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J Class: the enduring appeal of the world’s most majestic yachts

Yachting World

  • October 9, 2023

Only ten J Class yachts were built before the Second World War stopped the movement in its tracks, but in the last 20 years these magnificent sloops have made an incredible comeback. Why has the J Class remained irresistable? David Glenn explains.

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One of the most awe-inspiring sights in modern yachting is the Spirit of Tradition fleet blasting off the start line at the Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta. It happens every year at the end of April. Chances are it will include at least two J Class yachts, hitting the line on the gun at full tilt, exploding through the cobalt blue Caribbean rollers at anything up to 12 knots as they charge upwind.

Watching Velsheda , Ranger , Shamrock V and Endeavour will bring a lump to your throat, such is the emotion generated by these beautifully proportioned 130ft racing machines with their carbon rigs driving 170 tonnes of steel, aluminium and teak towards the weather mark. It’s heady stuff.

Watching them is one thing; racing quite another matter. In 1999 I was aboard the rebuilt Velsheda , taking part in the Antigua Classic Regatta. I had a single task as part of a four-man team – to tend the forward starboard runner. Nothing else. “Let that go once we’ve tacked and the whole rig comes down,” warned skipper Simon Bolt, as another wall of water thundered down the leeward deck and tried to rip me from the winch.

Dressed in authentic off-white, one-piece cotton boiler-suits, which had to be worn with a stout belt “so there’s something to grab if you go overboard”, they were tough, adrenaline-filled days out. God knows what it was like up forward as massive spinnakers were peeled and headsails weighing a quarter of a tonne were wrestled to the  needle-sharp foredeck as the bow buried itself into the back of yet another wave. Sometimes you daren’t look.

But with the race won or lost, back on the dock the feeling of elation, fuelled by being part of the 36-strong crew aboard one of these extraordinary yachts, triggered a high like no other. You knew you were playing a role, no matter how small, in a legendary story that began in 1930, was halted by World War II and then defied the pundits by opening another chapter 20 years ago. Today with five Js in commission, all in racing trim, and at least two more new examples about to be launched, the J Class phenomenon is back.

Why is the J Class so popular?

Why does a yacht with an arguably unexciting performance – they go upwind at 12 knots and downwind at 12 knots – costing £20 million to build and demanding eye-watering running costs, seem to be burgeoning during the worst recession since the class was born?

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There is no single answer, but you only have to look back to the 1930s and the characters that owned and raced the Js on both sides of the Atlantic, sometimes for the America’s Cup , to understand why the class occupies a special place in yachting history. Underlying everything is the look of the J Class. It seems to transcend any change in yachting vogue, displaying a timeless line with outrageous overhangs and a proportion of hull to rig that is hard to better.

They possess true elegance. There is no doubt that captains of industry who want to flex their sporting muscle have been drawn to a class which only the very rich can afford and there are distinct parallels between J owners in the 1930s and those of the past 20 years. The difference is that in the 1930s owners liked to shout about their achievements and hogged the pages of national newspapers. Today, they are as quiet as mice.

Origins of the J Class

The J Class emerged in 1930 and marked a quantum leap in yachting technology, but comprised a hotchpotch of design altered over many years.

kungliga yachter

The J Class – so named because it was the letter allocated to its particular size by the Universal Rule to which the yachts were built (K and M Class yachts were, for example, shorter on the waterline) – emerged in 1930 and marked a quantum leap in yachting technology.

The so-called Big Class, which flourished in the UK in the 1920s, was impressive, but comprised a hotchpotch of design altered over many years. Yachts like King George V’s Britannia , built in 1893 as a gaff-rigged cutter but converted in the 1920s to Bermudan rig to rate as a J, Candida , Cambria , White Heather and schooners like Westward were even larger and more expensive to run. But as the greater efficiency of the Marconi or Bermudan rig became apparent their days were numbered.

One catalyst for the J Class itself was legendary grocer Sir Thomas Lipton’s final crack at challenging for the America’s Cup in 1931. He did so under the Universal Rule with the composite, wooden-planked, Charles E. Nicholson-design Shamrock V .

It was the 14th challenge since 1851 and the Americans, despite the withering effects of the Great Depression, reacted in dramatic fashion, organising their defence with four syndicates, each bulging with millionaires, putting forward separate Js: Enterprise , Whirlwind , Weetamoe and Yankee , which apart from Enterprise had already been launched.

Key to the American effort was the remarkable Harold Vanderbilt of the New York Yacht Club, who had inherited fabulous wealth from the family’s railroad companies, making him one of the country’s richest men.

Brought up on the family’s Idle Hour estate on Long Island Sound, he was a keen and accomplished sailor, and he used American technology and teamwork to build a far superior J in Enterprise. The defence completely overwhelmed Lipton’s effort. The British press castigated Lipton’s lack of preparedness and old-fashioned attitude. Vanderbilt, who among other things is credited with inventing contract bridge, left no stone unturned. “Mr. Harold Vanderbilt does not exactly go boat-sailing because summer is the closed season for fox-hunting,” stated an acerbic critic in the British yachting press.

Later when Shamrock was owned by aircraft builder Sir Richard Fairey and was being used to train crew for another Cup challenge, Beecher Moore, a skilful dinghy sailor who was draughted aboard the J to try to sort her out, reported in Yachts and Yachting many years later: “We found that when we got on board it was very much like a well-run country house, in that the gentleman does not go into the kitchen and on a well-run J Class the owner does not go forward of the mast.”

J Class tactics: Britain vs USA

A look at the huge gap between the British and American J Class tactics and designs in the early years of the America’s Cup.

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In the early days there was a yawning gap between the way the Americans and British approached the Cup and, for that matter, how they ran a yacht. Revolutionary metal masts, Park Avenue booms to improve sail shape (the British copied this American design with their ‘North Circular’ version), bronze hulls that needed no painting, superior sails, and campaigns that cost £100,000 even in those days, blew away the Brits. Lipton had spent just £30,000 to build and equip Shamrock .

In the second Cup challenge in Js, in 1934, Sir T. O. M. Sopwith’s first Endeavour , also designed by Nicholson and equipped with wind instruments designed by her aircraft industrialist owner, nearly won the Cup, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory after leading the series 0-2. Sopwith was also up against Vanderbilt, who this time sailed Rainbow , which many considered to be the slower boat. But the British campaign was hobbled by a pay dispute – Endeavour ’s crew got £5 a week but they wanted a raise for ‘going foreign’ – and the campaign approach was again brought into question when the first thing to be stripped off the yacht when they won a dispute over reducing weight was the bath!

Back in Britain, the 1935 season proved to be the zenith of J Class and Big Class racing, although by the end of it the Js were under the cosh for their tendency to lose masts. Five went over the side that year and Endeavour II , launched with en eye on the next Cup challenge, lost hers twice.

There was added spice in the competition off the shores of the UK with the arrival of the American J Yankee , now owned by millionaire and Listerine businessman Gerard Lambert, who enjoyed sparring with the Brits. But even Yankee lost her mast and the press rounded on the class for being dangerous and wasteful! That wasn’t enough to stop Sopwith, whose tail had been extracted from between his legs following the last defeat in Newport: Endeavour II was towed across the Atlantic in a veritable armada that included  the first Endeavour. The British yachts found themselves up against the most advanced sailing machine the world had ever seen – Ranger , dubbed ‘the Super J’.

Vanderbilt was the man to beat again. Not only had he bankrolled the entire defence as American business remained beset by a struggling economy, but he used highly scientific means to perfect design. The brilliant naval architect Starling Burgess, who had designed for Vanderbilt throughout the 1930s, was now aided by the equally brilliant but considerably more youthful Olin Stephens. Between them they finally selected ‘model 77-C’ from six tank tested.

The yacht was considered ugly by some and not a natural to look at, but Vanderbilt’s team trusted the science (still the difference between the Americans and the Brits) and Ranger with her bluff or barrel bow and ‘low slung’ counter was the result. She proved to be dynamite on the race course and Endeavour II didn’t stand a chance. She was beaten in five straight races by large margins. The Americans and Vanderbilt had done it again. War then brought an end to an extraordinary era in yachting.

Only ten J Class yachts were built to the Universal rule and not a single American yacht survived. Most were scrapped for the war effort. In any case, the American way was to discard the machine once it has served its purpose. In Britain they faired a little better, and some Js were mud-berthed on the East and South Coasts. Two survived in the UK: Velsheda , originally built by the businessman who ran Woolworths in the UK (W. L. Stevenson named her after his daughters Velma, Sheila and Daphne), but which never challenged for the America’s Cup; and Endeavour , saved by becoming a houseboat on the Hamble. Shamrock ended up in Italy and survived the war hidden in a hay barn.

J Class resurgence

Seemingly resigned to the history books, the J Class made a triumphant return in the 1980s.

In his seminal book about the J Class, Enterprise to Endeavour, yachting historian Ian Dear predicted in the first edition in 1977 that the likes of the Js would never be seen again. By the time the fourth edition was published in 1999 he was quite happily eating his words!

The American Elizabeth Meyer was, without doubt, instrumental in bringing the class back to life when in the 1980s she extracted what was left of Endeavour from a  amble mud-berth, began rebuilding her in Calshot, and then moved her to Royal Huisman in Holland, who completed the restoration superbly. With the transom of the original Ranger mounted on a bulkhead in her saloon, Endeavour is still regarded as one of the best-looking and potentially fastest Js.

She was owned briefly by Dennis Kozlowski, the disgraced tycoon who ran Tyco, who famously said: “No one really owns Endeavour, she’s part of yachting history. I’m delighted to be the current caretaker.” Unfortunately he ended up in prison and the State of New York became Endeavour’s ‘caretaker’ before they sold her to her current owner, who has kept the yacht in the Pacific. She’s currently being refitted in New Zealand.

Ronald de Waal is a Dutchman who until recently was chairman of the Saks Group in the USA and has made a fortune in clothing. He has dedicated a lot of time to improving Velsheda over the years since he had her rebuilt by Southampton Yacht Services to a reconfigured design by Dutch naval architect Gerry Dykstra. Ronald de Waal steers the yacht himself to great effect and has had some legendary tussles with Ranger, the new Super J built in Denmark for American realestate magnate John Williams.

The rivalry between the two is fierce and even led to a collision between the yachts in Antigua last year. But Velsheda would have been lost had it not been for British scrap-metal merchant Terry Brabant who saved her from a muddy grave on  the Hamble and famously sold his Rolls-Royce to cast a new lead keel for the yacht. With very little modern equipment he sailed her hard in the Solent, chartering her and crossing the Atlantic for a Caribbean season, all without an engine! Without Brabant’s initiative Ronald de Waal wouldn’t have what he has today.

Shamrock V is owned by a Brazilian telecommunications businessman Marcos de Moraes who had the yacht rebuilt at Pendennis Shipyard in Falmouth in 2001. He tends to keep away from the race course but with a number of events being planned in the run-up to the 2012 London Olympics he might be tempted back. The latest new J to launch, Hanuman, a modern interpretation of Endeavour II, has recently entered the racing fray. She was commissioned by serial yacht owner Jim Clark (Hyperion and Athena), the American who brought us Netscape and Silicon Graphics, and who remains a colossus in Silicon Valley.

Hanuman, named after a Hindu deity, built by Royal Huisman and designed by Gerry Dykstra, has had no expense spared when it comes to rig and sail wardrobe. Last year she beat Ranger in the Newport Bucket but in March this year she lost out 2-1 to the same boat at the St Barths Bucket. They were due to meet again with Velsheda at the Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta in April. Another Dutchman, property developer Chris Gongriep, who has owned a number of yachts including Sapphire and Windrose of Amsterdam, has given the go-ahead for a new  version of Rainbow, which is well advanced in Holland at Freddie Bloesma’s aluminium hull fabrication yard. The yacht, reconfigured by Gerry Dykstra, will be in the water in 2011 with a full-on race programme.

About to be launched is Lionheart, the biggest J so far, redesigned by Andre Hoek and built in Holland by Claasen Jachtbouw, after an extensive research programme.  Unfortunately, her owner’s business commitments mean that he won’t be able to enjoy the fruits of this project – she’s for sale with Yachting Partners International and Hoek Brokerage. What an opportunity to join a class with such a remarkable history and one which looks destined to run and run!

First published on SuperYachtWorld.com on Aug 4, 2010


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A sparkling documentary: Royal Jewelry from Sweden

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Nothing more beautiful than some royal sparkling jewelry. But not often one hears the royals themselves speak about the sparklers that they wear. The Swedish TV-channel SVT since 2 April 2020 broadcasts the documentary “Kungliga smycken” (Royal Jewelry) in which Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Christina tell in person about the history of the diademes, earrings and other pieces belonging to the family. A unique and amazing documentary by Sara Bull and Rikard Collsiöö.

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KSSS Sailor Wins 2023 Optimist World Championship

Robert Hansson

Kungliga Svenska Segel Sallskapet/Royal Swedish Yacht Club

July 19, 2023

kungliga yachter

On June 24, 2023, young KSSS sailor Henric Wigforss was crowned 2023 World Champion in the Optimist dinghy class. This fantastic result came after nine tough races in a fleet of 250 competitors from 57 nations in Costa Brava, Spain.

In the 1970s and 80s, Sweden had great success in the Optimist dinghy, but it took 43 years for the country to win gold in this boat class.

Five of six competitors on the Swedish team are KSSS sailors, showing the club’s strength in the Optimist dinghy class. Wigforss was a favourite to win, as he came in fifth in the 2022 World Championship and won this year’s Garda event, the world’s largest dinghy regatta with over 1200 competitors.

It was a thrilling finale in a long championship regatta series that began with six qualifying races. It was crucial for sailors to avoid major mistakes as only one race out of 12 could be thrown out. The qualifier was sailed in varying conditions, but overall, the regatta was characterized by lighter winds. Three of the Swedish sailors qualified for the gold final.

After two final races, it was clear that the gold would be contested between Wigforss and Team US sailor Travis Greenberg of St. Francis Yacht Club . Due to delays it was only possible to sail one more race. The US sailor had 13 net and 35 total points against Wigforss’s 21 net and 30 total points and Wigforss decided to go into match racing and forcing Greenberg down the fleet to count as his discard.

The duel started several minutes before the gun. The battle was fair and well performed by both sailors and Greenberg showed great sportsmanship when he extended his hand in a greeting to Wigforss after the finish line. The two young athletes displaying great skills and great conduct made an impression with many spectators around the course. It is likely that we will see future battles between these two sailors in other classes.

Wigforss’s title is the product of many hours with his friends in the KSSS training group and competing around Sweden. In the KSSS training group, teammates are main rivals but also at the same time the best of sailing friends, pushing each other to improve their skills, from the season’s first regatta at KSSS training centre in Saltsjöbaden east of Stockholm to the last regatta in Costa Brava.

kungliga yachter

The Royal Watcher

Kungliga smycken, kungliga smycken part 1 | part 2.

In the midst of these troubling times , the Swedish Royal Family is here to give us some much needed distraction in the form of the release of the ‘Kungliga Smycken’ Documentary, in which Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Christina describe the stories of some of their favourite Tiaras from the massive Swedish Royal Collection , talking about the history as well as their personal connection to the pieces. Click on the link above to watch Part 1 of the documentary, which is in Swedish but if you are watching on google chrome, the subtitles will translate to english.


The Braganza Tiara

Origin :  Empress Amélie of Brazil  and then inherited by her sister,  Queen Josefina of Sweden and Norway , passing on to  Queen Sofia ,  Queen Victoria , and Queen Louise before coming to Queen Silvia in 1976

Notable Appearances : The  British State Visit to Sweden in 1983 , the  Dutch State Visit to Sweden in 1987 , the  Luxembourg State Visit in 1991 ,  King Carl XVI Gustaf’s 60th Birthday Banquet in 2006 , the  Wedding of her eldest daughter, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, in 2010 , the  Dutch State Visit to Sweden in 2022 , and  King Carl XVI Gustaf’s Jubilee Banquet at the Royal Palace of Stockholm .

The Leuchtenberg Sapphire Parure

Origin : Empress Josephine’s gift to her daughter-in-law,  Princess Augusta, Duchess of Leuchtenberg , in 1811, which was given as a wedding gift to her daughter,  Queen Josefina of Sweden and Norway , in 1823

Notable Appearances : The  Swedish State Visit to The Netherlands in 1976 , the  Spanish State Visit to Sweden in 1979 ,  The Swedish State Visit to France in 1980 ,   King Olav V’s Silver Jubilee in 1982 ,  Crown Prince Harald’s 50th Birthday in 1987 ,  Emperor Akihito’s Enthronement Gala in 1990 , and  King Harald and Queen Sonja’s Silver Anniversary in 1993 , the  Swedish State Visit to Finland in 2003 ,  Queen Margrethe’s 70th Birthday in 2010 ,  Queen Margrethe’s Ruby Jubilee Banquet in 2012 , the  Wedding of her only son, Prince Carl Philip of Sweden,  and  Queen Margrethe’s 75th Birthday in 2015 ,  King Harald and Queen Sonja’s 80th Birthday Banquet in 2017 , and various Nobel Prize Ceremonies and  Banquets

Queen Sofia’s 9-Prong Tiara

Origin : Created by Queen Sofia from an older Diamond Hair Comb in the 1870s

Notable Appearances : The Swedish State Visit to The Netherlands and Nobel Prize Ceremony in 1976 , the Spanish State Visit to Sweden in 1979 , Mexican State Visit to Sweden in 1980 , the  Swedish State Visit to Brunei in 2004 , the Wedding of Princess Madeleine of Sweden in 2013 and various Nobel Prize Ceremonies and Banquets

The Swedish Cameo Parure

Origin : Empress Josephine of France, which was inherited by her granddaughter, Queen Josefina of Sweden and Norway

Notable Appearances : Wedding to King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden in 1976 , the  Swedish State Visit to France in 1980 , the  Icelandic State Visit to Sweden in 1981 , the  British State Visit to Sweden in 1983 , a  Banquet at the Royal Palace of Stockholm in 1989 , and  a State Visit from Japan in 2000 , the Spanish State Visit to Sweden in 2021 and various Nobel Prize Ceremonies and Banquets

The Connaught Diamond Tiara

Origin : Princess Margaret of Connaught ’s wedding gift from her parents, the Duke and Duchess of Connaught, when she married Prince Gustaf Adolf of Sweden in 1905

Notable Appearances : Wedding Gala in 1976 , Swedish State Banquet at the Royal Palace of Brussels in 1977 , King Carl XVI Gustaf’s 50th Birthday in 1996 ,  Queen Margrethe’s Ruby Jubilee Gala in 2012 ,  King Carl XVI Gustaf’s 70th Birthday Banquet in 2016 , the  Swedish State Visit to Germany in 2016 , and various Nobel Prize Ceremonies and Banquets

The Napoleonic Amethyst Parure

Origin : Empress Josephine of France, which was left to her daughter-in-law,  Princess Augusta, Duchess of Leuchtenberg , and later ended up with Queen Josefina of Sweden and Norway . The Necklace was turned into a Tiara by Queen Silvia in the late 1970s

Notable Appearances : The Spanish State Visit to Sweden in 1979 , the Icelandic State Visit to Sweden in 1981 , the  Swedish State Visit to Spain in 1983 ,  Crown Prince Haakon’s Confirmation in 1988 ,  Crown Prince Haakon of Norway’s 18th Birthday Gala in 1991 , and the  Wedding Gala of Prince Joachim of Denmark in 1995 , the  Wedding of Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark in 2004 ,  King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s Diamond Jubilee Banquet in 2006 , the  Wedding of Coutness Astrid Bernadotte in 2017 ,  Queen Margrethe’s Golden Jubilee Gala in 2022 , and the Nobel Prize Ceremony 2022

The Baden Fringe Tiara

Origin : Queen Victoria of Sweden ’s Wedding Gift from her parents,   Grand Duke Frederick I of Baden and Princess Louise of Prussia , in 1881

Notable Appearances :   King Olav V of Norway’s 75th Birthday Celebrations in 1978 , the  Swedish State Visit to the Vatican in 1991 , the  S wedish State Visit to Germany in 2016 , the  Finland Centenary Banquet in 2017 , and the  King’s Dinner for Nobel Laureates in 2018 .

King Edward VII Ruby Tiara

Origin :  King Edward VII  and  Queen Alexandra ’s Wedding Gift to their niece,  Princess Margaret of Connaught , when  she married Prince Gustaf Adolf of Sweden in 1905 , inherited by their son,  Prince Sigvard Bernadotte , and controversially bought by  King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden  in the 1980s

Notable Appearances : The  Dutch State Visit in 1987 , the  Wedding of Prince Joachim of Denmark and Alexandra Manley in 1995 ,  the  Swedish State Visit to Japan in 2007 ,  Crown Prince Frederik’s 50th Birthday Gala Dinner in 2018 , the  Finnish State Visit to Sweden in 2022 , and the  Swedish State Visit to Estonia in 2023

  The Modern Fringe Tiara

Origin : Possibly from the collection of the Earls of Tankerville, acquired by King Carl XVI Gustaf as a gift for Queen Silvia to mark their 10th Wedding Anniversary in 1986

Notable Appearances :  Crown Prince Haakon’s 18th Birthday Banquet in 1991 , the  Wedding of Baroness Christina Silfverschiöld and Baron Hans De Geer af Finspång in 1999 , the  Swedish State Visit to Australia in 2005 ,  King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s Diamond Jubilee Reception in 2006 , and  Queen Margrethe’s Ruby Jubilee Gala in 2012

The Napoleonic Cut Steel Tiara

Origin :  Queen Hortense of Holland  but forgotten in a cabinet for over a century

Notable Appearances :   King Harald and Queen Sonja of Norway’s 60th Birthday Banquet in 1997  and the  Russian State Visit to Sweden in 1997

The Swedish Pink Topaz Parure

Origin : Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Russia, that went to Eisenach, Prussia and Baden before arriving in Sweden in 1923

Notable Appearances :  King Carl XVI Gustaf’s 50th Birthday in 1996 , the  Wedding of her eldest daughter, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, in 2010 , the  Wedding Gala of Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume of Luxembourg and Countess Stephanie de Lannoy in 2012 , and the  Nobel Prize Ceremony in 2023

Swedish Processional Necklace

Origin : A Wedding Gift from the Swedish People to Queen Victoria of Sweden

Notable Appearances : the  Swedish State Visit to Japan in 2007  and on a State Visit to The Netherlands in 2009

Diamond Epaulette Earrings

Origin : Unknown, appeared in 2010

Notable Appearances : State Visit to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 2022

Swedish Diamond Floral Earrings

Origin : Unknown, appeared in the 1980s

Notable Appearances : King Harald and Queen Sonja of Norway’s 60th Birthday Banquet in 1997 , Crown Prince Haakon’s Pre-Wedding Gala in 2001 , King Carl XVI Gustaf’s 60th Birthday Banquet in 2006 ,  Gala held on the eve of the Wedding of Crown Princess Victoria in 2010 ,  Queen Margrethe’s Ruby Jubilee Gala in 2012 ,  King Carl XVI Gustaf’s 70th Birthday Banquet in 2016 ,   Queen Margrethe’s Golden Jubilee Banquet in 2022

Five Pearl Brooch

Origin : Queen Josefina of Sweden and Norway

Notable Appearances : The  Wedding of Crown Prince Pavlos of Greece in 1995 , the  Spanish State Visit to Sweden in 2021 .

Diamond Stomacher Necklace

Origin :  Queen Josefina of Sweden and Norway

Notable Appearances : The Wedding of Baroness Charlotte Palmstierna and Anders Wall in 1985

Princess Lilian’s Pearl Brooch

Origin :  Princess Lilian of Sweden

Notable Appearances : A Banquet at the Royal Palace of Stockholm in 2015

Pearl Corsage Brooch

Origin : Queen Victoria of Sweden

Notable Appearances : Swedish State Visit to Germany in 2016

Baden Diamond Rose Brooch

Origin :   Princess Louise of Prussia, Grand Duchess of Baden

Notable Appearances : Dinner at the Royal Palace of Stockholm in the mid-2000s

Swedish Pearl and Diamond Ivy Brooch

Notable Appearances : The  Swedish State Visit to Brunei in 2004

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2023 Boat of the Year Best Dinghy: Tiwal 3R

  • By Dave Reed
  • December 16, 2022

Tiwal 3R

Sailing World Magazine’s  annual Boat of the Year tests are conducted in Annapolis, Maryland, following the US Sailboat Show. With independent judges exhaustively inspecting the boats on land and putting them through their paces on the water, this year’s fleet of new performance-sailing boats spanned from small dinghies to high-tech bluewater catamarans. Here’s the best of the best from our  2023 Boat of the Year nominees »

The High-Pressure Ripper

  • Tiwal 3R 2023 Best Dinghy
  • Stated purpose: Recreational sailing, one-design and rally racing
  • Crew: One to two
  • Praise for: Performance, comfort, portability
  • Est. price as sailed: $8,900

The surest way to grow sailing is to make it easy to get on the water with minimal hassle on a boat that is exhilarating to sail—and that’s exactly what the inflatable and ­powered-up Tiwal 3R does. Thousands of Tiwal fanatics around the world can’t be wrong; they love their zippy little crafts, and the Tiwal community has grown ever larger since its young French innovators launched the first model a decade ago. The Tiwal 3R is the continuing evolution of a great idea—with even better execution. Tiwal boats keep getting better, and this one is its best yet.

The “R” is for Race, and that’s because after two years of playing and adventure racing on the early-edition Tiwal 3s, keener owners started asking for more. But the engineering required to make Tiwal’s high-pressure inflatable hull and aluminum frame take on greater rig and structural loads that had them stumped for nearly two years, says Emmanuel Bertrand. They kept breaking it until they got it right.

At 10 feet and 121 pounds fully rigged, the magic of the Tiwal 3R is its portability, which would explain why the company says it sells so many in urban areas around the world. The sail, hull, blades, five-part composite spar and boom, and aluminum frame pack into two 5-foot duffel bags. To put it all together at whatever water’s edge takes about 30 minutes; it’s mere minutes if the boat is coming off the car top already pumped and assembled.

Tiwal 3R

The PVC hull construction is identical to all other Tiwals, but the design for the 3R is a big improvement, with a more pronounced V-shape, a bit more rocker, and a reinforcement plate on the bottom near the transom, which gives it stiffness and a cleaner exit. “It’s difficult to get a hard corner on inflatables,” Stewart says, “so that’s a great solution to give it a nice sharp edge and a cleaner break so the water isn’t bubbling up over the back.”

When I got my weight in the right spot, the boat just took off. It’s quicker than quick. —Chuck Allen

The gust-responsive rig and big sail, built with North Sails racing cloth, is what takes the boat a big step from the recreational sailor’s Tiwal 3 to the racing sailor’s 3R, Powlison says. “This is the same size sail as a Laser, 77 square feet, which is a lot of power. When you get the vang set right, it does make a big difference. It is an effective control that they got right.”

Powlison’s only desire was to be able to get the sail controls to run farther back on the rack, accepting, however, that this would unnecessarily complicate the setup.

Tiwal 3R

Allen, who’s been a Tiwal fan since the original, is impressed once again. “You definitely get a lot more performance out of this thing,” he says after sailing the boat in 10 to 15 knots and flat water. “I got hit with a puff and was like, dang! This thing’s got some wheels. It’s much faster and stiffer. I’m 170 pounds and was able to stay out on the rack the entire time, even when it got light.”

Stewart’s assessment of the 3R is that it’s built for a slightly more advanced sailor. “This thing is higher tech, with a lot more control lines, so it’s a bit more boat to handle. That being said, I’m a big guy (the manufacturer’s stated maximum load on the wing is 242 pounds), and I was never sitting in water, so it will accommodate a wide range of people.”

Getting the purchase systems for the 4-to-1 cunningham and the two-part vang (all of which are doubled-ended) into the mast collar hardware was an engineering exercise, says creator Marion Excoffon. But the end result is a system of color-coded lines and color-matched Harken blocks that work effectively and smoothly to depower the sail. Once the control systems are assembled, they don’t need to be rerun. When rigging, simply slide the mast into the collar, hook up the mainsheet, attach the rudder, and cast off for a fast and sporty adventure.

Tiwal 3R

“Every time I got a little puff, the boat zipped right along,” Allen says. “The foils are stiff and shaped well, so the boat goes upwind really nicely. The bow was stiff and wasn’t flopping in the chop. But the best part was reaching around in the big puffs, sitting at the back corner of the rack, with the boat just skimming. When I got my weight in the right spot, the boat just took off. It’s quicker than quick.”

  • More: 2023 Boat of the Year , Boat of the Year , Dinghy , Print Winter 2023 , Sailboats
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The Royal Opera House

Kungliga Operan has been the Swedish national venue for opera and ballet since January 18, 1773. You can visit Kungliga Operan as a member of the audience at one of the performances or take a guided tour. On the tour, you will have the opportunity to look backstage, visit the royal rooms, and peer down into the orchestra pit. Learn about the fascinating history of Kungliga Operan and get a glimpse of what backstage life is like today.

Gustav Adolfs torg

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3 1 Historik


The Royal Swedish Opera is Sweden’s national theatre for opera and ballet. It has served in that role since January 18, 1773, when the first performance was given at the Royal Opera. A couple of years prior to that, in 1771, King Gustav III had fired the French opera troupe that had been performing at Bollhuset by Slottsbacken in Stockholm for 20 years or so. This was due to his wish to form a Swedish ensemble that could put on Swedish operas. The Swedish troupe continued performing in Bollhuset until a new Opera House was completed in 1782 and the ensemble was able to move in.

Gustav III:s opera HOUSE

On September 30, 1782, the new Kungliga Teaterhuset (Royal Theatre House) was inaugurated, designed by architect Carl Fredrik Adelcrantz. For the inauguration, a performance of Kraus’ opera Aeneas in Carthage was scheduled. However, the female soloist cast in the role of Dido had just fled the country with her husband to escape her creditors! So the troupe put on Naumann’s Cora and Alonzo instead, the libretto of which was written by G.J. Adlerbeth. Both the opera and the new Opera House received standing ovations. During the 1800s, the Opera House was considered to be one of Stockholm’s most beautiful buildings. The Gustavian opera seated 948 spectators and the auditorium was decorated in blue, white and gold. Unlike in today’s Opera House, the king’s box was located right in the middle of the Stalls Circle for the best possible view of the stage. Gustav III had a burning passion for opera, dance and theatre, and paid for the Opera’s operations from his own pocket.

Even dance assumed its rightful place in the Royal Swedish Opera. The first ballet performed was Louis Gallodier’s Opportunity Makes the Thief, a work that the Royal Swedish Ballet performed again in 2009 after an interval of nearly 200 years.


Barely 10 years after the inauguration, on 16 March 1792, the king was shot at a masked ball held at the opera, dying of his injuries on March 29. Verdi’s opera Un ballo in maschera is based on this terrible event. The Gustavian Opera House stood for another hundred years after the death of the king, but the building was so badly dilapidated, so outdated, and presented such a fire hazard, that a decision was made to demolish it in 1892. In its place, the city fathers built a new Opera House called The Oscarian. It was named after the then reigning monarch Oscar II. Axel Anderberg, a fan of neoclassical style, was commissioned to design the new Opera House. It took almost 7 years to complete the new opera. During those years, the Royal Theatre’s ensemble was housed in the Swedish National Theatre on Blasieholmen island, which many years later was reduced to a charred ruin by a devastating fire.


The exterior of the new building was built in a neo-Renaissance style, while the staircase, foyer and auditorium were designed in the neo-Baroque style. Marble from Norway was used to adorn the entrance hall, to symbolise the union with our neighbouring country. The magnificent Guldfoajé (Golden Foyer), with ceiling paintings by Carl Larsson, is reminiscent of the Palais Garnier in Paris. The new Opera House was inaugurated by Oscar II on September 19, 1898. Works by Swedish composers were performed on the night of the inauguration. First, Adolf Fredrik Lindblad’s The Rebels, then scenes from Franz Berwald’s Estrella di Soria and finally a newly composed inaugural cantata by Ivar Hallström as a tribute both to the glories of the past and the old building itself. The 1898/1899 season continued on the Swedish theme, with Wilhelm Stenhammar’s Tirfing and Andreas Hallén’s Valdemarsskatten (The Valdemar Treasure) as the two premieres of the season.

In 1989, after nearly 100 years of serving as an opera building, the Opera underwent a major renovation. At that time, all public areas in the building were washed, painted, re-gilded and repaired, from the main entrance to the opera auditorium.


Before the renovation, it was nearly impossible to make out the subjects of the artworks in the grand stairwell or the "Guldfoajén" due to all the smoke and soot from the city that had accumulated in the 91 years since the building was inaugurated. But today, it’s once again possible to experience the Opera House in all its original glory. The "Guldfoajén", located on the same level as the Stalls Circle, has been restored to the same exact condition it was in at the inaugural ceremony, with gold stucco work on the walls and ceiling, crystal chandeliers, sweeping mirrors, and curtains and upholstery of Florentine gold brocade.

Over the 20 or so years prior to the renovation of the public areas, all the behind-the-scene areas were refurbished to update the old nineteenth century building into an efficient modern theatre.

There are around 1,100 seats in the Royal Swedish Opera’s auditorium, which has a chandelier weighing two tonnes hanging from the ceiling. The ceiling also features a large plafond painting by artist Vicke Andrén. If you look closely, you can see that one of the little angels is carrying a sheet of paper with an architectural drawing of precisely the Opera House over whose audience the angel is floating.

The Royal Swedish Opera has changed its official Swedish name twelve times. From initially being named Kongl Operan (the Royal Opera), it was eventually renamed, after numerous small variations on the same theme,  the Kungliga Teatern (the Royal Theatre) at the start of the 1900s, a name it retained for more than three quarters of a century. Since 1997, its official name has been Kungliga Operan (the Royal Swedish Opera). Stockholmers have always referred to the theatre simply as the Opera.

ON tour in sWEDEN and abroad

The Royal Swedish Opera took its operatic productions on tour through Sweden in the 1920s and for a few decades thereafter. Since 1959, these tours have ventured beyond Sweden’s borders as well, including productions in Edinburgh, London, Montréal, Munich, Kiel, Wiesbaden, Seville, Dresden, Berlin, Savonlinna and Oslo.

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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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Sparkling Royal Jewels From Around the World

What We Learned from Kungliga Smycken (Part 1)

04.24.2020 by The Court Jeweller // Leave a Comment

Earlier this month, we talked briefly about a fantastic new royal jewelry documentary , Kungliga Smycken , coming to Sweden’s SVT. Both episodes have now aired, and they’re packed with wonderful interviews, rare archival footage, insights from jewelers and historians, and spectacular views of the Bernadotte jewels. We also learned a few new things, and today’s post hits some of those highlights.

The documentary confirms that the cameos were given to Empress Josephine by Napoleon I. The tiara was made by Marie-Étienne Nitot, Napoleon’s court jeweler, in 1809. During filming, it was discovered that some of the cameos in the tiara are signed. The front cameo, which depicts Venus and Cupid, was made by Giuseppe Girometti, and the cameo depicting Dionysus and Cupid was made by Vincenzo Catenacci. Filippo Rega also contributed to the set. The brooch’s cameo features a depiction of Napoleon himself. The film takes the same view as Vincent Meylan regarding the journey of the cameos, suggesting that they were inherited by Prince Eugene, Duke of Leuchtenberg, when his mother died in 1814.

The royal ladies also revealed some of their personal feelings about the cameos. Crown Princess Victoria notes that the tiara is very fragile, and that she has “a little extra respect” for the cameos and their history. Queen Silvia adds that she doesn’t like to travel with the cameos. She also speaks about her decision to wear the tiara on her wedding day in 1976. She reveals that it was King Carl XVI Gustaf who suggested that she use it as her bridal diadem. Silvia agreed partly because she liked the fact that it had previously been worn as a wedding tiara by Princess Birgitta and Princess Desiree. Her sisters-in-law, especially Princess Christina, helped teach Silvia about the history and importance of the Bernadotte jewelry, as did the king’s aunt, Queen Ingrid of Denmark.

The documentary features work from historian Claudia Thomé Witte, who has helped to discover the precise provenance of the sapphires. They were a gift from Empress Josephine to her daughter-in-law, Princess Augusta, Duchess of Leuchtenberg; the sapphires, presented to Augusta between December 1810 and February 1811, were a gift to mark the birth of Augusta’s son, Prince Auguste. The film also confirms that the diadem used to be able to be worn with a set of pearls. Those pearls still exist, and have been used in other pieces of jewelry (including earrings), but the sapphires are now permanently affixed to the tiara.

The original parure included earrings, which were disposed of by Victoria of Baden (who never wore earrings.) The current earrings were created using two of the set’s hairpins. Queen Silvia confirms that the sapphires are very easy to wear, especially as her hairdresser, Peter Hägelstam, developed a base for the tiara that allows it to be more comfortably secured to Silvia’s hair with pins. Silvia specifically mentions the sapphires as her personal favorite set of jewels from the Swedish vault.

Art historian Göran Alm, who works closely with the Bernadotte collection, calls this tiara the most important piece of jewelry in the Swedish royal vault. He helps clear up the confusing description of the piece as a “coronation tiara” — it was never worn for a Swedish coronation, but a writer in the 1920s/1930s made the “coronation” claim with no historical evidence, and the description was subsequently repeated. Queen Silvia notes that the tiara is very heavy and difficult to wear and gives an entertaining description of her first official portrait session, which featured the diadem.

Historian Claudia Thomé Witte discusses the tiara’s origins in imperial Brazil. She confirms that Pedro I bought the diamonds used in the tiara from his children, who had inherited them from his first wife. He subsequently gave the diamonds to his second wife Princess Amelie of Leuchtenberg, as a wedding gift (in the form of a necklace) and, a year later, as an eighteenth-birthday gift. Witte also explains that Pedro used Amelie’s diamonds as backing for a loan he secured from a London bank; he used the money to finance a war against his brother, Miguel. The jewels were returned to Amelie after the war ended.

Turns out it wasn’t Queen Silvia who discovered this long-lost tiara! Instead, it was historian Göran Alm who found the tiara. It was hidden away in a storage room full of silver, and Alm happened upon it while working on an exhibit about King Carl XIV Johan. The documentary confirms that the tiara belonged to Hortense de Beauharnais, Empress Josephine’s daughter, who left the steel jewels to her niece, Princess Eugenie of Leuchtenberg. Eugenie left the steel suite to her sister, Empress Amelie of Brazil, who in turn bequeathed them to their final surviving sister, Queen Josefina of Sweden.

In the interviews, Crown Princess Victoria talks about her love for the tiara, but also its extreme fragility. She deliberately chooses to wear the tiara only for occasions that don’t involve lots of movement — where she can sit very still, not dance, etc. But she reiterates that she feels that it’s important to keep wearing the jewels when she can, because it means they are “still alive.”

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Radiators fail once more: Moscow suburbs residents appeal to Putin

R esidents across the Moscow suburbs are besieged by a heating problem, for which they plead direct intervention from President Vladimir Putin. These individuals have yet to experience any semblance of home heating since winter started due to a dwindling supply of heating oil. The issue, one largely avoided by local authority communication, has left residents desperate to the point of directly appealing to the president.

While plots have been uncovered to disrupt Ukraine's infrastructure for a second consecutive winter, thus depriving civilians of heating, it seems Russians are now mired in their crisis. Irony drips from the fact that those under Putin's leadership are looking to cause turmoil in Ukraine, yet at home, they face a similar predicament.

Many dwellings within the Moscow agglomeration are presently without heat. The capital's residents are desperate, directly appealing to President Putin due to a perceived lack of alternate avenues for assistance. The absence of suitable heating functionality since winter commenced pushes them towards desperation with no relief in sight.

This seems improbable, but in Russia, it appears that anything can happen.

It remains uncertain if Vladimir Putin is actively addressing the heating crisis. Some experts suggest that Russia's heating oil reserves are depleting, which negatively affects residents' quality of life. Plagued by cold radiators and plummeting winter temperatures, these citizens have directly addressed their pleas to their head of state.

This heating crisis is happening in Elektrostal, a town approximately 71 miles from Moscow.

Ironically, Russia has constantly aimed to destroy the Ukrainian infrastructure since war broke out, deliberately trying to leave Ukrainians without heating during the harsh winters, aiming to break their strong will. It's an irony they now struggle with a domestic heating crisis, particularly near Moscow, their largest and most pivotal city.

Desperate individuals are reaching out to Vladimir Putin. They question his knowledge of the heating infrastructure conditions in the Moscow suburbs and the dire situations residents face there. Sundown brings no relief from the harsh Russian winter and without heating, their houses turn cold. With elections nearing, more and more residents find themselves reaching out directly to their president.

"Since winter's start, we've been without heating. This has been a yearly occurrence for the past three years. Despite paying for heating, we don't have enough. We implore you, help us!" - these are the desperate pleas from the heavily dressed populace dealing with the Russian winter conditions.

Experts attribute the heating oil shortage to international sanctions and surging demands for diesel fuel, pivotal to military operations. Russia now grapples with a dearth of raw materials essential for boiler and heating plant operation. As supplies dwindle, houses grow cold with little hope of any immediate corrective intervention.

It would be adequate if the war ceased, residents were prioritized, and attention accorded to their welfare.

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Russians can't heat their homes, they appeal to Vladimir Putin.

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"They fell to the ground with screams": Russian Guards fired at children single near Moscow - there is a casualty


Highlights: In Russia, in the city of Elektrostal (Moscow region), during demonstrations, Rosgvardia soldiers began shooting at spectators with children from machine guns with blank cartridges. One child received serious damage from a rebounded cartridge case. In the video, a child can be heard crying and screaming violently. It is also interesting that Russia recently arranged a solemn farewell to Vladimir Shestakov, convicted for the murder of a child, who became a mercenary of PMC "Wagner" and was liquidated in the war in Ukraine.

kungliga yachter

In Russia, in the city of Elektrostal (Moscow region), during demonstrations, Rosgvardia soldiers began shooting at spectators with children from machine guns with blank cartridges.

So far, one injured child is known.

This was reported by the local Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU.

"Small children were clutching their heads screaming and falling to the ground. Not without injuries. The child received serious damage from a rebounded cartridge case," the report said.

One of the witnesses to the incident posted a video. It was her child who was shot by the Russian Guards. In the video, a child can be heard crying and screaming violently.

After the woman realized that her child had been wounded, she called her husband and doctor.

Meanwhile, Russian occupier Ivan Alekseev in the war in Ukraine after a drunken quarrel killed his colleague and tried to cover up the crime, saying it was the work of "Ukrainian saboteurs."

It is also interesting that Russia recently arranged a solemn farewell to Vladimir Shestakov, convicted for the murder of a child, who became a mercenary of PMC "Wagner" and was liquidated in the war in Ukraine.

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Source: tsn

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