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Motor Yacht

M/Y Azzam, the largest Superyacht in the world at 180 metres, was launched by Lurssen, the world's leading shipyard for large luxury yacht building.

A world-class team was personally assembled and directed in all areas of development of this sophisticated project by Eng. Mubarak Saad al Ahbabi. Under his instruction and leadership Azzam was developed from her original concept with the overall requirements in regard to general layout, performance, size and exterior style.

The brief was to build a luxurious large yacht which featured a timeless and innovative design that could travel at high speed even in warm and shallow waters while still providing sophisticated and luxurious accommodation for its guests.

Under Eng. Mubarak Saad al Ahbabi's guidance, Azzam's technical engineering was developed by Lurssen, her exterior design by Nauta Yachts and her interior styling by Christophe Leoni, creating what is, undoubtedly, the most challenging and complex yacht ever built.

Azzam breaks new ground in many ways, in terms of her technology, dimensions and performance. As well as being the largest yacht in the world at an unprecedented 180 metres and still being able to reach top speeds of over 30 knots, she also adds another record in regards to building time having spent a mere three years in build following one year of engineering.

Azzam truly represents a milestone in not only Lurssen's history but yachting history as well.

  • Yacht Builder Lurssen Yachts View profile
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  • Interior Designer Christophe Leoni No profile available

Yacht Specs

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The world's longest yacht, at 180.65 metres, with a top speed of over 30 knots, AZZAM is a truly extraordinary luxury superyacht. Her outstanding characteristics even include her exceptionally short building time of less than three years from keel laying to delivery, in 2013. Engineer and principal designer Mubarak Saad al Ahbabi set out to build a large yacht with an innovative and timeless design that would be able to travel at high speed in warm and shallow waters. The bold and elegant exterior by Nauta Design incorporates many elements of visionary modern design. Renowned French designer Christophe Leoni conceived a sophisticated interior with luxurious décor inspired by the Empire-style of the early 19th century.

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Top 5 der teuersten Yachten der Welt

Wenn Sie eine bestimmte Geldsumme zur Verfügung haben, gönnt man sich schon mal das Ein oder Andere, oder? Eine Uhr oder ein oldtimer zum Beispiel. Nun, einige Leute gehen schon um einiges weiter. Eine Yacht gilt als einer der luxuriösesten Dinge, die ein Mensch besitzen kann; ein Symbol für Wohlstand und Reichtum. Wir haben eine Liste der fünf teuersten und extravagantesten Yachten der Welt zusammengestellt. 

5. Dubai - 330,5 Millionen Euro Diese Yacht gehört derzeit Scheich Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, dem Premierminister der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und Gewalthaber der Emirate von Dubai. Ursprünglich aber war es ein gemeinsames Projekt von Blohm + Voss und der Lürssen Werft für den Prinzen Jefri Bolkiah von Brunei. Das Schief lief, über 10 Jahre nach dem Planungsbeginn des Projekts, 2006 vom Stapel und ist bis heute die drittgrößte Yacht der Welt: sie ist 162 Meter lang und kann über 115 Gästen beherbergen. 

Die luxuriösesten Merkmale des Schiffes sind verschiedene Liegewiesen, Whirlpools und ein Swimmingpool mit handgefertigten Fliesen. Der hauptverantwortliche Innendesigner war Scheich Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum selbst. Die aufwendige und opulente Innenausstattung der Dubai umfasst handgemachte Mosaiken und eine kreisförmige Treppe mit Stufen aus Glas, die ihre Farbe wechseln. Das riesige Deck des Bootes besteht aus einem abgetrennten Inhaber-Deck, einer Lounge, einigen geräumigen Wohnbereichen und einer Vielzahl von VIP- und Gäste-Suiten. Natürlich hat die Dubai auch einen Hubschrauberlandeplatz für Hubschrauber von bis zu 9,5 Tonnen. Also, das kann man doch mal luxuriöses Reisen nennen. 

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4. Azzam - 613,7 Millionen Euro

Ein weiterer Luxus-Liner in königlichem Besitz in den Arabischen Emiraten. Die Azzam gehört dem Scheich Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nayan, dem Präsidenten der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und Emir von Abu Dhabi. Gebaut wurde die Yacht von der Lürssen Werft und man munkelt, dass sie die “komplexeste und faszinierendste Yacht ist, die je gebaut wurde”. Wie auch immer: die eindrucksvollste Eigenschaft dieser Yacht ist nicht der Preis, nicht die extravagante Innenausstattung, sondern ihre Größe. Mit einer Länge von 180 Metern nimmt die Azzam den stolzen ersten Platz der größten Privatyachten der Welt ein. Und die Superyacht ist nicht nur wahnsinnig lang, sondern zudem auch noch äußerst schnell: Sie erreicht Geschwindigkeiten von über 55 km/h (30 Knoten).

Zuständig für das Interieur der Azzam ist der Designer Christophe Leoni, der es beschreibt als "anspruchsvoll und luxuriös in einer Jahrhundertwende des Empire-Stils". 

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3. Streets of Monaco - 1,03 Milliarden Euro

Wie der Name schon vermuten lässt, wurde diese schwimmende Extravaganz als Nachbildung der Stadt Monaco designt, oder genauer: ein Abschnitt von Monte Carlo. Diese Yacht von Yacht Island Design aus Derbyshire County in England soll einen Wert von über 1,03 Milliarden Euro haben. Der Preis kommt durch das unkonventionelle Design zu Stande. Dazu gehören kleine Versionen berühmter Sehenswürdigkeiten von Monaco, wie z.B. dem Monte Carlo Casino, der Rennstrecke, dem Hotel de Paris, La Rascasse, Loews Hotes und dem Café de Paris. Darüber hinaus verfügt die Streets of Monaco über mehrere Swimmingpools, Tennisplätze, eine Cafè-Bar mit Unterwasser-Sehenswürdigkeiten, einen Mini-Wasserfall, Hubschrauber und ein U-Boot. Kernstück des Schiffes ist das Atrium, wo sich neben der 3-stöckigen Penthouse-Wohnung des zukünftigen Streets of Monaco-Besitzers sieben Gäste-Suiten befinden. Wir können jetzt nur raten, wer der Milliardär sein wird, der in dieses extravagante Projekt investieren wird.

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2. Eclipse - 425 Millionen bis 1,1 Milliarden Euro

Diese Yacht steht nach der Azzam auf dem zweiten Platz der längsten Privatyachten in der Welt. Die Eclipse gehört einem der reichsten Menschen der Welt, dem russischen Geschäftsmann Roman Abramovich. Diese Luxusyacht ist 162,5 Meter lang und sie wurde von Blohm + Voss konstruiert. Der genaue Preis dieses schwimmenden Juwels ist nicht bekannt und die Schätzungen basieren auf der extravaganten Einrichtung des Schiffs. Zur Einrichtung gehören zwei Hubschrauberlandeplätze, ein U-Boot, 24 Gästekabinen, zwei Swimmingpools, mehrere Whirlpools und eine Disko. Was dieses Schiff besonders macht ist sein Sicherheitssystem. Die Eclipse ist mit einem Raketenabwehrsystem, Alarmsystemen gegen Einbruch und sogar mit einem Anti-Paparazzi-System ausgestattet, das durch gezielte Lichtstrahlen verhindert, dass Bilder mit Kameraobjektiven aufgenommen werden können. Die bescheidene Anzahl von 70 Besatzungsmitgliedern ist erforderlich, um das Schiff zu unterhalten. Es scheint, als ob Herr Abramovich ein wenig übervorsichtig ist.

yacht azzam preis

1. History Supreme - 4,2 Milliarden Euro

Die Zeit ist reif, um die Yacht aller Yachten vorzustellen; die einzig wahre History Supreme. Und sie kostet mehr als die vorherigen vier Boote zusammen, aber das nicht ohne Grund. Dieses Stück schwimmenden Edelschmucks wurde in Großbritannien vom Designer Stuart Hughes geplant und es dauerte über drei Jahre, das Projekt abzuschließen. 

Werfen wir einen Blick darauf, was die Yacht so unfassbar teuer macht! Zunächst wurde dieses Schiff aus nichts anderem als solidem Gold und Platin gebaut - um genau zu sein: 100.000kg davon! Ein dünne Goldschicht ummantelt den Rumpf des Schiffs, das Deck, die Relinge, die Treppen, den Essbereich und sogar den Anker! Das verborgene Kunstwerk in diesem Luxusboot ist das Hauptschlafzimmer: darin findet sich ein Wandstück aus Meteorit, eine Statue aus T-Rex-Knochen, ein 68 Kilogramm schweres Panorama-Aquarium aus 24-Karat Gold und eine Likörflasche mit einem 18,5 Karat schweren Diamanten, der 42 Millionen Dollar kostet! Das zur Schau stellen von Reichtum ist so eine Sache, aber diese Yacht gehört in eine ganz andere Kategorie von dem, was wir "reich" nennen. Es wirkt alles ein wenig übertrieben, oder? Na, das ist es auch! Als die Nachricht über diese Yacht vor ein paar Wochen herauskam, waren viele Menschen empört. Doch es stellte sich heraus, dass die ganze Geschichte ein Schwindel war. Aber hätten Sie wirklich geglaubt, dass ein Boot dieser Größe aus 100.000kg Massivgold tatsächlich schwimmt?

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A Closer Look at the $600 Million Superyacht Azzam

It’s the longest yacht in the world and one of the world’s biggest superyachts. The Azzam is a sight to behold. It’s sleek and slender. Traveling up to 32 knots, it’s fast. The Azzam was commissioned by the President of the United Arab Emirates, one of the wealthiest monarchs in the world. It took three years to build and was launched in 2013. It’s veiled in secrecy. No one knows quite for sure what the interior looks like except for what we’ve heard from French interior designer Christophe Leoni. We do know that the Azzam superyacht has a heliport, a submarine, and a missile defense system. It can travel at fast speeds in warm shallow water. It has a large capacity for guests and crew members. The Azzam is certainly one of the most luxurious yachts of all time. Here is a closer look at the $600 million Superyacht Azzam.

Who owns it?

It took one year to be engineered and three years to build the Azzan superyacht. Built in a Bremman, Germany Shipyard by Lüssen Yachts, the Azzam was launched in April 2013 and delivered to its owner in September of that year. The Azzam was commissioned by Khalifa bin Zayad Al Nahyan, the President of the United Arab Emirates. The expensive superyacht was commissioned as a charter to avoid higher European taxes but will not likely be used as a charter. Khalifa bin Zayad Al Nahyan is said to be worth $15 billion. His family is believed to be worth $150 billion. Khalifa was born in 1948 and was heir to the Abu Dhabi throne. He took on many political responsibilities during his father’s reign. Khalifa succeeded his father as Emir of Abu Dhabi in 2004 and was named the President of United Arab Emirates the following day. He is married to Shamsa bint Suhail Al Mazrouei and they have several children. They reside in the presidential palace and have a private jet. It’s really no surprise that the fourth wealthiest monarch in the world commissioned the Azzam superyacht.

While technically not the largest yacht in the world, the Azzam is certainly the longest. The Eclipse, owned by Russian Roman Abramovich, is larger but falls 57 feet shorter than the Azzam. The Azzam is 590 feet long. Its beam is 68 feet. The Azzam features an unusually short draft that is just 14.1 feet. This helps the yacht gain its speed. Its maximum speed is 32 knots. The Azzam is powered by two gas and two diesel engines and features four pump jets. The Azzam’s interior features an open floor plan with no pillars. The main salon is 29 meters long with an 18-meter beam. There are 18 staterooms that can accommodate up to 36 guests. The Azzam accommodates up to 60 crew members in 30 cabins.

Special Features

The Azzam superyacht has many special features. Some of these features are truly unique. While there is a heliport, there are some other amazing features that come with the Azzam. This superyacht has its own submarine. It also features a missile defense system. It’s believed that the master suite of the Azzam is completely bulletproof.

Engineered by

The Azzam superyacht was engineered by Mubarak Saad al Ahbabi. He was commissioned to design a yacht that was innovative and could travel at high speeds in warm shallow waters. Mubarak Saad al Ahbabi took a year to design the Azzam along with the Italian yacht builders, Nauta Yachts. The end result is a sleek, slender and long yacht with the ability to sail fast. The Azzam is a modern yet timeless boat. Mubarak Saad al Ahbabi certainly created the yacht of its owner’s dreams.

Built by Nauta Yachts

World renown Italian yacht designers, Nauta Yachts helped make the Azzam superyacht a reality. Nauta Yachts worked with engineer Mubarak Saad al Ahbabi to design and build the amazing superyacht Azzam. The company works diligently to create some of the greatest yachts in the world. From the original design through its building, Nauta Yachts designs yachts to be majestic, sleek, powerful and structurally sound. The company also pays attention to detail, honoring the requests of the person who commissions the yachts to be built. In building the Azzam, Nauta Yachts paid adherence to the owner’s instructions to create a long, slender yacht with major security measures as well as a yacht that could travel at high speeds through even warm, shallow waters, according to Boats International.

Interior Design by Christophe Leoni

The interior design of Azzam is complements of French Yacht interior designer Christophe Leoni. While little is know about the interior of the Azzam, its interior design can be concluded through interior designer Christophe Leoni. The actual interior has been kept secret with no known photographs made public. We do know that the main salon has an open floor plan with no pillars to break it up. We do know that Christophe Leoni, through his own style and through the owner’s request, decorated the interior of the Azzam in early nineteenth century French Empire style yet in a relaxed fashion. There are 18 large guest staterooms as well as 30 cabins for crew members. The master suite, we can only imagine, is a luxurious retreat for the President Khalifa bin Zayad Al Nahyan and his wife. The master suite is also said to be completely bulletproof. We can only imagine how enchanting gatherings are on this magnificent yacht in this magnificent atmosphere. The world’s longest superyacht, the Azzam, is an amazing feat of yacht engineering. It’s one of the largest yachts in the world and certainly one of the most luxurious and accommodating. The Azzam is luxurious, sleek and fast. It is certainly a wonderful way for the United Arab Emirate’s President and his family and friends to relax on the sea.

Dana Hanson

Dana has extensive professional writing experience including technical and report writing, informational articles, persuasive articles, contrast and comparison, grant applications, and advertisement. She also enjoys creative writing, content writing on nearly any topic (particularly business and lifestyle), because as a lifelong learner, she loves to do research and possess a high skill level in this area. Her academic degrees include AA social Sci/BA English/MEd Adult Ed & Community & Human Resource Development and ABD in PhD studies in Indust & Org Psychology.

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AZZAM Yacht – The World’s Biggest Superyacht is 180m Long

AZZAM yacht is the largest superyacht in the world, with an impressive length of 179.7 metres (590 ft), making her more than 15 metres longer than FULK AL SALAMAH, which is in second place on the list.

180 metres
Nauta Yachts
Christophe Leoni
31 knots
13,136 ton
US $600 million
US $50 – 75 million

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AZZAM yacht interior

The interior design of the AZZAM yacht is attributed to the French designer Christophe Leoni who is surprisingly not incredibly experienced in designing superyachts.

While exact details on the interior layout of the massive yacht have not been released to the public, it is known that Sheikh Khalifa requested a lot of wood furniture as well as intricate mother-of-pearl elements to be incorporated into all parts of the yacht.

More than a year’s worth of production of pearls was used in the interior design of AZZAM.

The interior has been described as being inspired by the Empire style reminiscent of the 19th century and incorporates numerous valuable artworks which are on display onboard AZZAM.

She can welcome an estimated 36 guests and over 80 crew members, which is one of the highest numbers in her size category.

The AZZAM yacht reportedly has 18 guest cabins with a massive owner’s suite that spans across several rooms.

According to rumors, the suite was constructed to be bulletproof, and there is a designated missile defense system installed onboard the AZZAM yacht although it is unclear whether this is accurate.

One of her most notable features is her custom-designed golf room which allows guests to practice their swings without even having to step foot outside.

She also has a large gym, a spa, several pools, jacuzzis, and a beauty salon on board.

Her main saloon is supposed to be one of a kind and one of the largest ever constructed on a private yacht. At 29 meters (95 ft) by 18 meters (59 ft), it is larger than a tennis court and offers unobstructed views of the outside due to its floor-to-ceiling windows.

There are no pillars to support the saloon, which gives it an open feel but requires additional ceiling beams and 7-centimeter thick custom-made windows.

A large and fast yacht-like AZZAM is bound to generate a lot of noise when underway.

To ensure a comfortable experience for guests onboard, engineers installed special software which keeps vibrations and engine sounds to a minimum.

This means that the large chandelier in the main saloon doesn’t rattle even when the yacht is underway.

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The AZZAM yacht might be the longest yacht in the world, but she is technically not the largest. DILBAR actually has a higher displacement and weight even though she is more than 23 meters (75 ft) shorter than AZZAM.

This impressive yacht was built by Luerssen in Bremen, Germany, and officially launched in November of 2013.

In March 2014, she briefly returned to Germany for some additional work. She has a 20.8-meter (68.3 ft) beam, a 4.5-meter (14.9 ft) draft, and a total weight of 13,136 tons.

AZZAM is powered by twin gas turbine engines and two additional diesel MTU engines and can carry more than 1 million liters of fuel onboard.

Despite her size, she can reach impressive top speeds of 30 knots which can be attributed to her relatively low draft, although her average cruising speed only lies at 12 knots.

The yacht has several cruising modes, including a sprint setting as well as a long-distance mode.

azzam yacht front view

The exterior of the AZZAM yacht was developed by Nauta Yachts, which specializes in combining practical functions design with aesthetics and sleek yacht design. AZZAM is their largest and probably most well-known project. 

The AZZAM yacht took more than four years, and 4,000 people collectively worked for 6 million hours to complete it.

The exterior is all-white with a streamlined design that is meant to make AZZAM appear smaller than she actually is when seen from further away.

On the bow, a large helipad is available for guests to arrive and depart in style and the yacht carries at least one helicopter at all times.

The aft is reserved for a spacious swimming platform, although AZZAM does not have a beach club in this location like many other vessels of her size category.

As is to be expected for such a high-profile superyacht, AZZAM does not have a lot of open-air deck space and is designed to protect the privacy of its owners.

There are no visible pools or much seating, which suggests that the spacious interior of AZZAM is reserved for entertainment and common spaces.

Total price of US $600 million for the luxury AZZAM yacht.

Her annual running costs of US $50 to 75 million are not surprising, considering she is the largest private yacht in the world.

Azzam Yacht Docking in Gibraltar

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The Ultimate Guide to Azzam Yacht: Specs, Design, and More

Ian Fortey

The Azzam was launched in 2013. She quickly became world famous for her incredible design and unheard of size. Even years later the Azzam remains the biggest yacht in the world. The designer has surpassed calling it a superyacht or even a mega yacht and has settled on the term gigayacht. 

Who is the Azzam Yacht Owner?

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Azzam was owned by Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. He was the second president of the United Arab Emirates until his death in 2022. He had a family fortune of $150 billion and was one of the richest people in the world. His assets were estimated by Forbes to be in the range of $830 billion which is almost unbelievable. 

Since his death it is unclear who the current owner of Azzam might be since he had eight children and a wife. The yacht may still be in the family or they may have sold it. 

How Much Did Yacht Azzam Cost?

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It’s believed that the yacht came with an initial price tag, back in 2013, of $605 million. Though obviously reflecting the size of the yacht, the price is also believed to be elevated due to how it was built. After the initial design, the yacht was built in just three years which is an exceptionally short building time for a project of this size. Rumor has it that 4,000 people worked on the speed build and so some of that money went into ensuring it was built not just to standard but quickly as well. 

For a truly mind-blowing bit of trivia, someone took the time to determine the number of man hours that went into the building and did the math on how long it would have took one person by themselves to build the yacht. For it to have been delivered to the owner at the same time in 2013, the builder would have had to start making the yacht back in the year 1737 BC. That’s 3,750 years.

Can You Charter the Azzam

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Interestingly enough you can probably find charter listings for the Azzam on the internet. If you can, you’ll also see that there are no available dates. The Azzam seems to have been listed as a charter yacht as something of a trick to avoid certain taxes. In Europe, charter yachts are exempt from a number of taxes so as long as it’s listed as a charter it’s cheaper to operate, even if no one is ever really allowed to charter it. 

How Big is the Azzam Yacht?

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Azzam holds the title of the longest yacht in the world as of 2023, a title it has held since it was launched back in 2013. In fact, it was only surpassed in length in 2019 by a research and exploration vessel called REV Ocean which straddles the line between a yacht and something else and isn’t, strictly speaking, classified as a private yacht. 

Azzam clocks in at 180 meters in length which works out to an astounding 590 feet. The displacement is 13,136 gross tons. The beam is 68 feet but it only has a 14 feet draft. For a yacht its size, the Azzam was able to navigate some relatively shallow waters. 

How Fast is Azzam and What Engines Does it Use

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The Azzam superyacht has a top speed listed at an impressive 32 knots, something you might not expect from such a large vessel. It’s powered by 2 Diesel 17,524 kW (23,500 hp) engines and 2 Gas Turbine engines with an output of 17,524 kW (23,500 hp).That’s a total of about 47,000 horsepower that was forced out through two Wartsila axial flow Modular waterjets and two boosters. It’s designed to easily travel warm and shallow waters

One source says it’s actually pulling 97,000 hp and that, at top speed, she can burn through 13 tonnes of fuel per hour. In any event, she’s able to cross an entire ocean without worrying about needing to refuel.

Inside the Azzam: Design and Features

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Azzam was built by German shipyard Lurssen, builders of many of the world’s biggest superyachts. The bold and elegant exterior design is courtesy of Nauta Yachts while the interior, described as an innovative and timeless design, was handled by Christopher Leoni. It’s said he focused on luxurious décor inspired by the Empire style.

There’s a 95 footlong main salon in the yacht that has a totally open design and no pillars. This room also features a chandelier that was designed such that, even at full speed, it won’t rattle. The furniture on board features marquetry in mother of pearl. Word is it used an entire year’s production worth of it. 

There is room for 36 guests on board plus an owner’s suite. A crew of 60 maintain the yacht while it’s underway.

yacht azzam preis

You have to assume a yacht of this size has a lot going for it. The sheer size of the Azzam ensured it had room for a lot of features, including stuff you’d not see on many yachts. Some of the known features of the Azzam include:

  • An on-board submarine
  • An on-board golf training room
  • Fully equipped gym
  • A large tender garage
  • Swimming pool
  • An entire missile defense system that can be deployed if the yacht is attacked
  • An entirely bulletproof master suite

These are just a few of the known features. As you can imagine, a motor yacht with a bulletproof master suite and a missile defense system is one that was also built with privacy and security in mind. As such there are only limited details about what is available inside and very few photos of it as well. 

The Bottom Line

The mega yacht known as Azzam was owned by the president of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan until his death in 2022. It is currently unknown who has possession of the vessel. Despite being built in 2013, the yacht remains the longest yacht in the world at an astounding 590 feet.

It was never built to be the largest on purpose and, in fact, designers had to add considerable length in the production process to make sure everything fit and functioned properly which boosted it to the size it is now. 

At a price of over $600 million, it’s also one of the most expensive yachts ever build. The details of the interior are limited but it’s known to have remarkable defensive capabilities including a missile defense system.

One of the most remarkable features of the interior layout is a 95 foot long lounge area that has no support pillars as part of a visionary modern design. The beams in the ceiling are a meter thick as a result and the large, glass windows/walls were built to handle extreme stress with 7 cm thick glass.

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My grandfather first took me fishing when I was too young to actually hold up a rod on my own. As an avid camper, hiker, and nature enthusiast I'm always looking for a new adventure.

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Azzam Superyacht

Azzam Superyacht, delivered in October 2013, replaced the Eclipse Superyacht as the largest superyacht in the world.


Fr. Lurssen Werft

Exterior Designer

Nauta Design

Interior Designer

Christophe Leoni

Length of Azzam

October 2013

Two diesel engines rated at 23,000HP

yacht azzam preis

Azzam was launched at Lurssen Shipyard in Bremen, Germany, in April 2013. Upon delivery to its owner in October 2013, the yacht created a significant landmark in yacht building, involving less than three years of construction and one year of engineering activities.

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The owner of the yacht is Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the President of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Abu Dhabi. The yacht’s construction cost more than $600m. The name of the yacht, Azzam, means determination in Arabic.

The exterior design of the yacht was provided by Nauta Design, while interior design was by Christophe Leoni. Fr. Lurssen Werft was responsible for the engineering and construction of the Azzam superyacht. Technical engineering activities were carried out under the leadership of Mubarak Saad al Ahbabi.

Development of the world’s largest superyacht

The yacht was transferred from her original dock at Lurssen Shipyard, measuring 170m, to a larger dock, measuring 220m, in May 2012. Steel cutting for the yacht was held in late 2009.

The yacht successfully completed sea trials in June 2013, prior to its commissioning.

Dimensions of the superyacht

The Azzam measures 180m long, and has a beam of 20.8m and a maximum draft of 4.3m. The hull of the world’s larget yacht is made of steel.

The yacht is larger than the Eclipse by 17.2m. The Eclipse, which was commissioned in 2010, is owned by billionaire Roman Abramovich.

Azzam superyacht has a gross tonnage capacity of approximately 14,000t and features a fuel tank with a capacity of one million litres.

Its main salon measures 29m in length, with its beam measuring 18m. The salon on-board the yacht has an open space featuring no support pillars. The yacht features approximately 50 suites with no large open spaces on the deck, with the interior design of the vessel incorporating the Empire Style.

Azzam superyacht layout and facilities

The interior design of the yacht is highly confidential, but initial photo releases suggest that it features six decks. The rear view of the vessel also suggests that it is powered by jets.

The yacht is capable of providing accommodation facilities for at least 50 professional crew members. Similar to other yachts constructed by Lurssen, Azzam is environment-friendly with decreased carbon dioxide, noise and soot emissions, as well as enhanced fuel-efficiency.

Azzam is also believed to include facilities to use waste heat from the engine to operate the yacht’s desalination system for drinking water. Lurssen has been lauded for being the first yacht-builder to implement this system.

Engine details

The yacht features two gas turbines and two diesel engines with a rated power output of 23,500hp. The yacht can sail at a maximum speed of 30k.

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Yacht, IMO 9693367

  • VesselFinder
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The current position of AZZAM is at Persian Gulf reported 32 days ago by AIS. The vessel AZZAM (IMO 9693367, MMSI 470992000) is a Yacht built in 2013 (11 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of UAE .

AZZAM photo

Voyage Data

Predicted ETA-
Distance / Time-
Course / Speed 
Current draught4.4 m
Navigation Status -
Position received
IMO / MMSI9693367 / 470992000
Length / Beam181 / 22 m

Ship position & weather

Recent port calls, vessel particulars.

IMO number9693367
Vessel NameAZZAM
Ship TypeYacht
FlagUnited Arab Emirates
Year of Build2013
Length Overall 180.61
Length BP
Beam 21.69
Gross Tonnage13136
Net Tonnage
Crude Oil -
Gas )-
Grain )-
Bale )-
Ballast Water )
Fresh Water )-
Place of Build
Engine Builder
Engine Type
Engine Power
Fuel Type-
Service Speed
Registered Owner
ISM Manager-
P&I Club-
Classification Society

AZZAM current position and history of port calls are received by AIS. Technical specifications, tonnages and management details are derived from VesselFinder database. The data is for informational purposes only and VesselFinder is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of AZZAM data.


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    Steel cutting for the yacht was held in late 2009. The yacht successfully completed sea trials in June 2013, prior to its commissioning. Dimensions of the superyacht. The Azzam measures 180m long, and has a beam of 20.8m and a maximum draft of 4.3m. The hull of the world's larget yacht is made of steel. The yacht is larger than the Eclipse by ...

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    The current position of AZZAM is at Persian Gulf reported 322 days ago by AIS. The vessel is sailing at a speed of 0.1 knots. The vessel AZZAM (IMO 9693367, MMSI 470992000) is a Yacht built in 2013 (11 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of UAE.

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