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American Yacht Club’s 137th Commissioning

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American Yacht Club’s 137th Commissioning

american yacht club commissioning

The American Yacht Club, on Rye’s Milton Point, by its own description is “one of the most prestigious and historical private sailing clubs in America”. With that comes tradition that rarely, if ever, changes.

But this year, in the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the club had to hold its 137th Commissioning for members virtually. The ceremony, conducted by distanced club officers on picnic point, at the end of Milton Point overlooking the Scotch Caps and the Long Island Sound, was broadcast to members via video.

Attired in yachting jackets, AYC officers including 63rd Commodore Scott T. Florio and Fleet Captain Matthew B. Fahey oversaw a ceremony that included remembering members who passed in the last year, an invocation, the sounding of the cannon, the raising of the flags, the introduction of officers and the acknowledgement of service by past commodores.

In closing, 63rd Commodore Scott T. Florio said “the bar is open”. Virtually, of course.

See the photos and video of the ceremony:

American Yacht Club’s 137th Commissioning

american yacht club commissioning

Jay Sears is the owner and publisher of He is a 20+ year Rye resident. Contact Jay here:


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WATCH: Will the USA’s Radical America’s Cup Design Choices Pay Off?

Toby Heppell

  • Toby Heppell
  • August 14, 2024

America's Cup designer, Thomas Tison of Thomas Tison Yacht Design & Engineering, speaks to Yachting World editor, Helen Fretter, about the New York Yacht Club's America's Cup boat. Will Patriot's radical design choices pay off?

american yacht club commissioning

American Magic’s new AC75 , Patriot , has garnered significant attention due to its unique approach. While all the teams are bound by the same set of design rules, it’s the subtle variations and innovative interpretations within these boundaries that could determine who ultimately claims victory at the America’s Cup in Barcelona.

The second generation of AC75s have seen incremental improvements across the board, yet American Magic’s Patriot stands out for several reasons. The American team has made some bold design choices that diverge from the more conventional paths taken by their rivals. Central to these decisions is the team’s focus on maximising aerodynamic efficiency and optimising the boat’s centre of effort.

One of the most noticeable aspects of Patriot is its distinct hull design. Unlike other teams that have opted for more rounded, voluminous hulls, American Magic has taken a different route, creating a sleeker, lower-volume hull. This design is intended to reduce drag and increase the boat’s ability to generate lift, potentially giving Patriot an edge in lighter wind conditions.

The lower freeboard— the distance between the deck and the waterline — also allows the team to increase sail area close to the water, which can generate more driving force with less windage.

Another key innovation lies in the way American Magic has managed weight distribution. The team has worked diligently to reduce weight in critical areas, thereby allowing for more complex systems elsewhere on the boat. This includes the trimming systems, which are battery-powered and play a crucial role in adjusting the foils and sails during racing.

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american yacht club commissioning

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By optimising weight distribution, Patriot is designed to achieve a balance between stability and performance, particularly in choppy conditions like those expected off the coast of Barcelona.

The decision to use recumbent cyclists (cyclors) as the primary source of power for these systems also reflects American Magic’s willingness to experiment. While this choice has sparked some debate — given the lower energy output compared to more traditional grinding positions — the team believes that the aerodynamic gains and lower centre of gravity provided by the recumbent position outweigh the potential drawbacks.

Furthermore, Patriot features innovative foil designs that could offer a competitive edge. The team has focused on optimising the flaps at the back of the main foil, allowing for more precise control of lift and drag. This, combined with the overall aerodynamic improvements, could enable Patriot to achieve higher speeds and better maneuverability in various wind conditions.

However, with these bold choices comes significant risk. The question remains: will these radical design decisions translate into a performance advantage on race day? The true test will come when Patriot lines up against its competitors, where every nuance of design and strategy will be put to the ultimate challenge.

In the unpredictable world of America’s Cup racing, innovation often walks a fine line between triumph and disaster. Whether Patriot’s unique design will give the USA the edge it needs to reclaim the Cup remains to be seen, but one thing is certain, American Magic has made a statement that they are not afraid to push the boundaries in their quest for victory.

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The america's cup, the america’s cup – 1958, text by kane rogers.

View photographer Cory Silken’s “Yacht Columbia – America’s Cup Winner 1958” gallery here .

Click here to read “The America’s Cup: An Insider’s View,” by Bob Bavier.


Prior to 1958, the last defense of the America’s Cup had been in 1937, by the J-Class yacht Ranger , owned by Harold S. “Mike” Vanderbilt. The J-Class rules prescribing a vessel of some 120 feet in length were promoted by Vanderbilt and others for the defense planned for 1958, but economic concerns and the desire among aspiring competitors to employ smaller dual-purpose yachts won the day. The New York Yacht Club settled on the twelve-meter class rules, reducing the length of the average vessel to around sixty-five feet. Harry Sears, then the club’s commodore, formed a syndicate to build the ship and asked Briggs to join to help with finances.

Although building and racing his cars had long been Briggs’ primary field of endeavor, he had never stopped sailing, and he agreed to join the effort. Sailing legend Cornelius Shields was appointed as the team’s skipper but, when he suffered a heart attack, Sears asked Cunningham to take Shields’ place.

As a member of five East Coast yacht clubs, with almost thirty years’ experience racing several different classes of vessel, Briggs was a solid choice to lead. The one thing he lacked was experience with the starting strategy required by the head-to-head style of America’s Cup competition. Shields, a master of this type of racing, was happy to impart his knowledge to Cunningham, who proved an able student.

Unfortunately, as skipper it was Briggs who had to inform Shields that he could not remain a member of the crew; if he suffered an attack during competition and had to be taken to the hospital, it would leave them a man short and result in their disqualification. It was a tough moment for both men, but it was also characteristic of both to do what was best for the team.

The eliminations for the American side would prove to be more exciting than the final races. Four twelve-metre yachts, Easterner , Weatherly , Vim and Columbia , survived two months of run-offs to compete in the final eight-day round of match races to determine the defender of the America’s Cup. Of the four contenders, only the Vim had raced previously, but the nineteen-year-old vessel was so completely refitted as to be virtually brand new. The Easterner and Weatherly had been hurriedly completed and neither was fully prepared to compete, although the Weatherly would successfully defend the Cup in 1962.

Columbia benefited from a strong syndicate whose membership included Harry Sears, Olin Stephens, the designer of the Vim , and Cornelius Shields, Jr., who occasionally spelled Briggs as skipper. The competition finally narrowed to Vim and Columbia , which prevailed by virtue of her ability to better handle rough seas and strong winds.

The British challenger, Sceptre , entered by the Royal Yacht Squadron and skippered by Graham Mann, was a quite rotund 68,000 pounds compared to the svelte Columbia at 57,000 pounds, and the event was decided in four straight wins by the Americans.

During the post-race celebrations, Briggs located a pay phone and called Alfred Momo at Watkins Glen, where Ed Crawford had just won the main race. As Briggs was returning to join his crew, a reporter approached and commented, “Briggs, that was a fine race!” to which Briggs, still with the Glen on his mind, replied, “That’s what I just heard. I wish I could have seen it.”

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el periódico

Pospuesta al lunes

La falta de viento cancela el día decisivo de las 'round robin' de la Louis Vuitton Cup

La escasez de visibilidad retrasa dos horas el inicio de la competición, devuelve los barcos a puerto y, en el último momento, no permite competir por insuficiencia de nudos, copa américa de vela 2024 en barcelona: última hora de la louis vuitton cup, resultados y clasificación, en directo.

El barco de Orient Express Racing Team, asistido por su equipo antes de que se anulara las última jornada de la 'round robin' de la Louis Vuitton Cup.

El barco de Orient Express Racing Team, asistido por su equipo antes de que se anulara las última jornada de la 'round robin' de la Louis Vuitton Cup. / Ricardo Pinto / America's Cup Event

Cristina Buesa

Cristina Buesa

Cristina Buesa

Especialista en infraestructuras de movilidad, me ocupo de los temas de economía azul y de la Copa América de vela.

Los cuatro equipos de la Copa América de vela que accederán a las semifinales de la Louis Vuitton Cup siguen sin decidirse. Habrá que esperar (como mínimo) al lunes. La falta de viento ha cancelado este domingo las últimas tres regatas de las 'round robin' en la que se resolvía quién quedaba eliminado . Las malas condiciones meteorológicas han mantenido en vilo a la organización durante más de dos horas hasta que, poco después de las cuatro de la tarde , se ha optado por posponerlas.

A las 14.10 horas, hora de inicio de las carreras, la precipitación que caía sobre Barcelona era considerable. Sin embargo, desde el comité de regatas simplemente han optado por retrasarlas. Los AC75 pueden navegar y 'volar' con lluvia , pero lo que no es posible es hacerlo sin visibilidad , como era el caso. Además, pesaba lo ocurrido el miércoles, cuando una tormenta eléctrica dejó caer un rayo a solo 200 metros de los barcos.

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  • La tormenta cancela las regatas del miércoles de la Louis Vuitton Cup de la Copa América de vela

Los AC75 de los franceses y británicos, preparados para competir en el último día de las 'round robin' de la Louis Vuitton Cup, este domingo.

Los AC75 de los franceses y británicos, preparados para competir en el último día de las 'round robin' de la Louis Vuitton Cup, este domingo. / Ian Roman / America's Cup Event

Un estadio en movimiento: el campo de la Copa América cambia en plena carrera

Un estadio en movimiento: el campo de la Copa América cambia en plena carrera

Problemas de los franceses

Como suele ocurrir en este deporte, las comunicaciones de la organización fueron constantes, con demoras de varios minutos o la obligación de los equipos de volver a sus bases del Port Vell hasta que se aclarara qué hacer. Después, de repente, se ha abierto el cielo y hasta ha salido el sol , con lo que se han apresurado a avisar a los equipos que el último día de las 'round robin' comenzaría con el duelo entre los franceses y británicos .

El Ineos Britannia ha salido a mar abierto sin problemas. Sin embargo, los frágiles galos han tenido problemas en su monocasco y han llegado a la posición indicada por poco. Necesitaban puntuar contra los británicos , que a su vez aspiran a quedar primeros de la clasificación, en su pugna contra Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli .

¿Qué son las 'round robin', la segunda fase de la Louis Vuitton America's Cup?

¿Qué son las 'round robin', la segunda fase de la Louis Vuitton America's Cup?

Dock out del Alenghi Red Bull en la Copa América animados por sus fans

El barco de acompañamiento del barco suizo Alinghi Red Bull Racing, en su regreso al Port Vell por la falta de visibilidad. / MARC ASENSIO

Sin los 6,5 nudos imprescindibles

Y cuando, por fin, ya estaban ambos listos, el caprichoso viento no ha alcanzado los 6,5 nudos imprescindibles para que los bólidos del mar , los AC75, pudieran competir. Todos han esperado, el comité de regatas ha ido posponiendo una y otra vez las carreras, hasta que han optado por pasarlas al lunes .

El menú será el mismo que había este domingo: primero Orient Express Racing Team contra Ineos Britannia , regata en la que los primeros necesitan vencer si quieren tener opciones a no caer; después Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli contra Alinghi Red Bull Racing , en la que los segundos ya sabrán si los galos les han empatado y están forzados a ganar a los italianos y, la tercera, que no puntúa, entre Emirates Team New Zealand y American Magic .

  • Copa América de vela
  • Emirates Team New Zealand
  • Orient Express Racing Team
  • Alinghi Red Bull Racing
  • Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli
  • Ineos Britannia
  • America's Cup Event
  • American Magic New York Yacht Club

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Currently not on view

Workers' Yacht Club, Moscow

Title:Workers' Yacht Club, Moscow
Artist: (American, 1926–2022)
Medium:Gelatin silver print
Dimensions:Image: 8 3/4 × 13 1/4 inches (22.3 × 33.7 cm) Sheet: 11 15/16 × 15 7/8 inches (30.4 × 40.3 cm)
Credit Line:Purchased with a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and matching funds contributed by Ann and Donald W. McPhail, Harvey S. Shipley Miller, and Theodore T. Newbold, 1979
Accession Number:1979-95-71
Geography:Photograph taken in , ,

We are always open to learning more about our collections and updating the website. Does this record contain inaccurate information or language that you feel we should improve or change? Contact us here .

Please note that this particular artwork might not be on view when you visit. Don’t worry—we have plenty of exhibitions for you to explore.


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