pure comfort and striking design

We are pleased to announce the latest result of our successful partnership with the Berret-Racoupeau team - the new Hanse 360 . Given the global success of the Hanse 460, Hanse 510 and the Hanse 410, we confidently introduce the Hanse 360, believing in the continued excellence and innovation that Hanse Yachts brings to the industry. It is an incredible cruising yacht that will be launched this summer. 


This sailboat represents a revolutionary achievement in the world of yachts, introducing new standards of comfort, practicality, and performance. Generous space inside the hull with a high level of comfort makes this yacht among the best in its class. The Hanse 360 ensures stability and superior performance on the water thanks to the characteristic Hanse chines.

The optional bowsprit enriches the sailing possibilities and enables incredible performance on long cruises. The new Hanse lines are instantly recognizable by the large recessed windows in the hull. As all the other Hanse models, this yacht comes equipped with a self-tacking jib while you can optionally equip it with additional rails on the roof for a 105% genoa. All halyards, sheets, reefs, and outhauls are directed aft to the two wheels.

Simple sailing is the definite highlight of this sailboat. Like every previous Hanse yacht, the Hanse 360 stands out for its easy handling and fast cruising , all thanks to its core heritage - an innovative approach to design, practical layouts, and superior engineering. All lines are led to the helm, making the yacht safe, comfortable, and suitable for single-handed sailing. With the flexibility of two or three cabin layouts with one or two heads and various saloon configurations, the Hanse 360 invites customization to perfectly suit your sailing plans. Whether you want to embark on an adventurous solo voyage or enjoy the company of friends and family, this yacht adapts easily to meet your needs. 


To ensure eco-friendly sailing even without wind, this yacht, like the recently introduced Hanse 410, can also be equipped with a long-range electric drive, which is unique in its class. This groundbreaking feature not only ensures smooth sailing but also underscores Hanse's commitment to sustainability, ushering in a new era of responsible luxury yachting.

Finally, the Hanse 360 promises unforgettable moments at sea and pushes the boundaries in the nautical industry. Are you ready for an unprecedented level of beauty of living on the waves? Contact our sales team for all further information on the Hanse 360 and our charter management program.

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If you are interested in buying yacht or need help planning your perfect vacation, contact us and our experts will gladly answer to all of your questions.

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Address: Dražanac 2/a , 21 000 Split, CROATIA

Sales Office: +385 21 332 348


Office working hours: 8:00 – 16:00 CET

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For any yacht sales questions during the office hours please call our booking team in our Split headquarters on +385 21 332 348 or send us an e-mail on the address .

For urgent inquiries after working hours, you can contact our sales advisors individually on their mobile phones or send an e-mail and you will get a response as soon as possible:


Mr. Domagoj Milisic - Sales manager

Mobile: +385 91 332 3320

Mr. Igor Karmelic - Yacht sales advisor

Mobile: +385 91 332 3322

Mr. Ivan Grabovac- Yacht sales advisor

Mobile: +385 91 332 3330

Croatia Yachting d.o.o. 2024. © All rights reserved.


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Kostenpflichtig  Drogerie Weinert schließt nach 65 Jahren am Lübecker Hansering für immer

Freuen sich auf mehr gemeinsame Freizeit: Andreas und Sigrid Weinert schließen ihre Drogerie am Hansering Ende Juni.

Freuen sich auf mehr gemeinsame Freizeit: Andreas und Sigrid Weinert schließen ihre Drogerie am Hansering Ende Juni.

Quelle: Agentur 54°

Sie ist eine Insitution am Hansering in Lübeck: die 1959 eröffnete Drogerie Weinert. Jetzt schließt sie – und damit auch die einzige Poststelle mit Postbank-Filiale weit und breit.

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New luxury yachts for sale

HanseYachts AG is the second-largest  sailing yacht builder in the world in terms of the number of series-production sailing yachts built per year. The company is among the top ten manufacturers worldwide of  motor yachts . More than 80% of the manufactured vessels sold are for export. It has one of the most state-of-the-art and diverse range of yachts for sale , featuring over 40 different models.

For many  sailboat and motor yacht enthusiasts, purchasing their own boat is a lifelong dream come true. HanseYachts AG allows customers to pick from an almost infinite range of options as they design their one-of-a-kind dream yacht. One thing all our sailboats and motorboats have in common is their unmistakable design and unwavering ‘Engineered in Germany’ seal of quality. Furthermore, all models are manufactured at our locations in Europe. Set sail with us – pick from our range of new yachts and become a part of the HanseYachts AG family!

Easy to sail cruising yacht

The Moody DS41 wins American award.


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  2. HANSE 460 European Yacht Of The Year 2022

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  3. Hanse 460

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  4. First look: Hanse 510

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  5. Hanse Yachts UK

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  6. Hanse 348

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  2. Hanse315

  3. Hanse Sail 2011 Highlights!

  4. NEW HANSE 410

  5. Hanse 460 at Düsseldorf Boat Show

  6. HANSE 418


  1. Karriere

    Unsere Ansprechpartner in der Personalabteilung erreichen Sie montags bis donnerstags von 09:00 bis 16:00 Uhr und freitags von 09:00 bis 14:00 Uhr oder per E-Mail. HanseYachts AG. Karriere bei der HanseYachts AG! Wir suchen qualifizierte Mitarbeiter für unsere Werft in Greifswald - einer der größten Yachtwerften weltweit. Jetzt bewerben!

  2. Career

    Since the company was first established in 1990, around 1,500 jobs have been created at HanseYachts AG. More than half of our employees, who hail from a total of 14 nations between them, work in more than 100 different professions and positions at our headquarters in Greifswald. We offer a variety of jobs, apprenticeships, and internships ...

  3. HanseYachts AG

    HanseYachts AG | 6,772 followers on LinkedIn. Leading global manufacturer of yachts featuring the brands Hanse, Dehler, Moody, SEALINE, FJORD and RYCK. | The HanseYachts AG is a leading global ...

  4. Working at HanseYachts

    1001 to 5000 Employees. Type: Unknown. Founded in 1990. Revenue: $100 to $500 million (USD) Competitors: Unknown. The HanseYachts AG is one of the world's leading sailing yacht manufacturers. Initially founded in 1993 with the Hanse Yacht brand, it has undergone continuous further development. The HanseYachts AG now has a total of four ...

  5. Ihre Karriere bei HanseYachts AG

    Informieren Sie sich über eine Karriere bei HanseYachts AG. Welche Mitarbeitervorteile werden Ihnen geboten und weshalb sich eine Karriere bei HanseYachts AG für Sie lohnt.

  6. HanseYachts

    HanseYachts AG. HanseYachts AG is a German yacht manufacturer headquartered in the city of Greifswald ( Baltic Sea ). The company is one of the world's largest manufacturers of sailing yachts with lengths of 29 ft (ca. 9 meters) to 67 ft (20.42 meters). The company offers monohull sailboats under the Hanse, Dehler and Moody brands.

  7. HanseYachts als Arbeitgeber: Gehalt, Karriere, Benefits

    Ist HanseYachts AG der richtige Arbeitgeber für Dich? Anonyme Erfahrungsberichte zu Gehalt, Kultur und Karriere von Mitarbeitern und Bewerbern findest Du hier.

  8. Fast and easy to sail luxury yachts

    Hanse 510 - Boat of the Year (Cruising World) 2024. Hanse 410 - European Yacht of the Year 2024. Fast Cruising. Easy Sailing. Dive into Hanse's legacy of German precision. Our yachts manifest ease, family comfort, and unparalleled value in every sail. Discover the Hanse World.

  9. The world of Hanse

    New bold & brilliant sailing yacht - meet the new Hanse 510. September 06, 2023. Countdown for the world premiere - First Hanse 460 is in the water. March 09, 2023. Hanse 460 wins at the British Yachting Awards - Category: Cruising Yacht of the Year 2022. November 29, 2022.

  10. Hanse (yacht brand)

    Hanse 675, launched in 2016. Hanse is a brand of sailing yachts that was created by Michael Schmidt in 1993. It is the core brand of German yacht manufacturer HanseYachts, Greifswald. The current range comprises 9 models from 32 to 69 ft in length. Naval architect for all models since 1999 was the German yacht design studio Judel/Vrolijk & Co, Bremerhaven.

  11. Fast and easy to sail luxury yachts

    We are all Hanse! "From the outset, Hanse yachts have been designed for easy sailing, fast cruising and comfortable living on the water. In the world of serial yachts, there is no offer that can be better customised. And the design speaks for itself - just like the more than 8.800 Hanses that have been delivered to date and make their owners ...

  12. Hanse Yachts: the head of the German yachting group takes the helm

    Hanse Yachts Group, Germany's leading yacht builder, has announced the departure of its managing director Jens Gerhardt as of February 1, 2022. He has been at the helm of the sail and powerboat shipyard since November 2011 and will have led the company for 10 years. He will remain in an advisory capacity to the management.

  13. The new flagship model

    With the arrival of spring, the world of sailing is gearing up for the launch of the new flagship model, the Hanse 590. This elegant yacht combines sophisticated design with exceptional functionality, providing an unforgettable experience at sea. Renderings offer a glimpse into its captivating design, shared with the new Hanse 510 and Hanse 460 ...

  14. Hanse Yachts als Arbeitgeber: Gehalt, Karriere, Benefits

    Hanse Yachts wird als Arbeitgeber von Mitarbeitenden mit durchschnittlich 3,9 von 5 Punkten bewertet. In der Branche Sonstige Branchen schneidet Hanse Yachts besser ab als der Durchschnitt (3,5 Punkte). Basierend auf den Bewertungen der letzten 2 Jahre würden 0% der Mitarbeitenden Hanse Yachts als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.

  15. Charter

    Our charter fleet of over 100 sailboats covers a complete line of new and modern Hanse yachts, maintained to the highest standards. It includes almost all new Hanse models that you could imagine, the Hanse 315, Hanse 388, Hanse 418, Hanse 458, Hanse 508, Hanse 548, Hanse 588 and the flagship of the Hanse brand, the Hanse 675, while we also have ...

  16. New Hanse 360

    We are pleased to announce the latest result of our successful partnership with the Berret-Racoupeau team - the new Hanse 360.Given the global success of the Hanse 460, Hanse 510 and the Hanse 410, we confidently introduce the Hanse 360, believing in the continued excellence and innovation that Hanse Yachts brings to the industry. It is an incredible cruising yacht that will be launched this ...

  17. Yacht industry job opportunities in Poland & Germany

    Beate Engelbrecht. HanseYachts AG. Ladebower Chaussee 11. 17493 Greifswald, Germany +49 (0)3834 579 2200. bewerbung(at)

  18. Hanse Explorer Expedition Yacht

    The HANSE EXPLORER is in a class of its own. Boasting high commercial ice class, retractable zero speed fin stabilizers, two 12-foot ZODIAC activity vessels, and a top-of-the-line NITROX capable dive operation, we put the expedition in yacht and provide you with one of the toughest, safest, and most comfortable ships of her size.

  19. Lübeck: Drogerie Weinert mit Post am Hansering schließt

    Sie ist eine Insitution am Hansering in Lübeck: die 1959 eröffnete Drogerie Weinert. Jetzt schließt sie - und damit auch die einzige Poststelle mit Postbank-Filiale weit und breit.

  20. Blaue Flagge weht in MV an Badestellen und Sportboothäfen

    Für ausgezeichnete Badewasserqualität und hohe Standards im Umweltmanagement sind 27 Badestellen und fünf Sportboothäfen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern mit der Blauen Flagge ausgezeichnet worden.

  21. Yacht kaufen

    Die Yachten der HanseYachts AG . Die HanseYachts AG ist der zweitgrößte Segelyacht-Hersteller der Welt, gemessen an der Anzahl der jährlich in Serie gefertigten Yachten.Bei den Motoryachten gehört das Unternehmen zu den Top-10-Herstellern weltweit. Mehr als 80 % der verkauften Boote gehen in den Export. Die 40 verschiedenen Modelle bilden eines der modernsten und vielfältigsten ...

  22. Rostock

    Fi­sche­rei an­ge­le­gen­hei­ten. Tel. 0381 381-8703 und -8710. sie­he auch Fi­sche­rei­schein-An­ge­le­gen­hei­ten / Öff­nungs­zei­ten. E-Mail: an­geln@ rostock. de. Al­ter­na­tiv wen­den Sie sich bit­te an un­se­re Part­ner­lä­den und die Tou­rist­in­for­ma­tio­nen in Ros­tock & War­ne­mün­de.

  23. Wasserblick auf Ryck und Hafen

    Die 5-Zimmer-Wohnung befindet sich im Dachgeschoss eines im Jahre 2001 sanierten ehemaligen Kornspeichers. Sie verfügt über ein großes Wohnzimmer mit Zugang zur Dachterrasse (Wasserblick) und angrenzender Küche (eine Einbauküche kann nach Absprache vom Vormieter übernommen werden), vier weitere Wohn-/Schlafzimmer, ein Bad, einen ...

  24. New yachts for sale, luxury, cruising, racing

    The founding brand accounts for over half of HanseYachts AG's annual revenue. Today, Hanse offers a range of trend-setting sailing yachts measuring between 31 feet (ca. 9 m) and 56 feet (ca. 17 m) in length and time and again sets new standards in the industry with a host of pioneering innovations. With 8 sailing yacht models and 11,500 ...