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2441 Warrenville Road, Suite 610 Lisle, IL 60532-3642

Susan Fleming, Vice President, Marketing

Phone: (630) 577-4880


Catamaran offers a true alternative to the status quo in pharmacy benefit management. You don't have to choose between the scale and purchasing power of the largest providers and the flexibility and agility of smaller ones. We offer the best of both.

At Catamaran, we put your individual needs - and those of your members - at the center of our services. We connect pharmacists, doctors and caregivers with prescription data to improve health outcomes, offering the clinical intelligence, technology and scale to lower payer costs while improving member health.

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Scaling the Limits of Scale: The PBM Path to Value-Based Healthcare

Scale has its limits, as the nation’s two largest pharmacy benefit managers (PBM), Express Scripts and CVS Caremark, are discovering. Stephen Littlejohn reports.

Scale has its limits, as the nation’s two largest pharmacy benefit managers (PBM) are discovering.  Express Scripts and CVS Caremark each process more than a billion prescriptions a year. That is not enough for big customers Anthem and Aetna. Both are likely to alter dramatically or not renew long-term contracts set to end in 2019 with the PBM behemoths.

PBM Optionality for Anthem, Aetna

Anthem  and  Aetna  say they now have “optionality” because Cigna and Humana, which they are respectively acquiring, both have PBMs.  That optionality goes well beyond the scale Aetna would enjoy as the fourth largest PBM.  It can put the pharmacy benefit, integrated within each organization, on the path to value-based health care.

Both the Humana and Cigna PBMs align well with the quality and outcomes focus of value-based health care.   Humana’s PBM  primarily supports the company’s Medicare Advantage (MA) and Part D programs, with MA accountable care arrangements delivering better outcomes  than traditional Medicare.

Meanwhile,  Cigna  has pioneered outcomes-based reimbursement arrangements with pharmaceutical manufacturers.  Previously overseeing Cigna’s PBM was none other than  Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini ; Cigna CEO David Cordani will serve as chief operating officer of the new Anthem.

In their sights is UnitedHealth Group (UHG), which  brought its PBM business inside from Medco at the start of 2013, trigging Express Scripts’ anticipatory acquisition of Medco in  2012 .    UHG says its OptumRx PBM focuses “ on connecting total condition spend and pharmacy’s impact across benefits ,” a process it calls “synchronization.”

More explicitly than Anthem,  Aetna has said  it will integrate Humana’s PBM, along with its “ growing health care services business ,” even characterizing it as an “ Optum-like business .”

Value beyond Scale

UHG’s  Catamaran acquisition  earlier this year, while adding scale, also significantly included Catamaran’s RxClaim processing platform.  OptumRx plans to integrate the adjudication platform with its medical and pharmacy claims synchronization.  UHG promises to create value “beyond the scale … resulting from integration,” by linking “demographic, lab, pharmaceutical, behavioral and medical treatment data” to encourage healthy decisions and improve compliance with pharmaceutical use and care protocols.”

In fact, the very tools used to leverage scale to get lower prices, such as formulary exclusions, can potentially work against reducing total costs.  In securing a substantial discount from AbbVie for Viekira Pak,  Express Scripts  excluded Gilead’s Harvoni from its 2015 formulary.  Viekira Pak is a four pill a day regimen to Harvoni’s adherence-friendly one pill for curing hepatitis C.

Not surprisingly, given their focus on overall costs, Aetna, Anthem, UHG and Cigna all included Harvoni on their formularies and do not publish  exclusion lists  like Express Scripts and CVS Caremark.  Instead, they typically establish clinically based  prior authorization  criteria.

For the latest high-cost drugs to hit the market, Express Scripts is following the health plans on their value path.  Instead of excluding one of two new anti-cholesterol drugs, known as PCSK9 inhibitors and list priced at $14,000 per year,  it announced coverage for both this week .

As the health plans did with Harvoni, Express Scripts will implement rigorous prior authorization procedures.  The company says it negotiated good pricing with Amgen for Repatha and with Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals for Praluent, enabling it to cover both drugs.  Perhaps it also heard from customers unhappy with price-driven drug exclusions.

Wanting More, Customers Become Competitors

Clearly, some very big customers – Aetna, Anthem and UHG – want something more than scale from traditional PBMs like Express Scripts and CVS Caremark.  Beyond scale, they want a pharmacy benefit that contributes to reducing total costs through better outcomes, consistent with achieving overall  value-based   payment goals .

Building PBM paths to value-based health care for themselves, Anthem, Aetna and UHG will also sell against volume-based models like those of Express Scripts and CVS Caremark, and against health plans that fail to integrate pharmacy and medical claims for actionable intelligence.

Employers and the Limits of Scale

Their strategy blueprint could easily have come from the Harvard Business Reviewarticle  “The Limits of Scale.”   Hanna Halaburda and Felix Oberholzer-Gee argue that, when rapidly scaling companies neglect to take into account differences among their customers, performance declines.  On that premise, they suggest how challengers and incumbents can take advantage of customer differences.

Among PBM customers with differences are employers, which provide health coverage for  147 million Americans .   The  National Business Coalition on Health  is uneasy with the growing use of exclusionary formularies.  It advises members to “base selection criteria for formularies on clinical outcomes to ensure that pharmaceutical costs do not decrease at the expense of rising medical costs.”

Employers are becoming  more actively engaged  in managing the pharmacy benefit, even developing their own formularies and negotiating directly with pharmacy retailers.   Caterpillar’s Daren Hinderman  told an NBCH panel last year, “I don’t want to have a conversation [with PBMs] on rebates; I want to have a conversation on how I can keep my employees more compliant with medications they need to stay healthy. We decide what’s best for our employees. It’s a transparent process.”

NBCH also urges members to “verify that pharmacy and medical benefits are aligned, and link data between the two in order to evaluate cost and outcomes across both types of benefits and the entire health-care spectrum, not just through the lens of pharmacy.”  As Dr. Mark Fendrick of the  University of Michigan Center for Value-Based Insurance Design  told the  NBCH panel , “I’d prefer to spend more on statins than on stents.”

Obstacles on PBM Value Path

Mapping the PBM path to value-based health care is one thing, building it is another.  Aetna and Anthem still must face a gauntlet of government and legal reviews before they can complete their acquisitions and commence integrating the Humana and Cigna PBMs.

OptumRx must complete its integration of Catamaran, which in turn is  still integrating the data platforms of its acquisitions .  Furthermore, OptumRx and Catamaran both use different versions  of the RxClaim platform and, for Catamaran, medical claims synchronization remains down the road (or path).

Meanwhile, the Catamaran acquisition has roiled a PBM industry where many participants use Catamaran’s RxClaim platform –  including Cigna !  They were content to compete with Catamaran, despite using its technology.  However, will they be similarly comfortable with OptumRx and UHG in the technology driver’s seat?

Much like UHG’s acquisition of Catamaran and its technology, Rite-Aid did the same when it  acquired EnvisionRx .  The PBM had previously  acquired Laker Software , also a claims platform supplier for many PBMs.  Again, the comfort question arises, in this case over Envision and Rite Aid as the drug retailer pursues its path to value-based health care via innovative alliances with health care providers.

Making the Laker and RxClaim platforms particularly valuable has been the PBM industry’s reliance on a hodge podge of decades-old, antiquated platform technologies.  With each acquisition, scaling PBMs have patched together instead of invested in their platforms to maximize short-term synergies, at the cost of limited flexibility and lower efficiency.

PBMs Miss Technology Revolutions

Meanwhile,  multiple revolutions  have coursed through the systems development world since the PBM industry acquired its mainframes and data centers in the late 1980’ – early 1990’s.   When relational databases followed soon thereafter, PBMs adopted them for after-the-fact data analysis, but not broadly for real time use with claims processing platforms, which now are antiquated and fragmented.

More recently, graphical user interfaces have greatly streamlined the programming of business intelligence applications.  It is now easier for more people, more efficiently to translate their expertise into innovative systems.  No longer must visionaries exclusively funnel their solutions through highly specialized programmers and coders.  Now, the visionaries’ can become coders, their hands on the programming controls, unleashing new applications across the entire economy, including the PBM industry.

PBM Platform for Value-Based Health Care

One such visionary has developed a PBM solution for value-based health care.  His name is Ravi Ika.  “The solution is holistic, unlike that of any other existing PBM.  It reduces overall pharmacy cost, converts specialty from ‘buy & bill’ to ‘authorize and manage,’ and lowers avoidable drug-impacted medical costs,” explains Ika.

Before turning his attention to the PBM industry, he created a comprehensive, integrated payer platform now provided by  ikaSystems , which he founded to transform the payer operating model.  Spanning all payer departments and business lines, it decreased administrative costs for health insurers by as much as 50% and reduced avoidable medical costs.

In 2013, Ika launched  RxAdvance , a full service PBM, which similarly operates on an integrated, end-to-end platform – one designed specifically for value-based health care.   Combining pharmacy, medical, and lab data, the platform – called PBM Collaborative Cloud– enables real-time engagement.  This engagement occurs with physicians at the point of care, pharmacists at the point of sale, and patients via mobile cloud.  It also engages payers clinical and pharmacy staff through their workflows.

Better decisions by these stakeholders – driven by platform-generated, actionable intelligence – can reduce avoidable drug-impacted medical costs, optimize utilization, facilitate better specialty drug management, and decrease overall pharmacy costs.

PBM Processes Reimagined

“We started with a clean slate,” observes Ika, who says he and his team reimagined PBM processes to streamline workflow before building the platform.  Redefining the human role, they automated as much as possible while, on the other hand, increasing opportunities for engagement, what-if modeling, and informed decision-making.  The platform also enables market and regulatory changes configurable by the business user, as well as system-driven compliance management.

Ika built the platform from the ground up using a  unified data model .  In information technology parlance, that means the platform’s standards are universal enough to encompass a large scope of data and types of data with high scalability.

In PBM language, the platform includes everything from pharmacy claim adjudication, formulary management, benefit design, enterprise reporting and analytics, to pharmacy network and rebate contracting, medication adherence and therapy management, specialty management, transparency, compliance, and adverse drug event management.

From Existing to Ideal Formularies

For example, the platform includes algorithm-driven artificial intelligence to manipulate, with plan sponsor engagement, the complex and interdependent variables associated with formulary management.  Incorporating habitual member and prescriber utilization patterns, in addition to other data, it derives an ideal formulary with optimal financial and clinical outcomes.  The system then maps a transition plan from an existing formulary.  The platform also accommodates an unlimited number of formularies and supports real time dynamic modeling and changes coupled with full transparency.

Better Medication Therapy, Adherence Outcomes

For medication therapy management (MTM), the platform taps patient medical claims and disease conditions, against which the system overlays a prescription listing for easy use by prescribers.  In addition, each new prescription triggers a dynamic analysis to determine patient eligibility for a comprehensive medication review (CMR), which the system prepopulates for efficient prescriber use.

After the CMR, RxAdvance advisors rely on system alerts to intervene with patients to ensure medication adherence.  For high-risk patients, RxAdvance will install an electronic, patent-pending  pill station  at their residences and resupply it with disposable pre-filled pill trays.

Integrated with and wirelessly connected to the company’s platform, the device assists with monitoring adherence and vital signs.   The company says the device has improved adherence to more than 93%, including patients with multiple chronic conditions who are taking an average of 15 medications a day.

The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS)  recently underscored  the PBM need for physician-led, point-of-care MTM capability when it announced a new Medicare Part D MTM model.  Currently, highly fragmented PBM MTM relies on pharmacists “chasing” patients without closing the loop with prescribers, thus failing to secure meaningful health outcomes, according to Ika.

Ika points to the RxAdvance specialty management program as another example of his platform’s capabilities.  As it does for MTM, the platform integrates prescriptions, medical claims and disease conditions to create an action plan for all stakeholders.  Case managers use a dashboard to prioritize their outreach to patients, prescribers and pharmacists.  Because the platform integrates medical, pharmacy and lab information, it helps facilitate appropriate utilization.

Risk Sharing

One of the hallmarks of an organization configured for  value-based health care is its ability to share risk .  The RxAdvance unified data model platform enables it to share risk for both pharmacy and avoidable drug-impacted medical costs.  For pharmacy, it is prepared to assume both up and down side risk based on its cost management performance against a risk cap set below a national benchmark projected increase.

The company can also compute a baseline trend for avoidable drug-impacted medical costs using prior years’ medical claims data.  RxAdvance and its client then set a target and, if the PBM lowers actual avoidable drug-impacted medical costs, it will share in the savings.  According to Ika, this sort of risk sharing is unique in the PBM market.

Ika reports that RxAdvance is currently implementing full PBM services for three clients, replacing national PBMs.  “The Collaborative PBM Cloud platform is making for a very smooth launch,” he notes.

RxAdvance has gotten a head start along the PBM path to value-based health care, scaling the limits of scale.

Stephen Littlejohn is President of Climb the Curve Communications. He can be reached at  [email protected]  and on Twitter  @ClimbtheCurve . This article was originally posted on his  website .

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UnitedHealth to buy pharmacy benefit firm Catamaran for $12.8 billion

By Sneha Banerjee (Reuters) - Health insurer UnitedHealth Group Inc agreed to buy Catamaran Corp in a deal worth about $12.8 billion to boost its pharmacy benefit business as it competes with bigger rivals such as Express Scripts Holdings Co . Pharmacy benefit managers (PBM) administer drug benefits for employers and health plans and run large mail order pharmacies, helping them get better prices from drugmakers. As employers look to cut prescription costs on expensive drugs, the deal with Catamaran will give UnitedHealth's pharmacy benefits unit, OptumRx, the scale to negotiate favorable prices from pharmacy companies. U.S. drug prices rose 12 percent in 2014 due to a new treatment for hepatitis C that cost more than $80,000 but cured almost all recipients with few side effects. Another new class of drugs, to treat high cholesterol, is expected to hit the market in 2015 and has insurers worried about drug costs this year as well. The purchase of Catamaran will increase UnitedHealth's market share to 15 percent to 20 percent of the people who receive their drug benefits through pharmacy benefit managers, BMO Capital Markets analyst Jennifer Lynch said in a research note. With a combined 1 billion scripts annually, UnitedHealth will be about the same size as current industry number two, CVS Health Corp , she added. Catamaran was formed after SXC Health Solutions and PBM Catalyst Health Solutions merged in 2012. UnitedHealth's offer of $61.50 per share represents a premium of 27 percent to Catamaran's Friday close on the Nasdaq. Catamaran's stock was trading at $60.01 premarket on Monday, while UnitedHealth was up nearly 4 percent. The deal "makes sense to us, but admittedly came much earlier than we expected," Jefferies analyst Brian Tanquilut said in a research note. "We had always viewed Catamaran as a compelling asset for companies looking for scale in the PBM sector such as Optum or Walgreens but expected Catamaran to grow the business much further before pursuing a sale." He added that the offer seemed adequate and he did not expect competing bids at this point. The deal value is based on Illinois-based Catamaran's total diluted shares outstanding as of Dec. 31. The transaction is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2015 and add about 30 cents per share to UnitedHealth's profit in 2016, the companies said. Catamaran Chief Executive Officer Mark Thierer will be CEO of OptumRx and OptumRx CEO Timothy Wicks will become president. (Additional reporting by Caroline Humer in New York; Editing by Savio D'Souza, Saumyadeb Chakrabarty and Meredith Mazzilli)

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Catamaran officially becoming OptumRx

Effective October 1, 2015, Catamaran, Caterpillar's pharmacy benefit manager (PBM), will change its name to OptumRx. This PBM branding change doesn't impact design or coverage under our prescription drug plan.

Plan participant materials mailed from Catamaran will start to show OptumRx branding. Catamaran ID cards will continue to be accepted at pharmacies and won't need to be replaced. The processing information and phone number listed on the cards are not changing.  

Nothing! It's a name change only. If you're a plan participant, you can continue to access your pharmacy records and drug information using the same website ( mycatamaranrx.com ) and mobile app (OptumRx/CatamaranRx in your mobile device's app store) as always. You may also access prescription drug benefit information at benefits.cat.com .

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Catamaran Prior Auth Form – Fill Out and Use This PDF

The Catamaran Prior Authorization Form for Provigil®/Nuvigil® is a specialized document required to obtain prior approval from insurance providers before certain medications can be dispensed. This form must be filled out with precise member and prescriber information, including details about the requested medication, to facilitate the approval process. If incomplete or incorrect, the process may face delays, emphasizing the importance of attention to detail when completing this form.

To begin the process of obtaining the necessary medication for yourself or your patients, ensure you complete the Catamaran Prior Authorization Form accurately. Click the button below to get started on filling out the form.

Catamaran Prior Auth Form first page preview

Catamaran Prior Auth Form PDF Details

The Catamaran Prior Authorization (PA) form serves as a crucial step in the prescription approval process for specific medications, including Provigil® and Nuvigil®, and outlines a comprehensive process aimed at streamlining medication approval for patients in need. This meticulously designed form requests detailed information about the member, including their last name, ID number, and date of birth, along with prescriber details such as their name, NPI number, and contact information. The form takes a patient- and prescriber-friendly approach by asking for specific details on the requested antihyperkinesis agent, including dosage, quantity, and duration of therapy, alongside a section for backdating the prior authorization if necessary. Notably, its design underlines the importance of clinical criteria documentation, seeking information regarding the diagnosis, previous medication trials, and their outcomes, any adverse events or intolerances experienced, as well as specific queries tailored to the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome or shift work sleep disorder. The form's layout underscores the necessity of complete, correct, and legible submissions to prevent delays in the PA process, emphasizing a streamlined approach per member to enhance the efficiency of the approval process. Furthermore, the inclusion of prescriber certification through a signature, alongside accessible submission options via fax or mail, shows an integrated effort to facilitate the swift handling and response to such requests, all underscoring the commitment to supporting patient care through meticulous attention to the prior authorization process.

Form NameCatamaran Prior Auth Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesNPI, Backdate, TennCare, rxclaim

Form Preview Example

catamaran rxclaim

Prior Authorization Form


***All PA forms may be found by accessing https://tnm.providerportal.sxc.com/rxclaim/TNM/PAs.htm ***

If the following information is not complete, correct, or legible the PA process can be delayed. Use one form per member please.

Member Information

Prescriber Information

Date of Birth

catamaran rxclaim


catamaran rxclaim

Dose ___________ Directions __________________________________ Qty ________ Duration of Therapy ________

Request to Backdate PA?



If Yes, Requested PA Start Date



Clinical Criteria Documentation


****Do not include documentation that is not requested on this form****

1. What is the diagnosis for this medication?




Obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome












Shift work sleep disorder












Has the recipient failed an adequate trial of any other stimulant agent(s)?

Yes (please list)








Drug 1:_










Length of trial:







Reason for discontinuation of the drug:














Drug 2:_










Length of trial:







Reason for discontinuation of the drug:














Drug 3:_










Length of trial:







Reason for discontinuation of the drug:














Has the recipient experienced an adverse event, or been intolerant to, a preferred stimulant?






If yes, please list the drug (or drugs) and describe the adverse event or intolerance:


























Is the patient currently taking the requested medication?












If yes , how long has the recipient been taking the medication?

How has medication been supplied (other insurance, samples provided, patient discharged from hospital on the medication, etc.)?




If request is for Nuvigil, has the patient tried and failed Provigil?


No Length of trial: _______________________



If no, what is the reason the patient cannot take Provigil? _____________________________________________________________











Complete this section only if diagnosis is obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome.






Has the recipient had a sleep study?


No Date of study:








Does the provider have evidence of documented compliance with a BiPAP or CPAP device?





Total length of therapy?



If no use, why?





























continued on next page








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Revised 10/01/12

catamaran rxclaim

TennCare Prior Authorization Form: Provigil®/Nuvigil™

Patient Name:








Complete this section only if diagnosis is shift work sleep disorder .

8. Does the patient work a minimum of 6 hours work between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am?

Please note any other information pertinent to this PA request:

Prescriber Signature (REQUIRED):



(By signature, the physician confirms the above information is accurate and verifiable by patient records.)

Fax This Form to: 866-434-5523

Mail requests to: Catamaran PA Department, P.O. Box 3214, Lisle IL 60532-8214

Telephone 866-434-5524

Catamaran will provide a response within 24 hours day upon receipt.

This facsimile transmission contains legally privileged and confidential information intended for the parties identified below.

If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately notify us by telephone and return the original message to P.O. Box 3214; Lisle, IL 60532-8214.

Distribution, reproduction or any other use of this transmission by any party other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited.

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Revised 10/1/2012

How to Edit Catamaran Prior Auth Form Online for Free

This PDF editor was built to be as straightforward as possible. Since you try out the following steps, the procedure for creating the Backdate document will undoubtedly be easy.

Step 1: Get the button "Get Form Here" and then click it.

Step 2: When you get into our Backdate editing page, there'll be lots of the options you can undertake about your template at the top menu.

Complete all of the following sections to create the document:

portion of spaces in providerportal

The application will require you to complete the What is the diagnosis for this, Narcolepsy, ADDADHD, Obstructive sleep apneahypopnea, Shift work sleep disorder, Other, Has the recipient failed an, Yes please list, Drug, Strength, Quantity, Length of trial, Reason for discontinuation of the, Drug, and Strength field.

part 2 to entering details in providerportal

Determine the relevant particulars in the Has the recipient had a sleep, Yes, No Date of study, Does the provider have evidence, Yes, Total length of therapy, If no use why, continued on next page, Page of, and Revised section.

providerportal Has the recipient had a sleep, Yes, No Date of study, Does the provider have evidence, Yes, Total length of therapy, If no use why, continued on next page, Page  of, and Revised fields to complete

Within the box TennCare Prior Authorization Form, Patient Name, DOB, Complete this section only if, Does the patient work a minimum, Yes, Please note any other information, Prescriber Signature REQUIRED, Date, and By signature the physician, list the rights and responsibilities of the parties.

Filling out providerportal step 4

Step 3: Press the button "Done". Your PDF form is available to be transferred. You will be able download it to your laptop or send it by email.

Step 4: It is safer to prepare copies of the file. You can rest easy that we won't reveal or see your details.

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Please rate Catamaran Prior Auth Form

Related resources.

PA request forms, as well as medical clearance and certifications of medical necessity forms for filing FFS requests, are available on the Forms page.

The prescribing provider must submit the completed, signed, and dated prior authorization fax form and the required supporting clinical documentation of medical ...

Catamaran Clinical Call Center at (855) 455-3311. Prescribers may also initiate a prior authorization by faxing the appropriate request form ...

catamaran rxclaim


Thursday, July 09, 2015

Optumrx sails away with catamaran: deal analysis and industry implications (rerun).

catamaran rxclaim

  • Brand-name manufacturers , which negotiate rebate and discount contracts. See my comments below about formulary exclusion.
  • Providers (hospitals, physicians, and pharmacies) , which negotiate network agreements. Will the deal trigger further pharmacy consolidation as retailers seek countervailing scale? Will OptumRx be able to address hospitals’ specialty drug price gouging ? 
  • Wholesalers , which supply brand-name drugs to PBM mail pharmacies. McKesson currently services OptumRx, while Cardinal services Catamaran. Look for a unified deal that may include both brands and generics.
  • Generic manufacturers , which sell drugs to PBM mail pharmacies. Will OptumRx align with one of the large generic purchasing groups?

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  3. PDF OptumRx: Driving Smarter Health Care Connections

    OptumRx was an early champion of Synchronization and now, with the combination of OptumRx and Catamaran, we will take it to the next level together. Specifically, we are focused on: Connected Care - Blending health systems, programs and people to address the complex needs of each consumer. Connected Engagement - Surrounding consumers at ...

  4. RxClaim Web

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    Pharmacy - Catamaran Submitting 2016 Pharmacy Claims Only. All 2016 pharmacy claims should be directed to Catamaran at 877-235-2017 or www.mycatamaranrx.com. Mercy Health Employees (Toledo & Lorain) Pharmacy - Catamaran; Summary of Benefits and Coverage; Customer Relations;

  17. Rxclaim Trademark

    Rxclaim is a Trademark by Catamaran LLC, the address on file for this trademark is 2441 Warrenville Road Suite 610, Lisle, IL 60532. Trademark Introduction: ... Catamaran Inc. Corporation: 1st New Owner After Publication: Texas · United States: 2441 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532 : Sxc Health Solutions, Inc.

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    Highlighting the new focus, Mark Thierer, Catamaran's chairman and CEO, will become CEO of OptumRx. One immediate task will be to convert the UnitedHealthcare national accounts that are not using OptumRx. Integration risk should be minimal, because OptumRx is reportedly already using Catamaran's RxClaim technology platform.

  20. Tambov

    Tambov (UK: / t æ m ˈ b ɒ f / tam-BOF, [9] US: / t ɑː m ˈ b ɔː f,-ˈ b ɔː v / tahm-BAWF, -⁠ BAWV; [10] [11] [12] Russian: Тамбов, IPA:) is a city and the administrative center of Tambov Oblast, central Russia, at the confluence of the Tsna and Studenents rivers, about 418 km (260 mi) south-southeast of Moscow.With a population of 261,803 as of 2021, Tambov is the largest city ...

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    OKTMO ID. 68000000. Official languages. Russian [10] Website. www.tambov.gov.ru. Tambov Oblast (Russian: Тамбо́вская о́бласть, romanized: Tambovskaya oblastʹ) is a federal subject of Russia (an oblast). Its administrative center is the city of Tambov. As of the 2010 Census, its population was 1,091,994.

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    Administrative divisions of Tambov Oblast. with 8 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction. with 6 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction. with 13 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction. with 8 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction. with 14 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.

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    Znamensky District (Russian: Знаменский райо́н) is an administrative and municipal district (), one of the twenty-three in Tambov Oblast, Russia.It is located in the southwestern central part of the oblast.The district borders with Tambovsky District in the north, Sampursky District in the east, Tokaryovsky District in the south, and with Morshansky District in the west.