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Bezirkspokalfinale der A-, B- und C-Junioren in Hechingen

Jugendfußball zollernalbkreis bezirkspokalfinale der a-, b- und c-junioren in hechingen.

Im vergangenen Jahr jubelte die SGM Harthausen bei den C-Junioren. Schafft die JSG Eyachtal dieses Jahr den Erfolg? Foto: Kara

Im vergangenen Jahr jubelte die SGM Harthausen bei den C-Junioren. Schafft die JSG Eyachtal dieses Jahr den Erfolg?

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A-JUNIOREN FINALESGM Owingen/ Eyachtal – SGM Nusplingen/Heuberg-Bära (16 Uhr). Die beiden Sport gemeinschaften setzten sich in knappen Halbfinalspielen durch. Die Eyachtaler liegen in derKreisleistungsstaffel aktuell fünf Punkte hinter Tabellenführer Rangendingen auf Rang drei. Im Halbfinale siegte allerdings die SGM. 85 Minuten lang lag Owingen hinten, ehe Finn Eger mit seinem zweiten Treffer zum 2:2 traf. In der Nachspielzeit wendete Leonard Degen mit dem 3:2-Siegtor noch ein Elfmeterschießen ab.

Im anderen Halbfinale spielten die SGM Nusplingen/Heuberg-Bära und die SGM Pfeffingen hingegen 0:0. Im Elfmeterschießen setze sich die SGM mit 8:6 durch. Neben dem Pokalfinale steht Nusplingen noch voll im Titelkampf mit Bubsheim/Heuberg in der Regionenstaffel.

Lesen Sie auch

Dominante siege im halbfinale.

B-JUNIOREN FINALE TSG Balingen II – TSV Frommern (13.30 Uhr). Mit Balingen und Frommern treffen zwei Ligakonkurrenten aus dem Zollernalbkreis aufeinander. In der Regionenstaffel ist die TSG Tabellenführer, während Frommern auf Rang drei steht. Der TSV hat sich im Halbfinale mit 3:0 gegen die SGM Bisingen durchgesetzt.

Bei der TSG Balingen war es mit einem 6:0-Sieg gegen Harthausen noch deutlicher.

Steinhofen mit Freilos ins Finale

C-JUNIOREN FINALESGM Steinhofen – SGM Gruol/Eyachtal (11 Uhr). Das Halbfinale zwischen Steinhofen und Hechingen wurde wegen Personalmangel mit 3:0 für Steinhofen gewertet. In der anderen Halbfinalpaarung setzte sich Groul mit 3:1 gegen Albstadt durch. In der Regionenstaffel sind beide Teams an der Spitze. Gruol hat allerdings zwölf Punkte Vorsprung, womit ein Double aus Meisterschaft und Pokal nun in greifbarer Nähe ist.

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Das Fußballtraining für die Jugendliche bietet ein abwechslungsreiches Training an und dabei wird sehr auf den Spaßfaktor geachtet. Zusätzlich werden die Spieler in ihrer Entwicklungsphase Schritt für Schritt mehr gefordert.

E bis A-Junioren

Unsere Jugendspieler spielen von der E-Jugend bis zur A-Jugend in der JSG Eyachtal in Kooperation mit anderen regionalen Vereinen.

Wir bitten um etwas Geduld. Bald seht ihr hier Trainingszeiten, Ansprechpartner und Kaderfotos.

Die F-Jugend ist in der Saison 2018/2019 zusammen mit dem SV Stetten und dem SV Gruol vereint, um eine „treffsichere“ Truppe zu schaffen.


Die Bambinis sind in Owingen in Eigenregie und trainieren freitags zwischen 17:00 Uhr und 18:30 Uhr.

Ansprechpartner :  [email protected]


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Greyfriars Hall

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The idea of formal seminary education dies hard. We have trained so many generations of ministers in this fashion that we can scarcely credit any other way of doing it

The idea of formal seminary education dies hard. We’ve trained so many generations of ministers in this fashion that we can scarcely credit any other way of doing it. Click here to learn more about our vision for pastoral training.

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Greyfriars Hall is a ministerial training program which aims to prepare men for serving the Church. As such, the courses necessarily revolve around three main themes: Purity of Life, Boldness in Preaching, & Truth as Foundation.

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Our faculty is comprised of men who have a wealth of pastoral experience, insight and wisdom. Class sizes are small so students can glean from our Faculty’s years of knowledge. Their pastoral wisdom is a rich augment to the training process.

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For those men who are interested in beginning the process of pursuing pastoral ministry training through Greyfriars Hall: APPLY HERE.

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GREYFRIARS HALL Pastoral Ministry Training

Under the oversight of Christ Church’s board of elders, Greyfriars Hall is approximately three years of rigorous study, ministry training, and biblical mentoring for men called to pastoral ministry. Though it is not a degree program, a letter from Greyfriars Hall commending them to the work of Christian ministry will be given upon successful completion.


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JSG Companies

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In summary, JSG is your “Friendly Neighborhood Swiftwall Dealer” the best temporary wall distributor in the industry due to our full commitment to our suppliers,  commitment to quality, knowledgeable team, exceptional customer service, and focus on cost-effectiveness. We are dedicated to providing our customers with top-notch temporary wall solutions that meet their specific needs and exceed their expectations.

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Johnson Service Group specializes in the sourcing, screening, and placement of aerospace and defense positions. For almost 40 years, JSG has been assisting with staffing for organizations that require talented aerospace, aviation, and defense candidates.

We have deep industry knowledge of recruiting skilled aerospace workers from Engineering Design through the assembly process. We support both military and commercial businesses and provide top talent including development, engineering design, project management, as well as maintenance and repair.

JSG’s recruiting team works with a number of chemical process industrial companies, including organic and inorganic chemical companies. This support would include agricultural chemicals, basic chemicals, specialty chemicals, consumer products, and pharmaceuticals.

Regardless of what position our clients are seeking to fill, we are confident that we have the talent pool to accommodate their needs. Our past support includes but not limited to systems operators, safety inspectors, operations managers, engineers, lab technicians, and quality assurance workers. These jobs involve working with a variety of materials and specialized equipment.

For nearly four decades, JSG has established itself as a trusted partner for many of North America’s most respected Energy & Utilities operators. We take pride in delivering highly skilled and reliable professionals from diverse backgrounds, including engineering, procurement, environmental, safety, quality assurance, construction management & inspection, and support personnel. Our commitment to cultivating strong relationships with stakeholders and communities ensures that our workforce consistently upholds the highest standards of safety, quality, and competence.

Our extensive industry experience, robust connections, and proven methodologies exemplify our unwavering dedication to our clients’ success. We offer expertise in various Energy & Utilities sectors, including: Oil & Gas Infrastructure, Power Generation (Nuclear, Fossil, Hydro, Wind, & Solar) Energy Transmission, Distribution & Storage. By partnering with JSG, you can expect unparalleled workforce solutions tailored to meet the unique demands of the Energy & Utilities sector, ensuring the success of your operations and projects.

JSG recruits and places financial experts that understand the complex regulation and security landscape of the industry. Our nearly 40 years of experience allows us the unique and privileged opportunity to provide staffing to financial institutions of all sizes and complexity.

JSG’s recruiting team specializes in the sourcing, screening, and placement of various financial professionals– from entry-level to C-Suite. Our solutions cover the recruitment and placement of experts in financial institutions of all sizes.

JSG is a recognized and valued professional services staffing partner to many of the nation’s top government contractors, integrators, and consulting firms.

JSG has a proven track record of supporting defense, civilian, and national security agencies, as well as state and local governments. Our expertise includes a wide range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of our government clients, including strategic planning, program management, systems engineering, cybersecurity, and technology integration.

With our deep understanding of government operations and our commitment to excellence, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner in supporting critical missions across various clearance levels of government.

JSG’s expert information technology staffing team provides the finest technology professionals available.

Our IT recruiters deliver experienced, proven professionals to your workforce by providing a customized staffing solution that fits your organization.

We specialize in providing companies with permanent and contract professionals in these specialties: application and development, infrastructure, AI, project management, QA, and cybersecurity.

JSG supports companies bringing innovative drug treatments, vaccines, therapies, and medical devices to their patients. JSG works with these companies in the biotech, pharmaceutical, medical device and analytical lab fields to address their talent challenges.

With a strong expertise in providing professionals supporting research and development, JSG recruiters are experts in finding the right engineering, IT and professional talent to meet our clients’ needs.

Our recruitment team specializes in the sourcing, screening, and placement of various manufacturing and logistics professionals. By leveraging our recruitment teams industry knowledge, we are able to understand our clients’ hiring challenges and quickly secure high-quality talent.  

Through comprehensive skill assessments, background, and drug screens, our recruiters identify well-trained workers who can hit the ground running. We can assist with all manufacturing and logistics skilled trades’ needs by combining our industry knowledge in collaboration with our clients to develop recruitment strategies to navigate hiring challenges and quickly secure high-quality talent.  

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Moscow court hears appeal by WSJ reporter Gershkovich

Associated Press Associated Press

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WSJ reporter loses appeal and will remain in Russian jail through November

MOSCOW (AP) — Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich lost an appeal Tuesday to be released from jail on espionage charges, meaning he will remain behind bars at least through Nov. 30.

READ MORE: U.S. ambassador visits jailed WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich in Russia

Gershkovich, 31, had a mostly blank expression as he appeared in the defendant’s glass cage in Moscow City Court in blue shirt, T-shirt and jeans. He marked six months in custody on Sept. 29.

It was the second time in less than a month he had appeared before a judge to appeal an August decision to extend his pre-trial detention through November. On Sept. 19, the court declined to hear the appeal, citing unspecified procedural violations.

The U.S. Embassy in Moscow said in a statement that it was “deeply disappointed” that Gershkovich’s appeal was rejected, adding: “Evan should be released.”

The journalist was detained in March while on a reporting trip to the city of Yekaterinburg, about 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles) east of Moscow.

The court proceedings are closed because prosecutors say details of the criminal case are classified.

Russia’s Federal Security Service alleged Gershkovich, “acting on the instructions of the American side, collected information constituting a state secret about the activities of one of the enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex.”

Gershkovich and the Journal deny the allegations, and the U.S. government has declared him to be wrongfully detained. Russian authorities haven’t detailed any evidence to support the espionage charges.

READ MORE: Moscow court declines to hear an appeal by jailed WSJ journalist Evan Gershkovich

He is being held at Moscow’s Lefortovo prison, notorious for its harsh conditions. Gershkovich is the first American reporter to be charged with espionage in Russia since 1986, when Nicholas Daniloff, a Moscow correspondent for U.S. News and World Report, was arrested by the KGB.

Analysts have pointed out that Moscow may be using jailed Americans as bargaining chips after U.S.-Russian tensions soared when Russia sent troops into Ukraine. At least two U.S. citizens arrested in Russia in recent years — including WNBA star Brittney Griner — have been exchanged for Russians jailed in the U.S.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has said it will consider a swap for Gershkovich only after a verdict in his trial. In Russia, espionage trials can last for more than a year.

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Wall Street Journal publisher discusses Russia’s charges against Evan Gershkovich

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Intelligence firms jsg and spookygood announce merger - unveil anti-human trafficking project trffc on solana.

Powerful Collaboration Marks the Beginning of a Sophisticated Era in Cyber Intelligence and Investigations

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA / ACCESSWIRE / April 23, 2024 / Cyber intelligence firm SpookyGood and investigations leader Justice Solutions Group (JSG) announced their merger today, also unveiling their non-profit crypto project on Solana, TRFFC, with an ambitious mission: to end human trafficking.

"We're excited for the future," said CEO Josh Chandler of JSG. "This adds force-multipliers for both of our client bases in investigations, cyber intelligence, blockchain, and risk consulting. And we're taking action on human trafficking in a way that's never been done before with TRFFC."

California-based JSG has rapidly expanded in recent years, gaining clients in insurance investigations, intelligence, corporate risk management, and due diligence for venture funds and private equity. The company believes that the cybersecurity and specialized investigations industry is poised for significant growth.

"Organized retail and cargo theft, insurance fraud, financial fraud, cyber events - everything is on the rise," says Chandler, a former police officer and security director. "This will make us more effective in responding to the needs of our clients in multiple arenas, faster and with better tools in both corporate and government sectors."

Kyeson Utley, the founder of Austin, Texas-based SpookyGood and now also the new CTO of Justice Solutions Group, agrees. "This is more than just combining resources in legal tech; it's about revolutionizing how we deliver better services, faster, for attorneys, corporate risk teams, and public safety. And TRFFC is a statement of our commitment to showcasing the power of the blockchain for good."

SpookyGood has also noted a recent uptick in requests for help in blockchain investigations, crypto recovery, assistance to law enforcement in crime analysis and training.

"SpookyGood will benefit from JSG's experience in efficiently scaling their operations to service a larger client base, as demonstrated with their client portal OnTrial. Our clients often overlapped with JSG, so it's a win-win," says Utley.

For Chandler, TRFFC was also strategic. "We wanted to do something big, so that we could have a real impact. It's also our chance to demonstrate our blockchain expertise by actively participating in the blockchain. This isn't a meme coin; it's a new method to empower a global justice network."

With NFT collections that will sponsor real-life human intelligence operators and OSINT investigators, along with other opportunities to stake and earn tokens as a long-term investment, TRFFC aims to channel critical support, offering digital assets that represent more than just value, but also support for real agents working on the front lines.

"We think people will see what we're doing in crypto with TRFFC as an example of what crypto can be, and that's exciting to me," said Utley. "We're confident in what we're building, across the board. The sky's the limit."

For more information on the companies and the TRFFC project, visit:

JSG X OnTrial:



Contact Information

Kyeson Utley CTO, Justice Solutions Group [email protected] (800) 278-9329

Related Files


SOURCE: Justice Solutions Group

View the original press release on

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