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H-type Nubian yacht

H-type Nubian yacht

The H-Type Nubian yacht was a sleek luxury yacht and what it lacked in weapons it made up for in style and a strong deflector shield. The signature silver finish is a mark that the ship belongs to a former member of Naboo’s monarchy. Padme Amidala used a ship like this after her J-Type diplomatic barge was destroyed in an assassins attack. It was an H-Type that whisked Padme and Anakin Skywalker from Naboo to Tatooine, and then to Geonosis where the Clone Wars would begin.

  • Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (Episode II)
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H-type Nubian Yacht

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H-type Nubian Yacht

The H-type Nubian yacht was a sleek, rocket-shaped yacht created by the Nubian Design Collective, and customized by the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps for the Royal House of Naboo. The vessel was unarmed in accordance with the peaceful culture of Naboo. The yacht only required a small crew and Padmé could pilot the ship on her own from the cockpit in the central area of the yacht's upper section. Below the cockpit were maintenance consoles, the Class 0.9 Nubian 150 hyperdrive core and stores to contain supplies and astromech droids. The lower and upper levels were connected by a turbolift platform, situated before the lounge and crew bunks on the upper level. At the front section of the lower level was Padmé's bedroom which could serve as a portable throne room. The ship featured a powerful shield system, an array of electronic countermeasures, a slim, narrow profile and sheltered engines giving a small sensor signature for evading pursuits. It also featured a breakaway escape pod. Though originally constructed for the Royal House, the yacht was not assigned to a member of Naboo's royalty. Instead, it was given to Senator Padmé Amidala after a failed assassination attempt on Coruscant resulted in the destruction of her Naboo Royal Cruiser. Purchase TN: 191 (To Build) 127 (New) 85 (Used) Restriction: Lic (+1)

Shield – SP 220 – DR 44 – Shield Damage Threshold 88

Starsfighter / Shuttle Colossal Type 9
1 -128
-118 = 10 + (Pilot Class Defense Bns + Pilots Dex Mod) + -128 Size Mod (Example)
Duralloy 1,070
+3 meters 89
3,000 meters +4
0 50 meters x 50 meters
Cryogenic Power Cell 0
4,000 kg -24
Hyperdrive, Class 1
Average Average
Half Half
Yes Yes
No No
No No
45 degrees / +1 fighting squares 45 degrees / +1 fighting squares
45 degree / – 5 meters 45 degree / – 5 meters
90 degrees 90 degrees
60 degrees 60 degrees
Half Half
Any Any
Double Double
+1 fighting squares +1 fighting squares

• • Starfighters require the Pilot Starship Skill to be operated. • • A starfighter in combat is always moving either under its own power, or by its current momentum, unless it has been brought to a full stop (a starfighter coming to a full stop is a move action, a starfighter at a full stop is considered flatfooted until it moves again. This rule does not apply to vehicles able to hover in place). On a turn that a starfighter does not come to a full stop, and does not make a move action that round, the starfighter still moves forward in a straight line an amount of squares equal to one half its normal movement. (Vehicle Trait) • • Shuttles get a +5 bonus to all Saves and Piloting Skill Checks made to re-enter or exit a planets atmosphere.

Accommodations • • 5 Seats • • 1 Luxury Accommodations • • 2 Spartan Accommodations

Facilities • • Diplomatic Facilities (PL3) • • Med Bay (PL4) • • Throne Room (PL 2)

Structure Traits • • Escape Pods (PL 6)

Power System • • Cryogenic Power Cell (PL 6)

Vehicle Systems • • Maneuvering Thrusters (PL 5) • • 2x Electromagnetic Turbine (PL 6) • • Sublight Accelerator Motor (S.L.A.M. System) (PL 6) • • Repulsorlift (PL6) • • 2x Ion Engine (Speed +1500 meters.) (PL 6) • • Navicomputer (PL 6) • • Hyperdrive, Class 1 (PL 7) • • Automatic Fire Control System (PL 5) • • Internal Comm System (PL 5) • • Life Support System (PL 5) • • Radio Transceiver (PL 5) • • Utility Flare System (PL 5) • • Class III Sensor Array (PL 6) • • Depolarizing Charge (PL 6) • • Gravity Field Generator (PL 6) • • Proximity Sensors (PL 6) • • Collision Detection Sensors (PL 6) • • Advanced Diagnostics (PL 7) • • Holo Transceiver (PL 7) • • Subspace Communication Array (PL 7) • • Anti-Accident System (PL 6) • • Autopilot System, Improved (PL 6) • • Chaff Launcher (PL 6) • • Damage Control, Improved (PL 6) • • Radiation Shielding (PL 6) • • Missile Lock Alert (PL 6) • • Shields – SP 220 – DR 44 (PL 7)

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H-type Yacht

Hyperspeed 3
Sublight Speed 30 MGLT
Max Speed 300 km/h
Maneuverability 4.00
Sensors 1
Escape Pods 2
Docking Bay n/a
Hangar Bay n/a
Landing Capacity Yes
Flight Grade Repulsorlifts Yes
Graviton Generators n/a
Docking Port n/a
Medical Room n/a
Storage Room {{{storageroom}}}
Recycling n/a
Weapons/Utilities n/a
Weight 150 T
Volume 2,000 m³
Weight Capacity 6 T
Volume Capacity 25 m³
Max Passengers 5
Party Slot Size 4.00
Length 48 m
Hull 100
Shield 70
Ionic Capacity 30
Raw Material Price 136,435
Quantum 31
Meleenium 327
Ardanium 39
Rudic 30
Rockivory 28
Tibannagas n/a
Varmigio 72
Lommite 30
Durelium 24
Bacta n/a
Hibridium n/a
Varium n/a
Affiliation n/a

The H-Type Yacht , designed on Naboo, is a smaller, sleeker craft than its cousin the J-Type 327 and is used primarily for diplomatic missions. Like virtually all of Naboo's chromium-skinned craft, the H-Type is unarmed and instead depends on its small cross section and steeply angled hull to protect it from hostile fire. With its hyperdrive nestled deep inside the glittering art-body hull, the H-Type itself has surprisingly little room for passengers. This limitation is due to the ship being equipped with the same kind of hyperdrive and very similar sublight drives as the J-Type 327, despite being almost half the size and weighing only three times more than a large fighter.

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  • H-type Nubian Yacht
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The H-type Nubian Yacht is a 48-meter long Shuttle designed as a sleek and customizable yacht with a luxury cabin. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has great maneuverability and exceptional speed, with heavy armor and powerful shielding. Manufactured by the Nubian Design Collective, it had a slim narrow profile and sheltered engines to reduce its sensor signature to help with evading pursuits, as well as a breakaway escape pod and electronic countermeasures for defensive purposes. Armament None Complement 4 crew for full effectiveness 1 passenger
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  • 1 Enhancement slot of capacity 1 , allowing items of type Space Vehicle Advanced Enhancement - I, Space Vehicle Advanced Enhancement - II, Space Vehicle Basic Enhancement - I, or Space Vehicle Basic Enhancement - II


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H-type Nubian yacht

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H-type Nubian yacht

Customized H-type Nubian yacht




47.9 meters


8.1 meters


7.1 meters

Maximum acceleration

2,800 G

Maximum speed (atmosphere)

8,000 km/h

Engine unit(s)

Nubian Sossen-3 ion drives (2) (primary and backup engines)

Hyperdrive rating

Class 0.9

Hyperdrive range

20.000 LY

Hyperdrive system (1) (1)
Power output

7 × 10 MW

Power plant

Redundant power generators


Naboo- co-designed layered shield system


Reinforced hull with royal chromium plating

Navigation system



Various electronic countermeasures



Escape craft

Breakaway escape capsule (1)


Standard version:

/shield technician (1) (2)

Modified version:

Minimum crew



1 luxury cabin





The H-type Nubian yacht was a sleek, rocket-shaped yacht created by the Nubian Design Collective , and customized by the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps for the Royal House of Naboo .

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Characteristics [ ]

A Nubian yacht.

The vessel was unarmed in accordance with the peaceful culture of Naboo . The yacht only required a small crew and Padmé could pilot the ship on her own from the cockpit in the central area of the yacht's upper section. Below the cockpit were maintenance consoles, the Class 0.9 Nubian 150 hyperdrive core and stores to contain supplies and astromech droids .

The lower and upper levels were connected by a turbolift platform, situated before the lounge and crew bunks on the upper level. At the front section of the lower level was Padmé's bedroom which could serve as a portable throne room. The ship featured a powerful shield system, an array of electronic countermeasures, a slim, narrow profile and sheltered engines giving a small sensor signature for evading pursuits. It also featured a breakaway escape pod .

History [ ]

Though originally constructed for the Royal House, the yacht was not assigned to a member of Naboo's royalty. Instead, it was given to Senator Padmé Amidala after a failed assassination attempt on Coruscant resulted in the destruction of her Naboo Royal Cruiser .

The Naboo Yacht lands in a docking bay on Tatooine .

Naboo Yachts were the smallest non-fighter craft in the Theed Hangars, and they were primarily employed as getaway vessels as they were much faster than most civilian ships. With Senator Amidala at the helm of one of these vessels, even the N-1 starfighters of the Royal Naboo Security Forces had difficulty keeping pace.

On the eve of the Clone Wars , Amidala returned to Naboo in secret, escorted by Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker . Skywalker was compelled to leave Naboo to return to his home planet of Tatooine , and Padmé joined him, both traveling in a Naboo Yacht. Following his mother's death and his retaliation against the Sand People , R2-D2 received a distress signal from Obi-Wan Kenobi .

Amidala and Skywalker traveled in the yacht to Geonosis in a failed attempt to rescue Kenobi. It was on Geonosis that the opening battle of the Clone Wars was fought, plunging the Galaxy into three years of warfare.

The yachts continued to serve Amidala during the early years of the Clone Wars, transporting her to such places as Ilum . Captain Gregar Typho , Yoda , and the Senator journeyed there to rescue two Jedi from the crystal temple and prevent a Confederacy conspiracy at the Ambush on Ilum .

Padmé Amidala's yacht captured in Malevolence's tractor beam.

After going to see Ziro the Hutt to try to reopen communication with Jabba the Hutt , Amidala was captured by Ziro to sell to Viceroy Nute Gunray . Amidala tricked battle droid into anwering a call on her comlink from C-3PO . She informed C-3PO of her capture and told him to get help. C-3PO arrived at Ziro's Palace in the Royal Yacht with members of the Coruscant Guard to free the senator.

Several of Senator Amidala's H-type yachts suffered misfortunes. After being led into a trap near the Kaliida Shoals Medical Center by Darth Sidious , the Senator and the yacht she was traveling in were captured by the Malevolence . In an attempt to stop General Grievous , Padmé set the engines to overload. The ship exploded, although Grievous escaped unscathed.

The senator used another H-type yacht to travel to Rodia to assist in a food crisis on the planet. Padmé was captured by Separatist forces when Onaconda Farr yielded to the Separatist's terms. While the yacht was parked, however, it was destroyed by Jar Jar Binks when he clumsily activated a magnetic loading arm above the craft, causing it to smash through the ship to the floor of the landing bay.

Padmé and Jar Jar later traveled to Naboo, again using an H-type yacht to investigate the presence of battle droids on her homeworld, which led to the discovery of the recreation of the Blue Shadow Virus .

Along with this ship, Amidala would also use a J-type star skiff .

Appearances [ ]

Concept art of a H-type Nubian yacht.

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Sources [ ]


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02 : 36 : 12


The H-Type Yacht, designed on Naboo, is a smaller, sleeker craft than its cousin the J-Type 327 and is used primarily for diplomatic missions. Like virtually all of Naboo's chromium-skinned craft, the H-Type is unarmed and instead depends on its small cross section and steeply angled hull to protect it from hostile fire. With its hyperdrive nestled deep inside the glittering art-body hull, the H-Type itself has surprisingly little room for passengers. This limitation is due to the ship being equipped with the same kind of hyperdrive and very similar sublight drives as the J-Type 327, despite being almost half the size and weighing only three times more than a large fighter.

  • Quantum : 31
  • Meleenium : 327
  • Ardanium : 39
  • Rockivory : 28
  • Varmigio : 72
  • Lommite : 30
  • Durelium : 24
  • Interstellar Parcel Service
  • Hyperspeed: 3
  • Sublight Speed: 30 MGLT
  • Max Speed: 300 km/h
  • Manoeuvrability: 4
  • Weight: 150 T
  • Volume: 2,000 m³
  • Length: 48 m
  • Party Slot: 4.00
  • Weight Cap: 6 T
  • Volume Cap: 25 m³
  • Max Passengers: 8
  • Deflectors: 70
  • Ionic Capacity: 30
  • Raw Value: 136,435 CR
  • Generic DC: 2.0 Slots
  • Recommended Workers: 10
  • Recycling XP : 20 XP
  • Production Mod: 100
  • Produced by: Manufacturing
  • Produced in: Factory , Shipyard I , Shipyard II , Shipyard III , Shipyard IV , X7 Factory Station
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star wars h type nubian yacht

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H-Type Nubian Yacht

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This vessel, produced by Nubia Star Drives, is based of an exclusive commission for the royalty of Naboo. The yacht features the signature chromium finish which marked the livery of the Naboo monarchy. It has a strong deflector shield system and powerful engines that would allow it to escape most starfighters. It is on the lower range of luxury, as it is relatively smaller.




Hull Trauma


System Strain


4 5 +1 30 20










2 - - 2 3

Hyperdrive:  Primary: Class 1, Backup: 7.

Navicomputer:  Yes.

Sensor Range:  Short.

Ship's Complement:  1 Pilot, 1 Co-pilot.

Encumbrance:  75

Passenger Capacity:  8

Consumables:  2 Months.




800000 7 0


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Senator Amidala’s personal yacht from the second episode of Star Wars. Low poly and gameready model with PBR textures. CGTrader

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Approved Starship   Scarlet Phantom (Modified H-Type Nubian Yacht)

  • Thread starter Maple Harte
  • Start date Feb 13, 2018
  • Tags approved personal starship work in progress

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Maple Harte

Darth strelok.

Maple Harte

  • Feb 13, 2018

Intent: An armed and shielded starship that Uri finds during her time in the confederacy. It serves as her official courier starship in The Mandragora's service. Image Source: N/A Canon Link: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/H-type_Nubian_yacht/Legends Restricted Missions: Acquired during service to the confederacy of independent systems. She learns of it while carrying out Bounty Missions in her space. As it is related to her past it helps explore it in a more concrete manner, as well as giving her something to actually fight back with in space. Primary Source: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/H-type_Nubian_yacht/Legends PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps, Nubia Star Drive, Incorporated http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Nubia_Star_Drives,_Incorporated http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Theed_Palace_Space_Vessel_Engineering_Corps/Legends Model: Scarlet Phantom (Modified H-Type Nubian Yacht) Affiliation: Maple Harte Company Name (s) NONE Faction Name(s) NONE Closed-Market: N/A Open-Market: N/A Production: Unique Material: Durasteel. Electronics, Dark Red Chromium plating. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Classification: Personal Transport. Yacht. Corvette. Length: 47.9 meters Width: 8.1 meters Height: 7.1 meters Armament Rating: Very Low. Concealed Heavy Damage Laser Cannons, modeled after the RG-9 Laser Cannon. Defense Rating: High. Heavily enhanced and modified Naboo-Gungan multilayered shielding, EM Shielding. Hangar: N/A Maneuverability Rating: Average. Added weight from extra power generators has caused its manuverability to drop average. Speed Rating: Extreme. Its engines have been heavily modified, so its even faster than its original counterpart using prototype Arkanian designs Hyperdrive Class: 0.9 STANDARD FEATURES Nubian 150 Core. Nubian S-5 Generator Electronic countermeasures Chromium. Naboo-Gungan Multilayered Shielding Sossen-3 Ion Engines Bunk quarters. Sonic shower. ADVANCED SYSTEMS Heavily modified Sossen 3 Ion Engines, producing a maximum acceleration of 3300 G, and increasing its atmospheric speed to 10000 kph. Heavily Modified Naboo-Gungan layered shielding, enabling it to withstand up to seven hits from high powered laser cannons such as those found on heavy starfighters or gunships. Prototype Imperial developed EM shielding, rendering it highly resistant to Ion Cannon fire. Strengths: Astonishing speed: Nicknamed "The Blood Rocket" by Maple Harte when she first laid eyes on it while still a Jedi Shadow, the Sossen 3 Ion engines sport unusual modifications that seem to barrow from later Arkanian prototypes, the speed has been increased to just within the limits of its inertial dampeners ability to compensate, resulting in a very fast ship capable of outrunning many interceptors. Heavy Shields: The original Naboo-Gungan layered shielding has been heavily tweaked and modified with more modern materials for considerably improved performance, enabling it to withstand modern military laser weapons. Primary source seems to be Arkanian adapatations. Modernized Countermeasures: The original electronic countermeasures used on the H-type Nubian have been completely ripped out and replaced with stolen prototype Imperial tech, enabling it to jam missile tracking systems of the modern era as well as comm systems on much larger vessels. EM Shielding: Prototype stolen imperial tech in the form of a heavy, specialized plating under the chromium alloy render the vessel highly resistant from Ion Cannon fire. Weaknesses: Reduced Manuverability: This thing is truly a rocketship now. But all the added tech has taken up space and added weight to the vessel, giving it average manuverability by modern standards. Weak Weaponry: Its weapons are enhanced, specially mounted and hidden RG-9 laser cannons, the same as those mounted on the A-wing Interceptor. While this might help it deal with an unexpected starfighter chase, anything larger would be better to simply flee. Less Luxurious: Extra generators and prototype systems have caused many of the wealthier comforts, such as the lounge to be removed, and certain internal rearrangements made to fit the extra equipment has caused many creature comforts save for the bedroom to be reduced in size. It can only hold one other passenger beyond the owner. Description: Ursula Sandraven was the leader of the Marksmen and Maple Harte's mentor, and flew this heavily modified H-type Nubian when training Maple, then known as Uri, in the art of long range killing. All Marksmen had their own vessels, for their own specialized use, and Uri battling to win her own Naboo starship was seen as a deliberate attempt to impress her Master. The starship parted from Naboo through unknown means, and ended up in Ursula's hands, first finding it abandoned in a cave system on Jakku. Heavily modifying the vessel through her travels, Ursula acquired upgrades from both Arkanian engineers and, through clandestine means, imperial tech to upgrade its defenses.  

Jorus Merrill

Is mek bote.

Jorus Merrill

I will try to remember that next time. Sorry about that.  

Iona Immarya

That one padawan.

Iona Immarya

  • Feb 20, 2018

Moved from Pre-Factory to Starship creation per [member="Maple Harte"]'s request.  

Major Faction

Directorate Officer

Gir Quee

  • Feb 25, 2018

Under Review.  

Maple Harte said: Model: H-Type Nubian Yacht. Click to expand...
Maple Harte said: Classification: Personal Transport. Yacht. Click to expand...
Maple Harte said: Prototype Imperial developed EM shielding, rendering it immune to Ion Cannon fire. Click to expand...
Maple Harte said: resulting in a very fast ship capable of outrunning interceptors. Even a TIE Silencer would struggle to catch it at this point. Click to expand...

Altered what you pointed out [member="Gir Quee"]. Changed the EM plating from "Immune" to "Highly Resistant"  

[member="Maple Harte"], changes look good. I just ran it through the Excel sheet, and double checked it by hand, but we're slightly out of balance with our ratings; we're one rating too high. While you're free to lower any rating that you'd like, I'd recommend moving the armament to "very low" to go with your listed armament of laser cannons. Most corvettes have more powerful weapons like turbolasers.  

Altered armament rating to very low, [member="Gir Quee"]  

  • Feb 27, 2018

Awesome. Pending Secondary Approval. Thanks! [member="Jamie Pyne"]  

Major Faction

Good Ol' Scoundrel

Zef Halo

  • Feb 28, 2018


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Images of H-type Nubian yachts

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  1. H-type Nubian yacht

    star wars h type nubian yacht

  2. H-TYPE NUBIAN YACHT / Royal Yacht DESCRIPTION: was a sleek, rocket

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  1. H-type Nubian yacht

    The H-type Nubian yacht, also known as the Naboo yacht, [7] was a small yacht used by the Naboo. While not heavily armed, they were equipped with a strong deflector shield. [5] Senator Padmé Amidala used at least two H-types during the Fall of the Republic, which bore silver coating to denote her status as former Queen of Naboo.

  2. H-type Nubian yacht

    The H-type Nubian yacht was a sleek, rocket-shaped yacht created by the Nubian Design Collective, and customized by the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps for the Royal House of Naboo. The vessel was unarmed in accordance with the peaceful culture of Naboo. The yacht only required a small crew and Padmé could pilot the ship on her own from the cockpit in the central area of the yacht ...

  3. H-type Nubian yacht

    The H-Type Nubian yacht was a sleek luxury yacht and what it lacked in weapons it made up for in style and a strong deflector shield. The signature silver finish is a mark that the ship belongs to a former member of Naboo's monarchy. Padme Amidala used a ship like this after her J-Type diplomatic barge was destroyed in an assassins attack. It was an H-Type that whisked Padme and Anakin ...

  4. Sabé's H-type Nubian yacht

    An H-type Nubian yacht was utilized by the former handmaiden Sabé during the Imperial Era. Accompanied by a droid, she took the H-type Nubian yacht to Sergia to collect the grifter Warba Calip[1] before traveling to[4] Caranthanax B[5] in order to meet the Jedi Luke Skywalker and test if he had a dark side.[4] Sabé and her droid pretended to kidnap Calip aboard the yacht, but Skywalker leapt ...

  5. H-type Nubian Yacht

    Return to Home Return to Starfighter Codex Return to Star Wars Starfighter Codex The H-type Nubian yacht was a sleek, rocket-shaped yacht created by the Nubian Design Collective, and customized by the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps for the Royal House of Naboo. The vessel was unarmed in accordance with the peaceful culture of Naboo. The yacht only required a small crew and Padmé ...

  6. H-type Yacht

    The H-Type Yacht, designed on Naboo, is a smaller, sleeker craft than its cousin the J-Type 327 and is used primarily for diplomatic missions.Like virtually all of Naboo's chromium-skinned craft, the H-Type is unarmed and instead depends on its small cross section and steeply angled hull to protect it from hostile fire.

  7. H-type Nubian Yacht

    The Dark Jedi Brotherhood is a Star Wars fan club that celebrates Star Wars in all its expressions, including art, fiction, gaming, and roleplaying. Become part of one of the largest and longest-running Star Wars clubs on the internet today! ... The H-type Nubian Yacht is a 48-meter long Shuttle designed as a sleek and customizable yacht with a ...

  8. H-type Nubian yacht

    The H-type Nubian yacht was a sleek, rocket-shaped yacht created by the Nubian Design Collective, and customized by the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps for the Royal House of Naboo. The vessel was unarmed in accordance with the peaceful culture of Naboo. The yacht only required a small crew and Padmé could pilot the ship on her own from the cockpit in the central area of the yacht ...

  9. ::H-type Yacht (Light Freighters)

    H-type Yacht (Light Freighters) The H-Type Yacht, designed on Naboo, is a smaller, sleeker craft than its cousin the J-Type 327 and is used primarily for diplomatic missions. Like virtually all of Naboo's chromium-skinned craft, the H-Type is unarmed and instead depends on its small cross section and steeply angled hull to protect it from ...

  10. H-Type Nubian Yacht

    H-Type Nubian Yacht. This vessel, produced by Nubia Star Drives, is based of an exclusive commission for the royalty of Naboo. The yacht features the signature chromium finish which marked the livery of the Naboo monarchy. It has a strong deflector shield system and powerful engines that would allow it to escape most starfighters.

  11. Star Wars _ H-type Nubian yacht

    Star Wars _ H-type Nubian yacht. Augmented Reality is only available on mobile or tablet devices. Supported devices: iPhone 6S+ & iPad 5+ on iOS 12+ and Android 8.0+ with ARCore 1.9 support. Open this page with such a device to experience AR. Scan this code to open the model on your device, then, tap on the AR icon.

  12. Category:H-type Nubian yachts

    This category is for H-type Nubian yachts. Please be aware that the early release window for Star Wars Outlaws has begun and spoilers from it will begin to appear on the wiki per our Spoilers policy. If making any edits concerning the game please be sure to add Template:Spoiler to the top of the page to warn others.. To remove ads, create an account. Join Wookieepedia today!

  13. MOC

    Inventory 727. Buy Parts ? Photos 0. The chromed and exquisite H-Type Nubian Yacht first premiered in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones where it transported Padmé and Anakin from Naboo to Tatooine and Geonosis. This MOC tries to recapture the sleek and stunning design of the movie model. The set features landing gear, a landing ramp ...

  14. H-type Nubian Yacht 1/270 : r/StarWars

    H-type Nubian Yacht 1/270 Fan Creations Another X-Wing miniature games scaled Nubian ship. I really love the retro look of this ship, it's very Planet Express, classic sci-fi spaceship shape. ... Unofficial community for Star Wars, an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began ...

  15. MOC

    The chromed and exquisite H-Type Nubian Yacht first premiered in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones where it transported Padmé and Anakin from Naboo to Tatooine and Geonosis. We have since seen it multiple times in Star Wars the Clone Wars and most recently Chapter 20 of The Mandalorian. This MOC tries to recapture the sleek and ...

  16. Theed Palace H-Type Nubian Yacht : r/Star_Wars_Maps

    Theed Palace H-Type Nubian Yacht . DECK PLAN Another design lifted from the Complete Cross-Sections book by Hans Jenssen and Richard Chasemore. Same principle; extrapolated what couldn't be seen and what would be required. ... Star Wars Fan Art - The Best Star Wars Fan Art around the web! This subreddit is dedicated to bringing you the BEST and ...

  17. Theed Palace H-Type Nubian Yacht : r/StarWarsFanArt

    Theed Palace H-Type Nubian Yacht. Another design lifted from the Complete Cross-Sections book by Hans Jenssen and Richard Chasemore. Same principle; extrapolated what couldn't be seen and what would be required. CorelDraw on MacOS. Cargo boxes by ColonialChrome.

  18. Padmé Amidala's H-type Nubian yacht (Rodia)

    This H-type Nubian yacht was piloted by Senator Padmé Amidala to negotiations on Rodia in 22 BBY. Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks accidentally caused a magnetic hoist to crush the yacht, leading to its destruction.[2] Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Bombad Jedi" (First appearance) "C-3PO" —...

  19. Approved Starship

    DESCRIPTION The H-Type Nubian Yacht is among the rarest and most beautiful of the Nubian Royal Ships. Indeed, to this day there are many an online flame war between holonet ship enthusiasts over whether this ship or the J-Type 327 is a superior vessel, while others debate fiercely over which one is simply the most beautiful.

  20. Nubian J-Type Skiff

    Nubian J-Type Skiff - Deckplan. Hello there! While watching several shows on Netflix, I did some practice with Affinity Designer and tried to create a sketch for a deckplan for the Naboo J-Type Skiff as seen in TCW and RotS. The deckplan was inspired by this this one . The top-down-view was reproduced by the Aiwha Shadow from corelliancustoms ...

  21. Approved Starship Scarlet Phantom (Modified H-Type Nubian Yacht)

    Description: Ursula Sandraven was the leader of the Marksmen and Maple Harte's mentor, and flew this heavily modified H-type Nubian when training Maple, then known as Uri, in the art of long range killing. All Marksmen had their own vessels, for their own specialized use, and Uri battling to win her own Naboo starship was seen as a deliberate ...

  22. H-type Nubian yacht (SW:Aotc) [1344x768]

    H-type Nubian yacht (SW:Aotc) [1344x768] Share Add a Comment. Sort by: Best. Open comment sort options. Best. Top. New ... Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe.

  23. Category:Images of H-type Nubian yachts

    Star Wars series; Star Wars: Inquisitors; The High Republic Adventures (2023) The High Republic Adventures - Saber for Hire; Star Wars: Ahsoka; Star Wars. ... File:H-Type Nubian yacht USW.png; K File:Kelleran Beq and Grogu entering hyperspace.png; M File:Mos Espa AotC.png; N File:Nabooyacht-NEGVV.png;