Il Tirreno estate 2024

Leonardo DiCaprio in Toscana: la vacanza sul super yacht e il pranzo “segreto” prima di ripartire

yacht impromptu leonardo dicaprio

L’attore americano si è fermato per una rapida sosta all’Argentario: tutto è stato organizzato per fare in modo che non venisse riconosciuto e fermato dai fan

Vacanze in Italia. Su un super yacht dotato di ogni comfort, con camere per gli ospiti, un ampio spazio relax e una cucina degna di quella di un ristorante. Dalla Corsica alla Sardegna, passando per la Toscana. Leonardo DiCaprio non ha saputo resistere al fascino della costa sud, e si è concesso una breve sosta per un pranzo, prima di ripartire e proseguire nella navigazione. 

Ma “Leo” non è solo. Insieme a lui c’è l’amico Tobey Maguire . O almeno, i due erano insieme nel fine settimana del 3-4 agosto, quando hanno fatto tappa in Toscana. In particolare, all’Argentario, perla della costa maremmana. I due sono arrivati a bordo del  Impromptu , lo yacht che DiCaprio affitta regolarmente.

Sono scesi dall’imbarcazione e si sono concessi un pranzo rapido sulla terraferma. In pochissimi sono riusciti a vederli, dato che tutto è stato organizzato per garantire la massima privacy all’attore pluripremiato e stimato in tutto il mondo. Anche lui innamorato della Toscana. Nella prima settimana di agosto DiCaprio è stato visto in vacanza anche assieme alla fidanzata, la 26enne modella bresciana Vittoria Ceretti . 

Primo piano

Sub morto a giannutri, l’allarme dell’amico e i soccorsi disperati: la vittima è un imprenditore esperto di immersioni, prato, in bici contro un’auto: gravissimo rider di 37 anni, livorno, incendio all’interporto: a fuoco otto rimorchi, tre con i rifiuti speciali – video, bambina morta a 8 anni: lacrime e palloncini bianchi per l'ultimo saluto a rosa adele, meteo in toscana, prima il gran caldo poi il maltempo: dove sono previsti i temporali.

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Beyoncé, DiCaprio e pure Stallone I 10 super-yacht più amati dalle star

Quest’estate saranno tanti i personaggi famosi che trascorreranno le vacanze su imbarcazioni lussuose, lontano dai pericoli del Coronavirus. Ecco i loro panfili con i rispettivi prezzi di noleggio

di Francesco Tortora

Scheda 4 di 11

4. Impromptu - Leonardo DiCaprio - 250 mila euro a settimana

Quarta posizione per «Impromptu», lo yacht più amato da Leonardo DiCaprio. L’attore, gelosissimo della sua privacy, ama trascorrere le giornate sull’imbarcazione lontano dai paparazzi. Su Impromptu, l’attore può invitare fino 11 amici, approfittare dei vini presenti nella cantina della barca gustandoli in uno dei tanti saloni dell’imbarcazione. Prezzo del noleggio: da 250 mila euro a settimana.

yacht impromptu leonardo dicaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio, il mega Yacht preferito: il noleggio ha un prezzo da superstar

Leonardo Di Caprio

Leonardo Di Caprio, lo yacht Impromptu: gioiello da 250mila euro a settimana

Di Caprio

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Leonardo DiCaprio tra yacht, surf e babysitting con il paddleboard

Arianna Nardi @ AriannaNardi

L’attore, che da sempre si batte per la tutela della biodiversità marina, sa come godersi le vacanze. Per ogni occasione c'è un’attività, in compagnia della fidata amica tavola

yacht impromptu leonardo dicaprio

Quando è lontano dai riflettori di Hollywood lo trovate su un panfilo in mezzo al Mediterraneo o in acqua alle prese con la tavola, tra surf, kitesurf, giri in scooter acquatico e babysitting con il paddleboard. Leonardo DiCaprio  sa come godersi la vita e soprattutto le vacanze, durante le quali non si fa mancare nulla, che si tratti della compagnia dell’ennesima fidanzata (esclusivamente sotto i 25 anni), o di quella di amici con i rispettivi figli.

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Vacanze da Oscar

La tutela del pianeta

Passione surf

"Zio Leo" e il paddleboard

Le pose in scooter acquatico, il kitesurf e il flyboard

Una barca da sogno



Annunci ppn.

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I Salute Leonardo DiCaprio and His Massive Yacht

The man is having the summer holiday of our dreams

preview for Killers Of The Flower Moon - Official Teaser (Paramount Pictures)

There are two things about Leonardo DiCaprio that I know will always be true: 1/ He’s a man of leisure, and 2/ He's a man of luxury. When DiCaprio not starring in a blockbuster, or dating a young model, the 48-year-old actor can often be found unwinding in a wildly glamorous manner.

This week, he did exactly that, while cruising around the Amalfi coast in his private yacht. DiCaprio invited his dad, stepmum, and niece along for the ride. Some may find that excessive! They might wonder, Why charter a big-ass boat for just four people? Wouldn’t a smaller ship be easier to manage? I think the answer is pretty simple: Because it's fun! And Leonardo DiCaprio has yacht money! I’d do the same. Wouldn’t you?

The actor's upcoming movie is based on David Grann’s popular nonfiction book, Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI . DiCaprio stars in the project alongside Robert DeNiro, Jesse Plemons, Brendan Fraser, John Lithgow, and Lily Gladstone. The crime drama follows a series of murders that affect the indigenous Osage Nation after oil is found on their land. When more and more people go missing, the FBI swoops in to investigate.

Killers of the Flower Moon will premiere in theatres on 2 October. That gives good ol’ Leo at least a few more months to relax before hopping back into movie-star mode. I, for one, can’t wait to see what he does next.

As an associate staff writer at Esquire, McNeal covers pop culture, music, and television. You'll find her writing about Hulu’s Under the Bridge and Only Murders in The Building, along with thorough film and television round-ups that make binge-watching much easier. On the music front, she writes album reviews and profiles artists like Niall Horan and The Last Dinner Party . She also crafts whip-smart essays: (See: Jordan Peele's Us is his best film to date.) Before working at Esquire, she covered entertainment at NYLON. You can also find her writing in Refinery29 and InStyle. When she’s not working, McNeal is likely scouring the city for the best crab rangoon, attending a dance class, or gardening in her backyard.

Follow her on Instagram and TikTok @bmcneal17

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Leonardo DiCaprio who has recently won an Academy Award for his role in The Revenant has thrown a yacht party together with his long-time friend and fellow thespian, Tobey Maguire in an effort to raise environmental awareness .

The yacht party for the extremely important cause took place in a small luxury charter dubbed as Impromptu Yacht charter, in St. Tropez, in the South of France. The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation was able to raise $30 million and still counting for the protecting of the environment.

This is the fourth annual charity auction that his foundation has launched and counted with the presented of several famous Hollywood stars, including  Cate Blanchett, Marion Cotillard, Sean Penn, Tom Hanks, Edward Norton, Kate Hudson, Penélope Cruz, Uma Thurman and Emma Stone. The auction also had a surprise performance from Madonna and set by Lenny Kravitz. In addition, the event also saw a Titanic reunion between DiCaprio, Kate Winslet and Billy Zane.

The auction will continue online and bidding will commence on August 10 and will run until the 23rd, so you still have lots of time to participate and protect the well-being of all Earth’s inhabitants. You can take a look at the items that are going to be auctioned HERE !

⇒ See Also:  Explore the Marvelous Crystal Yacht Expedition Cruises  ⇐

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Source: People

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Alessandro Antico

3 mesi a 19 €

DiCaprio e Tobey Maguire, blitz all’Argentario: il pranzo, poi tornano sullo yacht

I due celebri volti di hollywood, molto amici, sono in vacanza in europa tra la costa toscana, la sardegna e la corsica. menu di mare in un locale lontano da occhi indiscreti.

Leonardo DiCaprio e l'Impromptu, lo yacht con cui ama navigare per il Mediterraneo

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Argentario, 6 agosto 2024 – A conferma che l’Argentario è un crocevia di star internazionali, nei giorni scorsi è stata segnalata la presenza di Leonardo DiCaprio e Tobey Maguire . Due volti di Hollywood celeberrimi, due amici veri, da molti anni. I protagonisti di pellicole rimaste nel mito, da Django Unchained a Spiderman, hanno fatto rotta verso l’Argentario.

Agosto in Toscana per Maria De Filippi

Sono sull’Impromptu, lo yacht che DiCaprio affitta e di cui è un grande estimatore. Un’imbarcazione che permette una privacy totale. E segretissima è rimasto il loro blitz sulle coste argentarine. I due hanno pranzato, con piatti di mare, in un locale della zona. Lotacion protetta, lontano dai paparazzi e da occhi indiscreti.

Quindi, i due sono tornati sullo yacht. Che poi ha salpato per altri lidi. L’Impromptu si trova attualmente nel sud della Corsica, alle Bocche di Bonifacio . Con una puntata precedente in Costa Smeralda. Non solo attore, ma anche produttore, DiCaprio intraprende da tempo campagne ambientaliste. Sette per lui le candidature all’Oscar e una statuetta vinta, quella per la sua interpretazione in Revenant. La Maremma è appunto un crocevia di vip di Hollywood. Tra gli altri, nei giorni scorsi a pranzo in un locale di Orbetello c’era l’attrice Anne Hathaway .

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Leonardo DiCaprio e Vittoria Ceretti visitano Brescia e poi il Vittoriale: l'estate d'amore in Italia

Leonardo DiCaprio e Vittoria Ceretti visitano Brescia e poi il Vittoriale l'estate d'amore in Italia

L a modella Vittoria Ceretti sta approfittando dell’estate per far conoscere a Leonardo DiCaprio , le sue zone d’origine . Così nei giorni scorsi i due sono scesi dallo yacht a bordo del quale stanno solcando il Mediterraneo e sono arrivati a Brescia .

Vittoria Ceretti è di casa, dal momento che è nata proprio in questa città e cresciuta a Inzino, frazione di Gardone Val Trompia .

La coppia, che fu fotografata per la prima volta ad agosto dello scorso anno, in città ha visitato il Museo di Santa Giulia e il Capitolium , accompagnati da una guida turistica in lingua inglese. Sono arrivati dopo l’orario di chiusura e, stando ad alcuni racconti, sembra che la guida turistica sia quasi svenuta trovandosi di fronte il divo americano e la top model.

In serata hanno proseguito l’escursione dirigendosi verso il Lago di Garda per visitare il Vittoriale a Gardone di Riviera . Sono arrivati al complesso, voluto dal poeta Gabriele D’Annunzio e sua ultima residenza, quando era chiuso al pubblico. Ha raccontato all’agenzia Ansa il presidente della Fondazione, lo storico Giordano Bruno Guerri: «Abbiamo ricevuto una telefonata da qualche segreteria o ufficio stampa. Ci hanno chiesto, con la massima discrezione, se potevano vedere il Vittoriale da soli e gli abbiamo riservato l'ultimo turno , quello delle 19, che era libero da prenotazioni. Sono arrivati puntualissimi a bordo di una Porsche. Erano loro due più una donna , che credo fosse la mamma di lei, e un altro signore». Sono stati accompagnati da una guida specializzata, hanno girato in lungo e in largo chiedendo dettagli e informazioni, hanno scattato tante foto .

Chi li ha incontrati dice che lei è «di una bellezza stupefacente, lui molto interessato e curioso». Giordano Bruno Guerri ha spiegato: « Si sono offerti di pagare, ma a me è sembrato gentile regalare la visita in cambio della pubblicità che sapevo avrei avuto. Poi sono andati a vedere la Regia Nave Puglia e io speravo che facessero la stessa scena di Titanic ». La coppia ha anche potuto visitare la Prioria, l’abitazione privata del poeta, che la arredò seguendo il proprio gusto. Dopo un paio di ore, sono andati via «con la promessa di tornare insieme agli amici» .

Il tempo di fare tappa in un ristorante del paese (forse il Lido 84), prima di ripartire e continuare la loro lunga estate d’amore .

Cindy Crawford, 58 anni, ha ammesso: «Faccio cure per il viso, ma mi chiedo: non dovremmo smetterla a una certa età?»

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Leonardo DiCaprio Throws Private Party on Superyacht TOPAZ

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By Editorial Team   30 May 2014

Superyacht fan and A-List superstar Leonardo DiCaprio was one of a lucky few people in the world allowed to charter the 147m/482 TOPAZ in which he hosted a lavish party on board last month.

As reported on the New York Daily News website, the 80’s-themed party which is thought to have been held in New York in mid-April with around 100 guests welcomed aboard including actor’s Jamie Foxx and Orlando Bloom. 

A crew of more than 80 are said to have been on-hand to serve an undoubtedly impressive spread of fine food, champagne and cocktails whilst the VIP part-goers were entertained into the early hours. ‘Leo wore a velour pantsuit to the ’80s-themed party’, said one insider, adding that DiCaprio hired additional ‘deejays, decor, designers and extra security’ especially for the event.

Leonardo DiCaprio shooting scenes for Wolf of Wall Street on LADY M

The 2012-launched superyacht TOPAZ was built by Lürssen to a design by Tim Heywood and is currently ranked 5th amongst the largest superyachts in the world. A spectacular setting for any event, she has very occasionally been made available for rent by her UAE-based Owner to a hand-selected elite few but is not officially available on the global charter fleet.  

DiCaprio is no stranger to superyachts, having shot a number of scenes for ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ on board the 44m/144’ MY LADY M and is regularly seen enjoying time on board charter yachts during prestigious events such as the Cannes Film Festival .

The largest superyacht officially marketed for charter is SERENE , the 133m Italian motor yacht built by Fincantieri, she can accommodate 24 charter guests in her 12 sumptuous staterooms.  Charter rates are from €3,750,000 per week plus expenses.

See the full selection of Lürssen yachts available for charter and find out more about hosting superyacht events and corporate yacht charters .

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134m Fincantieri 2011


147m Lurssen 2012


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leonardo dicaprio and vittoria ceretti

Leonardo DiCaprio and Vittoria Ceretti Tan on Yacht in Cannes


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Leonardo dicaprio heating up cannes w/ vittoria ceretti topless french yacht ride.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Vittoria Ceretti Sunbathing in Cannes

Leonardo DiCaprio 's keeping summer hot over in France ... showing off his beach bod during a yacht trip -- and, his girlfriend got the topless memo too.

The actor jumped into the Mediterranean during his sojourn to Cannes ... splashing around in the cool, blue water before working on his tan on the ship's massive deck.

leonardo dicaprio vittoria ceretti sub 2

BTW ... Leo's rockin' a man-bun in these pics -- unclear if it's for a role or just a style choice, but either way, Leo's definitely pulling it off.

Meanwhile, Vittoria's right by LD's side ... decked out in a tiny bikini to combat tan lines -- and, even seems to strip it off completely at one point, holding the thin material over her chest with just her hands.

leonardo dicaprio vittoria ceretti sub

The two weren't just alone on a romantic vacay BTW ... they were joined on the yacht by a group of friends -- though, we're sure the ship's big enough for everyone to get a little alone time.

Leo and Vittoria are reaching a serious couple milestone ... with outlets first linking the two last August -- so, they're right around the big one-year mark.

Vittoria Ceretti Hot Shots

We've seen them sight-seeing in exotic locales, and there was even speculation the two were engaged floating around in March -- though that ultimately proved not to be the case.

Good to see Leo's back in the ocean, too ... remember, just a few weeks ago DiCaprio suffered a jellyfish sting -- and, he needed medical attention on his A-list ass!

Leonardo DiCaprio -- Through the Years

Anyhoo ... Leo and Vittoria are still going strong -- and, soaking up every second of summer before it's officially gone!

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Leonardo DiCaprio in vacanza in Italia con la fidanzata Vittoria Ceretti: “Lei bellissima, lui curioso su tutto”

Leonardo DiCaprio in vacanza in Italia con la fidanzata Vittoria Ceretti: “Lei bellissima, lui curioso su tutto”

L'attore e la compagna si sono spostati dal mare della sardegna al lago di garda: "sono arrivati puntualissimi a bordo di una porsche".

Vacanze italiane per Leonardo DiCaprio . Come Madonna che ha festeggiato il compleanno a Pompei , anche il celebre attore Premio Oscar  ha scelto il Bel Paese come meta delle sue vacanze estive.

E non è la prima volta, di recente: anche lo scorso anno DiCaprio è venuto in Italia, con l’amico Toby Maguire . Ora la nuova gita, stavolta anche in compagnia della fidanzata Vittoria Ceretti .

I due sono stati paparazzati prima ad Amalfi, a fine luglio, poi in Sardegna, il primo agosto, a bordo di un mega yacht dove sono stati avvistati anche Toby Maguire , Irina Skayk e altri amici dell’attore. Giorni più tardi sono comparsi anche Katy Perry e Orlando Bloom , in quello che è stato un vero e proprio ritrovo di star hollywoodiane sul territorio italiano.

Katy and Orlando with Leonardo DiCaprio and other friends in Sardinia, Italy yesterday — Korlando updates🦋 (@Korlandoupdates) August 11, 2024

Le vacanze di Leonardo DiCaprio in Italia, dalla Sardegna alla visita a Brescia

Nonostante il look per camuffarsi con il cappellino (beige, con la scritta “LA”) abbassato e/o occhiali da sole, DiCaprio è stato riconosciuto subito e la sua presenza immediatamente segnalata online.

Dalla spiaggia di Nikki Beach, Costa Smeralda, sulle acque del Mar Tirreno (dove pare sia anche stato punto da una medusa sulla coscia), l’attore di Los Angeles si è poi spostato verso la Liguria, a Portofino , prima di dirigersi internamente verso il lago di Garda e la vicina Brescia , terra di origine della fidanzata .

Il 19 agosto DiCaprio, con la sua dolce metà, è stato avvistato nel centro della città lombarda dove ha visitato uno dei luoghi più belli e suggestivi, il Museo di Santa Giulia , e passeggiato per il Capitolium , accompagnato da una guida turistica in lingua inglese.

In serata poi, come riporta Il Giornale di Brescia , la visita a Gardone Riviera, sul Lago di Garda, con tappa al Vittoriale degli Italiani , l’ultima residenza di Gabriele D’Annunzio .

Lei è di una bellezza stupefacente, lui è stato molto interessato e curioso – ha raccontato chi li ha incontrati al quotidiano locale –  Hanno posto alla guida diverse domande su Gabriele d’Annunzio e la storia del Vittoriale. Abbiamo ricevuto una telefonata da qualche segreteria o ufficio stampa – ha detto all’ANSA Giordano Bruno Guerri, presidente del Vittoriale – Ci hanno chiesto, con la massima discrezione, se potevano vedere il Vittoriale da soli e gli abbiamo riservato l’ultimo turno, quello delle 19, che era libero da prenotazioni. Sono arrivati puntualissimi a bordo di una Porsche. Erano loro due più una donna, che credo fosse la mamma di lei, e un altro signore. Si sono offerti di pagare, ma a me è sembrato gentile offrire la visita in cambio della pubblicità che sapevo avrei avuto. Poi sono andati a vedere la Regia Nave Puglia e io speravo che facessero la stessa scena di Titanic….

Dopo la visita guidata, la coppia si è recata a cena in uno dei locali lungo il lago (voci non confermate portano al ristorante stellato “Lido 84” dei fratelli Camanini). Della gita bresciana della star non ci sono foto, ma non c’è da stupirsi data la riservatezza degli ospiti e dell’organizzazione che in questi casi assicura massima discrezione.

yacht impromptu leonardo dicaprio

Chi è Vittoria Ceretti, la fidanzata di Leonardo DiCaprio

La ragione dietro la visita bresciana di DiCaprio dovrebbe essere proprio la fidanzata Vittoria Ceretti , modella di fama internazionale di 26 anni (quasi 2 milioni di followers su Instagram ) nata e cresciuta esattamente nella provincia di Brescia, precisamente nella valle di Inzino, frazione di Sarezzo, Valtrompia.

I due, nonostante la differenza di età – lui ha 49 anni, ne compirà 50 il prossimo 11 novembre – stanno insieme ufficialmente da circa un anno e la loro relazione sembra procedere a gonfie vele.

La fidanzata di Leonardo DiCaprio è la ex di Tony Effe: “Un bel salto”

In pochi forse sanno che l’attuale compagna   di DiCaprio  in passato è stata fidanzata con Tony Effe , come ha raccontato il cantante di Sesso e samba ospite da Say Waaad? . Guardate qui sotto:

@radiodeejay Tony Effe: “Vittoria Ceretti? Da me a Leonardo DiCaprio un bel salto” 😃 #tonyeffe #saywaaad @Michele Wad Caporosso @tonyeffebaby777 ♬ suono originale - Radio Deejay

Nel giugno scorso il rapper aveva già parlato della sua ex Vittoria Ceretti ospite nel BSMT di Gianluca Gazzoli :

Ci siamo lasciati bene, io le voglio molto bene a lei – le sue parole – Ogni tanto ci sentiamo, tutto a posto, c’è molto rispetto, ci vogliamo bene. Lei e DiCaprio? Quando l’ho scoperto sui social sinceramente mi sono fatto una risata, ho fatto un sorriso. Ho pensato: “Mi ha asfaltato, ha spaccato”.

Ora la vita della modella prosegue dunque con Leonardo DiCaprio , al quale ora ha mostrato i suoi luoghi natii. Il legame tra l’attore e l’ Italia , il suo Paese di origine (i bisnonni Salvatore DiCaprio e Rosina Casella erano di Napoli) sembra dunque più forte che mai.


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yacht impromptu leonardo dicaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio's girlfriend Vittoria Ceretti, 26, goes TOPLESS with shirtless Titanic star, 49, on yacht off Cannes

By Sameer Suri For

Published: 19:44 EDT, 24 August 2024 | Updated: 20:35 EDT, 24 August 2024

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Leonardo DiCaprio 's supermodel girlfriend Vittoria Ceretti took off her bikini top as they frolicked on a luxurious yacht off the South Of France this week.

The 49-year-old Titanic star and his 26-year-old flame have spent a chunk of the summer cruising around the Mediterranean, stopping at such fashionable pleasure spots as Sardinia .

While they were in Italy , Vittoria was spotted sporting a ring on her engagement ring, unleashing an avalanche of rumors about the true state of their relationship.

Her left hand was bare of jewelry when she was seen gamboling around on the yacht near Cannes this Friday, accompanied by her shirtless celebrity boyfriend and another bikini bombshell.

Vittoria indulged in a bit of sunbathing on a deck chair - and removing her barely-there swimsuit top, with its straps seen dangling down her sides.

Leonardo DiCaprio 's supermodel girlfriend Vittoria Ceretti took off her bikini top as they frolicked on a luxurious yacht off the South Of France this week

Leonardo DiCaprio 's supermodel girlfriend Vittoria Ceretti took off her bikini top as they frolicked on a luxurious yacht off the South Of France this week

The 49-year-old Titanic star and his 26-year-old flame have spent a chunk of the summer cruising around the Mediterranean and during their latest sighting were near Cannes

The 49-year-old Titanic star and his 26-year-old flame have spent a chunk of the summer cruising around the Mediterranean and during their latest sighting were near Cannes

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The bikini was so tantalizingly skimpy that the cups were completely obscured by her hands as she slid the top off, whilst working on her August tan.

Meanwhile Leo could be glimpsed enjoying a dip in the ocean, then clambering back up onto the vessel, where a crew member was already waiting for him with a towel.

He was dripping wet as he sauntered across the deck, showing off his burly torso by by wearing nothing but sunglasses and a set of blue swim trunks.

The bikini bombshells were evidently unable to retain his undivided attention, as he sat staring at his phone while they flaunted their figures sunbathing in front of him.

Leo had a few round marks on his lower back that resembled the imprints left by cupping therapy, a treatment from traditional Chinese medicine in which hot cups are applied to the skin. 

During his latest summer jaunt in Europe, Leo has occasionally been accompanied by his longtime pal Tobey Maguire, who was spotted a few weeks ago taking Vittoria on a jet-ski ride as they all went yachting together.

The two actors share a tight bond stretching back to the 1990s, when they led a group of men about town famously dubbed the 'P***y Posse' by  New York  magazine. 

Leo and Vittoria were first linked over the summer of last year, when she had just turned 25, and have been spotted together on several occasions since. 

Her left hand was bare of jewelry when she was seen gamboling around on the yacht near Cannes this Friday, accompanied by her shirtless celebrity boyfriend and another bikini bombshell

Her left hand was bare of jewelry when she was seen gamboling around on the yacht near Cannes this Friday, accompanied by her shirtless celebrity boyfriend and another bikini bombshell

Leo and Vittoria were first linked over the summer of last year, when she had just turned 25, and have been spotted together on several occasions since

Leo and Vittoria were first linked over the summer of last year, when she had just turned 25, and have been spotted together on several occasions since

Vittoria and Leo are said to have met at last year's Cannes Film Festival, where his new Martin Scorsese movie Killers Of The Flower Moon was premiering

Vittoria and Leo are said to have met at last year's Cannes Film Festival, where his new Martin Scorsese movie Killers Of The Flower Moon was premiering

Leo could be glimpsed enjoying a dip in the ocean, then clambering back up onto the vessel, where a crew member was already waiting for him with a towel

Leo could be glimpsed enjoying a dip in the ocean, then clambering back up onto the vessel, where a crew member was already waiting for him with a towel

The bikini bombshells were evidently unable to retain his undivided attention, as he sat staring at his phone while they flaunted their figures sunbathing in front of him

The bikini bombshells were evidently unable to retain his undivided attention, as he sat staring at his phone while they flaunted their figures sunbathing in front of him

However in March of this year, Leo was spotted putting on a cozy display at a pre-Oscars party with none other than songstress Teyana Taylor, with whom he has been filming the upcoming Paul Thomas Anderson movie .

At the pre-Oscars party, Teyana was glimpsed gently caressing Leo's face, and he in turn was seen tapping her on the derriere, according to  TMZ .

However, later that same month, he was spotted enjoying a lunch date with Vittoria in Los Angeles, indicating their relationship was still going strong.

Vittoria was even sporting a gleaming silver ring on her left hand fourth finger - but TMZ  confirmed at the time that the couple were not in fact engaged.

Near the end of March, Leo and Vittoria were spotted out to dinner at the Santa Monica celebrity hot spot Giorgio Baldi - and she then drove them away from the venue. 

The restaurant has been Leo's favorite for years and he's enjoyed date nights with Vittoria several times,' an insider explained to People . 

'She's, of course, Italian, so she takes care of ordering all the favorites,' said the source. 'She is very cute, sweet and charming. Leo seems to really like her.'

Vittoria and Leo are said to have met at last year's Cannes Film Festival, where his new Martin Scorsese movie Killers Of The Flower Moon was premiering. 

Vittoria was even sporting a gleaming silver ring on her left hand fourth finger when she was seen with Leo in March - but TMZ confirmed at the time that the couple were not in fact engaged

Vittoria was even sporting a gleaming silver ring on her left hand fourth finger when she was seen with Leo in March - but TMZ confirmed at the time that the couple were not in fact engaged

Near the end of March, Leo and Vittoria were spotted out to dinner at the Santa Monica celebrity hot spot Giorgio Baldi - and she then drove them away from the venue

Near the end of March, Leo and Vittoria were spotted out to dinner at the Santa Monica celebrity hot spot Giorgio Baldi - and she then drove them away from the venue

In March of this year, Leo was spotted putting on a cozy display at a pre-Oscars party with none other than songstress Teyana Taylor, with whom he has been filming the upcoming Paul Thomas Anderson movie

In March of this year, Leo was spotted putting on a cozy display at a pre-Oscars party with none other than songstress Teyana Taylor, with whom he has been filming the upcoming Paul Thomas Anderson movie

They were first linked in August 2023, after a flurry of rumors that had connected Leo to Vittoria's fellow supermodel Gigi Hadid.

Vittoria was previously married from 2020 until 2023 to the Italian DJ Matteo Milleri, who is part of the Berlin-based duo Tale Of Us.

Years earlier, she was briefly linked to the model then known as Natalie Westling, who has since undergone a gender transition and is now called Nathan Westling.

Vittoria was discovered in 2012 and has since walked over 400 fashion shows, as well as covering various international editions of Vogue 23 times. 

The smoldering sensation has spoken candidly in the past about the habits that have enabled her to retain her lithe physique and luminous complexion.

Vittoria was discovered in 2012 and has since walked over 400 fashion shows, as well as covering various international editions of Vogue 23 times

Vittoria was discovered in 2012 and has since walked over 400 fashion shows, as well as covering various international editions of Vogue 23 times

The smoldering sensation has spoken candidly in the past about the habits that have enabled her to retain her lithe physique and luminous complexion

The smoldering sensation has spoken candidly in the past about the habits that have enabled her to retain her lithe physique and luminous complexion

'I try not to eat lots of junk food,' she told W, spilling: 'In the morning I always eat fruit and yogurt with cereal,' and adding: 'And for lunch and dinner I always have vegetables as a side'

'I try not to eat lots of junk food,' she told W, spilling: 'In the morning I always eat fruit and yogurt with cereal,' and adding: 'And for lunch and dinner I always have vegetables as a side'

'I always try to eat healthily. I go to the gym when I’m home or do some yoga if I have the time off,' the Lombard fashion maven explained to Elite Model Look . 

'I apply a face mask for when my skin feels tired or if I’ve worked for a while,' noted Vittoria, who originally hails from Brescia in the shadow of the Italian Alps.

'I try not to eat lots of junk food,' she told W . 'In the morning I always eat fruit and yogurt with cereal. And for lunch and dinner I always have vegetables as a side.'

As far as beverages are concerned, she shared: 'I love smoothies and Vitamin Water, but I always have some iced tea in my fridge!'

In the workout department, she dished: 'When I’m not working I go for runs. I live around many parks, so it’s nice to feel like you’re not surrounded by the city.' 

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    Vava II, a $150 million custom superyacht, seems to hold a very special place in his heart. While regular folks rang in the New Year with friends and families, maybe watching the fireworks or...

  18. Self proclaimed 'environmentalist' Leonardo DiCaprio ringed in the new

    Leonardo DiCaprio, a ship-loving, jet-hopping antithesis of eco-consciousness- How does an outspoken climate champion who has raised and donated millions towards the cause hop on private jets and party on megayachts?

  19. Inside the £400million insane luxury yacht that Leo DiCaprio hired to

    Next time you're in a World Cup host city, you might want to take a cue from Leonardo DiCaprio on how to make the most of your game and time. The Wolf of Wall Street star, who was last seen in Brazil borrowed the Fifth largest superyacht in the world to party it up, FIFA style.

  20. Leonardo DiCaprio e Vittoria Ceretti visitano Brescia e poi il

    La modella Vittoria Ceretti sta approfittando dell'estate per far conoscere a Leonardo DiCaprio, le sue zone d'origine. Così nei giorni scorsi i due sono scesi dallo yacht a bordo del quale ...

  21. Inside IMPROMPTU Yacht • Trinity • 2010 • Value $20,000,000 • Owner A

    The IMPROMPTU yacht was built by Trinity in 2010. The superyacht is designed by Trinity Yachts, LLC. Her owner is a Millionaire based in the USA.

  22. Leonardo DiCaprio Throws Private Party on Superyacht TOPAZ

    Superyacht fan and A-List superstar Leonardo DiCaprio was one of a lucky few people in the world allowed to charter the 147m/482 TOPAZ in which he hosted a lavish party on board last month.

  23. Leonardo DiCaprio and Vittoria Ceretti Tan on Yacht in Cannes

    Leonardo DiCaprio's keeping summer hot over in France ... showing off his beach bod during a yacht trip -- and, his girlfriend got the topless memo too.

  24. Leonardo DiCaprio in Italia con la fidanzata: chi è Vittoria Ceretti

    Leonardo DiCaprio è in vacanza in Italia con la fidanzata Vittoria Ceretti, modella ed ex di Tony Effe: il tour dell'attore Premio Oscar dalla Sardegna fino alla visita a Brescia.

  25. Leonardo DiCaprio's girlfriend Vittoria Ceretti goes TOPLESS on yacht

    Leonardo DiCaprio's supermodel girlfriend Vittoria Ceretti took off her bikini top as they frolicked on a luxurious yacht off the South Of France this week.

  26. Leo DiCaprio Downgrades to a $25M Superyacht, Still ...

    Impromptu has been described as the ultimate party yacht, an elegant and more compact leisure craft that's been designed around the idea of entertaining more generations at once. Photo:...