below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episode 9 Recap: Diamonds Go Missing on the Love Boat

When last we left Below Deck Sailing Yacht , Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher and Chief Engineer Colin MacRae were in each other’s arms in the stairwell, sharing a passionate kiss. And they’re still there! A whole week later. That must have been some kiss.

After kicking Junior Stew Madison “Mads” Herrera out of their shared cabin to rejoin First Mate Gary King in the guest cabin, Daisy and Colin squeezed into Daisy’s bunk together. “You really turn me on,” Daisy whispered to Colin.

“Daisy and I have always been flirty,” admitted Colin in an interview. “I’ve had girlfriends the last two seasons, so nothing was acted on or even really thought about. But in all honesty, I kind of feel like it was only a matter of time in some ways.”

“I don’t know what’s going through Daisy’s head right now,” he continued. “But I’m picking up what she’s putting down.”

The morning after the night of passion

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

The next morning, Gary told Mads, “I’m glad you came back.”

She told him, “Yeah because f***ing Colin went into my cabin with Daisy.” And Gary was all, “Whaaaaaat?” So of course, he immediately went off to find the engineer to get the full scoop.

Finding the guilty party trying to catch a few more winks in their cabin, he asked, “Did you hook up with Daisy last night?”

Colin tried to play innocent, “What? Who said that?”

“Okay,” Gary admitted in an interview. “I didn’t see that coming. Mom and Dad?”

In the crew mess, Alex Propson was having breakfast. Gary ragged him for interrupting his and Madison’s intimate moment. “Thanks for coming into the cabin last night,” Gary told him. “That was a dick move, man. F***ing hell.” But he was laughing while he said it.

Alex blamed it on the engineer. “It was Colin’s idea,” he claimed. “He was on a mission.” Yeah, because Alex was probably too drunk to think of it himself.

“Was he?” Gary mused, adding, “To make sure we were not coming back to the cabin so he could hook up with Daisy?” Uh oh, Gary’s already a little jealous.

Meanwhile, Colin had already returned to Daisy’s cabin. “Room service,” Colin teased. “How are you?”

“The minute I met Colin two years ago,” Daisy said in an interview, “I was like, ‘Oh, he’s hot.’ But obviously, I’ve never known Colin single either … I mean, it was a good kiss.”

Prodded by a producer to “give us more than that,” Daisy finally giggled, “Yeah, there’s definitely a lot of sexual energy there.”

Still not speaking to Chase

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

Following his oafish behavior of the night before when a drunken Chase Lemacks had asked if he could “drink tequila between your boobies tonight,” stewardess Lucy Edmunds wanted nothing to do with Chase and totally ignored him. “You can’t just f*** up and then try and talk to me,” Lucy said. “He’s a f***ing wanker.” I’m not sure Chase had any clue what he’d done to make Lucy so pissed off at him.

After cleaning up all the detritus of the night before, the crew set about general cleaning and preparing the Parsifal III for the next charter. Making beds in one of the guest cabins, Mads told Lucy, “I went back with Gary, and we just cuddled all night and then had sex at some point.”

“Oh fab,” Lucy commented. “Was it good?” Mads admitted that it was, as they continued cleaning. A little idle workplace chatter always makes the day go faster, right?

Colin gets Gary’s blessing

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

As they were putting the finishing touches on the boat’s engine repairs, Colin asked Gary, “You reckon I f***ed up by hooking up with Daisy [last night]? I don’t know if it was a good move, bro.”

Gary responded. “I like Daisy a lot. I’ve got a lot of time for her.”

“But do you ‘like her’ like her?” Colin wanted to know.

“No, I don’t know,” Gary said. “No, no, no, not like that. I thought I did, but I’m quite happy you guys hooked up. I would love you guys to date.” Well, that’s generous of him.

“Are you upset that we hooked up?” Colin asked, trying to make sure his friend wasn’t mad at him. “I didn’t get the feeling that you liked her,” Colin added. What gave you that idea, Colin? Could it be the way Gary went after every other girl on the boat?

“No no no,” Gary answered. “I thought coming into the season [that I did] … but [that was] before she told me to stay away from her. I thought there was chemistry there, but I don’t think she’s the one for me.”

So from their conversation, Colin surmised, “What [his mouth]’s telling me is there’s a green light, but what his face is telling me is another thing. But I feel like him and I are good enough friends for him to tell me if that wasn’t the case.”

“Wait, be honest with me,” Colin pressed. “Do you like Daisy? You’ve got that look in your eye.”

Insisting that he only liked Daisy “as a friend,” Gary stuck to his story. “No, I’m just quite happy that you guys hooked up. To be honest, I think, um … if you want to go for it, go for it, bru.” So there you have it. Gary gave Colin his blessing .

Captain Glenn calls a preference sheet meeting

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

As Gary and Colin were settling their ownership rights to Daisy, Captain Glenn Shephard called for Gary, Daisy and Chef Ileisha Dell to meet him in the crew mess for the next charter’s preference sheet meeting. When Gary slid into the bench seat next to Daisy, he gave her a smug smile, like, “I know what you’ve been up to.”

“Looks like we have lovely ladies joining us this time,” Glenn announced. The primary guest was a professional woman celebrating her retirement with three of her best girlfriends. They requested to be treated “like royalty” while on board, “with a fruity drink always in hand.”

“I like cooking for a bunch of ladies,” Ileisha said. “And only four of them? Like, what am I, on vacation? Love that for me!” Hopefully, she’s right. This crew needs an easy charter.

Gary and Daisy have a heart to heart

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

Immediately after the meeting, Gary met up with Daisy on the flybridge for a smoke break. “Buongiorno,” he greeted her. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m okay now,” she told him. “It was f***ing rough waking up.”

“It was a fun night, though,” Gary said.

Daisy got right to the point. “What do you think of me and Colin kissing each other?”

“I think it’s really nice,” Gary told her. “I think there’s definitely some chemistry there between you two.”

“I’m more asking you,” Daisy continued, “because we’ve kissed, and we’re still friends.”

“It’s a little bit of a weird time,” Gary admitted. “Maybe there’s a little bit of jealousy there, but then I can’t really say that because, yes, I did hook up with Madison.”

“Why are you jealous?” Daisy wanted to know. So is Daisy still interested in Gary? What’s this about?

“I don’t know,” Gary answered. “I thought we had a moment, but I think about it and it’s like, where’s it going to go? I’ve had a little chat to Colin about it, and I said, ‘I think I’ve always liked Daisy.’ I’m not going to deny the fact that [feelings are] there.”

“Yeah, but this kind of bothers me,” Daisy fired back. “Like you can’t even tell me that you have feelings for me?”

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

“Maybe that’s it,” Gary admitted. “Maybe I’m a coward in that sense, and I’m too scared to see what your reaction is going to be, so I’m happy to tell everyone else about it because it’s how I feel. And I’m just too scared to tell you.”

“In what f***ing warped zone am I in right now?” Daisy asked in a production interview. “I can’t believe he realized he has feelings for me now that he’s seeing me with someone else. Come on! I think Gary’s upset that I’m not his backup. So f***ing annoying!”

“I couldn’t pursue you because I just thought … my chances weren’t there,” Gary admitted. “Especially when you told me to stay away from you. I was heartbroken by that comment, really. We don’t get to explore that, you know?”

“We don’t get to explore it because you’re in a relationship with my roommate,” Daisy replied. “Gary, I don’t know what you want me to tell you. After you kiss Madison, what, you want to come over to me and see which one you have more chemistry with? You didn’t give any room. I kissed Colin last night. We’re three weeks into the season. You’ve been hooking up with Madison for the last three weeks.”

At this point, socially awkward Chase strolled in and chirped, “Is this private? Or not?” And that was the end of the conversation, as Gary said he had to go and made a hasty retreat.

Afterward, Gary commented in an interview, “I think that sexual tension between Daisy and I is always going to be there until we have sex.” In your dreams, buddy. You had your chance.

“But now, all of a sudden, Daisy’s hooking up with Colin,” he added. “You snooze you lose. Sh**!”

Daisy and Colin catch up

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

“How are you feeling about last night?” Colin asked, “Because we were f***ing wasted.”

“Do you regret kissing me?” Daisy asked him.

“Not at all,” Colin said. “What makes you say that?”

“I’m not somebody that just hooks up with people,” Daisy told him.

“So where do we go from here?” Colin wanted to know.

“I’m not thinking too much about it,” Daisy lied. It’s ALL she’s thought about all day, for sure.

“Obviously keep it professional,” Colin commented. “None of this PDS sh** in front of all the crew.”

“We’ll see what happens,” Daisy said, as she stretched a foot out to rest in Colin’s lap.

“Not in public!” he protested. “Oh, my God, stop it!” What did he just say about PDA, Daisy? But all she did was giggle. I think Daisy likes Colin. I do, too (even though I’m married). He’s so much more mature and reliable than flighty, flirty Gary.

And the crew had an early night since the charter guests would arrive the next morning.

The crew greets the new guests

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

Hopefully, this would be an easy charter, as there were only four guests to entertain. “What a handsome crew!” one of the ladies exclaimed, as they shook hands with everyone.

When one of the ladies complained that she didn’t really like champagne (Philistine!), Daisy asked if she would like something else. “Fresh fruit martinis, please,” and Daisy made sure they got them before taking them on a tour of the boat.

Chase complained that they had a lot of luggage to be loaded onto the boat, but Gary told him, “Yes, but they’re ladies, and you know what ladies are like.” Oh really, Gary? And what are we like then? To be fair, it was explained to me that most of these charter guests have packed for a full European vacation, only part of which will take place on the Parsifal III. They didn’t just pack for a couple of days.

When Chase found out the guests were from South Carolina, he immediately knew how to behave. “Growing up in the South, I know what these ladies want,” he said. “It’s the way I greet them. ‘Yes, ma’am, my pleasure.’ They see it as manners, but I might be a little taste of home [for them].” He’s not wrong. Finally, Chase has found his comfort zone.

As Lucy brought the ladies more fruity cocktails, the primary explained that the four of them had been roommates in college. And still friends after all these years! How sweet is that?

Meanwhile, Ileisha thought she had these ladies’ MO. “I can tell that these ladies are classy,” she said, “and that they would appreciate something Southern. I’m kind of catering to their flavors, but then putting my twist on it.” To go with their fruity cocktails, Ileisha prepared homemade Parmesan crisps, melon balls with mint and mini crepes with smoked salmon. Sounds yummy!

Captain advised everyone to prepare for sailing, so Daisy instructed her crew to make sure everything was stowed securely when the boat started heeling (not “keeling,” as one of the guests called it). “This is so incredible,” one of the women sighed, watching the sails go up.

In the meantime, Colin informed Daisy, “Tomorrow is Gary’s birthday. We can get his face printed out and then just at the end of the day tomorrow, we all just say, ‘Happy birthday, Gary!'” Daisy said she had balloons and stuff, and before they go out (after the guests are gone), they can have birthday cake and a drink to celebrate.

A 70s disco-themed party

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

When the guests went down to their cabins to get ready for dinner, the crew started to prep their costumes for the evening. The guests requested a 70’s theme disco party, so Daisy sorted through outfits for her stews.

“I had a lot of fun in the 70s,” Glenn said. “The 70s were great. I remember sneaking into discos. And I had frizzy hair. And so I used to brush it up into an Afro. It was big.” Somehow Bravo producers got hold of a picture of Afro Glenn from the 70s. He did have a lot of hair.

“That is shagadelic,” Glenn said in his best Austin Powers voice, as the stews picked outfits. “I’m glad I saw the 70s. That’s when streaking was really big. And it was fantastic because everybody was streaking. Groovy, baby.” Not everybody was streaking, Glenn, only the naked people. But everybody was kung fu fighting.

The mysterious case of the disappearing diamonds

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

Everything was peachy until Daisy was called down to one of the guest cabins. “I took off my diamond necklace and earrings,” the guest told her, “and I put them on [this counter]. I’m so upset.” Apparently, her jewelry had been misplaced.

“No no, it’s okay,” Daisy reassured her. “It’s not gonna go far. They’re on the boat somewhere.” Maybe they slid off the counter when the boat was “keeling.” Check the floor.

“Don’t you have like a video of people that are walking down here?” the guest asked. “I’m pretty responsible when it comes to my diamond necklace. I’m just like in shock.”

“I promise you,” Daisy vowed, “no one would take anything. I’ll ask the rest of the crew in the meantime.”

Daisy walked away muttering, “Now we’re getting f***ing accused of stealing jewelry.” Looks like this charter wasn’t going to be as easy as they originally thought.

Running into Mads on deck, Daisy asked her, “Did you move a necklace and earrings that were in this twin cabin?”

“No, I haven’t touched that [cabin],” the junior stew said.

“I would check purses,” Alex suggested.

Down below, the ladies were getting themselves more and more worked up, as Daisy tried to figure out what happened. Guest Lorrie told Jill, “Don’t leave any of your stuff out.”

When Daisy saw Lucy, she confirmed with her, “You haven’t touched any jewelry in the twin cabin?”

“I’ve not been in there,” Lucy said.

Finally, Daisy knocked on Glenn’s cabin door, as he was getting ready to join the guests for dinner. “What’s going on?” he asked her.

“So, Lorrie has misplaced her diamond earrings and her necklace,” she told Glenn. “I think she’s very concerned that somebody’s taken them.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever dealt with a theft on a super yacht,” Glenn told producers. To Daisy, he said, “Let’s you and I go and I’ll have a chat with her.”

Downstairs Daisy told the guests that she had informed Glenn of the situation, just so he was aware. “He just wanted to come down and speak to you.”

While Glenn spoke with the guests, Daisy returned upstairs and told her girls, “Whoever does turndown, you just check all the cupboards.”

When Lorrie told Glenn that she’s “torn everything apart” and her heart was “racing,” he reassured her. “We’ll find them, don’t worry. I don’t think anybody steals stuff like that. We’ll start looking around and figure out where they went.”

To production, Glenn said, “You’d have to be an idiot to steal onboard a boat. You’re never gonna get away with it. It doesn’t make any sense.”

I think it’s more likely the lady put her jewelry somewhere for safe-keeping and then forgot where she put it. It’s probably stashed safely in a drawer somewhere. They had been drinking quite a bit, after all.

Dinner at the disco

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

When Glenn walked out to dinner in psychedelic red bellbottoms and a bright gold glittery vest, the ladies went wild, “Look at you!”

“What?” he asked, feigning innocence. “I always dress like this.” I don’t mean to disparage, but you would never in a million years see Captain Lee Rosbach come to dinner in anything but his captain’s uniform.

As the guests sat down to dinner, the crew that wasn’t involved with serving was conducting a full-scale search for the missing jewelry. Not only was Mads giving Lorrie’s cabin a thorough once over, but Gary and Alex were searching the bunny pad and the lounge areas.

Lucy even went through Lorrie’s purse. “Yeah,” she said, “there’s literally f***ing money in here and stuff like that. If I was going to steal anything, I’d steal that.” But at the bottom of the purse, Lucy gasped when she finally found the missing jewelry.

Daisy took the necklace and earrings out to the table to show the guests that the missing items had been located. “Where was it?” Jill asked.

“In the pocketbook,” Daisy said, to which Jill replied, “I knew it!”

“Lucy!” Lorrie exclaimed. “My fave! Thank you!”

“Well, I knew there was not going to be a criminal onboard,” Jill said. So did we all. But I do know how frustrating it is to misplace something of value. I lost a pocket camera in Fort Bragg (California) once. I was so upset with myself, it almost ruined my whole weekend. I’m glad for Lorrie that her jewelry was found and returned.

“In the back of my mind,” Captain Glenn interviewed, “I’m thinking, maybe you should at least apologize to the crew. It’s like, no way are they going to do that.”

Fortunately, one of the guests recognized that the crew had gone above and beyond to find the missing jewelry and said, “Can we just make a toast to the crew? Your crew’s amazing … They’re all cute, too. If I was only 40 years younger.”

As dinner was ending, the Parsifal crew, dressed in 70s gear, came dancing out with sparklers. The guests were thrilled and jumped up to dance with them. “Show me some steps,” Alex said. “I wasn’t around for the 70s.” Shut up, Alex. We get it. They’re old and you’re so young. Rude!

On his way to bed, Glenn remembered to stop by the galley and compliment the chef. “Ileisha, dinner was delicious,” he told her. “It came out really fast. Everyone’s great.”

“Thank you,” she told the captain. To production, she laughed, “Sorry, what? I am reeling the captain in. Awesome.”

The lovers say goodnight and Chase takes a jacuzzi with the cougars

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

When Gary went to say goodnight to Mads, he found her already in bed. “Oh, you’re in bed!” he said, surprised. “Go on, sleep well,” and he closed the door behind him. “A good night would be nice,” he muttered, walking away. Apparently, his feelings were hurt that Mads went to bed without first bidding him good night. “That’s just blatantly rude.”

Daisy, on the other hand, was visiting the engine room at that very moment. “You going to bed soon?” she asked Colin. “I’m jealous you’re going to bed,” she said, giving him a good night hug.

“Don’t stay up too late,” he told her, giving her a quick smooch and a long hug.

In the hot tub, the guests asked Gary if one of the boys could come up and “do a temperature check.” Send Alex or Chase, ’cause he’s “adorbs,” according to Jill.

Gary asked Chase if he minded jumping in the jacuzzi with the ladies, and he was up for it. “They just want some male company there, it seems like,” Gary told him. “Whatever happens, I don’t want to hear about it.”

Promising to be a “perfect gentleman,” Chase scampered back to his room to change into his wet gear. “These ladies are a little bit older and they’re single,” Chase interviewed. “I know these type of ladies very well, and I like a little hot tub time, so I’ll take one for the team.”

“I hear you need a temperature check,” Chase announced when he arrived at the jacuzzi.

The ladies were pleased to see him. One of them told Jill, “He looks like my cousin, the one that you dated.”

“I look like your ex-boyfriend?” Chase asked Jill. She told him she had good taste.

“Listen to us,” one of the women said. “We sound like a bunch of cougars.”

“We are cougars!” her friend responded.

Lucy gets a long-deserved apology

After changing out of his swim gear and back into his work clothes, Chase went looking for Lucy, who was still working.

“Hey, Lucy,” Chase whispered in the hallway, being respectful of the people trying to sleep. “I know you’re super busy. Can I talk to you? It’ll take 30 seconds.”

When she agreed, he continued, “I wanna apologize about last night. I know that sometimes when I drink, I’m full on, and I make dirty jokes, and sometimes I can be offensive. One of my goals, I wanna crush the season, but I also want to walk away from this, like being friends. Let me hug it out.”

Lucy thanked him for the apology and said it was “fine” and she appreciated it. “I’m not a hugger,” she said, giving him a quick squeeze.

“I gotta take responsibility for the fact that I’ve upset Lucy,” Chase admitted. “Going forward, I need to just be more aware of the things that are coming out of my big, stupid mouth.” Talking about women’s breasts is not cool, Chase. This is 2023, not 1950. Be better.

Last day of the charter

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

Wow. That was a short one. They only stayed one night? But it’s Gary’s birthday!

“Happy birthday!” Daisy and Ileisha told him, as they both hugged him together.

Afterward, Daisy went to say good morning to her new boyfriend Colin, already at work in the engine room. She was right in the middle of reaching over his shoulder to give him a big kiss when Gary popped his head in to see Colin, too. Catching Colin and Daisy making out, Gary turned right around and made a speedy exit.

The guests were having a beach excursion day, with a walk and a swim, before returning to the dock. Alex and Lucy were assigned to take the ladies to the beach and motored off in the tender. What a gorgeous day! The skies were blue, and the water was turquoise and crystal clear.

The ladies wanted to challenge the boys to a cornhole competition. “Where’s my teammate?” one of them said, referring to Alex, who was taking a quick dip to cool off.

“Yeah, he’s acting like a model coming out of the sea,” Lucy said, as Alex catwalked his way out of the Tyrrhenian Sea (I Googled it).

“Hey, he’s looking like a model!” one of the guests laughed.

While the ladies enjoyed the water, Gary was kvetching to Lucy about Mads going to bed last night without saying goodnight to him. “The fact that a girl won’t say good morning or good night to me after we’ve had sex f***ing hurts,” he whined. Come on, Gary. Grow a pair.

“I think it’s kind of weird that Gary’s telling Lucy,” Alex commented. “Why wouldn’t you just go talk to Mads about it? As much as it pains me to have to hear about [it], I’m also enjoying watching Gary squirm a little bit.” So, no love lost there.

Back on the boat, Lucy hurried to tell Mads that Gary was talking about her at the beach. She said he was upset that she walked right past him last night on her way to bed and didn’t say good night.

“Oh my God,” Mads moaned. “That’s the kind of sh** that annoys me.”

“I’m not, like, in love with Gary,” Mads said in an interview. “It’s just casual sex to me. Every time I take a step back, it feels like Gary needs more attention from me. It’s f***ing ridiculous … Be more dramatic, please.”

Later, as the guests gathered on the dock to bid adieu to the crew, there were some teary eyes. It was all too short a visit. The ladies exchanged hugs and stole a few kisses from the boys, while Glenn said, “It was fun having you guys. You guys are amazing!”

“Well, what can I say?” Jill announced. “It was so lovely. Service, food. We have memories forever. Thank you so much.” And with that, Jill handed Glenn a fat tip envelope. They were nice guests. Other than the missing jewelry fiasco, it was all cake.

A problem with the plumbing

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

After the guests had left, the crew began cleaning the boat. Daisy was in the shower when she noticed a problem. She told Colin, “You know, the toilets aren’t flushing.”

“This f***ing boat,” he said, shaking his head. “This is the sh**iest part of being an engineer.” Literally, in this case.

He decided there must be a blockage somewhere in the pipes, and it needed to be sucked out. “It’s really hard to diagnose where the problem is. I can’t just undo something and find the blockage.”

So he posted someone in each bathroom to watch the bowls, as he pressurized the plumbing. “Anyone who’s religious, please say a little prayer.”

“Bru, it’s my birthday!” Gary joked.

Starting to pressurize the system, Colin radioed, “No one’s got any spillage?”

“I’m getting bubbles,” Gary called.

“Captain’s cabin is bubbling,” Alex radioed.

Nothing in the girls’ cabins. So it’s the boys’ fault then? That makes sense. Boys are gross.

As Gary’s toilet neared overflowing, the smell started to get to him and he began to gag uncontrollably.

“Girls, try to flush your toilets,” Colin called. Daisy and Lucy both attempted to flush their toilets, but nothing happened.

“Literally my worst nightmare,” Colin mumbled. “We have to f***ing break some pipes.”

And Gary was still gagging noisily. Happy birthday, Gare!



Just a California girl with an English Lit degree who watches way too much reality television and likes to talk about it. Favorite shows: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, New Jersey, New York, Orange County, Salt Lake City; Vanderpump Rules; all Below Decks; Summer House; Bachelor in Paradise. Reality Tea News/Recap Writer since 2022.

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Sister Wives cast prior to the divorces.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4: next episode, cast, trailer and what we know about the Bravo series

Captain Glenn and the crew of the Parsifal III set sail again.

Captain Glenn Shepherd on the Parsifal III on Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4

Captain Glenn and the crew of the Parsifal III are back for another season of Below Deck Sailing Yacht . This time the yacht is setting sail in lovely Sardinia, Italy, and even though it's a beautiful location, don't expect calm seas. This season, anything can happen. 

As the original Below Deck franchise wraps up its tenth season, Below Deck Sailing Yacht cruises into season 4 with the promise of picturesque landscapes and thrilling adventures, but the trailer hints at some trouble on board, and not just with the crew. Although, it looks like the Parsifal III has some challenges this season that puts Captain Glenn and the crew through their paces. 

Here's everything we know about Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4. 

Next episode of Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 

Part two of the Below Deck Sailing Yacht season four reunion   airs Tuesday, July 18, at 8 pm ET/PT on Bravo. Catch the uncensored and extended Below Deck Sailing Yacht reunion part two next day on Peacock.

We don't have a premiere date for the UK, but expect to see new episodes on Hayu once they're available. 

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode guide

Keep track of all the Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episodes here:

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 1: "ParsiFAIL" "Back on board Parsifal III in Sardinia, Italy, Capt. Glenn is poised for his smoothest sail yet -- until he isn't; Daisy comes back ready to prove she knows what she's doing as a chief stew; chief engineer Colin is determined to avoid a boat romance."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 2: "Worst Vacation Ever" "Capt. Glenn is hopeful Colin's plan to fix the engine works; chef Ileisha has problems at dinner; the guests blame Daisy for the lack of service."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 3: "The King is Back" "Capt. Glenn finally wakes up to some good news; the entire crew is invited to join the guests for dinner, and chef Ileisha must change her menu in the last minute."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 4: "Lazy Daisy" "Capt. Glenn remains committed to improving the guest experience by insisting a stew go on all excursions. Daisy is frustrated after learning she’s a stew down while the deck team goofed off on the eFoils. Chef Ileisha’s perfectionism is thrown off when she faces her greatest fear in the galley and enlists Colin’s help. Gary claims his territory as First Mate both with the ladies and on deck as he sets his eyes on Mads knowing his deckhands are interested in the same girl."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 5: "Hate Me Tender" "Daisy is overwhelmed with the high-maintenance guests and struggles to ask for help, so a request from Gary sends her over the edge; when a guest injury occurs on the water toys, Capt. Glenn goes into high alert."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 6: "Clash & Burn" "In an effort to turn the charter around, Capt. Glenn takes the guests on an epic sail. Lucy makes a grave mistake to a charter guest’s garment. After Chef Ileisha continues to leave the guests waiting too long between courses, Capt. Glenn gives her honest feedback in the tip meeting that pushes Daisy's defensive buttons. Colin defends Capt. Glenn’s comments as feedback and not critique, which only heightens Daisy’s frustrations."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 7: "Smoke on the Water" "Another engine issue emerges, forcing Capt. Glenn to modify the plan and keep the returning guests entertained. With all the uncertainty going on in the engine room, Capt. Glenn takes control and points out the crews’ mistakes. Daisy and Colin make up after their fight as their relationship grows stronger. Daisy confronts Gary about Mads and claims he’s playing his usual games. Tired of the drama, Chase plans a night of drunk Twister and hosts a surprising yoga session. "

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 8: "Cheers to Boobies" "After Chase confides in Gary about Alex’s lackluster work ethic, Chase’s trust is broken when Gary tells Alex about their conversation. The crew pull off talent show #2 for the returning guests and surprise themselves with their interesting skills. Chase has a little too much to drink, and he upsets some of the crew, pushing Lucy to lose it and her chair at dinner. Daisy and Colin get closer than ever as they share an unexpected kiss."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 9: "Love Boat" "Glenn dresses up for the guests' theme night; he hopes his participation helps correct a jewelry theft hiccup and is on top of his crew to make sure the women have the best trip of their lives."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 10: "Loose Lips Sink Friendships" "The crew has the day off, and even Capt. Glenn recharges by enjoying Parsifal III all to himself and riding the eFoil; Colin saves the day clearing the clogged toilets, but he gets jammed up when his honest opinion strikes a chord."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 11: "Let Them Eat Cake" "Capt. Glenn notices the standards are slipping on Parsifal lll as the crew is exhausted with the mid-season blues. Distraught that Colin and Gary aren’t speaking, Daisy takes initiative and forces them to hash out their problems. Gary’s confusing behavior has Mads confessing her feelings to Alex. Colin tries to forgive Daisy’s discretions, but she adds insult to injury after she drunkenly confuses him for Gary. On charter, after anchoring in their first destination, Parsifal lll nearly drags into a neighboring boat."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 12: "T-Bone with Stakes" "Capt. Glenn notices the crew is slipping on service when a guest is injured, and interior doesn’t hear the walkie call forcing Capt. Glenn to up the guest maintenance standards onboard. After Alex and Mads confess their feelings from the start, Mads is torn between Alex and Gary. Shaken after a close T-Bone with a nearby boat, Gary is confused when his advances to Mads aren’t being reciprocated."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 13: "Hurricane Bonnie" "Captain Glenn reprimands the crew as recent slip-ups are directly affecting communication and morale; Daisy breaks down when she's proven wrong about the walkies not working; Chef Ileisha is determined to prove she can complete a 10-course dinner."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 14: "Boat Load of Throuples" "Capt. Glenn threatens to kick one of the 'throuple' charter guests off Parsifal during a drunken guest fight. Mads receives a wake-up call that prompts her to dismiss Gary’s apology attempt and more seriously consider Alex leaving Gary with a stomach full of regret. Unhappy with Gary, Alex and Colin decide to follow their hearts instead."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 episode 15: "Man Buns Has it Been Fun": "Proud of his team’s accomplishments during the final sail, Capt. Glenn believes his tough love made them all stronger. The crew celebrates their final night out and Daisy and Colin try to soak up every moment of it. Following tearless goodbyes, Capt. Glenn and Gary stay onboard Parsifal to pick up another charter season."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 cast

Captain Glenn Shepherd returns to helm the Parsifal III. This is his fourth season on the series, but he's no stranger to the ship. He's been helming the Parsifal III for over a decade. 

Captain Glenn will be joined once again by Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher, first mate Gary King and engineer Colin MacRae. 

New to the series are chef Ileisha Dell, stews Lucy Edmunds and Mads Herrera and deckhands Chase Lemacks and Alex Propson. 

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 plot

Bravo offered this synopsis of Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 and it gives you a good sense of what's coming in the new season: 

"Capt. Glenn and his comeback team Daisy Kelliher, Gary King and Colin MacRae resume their responsibilities aboard Parsifal III, along with new, dynamic crew members, as they set sail in Sardinia, Italy. Capt. Glenn realizes that his laid-back leadership style has allowed his crew to become too comfortable and starts taking charge of quality control in the interior department, much to Daisy's dismay. 

"In the galley, Chef Ileisha’s cooking impresses the guests, but her indecisiveness and co-dependency lead to time-management issues between courses, which causes her to self-destruct. On deck, strong personalities collide, and a power struggle results in a near mutiny, as Gary clashes with his new overconfident deckhand, Chase. 

"Two overlapping love triangles further complicate the dynamics on-board, and a shocking hookup puts Colin, Daisy and Gary’s friendship in jeopardy. With a near collision, fire, crew rebellion, gruesome guest injury and two different potentially season-ending engine failures, this is the most captivating and unpredictable season yet of Below Deck Sailing Yacht ."

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 trailer

There are some rough seas coming up in Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4. Here's a look at what you can expect:

Get ready to sail into a new season of #BelowDeckSailing on April 10th! ⛵ Here's everything you need to know: March 15, 2023

How to watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 4 premieres April 10 on Bravo, with new episodes airing the next day on Peacock . 

If you have cut the cord to traditional cable/satellite television, Bravo is available on live TV streaming services such as Fubo TV , Hulu with Live TV , Sling TV and YouTube TV . 

UK fans can tune into previous seasons of the franchise on Hayu , and once we have a release date for season 4 in the UK we’ll add it here.

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Sarabeth joined the What to Watch team in May 2022. An avid TV and movie fan, her perennial favorites are The Walking Dead, American Horror Story , true crime documentaries on Netflix and anything from Passionflix. You’ve Got Mail , Ocean's Eleven and Signs are movies that she can watch all day long. She's also a huge baseball fan, and hockey is a new favorite.  

When she's not working, Sarabeth hosts the My Nights Are Booked Podcast and a blog dedicated to books and interviews with authors and actors. She also published her first novel, Once Upon an Interview , in 2022. 

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht – Season 4, Episode 9

Where to watch, below deck sailing yacht — season 4, episode 9.

Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht — Season 4, Episode 9 with a subscription on Peacock, or buy it on Fandango at Home, Prime Video, Apple TV.

Cast & Crew

Glenn Shephard

Daisy Kelliher

Colin Macrae

Ileisha Dell

Lucy Edmunds

Episode Info

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

Below Deck: Sailing Yacht Season 4 Ep 9 Recap | Big Deck Energy

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Climb aboard the S.S. RHAP and grab a life vest! Captain Rob Cesternino ( @RobCesternino ) and chief engineer Sasha Joseph  ( @funsize_04 ) are hitting the seas and bringing BIG DECK ENERGY, watching Bravo’s hit spinoff series Below Deck: Sailing Yacht. Tune in each week as they recap all the drama of the high seas, all played out on a 177-foot (44 meter) sailing yacht.

Rob and Sasha are ready to set sail with their season 4, episode 9 recap of Below Deck: Sailing Yacht! Glenn dresses up for the guests’ theme night; he hopes his participation helps correct a jewellery theft hiccup and is on top of his crew to make sure the women have the best trip of their lives.

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S4 e1 - parsifail, s4 e2 - worst vacation ever, s4 e3 - the king is back, s4 e4 - lazy daisy, s4 e5 - hate me tender, s4 e6 - clash & burn, s4 e7 - smoke on the water, s4 e8 - cheers to boobies, s4 e9 - love boat, s4 e10 - loose lips sink friendships, s4 e11 - burnt hands and broken hearts, s4 e12 - let them eat cake, s4 e13 - t-bone with stakes, s4 e14 - hurricane bonnie, s4 e15 - she loves me not, s4 e16 - boat load of throuples, s4 e17 - man buns it has been fun, s4 e18 - reunion (1), s4 e19 - reunion (2), streaming, rent, or buy below deck sailing yacht – season 4:.

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

Capt. Glenn Shephard and his crew set sail in a luxury sailing yacht to explore the crystal-clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea. The sailing yacht brings new challenges to these young, attra... Read all Capt. Glenn Shephard and his crew set sail in a luxury sailing yacht to explore the crystal-clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea. The sailing yacht brings new challenges to these young, attractive and adventurous yachties. Capt. Glenn Shephard and his crew set sail in a luxury sailing yacht to explore the crystal-clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea. The sailing yacht brings new challenges to these young, attractive and adventurous yachties.

  • Mark Cronin
  • Doug Henning
  • Rebecca Taylor Henning
  • Glenn Shephard
  • Daisy Kelliher
  • 36 User reviews
  • 3 nominations

Episodes 74

Scarlett Bentley in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

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Glenn Shephard

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Did you know

  • Trivia Below Deck Sailing Yacht will introduce Parsifal III. The 177-foot yacht sleeps 12 guests at a time and typically has a nine-member crew, according to Yacht Charter Fleet. To charter the yacht, prices start at $195,000 for a week. During high season, though, a week on the yacht is expected to cost around $225,000.
  • Connections Edited into Below Deck Galley Talk (2021)

User reviews 36

  • May 1, 2022
  • How many seasons does Below Deck Sailing Yacht have? Powered by Alexa
  • February 3, 2020 (United States)
  • 51 Minds Entertainment
  • Little Wooden Boat Productions
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  • Runtime 43 minutes

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht - Season 4 - Episode 9

05 Jun 2023

Capt. Glenn dresses up for the guests’ theme night, pleasing them at dinner. He hopes his participation helps correct a “jewelry theft” hiccup and is on top of his crew to make sure these women have the best trip of their lives. Unbeknownst to Mads, Gary struggles with how he’s actually feeling about Colin and Daisy hooking up for the first time. Colin learns that Gary has broken “bro-code” once again. Show more

S4e1 ∙ reality ∙ english, worst vacation ever, s4e2 ∙ reality ∙ english, the king is back, s4e3 ∙ reality ∙ english, s4e4 ∙ reality ∙ english, hate me tender, s4e5 ∙ reality ∙ english, clash & burn, s4e6 ∙ reality ∙ english, smoke on the water, s4e7 ∙ reality ∙ english, cheers to boobies, s4e8 ∙ reality ∙ english, s4e9 ∙ reality ∙ english, loose lips sink friendships, s4e10 ∙ reality ∙ english.

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Episode 9 Recap: Diamonds Go Missing on the Love Boat

When last we left Below Deck Sailing Yacht , Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher and Chief Engineer Colin MacRae were in each other’s arms in the stairwell, sharing a passionate kiss. And they’re still there! A whole week later. That must have been some kiss.

After kicking Junior Stew Madison “Mads” Herrera out of their shared cabin to rejoin First Mate Gary King in the guest cabin, Daisy and Colin squeezed into Daisy’s bunk together. “You really turn me on,” Daisy whispered to Colin.

“Daisy and I have always been flirty,” admitted Colin in an interview. “I’ve had girlfriends the last two seasons, so nothing was acted on or even really thought about. But in all honesty, I kind of feel like it was only a matter of time in some ways.”

“I don’t know what’s going through Daisy’s head right now,” he continued. “But I’m picking up what she’s putting down.”

The morning after the night of passion

The next morning, Gary told Mads, “I’m glad you came back.”

She told him, “Yeah because f***ing Colin went into my cabin with Daisy.” And Gary was all, “Whaaaaaat?” So of course, he immediately went off to find the engineer to get the full scoop.

Finding the guilty party trying to catch a few more winks in their cabin, he asked, “Did you hook up with Daisy last night?”

Colin tried to play innocent, “What? Who said that?”

“Okay,” Gary admitted in an interview. “I didn’t see that coming. Mom and Dad?”

In the crew mess, Alex Propson was having breakfast. Gary ragged him for interrupting his and Madison’s intimate moment. “Thanks for coming into the cabin last night,” Gary told him. “That was a dick move, man. F***ing hell.” But he was laughing while he said it.

Alex blamed it on the engineer. “It was Colin’s idea,” he claimed. “He was on a mission.” Yeah, because Alex was probably too drunk to think of it himself.

“Was he?” Gary mused, adding, “To make sure we were not coming back to the cabin so he could hook up with Daisy?” Uh oh, Gary’s already a little jealous.

Meanwhile, Colin had already returned to Daisy’s cabin. “Room service,” Colin teased. “How are you?”

“The minute I met Colin two years ago,” Daisy said in an interview, “I was like, ‘Oh, he’s hot.’ But obviously, I’ve never known Colin single either … I mean, it was a good kiss.”

Prodded by a producer to “give us more than that,” Daisy finally giggled, “Yeah, there’s definitely a lot of sexual energy there.”

Still not speaking to Chase

Following his oafish behavior of the night before when a drunken Chase Lemacks had asked if he could “drink tequila between your boobies tonight,” stewardess Lucy Edmunds wanted nothing to do with Chase and totally ignored him. “You can’t just f*** up and then try and talk to me,” Lucy said. “He’s a f***ing wanker.” I’m not sure Chase had any clue what he’d done to make Lucy so pissed off at him.

After cleaning up all the detritus of the night before, the crew set about general cleaning and preparing the Parsifal III for the next charter. Making beds in one of the guest cabins, Mads told Lucy, “I went back with Gary, and we just cuddled all night and then had sex at some point.”

“Oh fab,” Lucy commented. “Was it good?” Mads admitted that it was, as they continued cleaning. A little idle workplace chatter always makes the day go faster, right?

Colin gets Gary’s blessing

As they were putting the finishing touches on the boat’s engine repairs, Colin asked Gary, “You reckon I f***ed up by hooking up with Daisy [last night]? I don’t know if it was a good move, bro.”

Gary responded. “I like Daisy a lot. I’ve got a lot of time for her.”

“But do you ‘like her’ like her?” Colin wanted to know.

“No, I don’t know,” Gary said. “No, no, no, not like that. I thought I did, but I’m quite happy you guys hooked up. I would love you guys to date.” Well, that’s generous of him.

“Are you upset that we hooked up?” Colin asked, trying to make sure his friend wasn’t mad at him. “I didn’t get the feeling that you liked her,” Colin added. What gave you that idea, Colin? Could it be the way Gary went after every other girl on the boat?

“No no no,” Gary answered. “I thought coming into the season [that I did] … but [that was] before she told me to stay away from her. I thought there was chemistry there, but I don’t think she’s the one for me.”

So from their conversation, Colin surmised, “What [his mouth]’s telling me is there’s a green light, but what his face is telling me is another thing. But I feel like him and I are good enough friends for him to tell me if that wasn’t the case.”

“Wait, be honest with me,” Colin pressed. “Do you like Daisy? You’ve got that look in your eye.”

Insisting that he only liked Daisy “as a friend,” Gary stuck to his story. “No, I’m just quite happy that you guys hooked up. To be honest, I think, um … if you want to go for it, go for it, bru.” So there you have it. Gary gave Colin his blessing .

Captain Glenn calls a preference sheet meeting

As Gary and Colin were settling their ownership rights to Daisy, Captain Glenn Shephard called for Gary, Daisy and Chef Ileisha Dell to meet him in the crew mess for the next charter’s preference sheet meeting. When Gary slid into the bench seat next to Daisy, he gave her a smug smile, like, “I know what you’ve been up to.”

“Looks like we have lovely ladies joining us this time,” Glenn announced. The primary guest was a professional woman celebrating her retirement with three of her best girlfriends. They requested to be treated “like royalty” while on board, “with a fruity drink always in hand.”

“I like cooking for a bunch of ladies,” Ileisha said. “And only four of them? Like, what am I, on vacation? Love that for me!” Hopefully, she’s right. This crew needs an easy charter.

Gary and Daisy have a heart to heart

Immediately after the meeting, Gary met up with Daisy on the flybridge for a smoke break. “Buongiorno,” he greeted her. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m okay now,” she told him. “It was f***ing rough waking up.”

“It was a fun night, though,” Gary said.

Daisy got right to the point. “What do you think of me and Colin kissing each other?”

“I think it’s really nice,” Gary told her. “I think there’s definitely some chemistry there between you two.”

“I’m more asking you,” Daisy continued, “because we’ve kissed, and we’re still friends.”

“It’s a little bit of a weird time,” Gary admitted. “Maybe there’s a little bit of jealousy there, but then I can’t really say that because, yes, I did hook up with Madison.”

“Why are you jealous?” Daisy wanted to know. So is Daisy still interested in Gary? What’s this about?

“I don’t know,” Gary answered. “I thought we had a moment, but I think about it and it’s like, where’s it going to go? I’ve had a little chat to Colin about it, and I said, ‘I think I’ve always liked Daisy.’ I’m not going to deny the fact that [feelings are] there.”

“Yeah, but this kind of bothers me,” Daisy fired back. “Like you can’t even tell me that you have feelings for me?”

“Maybe that’s it,” Gary admitted. “Maybe I’m a coward in that sense, and I’m too scared to see what your reaction is going to be, so I’m happy to tell everyone else about it because it’s how I feel. And I’m just too scared to tell you.”

“In what f***ing warped zone am I in right now?” Daisy asked in a production interview. “I can’t believe he realized he has feelings for me now that he’s seeing me with someone else. Come on! I think Gary’s upset that I’m not his backup. So f***ing annoying!”

“I couldn’t pursue you because I just thought … my chances weren’t there,” Gary admitted. “Especially when you told me to stay away from you. I was heartbroken by that comment, really. We don’t get to explore that, you know?”

“We don’t get to explore it because you’re in a relationship with my roommate,” Daisy replied. “Gary, I don’t know what you want me to tell you. After you kiss Madison, what, you want to come over to me and see which one you have more chemistry with? You didn’t give any room. I kissed Colin last night. We’re three weeks into the season. You’ve been hooking up with Madison for the last three weeks.”

At this point, socially awkward Chase strolled in and chirped, “Is this private? Or not?” And that was the end of the conversation, as Gary said he had to go and made a hasty retreat.

Afterward, Gary commented in an interview, “I think that sexual tension between Daisy and I is always going to be there until we have sex.” In your dreams, buddy. You had your chance.

“But now, all of a sudden, Daisy’s hooking up with Colin,” he added. “You snooze you lose. Sh**!”

Daisy and Colin catch up

“How are you feeling about last night?” Colin asked, “Because we were f***ing wasted.”

“Do you regret kissing me?” Daisy asked him.

“Not at all,” Colin said. “What makes you say that?”

“I’m not somebody that just hooks up with people,” Daisy told him.

“So where do we go from here?” Colin wanted to know.

“I’m not thinking too much about it,” Daisy lied. It’s ALL she’s thought about all day, for sure.

“Obviously keep it professional,” Colin commented. “None of this PDS sh** in front of all the crew.”

“We’ll see what happens,” Daisy said, as she stretched a foot out to rest in Colin’s lap.

“Not in public!” he protested. “Oh, my God, stop it!” What did he just say about PDA, Daisy? But all she did was giggle. I think Daisy likes Colin. I do, too (even though I’m married). He’s so much more mature and reliable than flighty, flirty Gary.

And the crew had an early night since the charter guests would arrive the next morning.

The crew greets the new guests

Hopefully, this would be an easy charter, as there were only four guests to entertain. “What a handsome crew!” one of the ladies exclaimed, as they shook hands with everyone.

When one of the ladies complained that she didn’t really like champagne (Philistine!), Daisy asked if she would like something else. “Fresh fruit martinis, please,” and Daisy made sure they got them before taking them on a tour of the boat.

Chase complained that they had a lot of luggage to be loaded onto the boat, but Gary told him, “Yes, but they’re ladies, and you know what ladies are like.” Oh really, Gary? And what are we like then? To be fair, it was explained to me that most of these charter guests have packed for a full European vacation, only part of which will take place on the Parsifal III. They didn’t just pack for a couple of days.

When Chase found out the guests were from South Carolina, he immediately knew how to behave. “Growing up in the South, I know what these ladies want,” he said. “It’s the way I greet them. ‘Yes, ma’am, my pleasure.’ They see it as manners, but I might be a little taste of home [for them].” He’s not wrong. Finally, Chase has found his comfort zone.

As Lucy brought the ladies more fruity cocktails, the primary explained that the four of them had been roommates in college. And still friends after all these years! How sweet is that?

Meanwhile, Ileisha thought she had these ladies’ MO. “I can tell that these ladies are classy,” she said, “and that they would appreciate something Southern. I’m kind of catering to their flavors, but then putting my twist on it.” To go with their fruity cocktails, Ileisha prepared homemade Parmesan crisps, melon balls with mint and mini crepes with smoked salmon. Sounds yummy!

Captain advised everyone to prepare for sailing, so Daisy instructed her crew to make sure everything was stowed securely when the boat started heeling (not “keeling,” as one of the guests called it). “This is so incredible,” one of the women sighed, watching the sails go up.

In the meantime, Colin informed Daisy, “Tomorrow is Gary’s birthday. We can get his face printed out and then just at the end of the day tomorrow, we all just say, ‘Happy birthday, Gary!'” Daisy said she had balloons and stuff, and before they go out (after the guests are gone), they can have birthday cake and a drink to celebrate.

A 70s disco-themed party

When the guests went down to their cabins to get ready for dinner, the crew started to prep their costumes for the evening. The guests requested a 70’s theme disco party, so Daisy sorted through outfits for her stews.

“I had a lot of fun in the 70s,” Glenn said. “The 70s were great. I remember sneaking into discos. And I had frizzy hair. And so I used to brush it up into an Afro. It was big.” Somehow Bravo producers got hold of a picture of Afro Glenn from the 70s. He did have a lot of hair.

“That is shagadelic,” Glenn said in his best Austin Powers voice, as the stews picked outfits. “I’m glad I saw the 70s. That’s when streaking was really big. And it was fantastic because everybody was streaking. Groovy, baby.” Not everybody was streaking, Glenn, only the naked people. But everybody was kung fu fighting.

The mysterious case of the disappearing diamonds

Everything was peachy until Daisy was called down to one of the guest cabins. “I took off my diamond necklace and earrings,” the guest told her, “and I put them on [this counter]. I’m so upset.” Apparently, her jewelry had been misplaced.

“No no, it’s okay,” Daisy reassured her. “It’s not gonna go far. They’re on the boat somewhere.” Maybe they slid off the counter when the boat was “keeling.” Check the floor.

“Don’t you have like a video of people that are walking down here?” the guest asked. “I’m pretty responsible when it comes to my diamond necklace. I’m just like in shock.”

“I promise you,” Daisy vowed, “no one would take anything. I’ll ask the rest of the crew in the meantime.”

Daisy walked away muttering, “Now we’re getting f***ing accused of stealing jewelry.” Looks like this charter wasn’t going to be as easy as they originally thought.

Running into Mads on deck, Daisy asked her, “Did you move a necklace and earrings that were in this twin cabin?”

“No, I haven’t touched that [cabin],” the junior stew said.

“I would check purses,” Alex suggested.

Down below, the ladies were getting themselves more and more worked up, as Daisy tried to figure out what happened. Guest Lorrie told Jill, “Don’t leave any of your stuff out.”

When Daisy saw Lucy, she confirmed with her, “You haven’t touched any jewelry in the twin cabin?”

“I’ve not been in there,” Lucy said.

Finally, Daisy knocked on Glenn’s cabin door, as he was getting ready to join the guests for dinner. “What’s going on?” he asked her.

“So, Lorrie has misplaced her diamond earrings and her necklace,” she told Glenn. “I think she’s very concerned that somebody’s taken them.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever dealt with a theft on a super yacht,” Glenn told producers. To Daisy, he said, “Let’s you and I go and I’ll have a chat with her.”

Downstairs Daisy told the guests that she had informed Glenn of the situation, just so he was aware. “He just wanted to come down and speak to you.”

While Glenn spoke with the guests, Daisy returned upstairs and told her girls, “Whoever does turndown, you just check all the cupboards.”

When Lorrie told Glenn that she’s “torn everything apart” and her heart was “racing,” he reassured her. “We’ll find them, don’t worry. I don’t think anybody steals stuff like that. We’ll start looking around and figure out where they went.”

To production, Glenn said, “You’d have to be an idiot to steal onboard a boat. You’re never gonna get away with it. It doesn’t make any sense.”

I think it’s more likely the lady put her jewelry somewhere for safe-keeping and then forgot where she put it. It’s probably stashed safely in a drawer somewhere. They had been drinking quite a bit, after all.

Dinner at the disco

When Glenn walked out to dinner in psychedelic red bellbottoms and a bright gold glittery vest, the ladies went wild, “Look at you!”

“What?” he asked, feigning innocence. “I always dress like this.” I don’t mean to disparage, but you would never in a million years see Captain Lee Rosbach come to dinner in anything but his captain’s uniform.

As the guests sat down to dinner, the crew that wasn’t involved with serving was conducting a full-scale search for the missing jewelry. Not only was Mads giving Lorrie’s cabin a thorough once over, but Gary and Alex were searching the bunny pad and the lounge areas.

Lucy even went through Lorrie’s purse. “Yeah,” she said, “there’s literally f***ing money in here and stuff like that. If I was going to steal anything, I’d steal that.” But at the bottom of the purse, Lucy gasped when she finally found the missing jewelry.

Daisy took the necklace and earrings out to the table to show the guests that the missing items had been located. “Where was it?” Jill asked.

“In the pocketbook,” Daisy said, to which Jill replied, “I knew it!”

“Lucy!” Lorrie exclaimed. “My fave! Thank you!”

“Well, I knew there was not going to be a criminal onboard,” Jill said. So did we all. But I do know how frustrating it is to misplace something of value. I lost a pocket camera in Fort Bragg (California) once. I was so upset with myself, it almost ruined my whole weekend. I’m glad for Lorrie that her jewelry was found and returned.

“In the back of my mind,” Captain Glenn interviewed, “I’m thinking, maybe you should at least apologize to the crew. It’s like, no way are they going to do that.”

Fortunately, one of the guests recognized that the crew had gone above and beyond to find the missing jewelry and said, “Can we just make a toast to the crew? Your crew’s amazing … They’re all cute, too. If I was only 40 years younger.”

As dinner was ending, the Parsifal crew, dressed in 70s gear, came dancing out with sparklers. The guests were thrilled and jumped up to dance with them. “Show me some steps,” Alex said. “I wasn’t around for the 70s.” Shut up, Alex. We get it. They’re old and you’re so young. Rude!

On his way to bed, Glenn remembered to stop by the galley and compliment the chef. “Ileisha, dinner was delicious,” he told her. “It came out really fast. Everyone’s great.”

“Thank you,” she told the captain. To production, she laughed, “Sorry, what? I am reeling the captain in. Awesome.”

The lovers say goodnight and Chase takes a jacuzzi with the cougars

When Gary went to say goodnight to Mads, he found her already in bed. “Oh, you’re in bed!” he said, surprised. “Go on, sleep well,” and he closed the door behind him. “A good night would be nice,” he muttered, walking away. Apparently, his feelings were hurt that Mads went to bed without first bidding him good night. “That’s just blatantly rude.”

Daisy, on the other hand, was visiting the engine room at that very moment. “You going to bed soon?” she asked Colin. “I’m jealous you’re going to bed,” she said, giving him a good night hug.

“Don’t stay up too late,” he told her, giving her a quick smooch and a long hug.

In the hot tub, the guests asked Gary if one of the boys could come up and “do a temperature check.” Send Alex or Chase, ’cause he’s “adorbs,” according to Jill.

Gary asked Chase if he minded jumping in the jacuzzi with the ladies, and he was up for it. “They just want some male company there, it seems like,” Gary told him. “Whatever happens, I don’t want to hear about it.”

Promising to be a “perfect gentleman,” Chase scampered back to his room to change into his wet gear. “These ladies are a little bit older and they’re single,” Chase interviewed. “I know these type of ladies very well, and I like a little hot tub time, so I’ll take one for the team.”

“I hear you need a temperature check,” Chase announced when he arrived at the jacuzzi.

The ladies were pleased to see him. One of them told Jill, “He looks like my cousin, the one that you dated.”

“I look like your ex-boyfriend?” Chase asked Jill. She told him she had good taste.

“Listen to us,” one of the women said. “We sound like a bunch of cougars.”

“We are cougars!” her friend responded.

Lucy gets a long-deserved apology

After changing out of his swim gear and back into his work clothes, Chase went looking for Lucy, who was still working.

“Hey, Lucy,” Chase whispered in the hallway, being respectful of the people trying to sleep. “I know you’re super busy. Can I talk to you? It’ll take 30 seconds.”

When she agreed, he continued, “I wanna apologize about last night. I know that sometimes when I drink, I’m full on, and I make dirty jokes, and sometimes I can be offensive. One of my goals, I wanna crush the season, but I also want to walk away from this, like being friends. Let me hug it out.”

Lucy thanked him for the apology and said it was “fine” and she appreciated it. “I’m not a hugger,” she said, giving him a quick squeeze.

“I gotta take responsibility for the fact that I’ve upset Lucy,” Chase admitted. “Going forward, I need to just be more aware of the things that are coming out of my big, stupid mouth.” Talking about women’s breasts is not cool, Chase. This is 2023, not 1950. Be better.

Last day of the charter

Wow. That was a short one. They only stayed one night? But it’s Gary’s birthday!

“Happy birthday!” Daisy and Ileisha told him, as they both hugged him together.

Afterward, Daisy went to say good morning to her new boyfriend Colin, already at work in the engine room. She was right in the middle of reaching over his shoulder to give him a big kiss when Gary popped his head in to see Colin, too. Catching Colin and Daisy making out, Gary turned right around and made a speedy exit.

The guests were having a beach excursion day, with a walk and a swim, before returning to the dock. Alex and Lucy were assigned to take the ladies to the beach and motored off in the tender. What a gorgeous day! The skies were blue, and the water was turquoise and crystal clear.

The ladies wanted to challenge the boys to a cornhole competition. “Where’s my teammate?” one of them said, referring to Alex, who was taking a quick dip to cool off.

“Yeah, he’s acting like a model coming out of the sea,” Lucy said, as Alex catwalked his way out of the Tyrrhenian Sea (I Googled it).

“Hey, he’s looking like a model!” one of the guests laughed.

While the ladies enjoyed the water, Gary was kvetching to Lucy about Mads going to bed last night without saying goodnight to him. “The fact that a girl won’t say good morning or good night to me after we’ve had sex f***ing hurts,” he whined. Come on, Gary. Grow a pair.

“I think it’s kind of weird that Gary’s telling Lucy,” Alex commented. “Why wouldn’t you just go talk to Mads about it? As much as it pains me to have to hear about [it], I’m also enjoying watching Gary squirm a little bit.” So, no love lost there.

Back on the boat, Lucy hurried to tell Mads that Gary was talking about her at the beach. She said he was upset that she walked right past him last night on her way to bed and didn’t say good night.

“Oh my God,” Mads moaned. “That’s the kind of sh** that annoys me.”

“I’m not, like, in love with Gary,” Mads said in an interview. “It’s just casual sex to me. Every time I take a step back, it feels like Gary needs more attention from me. It’s f***ing ridiculous … Be more dramatic, please.”

Later, as the guests gathered on the dock to bid adieu to the crew, there were some teary eyes. It was all too short a visit. The ladies exchanged hugs and stole a few kisses from the boys, while Glenn said, “It was fun having you guys. You guys are amazing!”

“Well, what can I say?” Jill announced. “It was so lovely. Service, food. We have memories forever. Thank you so much.” And with that, Jill handed Glenn a fat tip envelope. They were nice guests. Other than the missing jewelry fiasco, it was all cake.

A problem with the plumbing

After the guests had left, the crew began cleaning the boat. Daisy was in the shower when she noticed a problem. She told Colin, “You know, the toilets aren’t flushing.”

“This f***ing boat,” he said, shaking his head. “This is the sh**iest part of being an engineer.” Literally, in this case.

He decided there must be a blockage somewhere in the pipes, and it needed to be sucked out. “It’s really hard to diagnose where the problem is. I can’t just undo something and find the blockage.”

So he posted someone in each bathroom to watch the bowls, as he pressurized the plumbing. “Anyone who’s religious, please say a little prayer.”

“Bru, it’s my birthday!” Gary joked.

Starting to pressurize the system, Colin radioed, “No one’s got any spillage?”

“I’m getting bubbles,” Gary called.

“Captain’s cabin is bubbling,” Alex radioed.

Nothing in the girls’ cabins. So it’s the boys’ fault then? That makes sense. Boys are gross.

As Gary’s toilet neared overflowing, the smell started to get to him and he began to gag uncontrollably.

“Girls, try to flush your toilets,” Colin called. Daisy and Lucy both attempted to flush their toilets, but nothing happened.

“Literally my worst nightmare,” Colin mumbled. “We have to f***ing break some pipes.”

And Gary was still gagging noisily. Happy birthday, Gare!


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Screen Rant

Below deck mediterranean season 9 villain ellie dubaich thinks carrie is taking her spotlight (the crew needs ellie to go).


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Below Deck Mediterranean season 9’s villain, Ellie Dubaich, believes Carrie O’Neill is stealing her spotlight aboard Mustique, but it would be best for the rest of the crew if Ellie left the show . Throughout Below Deck Mediterranean season 9 , Ellie’s behavior has been a point of contention aboard Mustique and for viewers watching at home. While she started the season as a seemingly competent Stew working hard to find herself promoted during her next charter season, Ellie’s behavior took a shocking turn as the season continued on. When her issues began to reveal themselves, viewers struggled to support Ellie anymore.

Throughout the early moments of the season, Ellie was one of the more agreeable crew members of Mustique. Her issues with Bri Muller , the Third Stew aboard the superyacht, were understandable in the beginning of the charter season, especially after Ellie had told Bri that she was interested in their mutual love interest, Lead Deckhand Joe Bradley. When it became clear that Bri was going to do whatever she could to take Ellie down, t he Second Stew’s behavior started to become more erratic . With Ellie unable to handle anyone above her, Carrie joining the interior team has thrown her off.

Ellie Has Been Difficult Throughout The Charter Season

Her superiority complex has been tough to handle.

While her performance on Mustique hasn’t been as lackluster as some, Ellie’s behavior has been difficult throughout the charter season on Below Deck Mediterranean . While she started off as the more competent of the two Stews working beneath Chief Stew Aesha Scott, Ellie’s attitude has been a red flag since early on in the charter season. As Second Stew, Ellie knew she had authority over Bri and did her best to lord that over the Third Stew from the beginning. Rather than genuinely trying to help Bri through her struggles, Ellie made it more difficult for her to learn anything.

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Ellie’s personal vendetta against Bri , which she consistently denied during the confessional interviews on Below Deck Med, made it clear that she was trying to sabotage the Third Stew. While Ellie was relaxing, taking breaks, or giving half-hearted performances on service, she left Bri to take care of the bigger tasks like cleaning the cabins or handling the laundry. Trying to say that Bri was victimizing herself when she called out Ellie’s attitude, Ellie made it clear that she wasn’t going to hear any criticism , even from Chief Stew Aesha. As the charter continued, Ellie only got worse to handle.

Aesha Is Trying To Navigate The Crew Dynamics Without Bruising Ellie’s Ego

She’s trying to be diplomatic.

Throughout the charter season, Aesha has been doing her best to be diplomatic surrounding the drama with the rest of her team. While there were issues that needed to be addressed between Ellie and Bri after the Joe drama caused them to bring their problems into the charter, Aesha didn’t want to make the drama between the women out to be about a guy aboard Mustique. Instead, she tried to create lines of communication for Ellie and Bri that didn’t focus on anything but the work they needed to do. With the Mustique being down a Stew, Aesha was desperate.

Throughout the charter season, Aesha was clear that they were working without the help of a fourth Stew, which meant that she, Bri, and Ellie needed to be at the top of their game. The charter season had been difficult within the first few weeks, and when Ellie and Bri’s drama cropped up and caused Aesha an even bigger headache , she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to handle it. Instead of focusing on the issues, Aesha tried to be as diplomatic as possible , allowing each of her Stews to vent their frustrations, but ultimately making calls for the team.

Ellie Thinks She’s The Best Stew Aboard Mustique

She feels she knows better than anyone.

Although Ellie has nearly as much experience as Aesha, she’s had different levels of superyacht experience in her time as a Stew. Ellie’s time aboard Mustique was self-described as a chance to gain more experience in order to become a Chief Stew , and though she felt she knew everything she needed to, the charter season clearly had some lessons to teach the Second Stew about leadership. Ellie’s time aboard Mustique should have shown her that she doesn’t know best, but instead, the Second Stew made it clear that she feels she knows better than the rest of her team, including Aesha.

During the most recent episode of Below Deck Mediterranean season 9, Ellie made it clear that she also feels she knows better than the new Stew, Carrie. As another yachtie with years of experience, Carrie knows the attitude she needs to have coming into the season with just a few charters left to complete. With an attitude and sense of urgency that worked for Aesha, Carrie was someone the Chief Stew felt comfortable with, which rubbed Ellie the wrong way. Ellie tried to assert herself, even reminding Aesha that she’s the Second Stew, but was shut down for her attitude .

Aesha Needs To Call Ellie’s Behavior Out & Let Her Go For The Crew’s Sake

She needs to preserve the work environment.

While Ellie’s behavior has been escalating in the final charters of the season, Aesha and the rest of the interior team shouldn’t have to deal with Ellie’s erratic behavior any longer. While the Second Stew is still working at a decent capacity, her attitude aboard the Mustique has been unforgivable. Trying to put herself over the betterment of the crew and the service of the guests is unnecessary, and Ellie has been doing everything in her power to ensure that the team knows she’s second in command, regardless of the situation. Ellie’s behavior has made her impossible to root for .

Even with just a charter left in the season, Aesha should notice the fact that Ellie feels like she’s not the center of the interior’s attention anymore and remove her from the team. With Ellie’s attitude only getting worse , Aesha should make it clear that she doesn’t tolerate the level of superiority complex that Ellie has and fire her from Mustique to make a statement . Ellie needs to understand that though she’s been an asset to the team, her behavior aboard future superyachts wouldn’t normally be tolerated. Her time on Below Deck Mediterranean should be coming to an end soon.

Below Deck Mediterranean airs Mondays at 9 p.m. EDT on Bravo.

Source: Below Deck /Instagram

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Below Deck Mediterranean is a Bravo reality television series that follows a crew that works aboard a gigantic superyacht during the busy season. The show highlights the challenges of the crew as they serve their high-end clientele. Each season tackles new locations, such as Greece, Croatia, Italy, and France, with some repeating.

Below Deck Mediterranean

Below Deck Med 9’s crew steer into a storm of insecurity and delusion

A person lying in a bunk talks to someone standing below

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Just one charter—and one marriage proposal—remain on Below Deck Mediterranean season nine after episode 14, which churned through the same waters as the previous 13 episodes, with some steps forward and many steps back.

Iain actually docked the boat in the dark, which is remarkable considering that in broad daylight, he cannot see things that are directly in front of him. Maybe he has night vision?

A person with a beard makes a goofy expression

Jono managed to not kill anyone with his food, though he did also serve guests filet mignon and asparagus with Kool-Aid powder, sprinkling it on by using a guest’s preference sheet as a guide. GROSS. (By the way TikTok keeps showing me videos guests filmed onboard , like Jono introducing a dish, and it’s weird seeing scenes from that perspective.)

Although Jono must now know he cannot be fired, he told us, “I’m going to be a phoenix rising from the ashes,” and the editors put his head on a phoenix’s body. Setting everything on fire and turning it into ash is a pretty good metaphor for Jono’s architecture cuisine.

In the galley, Aesha tried something Jono made, and instantly her mouth erupted in a waterfall of drool, which I assume was her body trying to protect her.

Aesha may be stuck with a chef who doesn’t know that cookies are not a high-end dessert and carpaccio is not to be served in chunks, but she does have a gift: Carrie.

Yes, there’s finally another competent team member in fourth stew Carrie. “Do you know how much pressure is alleviated having a super-experienced stew?” Aesha asked Nathan, who pointed out that was the first time he’s seen her eating.

Of course, this has caused Ellie to melt down, because 🎵 I AM SECOND STEW / GOING ON FIRST STEW / I WILL TAKE CARE OF BOAT. 🎵 (Sorry.)

Anyway, this took the form of Ellie micromanaging Carrie (no one tell Ellie that she complains about being micromanaged all the time) with everything from hanging shitty paper birthday decorations to putting on pillowcases.

While Carrie was in the middle of swiftly and efficiently pouring guest drinks, Ellie said, “Do you mind if you would do dishes and I do the service?” That was after asking Carrie to clear the table while Carrie was serving guests, which Aesha overheard and was like, no, try again.


Ellie’s delusion dialed up so high I don’t think Captain Sandy’s wind gauges could measure it. “I was under the impression that we just needed somebody to do the odd jobs,” she told us, wondering, “damn, have I been the weak link”—a question that surprised her because she’s convinced she’s been “carrying the team the whole season.”

In Ellie’s defense, when the entire team is just Bri, sure, you’re carrying it. But to anyone watching, Aesha has been doing all the work while making sure her stews don’t set the boat and/or each other on fire.

Also in Ellie’s defense, it’s kinda obvious that her insecurity is dialed up with Joe lurking around and trying to get into Carrie’s laundry. Meanwhile, Carrie took some guests’ laundry to steam and then—steamed it, and gave it back. Wild.

Two people standing in front of an ironing board in a laundry room

By the way, Bri got her new color bead system, and told us, “I used colors in my study notes.” She now has a chart matching colors to names. Will that still solve the problem of losing her own dress and not being able to put things in the right cabins?

One thing I noticed on her list is that someone is missing:

A handwritten list: Gael: Yellow, Joe: maroon,

Yep, Captain Sandy’s not there. Is Bri just not allowed to touch her clothes any more, or Captain Sandy not have any clothes because Bri ruined them all?

Back to Joe, who literally closed the door to the laundry room while Carrie was inside and ran away like a four-year-old. “I did learn something. I really did,” he told us of all his fucking around with Ellie and Bri. “But I do tend to fall into old habits,” which apparently means falling into any woman who appears and then being a colossal asshole to her.

Joe repeatedly flirted with Carrie, saying things like “I’ll even clean your countertop” and trying to sniff Carrie’s armpits in the van. “I wasn’t inviting you in for a waft,” she told him, successfully batting him away.

Ellie told us that Joe “just keeps sucking me back in,” and does so with incredible wit and charm such as telling Ellie, “I’m going to fork your bun.”

But one woman on the boat will not take Joe’s shit, and I am here for it.

Two people sit on a dock and talk

Joe came down to the swim platform to micromanage Gael again, asking her if she’d done an obvious thing that she’d already done, and also try to clear the air. Great strategy: be a dick and then try to figure out why someone’s mad at you.

Gael told Joe, “I realize I’m trying to make a guy happy who’s just going to be an ass to me.”

Joe replied, “How am I being an ass?” Like with that kind of gaslighting, you bag of fetid meat. Just in case anyone forgot, the editors included a montage of him being an ass to Gael.

Look, is Joe as grossly misogynist and vile as some deckhands we’ve had on Below Deck ? Not at all. But he doesn’t get graded on a curve just because some people before him were dirtbags.

“You’re going to be a prick to me, I’m just not going to give you the time of day,” Gael said. I hope she could hear the applause from all of us standing up in front of our TVs.

Joe’s defense was, of course, gross. “Have I ever raised my voice?” he asked, as if that’s required for being a shitty boss. Then he gave the non-apology apology: “I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like that.” Fuck right off, dude.

That’s what he did, going back to his cabin to bond with Nathan about how Gael was mean to him.

Later, when the guests wanted to have a crew vs. guest relay race on the water, Joe asked Iain if he could take charge. “Being lead deckhand, I have this wave of confidence that I can run the deck,” Joe told us, and took control of blow-up toys.

Where is this confidence coming from? I mean, other than Iain and Captain Sandy refusing to tell Joe that he’s a bad lead deckhand and promote Nathan or Gael into the job instead.

Speaking of insecure people, Ellie started saying the quiet part out loud: “Carrie [is] taking the spotlight from me,” she said. “I’m just tossed to the sideline.” She said “it’s very insensitive towards me.”

Ellie has a bit of main character syndrome, but Carrie knew enough to not take the bait, just rolling with Ellie’s dumb asks. But she finally had enough and told Aesha, who summarized this perfectly: “Ellie is making things less efficient so she can maintain her status. Or her ego.”

That is the theme of this season!

As an evening out approached, Ellie swirled down the drain of insecurity and into a pool of delusion. “He’s not even choosing based on whom he’s attracted to. He just chooses the person who gives him the most attention,” she said, and that was a pretty cogent analysis that she then ruined: “no man in his right mind would turn down an incredible night with me. It’s like, come on!”

A topless Ellie covered herself in fake tanner in their tiny cabin, and oops, spilled some all over Carrie’s shirt and pants. At least Bri will now know which things are Carrie’s.

But that wasn’t the evening’s most passive-aggressive act. In the van back to the boat, Joe booked a flight to Dublin to visit Nathan. Gael and Nathan had been planning to travel after the season ended, and Aesha turned to Gael and said, “When are you going on your trip?”

This is the most drama I’ve ever seen Aesha create, and though it was a fair question, contrasted with Nathan and Joe in the back seat, arms wrapped around each other, smiling, it seemed Nathan really had forgotten about their plans.

Gael said “these plans are easy to be scribbled over,” and broke down to Aesha, “I can’t expect anything from anyone. That’s it.” Should we be expecting things from people we met on Below Deck five weeks ago?

“I’m just going to be treated like shit again,” Gael told us, which was heartbreaking, especially when contrasted with footage of Nathan and Joe screwing around in their cabin.

Gotta love all this romance setting the stage for Captain Sandy’s big proposal. 😬

About the writer

Andy Dehnart

Andy Dehnart is a writer and TV critic who created reality blurred in 2000. His writing and reporting here has won an Excellence in Journalism award from NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists and an L.A. Press Club National A&E Journalism Award.

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Joe seems almost as bad as Gary. So glad to see Aesha having an actual break! I love her.

Elle is truly horrific. What a loser. She TRULY does think everyone is thinking about her 24/7. “no man in his right mind would turn down an incredible night with me. OMFG! When she said that I really couldn’t believe it. Of course, this has caused Ellie to melt down, because 🎵 I AM SECOND STEW / GOING ON FIRST STEW / I WILL TAKE CARE OF BOAT. 🎵 (Sorry.) Hahaha! Not sorry! Carrie IS stealing the spotlight from you! Because she is nice and agreeable and doesn’t buy into your shit. I love that she doesn’t take the bait from Ellie….Just goes along! Because if she did…Ellie would be moaning about being disrespected! No, Carrie is just a hell of a lot smarter than you Ellie.

Love that Gael didn’t back down or go nice to Joe. I love her too. Poor Gael! Don’t you worry Gael, you will find someone as awesome as yourself.

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below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

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The Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Trailer Teases Juicy Love Triangles and Crew Mess-iness

Here's everything you need to know about Season 4 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht .

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

Pack your bags and leave room for the drama because we're about to set sail again. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 is back this April and the yachties are bringing a tidal wave of tensions, boatmances, and, well, just about everything in between. Check out the trailer, above, to sneak a peek.

When Does  Below Deck Sailing Yacht  Premiere?

How to watch.

Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht on Peacock and the Bravo app . 

The new season kicks off on Monday, April 10 at 8/7c and is available to stream the next day on Peacock.

Who Is the Cast in Season 4 of B elow Deck Sailing Yacht ?

Returning this season are Captain Glenn Shephard and OG department heads Chief Stew Daisy Kelliher , first mate Gary King , and engineer Colin MacRae . They will be joined by new crew members including  Chef Ileisha Dell , stews Lucy Edmunds and Mads Herrera , and deckhands Chase Lemacks and Alex Propson .   

What Boat Will be Featured in Season 4 of B elow Deck Sailing Yacht ?

Season 4 will take place on Parsifal III . As noted in the trailer, Captain Glenn has worked on Parsifal III for   over a decade, and as he put it, the vessel has "never let me down."

Where Does Season 4 Take Place?

Cue your FOMO. The returning cast, alongside the  "new, dynamic crew members" will set sail in Sardinia, Italy.

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

What Can Fans Expect on Season 4 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht ?

Boatmances: check. Nudity: yup. Injuries: sure. Other boat calamities like fire: you know it. Consider our interest piqued . More on all that, below.

Captain Glenn Is Back in Charge

The press release previews that "Captain Glenn  realizes that his laid-back leadership style has allowed his crew to become too comfortable and starts taking charge of quality control in the interior department, much to Daisy's dismay."

As he notes in the trailer, it's all about "the last 5 percent" when it comes to the experience they are giving to the charter guests and making sure you put your all in every single time.

Meet the New Chef

New chef, who dis? "In the galley, Chef Ileisha’s cooking impresses the guests, but her indecisiveness and co-dependency lead to time-management issues between courses, which causes her to self-destruct," the press release teases.

Get Ready for Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 and Below Deck Down Under Season 2

The drama on deck.

As teased in the trailer and in the press release, "On deck, strong personalities collide, and a power struggle results in a near mutiny, as Gary clashes with his new overconfident deckhand, Chase."

The Hookups and Love Triangles

Love (and we mean a lot of  love) is in the the air, as you can see in the trailer above. "Two overlapping love triangles further complicate the dynamics on-board, and a shocking hookup puts Colin, Daisy, and Gary’s friendship in jeopardy," the press release also notes.

Other Boat Dramas

And there will be a tidal wave of ups and downs! According to the press release, "With a near collision, fire, crew rebellion, gruesome guest injury, and two different potentially season-ending engine failures, this is the most captivating and unpredictable season yet of Below Deck Sailing Yacht."

Watch  Below Deck Sailing Yacht  on  Peacock  and the  Bravo app .

  • Colin MacRae
  • Daisy Kelliher
  • Glenn Shephard

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

  • Cast And Show News

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The 10 Best Season 11 Episodes of 'Below Deck,' Ranked


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Below Deck Season 11 was a bit of a reset season. For the first time since the series debuted in 2013, Below Deck had a new captain at the helm. The Daddy of the Sea, Captain Lee Rosbach, was gone and a new Zaddy of the Sea, Captain Kerry Titheradge, the former captain on Below Deck Adventure , was now in charge. With some familiar faces back in action, Below Deck Season 11 had a rocky season at sea , but nevertheless enjoyable!

Below Deck is one of Bravo's biggest franchises. The flagship series has spun off four other series that have spanned the globe. Documenting the crew on board the world's most luxurious motor yachts, Below Deck gives viewers the highs and lows of yachtie life. The eleventh season gave viewers a new captain, a Real Housewife, and drama all over St. David!

10 "The Real Housewives of Grenada"

There have been a few unofficial Bravo crossovers on Below Deck over the course of the franchise. And Season 11 was no different. St. David welcomed The Real Housewives of New York City alum Jill Zarin . And well, she was a hoot and a half. Chef Anthony Iracane is an artist . And as Captain Kerry Titheradge states, creatives may break. And Chef Anthony was on the brink of cracking. Especially with Jill Zarin on board. Chef Anthony has had a rough go over the course of the past few charters and, as much as Chief Stew Fraser Olender wanted to protect his friend, he knew he was on the brink of destruction. He wanted revenge for his mistakes, but this group of charter guests was about to test his limits.

When Captain Kerry reveals that the primary is a former cruise director, the Chief Stew knew it was going to be a difficult journey ahead. As per usual, the preference sheet meeting is crucial for the pending charter. For the primary, she had multiple allergies. She did not eat meat, but she ate seafood. Just not raw seafood. And that would include sushi. This will be a crucial plot point for this adventure. With the other charter guests having so many conflicting preferences, Chef Anthony was stressed. Anyone, with the guests on board, Jill Zarin, someone who had her own luxury yacht in the past, truly believed she was the primary, and treated the crew as such. Those Diet Cokes MUST be frozen. Her room was not prepared with the necessities she needed. Oh, and she'd suggest to Fraser that they have a personal doorbell to summon the stews. It's a bit much. And yet, Ms. Zarin thinks it's perfectly Kosher!

Throughout this charter, Chef Anthony is struggling to keep up with the conflicting preferences that are preventing him from working to the best of his abilities. Between not knowing what to serve to the no meat or fish guest to suggesting lobster for a primary who doesn't eat it to grey burgers, Chef Anthony's stress level was at an all-time high. With Jill stepping over her friend, she requests a meeting with the Chef to ensure the next meal is perfect. Her friend, Melinda Springer , was present. And she will say nothing as Jill hijacks the charter. And what is one of her requests? Sushi. Yep, the Housewife wants sushi, which the primary does not eat. With Jill taking over, the primary's desires are forgotten, and Captain Kerry is infuriated.

9 "Disappointing Daddy"

New year, new love drama. Barbie Pascual was a self-proclaimed daddy's girl. And she keeps reminding viewers of it. She's quite in tune to how she'll be portrayed on screen and what her father might think when he watches. She's extremely nervous about how he'll feel about her romantic intentions with Kyle Stillie , but now's the time to decide. They like each other, but she's so concerned about what her Argentinian father will say. This is a Barbie world she's living in , so everything will revolve around her. Only an episode before, Boson Ben Willoughby broke up with his deckie girl Sunny Marquis . But that's not going to last long at all. Just wait for the crew night out for all that to change.

Chief Stew Fraser Olender knows where the line is when working on a luxury yacht. But that can't stop a little crush! Charter guest Steven is crushing on Fraser. Fraser is crushing back. So, how are they going to handle this situation? There is precedent over on Below Deck Mediterranean . Will he be the next Kyle Viljeon? Well, it is New Year's at midnight, so the fellas are jokingly discussing a midnight smooch. But that's a no-no on a yacht. Fraser will cutely ask Captain Kerry Titheradge about what to do if the charter guest wants a kiss. He says no crew member should have to do that, it's sexual harassment. But Fraser follows up with what if the crew member wants it? Well, that's OK according to Capt. K! Happy New Year indeed to the very single Fraser!

8 "Bit of an Ick"

The episode begins with a late-night food request from the charter guests. With Barbie Pascual having to settle the demands, she enlists late-night deckhand Kyle Stillie to assist. And what happens when you have something to bond over? A romance in the making! They'll continue to develop those feelings during the crew night out. Meanwhile, over on the exterior, Sunny Marquis has been named Lead Deckhand over Dylan Pierre De Villiers . Sunny, whose Boson Ben Willoughby 's boatmance, is more than qualified, but Dylan believes there was an anterior motive. So, Ben had to talk to Dylan, and, let's be honest, that wasn't going to be too productive.

Now, to Chef Anthony Iracane . Sadly, this was the end of the line for the affable chef. With breakfast being a mess thanks to his inability to adhere to the primary preference sheet requests, stew Paris Field is forced, as the messenger, to apologize. And apologize. Now it's time for the beach picnic. And well, Chef Anthony botches this one too. With Chef Anthony and Chief Stew Fraser Olender having to communicate over the radio about the debacle, it alerted Captain Kerry Titheradge to the problems . One of the major requests from one of the guests was a lobster grilled cheese panini. And yet again, Chef Anthony does not have it prepared. So, Barbie has to wake up in the middle of his slumber to make it. With everyone knowing that the entire crew's tips could be compromised because of Chef Anthony's mistakes, it was time to take action. Chef Anthony is officially fired.

7 "Royal Rumble"

As per tradition on Below Deck , the Chief Stew will have at least one stew they will not get along with. For Chief Stew Fraser Olender , it's Barbie Pascual . All season long, the two just couldn't get along. Despite having differing opinions on how to operate the boat, in the end, Fraser is the one in charge and Barbie has to deal with it. At dinner, Barbie will try to make amends with the crew for her bratty behavior, but as stew Xandi Olivier says, "That's the worst toast I've ever heard. I think she made things worse." She sure did! Fraser goes to Captain Kerry Titheradge to share his displeasure over Barbie's immaturity and lack of respect, but Captain Kerry knows that trying to let another stew go is simply not in the cards. So instead, Captain Kerry is giving Fraser a test of strength to improve his leadership skills: dealing with Barbie. At the same time, Captain Kerry has a heart-to-heart with Barbie, hoping to get her to get over the personality conflict. With both interior team members speaking with the captain, Fraser and Barbie agree to call a truce. For now.

With new stew Paris Field on board, she's already causing drama that she has literally nothing to do with. Despite having a loose connection to Fraser, her presence has made Barbie feel inferior and left out, again. Meanwhile, Boson Ben Willoughby has been goo-goo for the new stew, and his boatmance, Sunny Marquis , is quite upset. As she should be. She'll even ice her out to prevent her from getting close to her man. Now, whether it's unfortunate timing or a way to ensure he keeps the girl, Ben decides to appoint a lead deckhand. Will it be the experienced Dylan Pierre De Villiers or his girl Sunny Marquis? He'll go with the latter. Dylan is irrate, especially watching Ben rub Sunny's neck immediately following the announcement. With Dylan complaining, Ben is offended. And Dylan is offended that Ben is offended. Can't wait to see how this turns out!

6 "We'll Always Have Paris"

The next set of charter guests are yet another group that have yacht experience. This time they have their own yacht. This will not be the easiest charter then, right? Time to level up and give them the best. And Chief Stew Fraser Olender is eager to prove his worth. He's used to guests like this. He's got it! The two newest interior hires, stew Paris Field and Chef Nick Tatlock , have not gotten along since they started working together. Chef Nick, who replaced Chef Anthony Iracane , is not the best when it comes to presentation. He's been pushed to improve by both Fraser and Paris, but it's just not sticking. Especially when it comes from Paris. While working with one another for a beach picnic, Chef Nick would refer to Paris as his third favorite stew. Paris is not thrilled with his passive-aggressive attitude, so she puts her foot down. Chef Nick will tattle to Captain Kerry Titheradge . Paris would tattle to Chief Stew Fraser. So now, the two are forced to discuss the mishap on the beach.

It's getting near the end of the charter season and Dylan Pierre De Villiers is feeling it. So he's going to take this charter to flirt with all the pretty girls onboard who are not employees. That's right, he's flirting with the charter guests. He knows that hooking up with a charter guest is a fireable offense, so he'll just tease the girls and play truth and dare. When the dare is to take off his shirt, the deckhand obliges. And then drenches himself in water. This was allegedly so hot and sexy that the primary's daughter DMs Dylan about it. Eek. Good thing the charter is over in a few hours. On the crew night out, Kyle Stillie , the Scotsman, is wearing a kilt. Barbie Pascual is not thrilled about that. But this is the night that she will come to the realization that with Kyle not being Jewish, they will not be able to work out in real life. Once again, family first.

5 "Happy Captain, Happy Life"

The main boat couple is about to hit a bit of a snag. Ben Willoughby is with Sunny Marquis , but he's got some feelings for last season's disaster stew Camille Lamb . He'll post an Instagram story about her, causing Sunny to be irate. And then, because he can't make up his mind about his true feelings, he's going to make up a massive excuse about work and break up with Sunny. But as he says, "If we sleep together, we sleep together. If we don’t, we don’t." Oh, and then he'll go and Facetime her. Oye. Men. Am I right?

Barbie Pascual and Kyle Stillie had sex! Kyle, of course, is thrilled. Barbie is freaking out about daddy. And there is their storyline for the remainder of the season. Since nothing is really a secret on a motoryacht, Chief Stew Fraser Olender and 2nd stew Xandi Olivier will joke about the hookup. Xandi and Fraser, who have a distaste for Barbie, joke about Babie's lack of work ethic and engaging in a sexual act that involves the word job. Now, remember Ben, who is on his high horse? He's going to take it upon himself to scold Barbie about Kyle "being off." Why? Bro code! Barbie is not here for Ben's mansplaining so she throws Sunny in his face. Ben really was trying to make his issue with everyone, as he's projecting his own feelings onto Barbie. But the problem here is, she is mad at Kyle for allegedly talking to Ben about their night together. So now she confronts Kyle about it. It's getting messy!

With Chef Anthony Iracane gone, there's a new chef in town. Chef Nick Tatlock seems like a pretty good guy, though his older demeanor becomes a bit of a sticking point with the younger crew. He's worked in the industry for over two decades, so his experience is there. Captain Kerry Titheradge alerts Chef Nick that he is not here for any galley nonsense. Good luck with that. His first major themed meal is a Christmas festivity, so Chef Nick prepares The Feast of the Seven Fishes , as St. David is decked out for the holidays. It's a successful first dinner service for the new chef!

4 "Murder on the High Seas"

With Ben Willougby officially now the St. David Boson, he's got a lot of pressure to prove his worth. In one of his first actions as Boson, he nearly strands the charter guests on the beach. It's Captain Kerry Titheradge to the rescue. Captain Kerry has to come and help the tender off the shore as an impending storm moves in. Not a great first look for Boson Ben. Being shortn a deckhand, St. David welcomed a new exterior member, Dylan Pierre De Villiers . The handsome South African may be pretty on the eyes, but he's not making a great first impression. Especially to Sunny Marquis . Welcome to the start of their tension for the remainder of the season. Meanwhile, she's still crushing on Ben. Despite their flirtmance, he's dancing with other women, including 2nd Stew, Xandi Olivier . Sunny is not thrilled, but, at this point, they're not official so she can't be too mad, right?

Below Deck is notorious for exceptional theme parties. On this charter, Chief Stew Fraser Olender is in charge of creating a murder mystery party for the guests. And of course, the crew must be involved. As the guests are enjoying their desserts, Barbie Pascual rushes in that there's been a murder! It's Fraser! He's dead. Not really. That would be a travesty. The guests are engaged in the game and all is well! Another successful night aboard St. David.

3 "Grenadian Nightmare"

Remember the sushi? Here comes the aftermath. After making two giant platters of sushi at the behest of Jill Zarin , Chief Stew Fraser Olender is adamant that Chef Anthony Iracane make more sushi that would work for the primary. Great idea. The only problem is there's no more rice for sushi. Chef Anthony used it all. Meanwhile, Jill Zarin is ready for the meal. Guess who's not! Chef Anthony. He's in over his head and Fraser has no idea how to fix the situation at hand. Fraser alerts the guests that they have options for their main course, which means Chef Anthony has made extra work for himself. But there's no hiding any problems for this meal as Captain Kerry Titheradge is joining the guests for dinner. And leave it to Jill Zarin to complain about the meal in front of the captain. Captain Kerry will give Chef Anthony a lashing during the tip meeting. Chef Anthony is officially on his last leg.

With a stew down, Barbie Pascual feels like she's being overworked and feels eager to leave. But she's not a quitter, so she's just going to complain about her workload. She has a major problem with how Fraser is delegating, as she feels 2nd Stew Xandi Olivier is doing less work than her. Whether fact or not, she is technically her superior. As is Fraser. Barbie is just proving that she has a problem with authority. With a new stew arriving, it would seem like things would be better for the interior team, but Fraser and Barbie will continue to clash, especially when it's revealed that the new stew, Paris Field , has a loose connection to Fraser. Barbie's back on the bottom of the totem pole. Paris, who gets to join the crew during their day off, is alerted to the Barbie of it all thanks to Fraser. Meanwhile, what should be a relaxing day off turns into a disaster as Barbie and Fraser nearly come to blows. Let's blame the sun and booze.

2 "New Capt, New Rules"

It's officially the start of a new era on Below Deck . Following the departure of Captain Lee Rosbach , there's a new captain in town, and he goes by the name of Captain Kerry Titheradge . Having previously starred in Below Deck Adventure , he was a welcome face for the viewers. Thankfully for Captain Kerry, he would have some Below Deck alum to guide him through a safe voyage on the flagship program. Returning as Chief Stew is Fraser Olender . Additionally, he'll be joined by his slight rival from the previous season, Ben Willoughby , who starts as Lead Deckhand. Beyond that, new season, new crew. Aside from Captain Kerry, Ben, and Fraser, the starting crew includes Chef Anthony Iracane, Boson Jared Woodin , deckhand Sunny Marquis and Kyle Stillie , and stews Xandi Oliver, Barbie Pascual , and Cat Baugh . This season, St. David will be exploring the beautiful seascape of Grenada.

As the crew prepares for the first charter of the season, viewers were offered some glimpses into extraordinary foreshadowing. Chef Anthony is already in over his head. An hour and twenty-two minutes between courses?! No Chef, no! Boson Jared Woodin is already in over his head. In the first departure, Jared is showing his inability to communicate well with the captain. Or take blame for his mistakes. Meanwhile, Fraser and Ben are willing to let bygones be bygones in hope for a good charter season. With his interior team, Fraser decides not to give ranks. And yet, Barbie feels it's her place to micromanage Cat. Little does she know how she speaks to Cat is going to be one of the catalysts that will cause her to depart later in the season. Cat already begins to breakdown , so Fraser has to give her a pep talk. On charter one.

1 "Pier Pressure"

To kick off the episode, the charter guests finish their first dinner and the first day of charter is officially done. Chef Anthony Iracane is overwhelmed, but thankfully, his exceptional culinary skills saved the night. With Barbie Pascual on the night shift, she has to babysit the primaries who are on their honeymoon. And we all know what happens during a honeymoon. Barbie is pretty sure the happy couple did it in the jacuzzi. On her watch. Barbie will complain about to Kyle Stillie , but even though his jokes, the joke will be on him. He's the one who has to clean the infamous hot tub the next morning.

Viewers will learn a lot about the unique stylings of Xandi Olivier . She might be a witch. She might be a vampire. No matter what she is, she doesn't go out in the sun much. With an off-boat excursion in the cards, it's up to the entire crew to prepare for the event. Well, between Boson Jared Woodin and Lead Deckhand Ben Willoughby will forget essential items to make this excursion a success. This episode will reveal that Ben has previously been diagnosed with ADHD, hence why he has trouble concentrating. Things won't be better as he is involved in a near-docking disaster. Captain Kerry Titheradge nearly hits the dock, and it's all on Jared's watch. Captain Kerry is not about any of the excuses Jared has for him.

As Season 10 viewers know, Chief Stew Fraser Olender and Ben did not have the best working relationship. Season 11 is not going to prove different. With his interior team complaining to other crew members, the drama makes it back to Fraser that Barbie was complaining to Ben about Cat Bough, who was complaining about her. Fraser is not thrilled that Ben might be meddling with his interior team, so he has to have a chat with him. Call that truce. Speaking of, the brilliant Chief Stew Fraser Olender asserts his dominance and proof of why he might be one of the best, as he is able to sit both girls down and find a solution about getting along. Great effort. Now it's in their hands to make it work.


Keep Reading: The 10 Wildest Moments in the Below Deck Franchise, Ranked

The crew's day off at a beach resort is fraught with tension and division from the previous night's kerfuffle. And the bosun's new romance ignites.

Captain Sandy embarks on a new charter season on the beautiful waters of the Italian Riviera

Next on TV: Thu 12 Sep, 8pm

Series 8 Episode 1

The Italian Job: Two stews have issues getting to the yacht, and Captain Sandy must make a hard decision

Series 8 Episode 2

Too Many Cooks: A deckhand steps up after a surprise incident, and the crew struggle with seasick guests

Series 8 Episode 3

We've Only Just Begun: Stuck at the dock with bored guests, the interior team scramble to keep everyone happy

Series 8 Episode 4

Take It to the Bridge: A rough docking puts strain on the deck team

Series 8 Episode 5

Max Tension: Past guests arrive with a new energetic baby, keeping the crew on their toes

Series 8 Episode 6

Pirate's Booty Call: The crew host a pirate-themed day. And can the bosun keep cool during a tight docking?

Series 8 Episode 7

Tightly Unwound: Captain Sandy has an accident that could impact the rest of the season

Series 8 Episode 8

Who Needs Frenemies: The guests continue the festivities with the crew after the charter ends

Series 8 Episode 9

Ciao for Now: The crew day off is fraught with tension and division from the previous night's kerfuffle

Series 8 Episode 10

Dirty Laundry: Captain Sandy gives it her all trying to persuade a deckhand to stay on the boat

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Below Deck Mediterranean Recap: Goldilocks Joe

Below deck mediterranean.

below deck sailing yacht season 4 episode 9

Was anyone else shocked to realize there’s only one charter (and two more episodes) left in this season? This week was more of the same squabbles, so I don’t have much hope for anything exciting to come. Sandy’s proposal to her girlfriend Leah has been brought up so many times it feels like the big prom at the end of a high school movie. Hopefully, Sandy gets a nice private moment, and it doesn’t become an all-crew event milked for the last drops of drama at the end of a dry season.

But we’re not at a finale yet. This episode starts with Aesha sitting down for a meal for the first time all season, thanks to Carrie’s capability to cover the bar. The new stew also quickly steams the guests’ clothes for dinner; I’m so impressed by someone merely doing their job well and fast that it puts into perspective how low the bar has been for Ellie and Bri. Ellie remains on her power trip as she instructs Carrie and Bri on where to put up birthday decorations. She’s coming off as the person in a group project who appoints themself the leader so they can tell everyone else what to do and not have to do as much work themselves.

Hard at work in an attempt to redeem himself is Jono, whose stuffed tomatoes look great. The guests love them and the lamb entree. Compared to other chefs in the franchise, Jono still ranks at the bottom in cooking skills consistency, but it’s worth noting that he ranks high in getting along with the interior so well and having food ready on time. I wouldn’t go to his restaurant, but I’d happily go to a restaurant with him.

Who would I not go to a restaurant with? Joe. Gael tries to clear the air between them, and he apologizes, agreeing not to call her a princess again. Joe then tells Nathan that he thinks Gael hates him and asks his buddy to sort it out. Nathan’s never had a friend and girlfriend who didn’t like each other, so he’s not sure what to do. Joe has made similar comments about Bri and Ellie hating him, never seeming bothered by it. I’m sick of him not digging even a millimeter into why his female coworkers might dislike him. He’s too busy repeating the pattern with Carrie: he teases her by closing the laundry room door and running away while she’s working inside. The man has the flirting maturity of a ding-dong ditch.

After dinner, Aesha puts Carrie on drinks while Ellie cleans the table. Ellie asks Carrie for help, but Aesha overrides her. When Carrie returns to get more drinks, Ellie asks if she’d mind doing dishes so Ellie can do service instead. Why do you care, Ellie?! These married Ohioans aren’t going to be your sugar daddy. Ellie delusionally thought she was carrying the team and thinks Carrie is now taking the spotlight from her. The next day, that spotlight is serving lunch. She should be grateful to get a break. Maybe she doesn’t want to stop working because that would mean too much free time for self-reflection. Carrie tells Aesha how Ellie likes to do everything by herself and insists she doesn’t want to cause any issues, but their tone is gossipy, so I don’t fully buy that. Please cause issues, Carrie!

The guests requested watersports games and a relay race, for which the deck team picked up more inflatables. Joe comes up with an obstacle course/swimming relay with the guests, something that was definitely Iain’s job to prepare ahead of time. We’ve seen so little of Iain lately he’s practically a non-cast member engineer. I almost respect the guy for collecting his paycheck and giving us absolutely nothing.

The Mustique returns to the port for the night because of high winds. I support this decision because I now know what a waterspout is and am terrified of it. Docking in the dark goes smoothly while the guests eat dinner. They do synchronized service, well, semi-synchronized because they place down half the plates at once, then the next half. Call me when you can put down all eight plates at once. Aesha’s happy, though; she feels like things are finally up to her high standards now that they have a fourth stew. The color beads system to identify crew laundry seems to be working for Bri, who explains that she used color in her notes for studying at school too. Overall, it’s a successful charter.  They receive a $20,000 tip, and perhaps more importantly, Sandy has only positive feedback for the crew.

A major negative in my book is that Ellie gets sucked back into Joe’s orbit. Apparently, she’s forgotten about all those NFL players in her DMs. As she and Carrie clean the cabins, she fills the newbie in on Joe’s past make-outs and how he led them on. However, Ellie says it’s hard to be mad at him because he’s a sweetie, and she does care about him. I think the caring about him line is her trying to tell Carrie she’s still interested, but she’s too opaque. (Kind of like her self-tanner, which accidentally gets on Carrie’s clothes when they bump into each other getting ready for a night out.) Carrie may be easygoing because she knows their time together will be short, but the two are like a pair of betta fish in the same tank. Carrie knows not to fight directly with Ellie and reports her behavior to Aesha instead. She tells the chief stew about Ellie telling her to do less work, and Aesha says she’ll tell Ellie only to give Carrie assignments when Aesha is on break. Sadly, we don’t get to see this yet, but I look forward to Ellie’s reaction.

After dinner, Jono and Iain go back to the boat while everyone else dances. The lack of a unified dress code is hilarious. Bri’s t-shirt and jeans are fully casual, while Ellie’s bedazzled dress is dressy cocktail circus attire. It’s not loud enough to draw Joe’s attention. She tries to rekindle things by reminding him that this club is where they made out, but he’s focused on Carrie. Joe talks about her like he’s Goldilocks: he says Ellie was too stuck up, Bri was too sensitive, and Carrie seems just right. His sweater is too hot, and I guess going shirtless would be too cold, so he buys a shirt from a random man. I have a lot of questions about this, but the relevant plot point is that he doesn’t return to Ellie, who he was dancing with, and beelines to Carrie. In an interview, an insulted Ellie says, “No man in his right mind would turn down an incredible night with me.” I let out an involuntary groan. Bri tries to give Ellie a pep talk outside, but Ellie’s ready to be done with the season and go home. Carrie tells Joe she’s heard about him hooking up with the other girls, and he writes them off as drunken kisses.

Joe continues to make drunken decisions in the car back to the yacht. He books a flight to Ireland to visit Nathan because it’s only 16 quid. Is this Ryanair product placement? Gael’s hurt because Nathan didn’t check with her about their post-season travel plans. Joe beat her to booking flights so she feels like she can’t expect anything from Nathan anymore. This brings up feelings about how her ex didn’t prioritize her. That breakup is still fresh, too, and Aesha consoles her as she cries. Ellie tells Joe to fuck off as he walks by her and Bri in the crew mess with Carrie. Either unaware of the turmoil they’re causing or deliberately ignoring it, Joe and Nathan happily hang off their top bunk with Carrie. It’s giving Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed . They may not fall off and hit their heads, but there will be consequences.

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  21. Season 4 Overview: Special Topic : r/BelowDeckSailing

    MeanTelevision. ADMIN MOD. Season 4 Overview: Special Topic. SEASON FOUR. Since there are no episodes debuting tonight, this topic is for discussing the entirety of Season 4. You can also mention past seasons here if you want, and/or discuss Below Deck: Sailing Yacht in general. The sidebar rules still apply, only the topic is different.

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