Seaworthy Secrets

How to Write the Perfect Yacht CV [With Template]

If you’re looking to craft the perfect yacht CV, you’ve come to the right place. As the Chief Stewardess onboard a 50m Super Yacht, I’ve been assisting Captains with hiring crew and gathering yacht crew CVs for 8 years.

With my experience, I am familiar with the type of yachting CVs that Captains prefer to see. It is crucial to make a great first impression to ensure that your yacht resume is given proper consideration.

In this article, I break down the essential do’s and don’ts of a Yacht CV.

Scroll down to the end of this article to find a basic Yacht CV Template to help get you started. And yes, it’s free!

You can use this template and edit it accordingly to create your own Yacht Captain CV, Deckhand CV, Yacht Stew CV, as well as an Engineer or Chef Resume. All that’s left is for you to email it to recruiters or hand out physical copies when dock walking.

Table of Contents

What is a CV in Yachting?

There are a few distinct differences between a regular CV and a CV in yachting.

  • The main one is that you need to include a photo of yourself! If you do not include a photo, it is likely your yacht CV will be tossed in the bin
  • Unlike other CV’s, you also need to include your date of birth
  • You will be highlighting your skills and attributes specific to the job you are applying for. It is a great idea to make these edits to highlight what you have to offer
  • As you travel to seek work, you will need to edit your location and availability

yacht cv format

Layout of a Yacht CV

When a Captain has 20 to 50 yachting resumes on his desk, there is a general easy-to-read layout that they prefer to see.

  • It is very important to keep your CV to 2 pages
  • Use a simple, easy-to-read font
  • If you want to be creative with your colors, go for it. Just make sure the Captain can easily read the font
  • Keep your layout clear and simple, making sure to include all of the required information listed in this article
  • There are numerous Yacht CV examples online for you to decide your preference. A great tool to use is Canva .

Your Photo for a Yachting CV

You may not be a Yachtie yet, but you need to act the part and look like one. Follow these guidelines for the perfect photo:

  • SMILE! You want to look like someone the crew would enjoy having onboard
  • Dress in something smart/appropriate, and sell yourself as the professional yacht crew member you want to be seen as. Ideally, a polo so you look like a Yachtie
  • Take the photo from about the mid-waistline up
  • Stand by a natural background of either a marina, the ocean, or some greenery
  • Do not take a selfie! Have someone take this photo for you


This is a short paragraph highlighting the position you are looking for and any attributes and skills that make you a good fit for the job. Be very specific about what you write here, and be sure to include attributes that are beneficial to the job you are applying for!

This is the moment the Captain will decide if they continue to read the rest of your Yacht CV or not.

man standing next to a jetski

Personal Information to Add to your Yachting CV

Most yachts have very specific requirements when hiring crew, so do not leave out any of the below points:

  • Nationality
  • Visa’s held
  • Tattoo (visible or not)
  • Health Status & Smoker (Y/N)
  • Languages spoken
  • Drivers License
  • Email & phone number
  • Availability and current location

Yachting Experience

Here, you need to list all of the Yacht Jobs you have held. Be sure to include:

  • The name and size of the Yacht
  • The dates you were onboard
  • The position you held
  • Your basic roles, responsibilities, and duties while onboard
  • If you have the space, you can include the locations where the vessel cruised

Some of you may not have any maritime experience, and that is ok. If you have done any day work, be sure to include that here and highlight your duties and the dates you were onboard.

Other Non-Yachting Experience

Here, you want to include any experience prior to yachting, even if it is not yachting-related.

Captains like to see any jobs/positions you have held in the past, as skills are always transferable. This gives some insight into what you have been doing leading up to the point of finding a job in yachting.

a template of a yacht cv

Qualifications to Include on your Yacht CV

List all qualifications you have relevant to yachting in your Yacht resume.

Remember that yachts like to see add-on skills, so things such as Scuba Diving Instructor, Yoga Instructor, Masseuse, and any other certifications you hold should be included.

Here, you just want to include your highest level of education and when you graduated.

Other Interests/About me/Hobbies

This section of your Yacht CV is your chance to list out a few additional standout qualities, attributes, or hobbies. This gives a bit of insight into who you are as a person and what you enjoy doing in your spare time.

This is very important, as anyone can write anything on a piece of paper, but a reference speaks volumes.

Even if the position you held was not maritime-related, a reference is also a good indication of your character and work ethic in any position you have held in the past.

You really want to get written references wherever possible.

man driving a tender

How to Make sure your CV doesn’t get Trashed

  • Take the time to write up a good Yacht CV. I can’t tell you how often I haven’t read further than the first line because of a sloppy, disorganized Yacht resume.
  • SPELL CHECK! In an industry where you have to be meticulous in everything that you do, spelling and grammatical issues in your Yacht CV are not a good start.
  • When you save and email your Yacht CV, be sure to have it saved in a Word and PDF format.
  • When you are responding to a job posting, write a short and clear email to the person who put up the post and highlight why you are a good fit for the position and why you want to become a yachtie .

How to Introduce Yourself in an Email

Dear Captain/To Whom it may concern

Please find attached my resume and references in my application for the position of “Deckhand on a 50m Superyacht”. Although I am new to the industry, I believe I would be an asset to your team as I am motivated and driven to succeed in the yachting industry. I am also an avid wakeboarder and love being on the ocean, so I believe I will adapt well and learn quickly. I am not afraid of hard work, and I look forward to having the opportunity to speak with you further.

Thank you for taking the time to view my application.

Kind regards

Downloadable Yacht CV Template

Use this Yacht CV link to download a basic yachting resume, fill in your personal information, and get ready to land your dream job!

Now that you have crafted the perfect Yacht CV, it is time to land your dream job. For those of you wanting to know how to become a yacht deckhand , read here for more information.

For those of you looking to find out how to become a yacht stewardess, read this insider’s guide!

yacht cv format

Hi, my name is Lisa, a Chief Stewardess in the yachting industry with 10 years of experience, as well as 8 years of hospitality experience prior to that. Being in the yachting industry has been a whirlwind of adventure, growth, challenges and some of the best experiences of my life, and I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with all of you.

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Our team of expert recruiters have compiled valuable cv advice that applies to all positions. additionally, you can scroll down to download cv templates tailored for each role., 1. keep your cv short and to the point — two pages is ideal.

Captains are exceptionally busy people and often lack time to read an essay-length resume. We would say that you have ten seconds or likely less to really capture their attention. You therefore need to keep your yacht CV concise and to the point. A 2-page CV is ideal since you generally need that much space to properly list your experience and present yourself.

Use your yachting CV as an opportunity to build a quick picture of yourself. Its purpose is to secure an interview, while the interview itself is there to expand on your skills and experience. Include 3 key attributes that really qualify you for the role you are for which you are applying.

2. Use only one font across the entire CV

You want to make your resume as clear and easy-to-read as possible, so using one good font across your CV is advised. Classic fonts are still the best option — Arial, Calibri, Cambria, Garamond, Helvetica etc. are all easy to read, clean and professional.

While your entire CV should only be one font, you can still play around with how you stylise it. For example, increase the size of your name and important sections like “Certificates” or “Professional Experience” and put in bold the name of the yacht you’ve worked on. 

3. Include a recent and professional photograph

For many people, adding a photograph may seem like an odd thing to add to their CV, however, on a yachting CV, adding a photo is the norm. The idea behind it is to get another piece of the puzzle on who you are, make people remember you more easily and to help picture you as a crew member on their superyacht.

Your CV photo should professional-looking, with good lighting and a nice background, taken from mid waist up. Try wearing a professional and tidy white polo or a navy polo on a sunny day, as this will make it easy for people to picture you as a crew member already.

Here are a few tips on how to take a good photo:

Show us your smile — this is very important as it will make you look more approachable!

Professional and friendly are the keywords

Make sure your hair is tidy

Wear minimal to no jewellery

No selfies or vacation photos

No sunglasses or hats

Make sure the lighting is good and photo is good quality

4. Include your contact details and key attributes

It sounds so simple, but you would be surprised how many people forget to include this vital information on their yacht crew CV. Yachting is an international industry and your captain may be based anywhere in the world. Include the international dialling code with your telephone number. Make sure you include an email address and Whatsapp contact details, too. You want to make it as easy as possible for the captain to be able to contact you.

You should also include which country you are currently based in, your mailing address, along with your citizenship and date of birth. And, if you speak multiple languages, this is a great thing to highlight on your yacht resume, especially for those applying to work on charter yachts where you will be working with guests from around the world. 

5. Make it easy to read (and avoid block colour)

As you are applying for a professional role in a professional setting, your yachting CV should be clear and easy to read. Some colour is ok on a yacht CV, but we would advise that you avoid the latest trend of using block colour to attract attention. Using bold colours will be a distraction from what matters the most, which is the content of your CV. In many cases printed CVs are still used during the hiring process and having coloured blocks not only wasted ink but can also make CV harder to read when printed in black and white.

For the best results, a yachting CV should be elegant, professional and easy to read. By focusing on the content and keeping the format simple, you can create a CV that stands out for all the right reasons.

6. Double and triple spell check

Although it’s easy to make and overlook spelling and grammar mistakes, most Captains respond negatively to them no matter how insignificant they may seem. To some, a single mistake can rule out a well-qualified candidate. This is because it signals that your attention to detail might be lacking or you are not really serious about the job.

Most of us rely on the grammar checker to point out the mistakes by highlighting errors with those little coloured squiggles that appear underneath, but don’t rely on that completely. They will not recognise the difference between a correct word and the right word, or catch homophones such as your/you’re, accept/except etc. So, double check and proofread your CV a few times before sending it.

7. List your referees with contact details

Most of the time, agencies will check your references prior to putting you forward for a new position. The Captains and other HoDs also like to contact previous employers directly to get feedback before offering the position to the candidate.

You should list them starting with your most recent ones and make sure they include:

name of the yacht

email address 

phone number

8. Update your yachting CV regularly

While you may not feel as though a lot has changed since you last looked for work, you are likely to have gained a lot of new skills and experience in a short space of time. Make sure to update your yacht CV every time you look for a new yacht job.

Download a free yachting CV template

Now that you know what's needed to create a great CV, go ahead and download a professionally designed free CV template that you can fill out with your information.

Download the full YPI CREW recruitment market report

Download the YPI CREW Recruitment Market Report for an in-depth analysis of current trends in superyacht crew recruitment. Gain valuable insights into the market dynamics and trends specific to each department, providing a comprehensive overview of the industry landscape.

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How to write a yacht CV in 2023 [with tips, instructions, and examples]

How to write a yacht CV in 2023 [with tips, instructions, and examples]

Ben Temple

Whether you want to work as a deckhand on a small private vessel or join the large service staff of a superyacht, it’s important to learn how to write a yacht CV.

Working on a yacht can be a fulfilling career. It is a great way to experience the sea, visit different places, meet important people, and have unique experiences. It is also, however, a difficult career. The employee quarters on a yacht typically have little privacy, the days can be long, and the work can be difficult. Further, when you are working on a yacht, you are at sea. You can’t go home until the voyage is over, which could be weeks or even months.

This means that your yacht CV needs to show that not only are you skilled, you have the personality and constitution for working on a yacht.

But if you, like Moby Dick’s Ishmael, find yourself with little or no money in your purse, and nothing particular to interest you on shore, it may be time to write a great yacht CV and see the watery part of the world.

This article will explore all aspects of writing a yacht CV, including:

  • What is a yacht CV?
  • Yacht CV requirements

Yacht CV certifications

  • Yacht CV qualifications
  • How to write a yacht CV

A yacht CV is a document describing your yachting skills and experience that you submit to employers as a part of a job application. It will contain details like personal information, work experience, education, and skills.

The yacht experience can vary greatly. Some yachts may have only a single captain on board and a handful of passengers. Others, such as enormous superyachts, may have a large dedicated staff and crew. Yacht jobs can include captain, crew, bosun, mate, deckhand, dock worker, marina worker, chef, sous chef, stewardess, engineer, and more.

The exact details of your yacht CV will depend on your specific career. There are several different paths that might take you to a yacht, and it’s important that your CV has the right details for your specific goals.

  • Yacht CV Requirements

If you want to become a yacht employee, sometimes called a “yachtie”, your yacht CV will need to show that you have all the certifications and accreditations for the position you are applying for.

The specific requirements of a yacht CV may depend on what country the yacht company is based in and what countries it will travel to. Because most yacht jobs will require sailing to and from different countries, you will have to be conscious of where the particular yacht job is based and what the hiring requirements are.

Further, the specific qualifications, certifications, and skills that you need will depend on what specific yacht role you are applying for.

If you are looking to work in the kitchen of a yacht, for example, or as wait staff, you will want to list your food safety certifications, your culinary education, and your experience serving.

If you are looking to work as a member of the deck crew, you will need appropriate safety certifications.

Will you be working as a tour guide? Will you have to use the helm, or do any navigation? Will you be dealing directly with customers, clients, or passengers? If so, make sure your yacht CV reflects this.

Yacht CV Certifications

Certain certifications are required to become a yachtie. When you apply for a yacht job, you must ensure that you have the right certifications for your role.

Anyone who works on a commercial ship will need a Standard for Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) certification.

Also required is an ENG1 Medical or equivalent, which is a certificate confirming that you are medically able to work on a yacht and at sea.

Other certifications, while not strictly mandatory, can improve your CV, such as deckhand training courses and boating certifications like Power Boat 2.

If you are applying for a role in the kitchen or in a hospitality role, you can also look for stewardess training courses, food safety and hygiene certifications, hospitality courses, silver service courses, and more.

It’s important to think carefully about exactly what type of career you are pursuing and what certifications can help you.

Once you have the certifications you need, you can get to work writing your yacht CV. Yacht CV sections include:

Yacht CV personal information

At the beginning of your CV, make sure to add your personal information.

This should begin with your contact details. In your contact information section, include your:

  • Email address
  • Phone Number
  • City of residence

In the USA and Canada, you are not expected to include a picture with your yacht CV. In most European countries, however, a picture will be expected, especially if your position will be guest-facing. Make sure to study the CV requirements of your specific country when preparing your CV. If you provide a picture, make sure it is professional and appropriate.

Some yacht companies also require you to state whether you are a smoker, and whether you have tattoos. You can include this alongside your contact information, or in a separate Personal Details section.

Yacht CV summary

At the top of your CV, begin with a brief professional summary. A summary is a short section, usually only a few sentences or bullet points, that briefly describes you and your experience. It should have a few key highlights, either of key skills that make you a great candidate, or some important achievements from other roles that show what you can do.

A great summary can be what convinces a hiring manager to read the rest of the CV.

Yacht CV Summary

Yacht CV work experience

Your Work Experience section is the most important part of your CV. It is the longest section, and the section containing the most detail.

In a Work Experience section, list previous positions in reverse-chronological order, beginning with your current or most recent job and working backwards. In each role, provide a job description that details your responsibilities and achievements in that position.

For each entry, include:

  • Company name
  • Dates worked
  • Job description

If you have experience working on a yacht, you should emphasize your yacht positions, providing them with more detail than you do to other positions. Work Experience entries for yacht jobs can also be formatted differently. For yacht positions, list the name of the vessel, its size, and whether the yacht was private or charter.

For example:

Deep Blue | 103’ | Private Stewardess June 2021 - August 2022

This gives yacht employers a clear idea of what kind of yacht experience you have.

When writing your job descriptions for each role, try to focus on concrete examples of your experience, including achievements and accomplishments. Describing only your basic duties makes for a boring CV.

To come up with achievements, try to brainstorm concrete successes that you contributed to. It can help to consider quantifiable aspects of your job. If you can provide verifiable numbers, your experience will seem more credible and more impressive. For a yacht CV, measurable aspects of previous positions could include the size of the vessel, the length of the voyage, the number of passengers or rooms, event attendance, provisioning budgets, and more.

Further, be sure to use active language as much as possible when describing past experience. Action words make your work experience seem more dynamic, and make you sound like an independent worker who takes initiative and gets the job done. Action words like organized , managed , hosted , spearheaded , and navigated all indicate an employee that employers would be happy to hire.

Yacht CV Example: Work Experience

Yacht CV education

The importance of your education will depend on your specific role. If you are applying to work as a server or deckhand, a post-secondary degree won’t be necessary (as long as you have the right certifications). If you are applying as an engineer, however, you will need to show that you have the right academic credentials.

In your Education section, list your degrees in reverse-chronological order, beginning with your most recent degree and working backwards. For each entry, include the:

  • Degree name
  • School name
  • Date of graduation

Generally, a description isn’t needed in an Education entry. If there are particular aspects of your education that you would like to highlight, however, such as GPA, specializations, or a key project, they can be included.

Yacht CV Example: Education section

Certain certifications are integral to your yacht CV. If you want to work on a yacht, or any commercial vessel, you will need to show that you have the right safety training and health certification.

This usually means that you need to list your STCW certification and ENG 1 Medical certification. You may also want to include your Power Boat 2 certification. First aid certifications can also be an asset.

However, those certifications may not be enough. Be sure to study the job posting and research the position as much as possible so you know exactly what certifications will be required.

Yacht CV skills

A Skills section is a section of your CV where you list your most important and most relevant competencies. This can include soft skills , like communication and people skills, and hard skills , like electrical engineering or navigation.

A Skills section, while not strictly mandatory, is a great way to make your yacht CV more impressive. Listing all your skills in one place makes it easy for employers to quickly glance at your CV and see exactly what your expertise is.

The easiest way to format your skill section is to simply list your skills in a bulleted list. Sort the list so that your most relevant skills are at the top.

If you would like to draw more attention to your skills, you can make each skill or skill area a heading, and provide a more detailed description of the skill below. With VisualCV, you can even add strength ratings to each skill. This method works great for skills-based CVs .

Yacht CV skills can include:

  • Customer Service
  • Maintenance
  • Firefighting

Yacht CV interests

When you work on a yacht, you will be sharing cramped quarters with all of your coworkers, with very little privacy and no time to yourself. For this reason, it’s important to make sure you are a good culture fit for the vessel. While not mandatory, it can be a good idea to include a brief selection of your interests and hobbies in your yacht CV so the employer can see if you will fit in with the rest of the crew.

  • Customize your Yacht CV

Even if you are only applying for yacht jobs, it’s important to customize your yacht CV for every application. Different job postings will have specific requirements and specific skills they are looking for, so it’s important to make sure your CV is a perfect fit. A generic CV won’t be perfect for every application.

To do this, study the application closely, and research the company and vessel to learn as much about it as you can. Then, use what you have learned to carefully customize your CV so that the right skills, experience, and personality are emphasized. Remain truthful, but edit your experience so that it matches the job description as closely as possible.

  • Yacht CV example

A dedicated and enthusiastic steward with extensive experience working on yachts and superyachts. Capable of achieving the most demanding targets and objectives whilst remaining focused on delivering a high standard of service at all times. Naturally strong interpersonal skills give me the ability to communicate concisely and articulately with crew and guests. I enjoy being a part of a successful and productive team and have the ability to shine in high pressure environments. I am certified in first aid, ship safety, and health standards.

Work Experience

Steward Deep Blue | 103’ | Private

  • Hosted cocktail parties of 100+ guests.
  • Managed galley to ensure organization of food and service.
  • Led galley training for new hires, including plating and presenting meals.
  • Delivered a 5-star service to our guests.
  • Provided care for passengers who require special assistance.
  • Organized meal service, including serving hors d'oeuvres, drink service, and bartending.
  • Received multiple commendations for customer service and communication.
  • Ensured the highest level of safety by inspecting safety equipment, making safety announcements, and demonstrating safety procedures.
  • Provided excellent VIP enhanced service to important guests on board.
  • Gave tours and passed appetizers.

Senior Steward Demeter | 100' | Charter

  • Organized interior stewardess duties.
  • Made sure the company's SOPs were followed and respected on every voyage.
  • Managed catering orders when sailing as a single operator.
  • Organized VIP catering on the vessel, meeting preferences of guests.
  • Assisted cooking crew and chef in galley when needed
  • Organized food provisioning for crew and guests.
  • Provided excellent VVIP enhanced service to important guests on board.
  • Ensured safety and wellbeing of VIP guests during voyages to various destinations.
  • Conducted safety demonstrations prior to voyages and carried out checks throughout the vessel.
  • Laundry, cabin service, interior detailing.

Steward Ranger | 60' | Private

  • Made beds, including turn downs and fluff ups.
  • Led laundry and ironing services for guests and crew.
  • Cleaned and maintained heads.
  • Prepared yacht for 3 boat shows and multiple cocktail parties with 50+ guests.
  • Verified passengers' compliance with safety regulations throughout all stages of voyage.
  • Assisted exterior crew support when needed.
  • Rostered on various short and long haul routes.

Master in Tourism & Hospitality Management University of Texas

  • Provisioning
  • Drink service
  • Meal service
  • Galley management
  • Safety demonstrations
  • Scuba Diving
  • Learning Languages


  • ENG 1 Medical

Yacht CV Example

Community Success Manager & CV Writing Expert

Ben is a writer, customer success manager and CV writing expert with over 5 years of experience helping job-seekers create their best careers. He believes in the importance of a great resume summary and the power of coffee.

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Superyacht Crew CV

Write a Great CV to Secure Your Dream Job on a Superyacht

Superyacht CV Guide

As an inexperienced crew member seeking your first job on board a superyacht, it is imperative to have a good CV. Yacht crew CV's are very different from those used in the traditional business world. It is important to make sure your CV professional and relevant.

We highly recommend you follow the tips below, but don’t be afraid to make some adjustments that reflect your personality and style. It is important to strike a balance between being unique and professional.

Yacht Crew CV Photograph:

Your photograph is an important aspect of your CV. Unlike other industries, your CV will most likely be completely ignored without a photograph. Vessel owners and captains like to hire presentable crew members and it is important to portray the correct image in your photograph. Here are a few guidelines to follow:

  • The photograph should be placed in the top corner of the CV.
  • It should in colour, be a JPEG file and less than 500KB.
  • Your head and shoulders should be visible in the photo and you should ideally be wearing a white or blue polo shirt or a shirt with epaulettes.
  • Your hair should be neat and presentable.
  • No hats, caps, sunglasses or large earrings.
  • Look professional and friendly – SMILE.
  • You should take the photograph with the sea or a marina in the background.
  • You should be clean-shaven although there may be exceptions to this based on your role. Generally, guests facing staff should be clean-shaven.

Yacht Crew CV Example

Yacht Crew CV Tips

  • Keep it concise. The CV should be no longer than two pages (1 page if you have minimal industry experience). Short and sweet is the trick here – potential employers will be reading through numerous CVs and don’t want to read unnecessary information.
  • Ensure your qualifications, location, passport/visas and availability are clearly visible.
  • Always spell-check your CV! Allow family and friends proofread it to make sure it is grammatically correct.
  • Write professionally and do not use slang.
  • Always print your CV out before sending it off, sometimes the layout and format may appear different once printed. Most potential employers will print out the CVs they are interested in – make sure you are happy with the printed version.
  • NEVER LIE on your CV – some crew may be tempted to lie on their CVs in order to appear more experienced. Interviewers and employers are able to tell and you will be caught out.
  • List all relevant experience and/or transferrable skills from your previous careers and/or upbringing.
  • When applying for a job online you should attach a cover letter along with your CV.
  • You will often hand your CV out whilst ‘dock walking’, it can be a good idea to staple a business card to your CV and to hand your CV out in a plastic sleeve.
  • Save your CV under a professional file name, eg. John Smith CV, as it will appear that way for potential employers to download.
  • Ensure the name in your email address is sensible.
  • Get feedback and help from professional yachting CV services.

Superyacht CV Template Download

Create a yacht CV by using the template provided below. This template is appropriate for deckhands, steward(ess)s, yacht chefs, engineers as well as other roles. Remember to export your yachting resume into PDF before applying for yacht jobs.

Complete the form below and we will email the template to you. 

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  • Have you used the My Crew Kit Job Board, Training Course Finder & Services Directory? * I didn't realize i could find all of the above here Yes No
  • Yes, please include me as long as it is not spammy and I can opt out at any stage.

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How to build a yachtie CV!

by Gemma Hulbert

I have been promising to do this blog post for what feels like years now.

I have been putting it off because I wanted to make sure I could dedicate enough time to answer the most frequently asked questions & eloquently put into words just how important it is to format your CV correctly.

Last May, I started looking to fill a Junior Stewardess position I had onboard. Using my social media & various Facebook groups, I shared that I was more than happy to take green candidates. I’ve said it before that I don’t feel as though enough Chief Stews hire green stews. While many Captains won’t allow it,  I had the freedom to pick my team & I wouldn’t let this opportunity go to waste. Within 24 hours, I had over 400 CV’S!!! To ensure the hiring process was as fair as possible, I went through & reviewed every single CV, reference letter & email. I sat in my office until 10 pm for three days in a row; I just found it so interesting to see various layouts, photographs, introductions, etc. It was very apparent who had put time into their CV & who had just thrown it together. I’m sure it isn’t surprising that I only shortlisted candidates who had put considerable amounts of effort into their CVs.

So, I am here to help!

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions from Stewardesses regarding CVs and my answers!  Please keep in mind that this is just based on my opinion.

What basics should I follow?

I follow five rules:

  • CV’s should be no longer than two pages
  • Keep font size between 10-12
  • Don’t have significant gaps – if your CV is only 1 page, that’s fine!
  • Save it as a .doc if you are using a Mac & always send your CV as a PDF to boats & .doc to crew, agents,
  • When saving your CV, ensure it is listed, for example, Anna Clarke CV.

The general order I follow is:

  • Personal Info & Photograph
  • Qualifications

yacht cv format

What personal information should I put in my CV?

I list my info on the top left corner with a photograph on the top right side. I list the following:

  • First & Last Name (This is the header – so make it a larger font)
  • Position Wanted (This is the sub-header, write Stewardess, Stewardess/Masseuse, etc.)
  • Telephone Number
  • Email Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Nationality & visas held *Include expiry dates for your passport(s) & visas
  • Current Location *BE HONEST If you are shortlisted because you say you’re in Antibes when you are actually in Cape Town – then you are already misleading the vessel
  • Health *I always write “Excellent, No Tattoos, Non-Smoker.”

When you are a Greenie with no experience, what should you put on your CV?

Below the personal details are the Objective Paragraph. This is your time to shine! Share how your previous experiences have set you up to take on this new challenge. Have you worked in a bar? Share that your boutique bar experience has provided you with excellent bespoke cocktail knowledge. Write out what you are looking for in an Interior Team , for example: “I am looking forward to joining a dynamic Interior team with a heavy focus on training & teamwork.” It is ALL about wording & being confident in your experience.

Next, list all of your previous jobs in chronological order. Yachting-related positions, including daywork, come first & then move onto land experience. Write a least 2-3 FULL sentences about each position you held. Go into depth about all hospitality ( service, food & beverage, housekeeping, laundry & floristry ), organisation, administration skills that you have learned whilst on the job.

When sharing about your yachting experience, write out the following:

Date’s Onboard (left side of the page), Name of Vessel (centre of page), Position Held (right side of the page) Paragraph about the  position

For example: Oct 2019 – 2020, M/Y Lilly, Chief Stewardess I joined M/Y Lilly during a very busy shipyard season…

yacht cv format

What should I leave off of my CV?

  • Any info relating to High School, as it makes you come across as very young
  • There is no need to list the negative reasons why you have left previous positions; keep it POSITIVE
  • Don’t write anything regarding salary, enquire about this during the Interview

I only have 1 season’s experience; what should I be sharing about that vessel?

I have seen Stewardess with 1 season experience Far too often only write a few words about their time onboard; this is NOT acceptable. Here are a few questions to consider when typing out your experience:

  • How many guest cabins were you responsible for?
  • Did you assist with provisioning?
  • What type of service did you do onboard? Silver service, plated, buffet, etc.
  • Was it strict or a family atmosphere with the guests?
  • Did you perform a solo drinks service at night?
  • Are you comfortable detailing a cabin by yourself?
  • What was your highlight while onboard?

For my CV photo, should I wear a Polo or Shirt?

The all-important photo is a topic that will probably be debated until the end of time! However, my personal preference is as follows:

  • White fitted polo shirt
  • Crop the image, chest it
  • Have your hair neatly pulled back. It HAS to look tidy
  • Professional and classy makeup *Less is more & don’t overdo it
  • Smile!! I want to see your smiley face!

Keep in mind that often CV’s have to be sent to Management, Owners or the Owners Representative before the interview. Therefore, ensure that your photograph is professional-looking.

yacht cv format

Are cover letters needed?

In my experience, I have never needed to send a cover letter. I use my introduction email as a cover letter instead and then allow my CV to speak for itself. As a Chief Stew, I seldom look at Cover Letters – my focus is on your experience and the professionalism of your CV.

I hope this helps you when you are next putting together your CV! Have a question about CVs? Let me know in the comments below, and I will be happy to answer them!

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After 8 adventurous years of working on yachts, Taryn decided to return to life on land. She currently lives on the coast of sunny South Africa. Fresh off the yachts and having worked in high-end resorts and hotels, Taryn has a broad knowledge of what the industry needs and is well-qualified to find the perfect match for both crew and the yacht. Taryn’s friendly, kind demeanour and passion for the industry ensure to provide excellent and professional communication with clients and crew at all times. When Taryn is not working you can find her on the beach, participating in any form of outdoor activity or sharing a bottle of wine with family and friends.

yacht cv format

Ciara joins our team with 5 years of experience in the industry and is based in Bristol, UK. She brings her people skills and passion for luxury customer service into recruitment whilst maintaining a calm and kind nature for both crew and clients. When not working, Ciara continues studying music history and classical music performance and enjoys walks in the countryside with her husband and sausage dog.

yacht cv format

Mandy has 8 years of experience in the industry and brings her A-game from the South of France. She brings a unique and energizing perspective with 5 years of land-based recruitment experience in London and is sure to make anyone feel welcome with her kind-hearted nature. When she’s not working, she can be found spending time with her husband and daughter, enjoying the beauty of France.

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Eloise brings 3 years of experience in the industry to our team. Currently living in South Africa, Eloise was the first member of the TYSR team and has since built lasting relationships with clients and crew. Eloise splits her time between South Africa and TYS HQ in the UK. She is incredibly caring and ensures all crew and clients get the best possible support, with high standard of customer service. When not working, Eloise spends time with friends and family enjoying wine farms and safaris in sunny South Africa.

yacht cv format

Gemma Hulbert


Gemma founded The Yacht Stew in 2016 and has over a decade of experience in the industry. When she founded TYS she wanted to create a community for people in the industry and create an incredible support network that was both informative and nurturing. She brings her keen eye for detail, and her incredibly compassionate perspective to anything she does, and is sure to get anyone inspired. In her spare time Gemma loves to be with family and friends, or out exploring and traveling with her husband.

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Here is a simple guide for those of you who may be considering trying to get a job in the superyacht industry. Writing a Yachting CV is a little different to a normal CV that you may write for a land based job. For example, if you are writing a CV for a job on a yacht, you are asked to provide a photograph and give your date of birth, which is considered discriminatory if applying for jobs on land.

A photo is important, if you don’t include one on your CV, it considerably reduces your chances to almost nil of being considered for a position.

When having a photo done for your CV, don’t apply filters or Photoshop to enhance the image. Prospective employers want to see the real you.

A smart appearance is incredibly important onboard and your profile picture should reflect this. Your photo should be head and shoulders only. If you have long hair then tie it back. Minimal makeup and jewellery are advised. Men need to be clean-shaven, or a tidy beard, certainly well-groomed and hair also neat and tidy.  Cover tattoos and remove any piercings.

Keep your photo size below 250kb. Many boats are downloading using satellite so file size is important. This also applies to using heavy colour blocks on a CV. Too much can be slow to download and don’t over elaborate on the graphics.

Your CV could perhaps be described as a flyer to generate an interest in you and your experience leaving the greater details to discuss at interview stage.  Don‘t list everything , just the good stuff and the things that will hopefully make you stand out from the rest!

Keep it clear, concise and factual. Too much graphic design also distracts the reader from the main objective of reading the facts so it is suggested that you don’t set it out like a comprehensive Michelin restaurant menu or a brochure for a yachting holiday!

Another tip worthy of considering when in your search for your dream job on a yacht, is to make sure all your profiles on social media are appropriate before your CV is in the inbox of a potential employer. This also applies to your WhatsApp photo. If you are calling yourself a non-smoker on your CV and there are photos of you having a cheeky smoke somewhere out there on the one of socials, take it down, or you’ll very likely  be caught out.  Prospective employers will almost certainly check out your public-facing profiles to learn more about you. It’s important, therefore, to remove negative comments and inappropriate photographs, or change your profiles to ‘private’. Failing to do so could mean that you may never make it to interview stage.

Carefully proof read and check for grammar and punctuation mistakes. If attention to detail is listed on your CV as being one of your key skills and your CV is littered with typo’s,  then this will also work against you.

The CV format here is a simple example of how to go about putting together your first CV for the industry if you haven’t done so before.

There are many templates available to use online so have a play around. Just keep in mind and implement the advice suggested and you’ll be good to go.

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How to write a Yachting CV

If you are new to the Superyacht industry, then you have probably not written a yachting CV before. If you need help writing a Yachting CV, our guide will explain what to do and what not to do.

Writing a Yachting CV differs from a CV that you may write for a land-based job. For example, on a yachting CV, you are asked to provide a picture and give your date of birth, which is considered discriminatory if you apply for a land-based job.

At Flying Fish, we help hundreds of customers new to the Yachting industry write a professional yachting CV. The yachting CV is so important, we include ono-to-one support during our Superyacht Deckhand and Superyacht Steward/ess courses. This forms part of our Career Support Service.

First, a bit of background to a Yachting CV

Your CV is a summary of your skills, experience, and interests. It explains why you are a good fit for the Deckhand or Steward/ess position, plus all the skills and experience you have to offer the yacht.

Research indicates that the reader forms an opinion about your CV in just a few seconds. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that your CV is engaging and flawless.

The yachting CV must include character references, as talking to somebody who knows you gives confidence to the employer.

Your yachting CV needs to create a good first impression and be brief and to the point. It’s a sales pamphlet, not an essay.

The Yachting CV breaks down into seven topics. You don’t have to use our CV template format. Some crew agents may want the headings in a different order. You can design your CV template but ensure you have covered the seven headings below.

  • Personal information


  • Work/Yachting experience

Hobbies and interests

A few golden rules.

Before we dive into the detail, it is worth highlighting a few important points:

You must be honest. Don’t worry if you have not worked on a superyacht before, it’s not an obstacle to getting a job. If you are a smoker say so. If you have visible tattoos then say so and let the employer decide.

Working on a yacht, whether a small sailing yacht or a large superyacht your character is key. The employer will probably pay more attention to your character/work ethic than your qualifications.

Getting the format right

How you design your yachting CV is just as important as its content. The font you use, and how you present it also play a significant role. Choose a font like Calibri, 11 points, or Verdana 10 points as they are easy to read. Make sure you save your CV as a PDF file or similar format that can be opened on both a MAC or PC.

Personal Information

This is the easy bit, follow the prompts in our CV template. Make sure you add the international dialing code, +44, as an example. Add your current location but bear in mind this will change.

Social Media

Today we all have an online profile. You will add your name, DOB and upload a photo to your CV. Yachts interested in you will likely look at your social media to see what you do in your free time.

Ensure your Instagram, Facebook, and any other profiles confirm what you say about yourself in your CV. For example, if you tell the reader that you are a non-smoker only to find recent images on your social media feeds of you smoking, it will cast doubt in the readers mind to your honesty or perhaps lead to an awkward conversation during your interview!

Superyacht crew are likely to contact you on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Instagram. A Captain may ask you to send your CV via one of these channels. We recommend you become familiar with the process of sending your Yachting CV, via WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger.

You must add a passport-sized head and shoulders image to your CV. No selfies! Ask someone to take a photo of you in the morning or evening when the sun is lower to prevent squinting.

It’s a good idea to wear a polo or T-shirt, no branding – something comfortable. No need for a shirt or tie; after all, you won’t be wearing one onboard.

Don’t apply filters or Photoshop your image to enhance it. Keep the size of your photo below 250kb. Many boats download CVs using satellite, so file size is important.

Girls, if you have long hair, tie it back so that we can see your face. We advise wearing minimal makeup and jewelry. Men need to be clean-shaven; make sure your hair neat and tidy.

Below are some examples of CV photos taken of Flying Fish customers.

Start with the most important qualifications first: STCW Basic Safety Training , PDSD , ENG1 medical , Powerboat Level 2 , etc. All your qualifications should be bullet-pointed.

If you have any additional skills relevant to the job you are applying for, then include them here, (Watersports Instructor, Diving, PT Instructor, Beauty, massage, to name a few). We don’t need to know your GCSE results.

Yachting experience

If you have worked on a yacht before, sailed with family or friends, worked on a ferry, dive boat, etc. then here is where you provide a brief summary of your experience so far.

Detail when you were onboard, your position, and the yacht’s name. If you don’t have any yachting experience, don’t worry, remove this section from your yachting CV.

Work experience

Place your work experience chronologically, with your most recent position first. Please describe the skills you learned and how you exceeded expectations in your job, using only two or three sentences.

This is arguably the most important section; what do you like to do in your spare time? Generally, yacht crew are outgoing people who like sport, travel, and adventure.

If you share a passion for the outdoors, you will fit in well. Maybe you play a sport, keep fit, are a keen photographer, have run a marathon, or enjoy travel. All these are relevant as they show your character.

You must list two references in the same format as shown in our Yachting CV template, name, telephone, email. Your references may come from a previous employer or somebody that has worked with you. Your reference can’t come from a family member!

Most recruitment agents ask for a written reference as part of their recruitment process.

What to do next

Now that you have finished your Yachting CV, there are a couple more tasks to do.

  • Ask somebody to read your Yachting CV to ensure it makes sense and reads well.
  • Spell-check your CV, then spell-check it again!
  • Save your CV as a PDF. You can open a PDF on any device. A PDF is a condensed file, so if the reader downloads your CV, it doesn’t chew up all data.
  • Your Yachting CV may change. You will probably want to change your photo, and your location will change when you start looking for work. If you perform day work, we will add the yacht you worked on and the tasks you completed to your Yachting CV.

Once you are happy with your Yachting CV, you can start looking for your dream job. You can search for Superyacht jobs on Facebook, YotSpot , or through a Superyacht Recruitment Agency .

Learn about working in the Superyacht Industry by downloading our free guide on working on Superyachts.


Industry advice and tips about starting your new career on a superyacht.

How to write a CV for a yacht job

Here at Viking Crew, we have all you need to know how to write a CV for a yacht job. When writing a CV in preparation for the yachting industry, whether you are an entry-level crew member or a senior Officer, it isn’t always a walk in the park.  Your CV is an important tool for agencies, senior crew, management companies and even Owners when considering you for potential vacancies.

Your CV is your chance for you to sell yourself on first impression, so ensure it does. Yachting is about attention to detail, so ensure that your CV is a concise summary of your qualifications, skills, experience and attributes.

You should target your CV towards the job you are applying for, giving the reader a clear understanding of the position that you really want, you do not want to look undecided. Ensure that all grammar and spelling is checked prior to submission.

It is important that you express your experience in an easy to follow format that is well presented, you do not want to confuse anybody. Flashy colour schemes, crazy fonts and numerous yacht photographs can detract from what is vital information for the reader.

Ideally keep the CV to two pages and when sending to an agency a word or PDF file are usually preferred.

What to include:

Photograph- This should be of good quality and kept professional, whilst keeping a friendly demeanour. A clear head and shoulders shot is fine, ideally wearing a polo shirt.  You will need to look presentable and well groomed.

Personal Details:

This should include: • Full name • Nationality & other passport details. • Contact details: Phone number and a professional email address. • Date of birth • Marital Status • Any Visas held • Smoker Status/Declare any visible tattoos (visible in Polo Shirt and Shorts) • Medical Certificate.

• This should include a brief summary of your career goals and special skills, a few sentences are enough.


This should include: • All relevant school, maritime college or universities attended, along with dates • All relevant shore-based certificates • All seagoing certification


We recommend keeping this short and concise but making sure all aspects are covered. • Present your work history in chronological order (most recent employment to the oldest employment) • You should include dates to and from • Include vessel type and size including whether the vessel is private/charter • Vessel cruising programme • Rank held and brief duties with each position. For Senior Ranks, include number of crew managed etc. • Reasons for leaving: this is a small industry, ensure resasons are genuine.

Hobbies and Interests: Include any sports, activities, interests and other info that could be relevant to the industry.

References: Include at least two employment reference contacts. Ensure you check first with them if they are happy to be contacted by future employers.

For more information and tips, click here or register now to be the first to know about new vacancies.

If you're interested in starting a career in this industry, check out the courses we offer at  The Maritime Skills Academy .

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CV Template

Here are some other main pointers to think about when designing your cv:.

  • A clear image – You need to be clean and tidy, hair away from your face and a friendly disposition.
  • Up to date details – this is incredibly important. Current location, number or WhatsApp and a professional email address. This is a good place to include languages spoken and visas.
  • A concise but thorough profile or objective, detailing your background, experience and future goals. This is your chance to sell yourself.
  • Make sure you add detail to your positions, not only your role onboard but your responsibilities, really highlight what you can do as there could be a skill that would mean you match perfectly to a position. Also include cruising areas, charter/private, guest and crew size. Even the yacht size and build can be helpful.
  • References. These are key for us to follow up to bolster your application. There’s nothing better than a positive reference paired with a good CV.

What not to do:

  • Image – no suits, no sunglasses, no hats!
  • Information – No need for a full address. Keep everything as relevant as possible.
  • Design – Keep it fairly simple, boats can't always print off big blocks of colour. Keep the graphics minimal.

Our consultants are always happy to help and offer advice on your CV, and will work with you to make improvements.

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Superyacht CV's

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Affordable CV template options

If you are confident with a computer and prefer to edit your own CV, just buy our ready made templates

Put your best foot forward

A professionally designed CV helps you stand out from the crowd

Dockwalking made easier

Make sure you are handing out a CV that represents YOU in the best light

Save yourself time and stress

Leave your CV designing and editing to the professionals

Show your Crew Pass Accreditation

Have your Crew Pass member number displayed on your CV with an official logo to stand out in the pile

We are here to help yacht crew land the job of their dreams

If you are green to the yachting industry and wondering where to start, or if you have a decade of yachting experience, you need to have a well-written CV the represents you.

A recruiter or yacht captain will only spend a few seconds glancing at your CV the first time. If you don’t stand out with the right layout or the right buzzwords, you may not get a second look. In fact, a badly written yacht crew resumé may mean your CV goes straight in the bin!

We can help save you some of that heartache by giving you the tools to get you ahead from the get-go.

What are you waiting for!?  🙂

The best in the industry

Just see for yourself

Do-it-yourself yacht CV templates If you have some basic tech know-how and some spare time, the DIY template is perfect for you. Just download and edit in a matter of minutes! Mentorship included If you are new to yachting and want to include a 1 hour mentorship call, we can discuss your best pathway, explain the industry in depth and answer any other questions you have while helping you land your first job in yachting. Bespoke CV writing and editing If you have been in yachting for awhile, your CV likely needs a bit of fine tuning. Order the custom CV pac page to get a bespoke design, tailor made for your experience along with full CV editing and rewriting. Trusted Partners and Crew Agents

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ACREW Mentorship Award Winner 2022

Superyacht Cv's is proud to announce that they are the winners of the 2022 ACREW award for mentorship. So you know you are in safe hands when you use our services.

Before and After

Elevate your current CV and stand out

yacht crew cv example

To Employable!

Cv packages.

Which is best for you?

DIY CV Template

  • Best for Tech Savvy yachties
  • Yachting CV Template of your choice
  • 23 Page How to get started in yachting Ebook
  • Over 70 yacht crew agents contact details
  • Ebook outlining how to create your own CV with technical advice

Mentorship with DIY CV template

  • Best for Green Crew
  • 1 hour Mentorship call to help plan your entry into yachting
  • Yachting CV template of your choice
  • 23 page How to get started into yachting Ebook

Full Custom CV Package

  • Best for time poor yachties
  • Bespoke CV design to suit your role
  • Full CV editing, rewriting, grammar and language checks
  • Portfolio pages if required
  • Matching Menu designs for chefs
  • 23 page How to get started in yachting Ebook
  • Over 70 yacht crew agent contact details

Personal Website and CV

  • Best for Chefs and HOD who want to make a serious impression
  • Everything in the Full Custom CV Package
  • Your own .com domain built from scratch showcasing your work history
  • Hosting for 12 months
  • Web management for 12 months
  • Personalised Email Account for 12 months

We can help you wherever you are in your career

crew pass approval for yacht crew

Green Yacht Crew

If this is your first time looking for a job on superyachts, we can help. Get in touch with your current CV so we can discuss how to best highlight your past career and push you towards the Seven Seas!

Yacht resumes

Experienced Crew

Make sure your resumé is written to highlight your skills and longevity to the industry. Your career might balance on who you know these days, but a professional image is always important.

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Ex Cruise ship or Chefs

If you have experience working at sea on cruise ships or in restaurants, your skills are often transferrable to working on super yachts. Get in touch so we can help you to work through the layout and fine tune the wording on your CV to match a yacht captain's expectations.

Some of our ready-to-go templates

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The Ultimate Yacht Chef Fast Track Course

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The Ultimate Dockwalker's CV and business card package

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2 page Cv Template: Matt Bahamas

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2 page CV Template: Isabelle Portland

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How Much Money Will I Make?

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Interview Questions you might get asked

Don’t mess up your chances to land that first yacht job with a bad interview. Be prepared with these tips.

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Rachel Cunningham

Yacht chef and cv writer.

I am a Kiwi yacht chef with over 8 years experience in the industry. I have a passion for tech, graphic design, and helping crew navigate superyachting. I have a background in tech journalism and I build websites "for fun". I know, I'm an unconventional yachtie- but I love this industry, and I love being able to show green crew that they can do it!

yacht cv format

Download and edit our CV template to suit your needs. It will set you on the right track with your first Yachting CV. You can use it as a guide to writing your CV for the Super Yacht Industry. It should be used to aid your CV writing process and for general information. It is not meant to be a definitive guide.

Download CV Template

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CV for a SUPERYACHT crew

Why use our cv writing service, we know what it takes to get you hired, our cv writing service, cv for jobs on yacht.

Professional crew jobs on superyachts as deckhand, stewardess, chief engineer or captain. Writing a CV for yacht crew is not the same as writing a CV for a land-based job. For example, if you are writing a CV for a job on a yacht, you are required to include a photograph and your date of birth, which is considered discriminatory when applying for jobs on land.

Our work in numbers, CV Requests ...

Our broad experience enables us to showcase your experiences, achievements, and areas of expertise in the most effective way. Check how many CVs we created.

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Your CV impression

Your yacht CV is your first impression and within 10 seconds must grab your future Captain’s attention, so, it must be perfect, otherwise ...

Yacht Crew about

Read what yacht crew have to say about their CV writing experience.

Done professionally and on time. I later requested one change, which was done without a problem. Highly recommended!

At the persuasion of a friend, i ordered a resume and cover letter. after responding to several ads, i received an invitation for an interview and soon a job. best investment so far..

yacht cv format

StandOut CV

Yacht Engineer CV example

Andrew Fennell photo

The last thing anyone wants when they’re at sea is an issue with the yacht, and as an engineer, you’re there to ensure everything is in working order and safe to use.

But if you want to land the job, you need to get on board with the CV writing process and make your application stand out.

To help you do this, we’ve put together all our top tips and advice, along with a yacht engineer CV example. You can check them out in the guide below.

CV templates 

Yacht Engineer CV example

Yacht Engineer CV 1

This is a good example of a Yacht Engineer CV which contains all of the information that a hiring manager will need to be impressed, and presents it in a well- structured, easy-to-read format.

Take some time to study and understand this CV, and refer to it throughout the writing of your own CV for best results.

CV builder

Yacht Engineer CV format and structure

The format and structure of your CV is important because it will determine how easy it is for recruiters and employers to read your CV.

If they can find the information they need quickly, they’ll be happy; but if they struggle, your application could be overlooked.

A simple and logical structure will always create a better reading experience than a complex structure, and with a few simple formatting tricks, you’ll be good to go.

How to write a CV

Tips for formatting your Yacht Engineer CV

  • Length: It’s essential to keep your CV concise, regardless of whether you have one year or thirty years of experience. Recruiters are frequently managing multiple roles and responsibilities and do not have the luxury of reading lengthy CVs. Therefore, limit your CV to two sides of A4. If you have little industry experience, one page is sufficient.
  • Readability : Make sure your CV is easy to read and looks professional by applying some simple formatting tricks. Bullet points are great for making large paragraphs more digestible, while formatting your headings with bold or coloured text will help the reader to find the information they need, with speed.
  • Design & format: While it’s important that your CV design looks good, it also needs to be functional (which means easy for recruiters to read) Keep the design simple to achieve a good balance between looking good and reading well.
  • Photos: Profile photos or aren’t a requirement for most industries, so you don’t need to add one in the UK – but if you do, just make sure it looks professional

Quick tip: Creating a professional CV style can be difficult and time-consuming when using Microsoft Word or Google Docs. To create a winning CV quickly, try our quick-and-easy CV Builder and use one of their eye-catching professional CV templates.

CV formatting tips

CV structure

For easy reading, write your CV to the following CV structure:

  • Contact details – Make it easy for recruiters to get in touch with you by listing your contact details at the top of your CV.
  • Profile – A short and snappy summary of your experience and skills, showcasing what makes you a good fit for the position.
  • Work experience / career history – Note down all your work history, with your current position first, then working backwards.
  • Education – A short list of your academic background and professional/vocational qualifications.
  • Interest and hobbies – This is an optional section, which you can use to highlight any relevant hobbies or interests.

Now you understand the basic layout of a CV, here’s what you should include in each section of yours.

Contact Details

Contact details

Make it easy for recruiters to get in touch, by heading your CV with your contact details.

There’s no need for excessive details – just list the basics:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address – Use a professional address with no nicknames.
  • Location – Just write your general location, such as ‘London’ or ‘Cardiff’ – there’s no need to put your full address.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL

Yacht Engineer CV Profile

Your CV profile (or personal statement , if you’re an entry-level applicant) provides a brief overview of your skills, abilities and suitability for a position.

It’s ideal for busy recruiters and hiring managers, who don’t want to waste time reading unsuitable applications.

Think of it as your personal sales pitch. You’ve got just a few lines to sell yourself and prove you’re a great match for the job – make it count!

CV profile

How to write a good CV profile:

  • Make it short and sharp: The best CV profiles are short, sharp and highly relevant to the target role. For this reason, it’s best to write 3-4 lines of high-level information, as anything over might be missed.
  • Tailor it: If recruiters don’t see your suitability within a few seconds, they may close your CV straight away. Your CV profile should closely match the essential requirements listed in the job ad, so make sure to review them before you write it.
  • Don’t add an objective: Avoid discussing your career goals in your CV profile – if you think they’re necessary, briefly mention them in your cover letter instead.
  • Avoid generic phrases: If your CV is riddled with clichès like “Dynamic thought-leader”, hit that delete button. Phrases like these are like a broken record to recruiters, who read them countless times per day. Hard facts, skills, knowledge and results are sure to yield far better results.

Example CV profile for Yacht Engineer

What to include in your yacht engineer cv profile.

  • Experience overview: Showcase your aptitude for the job you are aiming for by giving a brief summary of your past work history , including the industries you have worked in, the kinds of employers you have served, and the roles you have held.
  • Targeted skills: Highlight your skills which are most relevant to Yacht Engineer jobs, to ensure that recruiters see your most in-demand skills as soon as they open your CV.
  • Important qualifications: If the jobs you are applying to require candidates to have certain qualifications, then you must add them in your profile to ensure they are seen by hiring managers.

Quick tip: If you are finding it difficult to write an attention-grabbing CV profile, choose from hundreds of pre-written profiles across all industries, and add one to your CV with one click in our quick-and-easy CV Builder . All profiles are written by recruitment experts and easily tailored to suit your unique skillset.

Core skills section

Next, you should create a bullet pointed list of your core skills , formatted into 2-3 columns.

Here, you should focus on including the most important skills or knowledge listed in the job advertisement.

This will instantly prove that you’re an ideal candidate, even if a recruiter only has time to briefly scan your CV.

Core skills section CV

Important skills for your Yacht Engineer CV

Marine Engineering – Utilising knowledge of marine engineering principles and systems, including propulsion systems, electrical systems, plumbing, HVAC, and other mechanical systems specific to yachts.

Engine Maintenance and Repair – Maintaining and repairing yacht engines, including routine maintenance, troubleshooting, and conducting repairs to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the vessel.

Electrical Systems – Utilising knowledge of marine electrical systems, including generators, switchboards, wiring, and control systems, to troubleshoot electrical issues and perform necessary repairs.

Plumbing and HVAC – Utilising knowledge of yacht plumbing and HVAC systems, including freshwater systems, sewage systems, air conditioning, and ventilation systems, to maintain proper functionality and address any issues.

Automation and Control Systems – Utilising knowledge of automation and control systems on yachts, including monitoring systems, alarms, and safety features, to ensure their proper operation and address any malfunctions.

Safety Procedures and Regulations – Utilising knowledge of safety procedures, regulations, and emergency response protocols specific to yachts, including fire safety, safety equipment usage, and emergency preparedness.

Troubleshooting and Problem Resolution – Diagnosing and resolving mechanical, electrical, and technical issues that may arise during yacht operations.

Spare Parts Management – Managing an inventory of spare parts and supplies, maintaining records, and ensuring availability of critical components to minimise downtime during maintenance and repairs.

Crew Collaboration – Coordinating with other crew members, including captain, deckhands, stewardesses, and other engineers, to ensure smooth operations and efficient problem resolution.

Documentation and Reporting – Maintaining accurate records of maintenance activities, repairs, and equipment inspections, as well as preparing reports and documentation for compliance purposes.

Quick tip: Our quick-and-easy CV Builder has thousands of in-demand skills for all industries and professions, that can be added to your CV in seconds – This will save you time and ensure you get noticed by recruiters.

Work experience

By now, you’ll have hooked the reader’s attention and need to show them how you apply your skills and knowledge in the workplace, to benefit your employers.

So, starting with your most recent role and working backwards to your older roles, create a thorough summary of your career history to date.

If you’ve held several roles and are struggling for space, cut down the descriptions for your oldest jobs.

Work experience

Structuring each job

Lengthy, unbroken chunks of text is a recruiters worst nightmare, but your work experience section can easily end up looking like that if you are not careful.

To avoid this, use my tried-and-tested 3-step structure, as illustrated below:

Role descriptions

Begin with a summary of your role, detailing what the purpose of your job was, who you reported to and what size of team you were part of (or led).

Key responsibilities

Next, write up a punchy list of your daily duties and responsibilities, using bullet points.

Wherever you can, point out how you put your hard skills and knowledge to use – especially skills which are applicable to your target role.

Key achievements

Lastly, add impact by highlight 1-3 key achievements  that you made within the role.

Struggling to think of an achievement? If it had a positive impact on your company, it counts.

For example, you might increased company profits, improved processes, or something simpler, such as going above and beyond to solve a customer’s problem.

Sample job description for Yacht Engineer CV

Serve as a vital member of a dynamic engineering team at a prestigious UK yacht manufacturing company, designing, testing, and refining components to enhance the performance and functionality of luxury yachts.

Key Responsibilities

  • Utilise CAD software to create detailed 3D models for mechanical and electrical yacht components and systems, optimising efficiency, and minimising production costs
  • Conduct comprehensive testing and analysis of propulsion systems, identifying potential improvements and implementing modifications for optimal performance
  • Collaborate with design engineers to conceptualise and develop innovative yacht systems
  • Perform troubleshooting and maintenance tasks on electrical and mechanical systems, ensuring smooth operations during sea trials and charter periods

Quick tip: Create impressive job descriptions easily in our quick-and-easy CV Builder by adding pre-written job phrases for every industry and career stage.

Education section

Next up, you should list your education and qualifications.

This can include your formal qualifications (a degree, A-Levels and GCSEs), as well as sector-specific Yacht Engineer qualifications and/or training.

While school leavers and recent grads should include a lot of detail here to make up for the lack of work experience, experienced candidates may benefit from a shorter education section, as your work experience section will be more important to recruiters.

Hobbies and interests

This section is entirely optional, so you’ll have to use your own judgement to figure out if it’s worth including.

If your hobbies and interests could make you appear more suitable for your dream job, then they are definitely worth adding.

Interests which are related to the industry, or hobbies like sports teams or volunteering, which display valuable transferable skills might be worth including.

Once you’ve written your Yacht Engineer CV, you should proofread it several times to ensure that there are no typos or grammatical errors.

With a tailored punchy profile that showcases your relevant experience and skills, paired with well-structured role descriptions, you’ll be able to impress employers and land interviews.

Good luck with your next job application!


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    CV templates Yacht Stewardess CV example. CV templates This is a good example of a Yacht Stewardess CV which contains all of the information that a hiring manager will need to be impressed, and presents it in a well- structured, easy-to-read format.. Take some time to study and understand this CV, and refer to it throughout the writing of your own CV for best results.

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    CV templates. CV templates. This is a good example of a Yacht Engineer CV which contains all of the information that a hiring manager will need to be impressed, and presents it in a well- structured, easy-to-read format. Take some time to study and understand this CV, and refer to it throughout the writing of your own CV for best results.

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