How Much Sailboats Cost On Average (380+ Prices Compared)

Turns out that owning a sailboat is pretty affordable. OK, it isn't cheap, but it can absolutely be done on a budget. In this article, I'll show you exactly what to expect.

Sure, super yachts are expensive, but so is everything super (except for maybe supermarkets). But a modest, used sailboat can be as cheap as $2,500 and an additional $1,400 per year.

It may come as a surprise to you that you can get a decent sailboat for as little as $1,500 on Craigslist.

Average sailboat costs at a glance

We've compared thousands of listings, so you don't have to. If you just want the ballpark figures, here they are:

The average price of new sailboats is $425,000 ($127,000 to $821,000). The average price of used sailboats is $278,000 ($67,000 to $555,000). Maintenance costs are on average $2,000 - $3,000 per year, and the average total annual cost is $3,000 to $7,000.

Of course the price of a sailboat depends on our choices. We decide whether sailing is a rich man's game, or actually a very good holiday investment. (It beats driving to a bungalow park for sure - both cost-wise and the experience itself.)

sport sailboat price

How Much To Charter a Superyacht? (Less Than You Think)

Why you should trust us These figures are based on our latest research which was last updated September 26th 2023 . We do this research every year, giving us very accurate numbers and clear insight into the trend of sailboat prices. We've literally compared thousands of sailboat listings over the years, and we've done so methodically. The research is done by our researcher Tay, who is an engineer by trade.

This will be a long article because there are so many aspects to cover. I'd like to spend some time exploring the costs of actually buying the boat. Then I want to go into recurring costs , like mooring, maintenance, and insurance.

To really drive home what you're getting into , I'll give four real-life examples. These examples include every expense as a separate line-item. And we'll go over them line-by-line together.

Then I'll share our exact research results with you . This will include all our numbers: new vs. used, average price per foot, and much more. These are extremely detailed numbers (you don't have to read this if you don't want to).

At the end of the article, we'll discuss why a boat doesn't just cost money: she can actually make you some if you wanted.

  • A used family week-ender with a small cabin will cost roughly $30,000 (all-in for the first year).
  • If you dream of sailing around the world, expect to spend around $100,000.
  • New sailboats on average cost twice as much as used boats.
  • Maintenance cost are 5-10% of the boat's value per year. Docking costs are roughly $800 - $2,500 per year.
  • Sailboat prices have gone up 30% this year.

Lean sailboat in blue, protected waters with just the mainsail up

On this page:

Average sailboat cost: 2023 summary, examples of popular sailboats, and how much they cost, what does it cost to buy a sailboat, what does it cost to own a sailboat, make or save some money, related questions.

Before we really get into it, I first want to give you the quick rundown. So I've summarized our research for you.

Buying a sailboat

Small boats are up to 30 foot long . They'll be very capable and great for solo sailors or small families who want to go on day trips, or short week-end trips on inland waters. Some of them will have cabins and sleeping quarters, although small.

Medium boats are between 30 and 50 foot long . They'll host larger parties and will be more suited for longer trips, coastal sailing, or even bluewater cruising. Sailboat length isn't necessarily the most important feature for that, though.

Large boats are 50 foot and up . This is proper yacht territory, and they'll be a lot more luxurious, and also exponentially more expensive.

If you buy via a broker, you typically get more reliable boats, but also pay more. If you buy off of Craigslist, you get a fat discount, but there are more lemons on there too.

You could hire a boat surveyor who will inspect the boat before you buy it (much like when you buy a house). Those surveys are not very expensive and can be worth your money.

Owning a sailboat

There are a lot of costs involved with simply owning a boat. The biggest expenses will be docking and maintenance.

Those two alone will account for roughly 80% of your yearly expenses.

  • Maintenance : 5-10% of the boat's value
  • Docking : $800-$2,500 per year on average, depeding on location

If we want to know what we're getting ourselves into, we should know every expense to the dot.

Below, we'll go over four very different case studies. I'm hoping one of these will relate to your specific situation. It'll show you what to expect and how to budget for your purchase.

The four sailboat case studies

  • What does it cost if you want to keep your boat in good shape and have a good sailing experience? - aka: most people
  • What does it cost if you ONLY spend the absolute minimum amount to keep her floating?
  • If I want to sail the world on a budget, what's the absolute minimum?
  • If sailing is more of a status thing to you, how much money COULD you spend?

There are a lot of great boats out there for a good price and there are also some boats that are so expensive (or so cheap), it's not even fun to look at them.

But one thing's for sure: there are plenty of boats available, and even if you're on a very tight budget, you could absolutely still make it work. Sailing in and of itself is actually not that expensive: wind is free, water is free, boats can be cheap - if you're willing to look around a bit. It's all the little extras that add up quickly.

Listed below are 4 boats that make great beginner boats. Since more than 80% of all boats that are bought are second-hand, I'll use the prices of used boats I found on Craigslist.

If you want to know exactly where the numbers come from, don't worry, I'll explain them after the 4 examples.

1. Island Packet 26' for stressless weekends on the lake

The one-time costs are $24,860 Your total recurring costs are $5,650 per year, or $471 per month

Let's say you're like me and most other people and just want a nice boat without too much hassle. So you pay people for complex maintenance. You do the required maintenance and save up for future repairs. You do a little yourself, which saves you a couple of hundred of bucks a year. You also join a (cheap) sailing club to learn how to not trash the boat. You get the right trailer, and you save up some money for future repairs. You don't want to buy a bad boat, so you pay a fair purchase price

One-Time Costs:

Recurring costs:, 2. extreme low budget catalina 22'.

Catlina 22 white sailboat in marina

Ok, I'm very interested in how cheap you could actually go (in theory). Is it do-able to buy a very cheap sailboat and just keep her afloat, never change sails, and only pay for maintenance that is absolutely necessary to not sink?

In this scenario, I don't care about speed, so I don't change sails. I certainly won't join a sailing club, and I try to save some money on the marina by boondocking. I also happen to live in a cheap state registration and tax-wise.

Docking costs can get out of hand For an average sailboat, depending on your area and wishes, up to $5,000/year . Read everything about docking costs

I try to pay as little as possible for the boat itself (and I've actually found a Catalina 22 for $2,250 on Craigslist today!). I don't save up for rigging and hardware (tomorrows' worries). I try to get an extra 2 years out of my bottom paint and I only do the essential repairs, and I do them myself. But because I saved so much on the purchase, this little boat needs a lot of maintenance.

Luckily, I have time on my hands and know my way around engines and rigging, so I do all of it myself (with the help of YouTube).

I don't bother with winterizing my boat, I'll just sail somewhere warm. Oh, and I'll use the engine as little as possible to save on gas.

Will your boat be happy? Definitely not, but your wallet will be (for now). Can it be done? It's optimistic, but yes, I think it can be done. But you have to be mechanically inclined, and pretty creative.

The one-time costs are $2,428 Your total recurring costs are $1,380 per year, or $115 per month

Recurring Costs

3. low budget 35' ocean cruiser for traveling the world.

sport sailboat price

If you dream of crossing oceans, you need a comfortable ride. Usually, most sailors pick a boat that's between 32' - 50' for two person ocean cruising. Anything under 32' gets pretty uncomfortable in high waves, although it can be done.

But this is also the range that gets expensive - quickly . So if we're on a tight budget, but also need a good and reliable boat: how much will it cost?

The boat will cost you $35,000. For this price, I've seen a beautiful 1983 wooden cutter (by Robert Tucker), multiple Beneteau Oceanis from '88 - '89, multiple Bavarias ... plenty of solid choices on the second-hand market here.

In this example, you don't join any sailing clubs (I assume you're pretty experienced if you want to cross oceans). You also don't winterize (you're sailing the Caribbean by now). No trailer, as you won't haul it out of the water any time soon.

You do pay a fair price for the boat because you don't want any surprises during your Tour du Monde. In need of a lot of bottom paint , since you're in saltwater most of the time. It's also a good idea to invest in at least SOME navigation equipment, so for $500 I've added a simple but capable GPS chartplotter and compass.

You can get a cheap but reliable chartplotter and compass for less than $500 - in total. If you want to learn more, head over to the recommended gear section .

The one-time costs are $37,590 Your total recurring costs are $5,425 per year, or $452 per month

4. Powerful 40' Yacht (and everything that goes with it)

Saloon of large yacht ready for dinner

Let's say you're in the game for the fame. What does it cost me to own a grande yacht with all luxuries (and costs) that go with it?

I join an expensive sailing club, hire pros that maintain the thing beautifully, and I also pay for winterization, the best trailer I can find. I replace my sails and running rigging every 5 years - since speed matters to me. Because she's my pride, I paint her every year. I spend an additional 500 bucks a year on special soaps and waxes.

I want a prime mooring location, so I pay a premium. I also get a small boat to hang from the large boat, to get to shore more quickly.

The one-time costs are $166,400 Your total recurring costs are $15,150 per year, or $1,263 per month

There are a couple of important factors that determine how much money you end up spending.

  • Size - length determines mooring costs, insurance, amount of paint on your hull, literally everything gets more expensive with every foot of length
  • New vs. used - of course, it makes all the difference whether you buy new or used. Typically, the price of a 25-year old used sailboat vs. a comparable new one is 3-4 times lower ($60,000 vs $200,000).

With used sailboats, I find that the price generally increases rapidly from 30 feet onwards

It's the same with new sailboats - or actually, it keeps increasing with every extra couple of feet. The reason is that as the boat gets bigger, it also gets more luxurious (upholstery, finishing, equipment).

The average price of a new sailboat per foot in USD:

  • under 30 ft: $3,217 per ft
  • 30 - 50 ft: $7,625 - $11,128 ft
  • over 50 ft: $14,927 - $78,033 per ft

On average, second-hand sailboats go at 1/3 - 1/4 of the cost of a new boat:

  • under 30 ft: $1,773 per ft
  • 30 - 50 ft: $6,473 per ft
  • over 50 ft: $10,091 - $36,889 per ft

If this is too much for you, you could always rent a boat instead. I recommend chartering. You can get great sailboats at great prices. Check out my charter recommendation here .

sport sailboat price

Cost of buying a sailboat

Price of new sailboats.

I've looked at the prices of thousands of yachts (really) on one of the largest yacht marketplaces in the world (- not manually, don't worry: with the help of their search function). This is what I came up with:

Source: Q3 2023

The price of new sailboats ranges from roughly $1,765 - $78,033 per foot. I've used these numbers to calculate the following list:

Prices per foot in USD

Here's the detailed price per foot for all lengths from 20 to 100 feet:

Price of used sailboats

We did the same for used sailboats, comparing thousands of listings. Here are the complete data:

Source: Yachtworld Q3 2023

The price of used sailboats ranges from roughly $882-$36,889 per foot . Here's the detailed price per foot for all lengths from 20 to 100 feet:

Prices on Craigslist

The price of used sailboats ranges from roughly $476-$2,098 per foot.

To get an average of the price of a used sailboat, I went over to Craigslist. I took the first 20 relevant search results for sailboats under, and over 30 feet.

Of course, the averages here are very speculative, as prices vary from day to day. But it gives a broad range of what to expect.

Over 50 feet, listings become meagre. I believe people tend to not place their 80-ft sailboats on Craigslist, but sell it through a broker instead.

Median Craigslist price of a used sailboat:

  • under 30 ft: $11,065
  • over 30 ft: $87,020

I've calculated the median price , not the average. The median is the price that's most common within the price range. This way the highest and lowest prices don't have as much impact.

Average Craigslist price-per-foot of a used sailboat:

  • under 30 ft: $476 per ft
  • over 30 ft: $2,098 per ft

This is what I found on Craigslist under 30 feet:

Washington dc.

Source: Craigslist Washington DC Q3 2023

Los Angeles

Source: Craigslist Los Angeles Q3 2023

Source: Craigslist Houston Q3 2023

South Florida

Source: Craigslist Miami Q3 2023

Source: Craigslist New York Q3 2023

Here's what I found for 30 feet and up:

Sailboat price development.

Compared to our 2022 research, the median price of new sailboats has gone up 22.5% (from $251,000 to $307,500). The average price has gone up 33.6% (from $248,000 to $331,250).

The average price of used sailboats under 30 ft on Craigslist has gone up 30% (from $8,500 to $11,000).

Sailboat prices research archive

You can check our earlier research data here:

  • 2022 average sailboat price data
  • 2019 average sailboat price data

sport sailboat price

Catamarans are 60% more expensive

If you dream of owning a catamaran, you should expect to pay roughly 60% more for the boat, and 60% more on annual cost like upkeep and mooring. There are exceptions, of course, and for some boat lengths, new catamarans may be slightly more affordable than a monohull.

I've researched thousands of catamaran listings as well to come up with those numbers. The exact numbers are summarized in my guide on the average cost of buying and owning a catamaran. It's very similar to this article, so if you like this and are curious about catamaran prices as well, I encourage you to check it out.

sport sailboat price

Average Cost of Buying & Owning a Catamaran (With 4 Examples)

So let's take a quick look at the costs for owning a sailboat.

One-time costs:

  • Registration : costs of registration differ per state, but usually run anywhere from $3 - $10 per foot.
  • Taxes : differs per state and country. Most governments want you to pay property tax and sales tax. Sales tax is usually about 5%. Property tax varies and is more complex, so I'll leave that up to you to figure out.
  • Trailer : $1,000
  • Sailing club initiation fee : $1,500 - $4,000

Recurring costs:

  • Mooring : $10-15 per foot per year (can be much higher for prime locations)
  • Insurance : typically 1.5% of the total value of the boat. So a $50,000 26' cruiser will cost 750 bucks.
  • Maintenance : a good rule of thumb is 10% of the boat value. Expect to spend anywhere between $500 - $2,500 per year for small to mid-sized boats.
  • Fuel : depends on how much you use the boat and the engine, but on average something between $100 - $150. - Find out how much fuel a sailboat uses in my article here (opens in new tab).
  • International License : if you want to sail on international waters, you have to get your ICC (International Certificate of Competence ). Plan on spending anywhere between 400 to 500 dollars.
  • Safety equipment : plan on spending anywhere between 150 to 600 bucks for lifejackets, first aid kit, and distress signals.
  • Winterize boat : $2,000
  • Sailing club: $800 - $1,500

sport sailboat price

Cost of owning a boat

Horizon of masts in marina


Your average maintenance cost will be roughly $144 dollars per month for boats under 30', or just under $2,000 per year.

Maintenance involves a lot of hidden costs We took an in-depth look at everything . The result is a comprehensive article that lays it all out for new boat owners. Read all about maintenance costs

Gas engines run for about 1,500 hours, diesel engines run for 5,000. After that, you'll need to change them out.

Most engines will last you about 20 years.

A standard 15HP or 20HP outboard gas engine will cost you about $5,000 - $6,000 and needs replacing every 20 years or so. If you do the work yourself, it's more something like $1,000 - $1,500.

A smaller engine uses less fuel, reducing your total cost You can actually use a pretty small engine for most sailboats. To learn how small (and efficient) you can go, I've written a guide on how to calculate it yourself. Read all about outboard engine size

Replacing the sails and rigging

Most people that own a sailboat will have to replace the sails and rigging at least once in their lifetime. Replacing the mast is uncommon, but if you're unlucky and get demasted, it will need to be fixed. So I've added it to the "be aware this might happen" list - but won't add it to the monthly recurring costs.

If you need to replace the mast and boom, prepare to spend anywhere between $15,000 - $25,000.

I won't go into detail, but I have written a long article about the cost of new sails (opens in new tab). It's a really helpful post (with a formula) if you want to know what to expect.

Good quality cruising sails will need to be replaced every 10 years or so.

The cost of new sails is on average:

  • 26' Bermuda Sloop rig will cost you about $1,000 - $2,500.
  • 34' Bermuda Sloop rig will cost you about $3,000 - $5,000.

The cost of the new rigging is on average:

  • Standing rigging - every 10 years at $4,000
  • Running rigging - every 5-10 years at $5,000

Bottom Paint

Your boat will need bottom paint roughly every 2 years (could be longer, but to be safe, let's keep it at two). It's also called antifouling paint because it helps to protect your hull from weeds, barnacles, and so on. Barnacles can slice through your boat's bellow! So you don't want them on there.

On average, it costs about $15 to $20 per foot to get your sailboat hull painted professionally.

For a 26' sailboat, that's just 500 bucks. Money well spent.

Replacing safety equipment

USCG safety regulations require you to replace safety gear regularly.

  • Lifejackets have to be replaced every 10 years.
  • Flares have to be replaced every 42 months. You could consider buying a LED electric distress light instead, which will last you a lifetime.
  • If you carry a life-raft you'll need to replace that every 12 years as well.

Adhering to the minimum safety requirements shouldn't cost you more than 150 - 250 dollars every 5 years. But if you want the good stuff, need more fire extinguishers, plan on spending more like $600. If you want a life raft, that's another $1,500.

To avoid you have to go cheap on your safety gear, I've put it in the budget for $500.

If you want to know exactly what the USCG safety requirements are, including checklists , definitely check out my article here.

Winterizing your boat

Winterization is an often overlooked cost, but it can be one of the largest expenses each year. If you're like me, and not so lucky to live in Florida, you need to winterize your boat.

Failing to winterize it will increase your maintenance cost over time, as the engine wears out more quickly, and your plumbing and equipment will fall apart. Winter storms and ice can damage the hull and mast as well. Learn all about the dangers of failing to winterize here .

It's the best way to protect your boat in wintertime, period.

It consists of two parts:

  • Winterizing - costs $500 to $1000 - This is the preparation for winter storage. You flush the cooling system with anti-freeze, and the boat gets wrapped in a shrink wrap cover.
  • Winter storage - costs $50 per ft on average

Boat wrapped in white shrink wrap

Some other maintenance costs:

  • Batteries: deep cycle batteries need replacing every 4-6 years at $600
  • Deck hardware: every 20-30 years (bullseyes, tiller, eye straps) at $1,500

Joining a Sailing Club

If you're new to sailing, you might want to consider joining a sailboat club. This might help you to get tips, make friends, and learn in a safe environment. Most clubs also organize races, which are a great way to quickly improve your sailing skills.

But it comes at a cost. Sailing clubs are very expensive.

Initiation fees range anywhere between $1,000 - $4,000. But that's not all.

Then there's an annual fee of $500 - $1,000 per year. And lot's of additional fees: for dining, lockers, etc.

If you're willing to skip Christmas, go for it.

How about making up for some of those losses? There's just no better feeling than earning back all that cash with the same thing that you've spent it on in the first place.

There are lot's of ways to earn a little extra with your boat - if you're willing to put in the effort. Here are a few ideas:

  • hire yourself out as the captain of a personalized cruise (for families, newly-weds, groups of colleagues)
  • take people to go fishing
  • hire your boat out to yacht charter companies
  • teach someone to sail
  • take photographers, film crews, and artists on tours
  • organize dolphin and whale watching tours
  • delivery of cargo - some places just can't be reached by car, for example, the city center of Giethoorn (Dutch Venice). So you have a competitive edge here!

Giethoorn, farmers manors standing besides water way (no road)

Some ideas to save money:

  • install solar panels (no more dock power)
  • buy a and cheap small boat (kayak or someting) to get to offshore anchorage (which are cheaper)
  • shop around for insurance
  • get gas at the gas station, not the marina
  • do your own maintenance as much as possible
  • find a friend with water access to avoid mooring
  • use it a lot (prevents stuff from breaking)
  • fix things that are broken immediately
  • keep your sails out of the sun
  • do your own upgrades
For example, convert your winches to self-tailing yourself. I was really surprised by how cheaply this can be done yourself. Read my article on how to do it here (opens in new tab).

How much does it cost to paint a boat hull? Painting a boat hull with antifouling paint will usually cost between $15 - $20 per feet. For example, a 25-foot sailboat will cost roughly $500. A 35-foot sailboat will cost $800 to repaint. You can get premium paints and services, which can quadruple the cost. Typically, a boat needs to be repainted every two years.

Why are used sailboats so cheap? Sailboats require a lot of skill and patience. They can be quite expensive to maintain and to keep in slip. Some people find they can't afford the marina rent, upkeep, and other costs; sometimes they simply don't want to; others don't want to sail anymore. In some cases, expensive and important parts are missing.

How much does it cost to charter a sailboat? The price of a charter depends on location, size of the vessel, crew or bareboat chartering, and so on. However, on average, a bareboat yacht charter will cost anywhere from $5,000 - $10,000 per week. Crewed charters cost anywhere between $10,000 - $15,000 per week. Superyachts may cost up to $150,000 per week.

Thanks to Jean-Pierre Bazard for letting me use his wrapped boat photo under CC BY-SA 3.0

Pinterest image for How Much Sailboats Cost On Average (380+ Prices Compared)

Excellent write up. This is honestly the type of information that’s hard to find as you’re trying to get into sailing. I’m a car guy. People think of car collecting like Jay Leno, but it can be done cheaply. I get the impression sailing is the same way.

Shawn Buckles

Hi Stephen, thanks a lot for your kind words, really appreciate it! It really is kind of the same, it’s all about how much time and effort you’re willing to put in. As with anything, lots can be achieved with energy and attention.

Thanks again.

Serious question. Why are you buying a trailer for a 40 ft yacht? That doesn’t even make sense.

Hi Christian, thanks for the remark. 40 ft boat trailers do actually exist, although I agree that most people probably won’t trailer a 40 ft yacht.

Thank a lot for the very useful information„ now you caused me to start thinking why don’t I start sailing lessons to do round the world in a sail boat ( instead of an aircraft)

Hello Hatem, you’re very welcome. Smooth sailing, or flying.

Hi, I am not familiar with boats. My boss just asked me to find a nice boat for him. Thank you for this informative post, this helps me so much. By the way, I already found a site selling yachts here in the Philippines, here’s the link Do you have any suggestion with brand and boat type. Thank you! More power!

Very good information, but I am having a hard time matching these number here in Southern California. Cheapest slip I found so for is $375/month, on a very run down and far from the ocean marina. At the harbor that I want, the cheapest I found is $800/month. Even if I was given a boat for free, just keeping it in place would cost me almost 10k/year

Excellent writeup, Shawn! Thank you very much for all your hard work and I look forward to reading your other articles on the subject.

Great info! We are in the market for our first sailboat and this answered many of our questions. Although I do agree with Rafael that slip prices in Southern California our much higher than what you listed. The marina we like will run about $1000 a month.

Thank you for your artical…a LOT of useful information included in it sir. I have been thinking about buying one for two years now, since I moved to a harbor town near where I grew up. We always had motor boats when I was young. But, I always loved sailing MUCH much more! I love the quiet of it, and always something to do, rather than just sit, drive, gas it up, dock, repeat. Laugh!! It’s about a ten min walk to the marina from here..and I have nothing but time. However my health is pretty bad. I just don’t know if I could handle it all alone. I’m thinking maybe a 25-30 foot cruiser. Thanks again sir!! I look forward to reading your other articles. Sincerely, Gary Heaton Olcott, Ny

Thanks a million! First time I come across an article that complete and with so much effort. For people thinking about buying a boat the info you provide is priceless.

John Callahan

Good information, but any article on prices should have a date associated with it. I see no indication of when this article was posted.

Thank you so much for this well done article. We’re looking at getting a boat and you’ve answered questions we didn’t even know we had.

Awesome article good job i am from Slovenia and thinking about buyng sailboat and sail for 6 monhs per year.I hawe bean looking on Holland sites too buy one can i maybe find auctions too buy a sailingboat i bawe wach Troswijk but they do t hawe any up ther?

Many of the costs quoted look very low to me, especially in the first article. Was this written a long time ago?

Excellent article. Am wondering though how do I dispose of a used boat if I get tired of it and can’t sell it or possibly run it aground. Maybe a 40 ft sloop?

Chris Kenny

Thanks for this infor.

Peace sailing.

Benjamin Sklar

Extremely helpful and interesting article! Thank you!

John Wallace

This is the most accurate information I have ever seen about boat ownership costs.

Many thanks!!!!

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Average Sailboat Price

Average Sailboat Price | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

June 15, 2022

Sailboat costs vary, but we can get a general idea by studying the market and using a few examples.

The average cost of a new cruising sailboat is about $250,000. Prices for new boats typically range from $100,000 to $500,000. The average price of a used cruising sailboat is between $10,000 and $100,000.

In this article, we'll break down the average prices of different sailboats by type, age, condition, and size. We'll also go over the factors that contribute to the price and how much you can expect to pay for different popular features.

We sourced the information used in this article from sailboat pricing guides and the manufacturers of new cruising vessels. We also performed our own analysis of the used sailboat market.

Table of contents

‍ Factors that Contribute to Sailboat Cost

There are a number of factors that contribute to the cost of a sailboat. They differ based primarily on the market they're sold in. For example, a used sailboat's condition will affect its price, but this detail is irrelevant to a new sailboat.

New Sailboat Pricing Factors

New sailboats can be very costly, and prices have gone up over the last few decades. Sailboats are no longer the common family accessory that they were at the height of the 1960s and 1970s fiberglass boat era. This means that fewer companies produce them.

Additionally, the equipment found in sailboats today is far more effective and technologically advanced than it once was. In the 1970s, a sailboat with ducted central heating and air conditioning was unthinkable, but it's standard on a lot of boats today because that's what consumers expect.

The primary factors that contribute to the cost of a new sailboat are size, material, standard equipment, and the level of fit-and-finish.

Size is the single biggest contributing factor. Let's use the popular 31-foot Catalina 315 as a benchmark. This is one of the smallest sailboats made by Catalina today, and it starts at $163,000. This boat is pretty basic, so we can safely say that it's on the low end of the new boat cost scale.

Now let's look at its big brother, the Catalina 355. This 35-foot sailboat has a similar level of fit-and-finish, so we can pretend it's just a stretched version of the Catalina 315. This vessel starts at around $231,000, which is significantly more expensive for an extra five feet in length.

Standard Equipment

An entry-level, base-model cruising sailboat has very little extra equipment, even today. These vessels can be optioned out with everything from powered winches and autopilot to radar and air conditioning. Let's pick a few options and compare pricing.

  • Air Conditioning: $1,859
  • Radar: $1,878
  • Power Winches: $1,485 each (assume 2 are installed, so $2,970)
  • Autopilot: $2,000
  • Bow Thruster: $2,165
  • Total: $10,872

As you can see, just a few popular additional options can add up to a significant cost increase. And we just used the cost of the equipment itself—not installation. This is compounded as size increases, as larger boats require larger machines to achieve the same effect (with the exception of radar in most cases).

Fit and Finish

Fit and finish are major contributors to sailboat pricing, especially with brand new boats. For example, substituting composite countertops for stone or marble can cost thousands. Plus, the use of finer woods, metals, and fixtures can easily double or triple the overall cost of furnishings.

Used Sailboat Pricing Factors

Factors that contribute to used sailboat costs are a bit less dramatic, but they're more difficult to predict. For example, the same boat with the same equipment may sell for 20% more if it's five years newer. The primary contributors to used sailboat costs are age, type, size, and condition.

Overall Condition

Condition is the biggest factor in used sailboat pricing, as it is a direct contributor to the cost of maintenance. How much work needs to be done before the vessel is clean, comfortable, and safe? This is why boats with damage can be a great deal if you're willing to do the work.

Older sailboats simply cost less—to a point. This rule doesn't apply to classic vessels, especially if they're in pristine condition. But virtually every fiberglass sailboat that's older than 20 or 30 years is going to be pretty affordable compared to late-model vessels.

Vessel Type

Cruising sailboats tend to cost more than light sport sailboats, especially as you go further back in age. This is because cruising sailboats are better equipped and more comfortable and thus more desirable to the market as a whole.

Average New Cruising Sailboat Cost

The average cost of a new cruising sailboat is about $250,000. This number is taken from analyzing new sailboat listings of various sizes, with the average being about 35 feet in overall length.

New cruising sailboats range in price from around $150,000 to well north of $500,000 for large and custom models. Aluminum sailboats cost significantly more than fiberglass models, and steel tends to fall somewhere in the middle.

The price of wooden boats is virtually impossible to ballpark until plans are examined, and materials are sourced. Plywood boats cost less than hardwood boats by a significant margin, as there's only a handful of people alive who are competent classical boatbuilders.

Used Cruising Sailboat Cost

Used cruising sailboats are significantly less expensive than new ones. On average, the price of a 20 to 30-year-old cruising sailboat in excellent, voyage-ready condition is between $30,000.

The price of used cruising sailboats ranges from $5,000 for older vessels and $150,000 for late-model cruisers. The cost occasionally soars past $200,000 for special models, especially high-tech luxury yachts.

Can You Finance a Sailboat?

Yes, it's entirely possible to get a loan for a new or used sailboat. It's usually easier to get a loan for a sailboat than a powerboat, and it's also much less expensive to insure. Sailboat loans can be more difficult to get and more costly than car or house loans, but good credit goes a long way.

The average interest rate on a sailboat loan ranges from 4% on the low end to 7% for riskier and smaller loans. New sailboat loans are different, as the amount of money involved usually lowers the interest rate.

Average Price to Build a Sailboat

The great thing about building a sailboat is that the only financial price you pay is the cost of materials. A sailboat can be constructed by a relatively unskilled individual today thanks to modern boatbuilding methods such as stitch-and-glue plywood construction.

The cost of materials varies widely between boats. A small wooden sailboat built from white oak can cost significantly more than a larger sailboat built of steel, and a fiberglass sailboat of any size is usually the cheapest option.

The highest costs, other than wood, are usually due to the price of marine epoxy. A one gallon can of good boat epoxy can easily cost $100 or more, and you'll need many gallons to complete the most modest boatbuilding projects.

Unless you're building a small open-cockpit sailboat, you can expect to pay in the tens of thousands for materials. These costs can eclipse $50,000, but it's still significantly cheaper than hiring a custom boatbuilder. That said, custom boatyards are the way to go for professional fit-and-finish.

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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Buying a Sailboat

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How Much Do Sailboats Cost 2024? The Average Prices

The cost of a sailboat can vary greatly depending on a number of features, so it’s hard to give a definitive answer without knowing requirements.

Although it’s common to think sailing’s for the rich , that isn’t always the case. In fact, you can pick up project boats for as little as $1! This is unusual though, so what can you expect to pay?

To give a rough idea, a small, basic sailboat can start at around $10,000, while high-end, luxury boats can easily exceed $1 million.

Additionally, the cost of owning and maintaining a sailboat should also be considered. This can include expenses for docking fees, insurance, repairs and upgrades, and essential sailing gear and equipment.

sport sailboat price

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When we bought our sailboat four years ago we had no idea if we would like living aboard or how long we would want to cruise for. We knew we wanted a boat under 40ft so we could manage it as a crew of two (or even one if needs be), but bigger than 35ft so we had enough room to live comfortably.

Because we had a very small budget we knew we wouldn’t be able to afford a sailboat that was fully fitted out and ready to go, so we had to factor in upgrades and maintenance that we would complete ourselves as and when we could afford to.

We bought our 38ft sailboat for under £30,000, which was one of the cheapest sailboats that was ‘ready to sail’ in the size and age range at the time. Just like houses, sailboats go and up and down in price based on demand, and in today’s market it is much harder to find a boat like this in that price range.

So now that you have a bit of context, let’s dive into the factors that affect the cost of a sailboat and some average prices below.

‍W hat Factors Affect The Cost Of A Sailboat?

sport sailboat price

Before buying a sailboat you will want to consider many different factors, such as what you want your sailboat for, where you intend to sail it and how many crew you are likely to have onboard.

You will want to look at the existing equipment onboard and make a list of extras you will need to fit in order to make it meet your requirements. These extra costs can quickly add up! You should also factor in any maintenance that needs to be done before you start sailing.

Let’s take a look at some of the main factors that impact the price of a sailboat.

New or Used

This is an obvious one. Used sailboats are a lot cheaper than brand new versions. Sailboats are similar to cars and lose their value over time, no matter how much work you put into them. The most common opinion is that new sailboats lose their value on a bell curve, and you will make the most of your investment if you sell a new boat within four years.

Buying a much older boat is cheaper initially, but may cost you ten fold in maintenance and upgrades if it hasn’t been looked after well by the previous owner. You should always use a well regarded surveyor before buying a sailboat to make sure you are paying a fair price.

Larger sailboats typically cost more than smaller ones. You can buy a small used sailing dinghy for around £1000, which will be suitable for hobby sailing for a few hours on lakes or close to shore in calm weather. This is a great option if you’re keen to learn to sail on a small budget.

Here are a few price comparisons on new boats of different sizes.

Average Prices Of 22ft yachts

  • Catalina 22 Sport:  $27,000 + VAT
  • Marlow Hunter 22:  $30,000 + VAT
  • Marblehead 22:  $84,000 + VAT

Average prices of 40ft – 45ft yachts

  • Lagoon 40:  $400,000 + VAT
  • Hanse 418:  $200,000 + VAT
  • Ovni 445:  $600,000 + VAT

Monohull or Multihull

sport sailboat price

With two engines, two hulls and a lot more space multihulls fetch a premium. In recent years they have become more popular than ever, and therefore they are a lot more expensive both new and used than monohulls. They are also more expensive to upkeep and more expensive to run.

Well-known, high-end brands often come with a higher price tag. As you can see from the chart above, even sailboats of the same or very similar size can vary hugely in price. This is partly down to the reputation of the brand and boat manufacturer. If the boat has the reputation of being of excellent build quality then it will undoubtedly demand a higher price tag!

Additional amenities and technology can increase the cost. If you’re buying a new boat then it will likely come with all the essentials like depth souder and wind gauge (or this may be something you will need to add on as an extra). Used boats will come with whatever they come with, which may mean outdated or broken equipment, or none at all.

When we bought our used boat we drew up a spreadsheet of all the equipment we considered essential and we added missing equipment onto the cost of the sailboat, so that we knew how much extra we would have to spend after purchase.

Some things, like our sailboat watermaker , might not be essential to others but have changed our lives aboard.

Even things like our lithium marine batteries would now be on our ‘essentials’ list, as they are so power and cost effective compared to the alternatives.

⚡ We use BattleBorn batteries and recommend them highly. You can check them out here. ⚡

A used sailboat may be less expensive, but will almost certainly require more maintenance and upkeep. You can tackle a lot of boat maintenance yourself with the help of YouTube sailing channels and a decent sailboat toolkit , and this will keep costs down considerably.

‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍Overall, it is important to carefully consider all factors and do thorough research before making a purchase decision for a sailboat

The Average Cost Of A New Cruising Sailboat

sport sailboat price

We’ve classed a cruising boat as one you could live on comfortably as a couple, so ranging from around 38ft to 50ft.

On average, a new cruising sailboat can cost anywhere from $100,000 to over $1 million . Some popular brands, such as Beneteau and Jeanneau, offer models in the $200,000 to $400,000 range.

Luxury cruising sailboats from well-known brands like Hanse or any catamarans can easily exceed $500,000.

Of course, the cost will also depend on the size and features of the boat. A smaller, basic cruising sailboat may be closer to $100,000 while larger boats with more amenities can easily surpass the million-dollar mark.

Keep in mind that these prices do not include additional expenses for maintenance and upkeep.‍‍

Here are some examples:

  • Beneteau Oceanis 40.1 : $300,000 + VAT
  • Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 410 : $400,000
  • Amel 50:  $1,100,000 + VAT
  • Hallberg Rassy 57:  £1,400,000  VAT

Used Cruising Sailboat Prices

sport sailboat price

The cost of a used cruising sailboat will depend on factors such as age, condition, and previous ownership.

A well-maintained, newer model used sailing boat can range from $50,000 to over $200,000. Older boats or those in need of repairs may be less expensive, but require more investment in upkeep and maintenance. You could pick up a used 38ft sailboat for around $40,000, though it will likely need some attention before it is ready to sail.

It is important to thoroughly inspect a used sailboat before purchasing and factor in potential repair costs. As with buying a new boat, the cost of owning and maintaining a used sailboat should also be considered. ‍‍‍‍‍‍ ‍‍

Overall, the price of a used cruising sailboat can vary greatly and it is hard to give an average price, but expect to pay around $50,000 to $100,000 and then extra for maintenance.

  • Tayana 37:  $30,000-90,000
  • Moody 44:  €60,000-100,000
  • Lagoon 380:  $150,000-350,000
  • Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 42:  $130,000-200,000
  • Ovni 445:  $300,000-500,000
  • Hans Christian 48:  $120,000-180,000

How Much Does A Small Sailboat Cost?

Small sailboats, also known as dinghies or day sailors, can range from around $10,000 to $50,000. This cost will depend on factors such as size, brand, and features.

Used small sailboats may be less expensive, but it is important to carefully consider the condition and potential repairs that may be needed. A well-maintained, newer model used dinghy or day sailor can range from $5,000 to $20,000. Again, small catamarans tend to be more expensive than monohulls.

In addition to the initial purchase cost, owning a small sailboat also includes expenses for storage, maintenance, and necessary gear and equipment.

  • Hobie 16:  $11,000 + VAT
  • Catalina 22 Sport:  $28,000 + VAT
  • Catalina 22:  $3,000-22,000
  • Cape Dory 25:  $2,000-10,000
  • Catalina 27:  $4,000-15,000
  • Bristol 27:  $3,000-10,000

How Do People Finance Sailboats?

sport sailboat price

Sailboats can be a major financial investment, and many people choose to finance their purchase through a loan from a bank or other lending institution. It is important to carefully consider the terms of the loan and make sure that monthly payments fit into one’s budget.

Some boat dealers may offer financing options or payment plans. However, it is important to thoroughly research these options and compare them with outside lenders before making a decision.

In some cases, people may also use savings or sell assets in order to pay for a sailboat.

In addition to the initial cost of purchasing a sailboat, it is important to also factor in expenses for maintenance, storage, insurance, and necessary gear and equipment. Owning a sailboat can be a rewarding experience, but it is important to carefully plan for all associated costs before making a financial commitment. ‍‍‍‍‍‍

You can find out the cost of owning a sailboat before you decide to buy, and don’t forget it is possible to make money living on a sailboat to keep the kitty topped up. ‍‍

Overall, the cost of owning a sailboat varies greatly and depends on personal preferences and budget. It is important to thoroughly research all financing options and consider the ongoing expenses before committing to a purchase.

How Much Does It Cost To Build A Sailboat?

sport sailboat price

The cost of building a sailboat can vary greatly depending on the size and complexity of the boat. Hiring a professional to build a custom sailboat can range from $50,000 to over $200,000.

Alternatively, some people may choose to build their own sailboat with materials and tools. This option can be less expensive, but also requires considerable time and effort. The cost of building a sailboat oneself will also depend on the materials used and any necessary equipment or hired help.

Overall, the cost of building a sailboat is quite personal based on budget, sailing needs, and willingness to DIY or hire professionals. Remember that if you choose to build the boat yourself you will need a covered space big enough to do so, and a way to transport it to water when you’re finished. All these costs can add up considerably!

Where Is The Cheapest Place To Buy A Sailboat?

sport sailboat price

Prices can vary by region and market demand. When we were first looking for a sailboat we realised they were a lot cheaper in the US. The only problem with buying there was that we wouldn’t have been able to get a visa long enough to give us time to work on the boat before leaving the country.

Another top tip is to look for sailboats in places that are ‘jump off points’. For example, many people will cross the Atlantic and sell after achieving their dream of crossing an ocean, or reach the beginning of a daunting ocean crossing like Panama to cross the Pacific, and realise it’s something they don’t have an appetite for. There are also cheaper boats in more remote, harder to get to places.

Some people may choose to purchase their sailboat in a different country or region in order to find a lower price, but it is important to factor in any necessary transportation and import fees.

Keep an eye on prices of boats around the world to get a good idea of where you can snap up the best bargain.

Conclusion: How Much Do Sailboats Cost?

sport sailboat price

All in all, the cost of a sailboat can vary greatly depending on factors such as size, age, and whether it is purchased or built. It is important to thoroughly consider all financing options and ongoing expenses before making a commitment to purchase or build a sailboat.

Find out how much new sails cost as an example of something you might have to budget for when purchasing a new sailboat.

Ultimately, owning a sailboat can be a rewarding experience but careful planning is necessary for successful budgeting and enjoyment. ‍‍‍‍‍‍If you’re looking for more sailing or liveaboard tips then follow us on social media to stay up to date with our latest articles.

Happy sailing!

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Flagship of the new FIRST line, the First 27 is unquestionably  the fastest and safest cruiser  in this size range. Her  modern  and state-of-the-art design brings the magic of planing sailing to families, couples, and solo sailors alike, wherever the cruising ground and whatever the weather conditions. A true pocket yacht, she has an inboard Yanmar diesel, a working galley, a real head and plenty of storage, as well as room for up to six crew members for  overnight adventures . 

NAVAL ARCHITECT : Samuel Manuard INTERIOR DESIGN : Sito Concept & R&D : Seascape

Best Pocket Sailor / Day Sailor 2022

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A light vacuum-infused hull, a modern design and a deep low-center-of-gravity keel make the First 27 significantly faster, delivering stable and safe planing sailing to anyone who sails her.

Very high stability due to an unsinkable hull combined with three unsinkable chambers, a crash-box, an inboard engine, and balanced twin rudders for complete control make safety one of her strongest points. 


Carefully thought-out cockpit ergonomics, minimized and simplified deck controls, double winches, and a perfectly balanced steering system assure easy handling in single-handed, double-handed or fully-crewed setups.

A reliable 15 HP inboard engine coupled with simple linear shaft drive and foldable propeller guarantees high cruising speeds, ease of use and low maintenance.  

Even with a fixed keel, the First 27 is a fully trailerable boat offering you a new level of freedom. You can easily discover distant shores without long sea deliveries, save on marina costs, and store your boat in your backyard during the off season.


The main promise of the First 27 is her performance and unique sailing experience. Again and again, she will surprise you by getting to plane with as little as 12 knots of wind. Her stability comes from her wide, flat hull on the waterline and a lead T-bulb keel, and her easy handling comes from her carefully thought-out design and cockpit ergonomics. Increased bow volume, accompanied by a balanced twin-rudder steering system, keeps you in complete control, whether you are sailing upwind or safely planing downwind. The excitement of her lively planing and easy handling will become your afternoon sailing routine on the First 27!

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On top of matching the speeds of most racing boats, she also offers a surprising level of comfort. The clean and minimalistic light-weight interior offers all essential amenities for onboard living. She is designed to sleep up to 6 adults, 2 in the bow cabin and up to 4 in a very bright and openly-spaced salon, and is also equipped with a removable table and fridge. At the midpoint, you'll find a galley with a gas burner and a sink with fresh water. Thanks to innovative, foldable magnetic doors, the midpoint can also be converted into a proper marine toilet with a black water tank or used as a front cabin extension. A large and open cockpit welcomes you with comfortable benches, a removable indoor/outdoor table and a swim ladder with a shower on the stern. 

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Equipped with seanapps.

The easiest way to keep your boat safe and ready to cruise anytime.

The new Seanapps  app is the ultimate solution to help you indulge your passion for boating. With the touch of your finger, you can easily connect, monitor and order services for your boat – from routine maintenance, to requesting a wash or fuel or having us complete a repair.


The information below is intended for general informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice and does not constitute a contractual agreement. Any descriptions, representations, or statements made in this document are not to be considered binding unless explicitly stated otherwise in a formal contractual agreement.

Length Overall

Beam overall

Light displacement

3902,18 lbs

Air Draft Max

Max. engine power

Cabin Number

Yanmar inboard

CE Certification

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SV Lenny takes a spot on the 2023 Transpac podium!

After 11 days at sea, the SV Lenny and her crew placed second in their class. The crew gave their feedback on the boat pre and post race.

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2023 Transpac - Meet the Crew of SV Lenny

In June 2023, a few days before SV Lenny started the 2023 Transpac, we spoke to the crew about the race, the boat and their connection to the legendary BENETEAU First boats. 

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New First 44 “Lenny” will race in the 2023 Transpac

Two legendary races, one Ocean, a new boat from a long successful line of great boats, and a remarkable crew who have sailed on major boat races around the world … BENETEAU’s First 44 is starting a Pacific adventure like no other before.

Customer Care

Buying a BENETEAU doesn’t have to be a daunting task. We have teams of experts to guide you through the entire process – everything from sea trials, financing, and customization to after-sale commissioning, service, and maintenance. We are proud to have one of the largest, most highly-regarded dealer networks in the world. We’re ready to provide you with the assistance and expertise needed to launch you and your BENETEAU on a lifetime of happy, rewarding, and memorable voyages.

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10.97 m / 36'0"

3.8 m / 12'6''

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14.65 m / 48’1’’

4.25 m / 13'11''

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17.12 m / 56’2’’

5 m / 16’5’’

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2024 Boat of the Year: HH44

  • By Dave Reed
  • December 18, 2023

HH44 testing

On a cool late-October morning in Annapolis, Maryland, Sailing World ’s Boat of the Year judges stepped on board the gleaming red HH44 built by the Hudson Yacht Group in China. With them for the test sail was HH Catamarans president Seth Hynes and commissioning skipper Chris Bailet, who had tuned the rig and bent on the boat’s Dacron delivery sails. (The race sails were delayed in shipping.) It was their first time sailing the boat too, and like the judges, they were eager to see what it could do.

As the crew slipped dock lines and motored away in silence, the boat’s twin 10-kilowatt electric engines propelled the sleek catamaran through the mooring field in silence. If not for the sound of water gurgling from the transoms and the apparent wind blowing across the foredeck, the judges could barely tell they were underway.

The mainsail was then carefully hoisted inside the lazy jacks, and the halyard held firm with an innovative Karver KJ cone (a conical rope-holding device that acts like a restricter). They bore away and unfurled the non-overlapping jib, which snapped full, and the boat immediately accelerated. 

“Once we got going, it was 5, 6, 7 knots and then—boom—we’re right up to 10,” Stewart says. And with that they were laying tracks all over the Chesapeake Bay, making good pace on all points of sail, even without a reaching sail to deploy. (That too was stuck in transit.)

HH44 salon

After two hours of straight-­lining, tacking, jibing, and enjoying the comforts of the interior in a 10- to 15-knot southerly and sharp Chesapeake chop, I extracted the judges from the boat and asked, “So?”

“Boat of the Year,” was veteran Boat of the Year judge Chuck Allen’s immediate response. “That thing is wicked.”

Greg Stewart and Mike Ingham confirmed with nods of approval and big grins. There was no need to debate any further: The HH44 had earned the first award of what will be more to come. This $2 million crossover catamaran is the performance sailor’s retirement race boat. [Editor’s note: The judges’ estimated price was based on an expected racing inventory and associated hardware, but according to HH Catamarans, the new 2024 pricing is as follows: The HH44-OC will start at $995K and is approximately $1.3m fully optioned with EcoDrive and sails). The HH44-SC will start at $1.45m and be approximately $1.6 million fully optioned with EcoDrive and sails.]

HH44 helm

With a stated 37 of these 44-footers on order as of late October and a waiting list of three-plus years, HH44s will someday be scattered about in cruising grounds around the world, says Hynes. But it’s only a matter of time—and it will be sooner than later—before owners gather and give the racing thing a go.  

Aft lounge

The HH44 is the smallest of the builder’s new lineage of hybrid-powered performance catamarans (there is a 52-footer in the works), so it is positioned as an entry point into big-cat sailing. This model does not require a professional captain or crew because simplicity and owner-operator considerations are prevalent throughout the boat, which is designed by young naval architect James Hakes, son of Paul Hakes, one of the company founders. Chinese entrepreneur Hudson Wang is the other “H” of HH Catamarans.

“It had a great groove upwind. The self-tacking jib was really easy to deal with, and for the mainsail it was just a few feet of ease on the mainsheet, adjust the powered traveler up to center, trim on and go.”

“James brought the hybrid idea with him, and Hudson was willing to take a risk and look at doing something kind of game-changing in the industry with our parallel-­hybrid approach,” Hynes says. Morrelli & Melvin was intimately involved in every performance aspect of the boat, from the appendages to the final hull profile.

“It’s a diesel engine with a shaft drive, and then independent of that is an electric motor with a belt to the shaft, so they’re really independent of each other,” Hynes explains.  

HH44 Sport Cruiser rear

HH isn’t the first or only builder to use the system from Hybrid Marine, but Hake’s approach to the boat overall is inextricably linked to maximizing solar coverage, which means a clean roof and placing the helm stations down in the cockpit. To address the known challenges of cockpit steering in such catamarans, the steering wheels pivot inboard and outboard to allow for better forward visibility and communication with anyone on the foredeck dealing with sails, anchors or dock lines.

Placing the steering stations in the cockpit eliminates the tiered wedding-cake look of most big catamarans these days. More importantly, doing so allows them to lower the sail plan. “That allows for more sail area and less stress on the standing rigging,” Stewart says. “Plus, it looks so much better.”

There are 4,432 watts worth of solar panels piled onto the coach roof, which Hynes says has plenty of juice to get by off the grid, even in low-light conditions. “At full battery capacity, you can run the boat at full throttle using the two 10-kilowatt electric motors and get 7 knots of boatspeed for approximately two hours,” he says. “In light air, you can even keep your leeward electric motor running to build yourself some apparent wind. That’s what’s great about this system: You can sail quietly when no one else can sail at all.”

HH44 daggerboards

The port helm station is where a lot of the boathandling happens; there are powered halyard winches and a meticulous array of labeled jammers. Tails disappear into a deep trough forward of the pedestal. The wheels are sized just right, Stewart says. “Initially, I was steering from the weather wheel and I could see fine, and when I went to the leeward wheel, I could easily see the telltales. It had a great feel to the helm—light and responsive with no slop or tightness.”

In Allen’s sailing assessment of the HH44: “It had a great groove upwind. The self-tacking jib was really easy to deal with, and for the mainsail it was just a few feet of ease on the mainsheet, adjust the powered traveler up to center, trim on and go. There is some choreography to learn with the steering wheel, though. You have to move the wheel inboard to get better access to the sail and daggerboard controls during the tack. But once you’re done, you pop the wheel right back out to the outboard position. We didn’t have a screecher to really light it up downwind, but even with the Dacron jib and main, the boat took off. I was really impressed.”

sport sailboat price

One wish for Stewart would be a sliver of a coach roof window for quick sail-trim checks, but he understood the priority of using every inch of solar-panel coverage.

Not having a sail-trim window wasn’t an issue for Ingham, however. “Most of the time, you’ll trim it to your best guess, take a step outboard and up the stairs right next to the wheel, and check yourself on the trim. It’s all push buttons anyway, so you’re not having to reload a winch or anything like that every time you make an adjustment.”

Even as the morning’s fresh breeze abated, the boat continued to perform beyond expectations, Stewart says. “As we got down to 5 knots of wind, the boat was still quick through the tacks. We didn’t have to back the jib at all, and it sailed at good angles upwind. I was impressed with how well it tacked, and how well it tracked with only one daggerboard down.”

sport sailboat price

Stewart, a naval architect himself, also appreciated the boat’s modern styling and “sexy-looking profile,” especially the uncluttered interior. “It’s a nice departure from other similar-­size catamarans,” he says. “I like the styling—it caught my eye the very first time I saw the rendering. The transom angle and the reverse bow give it nice aesthetics and the buoyancy you need. The curved boards worked well and are integrated nicely on with the boat. Overall, it’s a great-looking package, and it would be a lot of fun to do some races on.”

“We will definitely end up racing in the Caribbean and doing some fun events for owners,” Bailet says. “The cool thing about this boat is you can take a smaller crew of friends and race competitively, and it isn’t going to cost you $50,000 in paid crew and housing. You can race this boat with three or four people, no problem. Doublehandling is pretty easy too, but if you really wanted to go banging around the buoys, with this boat it would be easy.”

  • More: 2024 Boat of the Year , HH Catamarans , Print January 2024 , Sailboats
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Catalina 22 Sport

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In response to Catalina 22 owners’ requests for a production boat that more accurately reflects the original dimensions and weight of this popular one design boat, Catalina Yachts is now building the Catalina 22 Sport.

Catalina Yachts aims to encourage more family racing with the thousands of first generation 22s by offering an alternative to finding an older boat, and restoring it just to be competitive in the dozens of established Catalina 22 fleets.

Like the first Catalina 22, the 22 Sport is easy to trailer, and a great boat to step up from dinghy sailing to a pocket cruiser/race, offering the quality and value Catalina owners have come to expect since 1970.


Length Overall (including rudder): 23′ 10″

Length of Hull: 21′ 6″

Length at Waterline: 19’ 4″

Beam: 7′ 8″

Distance from Waterline to Masthead: 28′ 6″

Draft Keel Down: 5′ 0″

Draft Keel Up: 1′ 8″

Ballast: 500 lbs

Basic Weight: 2,250 lbs


Total with 100% Foretriangle: 206ft 2


Recommended: 4-10 HP Outboard

Optional: Primary Lewmar #15, Self Tailing

Optional Cabin Top: #7Optional: Lewmar Evo #7 NST

Cabin Top: Lewmar Evo #7 NST

Battery Qty – 1 Group 24


Fuel (Optional Portable):  6 gal

Holding / Black Water: Portable Head

All specifications are approximate and subject to change without notice.

Actual equipment also subject to change without notice.



  • Hull of Hand-laid Fiberglass with Hull Liner bonded to the Hull
  • One Piece Fiberglass Deck with Molded-In Non-Skid Surfaces and Fiberglass Deck Liner
  • Lead Ballast Fiberglass Retractable Keel
  • Five Year Gel Coat Blister Protection * ( 2 )
  • Five Year Hull Structure Warranty * ( 3 )


  • Complete Standing and Running Rigging
  • Anodized Aluminum Mast and Boom
  • Low Stretch Halyards
  • Internal Halyards


  • Stern Rail Mounted Traveler with Controls
  • Boom Vang, Adjustable
  • Winch Handle
  • Genoa Tracks and Blocks on Adjustable Cars
  • ( 2 ) Primary Winches
  • Pre-stretched Dacron Sheets & Running Rigging


  • Comfortable Cockpit with Contoured Coamings
  • Cockpit Seat Locker
  • Fuel Storage Locker
  • Mooring Cleats, Fore and Aft
  • Waterline Stripe, Midwatch Blue
  • Midwatch Blue and Silver Sheer Stripes
  • Stainless Steel Bow Pulpit
  • Stainless Steel Stern Pulpit
  • Manual Bilge Pump with Thru Deck Handle
  • Opening Forward Hatch
  • Large Self Bailing Cockpit
  • Molded In Non-Skid Surfaces
  • Fiberglass Composite Fixed Rudder w/ Varnished Wood Tiller
  • Fiberglass Hull, White
  • Trailer Bow Eye
  • Heavy Duty Rub Rail
  • Stainless Steel Mast Step
  • Adjustable Outboard Motor Bracket
  • Stainless Steel Hand Rails on Cabin Top
  • Outboard Bracket
  • Teak Interior Trim
  • Storage Lockers under Berths
  • Overhead Lighting
  • Molded Headliner, Low Glare Texture
  • Fiberglass Hull Liner
  • White Vinyl Interior Cushions with Blue Piping
  • Large Removable Ice Chest


  • 12 Volt Electrical System with Control Panel
  • Battery, 12 Volt
  • 12 Volt Lighting Throughout
  • Navigation Lights to International Rules
  • Cabin Lights
  • Steaming on Mast


  • Kick-Up Rudder
  • Mast Carrier Front and Rear of Boat
  • Stern Boarding Ladder
  • Stanchions and Lifelines with Pelican Hooks
  • Canvas Package ( Captains Navy ) Mainsail Cover, Tiller Cover, ( 2 ) Winch Covers
  • Self-Tailing Winches
  • Headsail Furling Gear
  • Whisker Pole
  • Mainsail w/Battens
  • 135% Genoa with Sheets
  • 135% Furling Genoa with UV Panels and Sheets
  • 150% Genoa with Sheets
  • 150% Furling Genoa with UV Panels and Sheets
  • Cockpit Cushions, White Vinyl with Blue Piping
  • Self Contained Head with Privacy Curtain
  • Galvanized Trailer for Retractable Keel, Tongue Extension, Surge Disc Brakes, Tongue Jack
  • Interior Fabric Cushion Upgrade


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7200 Bryan Dairy Rd

Largo, FL. 33777

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Ventura Sport Boats

Pocket Cruising Sailboats

A Modern Classic

The Malbec 18 is a modern classic pocket cruiser– a fast, fun cabin sailboat for the whole family. This lightweight, fully beachable craft is easy to trailer and a delight to camp aboard, with a cockpit that seats six adults and a cabin that sleeps four. Performance features have been infused throughout, earning the Malbec 18 a nomination as a SAIL magazine Best Boat for 2018, and a Winners Circle Award for Best Pocket Cruiser in Cruising World’s 2018 Best Boats of the Year. The boat has twice been featured on CBS’ “The Price is Right.”

Just as importantly, the Malbec 18 is priced for new sailors, as well as experienced sailors looking to “right size” their sailing lifestyle!

Click here for more info on the Malbec 18

See the Malbec 18 in Action

Rave Reviews for the Malbec 18

“You could really have a blast sailing it …an intriguing little boat that’s priced for newbie sailors…” –Ed Sherman, Cruising World, Dec. 2017

“We love the way the Malbec 18’s chines, springy sheer and carefully modeled cabintrunk all work together…[it would make] a nifty little club racer”—SAIL Magazine, announcing Best Boats Nominees for 2018

“Charming…fun and responsive” —Cruising World new boat round up, Aug 2017

“A pocket cruiser by definition, but with performance features infused throughout the design …a modern deck plan and a large cockpit that offers space to relax as well as reach all the sail controls. The lead-filled swing centerboard is controlled from the cockpit, making it easy for one person to handle….Can accommodate six people out for a relaxing afternoon, four people racing, or a couple look to spend a weekend gunkholing…responsive and quick.”—SAIL Magazine boat review, Sept 2017.

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Read the full reviews and more press!

The Malbec 18 has twice been featured as a prize on CBS’ “The Price is Right”!

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Quick Look at the Malbec 18

  • Lightweight, beachable cruiser with sleeping accommodations for a family of four
  • LOA: 18’, Waterline: 16,’ Beam: 7’2”, Draft: 10” to 3’6”, Mast height: 26’
  • Modern classic design features hard chines, aquadynamic, semi-planing hull shape
  • High stability ratio and positive flotation for safety
  • Ballasted swing centerboard with cockpit controls
  • Simple one person mast-raising system
  • Adjustable backstay for performance sailing
  • Spacious six-foot cockpit seats six adults
  • Open and airy cabin with V-berth for two and two quarter berths
  • Ample storage below

Learn more!

jeff brown yachts axopar

jeff brown yachts axopar

635th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment

635-й зенитно-ракетный полк

Military Unit: 86646

Activated 1953 in Stepanshchino, Moscow Oblast - initially as the 1945th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment for Special Use and from 1955 as the 635th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment for Special Use.

1953 to 1984 equipped with 60 S-25 (SA-1) launchers:

  • Launch area: 55 15 43N, 38 32 13E (US designation: Moscow SAM site E14-1)
  • Support area: 55 16 50N, 38 32 28E
  • Guidance area: 55 16 31N, 38 30 38E

1984 converted to the S-300PT (SA-10) with three independent battalions:

  • 1st independent Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalion (Bessonovo, Moscow Oblast) - 55 09 34N, 38 22 26E
  • 2nd independent Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalion and HQ (Stepanshchino, Moscow Oblast) - 55 15 31N, 38 32 23E
  • 3rd independent Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalion (Shcherbovo, Moscow Oblast) - 55 22 32N, 38 43 33E

Disbanded 1.5.98.


  • 1st Special Air Defence Corps , 1953 - 1.6.88
  • 86th Air Defence Division , 1.6.88 - 1.10.94
  • 86th Air Defence Brigade , 1.10.94 - 1.10.95
  • 86th Air Defence Division , 1.10.95 - 1.5.98


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