• Certificates of Competence
  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Exam

Full details of the exam syllabus and requirements are shown in the RYA Yachtmaster Scheme Syllabus and Logbook (G158) available from the webshop (see right).

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore practical exams can be taken under sail or power and your certificate will be endorsed accordingly. The candidate or a training centre provides the boat and the RYA provides an examiner. Note: All qualifying sea time and passages must be gained on vessels appropriate to the type of exam i.e. gained in sailing vessels for a sail exam and power vessels for a power exam.

There is no formal training course leading up to the exam, but those who have not previously taken RYA courses often find it useful to book themselves in for some informal training at an RYA centre prior to their exam. This training can be tailor-made to your specific needs and helps to fill any gaps in your knowledge that may become apparent.

The exam will include an assessment of your skippering skills, boat handling, general seamanship, navigation, safety awareness and knowledge of the IRPCS, meteorology and signals.

Documented minimum sea time completed on a seagoing sailing or motor yacht (as appropriate) in the last 10 years:

which may be reduced to 25 days if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence ; ; , which may be reduced to 1250 miles if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence

At least half the qualifying sea time should be gained in tidal waters and on vessels less than 24m LOA, and all seatime must be on vessels of the same discipline as the exam to be taken, i.e. sail or power.

Contact if your sea time is on a yacht greater than 24m and 500gt.

For example, an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Sail wishing to be examined for RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Power


8-12 hours for 1 candidate, 10-18 hours for 2 candidates.No more than two candidates can be examined in 24 hours and no more than four candidates can be examined in one 2 day session.
18 at the time of the exam

Boats used for exams

You may use your own boat or a boat that you have chartered or borrowed. You will be responsible for ensuring the boat is seaworthy and suitable for the area in which the exam takes place and equipped as shown below.

The boat used must be between 7m and 18m (LOA) and be in sound, seaworthy condition, equipped to the standard set out in the RYA Boat Safety Handbook 2nd Edition (code G103). The boat must be equipped with a full up to date set of charts and navigational publications along with working instruments and either plotter or GPS. In addition to the candidate there should be two crew on board as the examiner will not take part in the management of the boat during the exam.

There may be vessels that will meet the guidelines outlined above but by virtue of their layout, construction, handling characteristics or other factors may be unsuitable for use for an RYA Yachtmaster Practical examination. The RYA reserves the right to refuse an exam on a vessel that, in the view of the RYA Chief Examiner, will not allow the examiner to conduct an examination to the standard required by the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Qualification Panel.

Before you book your exam please check that you:

  • can provide a boat
  • have completed the required mileage and experience as skipper
  • hold an SRC (Short Range Certificate) or higher level GMDSS radio operators qualification
  • hold a valid first aid certificate
  • have read the syllabus in RYA Logbook (G158)
  • have read and comply with the pre-requisites above.

Additionally if not on the boat, you will need to bring to the exam:

  • laminated or waterproof charts
  • GPS set (may be hand held)
  • tide tables
  • pilotage information for the local area, eg pilot books, port information etc
  • plotting instruments.
  • Photographic ID card or document, such as a passport or driving licence

If you need your Certificate of Competence in order to work on board a commercial craft subject the MCA's codes of practice, you will need to get it commercially endorsed .

Useful links

Arranging your exam, commercial endorsements, exam payments service, mca manning requirements, professional qualifications.

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How to Pass the Yachtmaster Exam

Yachtmaster certificate of competence exam top tips, which yachtmaster.

First we need to be clear which Yachtmaster exam we are talking about. Leaving things like the Yachtmaster Instructor and Examiner Qualifications aside there are no less than 8 separate RYA certificates that are called “Yachtmaster”. This includes the 3 independently examined levels of Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence, (coastal, offshore and ocean).

RYA MCA Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased Course

( Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased for short). This is a 6 day course which includes three written papers. It is assumed knowledge for all of the certificates that follow, so we will assume for the purposes of this article that you have already completed this course.

Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence (power or sail)

This certificate follows the successful completion of a practical exam which is discussed in this article. The exam can be taken on board a sailing yacht or motor boat, (and the qualification is endorsed for the relative type of craft). The Yachtmaster Coastal CoC certifies skippers to operate  up-to 20 miles from a safe haven on board commercial vessels up-to 24m, carrying up-to 12 passengers. It can also be used as an entry requirement for super yacht Officer Training ( OOW 3000 ).

Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence (power or sail)

A higher level practical exam, also discussed in this article. This certifies skippers to operate up-to 150 miles from a safe haven on board commercial vessels up-to 2000 tonnes, (again with up-to 12 passengers). It can also be used as an entry requirement for super yacht officer training and is a requirement to progress onto Yachtmaster Ocean CoC (below) and/or  MCA Master 200 .

RYA MCA Yachtmaster Ocean Shorebased Certificate

aka Ocean Shorebased . This is a 5 day (or 40 hour online) course which includes one written paper. It is assumed knowledge for the oral exam that follows and beyond the scope of this article. You can read all about the Ocean Yachtmaster Course and Exam here .

Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence (power or sail)

An even higher level certificate that qualifies the holder to skipper beyond the 150 mile from a safe haven limit of the Yachtmaster Offshore CoC. The Yachtmaster Ocean exam is an oral exam and one of its pre requisites is the Yachtmaster Offshore CoC (above).The Yachtmaster Ocean Exam is beyond the scope of this article, but by popular request we have written a separate article about it,   MCA Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence .

RYA MCA Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore Certificate of Competence Practical Exam

Getting back on topic this article specifically relates to the two practical exams (Coastal and Offshore), each can be taken onboard a sailing yacht or motor boat.

The exam for the Yachtmaster Coastal CoC and the Yachtmaster Offshore CoC is very similar and in fact different candidates can be examined together even if they are not taking the same level.

Exams are conducted with 1-4 candidates on board the vessel.

You can take the Yachtmaster exam on a sailing yacht or motorboat, and you will become a Sail or Power Yachtmaster as appropriate. This article covers sail and power exams as much of the advice is generic.

The RYA/MCA Yachtmaster qualification is the global standard for sailing and motor boating. The definition of a Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore is: ‘A yachtsman or woman competent to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage that can be completed without the use of astro navigation.’

The RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence remains the logical target of many a self-motivated sailor. It also represents the icing on the cake for those looking for the reassurance of an external assessment.

How long is the Yachtmaster Exam?

There can be up to 4 candidates on the boat with the examiner. A examiner will not conduct more than 4 exams at once and will not plan to examine more than 2 candidates in a 24 hour period. He/she will need to see each candidate skipper the boat underway by night.

Yachtmaster Coastal Exam Duration

  • 1 Candidate – 6 to 10 hours
  • More than one candidate  – 4 to 8 hours each

Yachtmaster Offshore Exam Duration

  • 1 Candidate – 8 to 12 hours
  • More than one candidate  – 5 to 9 hours each

For many candidates this means there will be a pause mid-exam while they and the examiner get some sleep before restarting in the morning. It is not unknown for exams to span two nights if there are 4 candidates (for example Friday evening 1800- Sunday morning 1100)

Listed below are some top tips to help you prepare for your RYA/MCA Yachtmaster exam.

Prepare early for your yachtmaster exam.

Most candidates spend some time with an Instructor, whether this is a 5-day preparation course with a sea school or some bespoke tuition on board their own boat. A half decent Yachtmaster Instructor will take you through many of the exercises that an Examiner will expect you to demonstrate and will put you in the mind-set of an exam candidate.

On the day  of the exam make sure you are ready in good time so that you aren’t involved in a last-minute faff. If you’re relaxing in the cockpit with a cup of tea when the examiner arrives, the examiner will be more impressed than if you’ve put yourself under stress attempting to work out the day’s tidal heights or secondary ports last minute!

When given a navigation task, prepare fully, make notes, prepare pilotage sketches and plan well! Nip below every so often en route to keep an eye on what’s going on in the chart department and whizz back on deck pronto to carry on skippering the boat. Don’t panic and don’t spend all your time sat behind the chart table, taking no notice of what’s going on around you, this is an obvious sign of someone who is ill prepared for the passage they are skippering.


The very first part of the exam will be paperwork. Before the examiner can proceed he/she will;

  • Ask for your completed exam application form, be sure it is completed in advance and details your qualifying sea time.
  • Ask for payment, (the examiner can not proceed if you do not pay up front)
  • Ask for sight of your Short Range Certificate , (or a pass form if you have recently taken the course and exam and are awaiting the actual certificate). Higher level GMDSS certificates are acceptable.
  • Request a passport photo of you (write your name on the back).
  • Chat with you about your yachting background and qualifying sea time
  • Outline what he/she expect from you over the coming day(s).

If you are applying for a commercial endorsement at the same time you will also require as a minimum;

  • PPR Certificate
  • Sea Survival Certificate
  • Seafarers Medical Certificate
  • Commercial endorsement form and payment

You will also need to hold an in date  First Aid Certificate .


First impressions count! Make yourself presentable and ensure you’re looking professional. That’s you and the boat!

Make sure the yacht is clean, tidy and seamanlike. The waterline crisp, sail covers looking ship shape, ropes coiled neatly and carefully stowed and fenders aligned. An experienced skipper once told me, you should know your boat so well that you should be able to find anything you need at any moment in time, including at night during power failure! A tidy boat is a sure sign of a safe boat.



Repetition, repetition, repetition. There is no point in having sailed (or motored) thousands and thousands of nautical miles if you can’t carry out Day Skipper tasks. If you can not confidently demonstrate all boat handling or seamanship skills, such as picking up a mooring buoy or putting a reef in, then you’re not ready for the exam yet!

There is nothing worse than entering or leaving a marina, wondering if you’re going to hit something. Brief your crew, make sure everyone knows what they are doing, and proceed with confidence. If the boat slides smoothly out of her berth with crew briefed and knowing what’s expected you will look good. Your calm manner, and a sensible amount of revs for power handling will immediately put the examiner’s mind at ease and give no reason for concern. If Plan A fails, take a breath, and start over. The examiner understands that mistakes can be made under exam conditions, he/she will be more impressed if you stop, recompose yourself and get the manoeuvre right, rather than continue to try and complete a bodged first attempt. There is no such things as a perfect exam, every candidate will make small mistakes, the stronger candidates will spot them, themselves and do something about them.

Without a doubt, you will be quizzed on COLREGS . There’s no reason for a candidate, not to have these regulations engrained into their brain. A good way of ensuring you have these nailed, is to study ‘A Seaman’s Guide to the Rule of the Road.’


There is no need to learn the collision regulation parrot fashion but you should have a working knowledge of every rule and you should be able to;

  • Identify any vessel at night by lights
  • Describe the day shape for any vessel
  • Describe the fog signal for any vessel
  • Explain any rule
  • Apply the collision regulations practically through the exam
  • Explain what actions you would take in fog if you have detected another vessel by radar alone.

Candidates who forget a particular rule such as “ what does a vessel constrained by night display at night? ” MAY still pass if they know the rest of the rules and are otherwise strong, however a candidate who fails to apply the rules correctly when he/she is skippering will fail. If a large vessel sounds 5 horns at you during your exam you are going to have to work very hard to recover! Do not put yourself in a position where this might occur.


Be ready, know your subject.

You can be quizzed on anything within the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased Course,  you will also be expected to put the navigation, IRPCS, passage planning and forecast skills from this course into practice. If you don’t have this knowledge then you are waisting your exam fee as you will fail. You will also be tested on a basic understanding of Radar and Diesel engines . I am a strong believer that all Yachtmaster candidates as well as having passed the Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased course should also have attended the following courses before taking their practical exam as you can be tested on any and all of these areas.

  • RYA Short Range Certificate , it is likely you will each be quizzed on VHF procedures, distress alerting, the mayday call or other calls during the exam. You may also need to make a routine call to a marina or harbour during the exam.
  • RYA Sea Survival . The safety brief that you deliver will include lots of content from this course, (i.e flares, EPIRB, life raft and life jackets), you can expect to be questioned on more detail on these and other areas.
  • RYA Diesel . Typically candidates will be examined on engine checks and they will also be given a part of the engine to talk about or a common problem to solve, for example, “ Can you talk me through how you would bleed the full system on this engine ,” or “ Show me the components of the cooling system and explain which part of it may need servicing at sea if the system has run dry for a brief period’ “
  • RYA Radar.  If the vessel is fitted with a radar you will be tested on its basic set up and use. You should be able to fix position by radar, find a spot on the chart by radar and identify when a risk of collision exists by radar. If there is not a radar set on board, any of this can be tested theoretically. All candidates should be tested on radar and motor candidate tend to be pushed a little further on this area, (while they escape the sailing part of the assessment).
  • RYA First Aid . While you are required to hold a First Aid Certificate, Yachtmaster examiners will not test First Aid beyond the treatment for hypothermia, the effects of cold shock, calling for medical assistance and discussing evacuation by helicopter.


One of the key things an examiner is looking for, is to see how good the candidates are at taking charge. This is more than just a sailing (or motoring) exam it is a skippering exam. Can you manage your boat? Can you manage your crew? Clear, decisive and safe briefings followed by ongoing directions to the crew are required.

Good leadership and seamanship alike, do not involve barking orders, it is about being in control in a calm, effective and efficient manner while showing you can skipper (lead). Demonstrate your organisational and methodical thinking.

Play to your strengths. There is no definitive way to be a skipper, so don’t change your tried and tested methods to try and impress. Stick with what you know and carry them out smoothly and confidently. Don’t rush and panic. “Go slow like a pro.”


It is almost a, “dead cert,” that each candidate will be asked to demonstrate a MOB drill at some point during the exam. This is typically done using a fender or similar attached to a small weight, (never a real person). There is a myth that Yachtmaster Examiners expect the drill to be carried out by the “RYA method,” and this is true, what is not true however is the various myths of what constitutes the RYA method!

Yachtmaster Exam – Man Overboard RYA Method

Your examiner will expect you to a take charge, not to loose sight of the MOB (fender), to get back to it safely without endangering other crew and to get the boat stopped alongside the casualty with the casualty somewhere safe (i.e near the leeward shroud on a sail boat and not too close to the props on a motor exam), ready for pick up back on board.

Man Overboard Exam Tips

If you are training with other candidates agree a method that works for all of you. When you are the skipper under assessment you want your crew to react and know what is expected of them. If each candidate on the same boat opts for a different MOB method it can lead to confusion.

Along the way you should simulate/say everything relevant to the casualties survival (mention throwing the MOB gear overboard, appoint a spotter, press the MOB function on the GPS, tell the examiner you would assign a crew members to issue a distress alert and Mayday call).

Man Overboard Exam Tips (for sail candidates)

In addition to the tick list in the above paragraph, use the engine! The exact drill of how you reach/tack, slow down, speed up etc. will vary from candidate to candidate and boat to boat. The important thing is that the method you opt to use works and is safe. I advise against gybing during your MOB drill in medium and stronger winds.

A sail candidate who opts to approach the casualty from upwind (where the mainsail will be filled as you sail or motor downwind) would be demonstrating a gross misunderstanding of how to control speed and how to stop a sailing yacht.

Man Overboard Exam Tips (for power candidates)

In addition to the tick list two paragraphs above be mindful of the rest of the crew. If at high speed when the MOB occurs, don’t turn suddenly, instead slow the boat down and ensure crew know if you intend to make a sharp turn. We don’t want  a crew ember (or the examiner) to fall over or worse overboard! On many boats in light and moderate conditions you can turn the boat and follow your wake to return to the MOB, in rougher sea states this might not work. There are basically three steps.

  • Dont loose the MOB’s position
  • Get back to the MOB
  • Get alongside the MOB for pick up, without running him over

On many motor boats having got the boat back to the vicinity of the MOB, it pays to orientate yourself beam onto the wind and upwind of the MOB and allow the vessel to be blown sideways towards the MOB, this protects him/her from the risk of the bow and engine and is often referred to as the drift down method. As with sailing there are lost of variations on this method and what is important is the method that you use is safe and that it works.


It is likely that you will be asked to either sail onto or sail off a swinging mooring (mooring bouy), an anchor or a pontoon. Make sure you are comfortable and competent at all before your exam. By way of example I will focus here on the mooring buoy. In non tidal waters the boat will lie on the mooring head to wind so the approach will be on a close reach under mainsail. In tidal waters certain combination of wind against tide may dictate an approach under headsail on a different point of sail.

The examiner will expect to see you;

  • Brief the crew on how the manoeuvre will be performed
  • Helm throughout the manoeuvre
  • Prepare the boat for the manoeuvre (using the crew)
  • Select the correct direction and angle of approach
  • Select the correct sail combination for this approach
  • Control the boat speed on the approach bringing the boat to a stop in a controlled manner
  • Picking up and secure to the mooring bouy safely

If at any point the manoeuvre is not working the examiner will expect you to make the decision to bail-out and to have an escape plan in mind. Remember it will be your call to bail out not his.


During the exam you will have to demonstrate some boat handling under power. This may be a natural part of a passage you are skippering (i.e. at the start and end of the passage) or may be a specific boat handling session. Most candidates will demonstrate they can moor up, depart a berth and turn the boat in a confined space. You may be asked to demonstrate more than one berth so the examiner can see how you respond to different states of wind and tide. Some times an examiner will be specific (for example ask you to berth starboard side to, stern first on pontoon XYZ), other times he will leave some of the decision making to you and simply say berth on pontoon ABC. In the second  example he will expect to see you make a sensible decision as to whether to moor bow or stern first and from where to approach. If you are asked to repeat a manoeuvre performed by another candidate do not make the mistake of blindly copying the last candidate, take a minute to consider if they did it well or if an alternative approach would work better. Every boat manouvers differently but there are some givens for close quarter handling;

  • Slow is Pro!
  • Approaching down forces i.e. down tide (or down wind if no tide) is poor seamanship if you have the option not to
  • Using excessive engine revs in confined space demonstrates a lack of experience and control
  • Turning against prop walk should be avoided if possible.
  • Using wind, tide, pivot points, momentum and prop walk to assist you will all make your manoeuvring easier and, “score you points” in the examiner’s mind.

If the manoeuvre is not working, bailing out safely is far better than perceiving trying to a make the best of a bad job. I can assure you that if you are half way through a manoeuvre and suddenly realise you have selected the wrong approach the examiner has spotted this several minutes earlier. He/she will be quietly hoping you opt to rectify the error rather than compounding it by continuing. Don’t disappoint him by continuing an approach that is clearly too fast or not going to work.

Just like the sailing manoeuvres described above you need to helm the boat through these manoeuvres, brief the crew and perform the manoeuvre well. You should not rely on crew jumping ashore with lines to stop the boat, you as helm should stop the boat so that crew can step ashore safely. If a spring line is appropriate to depart a berth then use it, but don’t over complicate things. It is quite embarrassing when a candidate opts to “spring off” a “wind off” berth when they could have simply just let the lines go. If manoeuvring in close quarters still phases you then you are not ready for the Yachtmaster exam and need some more boat handling practice first.


There are many more components to the exam (pilotage, blind pilotage, voyage planning etc.) and the above is just a taster. If I have not scared you off yet, you have your own boat and require bespoke training (power or sail) I can be contacted through this site.

Yachtmaster Instructor

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Yachting Monthly

  • Digital edition

Yachting Monthly cover

How to pass your Yachtmaster Practical Exam

  • Theo Stocker
  • August 22, 2024

Theo Stocker is put through his paces on an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore prep week, before taking the exam itself. Find out how he got on

yachtmaster examen

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore has long been the qualification that cruising yacht sailors, both amateur and professional, have aspired to. Quite aside from the fact that it is the gateway to working in the yachting industry if the desire so takes you, it is good to know that you have mastered the sweep of skills and experience necessary for you to be deemed competent at skippering a sailing yacht.

I’ve wanted to test myself and see if I was up to scratch for years, and I finally got the courage up to put my skills under the spotlight earlier this summer. I was going to be taking the test with my friend Andrew, as we’d been talking about doing our Yachtmaster for two decades.

Last month I shared my experience of preparing for a Yachtmaster exam to get our rusty skills and knowledge back up to standard, and to check that there weren’t any major holes in our repertoire. Now that the RYA Yachtmaster scheme has turned 50, we were also interested to see how things have changed with technology.

Things like chartplotters and mobile internet have made some areas massively easier, but bring their own challenges, and in the first part, we discovered that navigating these systems and knowing what information to trust requires just as many skills and as much judgement as the old methods.

If anything, they also bring more opportunity for distraction from the real world with plenty of potential for making navigationally serious mistakes. The standard for passing the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam is just as demanding as it ever was.

Having looked at safety briefs, marina boat handling, navigation and pilotage, it was now time to move onto boat handling under sail, the more critical safety manoeuvres, as well as some of the softer skills involved in skippering a crew. The exam was looming…

yachtmaster examen

The Yachtmaster crew (L-R): Matt Sillars, Andrew Eastham, Row Staples, Theo Stocker

Skippering the boat

Part of the reason for having our supercrew, Row, on board for the prep week was that it’s all well and good sailing solo, but a skipper needs to be able to lead and manage a crew safely, and ideally create an atmosphere on board that is harmonious, effective and enjoyable, striking the right balance between being clearly in control, facilitating everyone to play their part, and enjoying life at sea.

A huge part of this is around good, early communication in the inevitable form of briefings. Now, this isn’t patronisingly sitting everyone down and telling them to do things they are totally capable of doing, but of communicating what you want to happen, before it happens.

Briefings can be brief and on-the-go, as long as they are clear and you are confident your crew understand. It also demands some degree of foresight and competence on your part – if you haven’t anticipated something, you can’t brief for it. Whether it’s leaving a berth, setting sail or fighting a fire, everyone having a job and being equipped with the skills to do their jobs should engender a satisfying sense of competence and achievement for everyone involved.

Article continues below…

yachtmaster examen

How to prepare for your Yachtmaster Offshore exam

Many very competent and highly experienced yachtsmen and women don’t have any qualifications at all and are content to keep…

Andrew and I were struck by how much we’re both used to just getting on and doing stuff on our own boats, either by ourselves, or without making sure the crew know what we’re thinking. Talking out loud was a helpful habit during the week. In marina manoeuvres, we tried to warn crew on the foredeck that we were about to turn, or go astern, so as not to unbalance them, and our coming alongsides were a lot smoother when everyone knew what order to get the lines across in.

yachtmaster examen

Make sure there’s cake and coffee – especially during your exam

Soft skills

Whether you’re sailing with strangers you’ve never met before, or with your family who know your flaws only too well and are occasionally good enough to point these out to you, managing interpersonal relationships on board is a skill that’s hard to teach but critical to a safe and happy crew. The more competent and in control you feel, the easier this will be, and thinking ahead will help you keep your stress levels down.

Under the eye of an instructor or examiner, we were of course on our best behaviour. It helped that all of us genuinely enjoyed our time on board and each other’s company, but thinking through what your crew may be feeling or thinking will help. Swallow your pride and do some of the jobs others might not enjoy.

As long as the boat is under control and you’ve got some capacity, make everyone a cup of tea and offer the choccy round. Give people things to do, but let them rest when they need a break too. Make sure they’ve all got suncream on. Keeping an eye on their wellbeing isn’t always easy when you’re nervous, stressed, or don’t quite know where you are.

yachtmaster examen

Briefings can be informal, as long as your crew is clear about what’s happening and what to do

Command and safety

At the same time, you are responsible for keeping the boat safe. There will be times when you need to make it clear who is in charge, and what you are and are not happy with on board. Andrew and I are used to scampering around a boat, but reminding each other to clip on before going forward for a man overboard, or finding a safe way to adjust the mainsail leech line was a useful reminder to err on the side of caution. Demonstrate that you can pre-empt risks and avoid or mitigate for them.

Boat husbandry and housekeeping

Serious problems on board are more likely if you don’t keep on top of the little things. We worked hard to make sure the boat was in a good state during the week; tidy the galley up and stow the crockery before you set sail, coil the halyards and lines away once you’ve finished reefing. A snake’s wedding in the cockpit is going to lead to jammed lines and tangled feet. If you’re happy with the picture of where the boat is and how she’s sailing, look around you to make sure the details are right too.

yachtmaster examen

Shout man overboard and point at the casualty. Crash tack to stop the boat

Man overboard

Man overboard is just about one of the most serious events that can happen on board a cruising yacht at sea. Getting them out of the water as quickly as possible is of paramount importance. When I last did a sailing course nearly two decades ago, the drills were the same as they’ve always been – choose whether you want to get back to the MOB under sail or engine, do your manoeuvre, then fish out the fender and bucket with a boathook.

I’ve spent some time for the magazine testing not only the sequence of actions in this manouevre but how you then actually get the casualty out of the water, and was chastened by just how hard it really is to lift a dead-weight casualty from the water onto deck, especially if they are incapacitated.

I was encouraged, therefore, that the RYA’s approach to MOB training has moved on, breaking it down into three areas: preventing man overboard in the first place, getting back to the casualty, and getting them out of the water.

The usual points of minimising time on deck, clipping on in rough weather or when alone on deck, only going forward on the windward side, and all the other precautions, are something to drill into your crew, and as skipper, it’s important to ensure a safe culture on board.

yachtmaster examen

You can still practise with a fender, but getting back to it is only half the job

Man overboards are no longer taught exclusively under sail. Yes, we practised sailing back to a fender in the water, but this should only ever be as a backup to the fastest and most reliable way to get to your MOB, and on boats with engines, that is under power.

The order in which we did the drill during our training was as follows:

  • Raise the alarm – Shout man overboard and point at the casualty.
  • Stop the boat – Stop the boat by crash-tacking to heave to, and ensure crew don’t release the sheets. At this point you are close to the MOB and under control.
  • Mark the mob – Throw in the horseshoe and danbuoy, then allocate someone to point at the MOB. At this stage you should also be able to communicate with them.
  • Make a distress call – Someone can then go below to hit the VHF DSC distress button and to mark the MOB on the plotter, but don’t bother with a voice Mayday call at this point – it’s too slow unless you have a large crew.
  • Start the engine – Check the lines are clear, start the engine, furl the jib and centre the main.
  • Prepare for recovery – As you motor round, the crew can get the MOB recovery kit ready – a grab bag in the cockpit locker contained a 6:1 handy billy with a sling already attached.
  • Rig the handy billy – The handy billy is hoisted on a spinnaker halyard, and guyed forwards to stop it swinging – we used the spinnaker pole downhaul, but a clip to the shroud might also work. The tail can be taken to a primary winch via a turning block if extra power is needed. Before crew go forward, they should clip on to prevent a second MOB, so have tethers in the bag too.
  • Depower the main – Once downwind of the MOB, come onto a close reach and the main can be eased out with the deck crew forward of the shroud, and if a topping lift is fitted, scandalise the boom to keep it clear of heads. If you’ve got lazy jacks, you could drop the main, but don’t drop the main onto deck where everyone will be working.
  • Approach and attach – As you come to the MOB, aim upwind and drift down. A loop of rope can be thrown over the casualty, which will be easier than trying to catch them with a flimsy boathook.
  • Hoist them aboard – Get them to put the sling on if they can, or use the loop of rope secured to the handy billy to hoist them. A floating loop of line pre-attached to their lifejacket, like the MOB Lifesaver, would also speed things up here. If they’ve not been in the water long, and you’re only doing a short lift, focus on getting them out of the water rather than keeping them horizontal.

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Stop the boat by crash-tacking to heave to without easing the sheets. You should then be stopped, under control and close to the MOB

Practise alongside

It’s a highly informative process to try out this last part whilst alongside in the marina, with the ‘casualty’ a real person lying on the pontoon. While they would be wet, heavier and needing lifting further in real life, this is a very safe and controlled way of practising with your system and adjusting it until everyone is happy they know what to do.

Having done this exercise now, I am keen to do a full man overboard drill at the start of every season and at the start of every trip so that everyone on board knows what to do – it is this practice that is the deciding factor in whether you can get an MOB back or not.

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Once you’re used to lassoing, it’s almost easier than using a boat hook

Manoeuvres under sail – picking up a fender

Sailing back to a fender is a good skill to have, were your engine to fail during a MOB – a line wrapping around the prop, for example – or just to get back to a favourite hat or fender that’s gone overboard. It’s like sailing onto a mooring, but easier in many ways without having to factor in the tide.

The basic principle is that you want to approach on a close reach with enough space to slow down and arrive under control, able to spill all the power from the main. There are two slight variations in that you can bear away on a broad reach to start with as you sail away from the fender, or you can reach away, then dip downwind after the tack. If you do the latter, the dip down will need to be a significant bear away.

As you’ll be sending crew forward to the shrouds, you’ll still need to furl the jib and scandalise the main on your final approach. I managed to get myself confused once or twice and went to put the fender on the windward bow like a mooring, which isn’t going to work.

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Picking up a mooring under sail is a satisfying skill to master. Put the buoy on your windward bow so it doesn’t drag you into a gybe

Mooring under sail

There are a few manoeuvres that everyone should be able to do. While you may rarely sail onto a mooring buoy, knowing how to do so is a good skill to have should you have engine trouble or just for showing off. At the same time, it’s a good indicator of a sailor’s feel for the boat and how it will respond to the elements.

When approaching into wind and tide together, our Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 37 from 2008 had a fairly shallow forefoot, so as soon as our speed dropped off, the bow tended to pay off quickly.

You don’t want a flogging genoa over the crew on the foredeck either, so furling the genoa away is a good option, but you will sail slower and with more leeway, so need to be slightly higher upwind than you first anticipate.

With wind and tide opposed, you would clearly approach under genoa alone, but with wind and tide at roughly right angles, you’ll need to judge which approach is needed. There were two factors that caught us out a couple of times, interestingly more important in lighter airs.

The first is that as the boat slows down the tide becomes proportionally more important, and secondly, at the same time apparent wind will decrease and move aft, further filling the mainsail. The lesson was to prepare for a wind-against-tide approach much more readily than we might otherwise have done.

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You may find yourself having to sail back into harbour with engine problems.

Sailing onto a pontoon

You are unlikely ever to sail into a marina finger berth and I wouldn’t advise trying. You may, however, find yourself having to sail back into harbour with engine problems. While a Pan Pan call is pretty ubiquitous these days, a Yachtmaster should be able to deal with engine problems at sea, and if not, to sail themselves back into harbour rather than depending on being rescued.

Most harbours will have a pontoon or berth with a relatively open approach, and it’s reasonable to expect to be able to sail onto it. The calculation of which approach to use is much the same as for picking up moorings under sail, though with other boats around and a solid pontoon to hit, the consequences of getting it wrong are higher. Handling a boat in confined waters means you’ll need to keep control at low speeds, and be thinking ahead about escape routes if it’s not going according to plan.

For us, sailing on the mid-river pontoon opposite Warsash at the bottom of the Hamble river offered a good open approach, and just enough wind to get away with a wind-and-tide together approach, though a genoa-only approach may have been safer.

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A properly guyed pole is a more seaworthy setup than just clipping the pole onto the sheet

Sailing downwind

The dangers of a crash gybe are well known, particularly from the mainsheet and boom scything across the boat, with a high potential to damage both crew and boat. I had sailed a bit close to a gybe with the jib collapsing earlier in the week, and when I had intentionally gybed, I hadn’t fully centred the main.

Although no harm was done, the boom did clatter across noisily. Matt gave a stern warning about the dim view an examiner would take of this – a potential instant fail – and we agreed that looking at rigging for downwind legs would be worthwhile, including both preventer and poling out the genoa.

Rigging a preventer

Rigging a preventer is relatively straightforward. We chose the longest, strongest line we had on board in the form of a spinnaker sheet. This was led from the end of the boom, where it was secured with a round turn and two half hitches – both a strong knot and easily released under load – then forward outside everything to the bow fairlead, and then aft to a cockpit winch.

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It takes a little bit of rigging, but if the result is a much safer and more manoeuvrable setup, then it’s worth doing, even on relatively short legs

When poling out a headsail in the past, I’ve always set the pole using the pole uphaul and downhaul then clipped the sheet into the end then unfurled the headsail. This works fine in settled conditions for short legs clear of shipping. Were you to need to gybe, change course, or furl away the headsail quickly, however, it would leave you with the dangerous proposition of a loose, heavy pole potentially swinging freely on the foredeck that also prevents you sheeting the sail in for an upwind course without first unclipping it from the pole.

Coming up with a solution

Matt set us the task of rigging the pole in such a way that it could be locked in position whether the sail was set or not, and that the headsail could be sheeted in for upwind sailing without going forward to unrig the pole. After a bit of head scratching, we found a solution.

The pole could be held in position by the pole uphaul, the downhaul, which served to pull the pole forwards and down, and an additional aft guy, which was an extra line taken from the pole end to the aft mooring cleat. We attached a third sheet, in the form of a spinnaker sheet, to the jib’s clew, through the pole, and aft to a spinnaker block at the stern and then onto a primary winch.

The result was that chafe was minimised, the pole could be locked in position whether the sail was set or not, and if we did need to gybe or sail upwind, the normal jib sheets still had a proper lead, albeit the pole would need to be held aft and the headsail with a couple of reefs to keep it clear of the pole.

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With examiner Andy Wright aboard, the exam was finally underway

The day of the exam

The exam starts a day or two before the examiner turns up, in that he or she may want to see a passage plan you’ve prepared in advance. If this is the case, the examiner will have passed the information to you via the school providing the training.

It’s best to do this two or three days before the exam so you haven’t got a last-minute panic, but not too far in advance that you’ve forgotten the sums you’ve done and why you made the choices you did. I was set a passage from Bembridge to St Vaast on the Cherbourg peninsula, giving me a potentially fiddly drying harbour at either end, though the forecast given was a conveniently favourable Westerly Force 4-5. With passage plan complete, and some last-minute swotting up on lights, shapes and sounds, Andrew and I retired for an early night.

After the windless drizzle of the day before, Friday dawned bright and breezy with a forecast of a good Force 5 from the southwest and plenty of sunshine – enough that we’d have to be on our toes, but at least something we could get our teeth into. Matt had reassured us that making mistakes wasn’t the end of the world during the exam, if we showed competence in getting ourselves back on track.

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Andrew gives the crew an on-deck safety briefing, including the MOB recovery kit

Minor mistakes are to be expected and it’s more important how you respond to your own mistake. The only sorts of things that would probably be an outright fail, other than flunking our lights and shapes, are safety critical things such as a collision, running aground, an inability to navigate and pilot, or an uncontrolled gybe.

We were joined at 0900 by our examiner Andy Wright, an RYA Yachtmaster instructor trainer, examiner and centre inspector, an MCA Master 200 who works as an RNLI area lifesaving manager and who also volunteers with the Rona sailing project. There’d be no ‘getting away with it’ here.

We began the day with a coffee and chat, and Andy spent some time asking about our reasons for taking the exam, before laying out what he would be looking for. ‘I’m not going to be trying to catch anyone out, but what I want to see you demonstrate is that you can skipper the boat, navigate the boat, handle the boat under power and handle the boat under sail.’

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Andrew talks examiner Andy through his pre-prepared passage plan

The safety briefings

We began, as we had with our prep week, with safety briefs, with Andy and I splitting above and below decks.

With the engine bay open, Andy took time to probe our knowledge of engine troubleshooting, asking us to point out various parts of the engine, the different significance of blue, black or white smoke from the exhaust (incomplete combustion, burning oil and overheating, by the way), and how to change filters, impellers and belts and how to bleed the fuel.

On deck, we were asked to explain when and why each kind of flare would be used. None of it felt overly pressured, but it was certainly an in-depth examination of our knowledge.

During the day, these conversations continued as he drew information out of us in areas that were not being practically demonstrated on the day – 15-20 minutes on lights, shapes, sounds and collision avoidance, including how we’d handle different scenarios in traffic separation schemes.

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Andrew points out where the MOB handy billy and sling is during his safety brief

He asked us to talk through our passage plans, and then went further to see whether we knew if the boat we were on was legally allowed to do so, and what the administrative and immigration requirements would be on either side of the Channel – a tricky one given the ongoing chaos and confusion that surrounds small boat crossings these days.

Being tested underway

In between these chats, we got underway. First with our marina manoeuvres in and out of a selection of increasingly tricky berths, putting the boat into positions that we might not have chosen, including a berth two space into a gulley with a yacht moored either side of the space and a boat opposite. Ferry gliding in bows-first wasn’t too tricky, but with wind and tide pushing us on, getting out again was harder. I opted to use prop walk to pull the stern out against a bow line – slightly unconventional, and it needed a bit of oomph to keep our bows clear, but I got away without a collision.

We then had half an hour or so to each prepare a short passage plan and pilotage from each end, this time from Hamble to Portsmouth and back. As these weren’t Andrew’s home waters, he was relieved that I was going first.

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Navigating the boat, piloting into Portsmouth, and recovering a MOB kept Theo on his toes

I know Portsmouth well, but hadn’t been in for a while. With a plan complete, Andy asked me to explain the route I’d chosen. While I had the route in the chartplotter, I’d picked waypoints near easy-to-find buoys so I could see I was in the right place from the cockpit, and I’d elected not to cut the corner over the shallows off Hill Head to keep us clear of a lee shore.

I’d also have to use the Outer Swashway on the way in, as we’d be close to low water and lacking depth by about 0.3m to get in via the Inner Swashway.

Emergency on passage

Underway, and with Row on the wheel, I had decisions to make about how many reefs to put in, and I was torn between sailing the boat properly and being overly cautious. Starting with one reef, with the breeze creeping upwards, life was comfier with two reefs in. I had to stop myself from any gung-ho attempts to tighten leech lines, electing for a quick heave-to to sort them out. Coffees needed to keep on flowing during the passage, and lunchtime was upon us before I knew it.

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We needed to devise a rock-solid passage plan

While the pasties were heating in the oven, there was time for a fix on the chart, or would have been had the fender not fallen overboard. We went through our drill and I was relieved to get back to the MOB first go. Andrew and Row looked at me to see if we were doing ‘the whole thing’ and as Andy hadn’t flinched, we rigged the handy billy, attached the fender to the sling and hauled away until it was safely aboard – it’s a complex process that really does need practice, but it had gone well.

A sense of relief

Once safely in Portsmouth Harbour, it was my turn to find and pick up a mooring buoy under sail. Tied up and handing over skippering duty to Andrew for his turn in the hot seat, I suddenly felt a wave of relief that my passage, pilotage and handling seemed to have gone okay. It was only early afternoon, however, and we wouldn’t be finished until we’d done our night navigation.

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There was a fresh breeze from the southwest for the passage to Portsmouth

Andrew’s passage went well, too, in a building breeze that was more on the nose on the way back, while I was below wrestling with getting a tray of meatballs and sauce into a wildly swinging oven. I’m ashamed to say that when it was Andrew’s turn at MOB, despite a flawless approach, I messed up the lasso and missed the fender. Sorry, friend.

Night navigation

By the time we were back on a mooring inside Calshot Spit it was time for dinner and a brief respite, before plunging on into our night nav exercises.

Much like earlier in the week, we were asked to navigate to unmarked locations and Andy gave us a bit of time to prepare these. While we were doing this, he also checked our knowledge of how the radar worked for collision avoidance and for navigation, and how to extract relevant information from both the chartplotter and the AIS.

My night nav began well, using multiple sources of position information as requested, and just about making sense of my hastily drawn sketch and notes, looking for the characteristics of particular lights (you’ll need to know how quick VQ compared to just Q really is) and using the radar to plot our course.

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Andrew plots a visual fix as the sun starts to set

As it was top of the tide, however, every ship in Southampton seemed determined to set sail, including the maiden voyage of the Queen Mary cruise liner with attendant tugs, police launches and party boats following behind. Cowering at the side of the channel, my plan was thrown into disarray and I lost the plot on radar, and we were blinded by disco balls and oil terminal lights alike. Luckily, Navionics is by no means banned, and a quick range and bearing in the palm of my hand gave me a course and distance to my imaginary point. Another step closer.

Still, Andrew needed to pilot us up the Hamble River, where Hamble Point’s sector lights can be easily lost in the welter of shore lights, and I was asked to bring the boat alongside, stern first at the end of a long gulley, giving me another chance to mess things up, right up to the last minute.

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Back at Calshot darkness falls ahead of the night navigation exercises

But with the boat tied up and put to bed, Andy took each of us off for a quick chat on the pontoon. Fortunately, he was pleased with how we had done and broke the news that we had both passed. Phew – mission accomplished!

We could finally open those beers and enjoy what we had just achieved. Both of us had found the week intense, all-absorbing and demanding – perhaps unsurprisingly. As a result, we felt that we’d been forced to up our game when it came to our sailing and skippering, and our skills had been updated by a decade or two.

We were now much better-rounded skippers than we’d been before. There were lots of learnings and some new skills to take back to our own boats, too, but we had also had a fun week along the way.

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  • Certificates of Competence
  • RYA Yachtmaster

What is an RYA Yachtmaster?

The RYA Yachtmaster® Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. Unlike other qualifications in the cruising programme, there is no formal training course to become an RYA Yachtmaster. Instead, provided you have sufficient experience, certification and seatime, you can put yourself forward for an exam to test your skills and knowledge. There are a number of RYA navigation courses that will help you prepare for your exam. Many RYA Yachtmaster candidates also choose to book themselves into an RYA training centre for some specialised exam preparation training, but this is not compulsory.

You are capable of coastal passages

You are competent to undertake passages up to 150 miles offshore

You have the knowledge and experience to sail worldwide

  • Arranging your exam

The Coastal and Offshore exams are practical tests afloat, and the Ocean is an oral exam. Find out more about qualifying passages, exam fees and how to book. 

With an RYA Yachtmaster Coastal, Offshore or Ocean Certificate of Competence you can start a career at sea.

You'll need to have the appropriate qualification for the vessel and area of operation.

If you want to work commercially, you'll need a commercial endorsement.

Find out more about other RYA professional qualifications.

  • Getting the most from a Yachtmaster Fast Track course

Can you really become an RYA Yachtmaster in as little as 14 weeks? Check out our top tips for getting the most from a Yachtmaster Fast Track course...

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  • Basic Safety Training
  • Refresher (Fire & PST)
  • Elementary First Aid
  • Fire Prevention & Fire-fighting
  • Personal Survival Techniques
  • Advanced Fire Fighting
  • Advanced Fire Fighting Refresher
  • Proficiency in Security Awareness
  • Personal Safety & Social Responsibility
  • Crowd Management / Crisis Management and Human Behaviour
  • Powerboat Level 2
  • PWC/Jet Ski License
  • PWI/Jet Ski Instructor
  • PWC + PWI Pack
  • Pack PB2 & PWC
  • Day Skipper
  • Shorebased Yachtmaster Theory
  • Yachtmaster Practical Preparation & Offshore Exam
  • Yachtmaster Offshore Package
  • Full Deckhand Pack
  • Full Interior Pack
  • Basic Deckhand Pack
  • Basic Interior Pack
  • Full Tender and Jet Ski Pack
  • Tender Pack
  • Jetski Pack
  • Yacht Deckhand Training
  • Yacht Steward/ess Training
  • Basic Food & Beverage Services
  • Basic Housekeeping & Laundry Services
  • Basic Wine, Bartending & Mixology
  • Food Safety Level 2
  • ⚡Lithium-ion Battery Safety Awareness on Superyachts
  • VHF Short Range Certificate
  • RYA Professional Practice & Responsibilities
  • RYA Essential Navigation and Seamanship
  • RYA Online Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Theory
  • RYA Online Day Skipper Theory
  • STCW PDSD for Superyachts
  • STCW PDSD for Cruise Ships
  • STCW Proficiency as Ship Security Officer on Superyachts
  • Useful Information
  • Steward/ess

Yachtmaster Offshore: When, Why, and How

In a seafarer’s career, there comes the time when Yachtmaster ticket becomes either a necessity, or the next logical step in professional development. No matter what the reason for the course is, Yachtmaster Offshore requires a thorough preparation and planning as well as some prior knowledge and experience.

  • When am I ready to take the course?

The candidate’s eligibility for Yachtmaster Offshore program is defined by a number of requirements. First and foremost, the logged sea time must show a minimum of 2500 nautical miles, about half of which should be in tidal waters. There is a huge debate as to what tidal waters are, and the RYA leaves it to the Yachtmaster candidate to decide whether the passage they undertook happened in a tidal area. The definition offered by the RYA is as follows:

An area is deemed tidal if published stream, current or tidal range data is available, the influence of which is significant enough to require the effects to be taken into account to plan and execute a safe and efficient passage .

But even if the decision to call experience tidal is the candidate’s, the RYA wisely warns that the final judgement will be made by the examiner and recommends to list only those miles that can be backed up with evidence. The qualifying sea time should be gained on motor vessels if the candidate applies for Yachtmaster Offshore Motor license. Sail miles do not count.

The RYA also sets a requirement as to the number of qualifying passages. As defined by the Association, ‘a passage is a non-stop voyage from a departure port / safe haven to a destination port / safe haven ’. For the Yachtmaster Offshore , there must be a minimum of 5 passages over 60 nm each; 2 of those passages should be overnight and 2 when the candidate acted as a skipper. The skipper, as understood by the RYA , is a person nominated and responsible for the planning and execution of a passage including vessel and watch management . It’s important that throughout the 60-mile passage there occurs no change of skippers; otherwise, the passage cannot be deemed as qualifying.

Proper understanding of the skipper’s role is vital for ticking the box of another requirement – 5 days on board acting as a skipper. A day in this case is a period of 8 consecutive hours, and the majority of them should be at sea . In every 24 hours, Yachtmaster candidate can have only one qualifying day onboard.

Last but not least, the RYA’s Yachtmaster Offshore exam pre-requisites put some restrictions as to the tonnage and length: days on board and miles should be gained on vessels up to 500 gt and less than 24 meters LOA.

  • When is the best time to take the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore course?

The full program – RYA Yachtmaster Offshore theory and RYA Yachtmaster Practical – takes 10 days to complete; the exam is usually scheduled right after, and candidates need to allow 2 days for it. With the sea, winds, and weather being unpredictable, to the candidates coming from abroad we advise to add an extra day before taking flights back home. Thus, the course is quite a commitment, and most seafarers take it during low Med season. Our Yachtmaster Offshore course is scheduled every month from December throughout April to give options to potential candidates.

  • Why take the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore?

Yachtmaster is not for beginners. Commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence entitles its holder to master a yacht of up to 200 gt, and that is a big responsibility. That said, one of the reasons to get Yachtmaster is to advance the qualifications from entry to higher level including MCA Officer of the Watch (OOW) or Chief Mate, for which Yachtmaster Offshore CoC is among the required documents. Yachtmaster Offshore Shore-based (theory) certificate is another pre-requisite to apply for the OOW, and it has to be sent along with STCW and other records as a part of the Notice of Eligibility.

 In a scheme of RYA training , Yachtmaster Offshore is preceded by RYA Day Skipper and Coastal Skipper, which allow to navigate 20 and 60 nautical miles offshore accordingly. With Yachtmaster Offshore qualifications, it is possible to skipper a cruising yacht up to 150 miles from harbour, so recreational boaters can have larger areas to explore and longer distances to cover.

  • How to apply for Yachtmaster Offshore Program?

If you believe you are ready and meet the pre-requisites mentioned above and outlined on our website , your first step is to get in touch with us by email, phone, or through contact form . Once we receive your enquiry, we will email to you Sea Time Summary and Self-Evaluation forms to fill out, which we will then forward to our instructor to confirm your eligibility. If you are eligible for the course, we will proceed with course booking and securing your place on the training.

Some important things to remember: the candidates for the training should hold a valid Elementary First Aid certificate . For the STCW EFA , it should be issued within the last 5 years, for the RYA First Aid - within the last 3 years. VHF Marine Radio certificate can be offered as a part of Yachtmaster Offshore package , but if you already hold the certificate, we can offer a 100 euros reduction.

Our next Yachtmaster Offshore session starts on the 6 th of December. Click here for more dates.

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  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Preparation & Exam

National Yachting School  » RYA Sail Crusing Courses  » RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Preparation & Exam

Yachtmaster Offshore is competent to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage during where astronavigation is not necessary.

An RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper.

To attain the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore candidates must pass a practical examination of their skippering ability. A Yachtmaster Offshore is capable of skippering the yacht on extended offshore passages by day or night. He or she will essentially be a much more experienced Yachtmaster Coastal and can do the same things more smoothly, for longer periods and in more arduous conditions. The theory knowledge required for the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence is the same as that for Yachtmaster Coastal, but considerably more practical experience and skill is required.

The 4 days prior to the exam is run along the same lines as the Yachtmaster Coastal preparation. Your instructor will asses your skills and address any areas over weakness. A high level of boat handling under various conditions of wind and tide is required. Navigation skills should be at the level of Yachtmaster/Coastal Skipper theory and a thorough knowledge of collision regulations is expected. Your instructor will tailor the course to suit your individual needs in order to prepare you for when the examiner steps on board.

After 4 days your instructor will give you a thorough debrief and you should feel confident in your ability to take the exam should you feel ready to do so.

During the exam, your RYA examiner will meet you onboard and talk you through the plan for the day. They understand that you could be nervous and will do their best to allay your fears and make sure you are clear about what they want you to do. They are there to find out what you can do, rather than pick holes. You will be asked to undertake a short passage, but you may have to plan a longer one. In general, you should skipper the yacht in your normal style. If this means putting the kettle on every half hour, then do it!

Your examiner isn’t looking for first-time-every-time success, but you will need to demonstrate competence and a good understanding of how the boat reacts at various situations. Don’t hesitate to change sails or reef, if you think it is necessary for the task.

Whether you are fully in command of the yacht is the most important assessment that your examiner will make. Especially with Yachtmaster Offshore the examiner will be looking for high level of proficiency based on broad experience.

Course Duration: 4 days for the course and 2 days for the exam. Most courses start on Saturday evening and finish on Wednesday afternoon, the exam starts the same evening or the next morning after the end of the course.

Previous Experience Required: 50 days aboard, 5 days as skipper, 2500 miles logged (min. half of it MUST be in tidal waters!), 5 passages of over 60 miles including 2 overnight and 2 as skipper. VHF radio operators certificate (SRC or higher) and a valid First Aid Certificate recognised by the RYA. click here for the list of acceptable first aid certificates

Course Overview: Preparation and brush up for the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence. Revision of advanced skippering techniques, close quarters handling under power and sail, navigation and pilotage by day and night, man overboard recovery and overall yacht management skills.

Minimum age: 18

Course price DOES NOT INCLUDE:

  • exam fee paid directly to the RYA (205 GBP for YM Offshore, 177 GBP for YM Coastal)
  • examiner's travel expenses from/to th UK (estimated approx. 300 Euro, shared between exam participants)
  • food, harbour fees and diesel used for the boat

RYA Yachtmaster

Date fromDate toPlacePriceStatus
02. 11. 2024 09. 11. 2024 Kaštela (Croatia 1190 € open

Due to the coronavirus crisis, we are canceling all practical courses in Croatia until further notice. For new course dates, please keep an eye on our website.

Winter courses on Canaries

In NYS we believe that there’s no such a thing as winter in sailing and you can always find a good place to enjoy your hobby any time throught the year. So we offer popular winter courses again, this time on Canary Islands, starting from Tenerife because of the best flight connections.

RYA Sailing Accreditation Rated as the World’s Best

The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) sailing qualifications have been voted the premiere sailing accreditation for excellence and global reputation following a recent survey targeting 200 professional yacht and motorboat charter companies. The professional charter companies that were surveyed own and manage in excess of 6,000 charter boats across the Mediterranean, Caribbean and Asia.

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National Yachting School Liptov - RYA Training Centre

National Yachting School Skola jachtingu s.r.o. Makovskeho namesti 3147/2, Brno, Czech Republic

Phone: +420 731 745 273 Phone: +421 902 896 099

Web: www.skolajachtingu.cz E-mail: [email protected]

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  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal Preparation & Exam
  • Shorebased Theory Courses
  • RYA Basic Sea Survival / World Sailing Personal Offshore Survival course
  • Short Range Certificate

Sailing Courses

yachtmaster examen

RYA/MCA Yachtmaster® Offshore Preparation & Exam

Perfect your skippering skills and become a qualified rya/mca yachtmaster offshore.

Preparation: This preparation course is designed for those who wish to take the RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Offshore examination. You will spend five days onboard the yacht with one of our fully qualified professional RYA Yachtmaster instructors prior to taking the RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Offshore examination. The course gives potential Yachtmasters the opportunity to thoroughly revise both practical and theoretical subjects.

The instructor will tailor the course to your needs but our experience usually leads us to emphasize the following subjects: Passage Planning, Skippering Techniques, Man-overboard Recovery, Meteorology, Close Quarters Handling and Pilotage in Restricted Visibility. Sailing will be in local waters as it is normally found that at this level boat handling in close quarters is required rather than long crossings.

Exam: A qualified RYA Yachtmaster Examiner independent of our Training Centre will give you the chance to demonstrate that you are a competent skipper of an offshore cruising yacht. You should be prepared to answer questions on any part of the syllabus of any RYA Sail Cruising course (except Yachtmaster Ocean) and you are expected to show competence based on broad experience. Prove that you can take full responsibility for the management of the yacht, the crew and the passages. Demonstrate that you as a skipper are familiar with the handling and other characteristics of any vessel you take to sea.

Students to Instructor Ratio 5:1 maximum on all practical courses

Pre – learning, exams and courses are delivered in English

YM Exam what’s involved

Example schedule

How to pass your Yachtmaster exam?

After passing the exam: You are a qualified RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore.

Certificate: The RYA will award successful candidates with an RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.

If you are a skilled and experienced skipper and would like to obtain an RYA/MCA certificate of competence but haven’t had the opportunity to practice all aspects of the syllabus under a range of different conditions . Please click here and check out our Preparation & RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal Exam.

If you need more background knowledge, training, miles or experience before joining the Preparation & RYA/MCA Yachtmaster® Exam: Please click here and check out our RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Theory Course ,    Click here for our RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Practical Course and    Click here for our Mileage & Experience Builder.

Perfect your skippering skills and become a qualified RYA/MCA Yachtmaster® Offshore. Click here to book or enquire about your Yachtmaster® Prep and Exam now!

Covid 19: We have taken special measures and because of that we may start and finish in Regatta Center Medemblik.

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Required pre-exam experience:

50 days sea time, 5 days as skipper, 2500 miles, 5 passages over 60 miles including 2 overnight and 2 as skipper. At least half of the required miles must be tidal.

Required pre-exam certificates:

Restricted Radio Operator’s Certificate and First Aid Certificate.

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore practical 5 days preparation + 2 days exam

From monday 09.00 till sunday 16.00

5 days preparation + 2 days exam Eur. 1495,00 Prices exclude your RYA/MCA Exam fee (GBP 224) and the examiner’s expenses! Diesel, Harbourfees & facilities 22,50 Euro p.p p. day.

Aug 21 – Aug 27
may 15 – May 21 Sep 18 – Sep 24
Jun 12 – Jun 18 Oct 16 – Oct 22
Jul 10 – Jul 16

yachtmaster examen

Impartial training and careers advice

Call us: +441983 280 641

+441983 280 641

Requirements for the Yachtmaster Offshore Exam

To sit the RYA Yachtmaster offshore exam, you are required to have the following miles and experience. All completed within the last ten years:

  • A minimum of 2,500 miles are logged before you sit the exam. At least half the miles must be in tidal waters.
  • Five passages over 60 miles long** . Two of these passages must have been at night, and two acting as skipper. 
  • 50 days at sea on yachts up to 500gt.
  • At least five days experience as a skipper.
  • A valid First Aid Certificate (If STCW, completed within the last 5 years)
  • A GMDSS short-range VHF radio certificate.

** Note: All five passages must have been on a vessel between 7m and 24m in length.

Requirements for the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal exam

  • 30 days at sea on a vessel less than 24m in length, and a minimum of 800 miles logged before you sit the exam. At least half the sea time must be in tidal waters.
  • Two days as skipper, on a vessel less than 24m in length.
  • 12 night hours.
  • A valid First Aid certificate.
  • You must be 17 years old at the time of the exam.

If you hold the RYA Coastal Skipper course completion certificate, then the miles required for Yachtmaster Coastal are reduced to 400.

What is considered tidal waters?

An area is deemed tidal if published stream, current or tidal range data is available, the influence of which is significant enough to require the effects to be taken into account to plan and execute a safe and efficient passage.

But, all my sea miles has been on a vessel OVER 24m….

Good news! The RYA accepts 50% (1,250) of your qualifying sea miles gained on a vessel over 24m. 

It’s crucial to provide a Testimonial or Discharge book as proof of your 1,250 sea miles.

The other 50% (1,250 miles) must be from vessels between 7m and 24m in length.

Some Superyachts have large tenders and chase boats. In this case, any miles and qualifying passages gained at the helm go some way to 1,250 sea miles.

Do I need RYA Yachtmaster Theory?

Depends on your goal.

Technically, you don’t need it to sit your Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore exam, however:

To become an RYA Yachtmaster, you need to be able to navigate using traditional and electronic navigation techniques. The RYA Yachtmaster Theory Course teaches you everything you need to know to navigate a yacht offshore and we recommend it to everybody thinking of sitting the RYA Yachtmaster practical exam.

RYA Yachtmaster Theory is a requirement for Officer of the Watch 3000GT.

At Flying Fish we combine both Yachtmaster Theory and a practical prep week into one course.

How do I convert from sail to power?

To convert from Yachtmaster offshore sail to power you must have completed, in the last 10 years:

  • Minimum of 1,250 miles on a vessel between 7m and 24m in length.
  • 25 days living onboard.
  • 3 days as skipper.
  • Three passages of over 60 miles, including one overnight and one as skipper.

How to record your miles.

Your experience would have been built up over some time on various types of yachts. The miles that you have gained on vessels between 7 and 24 meters in length in the  past ten years  can be recorded in either:

  • RYA’s G158 logbook
  • A CV detailing the information below
  • An Excel spreadsheet

Please note, when recording your miles and experience, make sure you detail the following:

  • Dates the passage/trip took place.
  • Name and type of vessel
  • Details of the passages
  • Miles sailed on each passage
  • Night hours

Flying Fish has created a personal log that you can use to record your sea miles.

What First Aid qualification do I need?

You must have a valid, in-date First Aid qualification to sit the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore exam. 

The RYA, STCW, and Seafish First Aid certificates are all accepted by the RYA.

How long are certificates valid?

The RYA First Aid certificate is valid for 3-years.

STCW First Aid certificates do not have an expiry date. However, It is accepted that after 5 years, our knowledge of CPR and other life-saving techniques tends to fade.

Therefore, the RYA requires holders of STCW First Aid to refresh every 5-years from the date of issue.

At flying Fish, we offer STCW Elementary First Aid courses that coincide with our Yachtmaster Power Theory and practical courses. If you need to update your STCW Elementary First Aid qualification, we invite you to click on the link below to book an update.

Commercial Endorsement

By commercially endorsing your Yachtmaster qualification, you not only meet the necessary requirements for taking paying passengers on a commercial vessel but also equip yourself with the confidence and readiness for professional opportunities.

Superyacht tenders are usually registered as a “tender too” the larger yacht, and in most cases, Commercial Endorsement is not required.

Many individuals choose to endorse their RYA Yachtmaster for commercial use. This endorsement prepares you for potential opportunities, such as working as a professional skipper. If this is your goal, in addition to First Aid and VHF, you will need the following:

  • Either an  ENG1 or ML5 medical
  • STCW or RYA Sea survival certificate
  • Complete the RYA’s online  PPR course

Once you have completed these three steps, you can apply for commercial endorsement through the RYA.

Upgrade to RYA Master 200 GT

Complete  STCW Basic Safety Training , then the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore certificate will be endorsed to allow the holder to skipper a commercial or privately owned vessel up to 200 gross tonnes, which may be greater than 24m in length.

What other skills do I need before I join a prep course?

If you are considering a  Yachtmaster Prep course  then Flying Fish will provide some pre-course reading. If you did some background reading before your prep course, it would help if you had a good knowledge of the following:

  • I.R.P.C.S (rules of the road) and distress signals.
  • Weather. The passage of frontal depression, sea breeze, fog, effects of wind and tide, and terminology used in a weather forecast.
  • Navigation. Understand how to calculate tidal heights, course to steer, and estimated position.
  • Ability to tie the basic knots.
  • Have knowledge of Radar, rule 19, and how to use it for collision avoidance.
  • The  G158 logbook  provides all sea time requirements and a section where you can record all your sea time.

My Crew Kit

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore

Find out About the Yachtmaster Offshore Theory & Practical Training, (both Online & Shorebased)

Use the global Yachtmaster Offshore Directory to Find a Course Near me (Select any Location)

Page Navigation

  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore 200GT
  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Requirements
  • Course Breakdown
  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Limited Theory
  • RYA Yachtmaster of Yachts Practical Course
  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Practical Examination
  •  RYA Yachmaster Offshore Certificate
  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Commercial Endorsement

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore (Yachtmaster 200GT & 150NM Limited)

An RYA Offshore certifies an individual as competent to captain a vessel up to 24m in length and no more than 200 Gross Tonnes. The offshore certification is applicable passages during which the yacht is no more than 150 miles from harbour.

The Yacht master offshore consists of two components:

  • Yachtmaster Offshore Theory 
  • Yachtmaster Offshore Practical 

Both components can be done on an individual basis but in order to achieve a commercial endorsement for the yachtmaster offshore certificate of competency, both the theory and practical examinations must be passed.

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Exam

Yachtmaster Offshore Requirements:

In order to be eligible to take the Yachtmaster Offshore practical exam, candidates must meet the minimum sea time requirements.

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore minimum sea time prerequisites are as follows:

  • 50 days at sea on yachts up to 500GT
  • 5 days as skipper on vessels less than 24m LOA
  • 2500 miles on yachts up to 500GT
  • 5 passages over 60 miles long, which must include 2 overnight passages and 2 as skipper

If a candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence for a different vessel type (Ie. power or sail) then the above prerequisites are adjusted as indicated on the RYA's Yacht Master Offshore Exam page.

Yachtmaster Offshore Course Breakdown

The Yachtmaster Offshore course consists of a 40-hour (minimum) theory course (excluding exam time), 5 days of practical training and preparation followed by a 2-day practical examination.

Yachtmaster Offshore Theory:

The following topics are covered during the Yachtmaster Offshore theory course:

  • Position fixing,
  • Course shaping and plotting,
  • Tidal knowledge,
  • Use of almanacs and admiralty publications,
  • Electronic position finding equipment,
  • Taking and interpreting forecasts,
  • Plotting weather systems,
  • Weather predictions using a barometer.
  • Certificate issuing criteria

Yachtmaster Offshore Theory Online

The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Theory can be studied in an online or virtual distance learning format. The online version of the course allows students to work through the training content at their own pace, which may benefit those who are working with little time off.

navigation with sea charts in the chart room on a sailing yacht

Yachtmaster Offshore Practical

Although there is no formal training course leading up to the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Practical exam, it is common for yacht crew to complete a practical training course, leading up to the exam. This may vary slightly between schools but should be done at an RYA accredited center.

The exam will include an assessment of your skippering skills, boat handling, general seamanship, navigation, safety awareness and knowledge of the IRPCS, meteorology and signals.

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Practical Exam:

A valid GMDSS-approved SRC Radio Operators Certificate and a First Aid Certificate are requirements for the RYA Yachtmaster Practical examination. The Elementary First Aid Certificate as acquired during STCW Basic Training is an accepted version. For recreational sailors, an RYA First Aid certificate is sufficient.

In addition to this, candidates need to ensure that they have met the minimum sea time prerequisites as highlighted above.

Practical Exam Assessment:

The exam will include an assessment of:

  • The candidate's skills as a captain,
  • Boat handling ability
  • General seamanship,
  • Navigation planning and execution
  • Safety awareness and procedures
  • Knowledge of the IRPCS,
  • Meteorology,
  • Lights, shapes, sounds, and other signals.

Practical Exam Duration:

  • 8-12 hours for 1 candidate,
  • 10-18 hours for 2 candidates.
  • No more than two candidates can be examined in 24 hours and no more than four candidates can be examined in one 2-day session.

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate

Students who pass their Yachtmaster Offshore practical and theory examinations will be awarded an RYA Yachtmaster offshore certificate of competency. It is important to understand that CoC is a recreational license until it is commercially endorsed by the MCA.

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Commerical Endorsement

In order to commercially endorse your Yachtmaster offshore certificate, you will need to submit the following:

  • Original Yachtmaster Offshore certificate
  • RYA Professional Practices and Responsibilities certificate
  • an RYA commercial endorsement application form
  • Your original, completed ML5, ENG1 , or an ENG1 equivalent medical form.
  • A copy of your RYA Basic Sea Survival certificate or STCW Personal Survival Techniques
  • A copy of your RYA Marine Radio SRC Certificate or other acceptable GMDSS Marine Radio Operator's Certificate .
  • A passport-sized photo with your name on the back
  • The application fee

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore License

A license card/ book will be provided to those who pass the relevant Yachtmaster offshore examinations. The license will include a photo, and details about the license holder, and will also include information about the endorsements associated with the license.

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Training School Locations

Brazil Sao Paulo

Croatia Split

Greece Corfu

South Africa Cape Town Langebaan

Global Yacht Training Image

Spain Barcelona

Turkey Marmaris

United Kingdom England Ireland Scotland

West Indies Antigua

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  • How to Pass Your Yachtmaster Exam

How To Pass Your Yachtmaster Exam

The exam assess both your theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as your skippering technique. You can choose to be examiner to either Coastal or Offshore standard – both are valid Yachtmaster standards, but the pre-requisites vary.

Safe & Capable

Both Yachtmaster Offshore and Yachtmaster Coastal candidates will need to demonstrate that they are safe, knowledgable and capable skippers, can sail a boat confidently in unfamiliar waters and enter and leave an unfamiliar harbour/marina.

Taking your RYA/MCA Yachtmaster exam can be a daunting experience, but here are Vortec Marine’s Top 5 tips to help you pass.

1.  Have the Qualifying Miles properly logged

No-one likes paper work, and if you are rumaging amongst tatty scraps of paper you are not creating the right impression.  Make sure you have logged evidence of your sailing experience which shows that you meet (or exceed) the pre-requisites.

(see our Yachtmaster webpage for details of the pre-requisites)

The RYA logbook is designed for this purpose, but a tidy table with the dates, yacht type, route, weather, mileage and your role (crew / skipper) will be quite acceptable.

If you are struggling to demonstrate enough qualifying sea-time for the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore, you should apply for the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal.  Make sure you have completed your application form, have passport photos, First Aid and VHF certificates and a cheque for the exam fee (payable to the RYA) ready.

2.  Ensure your theory and navigational skills are up to date and fresh

Yachtmaster Theory nav lights

Before your exam, make sure you are familiar with the IRPCS and can recognise even the most obscure lights, day shapes, sound signals and navigational markers.  

Practice your tidal calculations and secondary port adjustments. During the exam, you won’t have time to be sat at the nav table trying to remember how to work out at what time there will be sufficient clearance for a secondary port.  You will be allowed time to plan your route, but you will also be expected to be keeping an eye on your crew on deck.

3.  Use the prep week to become familiar with the boat as well as the sailing area

During the Yacht master exam you will be expected to know how to handle the boat under both power and sail, including berthing or manoeuvring the boat in a confined space. Use the prep week to become familiar with the yacht’s prop kick, her turning circle, how quickly she responds and how much throttle you need to use. You should also know if the depth reading is adjusted for the keel, how to set up or calibrate the instruments, where the battery switches are etc.

You will make short passages during the exam and will need to know your position reasonably accurately at any time.  Use the prep week to familiarise yourself with helpful transits and useful fix-points.  You should also make sure that the charts you are using have all the recent Notice to Mariners updates applied so you don’t get caught out by any navigational marks which might have moved.

Whilst the pre-exam prep week is optional, it is highly recommended as it increases your confidence on board which will help you relax and focus on your skippering technique.

Yacht sailing skipper

 4.  Be Tidy and Organised

Having the fenders at the same height, ropes nicely coiled and sail properly flaked doesn’t just look nice and tidy, but it shows a seamanlike respect for the yacht.

If a skipper doesn’t seem to care about the sails or the odd scratch on the hull, the examiner will start to wonder what else they don’t care about – like safety equipment.

A tidy boat is also a safe boat, ensuring everything is stowed properly prevents accidents and damage. 

5.  Don’t try to show off, but do make sure the examiner can see your thought processes

Just because you can lasso a mooring cleat from 10 meters does’t mean you should! There is no need to over complicate manoeuvres to show off – using the right sail and controlling boat speed, whilst ensuring your crew know what you expect from them will impress the examiner far more.

Equally, you may have practiced a manoeuvre with the same crew in the prep week and you all know what to do – but the examiner doesn’t know that, so make sure the examiner can see that you do have a plan, possibly re-iterating it to your crew for the examiners benefit.

Finally, try to relax and enjoy the experience!

If you are ready to take your rya/mca yachtmaster exam  please contact vortec marine on 01489 854850 or contact us  for our course options and availability..

[email protected]

  • Course Login


RYA Online Courses

Yachtmaster exam.

RYA Certificates of Competence are some of the most useful and credible of all yachting qualifications. They thoroughly test the skipper’s ability, and can therefore appear daunting to potential candidates. But well-prepared skippers with the right experience needn’t worry. With practice and preparation, you should be able to relax sufficiently to let your skills shine through any exam nerves.

The definition of a Yachtmaster is: ‘A yachtsman or woman competent to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage that can be completed without the use of astronavigation’.

Yachtmasters should be able to enter any well-charted harbour for the first time, with sufficient depth, by day or night.

A Yachtmaster Coastal has ‘the knowledge needed to skipper a yacht on coastal cruises, but does not necessarily have the experience needed to undertake longer passages’.

In other words, the theory is the same for both, but less practical experience and skill is required for the Yachtmaster Coastal exam.

Pre-exam Experience

Yachtmaster Offshore exam pre-requisites
Minimum seatime 50 days, 2,500 miles including at least 5 passages over 60 miles measured along the rhumb line from the port of departure to the destination, acting as skipper for at least two of these passages and including two which have involved overnight passages. 5 days experience as skipper. At least half this mileage and passages must be in tidal waters. All qualifying seatime must be within 10 years prior to the exam.
Form of exam Practical
Certification required A restricted (VHF only) Radio Operators Certificate or a GMDSS Short Range Certificate or higher grade of marine radio certificate. A valid first aid certificate* (first aid qualifications held by Police, Fire and Armed Services are acceptable).
Minimum exam duration 8-12 hours for 1 candidate, 10-18 hours for 2 candidates. No more than two candidates can be examined in 24 hours and no more than four candidates can be examined in one 2 day session.
Minimum age 18

What Happens During an Exam?

Your RYA examiner will meet you onboard and talk you through the plan for the day. They understand that you could be nervous and will do their best to allay your fears and make sure you are clear about what they want you to do. They are there to find out what you can do, rather than pick holes.

You will be asked to undertake a short passage, but you may have to plan a longer one. In general, you should skipper the yacht in your normal style. If this means putting the kettle on every half hour, then do it!

You must know your position reasonably accurately throughout the exam, but don’t make the mistake of being so busy plotting fixes that you forget to look around you. Often, a quick glance on deck will confirm your position from a buoy or transit.

Make sure you know how to use a GPS, but there is no need to over-navigate.

You will usually be given practical problems involving tidal streams and heights. Make life easy for yourself and look them up beforehand – it’s not cheating. Practice a few tidal calculations so you are happy with the methods you are going to use.

Boat Handling

You need to know how your boat will react, its turning circle and any predictable quirks to its handling. There will be some close quarters manoeuvring, usually in a harbour, to demonstrate your skills at berthing and leaving pontoons, piles or moorings. Sailing yachts will complete this section under power, but make sure you practice manoeuvring under sail too, picking up mooring buoys and short tacking.

Your examiner isn’t looking for first-time-every-time success, but you will need to demonstrate competence and a good understanding of how the boat reacts at slow speed. Don’t hesitate to change sails or reef, if you think it is necessary for the task.

Experience in a variety of conditions will be your biggest help in these situations.

Man Overboard

Exams almost always include a man overboard recovery exercise. The multitude of methods for this can be confusing, but pick one that works for you and your boat. However it’s done, you must end up with the yacht stopped next to the man in the water. If you’re sailing, check with your examiner whether you should handle the boat with or without the engine.

Make sure you understand and follow safety procedures, and give a safety brief. If you decide that harnesses should be worn at night, take your own advice.

Listen to the forecast before your exam and be prepared for questions about the current weather and how this might affect a passage plan. Understand how weather systems influence sea conditions and how to plan based on this knowledge. The type of boat and strengths of your crew can have a bearing on decisions based on the weather, so your examiner may ask you to consider various possibilities. There is rarely a definitive answer, so it is your informed opinions that are required.

Skippering Ability

This is where your experience and knowledge will really show. Whether you are fully in command of the yacht is the most important assessment that your examiner will make.

A good skipper leads the crew and communicates with them, making sure they understand what is going on and listening to them when they have something to say. They do not shout a stream of commands, leaving their crew in a quivering mess. Quiet competence instils confidence, helping your crew feel safe in the knowledge that the right decisions are being made.

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  • Yachtmaster Offshore (Power or Sail)
  • Recreational


Yachtmaster Offshore Training

The IYT Worldwide Yachtmaster Offshore certificate is a recreational certificate of competency to command sailing and/or power vessels up to 24 metres in length up to 150 nm offshore. It is a comprehensive theory and live aboard course consisting of five days classroom theory and a practical component of six days for sail or five days for power including the practical on the water examination. The minimum age to obtain this certification is 18. Candidates must either hold a recognised VHF Radio Operators Certificate or must take the full IYT VHF-SRC Marine Communications course and school must place order for this certificate while placing order for the Yachtmaster Certificate of Competency.  If ordering VHF at the same time as Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate please upload a note to this effect.  We have provided a sample note to upload when placing order. * Please note that we do not accept ISSA VHF qualifications.  (I f you are unsure if your radio license will be accepted, please send a scanned copy of the front and back of your license to [email protected] .  We will verify that your license is sufficient to receive the IYT Yachtmaster Offshore license).  

The courses are designed to provide the highest standard of maritime education for the recreational yachtsman and woman and for those who are serious about obtaining the best nautical qualifications available. They are ideal for those who greatly want to expand their knowledge and experience and increase their confidence in commanding a yacht. For those who are taking the courses, completion of the five-day STCW Basic Safety training courses is not required but highly recommended. The five-day STCW course covers Firefighting, Sea Survival, First Aid and Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities.

It has come to our attention that it has not been made perfectly clear to all IYT Worldwide yachtmaster candidates that this certification is for recreational use only and may never be upgraded to a professional certificate. Therefore, we require all candidates taking a recreational IYT Worldwide Yachtmaster Coastal, Offshore or Ocean course to complete an acknowledgement prior to taking the course.

It is important to understand that an IYT certificate is a qualification that can be used across the globe. Therefore, unlike other training organisations, IYT insists on an understanding of IALA Regulations in Areas A & B, weather systems in the North & Southern hemispheres, tidal calculations for the Mediterranean and North America and the effects of tropical revolving storms.

Yachtmaster courses are not for beginners. This six-day comprehensive high-level shore based course includes assessment papers and written examinations. Candidates are advised that a considerable amount of private study and varied cruising experience is required in addition to the formal instruction provided.

IYT’s Yachtmaster Offshore Sail Certificate covers command of a sailing vessel with a sail area of greater than 80 square metres/861 square feet. Please see the official statement here .

Certificate Limitations

  • Command of a vessel up to 24 meters in length
  • up to 150 miles offshore
  • not for commercial use
Note: Yachtmaster Offshore is a recreational course that can be taught in any language BUT cannot be upgraded to the professional Master of Yachts certificate.

What are the minimum entry requirements to apply for the IYT Yachtmaster Offshore course?

1. 50 days on board a yacht at sea as an active crew member. A day is defined as a period of 24 consecutive hours. Parts of a day may be included in this total, but a day is not invalidated by a candidate leaving the yacht for a few hours during a cruise. The term “at sea” is defined as being on a vessel outside of any harbour – natural or artificial – in which a cruising yacht could secure or anchor for a prolonged period of time.

2. Have logged 3,000 miles in a yacht while cruising at sea (power or sail). This mileage must be logged on genuine cruises or passages but not short day trips. At least 2,000 miles must have been completed on coastal voyages and not ocean crossings. It is important that the candidate has considerable time of actual vessel handling.

3. Thirty hours on watch at night underway as an active member of a yacht’s crew. For at least six hours of this night time experience, the candidate must have been acting as the vessel’s captain/watchleader. “Night,” in this context, is defined as the time between sunset and sunrise.

4. A current medical examination and a colour blindness eyesight examination, which allows the participant to safely perform the relevant duties on a yacht, including being able to see and distinguish lights and signals of other vessels and navigational marks in typical weather conditions without risk to him/herself, other crewmembers or the safe operation of the vessel.

5. A six-hour VHF Radio Operators course covering the general rules and procedures for the safe operation of a VHF marine radio. If you do not have a valid VHF certificate this course may be conducted on board the yacht or in the classroom prior to joining the practical course.

Minimum sea time must have been met prior to the final examination.

What does the exam consist of?

Written theory examinations will occur during the course. The final examination is an oral and practical test on board a yacht. Candidates must demonstrate that they have sufficient ability to handle, dock, and anchor the boat with a required level of confidence. Candidates can expect to be examined on any subject contained within the syllabus and to be questioned on any of their yachting experience to date.

In the event that the examiner considers an examinee not to have achieved the required standards, a certificate will not be issued. In this case, a confidential report will be sent to the candidate outlining the reason or reasons for failure and suggesting remedial action that could lead to the successful completion of the course. Completion of the IYT Worldwide Yachtmaster Offshore course is not a guarantee of passing the examination and receiving your certificate.

How do I apply for enrolment?

Candidates may apply to any of the participating IYT Worldwide Partner Schools worldwide who offer this course. In order to apply for the IYT Worldwide Yachtmaster certification courses, a detailed yachting resume must be sent to your IYT training school for evaluation.

Candidates may sit the shore-based course prior to having all the above requirements.

Verification of the above yachting experience must be original and signed by the skipper of the yacht in which the candidate was sailing. Candidates claiming sea time during times when they were acting as skipper may sign their own entries but independent verification may be required and checked by IYT Worldwide.

What is required for my final Yachtmaster examination?

All of the courses and criteria must be fulfilled before a candidate may apply to take the final on-board examination.

What does the final exam consist of?

The final exam will be conducted by an IYT Worldwide Yachtmaster examiner and takes the form of an extensive oral and practical test on a yacht (either power or sail). Candidates can expect to be examined on any subject covered by the syllabus of the shore based or practical courses and to be questioned on any aspect of their yachting experience to date.

In the event that the examiner considers an examinee not to have achieved the required standards and/or the candidates ability as Captain does not reach the required standard, and/or the prerequisites have not been met for the IYT WorldwideYachtmaster Offshore, a Yachtmaster Coastal certificate may be issued in the interim. In this case, and if requested, a personal report will be sent to the candidate outlining the reason or reasons for failure and suggesting remedial action prior to re sitting the exam.

Completion of the Yachtmaster Offshore certification course is not a guarantee of passing the examination and receiving your certificate.

As you advance and become more proficient as crew or skipper you take on bigger challenges that require proper training to ensure the safety of your family and friends. The bigger the boat or length of adventure the more training you require.

Most of us prefer to spend our time on the water and not in a classroom. To facilitate this, IYT has a series of E-learning courses available for the theoretical part of sail and powerboat training.

  • Take one of our online (Elearning) courses for your next level of training.
  • Plan your practical training at one of our many schools worldwide to earn your final qualification.
  • Book in advance with your school as class sizes and availability may be limited.
  • Review the IYT course progression details to learn about professional level courses.
  • Spend time on the water and properly log your seatime.

The Boating Lifestyle is one of the most rewarding pursuits available. There is something physically and emotionally invigorating when you are offshore. To enjoy the experience fully you need the proper training & skills to be safe, prepared and command a vessel.

Recreational Student Information

Benefits of an iyt certification.

IYT is the largest provider of crew and skipper certificates for the recreational yachting industry in the world. Learn more about the benefits of an IYT Certificate.

Certificate Renewal

For many IYT certificates, there is the need to re-qualify for your certificate every 3 to 5 years. This ensures that our certifications are meeting international standards.

IYT Yachting Passport

The IYT Passport is recognized in over 40 countries around the world and offers you an opportunity to study and train worldwide.

  • Course Progression

A beginner at sailing or operating a powerboat should be familiar with the training path that is available from IYT. Many recreational boaters progress to become crew on superyachts.

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  • International Bareboat Skipper Sail – Catamaran
  • International Certificate of Competency (ICC Certificate)
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  • Yachtmaster Coastal (Power or Sail)
  • Yachtmaster Coastal Sail – Catamaran
  • Yachtmaster Offshore Sail – Catamaran
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  • Patron de Yates (Yachtmaster Coastal Spanish edition)
  • Marine Communications (VHF-SRC)
  • Small Powerboat and Rib Master (MCA Recognised)
  • IYT Commercial Tender License Course
  • Weather Master
  • Navigation Master
  • Master of Yachts Coastal/Mate 200 Tons (Power or Sail)
  • Master of Yachts Limited (Power or Sail)
  • Master of Yachts Unlimited
  • Superyacht Chef
  • Superyacht Deck Crew Course
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Deep Blue Sea Training

Yachtmaster offshore motor examination preparation.

The Yachtmaster offshore exam preparation week provides five days practical boat handling and revision of the theory with all aspects of the examination organised.

In our experience the majority of candidates require some level of preparation prior to taking the exam. This enables you to familiarise yourself with the yacht on which you will be examined and also gives you the opportunity to develop good working relations with your crew and the other candidates.

Please be honest in your appraisal of your skill level - If you are really confident and have ALL of the pre-course requirements outlined below and have a good knowledge of the International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea, then a 4 day preparation week prior to the exam may prove sufficient.

If you have any weak areas or gaps in your theory knowledge there will not be time to teach you during the preparation week. This should be viewed as an opportunity to “polish” your skills.

If you feel that you would benefit from some further training prior to your exam then we suggest booking a one week “Refresher” course prior to the YM prep week. Please contact us for information as this will be tailored to your individual needs.

Early in the week the instructor will asses your strengths and weaknesses and coach you in the areas required to pass the examination; however our experience normally leads us to work on the following areas; passage planning, man overboard recovery, close quarters handling, skippering techniques, navigation in restricted visibility, pilotage and knowledge of the International Collision Regulations.

The instructor will debrief you fully as the week progresses and ensure that you get time to work on those weaker areas; however he will also be honest in his appraisal go your skills and if he doesn’t think you are up to the standard required by the examiner he wont hesitate to tell you.

Pre-course requirements

  • Age: 18 years
  • Completed Yachtmaster Theory Course
  • A minimum of 50 days at sea
  • A minimum of 2,500 logged miles
  • At least 5 passages over 60 miles measured along the rhumb line from the port of departure to the destination
  • At least 5 days experience as a skipper (acting as skipper for at least 2 of these passages, including 2 as overnight passages
  • Note: at least half the mileage and passages must be in tidal water and all qualifying seatime must be within 10 years prior to the exam.

Recommended reading

  • Seaman’s Guide to the Rule of the Road by JWW Ford
  • Yachtmaster for Sail and Power by Alison Noice

Bring with you on the day

  • Protective clothing and equipment (sunscreen)
  • Life jackets will be provided but feel free to bring your own

Course Details

  • Duration: five days (there will be at least one night exercise during the course)
  • Course start and finish time: 09.30 to variable


  • The Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence is awarded on successful completion of practical examination

Post Course

  • Commercial Endorsement of YM license will require the following
  • Medical ML5/ENG1
  • PPR Pass Certificate
  • Basic Sea Survival Certificate
  • First Aid Certificate
  • Recommendations to compliment the Yachtmaster qualification
  • RYA 1 Day Radar Course
  • RYA 1 Day Diesel Engine Maintenance Course

Course Schedule - Yachtmaster Motor Exam Preparation

  • Book this course

About Deep Blue Sea Training

Deep Blue Sea Training are an established and accredited RYA training centre in Palma de Mallorca, Spain providing RYA courses for leisure and recreational sailors as well as professional seafarers.

Professional Yacht Crew

If you currently work, or are hoping to work in the yachting industry you need appropriate training and qualifications. For sail, motor, power and personal watercraft, the Royal Yachting Association of Great Britain (RYA) has a wide range of highly respected qualifications that are internationally recognised and many of which can be commercially endorsed for those working in the maritime sector.

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Calle de Sant Magi, 46 Santa Catalina Palma de Mallorca 07013 Spain

Tel +33 (0) 6 08 65 45 01

Email [email protected]

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  • RYA Day Skipper Online
  • RYA Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore Online
  • RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Online
  • RYA Interactive VHF/SRC Radio Course
  • RYA First Aid
  • RYA Diesel Engine Course
  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Modular
  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Assessment Days
  • RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Prep' Week
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Basée à Vannes, nous proposons des stages selon la progression de la RYA (Royal Yachting Association), qui prépare les candidats à passer l’examen du Yachtmaster. Les stages du RYA sont reconnus internationalement, pour la qualité et le sérieux des formations proposées. Si vous avez besoin de remise à niveau ou de perfectionnement nous pouvons répondre à toutes vos demandes.

RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Modulable.

Nous proposons un programme modulable selon vos compétences.

Débutant vous pouvez commencer en bas de l’échèlle et faire 15 semaines de formation intensive durant lesquelles vous allez passer toutes les étapes nécessaires au RYA. Vous commencerez avec le Competent Crew et finirez par ‘examen RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Exam.

Notre formation est intensive et votre progression est constamment surveillée par votre tuteur dédié, avec débriefing détaillé. Ainsi votre plan de formation est ajusté en fonction de vos besoins. Vous acquérrez une base solide avec laquelle vous pouvez évoluer.

Que vous osez un navigateur confirmé ou que vous ayez besoin d’une remise à niveau, c’est là que notre programme modulable joue son rôle en accèdant à l’étape du programme qui convient à vos connaissances préalables. L'approche modulaire s'assure que les compétences acquises à chaque niveau soient consolidées avant de passer à l'étape suivante. 

RYA/MCA Journées d’évaluation Yachtmaster.

Nous vous proposons une journée d’évaluation en conditions réelles pour faire un point sur vos compétences. Sailing School Brittany propose de réaliser une journée de navigation en anglais, dans les conditions de l'examen, avec un skipper Britannique qualifié RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean, RYA/MCA Examinateur avec Carte Professionnelle d’Educateur Sportif. La journée commence à 09h00 et finit vers 21h00. Vous serez mis à l’épreuve et en fin de la journée l’instructeur vous proposera une formation personnalisée selon vos besoins.

Le prix est 200€ ttc. Si à la suite de cette journée, vous réservez une semaine Yachtmaster Prep’ 50€ seront remboursés.

RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Preparation.

Vous êtes un navigateur confirmé avec les exigences préalables à l’examen?

Vous pouvez nous rejoindre pendant une ou deux semaines afin de préparer, d’une manière intensive et tout en anglais, l’examen. Vous serez mis à l’épreuve sur tous les aspects du cursus RYA. Vous aurez la possibilité de réviser la partie théorique du cursus et les exigences du RIPAM. 

Si une bonne maîtrise de l'anglais est préférable, le stage peut être accessible à ceux ayant un anglais scolaire. Nous vous fournissons le vocabulaire et les termes techniques en Anglais indispensables à la réussite de l’examen. Pour le passage de l'examen vous devrez démontrer votre capacité à commander un bateau en mer et répondre à des questions sur une partie quelconque du cursus, une bonne connaissance du Ripam, du balisage et des symboles de la carte marine sont à prévoir. 

Veuillez voir notre page ‘ downloads ’ pour les exigences préalables à l’examen. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour de plus amples renseignements.

Great school..

Had lot of experience and learnt a lot from instructor, Dave, while always having fun in what we were doing. Excellent food items and menu appealing to all tastes.

Very comfortable and well-maintained boat. Great instruction. And very good organisation! It made me comfortable with the choice I made even before coming to Brittany, thank you Alison. Excellent food! Now I understand better the comments left on the website.

I really enjoy the style of teaching, the atmosphere and felt Dave's experience could not have been beaten by similar school.

Friendly, patient and take time to explain you when you don't understand. Perfect, good instruction, friendly, excellent food.

Dave was brilliant

I had complete confidence in him, loved his sense of humour. Food was absolutely excellent and plentiful. Booklet of cake recipes would have been brilliant too! Never thought that I would enjoy it so much - loved it.

Really professional & well run

Training was well delivered & effective, well-tailored to my training needs & matched to experience. Dave has a well-judged & supportive approach to training - an excellent mentoring style, creates a great environment for learning. Catering was outstanding, many thanks Alison. It would be invidious to choose between the excellent cakes - Yum. A really professional & well run course, a well-equipped & maintained boat, a thoroughly enjoyable & good humoured week of mentoring & learning.

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RYA Yachtmaster ~ An RYA Yachtmaster needs a wealth of knowledge, not only to cope with plain sailing but also to be able to cope in demanding situations ~

Why yachtmaster.

An RYA Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. Our courses and exams are on tidal waters, so contrary to those in the Mediterranean, the certificate is valid for both tidal and non-tidal waters. The Yachtmaster Offshore is competent to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage during which the yacht is no more than 150 miles from harbour. The Yachtmaster Coastal has the knowledge needed to skipper a yacht on coastal cruises but does not necessarily have the experience needed to undertake longer passages.

Certificates are becoming increasingly important in the international world of sailing. Charter companies liabilities become heavier as more people explore exotic and far away waters that are far free from risks. Insurance companies demand more and proven experience from skippers on charter- or rental yachts. This tendency is noticeable as professional and semi-professional charterskippers enhance their position by obtaining internationally recognised certificates. Yachtmaster is such a certificate. Not only does it display your level as a sailor, it is also one of the sailing documents recognized throughout the world.

Required experience yachtmaster offshore

50 days, 2,500 miles including at least 5 passages over 60 miles measured along the rhumb line from the port of departure to the destination, acting as skipper for at least two of these passages and including two which have involved overnight passages. 5 days experience as skipper. At least half this mileage and passages must be in tidal waters. All qualifying seatime must be within 10 years prior to the exam. You need to have a VHF radio operators certificate and a valid First Aid certificate. Minimum age 18.

Required experience yachtmaster coastal

30 days, 2 days as skipper, 800 miles, 12 night hours (if you hold the Coastal Skipper course certificate this is reduced to 20 days, 2 days as skipper, 400 miles, 12 night hours). Half the qualifying sea time must be conducted in tidal waters. You need to have a VHF radio operators certificate and a valid First Aid certificate. Minimum age 18.

During the exam both your practical and theoretical knowledge and skills will be examined. It will be conducted by an external RYA examinator and takes two days, so take your sleeping bag and a pillowcase. It will include an assessment of your skippering skills, boat handling, general seamanship, navigation, safety awareness and knowledge of the IRPCS (collision regulations), meteorology and signals. Candidates will be set tasks to demonstrate their ability and may also be asked questions on any part of the syllabus of all practical and shorebased courses.

During the prep course, (which is only a final practical prep for the exam, your skills and knowledge of theory should be already on the Yachtmaster level) you will receive some final training in several techniques of boat handling, navigation, pilotage, man overboard recovery and overall yacht management skills and advanced skippering as can be expected to be examined during the RYA Yachtmaster exam. If needed we will also give you some support in the theoretical subjects that could come across during the exam, but your basic theoretical knowledge should be already on the required level. This can be separately attained with the shorebased Yachtmaster course. Expect some excellent training days, even for those that are not yet doing their yachtmaster exam. There's a maximum student to instructor ratio of five, so you're allways ensured of personal guidance during all practical courses.

Please see the RYA website or call us at 070-351 4858 for a complete overview of all theoretical and practical knowledge and skills required for the exam.

yachtmaster examen

RYA Training Center Scheveningen

RYA Training Center Scheveningen educates sailors already for more than twenty years with a wide variety of courses. From racing to international sailing, theory courses but also navigation and VHF. We have all the ingredients for everyone to go to sea on a independent and secure way

yachtmaster examen

Code Cursusomschrijving Wanneer Aantal Dagen Tijden Inschrijven

Zeezeilschool Scheveningen

T: 070 - 351 4858 E: [email protected] Open di t/m vr van 13-17uur

© 2024 - Zeezeilschool Scheveningen. Algemene Voorwaarden


Which certificate to become a skipper? Capitaine 200, Yachtmaster or Master Commercial Yachting 200 GT

skipper professionnel a la barre d'un voilier captnboat

The profession of skipper is demanding and highly regulated. It must meet strict training requirements depending on the type of mission, the flag of the boat…

So which certificate should you choose to become a professional skipper and practice according to the rules? To give you an idea of the different possibilities, we present you with 3 major command titles that are widespread in Europe. These are the Capitaine 200 (French title), the Yachtmaster (English certificate limited to yachting) and the Master Commercial Yachting 200 GT (Belgian title). 

Advantages and disadvantages, price and training center, we explain everything!

1. Becoming a professional skipper: a regulated profession

A. skipper, a position of great responsibility.

The skipper (or captain) is in charge of driving the boat. He is the “chief on board”, and must ensure order and safety, while carrying out his mission: charter, coaching or boat delivery. 

As a ship’s captain, he has an important responsibility in the good realization of a navigation. He is the one who will decide on the maneuvers, itineraries and behaviors to adopt in order to guarantee the safety of the passengers and the boat. 

From this responsibility and from the skills required to drive a boat, the obligation to justify maritime professional training titles arises . This obligation is necessary to exercise the profession of skipper on a commercial basis, which means for remuneration. 

B. The training obligations of a professional skipper

In order to sell his services as a skipper, the latter must justify the qualifications and trainings required to carry out the mission.

The training requirements depend on several parameters, including the type of boat (motor or sail), the flag and tonnage of the boat , the type of mission (boat delivery, charter or coaching)…

We are going to present you the 3 most common certificates to be a professional skipper on pleasure boats.

2. Capitaine 200, Yachtmaster and Commercial Yachting Master 200 GT, 3 options to become a professional skipper

A. the capitaine 200.

The Capitaine 200 title, issued by the Merchant Navy, is the most common on France.

The Capitaine 200 is a professional navigation title that allows you to sail as a skipper on motorboats up to 200 gross tons , which means medium-sized boats (~24 meters). It is limited to 20 miles from the coast .

With its “Sailing” module , the Capitaine 200 also allows to drive sailing boats without any distance limitation from the coast . 

In addition to the Capitaine 200 , there are some mandatory complementary training courses :

  • A Basic Safety Training (BST)
  • At least a Restricted Operator Certificate (ROC)
  • A Medical Training Certificate (EM1, 2 ,3)
  • A Medical Checkup (ENG1)

➡️ Without these training courses, the Capitaine 200 , such as the Capitaine 200 “Sailing”, cannot be effective. 

- Advantages of the Capitaine 200

The Capitaine 200 allows to work commercially on boats waving the French flag. Its limitation of 200 UMS allows to cover the majority of the French fleet and offers to skippers many possibilities of navigation.

In addition, the Capitaine 200 is an STCW certificate , which means that a skipper holding a Capitaine 200 can easily work on foreign flags (especially under flags whose country is a signatory of the STCW Convention: Italy, Spain, Greece, Croatia…). Some countries that are signatories to this Convention can request a visa recognition . This is notably the case of the United Kingdom.

marins professionnels manoeuvrant sur un voilier captnboat

- Disadvantages of the Capitaine 200

The training to obtain this navigation title is quite expensive : between 6 000 to 10 000 €; and requires a significant investment in time (~12 weeks to follow the 5 training modules). Moreover, once the Capitaine 200 title is obtained, it is necessary to justify 12 months of effective navigation (as second in command, seaman or other) to “patent” the title and be able to exercise the function of Captain.

The prerogatives of the Capitaine 200 are limited to motorboats. The “Sailing” module is required to work on a sailboat.

⚠ Please note 1: The Capitaine 200 as well as the additionnal training courses must be renewed globally every 5 years. The revalidation/recycling of these titles has a significant cost: between 150 and 1 000 € depending on the title to renew.

⚠ Please note 2: Merchant Navy certificates do not allow you to work as a sailing instructor. For these types of missions, the French regulations require state diplomas: BPJEPS, BEE, DEJEPS…

- Where to take the training to obtain the Capitaine 200?

There are many schools and training centers approved to take the Capitaine 200 in France. For example, La Macif in Marseille, the Ecole de Formations Maritimes (EFM) in Les Sables d’Olonne, the Centre Européen de Formation Continue Maritime in Concarneau… Simply register for the proposed sessions.

The Capitaine 200 can be financed, in whole or in part, by the PTA (Personal Training Account, CPF in French). 

The Capitaine 200 is delivered by the French Maritime Affairs.

B. The Yachtmaster

The most common title for working internationally is the Yachtmaster. Indeed, the Yachtmaster is an English title of the Royal Yachting Association (RYA), recognized by the Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA). It is valid for all the territories of the British crown, the Red Flag; and thus in many countries of the world . It allows skippers to command pleasure boats up to 24 meters long, without distance limitation with the Ocean extension. It has 3 levels, each with limitations: Coastal (60 Nm), Offshore (150 Nm), and Ocean .

The Yachtmaster must be completed with a “Commercially Endorsed” mention to be used on commercial services and to be professionally recognized internationally. To obtain this endorsement, the skipper must obtain the Professional Practices and Responsibilities (PPR) certificate, the Basic Safety Training (BST), and the MCA Medical Examination (ENG1) .

With a Yachtmaster, seamen can perform charter and boat delivery missions as well as training/coaching missions.

- Advantages of the Yachtmaster:

A large part of the pleasure boats in the world are under British flag or Red Flag (Bermuda, BVIs, Jersey…). Having an English certificate opens the doors to international yachting.

The cost of the training to obtain a Yachtmaster is less expensive than the Capitaine 200 “Sailing”: count between 2 200 and 2 500 €.

The title of Yachtmaster being acquired for life , it allows you to work for private shipowners under the Red Flag without any renewal. However, the additional training courses (BST, ENG1…) must be renewed respectively every 5 and 2 years to renew the Commercial Endorsement which allows international recognition . Overall, this is a big saving compared to the Capitaine 200 certificate.

The Yachtmaster is an exam without any previous training. Although weeks of training are highly recommended, it can be taken very quickly for experienced seamen who wish to become more professional.

The Yachtmaster takes into account the sailing experience gained prior to the exam to allow immediate access to the job of Captain without the need to validate sea time with a lower position (as for the Capitaine 200 ).

The training to obtain this title is 100% in English , which allows you to acquire and justify a sufficient level of English to maneuver a boat.


B. Disadvantages of the Yachtmaster

The Yachtmaster is not recognized by the French State and some other countries as a command title. It cannot be the subject of a visa recognition as it stands; and therefore cannot be used to work on the flags of these countries.

⚠ Please note 1: The Master 200 GT can easily be obtained for seamen who already hold a Yachtmaster. All that is required is to pass the Master 200 GT oral exam. This is a good way to be authorized to work on French flag with a Yachtmaster .

⚠ Please note 2: Visas recognition issued by France are only valid for 5 years , so they must be renewed.

The prerogatives of the Yachtmaster are specific for each title. The Yachtmaster Sailing is required to command a sailboat, while the Yachtmaster Engine is required for a motorboat. 

The Yachtmaster exam is taken completely in English.

- Where to take the training to obtain a Yachtmaster?

To obtain a Yachtmaster, you must pass an exam that includes an assessment of your navigation, maneuvering and safety at sea skills. You must also demonstrate a certain level of English.

The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) is based in the United Kingdom, but it has approved training centers around the world, including France. There are several sailing schools in France that offer Yachtmaster training courses. 

To find an RYA accredited sailing school, you can visit the RYA website which lists all the accredited schools.

C. The Master Commercial Yachting 200 GT

The Master Commercial Yachting 200 GT (C-Yachting 200 GT) is a specific Belgian certificate for vessels up to 200 gross tons. It is a certification title issued by the Belgian Maritime administration that attests to the holder’s ability to command as Captain, navigate safely and manage the crew and passengers of a commercial yacht.

To obtain a Master Commercial Yachting 200 GT, the seaman must first justify a significant navigation experience (or hold a Yachtman…), but also compulsory complementary trainings:

  • A Medical Training Certificate (EM1, 2, 3)

Without these trainings, the Master Commercial Yachting 200 GT cannot be effective.

The Master Commercial Yachting is an STCW qualification recognized by the signatory countries of the Convention to perform boat delivery, charter and coaching missions. 

It is delivered by the approved training institutes.

- Advantages of the Master Commercial Yachting 200 GT

Most European countries and signatories of the STCW Convention recognize Commercial Yachting as such, and do not require a visa recognition. When a visa is required (as is the case in France and the United Kingdom), it is generally very easy to obtain .

The Master Commercial Yachting 200 GT is also a training course delivered in English and can be obtained in 6 months for the most hurried. The exam takes place in Belgium or France.

The Master Commercial Yachting takes into account the sailing experience made before the training. Thus, following the success of the exam, the certificate allows you to immediately exercise the profession of Captain without the need to validate a sea time with a lower position (as for the Capitaine 200 ).

The prerogatives of the Master Commercial Yachting are valid for both sailing and motor vessels .

- Disadvantages of the Master Commercial Yachting 200 GT

If the Master Commercial Yachting 200 GT is a patent recognized by France (unlike the Yachtmaster) and the United Kingdom, it must however be the subject of an application for a visa recognition for these 2 countries. The holders of a Commercial Yachting can therefore work under the French and British flags, subject to applying for a visa recognition.

Part of the exam is in English, which can be both a disadvantage for people who are not comfortable in English and an advantage for a profession that is definitely internationally oriented.

⚠ Please note: The Master Commercial Yachting 200 GT is an STCW certificate; as such, the mandatory additional training courses (GOC/ROC, BST…) must be renewed every 5 years. The holders must then apply for a renewal of the certificate to the competent authority: The Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport .


- Where to follow the training to obtain a Master Commercial Yachting 200 GT?

In general, the training includes theoretical and practical courses, as well as a certain number of hours of navigation.

The cost of the training will depend on the training organization you choose and the duration of the training. List of Belgian approved training organizations.

Capt’n Boat recommendation: The Yachter

The Yachter is an approved training organization that offers E-learning courses (at home from your computer) that can be adapted to the candidates. Via this organization, you can obtain your Master Commercial Yachting 200 GT (Capitaine Master 200 GT in their website) in minimum 3 months or more depending on your schedule, your constraints… The courses are concrete and the instructors are demanding and caring.

Throughout the training, candidates are supervised by a professional STCW instructor. Private lessons can be arranged as an option as well as a face-to-face session with a mock exam. The Yachter also trains for the Master Commercial Yachting 500 GT (Capitaine Master 500 GT) and Master 500 GT Unlimited (Capitaine Master 500 GT Unlimited).


The theoretical exam allows you to obtain the title of Officer Of Watch (OOW200). It takes place over 4 days in France or in Belgium. The practical exam is done in one day on a sailing and/or motor vessel in the South of France.

⚠ Please note: This training is intended for sailors who already have a training title: offshore license, BACPN, Yachtmaster, Capitaine 200 . It is the ideal solution to obtain an additional navigation title and/or start a professional practice .

3. Conclusion

The profession of skipper requires certain skills and qualifications. The Capitaine 200 , the Yachtmaster or the Commercial Yachting Master 200 GT allow each to exercise the position of command on board within certain limitations.

If the Yachtmaster is the most internationally recognized certificate, it is not recognized in France and does not allow you to work on boats waving the French flag.

The Capitaine 200 , completed with its “Sailing” module, is THE French title, however it is long and expensive to obtain.

The Master Commercial Yachting 200 GT , on the other hand, is recognized in France as well as in the United Kingdom, but requires a visa recognition to be effective in these countries.

⛵ So which patent do you opt for?

No matter which patent you choose, on Capt’n Boat we offer missions on all flags (French, English, Italian, Croatian, Greek, Romanian, Polish, US …) and on all types of boats: you will certainly find your hapiness!


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  1. RYA Yachtmaster™ Certificate of Competence Exams

    yachtmaster examen

  2. guidance on the RYA yachtmaster exam

    yachtmaster examen

  3. Cours RYA Yachtmaster Offshore et examen MCA/RYA

    yachtmaster examen

  4. guidance on the RYA yachtmaster exam

    yachtmaster examen

  5. Cours RYA Yachtmaster Offshore et examen MCA/RYA

    yachtmaster examen

  6. RYA Yachtmaster prepweek en examen

    yachtmaster examen


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  2. Der Yachtmaster

  3. Yachtmaster offshore examination

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  1. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam

    RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam pre-requisites: Minimum seatime: Documented minimum sea time 1 completed on a seagoing sailing or motor yacht (as appropriate) in the last 10 years:. 50 days at sea on yachts up to 500gt 2 which may be reduced to 25 days if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence 3;; 5 days as skipper on vessels less than 24m LOA, which ...

  2. How to pass your Yachtmaster exam

    Tom Cunliffe explains how to pass your Yachtmaster exam. The only certificates accepted by the authorities are those issued after an at-sea examination. To become a fully-fledged Yachtmaster, the practical test is the only one that counts Credit: Graham Snook/YM. TAGS: Practical seamanship sailing skills Yachtmaster.

  3. RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Exam

    The RYA Yachtmaster® Ocean is experienced and competent to skipper a yacht on passages of any length in all parts of the world. Full details of the exam syllabus and requirements are shown in the RYA Yachtmaster Scheme Syllabus and Logbook (G158), which is available from the RYA webshop. The exam consists of an oral and written test.

  4. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Exam

    RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam pre-requisites. 5 passages over 60 miles long, which must include 2 overnight passages and 2 as skipper, which may be reduced to 3 passages including 1 overnight and 1 as skipper if the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence 3. 1 At least half the qualifying sea time should be ...

  5. How to prepare for your Yachtmaster Offshore exam

    Many sailing schools offer places on a Yachtmaster preparation course, normally of five days, for four candidates, with two days of examination at the end of it, as only two candidates can be examined in any one 24-hour period, the exam being a marathon 8-12 hours for one person, and 10-18 hours for two.

  6. How to Pass the Yachtmaster Exam

    Prepare the boat for the manoeuvre (using the crew) Select the correct direction and angle of approach. Select the correct sail combination for this approach. Control the boat speed on the approach bringing the boat to a stop in a controlled manner. Picking up and secure to the mooring bouy safely.

  7. How to pass your Yachtmaster Practical Exam

    The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore has long been the qualification that cruising yacht sailors, both amateur and professional, have aspired to. Quite aside from the fact that it is the gateway to working in the yachting industry if the desire so takes you, it is good to know that you have mastered the sweep of skills and experience necessary for you to be deemed competent at skippering a sailing yacht.

  8. What is an RYA Yachtmaster?

    The gold standard. The RYA Yachtmaster® Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. Unlike other qualifications in the cruising programme, there is no formal training course to become an RYA Yachtmaster.

  9. PDF Yachtmaster Offshore Exam Syllabus

    Yachtmaster Offshore Exam Syllabus. Candidates may be given the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of competence in the areas listed below. In each section the examiner will expect to see the candidate take full responsibility for the management of the yacht and crew. In Yachtmaster Offshore exams the candidate will be expected to demonstrate ...

  10. Yachtmaster Offshore: When, Why, and How

    The candidate's eligibility for Yachtmaster Offshore program is defined by a number of requirements. First and foremost, the logged sea time must show a minimum of 2500 nautical miles, about half of which should be in tidal waters. There is a huge debate as to what tidal waters are, and the RYA leaves it to the Yachtmaster candidate to decide ...

  11. RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Preparation & Exam

    An RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. To attain the RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore candidates must pass a practical examination of their skippering ability.

  12. RYA/MCA Yachtmaster® Offshore Preparation & Exam

    Preparation: This preparation course is designed for those who wish to take the RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Offshore examination. You will spend five days onboard the yacht with one of our fully qualified professional RYA Yachtmaster instructors prior to taking the RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Offshore examination. The course gives potential Yachtmasters ...

  13. Requirements for the Yachtmaster offshore exam

    Requirements for the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal exam. 30 days at sea on a vessel less than 24m in length, and a minimum of 800 miles logged before you sit the exam. At least half the sea time must be in tidal waters. Two days as skipper, on a vessel less than 24m in length. 12 night hours.

  14. PDF Yachtmaster™ Offshore

    The YachtmasterTM Offshore is competent to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage during which the yacht is no more than 150 miles from harbour. Full details of the exam syllabus and requirements are shown in the RYA Yachtmaster Scheme Syllabus and Logbook (G158) available from the webshop (see right). YachtmasterTM Offshore practical exams ...

  15. PDF Pre-exam Experience

    A Yachtmaster Coastal has 'the knowledge needed to skipper a yacht on coastal cruises, but does not necessarily have the experience needed to undertake longer passages'. In other words, the theory is the same for both, but less practical experience and skill is required for the Yachtmaster Coastal exam. Pre-exam Experience

  16. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore

    RYA Yachtmaster Offshore (Yachtmaster 200GT & 150NM Limited) An RYA Offshore certifies an individual as competent to captain a vessel up to 24m in length and no more than 200 Gross Tonnes. The offshore certification is applicable passages during which the yacht is no more than 150 miles from harbour. The Yacht master offshore consists of two ...

  17. How to Pass Your Yachtmaster Exam

    If you are struggling to demonstrate enough qualifying sea-time for the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore, you should apply for the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal. Make sure you have completed your application form, have passport photos, First Aid and VHF certificates and a cheque for the exam fee (payable to the RYA) ready. 2.

  18. Yachtmaster Exam

    Yachtmaster Offshore exam pre-requisites. Minimum seatime. 50 days, 2,500 miles including at least 5 passages over 60 miles measured along the rhumb line from the port of departure to the destination, acting as skipper for at least two of these passages and including two which have involved overnight passages. 5 days experience as skipper.

  19. Yachtmaster Offshore (Power or Sail)

    Yachtmaster Offshore Training. The IYT Worldwide Yachtmaster Offshore certificate is a recreational certificate of competency to command sailing and/or power vessels up to 24 metres in length up to 150 nm offshore. It is a comprehensive theory and live aboard course consisting of five days classroom theory and a practical component of six days ...

  20. Yachtmaster Offshore Motor Examination Preparation

    Sufficient experience and sea time form the eligibility criteria for taking the Yachtmaster™ exam. The Yachtmaster offshore exam preparation week provides five days practical boat handling and revision of the theory with all aspects of the examination organised. In our experience the majority of candidates require some level of preparation ...

  21. RYA/MCA Yachtmaster

    Sailing School Brittany est une école de voile accréditée par la RYA/MCA pour l'enseignement, et la délivrance du Yachtmaster Coastal, Offshore et Ocean. Basée à Vannes, nous proposons des stages selon la progression de la RYA (Royal Yachting Association), qui prépare les candidats à passer l'examen du Yachtmaster.

  22. Zeezeilschool Scheveningen

    Expect some excellent training days, even for those that are not yet doing their yachtmaster exam. There's a maximum student to instructor ratio of five, so you're allways ensured of personal guidance during all practical courses. Please see the RYA website or call us at 070-351 4858 for a complete overview of all theoretical and practical ...

  23. Which certificate to become a skipper? Capitaine 200, Yachtmaster or

    The Capitaine 200 title, issued by the Merchant Navy, is the most common on France.. The Capitaine 200 is a professional navigation title that allows you to sail as a skipper on motorboats up to 200 gross tons, which means medium-sized boats (~24 meters).It is limited to 20 miles from the coast.. With its "Sailing" module, the Capitaine 200 also allows to drive sailing boats without any ...