• Our Sailing Schools:
  • Fort Lauderdale
  • Virgin Islands
  • Newport, RI

Blue Water Sailing School

Blue Water Sailing School Courses

Blue Water students study together around a table

Blue Water Sailing School follows internationally accepted standards of the American Sailing Association ( ASA ). We offer basic, intermediate and advanced courses in sailing and navigation. Our week-long, live-aboard cruising course format provides the most immersive environment possible and a more thorough experience than being on the boat just a few hours a day. Sure, we have textbooks and required reading, but that’s to prepare you for “hands on” instruction and practice.

We not only teach sailing techniques, we prepare you for a sailor’s way of life.

Courses for All Experience Levels

All of our courses are summarized below. You can check availability and dates, inquire about a particular class, or even apply online by clicking the Enroll Now button. For full details about the ASA curriculum, see the ASA Course Summaries . Information about class times, procedures, policies, and equipment can be found in our FAQ and Travel Planning sections.

Course A: Bareboat Monohull Skipper

Our most popular course - learn to sail on a live-aboard cruise and become certified for bareboat chartering and big boat sailing. This course combines the Basic Sailing ( ASA 101), Basic Coastal Cruising ( ASA 103), and Bareboat Chartering ( ASA 104) levels of the ASA curriculum. No prior experience or certification is necessary for this course. If you’re completely new to sailing, however, it’s very important to study and prepare before the first day of class. You’ll receive course material in advance to help you do this.

Check Pricing and Availability

Fort Lauderdale Newport, RI U.S. Virgin Islands

Course A+ Cat: Bareboat Catamaran Skipper

Learn how to sail and Bareboat Charter a cruising catamaran. A 7 day, 6 night live-aboard cruise entirely on a cruising catamaran. Includes everything from Course A: Bareboat Skipper (above), with additional catamaran training that meets the ASA Cruising Catamaran (ASA 114) certification standard.

For more details, see Catamaran Sailing .

Fort Lauderdale Bahamas U.S. Virgin Islands

Course N: Coastal Navigation

In conjunction with the Starpath School of Navigation, a home study program for Coastal Navigation - ASA 105. Cost includes textbooks, ebooks, additional study materials, software & online support, testing and certification fees. This course, or previous certification in ASA 105: (Coastal Navigation), is required for the Advanced Coastal Cruising (ASA 106) certification.

For more information and to register: Click here

Course C: Advanced Coastal Skipper

In this class for experienced coastal sailors you’ll learn advanced seamanship skills, maintenance, and troubleshooting of boat systems. Leaving from our Fort Lauderdale base, this course includes a Gulf Steam crossing to Bimini, Bahamas. After a few days cruising the Bimini Islands, you’ll make a return crossing of the Gulf Stream to Fort Lauderdale.

This course covers the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve the Advanced Coastal Cruising (ASA 106) certification, with practical application of the Coastal Navigation (ASA 105) material.

Requires previous certification in ASA 101, 103, and 104. These are earned as part of Course A+ - Bareboat Skipper (above). Also requires previous certification in ASA 105 - Coastal Navigation, or concurrent registration in Course N (above).

Fort Lauderdale U.S. Virgin Islands

Course C+ Cat: Advanced Catamaran Skipper

A class for experienced coastal sailors, in which you’ll apply the navigation theory of Coastal Navigation (ASA 105) on a passage to the Bahamas and back. Learn and practice advanced seamanship skills, onboard maintenance, and troubleshooting of boat systems.

This course covers the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve the Advanced Coastal Cruising (ASA 106) certification, with practical application of the Coastal Navigation (ASA 105) material. It also includes coursework and certification for ASA 114, Cruising Catamaran.

Students must have prior certification in ASA 101, 103, and 104 (earned in Course A - Bareboat Chartering, above). Also requires previous certification in ASA 105 - Coastal Navigation, or concurrent registration in Course N (above).

Fort Lauderdale U.S. Virgin Islands and Caribbean

Course D: Celestial Navigation

In conjunction with the Starpath School of Navigation, a home study program for Celestial Navigation - ASA 107. Cost includes textbooks, ebooks, additional study materials, software & online support, testing and certification fees. This course, or previous certification in ASA 107: Celestial Navigation, is required for the Offshore Passagemaking: ASA 108 certification.

Course O: Offshore Passagemaking

The ultimate in sailing education and the highest level of ASA certification. Upon successfully completing this course you’ll be able to act as captain or crew on sailing yachts up to 50 feet, anywhere in the world, in any condition. An unforgettable experience of open ocean and faraway islands. Requires all previous ASA certifications, except Cruising Catamaran (ASA 114).

Learn more about the Offshore Passagemaking course .

Your next step will be to sail around the world on your own boat…

We actually went somewhere (Key Largo), rather than returning to the dock each evening. The course was made to be an adventure, as well as simply instructional. The weather was “made to order” — sun and gentle breeze Saturday through Wednesday, then Force 8 for our ‘foul weather instruction’ on Thursday.

I thought it was an excellent, challenging course. It definitely wasn’t a “cruise.” The instructor expected a lot from the students. I like that.

I have nothing but the utmost praise for your entire operation and the quality of the instruction that I received. Al Hatch is a consummate instructor and brings to this activity a love and a passion that is genuine and expansive. I hope to be able to return to Blue Water to experience some of the higher-level courses of instruction, and I certainly would have no trouble at all recommending your company to anyone.

Sail Away Blog

Learn How to Sail a Catamaran: Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Catamaran Sailing

Alex Morgan

learn to sail a catamaran near me

Sailing a catamaran offers a unique and thrilling experience on the water. Whether you are a seasoned sailor or a beginner, understanding the essentials of catamaran sailing is vital to have a safe and enjoyable journey. In this guide, we will explore the different aspects of sailing a catamaran, from its advantages to the essential equipment, basic sailing techniques, advanced maneuvers, and navigation and safety tips. Let’s dive in and discover how to sail a catamaran like a pro.

Introduction to Catamarans: Catamarans are multi-hulled vessels that have gained popularity in the sailing world for their unique design and capabilities. Unlike traditional single-hulled sailboats, catamarans feature two parallel hulls connected by a deck, offering stability and spaciousness. The design of a catamaran allows for enhanced performance, comfort, and versatility.

Why Choose a Catamaran for Sailing? Before delving into the specifics of sailing a catamaran, it is important to understand the advantages that these vessels offer:

1. Stability on the Water: Catamarans are known for their exceptional stability, which is attributed to their wide and buoyant hulls. This stability makes them less prone to heeling or tipping over, providing a smoother sailing experience.

2. Spaciousness and Comfort: With their wide beam, catamarans offer ample space and room for movement both above and below deck. The spacious interiors often feature multiple cabins, a large saloon, and a well-equipped galley, providing comfort and convenience during extended trips.

3. Shallow Draft: Catamarans have a shallow draft, meaning they require less depth of water to operate. This allows them to explore shallower areas and navigate closer to shorelines, expanding the cruising grounds and opening up new destinations.

4. Speed and Performance: Due to their design and reduced drag, catamarans are renowned for their speed and performance. They have the ability to reach higher speeds, making them perfect for those seeking an exhilarating sailing experience.

By understanding the advantages of sailing a catamaran, you can appreciate why these vessels are a popular choice amongst sailors. In the following sections, we will delve into the essential equipment needed for catamaran sailing, basic and advanced sailing techniques, as well as navigation and safety tips to ensure a successful and enjoyable catamaran sailing experience.

Key takeaway:

  • Stability on the water: Catamarans offer excellent stability, making them a preferred choice for sailing. The two hulls provide a wider base, reducing the risk of capsizing and providing a smooth sailing experience.
  • Spaciousness and comfort: Catamarans offer more living space compared to monohulls, providing comfort for passengers and crew. The wide beam allows for spacious cabins, lounging areas, and enhanced privacy.
  • Speed and performance: Catamarans are known for their speed and performance. With two hulls and reduced drag, catamarans can achieve higher speeds and offer thrilling sailing experiences to enthusiasts.

Why Choose a Catamaran for Sailing?

When it comes to sailing, why should you choose a catamaran? Well, for starters, they offer unparalleled stability on the water. Not to mention, their spaciousness and comfort make for an enjoyable and relaxing sailing experience. Catamarans have a shallow draft , allowing you to explore shallower waters that other boats may not be able to reach. And let’s not forget about their impressive speed and performance . So, if you’re looking for a thrilling and comfortable sailing adventure, a catamaran is the way to go!

Stability on the Water

Stability on the Water is crucial when sailing a catamaran. Catamarans have twin hulls that create a wide and stable platform, distributing weight evenly and reducing the risk of capsizing. The catamaran’s wide beam also enhances stability, resisting tipping.

Catamarans offer increased comfort and safety on the water. Passengers can move freely without losing balance or feeling seasick. The stable platform also allows for activities like sunbathing or dining, making for a pleasant experience.

Catamarans have better handling and maneuverability , thanks to their stability. They maintain a level sailing position even in rough waters, providing a smoother and more comfortable ride. This stability also enables higher speeds, perfect for those seeking excitement .

It is important to note that external factors like wind and waves can still affect catamarans’ stability. Proper sailing techniques and safety protocols are essential for optimal stability.

Spaciousness and Comfort

Catamarans offer ample space and comfort, making them ideal for sailing enthusiasts. The large living areas and wide hulls provide plenty of room to relax and enjoy the water. The trampoline between the hulls is a comfortable spot for sunbathing and taking in the views.

The spaciousness of catamarans translates to comfortable interiors with multiple cabins, bathrooms, and a well-equipped galley. This allows for privacy and convenience, perfect for extended sailing trips or larger groups.

With their dual-hull design, catamarans offer excellent stability on the water, reducing the likelihood of seasickness and providing a smooth sailing experience.

The wide beam of a catamaran minimizes motion, creating a stable and enjoyable ride. This is beneficial for those sensitive to motion or seeking a relaxed sailing experience.

Shallow Draft

The shallow draft of a catamaran allows it to navigate in shallow waters, which other types of boats cannot access. This advantage is especially helpful when exploring coastal areas, lagoons, or cruising around sandbanks or coral reefs.

The catamaran achieves a shallow draft by designing the hulls with reduced depth. This allows the boat to float in shallower waters, reducing the risk of running aground and enabling access to secluded anchorages and coves. In addition, the shallow draft enhances maneuverability in tight spaces, such as narrow channels or smaller marinas.

Compared to deeper-draft monohull sailboats, catamarans with a shallow draft also have less vulnerability to underwater obstacles like rocks or coral, making sailing safer. It’s important to note that each catamaran model will have its own specific shallow draft measurement provided by the manufacturer.

When planning sailing routes and exploring areas with limited depth, considering the shallow draft of a catamaran is crucial for a safe and enjoyable experience on the water.

Speed and Performance

A catamaran is well-known for its exceptional speed and performance on the water, which makes it a preferred choice for sailing enthusiasts.

Due to its ingenious dual-hull design, a catamaran experiences minimal drag in the water, resulting in the ability to reach higher speeds compared to monohull sailboats.

The wide beam of a catamaran not only enhances its stability but also reduces the risk of capsizing, enabling faster sailing in stronger winds.

With its lightweight structure and sleek shape, a catamaran effortlessly glides through the water, maximizing its speed potential.

Catamarans consistently maintain higher speeds, making them an ideal option for lengthy sailing trips or competitive racing.

Catamarans have a reduced wetted surface area, which minimizes resistance from the water and leads to improved efficiency and performance.

Another advantage of a catamaran is its shallow draft , allowing it to navigate shallower waters with ease, thereby increasing its versatility and suitability for coastal exploration.

Catamarans boast a spacious deck layout , providing ample room for passengers to move around comfortably and accommodating various amenities and recreational activities.

Catamarans offer a smooth and stable sailing experience, even in choppy or rough sea conditions, ensuring optimal comfort for all those on board.

Essential Equipment for Sailing a Catamaran

When it comes to sailing a catamaran, having the right equipment is crucial. In this section, we’ll dive into the essential gear you’ll need for a smooth sailing experience. From the sails and rigging that harness the wind’s power to the rudder and steering controls that guide your vessel, we’ll cover it all. We’ll also explore the importance of anchoring and docking techniques , as well as the safety gear that ensures you’re prepared for any unexpected challenges on the open water. Get ready to gear up and set sail!

Sails and Rigging

When it comes to sailing a catamaran, understanding the importance of sails and rigging is crucial. The sails power the boat and enable it to move through the water, while the rigging supports and controls the sails. Here are some key points to consider about sails and rigging:

1. Sail design: The design of the sails, including their size, shape, and material, plays a significant role in the catamaran’s performance. High-performance racing catamarans often have larger, more efficient sails that generate greater speed.

2. Rigging setup: The rigging on a catamaran consists of the mast, shrouds, and various lines and controls. Proper tensioning and adjustment of the rigging ensures correct sail positioning and overall balance of the boat.

3. Sail controls: Catamarans have several controls for adjusting the sails while sailing. These include the mainsheet, which controls the main sail, and the jib sheets, which control the jib sail. Learning how to trim and adjust these controls optimizes performance.

4. Sail handling: Proper handling of the sails is crucial for smooth sailing. This involves hoisting, lowering, and reefing the sails in strong winds. Understanding safe and efficient sail handling techniques is essential.

Now, let me share a true story to illustrate the importance of sails and rigging. During a sailing race, a catamaran led the fleet due to its well-designed sails and properly rigged mast. The crew efficiently adjusted the sails using the various controls, allowing the catamaran to effectively harness the wind’s power. As a result, they maintained optimal speed and maneuverability, securing victory in the race. This highlights how understanding and utilizing sails and rigging can significantly impact sailing performance.

Rudder and Steering

When it comes to catamaran sailing, the rudder and steering are crucial for maneuvering the vessel efficiently. Here are some key points to consider:

  • The rudder is an important part of a catamaran’s steering system. It is usually located at the rear of the boat and controls the vessel’s direction.
  • Catamarans typically have two rudders , one on each hull, which provide improved stability and control.
  • Steering a catamaran involves using the tiller or wheel, depending on the type of steering system. The helmsman turns the tiller or wheel to adjust the direction, which in turn moves the rudders .
  • When sailing upwind, it is necessary to steer slightly higher into the wind to maintain speed and prevent excessive leeway.
  • Downwind sailing requires adjusting the course to downwind angles, allowing the wind to fill the sails from behind.
  • Proper rudder and steering adjustments are essential for maintaining balance and preventing excessive heel or capsizing.
  • During tacking and jibing, it is important to have the rudder in the correct position to maneuver the catamaran smoothly without losing speed or control.
  • Regular inspection and maintenance of the rudder and steering system are crucial to ensure functionality and prevent any issues while sailing.

By understanding and utilizing the rudder and steering effectively, catamaran sailors can confidently navigate the waters and enjoy a safe and enjoyable sailing experience.

Anchoring and Docking

When anchoring and docking a catamaran, it is important to consider the following factors:

1. Choose a suitable anchor for the size and weight of your catamaran , taking into account the seabed type and prevailing weather conditions. The plow anchor is widely favored due to its strong holding power and versatility.

2. Lower the anchor gently and gradually, allowing it to settle properly on the seabed. Pay attention to the water depth and use a scope ratio of 7:1 (7 feet of anchor rode for every foot of water depth) to ensure sufficient holding power.

3. Secure the catamaran by attaching the anchor rode to a cleat or designated anchor attachment point on the boat. Make sure to apply proper tension to prevent excessive movement.

4. When approaching the dock, do so slowly and cautiously, taking into consideration factors such as wind , current , and nearby boats. Use your engines and rudders to maneuver smoothly.

5. Employ appropriate docking techniques based on the type and design of the dock. Consider utilizing spring lines or fenders to assist in securing the boat and protecting the hulls.

Pro-tip: Regularly practicing anchoring and docking maneuvers will improve your skills and give you confidence in handling your catamaran under different conditions. Proper technique and experience will greatly enhance your overall sailing experience.

Safety Gear

When sailing a catamaran, having the right safety gear is crucial. Here are some essential safety gear items for catamaran sailors:

  • Life Jackets: Wear properly fitting and Coast Guard-approved life jackets for everyone onboard.
  • Throwable Devices: Keep easily accessible throwable devices, such as life rings or cushions, for emergencies.
  • EPIRB: An Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) helps rescuers locate you in emergencies.
  • Flares: Carry a set of marine flares to signal for help in low visibility or emergency situations. Check the expiration dates regularly.
  • Fire Extinguishers: Have at least one marine-grade fire extinguisher onboard to quickly put out potential fires.
  • First Aid Kit: Keep a well-stocked first aid kit onboard to treat minor injuries or provide initial care before professional help arrives.
  • Navigation Lights: Ensure your catamaran has properly functioning navigation lights for visibility during low-light conditions.
  • VHF Radio: A VHF marine radio is essential for communication with other vessels and contacting emergency services if needed.
  • Anchor and Rode: Carry a reliable anchor and sufficient anchor rode for safe anchoring when needed.

Remember to familiarize yourself with the operation and use of all safety gear onboard your catamaran to be prepared for unexpected situations.

Basic Sailing Techniques for Catamarans

Mastering the art of sailing a catamaran requires a solid foundation in basic sailing techniques. In this section, we’ll dive into the essential skills you need to navigate the waters with confidence. From understanding points of sail to mastering tacking and jibing , we’ll cover the maneuvers that will enhance your catamaran sailing prowess. We’ll explore the crucial aspects of sail trim and balance , as well as maneuvering in different wind conditions . Get ready to set sail and embrace the thrill of catamaran adventures!

Understanding Points of Sail

Understanding points of sail is crucial for successful catamaran sailing. It refers to the different angles at which a sailboat can sail relative to the wind. Different techniques and adjustments are required for optimal performance based on the point of sail. The main points of sail are:

1. No Sail: When the boat is not under sail and the sails are completely down.

2. Close Hauled: Sailing as close to the wind direction as possible, typically at an angle of 45 degrees or less.

3. Beam Reach: Sailing perpendicular to the wind direction, with the wind coming directly from either side of the boat.

4. Broad Reach: Sailing with the wind coming from behind the boat at an angle.

5. Running: Sailing directly downwind, with the wind coming from directly behind the boat.

To effectively sail a catamaran, it is crucial to understand how to adjust and trim the sails, as well as steer the boat based on the current point of sail. Practice and experience will enhance your proficiency in handling different wind conditions and making the necessary adjustments for optimal speed and performance.

Remember, prioritize safety while sailing. Familiarize yourself with navigation rules, weather patterns, and emergency preparedness to ensure a smooth and enjoyable catamaran sailing experience.

Tacking and Jibing

Tacking and jibing are vital sailing techniques for catamarans . These maneuvers allow you to change direction and navigate effectively. Below are the step-by-step instructions for tacking and jibing:

1. Tacking:

– Direct the catamaran towards the wind until the sails start to luff . – Release the jib sheet and ensure it smoothly crosses the boat, avoiding any entanglement. – Turn the bow of the catamaran into the wind, managing the mainsail as it fills with wind on the opposite side. – Adjust the jib sheet on the new leeward side to capture the wind and maintain speed. – Make any necessary adjustments to the heading and sails to resume your desired course.

– Prepare the catamaran by getting the jib and mainsail ready for the change in direction. – Steer the catamaran away from the wind, ensuring that the mainsail is backed by the wind. – Release the mainsheet and swiftly swing the boom across the cockpit to the opposite side. – Trim the mainsail and jib to harness the wind from the new direction, effectively maintaining control and speed. – Adjust the heading and sails as needed to resume your desired course.

By mastering these techniques, you can skillfully maneuver your catamaran, enhancing the enjoyment and efficiency of your sailing. Always consider the wind direction and adjust your sails accordingly to maintain control and optimize efficiency throughout your journey.

Sail Trim and Balance

Sail trim and balance are crucial for effective catamaran sailing. Proper sail trim ensures optimal performance and speed , while balancing the sails evenly distribute the pressure between them and prevent excessive heeling of the boat . Adjusting the angle, tension, and position of the sails in response to wind conditions is essential for achieving the desired sail trim and balance.

One way to achieve sail trim and balance is by adjusting the position of the traveler , which controls the lateral movement of the mainsail. Moving the traveler to leeward allows the sail to take in more wind, improving the sail trim, while moving it to windward reduces exposure, compensating for gusts or changes in wind direction.

In addition, adjusting the tension of the halyards and sheets can further fine-tune sail trim and balance. By tightening or loosening these lines, you can optimize the shape and curvature of the sails , ultimately improving their performance.

It is important to continuously monitor and make adjustments to sail trim and balance while sailing. Being responsive to changing wind conditions and making timely adjustments will enhance overall performance and ensure a smoother, more enjoyable sailing experience .

Keep in mind that mastering sail trim and balance takes practice and experience . Paying attention to these factors will significantly improve your catamaran sailing abilities.

Maneuvering in Different Wind Conditions

Maneuvering a catamaran in different wind conditions requires specific steps for optimal control and performance. In order to achieve this, it is important to assess the wind direction by observing nearby objects or using a wind indicator. Once the wind direction is determined, adjust the sails based on the wind direction. For downwind sailing, set the mainsail and jib on opposite sides, while for upwind sailing, position the sails closer together.

Next, it is crucial to trim the sails properly to maximize lift and minimize drag. In lighter winds, the sails should be loosened, while in stronger winds, they should be tightened. Using the mainsail traveler to adjust the position of the mainsail sheet can optimize sail shape and control in different wind angles.

To steer the catamaran, adjust the rudder accordingly. Smaller course corrections should be made in light winds, while larger adjustments are necessary in stronger winds.

In gusty conditions, it is important to react to gusts by depowering the sails. This can be done by easing the sheets or heading up into the wind, which helps maintain stability.

It is essential to be aware of wind shifts and make necessary adjustments to the course and sail trim.

Practicing sailing techniques such as tacking , jibing , and sailing close-hauled or downwind can significantly improve proficiency in handling the catamaran in various wind conditions.

By following these steps, catamaran sailors can confidently navigate and maneuver their vessel in different wind conditions, ensuring a safe and enjoyable sailing experience.

Advanced Catamaran Sailing Techniques

Ready to take your catamaran sailing skills to the next level? In this section, we’ll dive into the thrilling world of advanced catamaran sailing techniques . Get ready to learn about the exhilarating art of spinnaker sailing , the adrenaline-pumping experience of flying a hull , the secrets of performance tuning , and the challenges and strategies of handling heavy weather conditions . Brace yourself for an adventure on the high seas as we explore the exciting realm of catamaran sailing like never before.

Spinnaker Sailing

Spinnaker sailing is a vital technique used in catamaran sailing to optimize speed. The spinnaker , a balloon-shaped sail, is strategically flown in front of the boat while sailing downwind. By harnessing the wind from a different direction, the spinnaker empowers the catamaran to sail faster and with greater efficiency.

To set up the spinnaker, the crew skillfully hoists it up the mast using a halyard and securely attaches the corners of the sail to the spinnaker pole . Once elevated, the crew precisely trims the sail by adjusting the sheets , controlling its shape and angle. This requires coordination and expertise as the crew works together to steer the boat and fine-tune the sails for optimal balance and speed.

Maintaining awareness of wind conditions is crucial to adapting the spinnaker and avoiding excessive power or loss of control. Spinnaker sailing significantly enhances the performance of a catamaran, enabling it to achieve remarkable speeds and maximize downwind navigation.

When honing spinnaker sailing skills, it is advised to commence in lighter wind conditions and progressively advance as proficiency accrues. Proper training and diligent practice are imperative for a safe and gratifying sailing experience.

Flying a Hull

Flying a hull is a technique used in catamaran sailing. It involves lifting one hull out of the water, allowing the boat to glide on just one hull while the other remains elevated. This technique, known as flying a hull , is commonly used in high winds and requires practice and experience.

To fly a hull, the sailor must position their weight on the windward hull, leveraging their body weight to lift the hull out of the water. This creates less resistance, increasing the catamaran's speed and performance. It can be an exhilarating experience, as the boat skims across the water.

Flying a hull is not without risks and should only be attempted by experienced sailors. It requires a good understanding of the catamaran's dynamics and stability. Proper sail trim and balance are crucial to maintain control and prevent capsizing.

When flying a hull, be prepared for sudden gusts of wind and rapid changes in boat speed. Constant adjustments to sail trim and weight distribution are necessary for stability and control. Prioritize safety, wear appropriate gear, and always be mindful of your limits and the current conditions. With practice and experience, flying a hull can be a thrilling and rewarding aspect of catamaran sailing.

Performance Tuning

  • Maintain and inspect all systems and equipment regularly. This includes checking rigging tension , inspecting sails for damage, and ensuring proper alignment of rudders and steering system .
  • Clean hull regularly to remove marine growth that can create drag and slow you down.
  • Maximize speed through proper sail trim. Experiment with adjustments to find the perfect balance between power and efficiency. Adjust mainsail and jib sheets to achieve desired sail shape and angle to the wind.
  • Distribute weight evenly throughout the catamaran for stability and performance. Balance passengers , equipment , and supplies evenly on both hulls to prevent unnecessary drag.

Frequent performance tuning will help you get the most out of your catamaran, allowing for faster and more efficient sailing. A well-tuned catamaran can significantly enhance your sailing experience and give you a competitive edge in races.

Fact: Performance tuning can improve catamaran speed by up to 10%, allowing for swift gliding through the water.

Heavy Weather Sailing

In heavy weather sailing, taking proper precautions is crucial to ensure the safety of both the crew and the catamaran. Follow the steps below when sailing in challenging weather conditions:

1. Check the weather forecast: Before heading out, always check the forecast for potential storms or strong winds. This will help you decide if it is safe to sail.

2. Reef the sails: Reduce the exposed sail area in strong winds. Partially furl or lower the sails to maintain control and stability.

3. Ensure proper ballast: Distribute weight in the catamaran to maintain balance and stability. Shift crew members or equipment to the windward side to offset strong gusts.

4. Monitor the sea state: Pay attention to the sea condition and adjust your course accordingly. Avoid large waves or swells that may cause the catamaran to broach or capsize.

5. Have appropriate safety gear: Carry essential safety equipment like life jackets, harnesses, and tethers. Ensure all crew members are familiar with their use.

6. Maintain constant communication: Keep in touch with other boats or shore stations to report your position and receive important updates or warnings.

7. Stay vigilant: Continuously monitor weather and sea conditions, making adjustments as necessary. Be prepared to make quick decisions and react to environmental changes.

To sail a catamaran safely in heavy weather, proper training and experience are important. If you are a beginner or unfamiliar with heavy weather sailing, seek guidance from a qualified instructor. Remember, safety should always be the top priority when facing challenging weather conditions at sea.

Navigation and Safety Tips for Catamaran Sailing

When it comes to sailing a catamaran, navigation and safety are of paramount importance . In this section, we’ll discover essential tips and techniques that will help you navigate channels and obstacles with ease . We’ll also uncover the mysteries of understanding weather patterns for a smoother sailing experience. To ensure safety, we’ll delve into the art of mooring and docking safely . And finally, we’ll touch upon emergency preparedness , equipping you with the knowledge needed to tackle unexpected situations. Let’s set sail and explore the fascinating world of catamaran sailing!

Navigating Channels and Obstacles

When sailing a catamaran and navigating channels and obstacles, it is important to follow certain steps to ensure safety and efficiency.

1. Plan your route: Take the time to study charts and navigation aids, identifying the safest and most efficient route. Pay attention to potential hazards such as sandbars, reefs, or underwater obstructions.

2. Stay within marked channels: Stick to designated channels and be vigilant about watching navigational markers that guide boats safely through the area.

3. Maintain a safe speed: Slow down when navigating through narrow channels or around obstacles to have better control and quicker reactions if needed.

4. Keep a lookout: Assign a crew member the responsibility of actively watching for boats, buoys, and obstructions. Good communication among the crew is crucial in ensuring everyone’s safety.

5. Use navigation aids: Make full use of onboard GPS systems, charts, and radar to accurately determine your position, marker distance, and potential hazards.

6. Communicate with other boaters: In busy channels, it is important to use VHF radio or visual signals to communicate with other boaters, helping to avoid collisions and ensure safe navigation.

7. Be prepared for changing conditions: Keep in mind that channels can be affected by tides, currents, and weather. Stay updated with the latest information and adjust your navigation plan accordingly.

To successfully navigate channels and obstacles, it is important to practice safe and vigilant sailing techniques. Always prioritize the safety of your crew and vessel, and never underestimate the importance of proper navigation.

Understanding Weather Patterns

Understanding weather patterns is crucial for safe and successful catamaran sailing. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Study weather forecasts: Regularly check weather forecasts before your sailing trip. Look for details such as wind speed, wind direction, and any warnings or advisories.
  • Learn about local weather patterns: Different locations have unique weather patterns. Understand the typical wind patterns, temperature changes, and seasonal variations in your sailing area to anticipate potential weather changes.
  • Recognize signs of changing weather: Keep an eye out for signs of changing conditions while on the water. Signs may include darkening clouds, shifting winds, sudden temperature drops, or changes in wave patterns.
  • Be prepared for different weather conditions: Have necessary gear and equipment for various conditions. This includes proper clothing, safety gear, and navigation tools. Prepare for storms, high winds, and other challenging weather situations.
  • Adjust your sailing plans accordingly: Based on the forecast and observations while sailing, make necessary adjustments to your route, timing, and activities. Safety should always be the top priority.

Understanding weather patterns will help you make informed decisions and ensure a safe and enjoyable catamaran sailing experience. Prioritize safety and consult with experienced sailors or local authorities when in doubt. Safe sailing and smooth voyages!

Mooring and Docking Safely

Mooring and docking safely are crucial when sailing a catamaran . Here are the steps to follow:

1. Approach the dock or mooring area carefully, considering wind and current conditions.

2. Assign crew members to handle lines and fenders for a smooth docking process.

3. Use fenders to protect the hulls of the catamaran during mooring and docking safely.

4. First , secure the bow line to prevent the catamaran from drifting away.

5. Attach the stern lines after securing the bow line to ensure mooring and docking safely while keeping the catamaran aligned with the dock or mooring.

6. Communicate with the crew to ensure everyone knows their roles and responsibilities during mooring and docking safely.

7. When leaving the dock or mooring area, untie the lines in reverse order, starting with the stern lines and finishing with the bow line.

Suggestions for mooring and docking safely include:

– Practice docking and maneuvering in different conditions to improve skills.

– Consider using spring lines to control the catamaran’s movement while mooring and docking safely.

– Be mindful of nearby boats, obstacles, and other watercraft to avoid collisions.

– Invest in high-quality lines, fenders, and docking equipment for stability and safety.

– Stay updated with local boating regulations and guidelines for mooring and docking safely in specific areas.

Remember, practicing and having a well-prepared crew can make a significant difference when it comes to mooring and docking safely with a catamaran.

Emergency Preparedness

When catamaran sailing, emergency preparedness is crucial for everyone’s safety. Here are some essential tips for handling emergencies on a catamaran:

  • Always have a well-stocked first aid kit on board, including bandages , antiseptic ointments , and seasickness medication .
  • Have a reliable communication device , like a VHF radio or satellite phone , to call for help in emergencies .
  • Practice regular safety drills with your crew to familiarize them with emergency procedures , including man overboard drills and fire drills .
  • Understand basic navigation techniques and be prepared to use navigational aids, such as GPS or charts , in case of equipment failure .
  • Carry extra safety equipment, like life jackets , flares , and a life raft , for rough weather or if the boat becomes disabled.
  • Keep a strong anchor and anchor line on board to use in case of engine failure or other emergencies that require quick anchoring.
  • Stay updated on weather conditions and be prepared to change course or seek shelter if severe weather is forecasted.
  • Foster good communication and teamwork among your crew to ensure a coordinated response to emergencies and to maintain calm in stressful situations.

By prioritizing emergency preparedness and taking necessary precautions, you can enjoy a safe and enjoyable catamaran sailing experience.

Some Facts About How To Sail A Catamaran:

  • ✅ Understanding a Catamaran: A catamaran is a multi-hulled water vessel with two parallel hulls and sails. Small catamarans, also known as beach catamarans, are the focus of this guide.
  • ✅ Essential Parts of a Catamaran: The essential parts of a catamaran include the hull, tiller, rudder, keel, mast, mainsail, foresail, and boom. Each part plays a crucial role in the catamaran’s operation.
  • ✅ Common Sailing Terminologies: Some important sailing terms to know include point of sail, port, starboard, bow/stern, tack, jib, heeling, windward, leeward, aboard, halyards, and sheets.
  • ✅ Learning How a Small Catamaran Works: The wind is what propels a catamaran. By raising and trimming the sails, you can capture the wind’s power and move the catamaran. The tiller is used to control the rudder and steer the catamaran in your desired direction.
  • ✅ Getting Equipped: Before setting sail, it is important to have the right sailing gear. This includes fitting shoes, sailing gloves, polarized sunglasses, a windbreaker, a logbook, a compass/GPS, a first aid kit, a phone and power bank, and enough food and water.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of sailing a catamaran over a monohull.

Catamarans offer several advantages over monohulls, including more living space, greater stability, and less likelihood of causing people to fall overboard. Catamarans also have two engines, providing increased safety in case of engine problems.

What is the process for learning to sail a catamaran?

Learning to sail a catamaran requires hands-on experience. Nautilus offers week-long live aboard courses in various locations, providing an intensive course where individuals can gain practical skills. Successful completion of the course earns ASA certification, allowing them to charter catamarans internationally.

What are the essential parts of a small catamaran?

The essential parts of a small catamaran include the hull, tiller, rudder, keel, mast, mainsail, foresail, and boom. Each part plays a crucial role in the catamaran’s operation.

How do I trim the sails on a catamaran?

Trimming the sails involves adjusting their positioning to control the catamaran’s movement. Tighten or loosen the sheets to achieve the desired sail shape and maximize the catamaran’s performance in different wind conditions.

Where can I find top-quality catamarans designed by renowned boat builders?

The Moorings offers exclusive access to top-quality catamarans designed by Robertson & Caine, a renowned South African boat builder. They provide a range of options for sailing vacations and ownership yachts.

Are catamarans safe for offshore sailing?

Catamarans have undergone significant design improvements and are considered safe and stable for offshore sailing. They offer greater stability, duplicate navigation systems, and reduced risk of capsizing. It is still important to adhere to safety protocols and consider weather conditions for a safe voyage.

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Catamaran Guru Sailing Academy

South florida live-aboard rya sailing school on a bali 4.2.

catamaran guru sailing academy logo

Our South Florida Catamaran Guru sailing school is one of a very small handful of sailing instruction facilities that offers the globally recognized RYA sailing courses and ICC Certification which we compared to ASA courses for you . RYA certifications are internationally recognized and are best for sailors who plan to explore international waters. And, our hands-on sailing instruction is offered aboard a 2021 Bali 4.2 or a Catana OC 50 performance catamaran ensuring the boat systems and electronics you learn on are state-of-the-art and similar to what most of our new boat owners will be buying and sailing. 


  • ICC Certification
  • Instructors
  • Courses & Pricing
  • Sample Itinerary
  • Testimonials
  • What to Expect

Catamaran Guru offers both ASA and RYA courses in different locations. However, the RYA courses are internationally recognized and is best if you want to sail abroad.

Our sailing school offers RYA sailing courses, catamaran orientation aboard your own boat, and blue-water cruising classes to the Bahamas and Florida Keys. A weeklong liveaboard sailing school is invaluable for anyone who plans to own their own boat, but especially those who plan to be full-time cruisers. During these hands-on sailing experiences, your seaschool instructor combines our real-life practical methods with the most up-to-date sailing theory lessons on board. These experiences led by Yacht Master and broker, Steele Greyling or Yacht Master, Matthew Joubert set you up to enjoy a stress-free cruising lifestyle. 

**Bali 4.2 Classes available NOW. See booking schedule below .  Schedule will be updated shortly. If you need info or want to place your name on the list CONTACT US!

Your RYA Instructors

Steele greyling.

Steele Greyling Yacht Broker and RYA Sailing Instructor

Steele Greyling, a South African native, is an exceptionally experienced instructor providing catamaran sailing lessons, RYA sailing certification training, and ICC certificate exams. Steele, also, adeptly orients owners to their own catamarans teaching them boat systems and electronics aboard the very vessel they will cruise or liveaboard. In addition to living aboard  Jelly Blue , his family’s Island Spirit 40, since a young child, Steele’s yachting qualifications include:

  • RYA Commercial Yachtmaster Ocean
  • RYA Yachtmaster Instructor
  • RYA Powerboat Level 2 Instructor
  • SAS Commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Coastal for Power and Sail

Matthew Joubert

matthew joubert. catamaran guru rya sailing instructor with photo of bali 4.3

Matthew Joubert, a South African native, has wide interests include fitness, sailing, backpacking, SCUBA, fishing, and water sports of all kinds. His early career as a dive master led him to sailing when he joined a South Africa to Fort Lauderdale delivery. Soon he worked aboard crewed charter yachts working his way from dive master/spear-fishing guide to first mate and captain. Matthew’s certifications:

  • RYA Yacht Master Offshore
  • RYA Cruising Instructor Tender maneuvering
  • STCW’ 95 Instructing
  • RYA Power Boat Level ll Basic carpentry
  • RYA Personal Watercraft Instructor
  • PADI Dive Master Management

Check Out Our Amazing Testimonials

steele greyling and sailing school student, Lawrence Trevor Brown​

Sailing Courses & Owner Orientation Classes

Bali 4.2 sailing instruction.

  • $3500 per person (master cabin)
  • $3100 per person double stateroom, double occupancy
  • $4,900 per person single occupancy.
  • ICC (International Certificate of Competency) One-Day Exam @ $600 per person, minimum 4 people per day
  • 3-day Boat Owner Orientation Course @ $500 per person per day, minimum 2 people
  • $3100 per person double stateroom, double occupancy.

Catana 50 OC Sailing Orientation Classes

  • $7,300 per person (master cabin)
  • $6,700  per person double stateroom, double occupancy.
  • $10,000 per person, single occupancy, minimum 2 people .

Book Your Sailing Course

Below these instructions are the courses the Sailing Academy is offering. See our course prices and descriptions here.

  • For the course of interest (in picture gallery below – Competent Crew, Day Skipper or ICC Certifcation), click its “Book” button. 
  • Once the calendar opens up, choose the month you prefer. Look for GREEN DATES as they are the start of AVAILABLE CLASS SLOTS .
  • Click on the green date then choose your cabin type:  owner’s cabin, double cabin, or single occupant.
  • Note that Bahamas courses are subject to favorable conditions. Typically the classes are done in Florida unless otherwise notified. Please discuss with us before you book if you have questions.

Sample Week-Long Sail Itinerary

This is a sample itinerary for our week-long Fort Lauderdale course. Your particular week may differ and be adjusted depending on weather and captain’s discretion. This itinerary is not guaranteed.  Read about some of our own adventures exploring the Florida Keys and Bimini Island, Hemingway’s islands in the stream .

SATURDAY, you will board your boat at 3pm and get started with orientation, provisioning, boat systems, and safety. You will stay at the marina Saturday evening, dinner is not included Saturday. 

SUNDAY morning, you will have a couple hours of academic instruction before starting sailing. Heading out from the marina you travel down the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) to Port Everglades and then on to the Atlantic Ocean. Traveling on the ICW will give you a practical demonstration and practice with Rules of the Road, Lights and Shapes, draw bridge procedures, and proper VHF radio operation. From Port Everglades the boat will head south, with this day’s destination of Miami/northern Biscayne Bay, typically somewhere in the Key Biscayne area. Anchor is down in the late afternoon and you are free to swim, study, read, or otherwise relax. One of the students will have chef’s duty with another on galley duty. This will change each day.

MONDAY , while having coffee and breakfast, you will check the weather, look at the chart, and plot the course for the day, noting any hazards to be aware of. After an engine check and some class time sailing will commence. Lots of sailing drills: tacking, jibbing, Crew Overboard maneuvers . Lunch will be either underway or dropped anchor for a short break.

This day’s destination is the Elliott Key area. Anchor down in mid to late afternoon, furl the sails and coil the lines, then swim before dinner.

TUESDAY  morning, after breakfast and morning routine, more sailing and drills, ending up in the southern Biscayne Bay/Card Sound/Barnes Sound area for the evening.

WEDNESDAY you will start to retrace your route, heading back to Noname Harbor and practice docking then on to northern Biscayne Bay anchoring off Key Biscayne Bay or Virginia Key.

THURSDAY  morning, you will head back onto the Atlantic Ocean for the sail back to Ft Lauderdale. Depending on the weather (as always) you may be able to get out into the Gulf Stream, picking up a couple knots of boat speed and making a quick sail up the coast. But if the wind is from the north the sail will stay close to shore as you make your way to windward. Pull back into our marina in Hollywood in the mid to late afternoon.

FRIDAY morning will be the final review and test, if applicable. The instructor will review your tests and sign your logbooks. Boat clean-up, showers, and you will be done in the early afternoon, usually noon – 1pm but no later than 3pm.

what to expect

learn to sail a catamaran near me

The Catamaran Guru base is in Loggerhead Marina, 1400 Marina Drive, Hollywood, FL 33109. We are about 20 minutes from Fort Lauderdale / Hollywood International Airport (FLL). Arrival Arrangements : Boarding is at 3pm on your start date. The Sailing School catamaran is called “Akani” a Bali 4.2 on slip 401. If you have luggage to be stowed, you are welcome to leave it at our office while the boat is being cleaned and prepared for your school.


All meals provided from Sunday morning to Friday lunch. Most dietary requirements can be accommodated. Note that as part of your education, you will do the cooking. Catamaran Guru provisions the boat; you will stow it away. Adult beverages are not included. Please supply your own. No cocktails before the anchor goes down!


This is an all-inclusive sailing school. Accommodation, food, and course materials are included. No taxes, marinas fees, or cruising permits are included.



See suggested itinerary above. IMPORTANT PRIOR TO BOARDING: Prior to arrival, you are required to sign up and register with the RYA and complete the theory course online if applicable. Please check with your instructor what course you will sign up for and what is required for 

  • Competent Crew course: The Competent Crew course introduces the complete beginner to cruising and teaches personal safety, seamanship and helmsmanship to the level required to be a useful member of crew of a cruising yacht.
  • Day Skipper Course: The Day Skipper course teaches pilotage, navigation, seamanship and boat handling up to the required standard to skipper a small cruising yacht safely by day in tidal waters with which the student is familiar.

Please provide 1 x Color ID photo (with your name on the back of each photo).***Note that dates are subject to change due to weather**

GENERAL INFORMATION: What you need to bring with you

  • Suitable clothing – layers are a good idea, T- Shirts, sun shirts / rashguards, swimsuit, shorts, windbreaker, warm jumper, trainers etc
  • Sunscreen, hats/caps
  • Weatherproof jacket
  • Polarized Sunglasses
  • Extra money for food & beverages for your off-boat dinner or lunch days
  • If you prefer your own snorkel gear, please bring that along, otherwise we have some available onboard

Please read Catamaran Guru Sailing School Terms and Conditions .

Got Questions? Contact Steele Greyling

Didn't find the classes you need.

We partner with vetted sailing schools in other parts of the US and Bahamas that offer different class schedules.

Catamaran Guru

For more than 30 years, we have been a part of the catamaran community and created Catamaran Guru™ to encourage and educate all the aspiring sailing out there. We understand the dream of traveling the world by catamaran and created a one-stop-shop to make that dream a reality for you.

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Idyllic locations, explore our stunning destinations. we have scoured the planet and settled on 6 epic locations from which to run our live aboard courses. these truly unique spots offer:.

  • FANTASTIC Sailing!
  • Vibrant Cultural Experiences
  • Plenty of Islands and White Sand Beaches
  • Consistent Winds and Sunshine
  • Incredible Activities: Snorkeling, Paddle Boarding, Hiking...



With islands stretching for over 120 miles, the Abacos are a stunning part of the Bahamas.

Crystal clear waters, warm weather and an even warmer welcome await! We love the white sand beaches, amazing snorkeling and the chance of finding lobster to throw on the grill.



Jacques Cousteau aptly described the Sea of Cortez as “the aquarium of the world”.

Explore deserted beaches, idyllic coves, and reefs teeming with marine life. The landscape features beautiful desert topography that meets white sand beaches and azure waters.





Discover some of the most beautiful, unspoiled islands in the Caribbean.

Grenada and the Grenadines are known as the Spice Islands. We love the dense tropical peaks, waterfalls, stunning beaches and friendly locals.


Tahiti is easily one of the most spectacular places on the planet to sail.

This quintessential South Seas perfection with its jagged, jungle-covered peaks dropping into turquoise lagoons is a sight to behold. Polynesian locals are welcoming and the French inspired island cuisine is truly delicious.





The azure waters of these Spanish Islands in the Mediterranean provide a wonderful backdrop for your Nautilus experience.

Visit ancient towns and beautiful beaches, enjoy the vibrant Spanish culture, people, and food. All while learning to sail!


Croatia is truly one of the most incredible destinations in Europe to explore from a sailboat.

Situated on the edge of both the Adriatic and Mediterranean Seas, you’ll experience an idyllic coastline with hundreds of islands, ancient medieval towns and delicious seafood.



Normal booking lead times for nautilus trips.

How far in advance should I book my course with Nautilus? The further in advance the better as boat and captain availability fill up well in advance.


Very difficult, custom trips - make it your own.

Want to start with a blank slate? We can put together the perfect trip for you. Get in touch and we will help you choose the perfect location, yacht, captain and dates for you and your guests to learn to sail.



Meet a recent nautilus student....

“My wife and I just completed the week long live-aboard catamaran sailing course and it was amazing! We learned and lived on a 42 ft. Fountaine Pajot Astrea 42 and the boat was in great condition.

We were lucky to have Tim, the lead sailing instructor, teaching along with a new instructor, Mark. Both instructors had years of open ocean sailing around the world and were very impressive. My wife started the course with a decent amount of sailing experience but I had no real experience. Going in, I was a little worried about passing and meeting the standards, but this was a non-issue due to the patience and teaching experience of the instructors. The instructors were constantly assessing student development and adjusted teaching methods for students with different needs.

I am so glad I found their company, I cannot wait to get back out on the water.”

JOHN, Utah (USA)

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Learn to sail with Nautilus Sailing: A sailing adventure in Croatia

In sailing, there are three rules, we were told somewhat tongue-in-cheek:

  • Don’t hit stuff.
  • Keep water out of the boat.
  • Come back with the same number of people you left with.

I guess we passed our week as students on a  Nautilus Sailing  learn-to-sail liveaboard course in Croatia since we avoided crashes, came back with the right number of people, and water didn’t get into the boat (except what dripped off our bodies after a swim in crystal clear water).

The liveaboard learn-to-sail week was fun, too. Isn’t that what adventure travel should be? Particularly when it means sailing on a luxury catamaran around the Split Archipelago of Croatian islands – blue skies, translucent waters, fresh seafood, and lunches moored in a private cove with a swim.

“This doesn’t suck!” Nautilus lead instructor and founder Tim Geisler exclaimed several times a day.

Can’t argue with that. And it could be said for every destination where Nautilus takes its liveaboard students — including the Bahamas, Tahiti, and Mallorca. As media, we did less actual studying than our fellow students did on two other Nautilus liveaboard boats also on the Croatia Sailing adventure. We did, however, get a taste of the learning, which started unglamorously enough with a lesson on how to use the toilet, a.k.a. “head” in ship-speak. After that came learning the parts of a boat, how to steer and read all those dials, tying knots (“If you can’t tie a knot, tie a lot,” we were told), anchoring, rescuing somebody overboard (essential stuff, right?), jumping the halyard, raising the mainsail, and the names of the “ropes.” Ooops, sorry, I slipped. Demerits for me. Never call it a rope on a boat; it’s a line, sheet or halyard depending on its function.

No matter how much learning was done – and this is an intense, immersive week — everybody still had fun, from wine-tasting and ice cream sampling, to strolls along the waterfront promenade of Hvar and motor-scootering around the island of Vis. The other “real” students, however, all ended up with a captain’s certification after just a week (and passing some tests), which allows them to charter or buy their own boat. We on the other hand got a great taste of the sailing life that is akin to RVing on the water. Where classroom lessons really don’t suck.

“We want to give students an authentic taste of sailing,” said Geisler. “It’s not just about the white, flappy things. It’s all the things you see and do.”

Meeting fellow students and our luxury ocean ride: Day 1

The week didn’t start with great glamour, however, as an unusual late September storm moved in. We had to don rain jackets and make a dash along the dock to the catamaran to keep from getting soaked and chilled. Then we met our ride for the next week – a Fontaine Pajot Astrea 42 luxury catamaran outfitted with four ensuite cabins in the hulls – two fore and two aft. On Nautilus liveaboard courses, you see, there are never more than four students in any weeklong course. So, you get personal attention and lots of time with the instructor onboard to help ensure you do pass the sailing certification.

Sailing out from Trogir: Day 2

Luckily for our week in Croatia, the clouds started to clear the morning of our departure from Trogir. We motored out of the marina and headed toward the island of Solta – mind you, not the villages on Solta because when you are cruising the waters you can head wherever you want. In our case, the first few hours took us to the Sesula Cove (“Uvala Sesula) on the northwest corner of this small island. But we didn’t just hang out and watch the view. Geisler, our Nautilus instructor for the week, used most every minute during our weeklong liveaboard course, for teaching, albeit perhaps in sometimes subtle ways. On our way to the Solta cove, we each practiced “driving” so we could learn how to maneuver, stop, and turn the boat, all the while  talking terminology  because sailors really do have their own vocabulary.

Each day started comfortably but not too lazy, and we were usually anchored somewhere by mid-afternoon – either a peaceful cove or an island marina. During lunch or at the day’s evening anchor (or perhaps both!) came the mandatory swim off the back of the boat. Since we sailed with two other boats – a catamaran and a monohull, both with students – we all anchored together each night.

We did get a chance to experience the magic of sailing that first day – unfurling the sails with our own muscle, watch them fill and billow out, and then feel the boat surge forward, powered only by the wind taking us where we wanted to go.

Read more about our Learn to Sail experience in Croatia...

Catamaran under sail passing near a lighthouse in Croatia.


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Rusmania • Deep into Russia

Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

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To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

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Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

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At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

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The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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Live Aboard Cruising Courses — OSS 103/104/114

Learn on a monohull cruising yacht or catamaran, monohull or catamaran.

If you do not have any sailing experience on large cruising yachts,  we recommend you gain your Bareboat Cruising Certification on one of our classy and fast 43′-47′ Jeanneau monohulls.  In the OSS 103/104 Monohull Live Aboard Course at our Florida campuses you quickly learn how to control and capture the wind on all points of sail, feeling the excitement of steering a large cruising yacht on all points of sail, far better than on a catamaran.

The Ultimate Learn to Cruise Experience

Catamarans are the choice of many new cruising sailors because they have more room, and will not heel (lean over).  If you opt for the Catamaran Live Aboard Cruising experience, OSS 114 is added to your certifications for handling a twin-hulled cruising boat with two engines under sail and power.  Learn more about some of the yachts in the Offshore Sailing School fleet .  The choice is yours, of course. We teach a maximum of four students per week, so don’t wait to sign up to reserve a spot on one of our cruising sailboats!

How the Live Aboard Course Works

During the six-day live aboard sailing lessons program, you gain incredible confidence, knowledge and skills that qualify you for chartering and sailing big cruising boats without a hired captain or mate. You learn the mechanics of running a big yacht under sail and power; how to maneuver, dock, anchor and pick up moorings in crowded marinas and harbors. You learn how to act quickly in heavy weather and reduce sail area for comfortable sailing in big seas.  Among the many drills and techniques you experience, is the fun of cooking and dining aboard – preparing meals and cleaning up with your crewmates, just like you would if you were bareboat chartering (skippering the boat without hired crew). Offshore provisions your yacht with breakfast and lunch items, as well as food for most dinners aboard. You and your crewmates do the meal preps as learning to cook aboard is part of the Live Aboard Cruising course experience.

Bring the Family or a Friend and Stay a Day or Two Longer

All Live Aboard Cruising Courses are based at great vacation and sailing destinations . If you would like to relax ashore a day or two before the course starts or after it ends, we can happily make those arrangements for you. We also offer packages for live aboard family sailing! Get in touch to learn more about our monohull yacht and catamaran sailing lessons.

“The Live Aboard Cruising Course gave us exactly what we needed – big boat training and experience. We are pumped and plan to get into cruising within a year. The instruction was outstanding!” O. Thomas Mueller – St. Petersburg, FL Read more testimonials here
This has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my  LIFE! My dream to sail only started about 6 months ago and as a goal orientated person (US Air Force for 26 years) I knew there would be no better way to move forward than to take a sailing course. Sure it was challenging, it was tough, but it was a lot of fun. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to sail, or to anyone wanting to check off a bucket list item. Both of our instructors were excellent. They had incredible knowledge, patience and solid teaching techniques. Both boats were in impeccable condition. I had a lot riding on this course as if my wife didn’t like it, my dream to live aboard someday would have been crushed. Thank you, thank you! Aaron Maynard – Myrtle Beach, SC Fast Track to Cruising Course – July 2018 Read more testimonials here

A Cruising Course for Sailors Who Want to Own or Charter Cruising Yachts

The Live Aboard Cruising course assumes you already have US Sailing Basic Keelboat Certification and are ready to learn the techniques and skills for handling larger sailboats and bareboat cruising (chartering without a hired skipper). If you do not have US Sailing Basic Keelboat Certification but do have equivalent experience on sailboats of at least 26 feet with skippering and crewing experience. you must take the US Sailing Basic Keelboat test (additional fee to added to your package when you sign up) prior to taking the US Sailing Basic Cruising and Bareboat Cruising tests during the course.

I have taken all US Sailing courses with Offshore Sailing School. Just finished the Catamaran Live Aboard Cruising Course (that’s me in the yellow shirt on the right).  It’s been an awesome adventure and experience. Instructors are awesome!! Lots of knowledge and experience where you can’t find anywhere in books. Our instructor had so much knowledge  I thought I was a brand new student, talking to Jedi Master YODA!! Sam Hahn – New York, NY

Maximum Four Cabins Available Per Week

Because of the popularity of our live aboard sailing courses, and because we teach a maximum of four per week per cruising boat availability, please have several dates in mind when you contact us to book this cruising course. If you are interested in “Buy the Boat” live aboard family sailing packages, you can add up to 2 more family members. See the Course Schedules tab below for more details.

“My husband and I have traveled the world and this was by far one of our best adventures. An amazing vacation that ended with an acquired skill that will last us our lifetime. I am a teacher. My husband and I run our own Test Prep School and thought I knew everything. My teacher at Offshore taught me the importance of patience and independence. He guided but never coddled. The outcome: I learned more than I could ever have imagined. I am a new person!” Ariana (and Khalid) Khashoggi – Highland Park, NJ Read more testimonials here 
“I did this course with my 16 year old son. Now he has a gift he can use and enjoy for the rest of his life. And I have both a gift and a memory that will remain forever.” Russ McCallian – Aurora, CO Read more testimonials here 

Exclusive Sailing School for The Moorings

Offshore Sailing School has been the exclusive sailing school for  The Moorings , the most prominent charter company in the world since 1988. Offshore Sailing School cruising course graduates are “Captains” in The Moorings preferred charter program and enjoy discounts up to 15% when booking a charter. If you take this course in the British Virgin Islands with family or friends, why not continue your cruising adventure with a bareboat charter vacation right after you graduate?

“Offshore made it easy to learn! From easing us through the many tactical details related to arrival and expectations with extensive email communications, to the excellent books to the truly remarkable instructor who made learning a joy – the result was one of the best weeks ever. Great memories, excellent skills development. What more could one ask for?” Mark Waltz – Muskego, WI Read more testimonials here

International Proficiency Certificate (IPC) for Chartering Overseas

If you plan to charter in Europe or other areas overseas, you may be required to show your certification credentials and an IPC, International Proficiency Certificate. US Sailing, the governing body of sailing in the United States, will issue this certificate for a nominal fee for U.S. citizens who have achieved US Sailing Basic Keelboat, Basic Cruising, and  Bareboat Cruising Certifications. For more information, click here .

A Note About Night Sailing

Most charter agencies do not allow night sailing and require that you are anchored, docked or on a mooring before sunset. Night sailing is not covered in this course, but is covered in  Passage Making courses , the next step in your learning process.

  • What You Learn
  • What's Included
  • Course Schedules
  • Where To Learn
  • Testimonials

A Live Aboard Cruising Course or Stay Ashore Bareboat Charter Cruising Course – whether on a monohull or catamaran – prepares you for charter cruising on your own, without professional captain and crew aboard (called Bareboat Cruising by charter companies). Depending on weather conditions and the learning pace of all in your class (maximum four per boat per instructor unless you opt for a Private Family Course), the following will be learned and practiced.

  • Planning a cruise
  • Familiarization with boat layout and sail plan
  • Operation of engine, generator if available, stove, toilets
  • Routine engine maintenance
  • Fueling techniques
  • Use and conservation of battery and charging systems
  • Water use and conservation
  • Use and location of thru-hull fittings
  • Maneuvering under power and sail with emphasis on windage considerations and close quarters
  • Big boat docking, mooring, and anchoring techniques
  • Proper and safe handling of halyards and lines
  • Proper and safe use of winches
  • Apparent wind, wind instruments, sail trim and set
  • Inter-crew communication when trimming sails, docking, mooring, anchoring
  • Genoa roller furling use
  • Overboard recovery procedures
  • Big boat heavy weather and reefing techniques
  • Sailing wing and wing on bigger boats
  • Use of jennaker if available
  • Boom preventer use
  • More knots and their applications
  • Log procedures
  • Piloting techniques including set, drift and leeway calculations
  • GPS navigation
  • Rules of the Road
  • Danger bearings
  • Coast Guard requirements
  • Courtesy using lights and sound signals
  • Use of safety harness
  • Emergency tiller use
  • Distress signals
  • Operating a dinghy

If you are learning on a catamaran, your training also includes:

  • Multiple scenarios related to wind direction and current while docking, mooring, and anchoring
  • Close quarters maneuvering on a catamaran versus a monohull
  • Windage considerations
  • Spring lines and other dock lines configurations for catamarans
  • Reefing by wind strength

Pre-requisite for Live Aboard Cruising Courses : US Sailing Basic Keelboat Certification

Certifications : US Sailing Basic Cruising and Bareboat Cruising certifications are tested for and included in the cost of this course. You receive a logbook from your instructor at the end of the course and US Sailing certification stickers for your logbook, are sent to you after verifying successful completing of the written tests.

Package rates vary by season and location, and include all the elements listed below. Not included are meals ashore, travel and other expenses you may incur. Please call 888-454-7015 for a quote.

At all locations, your Live Aboard Cruising Course includes :

  • Live Aboard Cruising Course tuition
  • US Sailing textbooks
  • Six days living aboard in a shared or private cabin
  • One or more nights accommodation ashore (including resort fee and taxes on both)*
  • All breakfasts, lunches, snacks and three dinners aboard
  • 24-hour practice test mini-cruise at course end, with or without instructor aboard
  • US Sailing Basic Cruising and Bareboat Cruising Certifications when tests are passed
  • Colgate Logbook (or page for logbook if you have our logbook from a previous course)
  • US Sailing Course Certification stickers for your logbook
  • Course diploma
  • Eligibility to participate in Colgate Sailing Adventures® Flotilla Cruises
  • Exclusive subscription benefit from Cruising World or Sailing World magazines
  • Discount charter benefits from The Moorings
  • *Accommodations are NOT included in Key West. Students must make their own arrangements

If you plan to charter in Europe or other areas overseas, you may be required to show your certification certificates and an International Proficiency Certificate. US Sailing, the governing body of sailing in the United States, will issue this certificate for a nominal fee for U.S. citizens who have achieved US Sailing Bareboat Cruising Certification. For more details, view the  IPC page  on US Sailing’s website or go to  https://www.ussailing.org  and search IPC.

Sample course schedules are sent upon enrollment with other confirmation materials and information.

  • ‘Tween Waters Island Resort & Spa, Captiva Island, FL
  • Hampton Inn & Suites, St. Petersburg, FL
  • Key West, FL
  • Scrub Island Resort, Spa & Marina, Scrub Island, British Virgin Islands

Offshore Sailing School knows we cannot thrive without great employees and products. All graduates are asked to fill out an evaluation at the end of the course. The following testimonials come from those evaluations and individual correspondence with recent graduates of the Living Aboard Cruising Course. Many are happy to correspond by email or phone with you. If you would like us to put you in touch with anyone below, please call 888-454-7015 or email [email protected].

Here’s what our Live Aboard Cruising graduates have to say :

This was my first experience with a catamaran and I am impressed with how much we all were able to learn on a compressed time schedule. I am very pleased to feel confident about handling a cruise in a 14 ton cat!

Laurent Mets – Chicago, IL

My experience was worth every penny. Jim was everything I would want from a sailing instructor and leader. I have done a fair amount of outdoor schooling and he ranks very high in my book. I would recommend the course without hesitation.

Christopher Moore – St. Petersburg, FL

Neil has been the most terrific instructor I have met in my sailing experience. (I was a sailing instructor for small boats as well and I can definitively judge this aspect.) The course was incredibly fun and well-structured. His level of knowledge is incredible and he was able to share his experiences and taught us the practical skills. Everything about my live aboard cruising course exceeded my expectations. Great sailing, the navigation and itinerary between islands were very well prepared, outstanding course content and sailing practice.

Vincent Schmitt – Hillsborough, NJ

My wife and I really enjoyed our Offshore Sailing experience. It did, indeed, exceed our expectations. The BVI is a beautiful place to learn. Our two fellow onboard students were pleasant to be with. Importantly, Amanda, our instructor, made learning fun. She was delightful, an excellent instructor, and we learned a lot from her.

Michael Leonhardt – Chicago, IL

Neil was amazing – knowledgeable, great teacher, we had a blast. Over all experience: Terrific course – I’m now ready to take a boat out on my own!

Brad Richards – Philadelphia, PA

We have taken Offshore courses and sailed the BVIs with 6 captains. Our entire family, kids included, said that Dutch (Neil) was the best captain, instructor and companion ever! We learned a lot and had a terrific experience.

James and Blanche Williams – New York, NY

The course exceeded my expectations. I have some experience as sailing crew and was nervous that I would slow the class down. I learned a lot and am now more confident. I would recommend this course enthusiastically.

Ann Hobbs – East Setauket, NY

We had an amazing six days on our live aboard! Would highly recommend this course! We learned so much and had fun at the same time. Simply amazing.

Lissa Uhlenhop – Las Vegas, NV

Amazing experience! Garren was excellent. He put my wife at ease as it was her first time on a live aboard. His technical knowledge and practical application of it is fantastic. A great week was had by all!

Eric Uhlenhop – Las Vegas, NV

Our family did the Live Aboard for our 13 year old son’s spring break. We wanted to learn how to sail the bigger boats so that we could cruise as a family. The live-aboard course allowed us to really learn and understand what it is like to bareboat. A 50 ft. sailboat is daunting but now we know we can handle it. We look forward to cruising in the BVI as a family.

Cathy, David and Will Madairy – Charlotte, NC

Jim was great. The weather was rough the first couple of days (20-25 knots gusting to 35) and he helped us make the best of it. If you can dock in that weather, you can do it in lots of situations. The rest of the week went very well. Hard work but worth it. My wife and I learned a lot. The feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment after taking the boat out and back on the last day was the perfect end to the week.

George Matook – Farmingham, MA

When I began I never handled a boat (sail or power) and by the end of the week I was sailing and maneuvering a 40’ boat out of a dock. Great learning experience! I could never imagine how much I would learn in such a short period of time.

Jennifer Eubanks – Marietta, CT

We were amazed at the end of the week by how much we had learned. Excellent experience. Looking forward to taking another class.

Dave Shanklin – Indianapolis, IN

Outstanding instruction, quality sailboat, and great winds in the BVI. We learned a great deal and had loads of fun!

Dan Riordan – McLean, VA

Our instructor was fantastic! Lots of knowledge, experience and patience! He definitely made the catamaran sailing course really fun and interesting. I highly recommend anyone interested in sailing to learn in the British Virgin Islands at Offshore Sailing School. Fantastic time!

Kent Killion – Prospect, NY

Just came back from the British Virgin Islands on our maiden voyage after taking the Fast Track to Catamaran Cruising course!! Took two of our 3 boys and one of the girlfriends. Very proud of our accomplishment. Thanks for all the great training!!

Dan Barzel – Cordova – TN

A terrific experience. I look forward to opportunities to continue sailing both through the Offshore Sailing Club and other activities, flotillas or future classes.

Kevin O’Neill – Hawthorne, NJ

Offshore is a great school to take you from no sailing experience to a competent live-aboard sailor in a week!

Markus Beissinger – Randolph, NJ

The Colgate 26 is used in all Learn to Sail, Performance Sailing and Racing courses. Designed by Steve Colgate and naval architect Jim Taylor, the Colgate 26 is a popular high performance keelboat, used to train plebes and cadets at the U.S. Naval and Coast Guard Academies, great for club racing and daysailing. Read more…

Newsletter Signup

The Offshore Sailing School newsletter is emailed weekly to anyone interested in learning more about sailing and boating. It is packed with sailing and boating news, how-to tips, upcoming programs, contests and special deals.


Toll-free US and Canada: 888.454.7015 Local and International: 239-454-1700

6338 Presidential Court, #201 Fort Myers, Florida 33919

© 2024 Offshore Sailing School - Official Site. OffshoreSailing.com is managed by Offshore Sailing School. Please report any issues to Offshore Sailing School.

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  • Fast Track to Boat Handling & Docking
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  • Docking Refresher Course on a Catamaran or Monohull
  • IPC Prep With Cruising Certification & Catamaran Endorsement
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  • Steve Colgate Inducted Into National Sailing Hall of Fame
  • OSS Student Proposes During Course
  • Steve Colgate and National Sailing Hall of Fame
  • St. Lucia and Windward Islands Flotilla Cruise
  • Weathering Unexpected Bad Weather
  • A Sailing Adventure He Still Can’t Believe Was Real
  • 2016 Croatia Flotilla Cruise Diary
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  • Steve Colgate
  • Doris Colgate
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The Adventure You've Been Waiting For

Welcome to the world of Axopar, a culmination of boating passion and expertise. Crafted by boating enthusiasts, these vessels are designed for quality-conscious adventurers seeking unforgettable experiences. As the Axopar West Coast dealer, Jeff Brown Yachts proudly presents the revolutionary Axoper lineup, offering advanced hydrodynamic efficiency, extended range, comfort, and adventure-ready features.

We operate from six offices in San Diego, Newport Beach, Sausalito, Seattle, Kailua-Kona, and Wrightsville Beach.

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Time to redefine your limits with Axopar

The Axopar lineup is a testament to our rich experience and unwavering passion for boating. Meticulously crafted by dedicated boating enthusiasts, it is tailored for discerning boaters who yearn to broaden their horizons. Discover Axopar with Jeff Brown Yachts.

Axopar Configurator

Our Axopar boat configurator is a user-friendly tool that allows you to craft your ideal Axopar boat from the comfort of your own home. It serves as the initial stage in defining your boat's equipment and plays a crucial role in establishing the baseline pricing for all the features and options you desire.

jeff brown yachts axopar

Our Proven Success

"We had the pleasure of working with Wayne as out-of-town buyers. His service is second-to-none. While impossible to imagine given how much we love this boat, should we decide to upgrade to another boat, Wayne at JBY would be our first and only call!"

– Robert B.

"From the first conversation with Andy and throughout the entire process I couldn’t be happier to have had any other broker other than Andy working my deal for a Robalo R272."

– Shannti H.

"I have known Jeff Brown for well over 20 years and bought 2 boats from him. I have found him to be extremely knowledgeable, service-oriented, and a pleasure to work with."

"I purchased my Pardo 38 from Jeff Brown Yachts. Jeff and his team are excellent! They are always there for me when I need anything. I highly recommend them if you are looking to purchase a yacht. You won’t be disappointed."

– Cassandra D.

"I sold my 2019 Axopar 28c through JBY and then purchased a new 37xc from them. Great group to work with!"

"We purchased a pre-owned Axopar 28 from Jeff, and we had a great experience. He was very knowledgeable and committed to making the purchase process easy."

"We can’t speak highly enough of our experience with Jeff Brown Yachts and the Mari~Time program."

– The Austin Family

"Jeff’s professional and proficient handling of our transaction, and then spending a great deal of time familiarizing and training our family has been invaluable. We recommend him highly to anyone looking to buy or sell."

– Mark & Claire M

"I trust Jeff’s integrity and professional counsel in all boating needs. I recommend him to anyone needing sound and professional advice in buying or selling boats."

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  • Axopar Seattle

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Axopar Destination Transit Guide

Year-round adventure is never far away.

jeff brown yachts axopar

Easy access to some of the world’s greatest cruising destinations is one of the great benefits of boating on the Salish Sea. And, each Axopar model provides you the room and comfort to share and enjoy those adventures all year long. Hike, fish, camp, bike, kayak, water ski, stay at your favorite hotel, catch a show or grab dinner across the sound, the possibilities are endless. 

With that in mind, we collected transit times from Seattle to some of our favorite area destinations at cruising speed in an Axopar. Enjoy the ride.

@30 knots | Seattle to 

Winslow | Eagle Harbor - 15 minutes Poulsbo - 25 minutes Bremerton - 25 minutes Tacoma - 45 minutes Port Townsend - 1 hour Hoodsport - 1 hour 40 minutes Friday Harbor - 2 hours Anacortes - 2 hours Victoria - 2 hours Bellingham - 2 hours 25 minutes Vancouver - 3 hours 45 minutes Princess Louisa Inlet - 6 hours

Use our Axopar Boat Configurator to build your dream boat.

View our Axopar offerings, including Axopar 28, Axopar 28 Cabin, Axopar 37XC Cross Cabin, used Axopars and more.

Subscribe to Axopar Seattle

Please keep me in the loop about all things Axopar.

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whatever the adventure, we will take you there!

Live your adventure together with us, axopar boats.

Axopar is a globally renowned Finnish brand of premium range, multi-award-winning motorboats, developed through a passion for adventure and the outdoors for you to experience more timeless moments.

Brabus Marine Superboats

High-performance Brabus Marine’s Shadow Superboats: 1200 Range 1000 Range 900 Range 500 Range 300 Range

Axopar Models

Axopar 45 Range Axopar 37 Range Axopar 29 Range Axopar 25 Range Axopar 22 Range

Axopar Awards

The brand is honored to be presented with awards from European Power Boat of the Year, Japan’s Boat of the Year, Boat of the Year, Motor Boats Award, Boat of the Year Award in USA, International Best of Boats Winner, Marine Industry Customer Satisfaction Index Award, and Boat Builder Awards.

jeff brown yachts axopar

In the world of yacht brokerage, each journey is unique, and mine has been a captivating ride from roads to waters. I am Nate Evans, a seasoned entrepreneur with a background in the automotive service industry; I’m excited to share my story and why I chose to embark on the maritime adventure with Jeff Brown Yachts.

From Roads to Waters: The Evolution

Growing up on the water in Wilmington, North Carolina, instilled in me a deep appreciation for the maritime world. With over two decades of experience in the automotive service industry, I found myself yearning for a new challenge. The transition from car engines to marine engines was a natural evolution, guided by a genuine passion for the sea.

Discovering the Axopar Culture

The pivotal moment occurred at the 2020 International Boat Show in Dusseldorf, Germany. The Axopar culture instantly resonated with me, offering not just a boat but a lifestyle. Connecting with Jeff Brown and sharing our enthusiasm for nautical adventures, I knew I had found an amazing team with JBY, Axopar and Brabus Marine.

Client-Centric Approach: More Than Just Transactions

What sets the journey with Jeff Brown Yachts apart is the commitment to clients as individuals. Purchasing a yacht is more than a financial transaction; it’s a lifestyle choice. Understanding this, I take the time to delve into the unique boating desires of each client. The goal is not just to meet expectations but to exceed them through high ethical standards, hard work, and unwavering integrity.

Embark on Your Maritime Journey

For those eager to commence their maritime journey with me at Jeff Brown Yachts, I invite you to reach out at (910) 612-7651 and you can expect a personalized experience dedicated to making your nautical dreams a reality.

Cheers to new adventures ,

The Ultimate Boating Experience

The axopar range – let your adventure begin.

Axopar’s unique configurations allow you explore a variety of options for each range such as aft deck modules, open aft, wet bar and multi-storage.


Call Nate to start your adventure today!

(910) 612-7651

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© 2022 Nate Evans, Yacht Broker

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Los Angeles

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Tommy Paul

Cover Story

Tommy paul and the road to olympic glory.

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Hear Eva Longoria Roar During Women’s History Month As She Leads Her Tequila Brand To Victory

Gordon Ramsay Is Turning Up The Heat To Miami With The Opening Of Lucky Cat

Gordon Ramsay Is Turning Up The Heat In Miami With The Opening Of Lucky Cat

jeff brown yachts axopar

Romero Britto On Transcending The World Of Fine Art to Expand His Massive Empire

Mario Carbone

Mario Carbone Is Planning A Major NYC Domination With The Opening Of ZZ’s Club New York

Luxury rules at the moscow yacht show.

by Maria Sapozhnikova

jeff brown yachts axopar

The windy Russian autumn weather might be a little bit tricky for sailing, but it doesn’t stop brave yachtsmen from all over the world from flocking to Russian capital in the beginning of September when the Moscow Yacht Show commences. The main Russian Yacht exhibition gathers professional and amateur yacht lovers together under the wing of The Royal Yacht Club.

This year it took place for a fourth time already. The exhibition is considered the principal event on the sporting and social calendar. The Moscow Yacht Show 2010 united in one area three of the largest Russian yachts distributors: Ultramarine, Nordmarine and Premium Yachts.

A wide range of yachts were on display for a week. An exhibition showcased yachts both from Russian manufacturers and world famous brands: Azimut, Princess, Ferretti, Pershing, Riviera, Doral, Linssen, etc.

It was a real feast for seafarers as visitors of the show had a unique chance not only to take a look at the newest superyachts before they hit the market, but also to evaluate their driving advantages during the test drive. The show provided an excellent opportunity for yacht enthusiasts to choose and buy a new boat for the next season.

The event started with the grandiose gala evening. It included grand dinner, the concert and professional awards ceremony for achievements in Russian yachting industry. The guests also enjoyed the annual regatta.

Special guest Paolo Vitelli, Azimut Benetti Group president, opened the evening.

Next year organizers assured guests they would bring more yachts, the scale of which will even make oligarch Roman Abramovich envious. Sounds very promising indeed.


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Yachts for Sale Moscow

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Jeff Kline DDS


Welcome to the office of Jeff Kline!  We are so happy you found us!   Our entire team is committed to providing comprehensive, high-quality dental care in a relaxed, friendly environment.   Our patients are as diverse as the population of the Palouse:  kids, seniors, athletes, foreign students and busy professionals.  Thanks to our wonderful family of patients, we have developed a reputation of compassion, honesty, and integrity within our community.


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Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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Elektrostal Nearby cities and villages

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Elektrostal Sunrise and sunset

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Elektrostal Hotel

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Elektrostal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Elektrostal and its surroundings.

Elektrostal Page

Russia Flag

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F U N & V E R Y S I M P L E C O N T R O L

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F L E X I B L E & E A S Y T O T R A N S P O R T

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P O R T A B L E & F A S T T O A S S E M B L E

Guppy Intro


Searching for a light portable sailboat that is no hassle to transport, fast to assemble, easy to handle, looks great and you can afford it? A boat that doesn’t need a trailer, takes minimum storage and is perfect for apartment living, campers & lovers of the outdoors, travelling sailors and as yacht toy?

Search no more – you found it! It’s called GUPPY and it’s just few clicks away.

GUPPY is an inflatable catamaran you can take on the plane with you when going on a sailing holidays, is easy to fit in any campervan, motorhome or RV, even a family car and is a great addition to your super-yacht or live-aboard without the usual storage and assembly problems.

  • 3-piece flexible composite mast
  • No anchoring lines
  • Main Sail 4.5 m2 / no Jib
  • Aluminium Rudder
  • Grey Floats pre-fixed to the main frame
  • Super easy and fast assembly – 10 mins only – no tools required
  • Fits in a single bag 165x30x30cm and only 27 kg
  • Colourful and trendy design
  • 24-month full product warrant
  • Accessories available
  • Produced by long-established portable sailboat brand ‘MiniCat’

Based on our 17 years of experience in designing and producing MiniCat – the world’s favorite portable sailboat, we set out to create an all-new ‘entry model’. We took over a year of design, development, testing, changing and testing again but we are now proud to introduce you the all-new addition to MiniCat family - ‘GUPPY’.

With an assembly time of just 10 mins this sailboat is a fantastic addition to the current MiniCat range especially for those who are looking for a fun, easy and affordable first sailboat.

Based on our 14 years of experience in designing and producing MiniCat – the world’s favorite portable sailboat, we set out to create an all-new ‘entry model’. We took over a year of design, development, testing, changing and testing again but we are now proud to introduce you the all-new addition to MiniCat family - ‘GUPPY’.

Logo 1

Because it is so simple! From being stored in your cupboard or garage just load it in the car and go. One bag weighing just 27kg, assembled in 10 mins – that’s GUPPY, the unique portable sailboat.

Want to take your own small sailing catamaran on holidays? Want to have some fun sailing at the weekend, but don’t have space for your own boat?

The solution is GUPPY!

Because it is so simple! From being stored in your cupboard or garage just load it in the car and go. One bag weighing just 26kg, assembled in 15 mins – that’s GUPPY, the unique portable sailboat.

  BUY YOUR GUPPY NOW FOR JUST €3,450 (excl. VAT)  

Buy your guppy now for just €3,450 (excl. vat).

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  • Sailboat Guide

Guppy 13 is a 12 ′ 6 ″ / 3.8 m monohull sailboat designed by Herb Stewart and built by Melen Marine Ltd.(USA) between 1974 and 1975.

Rig and Sails

Auxilary power, accomodations, calculations.

The theoretical maximum speed that a displacement hull can move efficiently through the water is determined by it's waterline length and displacement. It may be unable to reach this speed if the boat is underpowered or heavily loaded, though it may exceed this speed given enough power. Read more.

Classic hull speed formula:

Hull Speed = 1.34 x √LWL

Max Speed/Length ratio = 8.26 ÷ Displacement/Length ratio .311 Hull Speed = Max Speed/Length ratio x √LWL

Sail Area / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the power of the sails relative to the weight of the boat. The higher the number, the higher the performance, but the harder the boat will be to handle. This ratio is a "non-dimensional" value that facilitates comparisons between boats of different types and sizes. Read more.

SA/D = SA ÷ (D ÷ 64) 2/3

  • SA : Sail area in square feet, derived by adding the mainsail area to 100% of the foretriangle area (the lateral area above the deck between the mast and the forestay).
  • D : Displacement in pounds.

Ballast / Displacement Ratio

A measure of the stability of a boat's hull that suggests how well a monohull will stand up to its sails. The ballast displacement ratio indicates how much of the weight of a boat is placed for maximum stability against capsizing and is an indicator of stiffness and resistance to capsize.

Ballast / Displacement * 100

Displacement / Length Ratio

A measure of the weight of the boat relative to it's length at the waterline. The higher a boat’s D/L ratio, the more easily it will carry a load and the more comfortable its motion will be. The lower a boat's ratio is, the less power it takes to drive the boat to its nominal hull speed or beyond. Read more.

D/L = (D ÷ 2240) ÷ (0.01 x LWL)³

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds.
  • LWL: Waterline length in feet

Comfort Ratio

This ratio assess how quickly and abruptly a boat’s hull reacts to waves in a significant seaway, these being the elements of a boat’s motion most likely to cause seasickness. Read more.

Comfort ratio = D ÷ (.65 x (.7 LWL + .3 LOA) x Beam 1.33 )

  • D: Displacement of the boat in pounds
  • LOA: Length overall in feet
  • Beam: Width of boat at the widest point in feet

Capsize Screening Formula

This formula attempts to indicate whether a given boat might be too wide and light to readily right itself after being overturned in extreme conditions. Read more.

CSV = Beam ÷ ³√(D / 64)

Said to be a ‘splashed’ copy of the earlier SPARROW 12 built by HMS Marine Inc.(USA) with some modifications. A daysailer version (without the cabin trunk) was known as the GUPPY 130.

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MINICAT GUPPY Dinghy Inflatable Sailboat

$ 4,500.00

The new MiniCat Guppy is based on our hugely popular MiniCat 310. MiniCat Guppy is engineered for the simplest and speediest assembly possible. With floats pre-fixed to the frame, the set-up takes just 10 minutes from start to finish. The Guppy is also exceptionally light and with grab-handles on the trampoline, it’s simple to move!

Scroll down for detailed specifications or contact us to set up a demo of one at our new Lake side facility!

  • Manual \ Assembly instructions
  • USB with Digital Files
  • PVC Repair kit
  • Storage Bag (Can be upgraded to Board bag with wheels)
  • Manufacturer Build Certificate
  • Manual Hand Pump
  • Minicat Guppy

24-month full product warranty + 7-year boat-skin warranty

Shipping to lower 48 states via Fedex or Freight LTL. Shipping to HI, AK or the Caribbean is possible, please contact us for details. Tracking provided for all orders. SHIPPING RESTRICTIONS – MiniCat models cannot be shipped to the following states due to dealer territory restrictions – Washington, Oregon, Michigan and Maryland. Delivery Time Frames: – Available for immediate pickup or shipment. – Once you place your order we will contact you prior to delivery. – For orders inside the US contact us for shipment times, but generally 3 to 6 days transit time to most lower 48 states depending on distance from East Coast but can vary depending on seasonality and holidays.


Minicat guppy.

minicat guppy dinghy inflatable sailboat

  • Main sail 4.5 m2 from Dacron (no boom)
  • Aluminium ‘spine’ powder-coated frame permanently attached to trampoline
  • Grey floats pre-fixed to the main frame
  • Trampoline 1600x450mm with colored design, fixed with special grab-handles
  • Short black keel fins, same fixing as on all other models
  • No stainless-steel ropes beneath the trampoline
  • Single design, single colour-scheme
  • Floats fitted with stainless rings to fasten the additional front trampoline or the line when anchoring the boat

The size is based on our very popular 310 model, but with GUPPY,  it is all about the simplicity and speed of assembly . With the uniquely developed design of floats pre-fixed to the frame, the set-up takes just 10 minutes from start to finish. GUPPY is also exceptionally light (just 27kg), and with grab handles on the trampoline, manipulation is easy, especially for children.

The main feature of the MiniCat GUPPY is the flexible composite mast, which is fixed simply in the frame without lines. This makes the boat much safer in strong winds, as the mast flexes and prevents the sailor from easily capsizing.

The excellent design of the sail and the lack of a jib ensure that this highly portable, lightweight dinghy sailboat appeals, especially to first-time young sailors who want to learn sailing techniques, have fun, and experience some adrenaline rushes. GUPPY is also perfect as a fun accessory for your yacht.

guppy 13 sailboat for sale


Frame & deck.

The main element of the Guppy frame is the back-bone centre frame of light-weight aluminium which is fastened by pins to the cross-section part of the floats. They are permanently attached to the floats and define their position. The trampoline is produced from high-strength woven plastic fabric and is permanently attached to the floats for speed of assembly.

The trampoline fabric sections fill the frame and are tightly secured by a threaded line. As the trampoline is taut and the frame is tight there is no need for any additional fixings.

To the rear of the frame the rudder is mounted. All parts of the frame are made of aluminum and are powder coated.

The Guppy is equipped with two inflatable floats 3.0 m in length and 39 cm diameter. The floats are made of reinforced Heytex 5509, highly resistant it abrasion and very hard wearing. This material is produced in Germany and production technology was adopted from the production of white-water rafts. The floats are single-chamber with a combined load capacity of 235 kg.

Both floats are fitted with three grab-handles for easy handling of the boat in and out of the water. Permanently affixed to the floats is a trampoline.

To fully enjoy sailing your Guppy you must confidently control your boat. It is imperative to minimize ‘side-sail’, especially when sailing against the wind. To achieve this detachable keel fins were designed from UV stabilised polypropylene to attach under each float. Their design and shape gives excellent performance yet still allows the boat to be sailed in very shallow water without the risk of damage. The principle of the keel fins runs across the range of MiniCat models and is a key factor in the handling characteristics of MiniCat.

The new GUPPY is featuring 3-piece flexible composite mast slotted together with no anchoring lines. The length of the assembled mast is 4,15 m. This construction ensures high flexibility and strength for ultimate safety, performance and enjoyment.

Guppy is equipped with a single sail, without a boom for easy use. The total area of the sail is 4.5 m2. The sail material ‘Dimension Polyant ‘ is used with a surface density of 175-210g/m. The sail is ‘ all-spire ‘ construction, i.e. without a yardarm. The sail also has a window to ensure better visibility while sailing.

Guppy has an aluminium rudder attached to the centre of the frame. The design of the rudder allows it to be raised at a 90 degree angle, sat at the shore or in very shallow water there is no danger of damage. The rudder can be locked in both positions, raised or lowered. Thanks to the locking device the rudder can be easily arranged at the helm in two extreme positions. A tiller extension increases comfort and convenience while sailing. The tiller arm is jointed allowing full 360 degree movement.

Fittings from the companies Ronstan, Seasure, Clamcleat and Suchomel are used throughout the MiniCat range of models. All spare parts and accessories are available. See our SPARE PARTS & ACCESSORIES CATALOGUE. As with the entire range of MiniCat models Guppy is designed and manufactured in the EU.

guppy 13 sailboat for sale

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guppy 13 sailboat for sale



The size is based on our very popular 310 model, but with GUPPY,   it is all about the simplicity and speed of assembly .   With the uniquely developed design of floats pre-fixed to the frame, the set-up takes just 10 minutes from start to finish. GUPPY is also exceptionally light (just 27kg), and with grab handles on the trampoline, manipulation is easy, especially for children.

guppy 13 sailboat for sale

Because Guppy is mainly intended for young and young-at-heart ‘Guppy sailors’, it was critical that the construction of the entire boat was simple, intuitive and fast. Therefore, the Guppy has a completely new technical solution in the design to meet these requirements. The result is a record low weight and speed of assembly, creating a new class of portable sail boat.


To fully enjoy sailing your Guppy you must confidently control your boat. It is imperative to minimize ‘side-sail’, especially when sailing against the wind. To achieve this detachable keel fins were designed from UV stabilised polypropylene to attach under each float. Their design and shape gives excellent performance yet still allows the boat to be sailed in very shallow water without the risk of damage. The principle of the keel fins runs across the range of MiniCat models and is a key factor in the handling characteristics of MiniCat.

Guppy is equipped with a single sail, without a boom for easy use. The total area of the sail is 4.5 m2. The sail material ‘Dimension Polyant ‘ is used with a surface density of 175-210g/m. The sail is ‘ all-spire ‘ construction, i.e. without a yardarm. The sail also has a window to ensure better visibility while sailing.

Fittings from the companies Ronstan, Seasure, Clamcleat and Suchomel are used throughout the MiniCat range of models.

All spare parts and accessories are available. See our SPARE PARTS & ACCESSORIES CATALOGUE

As with the entire range of MiniCat models Guppy is designed and manufactured with love in the EU

guppy 13 sailboat for sale

  • MiniCat Story
  • MiniCat GUPPY Boat
  • MiniCat GUPPY Accessories
  • How to buy other MiniCat Models

MiniCat Worldwide


  • Regular price €3.450,00

MiniCat GUPPY is a light portable sailboat that fits in a single bag. Set up takes 15 minutes from start to finish, exceptionally light (just 27 kg) and super-portable.

guppy 13 sailboat for sale

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MiniCat Boats

View our MiniCat Overview page to get a complete overview of the MiniCat Boat lineup. Learn about the history... Read More

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$ 5,500.00 $ 4,500.00

MiniCat 310 Sport

MiniCat 310 Sport

$ 6,200.00 $ 5,200.00

MiniCat 420

MiniCat 420

$ 7,700.00 $ 6,700.00 and up

MiniCat 460

MiniCat 460

$ 9,800.00 $ 8,950.00 and up

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Great Lakes Watercraft

No Slip. No Trailer. No Storage. Just Sailing.

MiniCat offers a super easy to assemble inflatable sailboat.

MiniCat Sailboats

from $4,500.00 $5,500.00

from $5,300.00 $6,200.00

from $6,750.00 $8,300.00

  • laura-dekker-sails

from $8,950.00 $9,800.00

MiniCat's lineup is separated by four distinctive sizes.

All models from MiniCat are extremely portable and make sailing accessible at a fraction of the cost of a traditional sailboat. They make this possible without sacrificing performance and functionality. Explore the innovative features to discover what MiniCat is right for you.

Slider Info Top Image

The Guppy mast is light enough to carry with one hand! The mast comes in 3 sections which assemble to a total mast height of 11.2ft. It is composed of a powder-coated, light weight alloy tubing built to ensure rigidity and strength for performance, safety, and portability!

The Guppy is equipped with a single sail, without a boom. It’s total sail area is 42ft2. The sail is composed of a ‘Dimension Polyant’ and it has a window to ensure 360 visibility. Without a boom, this is the perfect sailboat for young, and young-at-heart sailors.

Stay supports are perfectly engineered for quick and easy assembly. All fittings are from Ronstan, Seasure, Clamcleat and Suchomel to provide the highest quality.

The aluminum, powder-coated frame provide the back bone of the lightweight catamaran. The pre-laced trampoline is high-strength woven plastic fabric. It comes pre-attached to both hulls for a simple, fast assembly experience.

The Guppy is equipped with 9.8ft hulls with a 13 inch diameter. Made of Heytex 5509, they are abrasion resistant. The floats are single-chamber with a combined load capacity of 518 lbs.

The design of the rudder allows it to be raised and lowered to help launch and navigate the shallows. Thanks to the locking device the rudder can be easily arranged from the helm to the desired position. The tiller arm is jointed allowing full 360 degree movement which increases comfort when sailing.

To confidently control your boat it is imperative to minimize 'side-sail', especially when sailing against the wind. The precision design and shape of the UV stabilized propylene detachable keel fins enable excellent performance yet still allows sailing in very shallow water without the risk of damage.

The mast comes in 3 sections which assemble to a total mast height of 12.5ft. It is composed of a powder-coated, light weight alloy tubing built to ensure rigidity and strength for performance, safety, and portability!

Equipped with almost 55ft2 of sail area, the MiniCat 310 is considered a performance sailing dinghy! It is composed of ‘Dimension Polyant’ and uses 6 flat spires for excellent sail shape. The boomless mainsail prevents accidental head bumps. The sails are available in your choice of Red, Blue, Orange, and Lime Green. The MiniCat 310 Sport comes standard with a jib furler to take down your jib while out on the water! How neat is that?!

The MiniCat 310 boasts a rigid, lightweight aluminum frame with UV protected foam for comfortable seating! The trampoline is a high strength woven plastic. It is fitted with pockets and bungees for gear storage!

The MiniCat 310 is equipped with 10.2ft hulls with a 13 inch diameter. Made of Heytex 5509, they are abrasion resistant. The floats are single-chamber with a combined load capacity of 518 lbs.

The mast comes in 3 sections which assemble to a total mast height of 16.6 ft. It is composed of a powder-coated, light weight alloy tubing built to ensure rigidity and strength for performance, safety, and portability. A carbon fiber mast upgrade is available which is stronger and 39% lighter.

The MiniCat 420 is equipped with a main sail and a jib. The total area of the sails is 104 sq. ft. The Instinct sails are made of a Dimension Polyant, while all models from the Emotion and on are made of a windsurfer Sport Monofilm mainsail. Both the main sail and the jib have transparent windows to ensure better visibility and security while sailing. Boomed mainsails are equipped with a vang and outhaul to provide better sail shape to outpace the competition!

All fittings are from Ronstan, Seasure, Clamcleat and Suchomel to provide the highest quality. The special edition Laura Dekker model also comes equipped with a mainsheet traveler for increased speed on a close-hauled line. All models of the 420 utilize a dedicated forestay with the exception of the Instinct.

The MiniCat 420 frame, to which the floats attach, is produced from light-weight aluminum and the frame parts are powder coated. The trampoline is produced from high strength woven plastic fabric.

The MiniCat 420 is equipped with 13.8 ft hulls with a 17.7 inch diameter. Made of Heytex 5509, they are abrasion resistant. The floats are single-chamber with a combined load capacity of 1168 lbs.

The design of the rudder allows it to be raised and lowered to help launch and navigate the shallows. Thanks to the locking device the rudder can be easily arranged from the helm to the desired position. The tiller arm is jointed allowing full 360 degree movement which increases comfort when sailing. The rudder on 420 Evoque is made of Carbon Fiber.

The mast comes in 4 sections which assemble to a total mast height of 20 ft. It is composed of a powder-coated, light weight alloy tubing built to ensure rigidity and strength for performance, safety, and portability. The 460 Elite has a carbon fiber mast which is stronger and 39% lighter. The carbon fiber mast is easier to step while assembling the boat and weighs much less weight aloft enabling you to carry much fuller sails without capsizing."

The MiniCat 460 is equipped with a main sail and a jib. The total area of the sails is 124 sq. ft. The material ‘Racing PolyesterX-PLY Line’ is used for the main sail and the jib is made of “Polyester Dakron”. Both the main sail and jib have transparent windows to ensure better visibility and security while sailing. The 460 Esprit can be equipped with optional Gennaker.

The MiniCat 460 frame, to which the floats attach, is produced from light-weight aluminum and the frame parts are powder coated. The trampoline is produced from high strength woven plastic fabric.

The MiniCat 460 is equipped with 15.1 ft. hulls with a 19.2 inch diameter. Made of Heytex 5509, they are abrasion resistant. The floats are single-chamber with a combined load capacity of 1213 lbs.

The design of the rudder allows it to be raised and lowered to help launch and navigate the shallows. Thanks to the locking device the rudder can be easily arranged from the helm to the desired position. The tiller arm is jointed allowing full 360 degree movement which increases comfort when sailing. The rudder on 460 Elite is made of Carbon Fiber.

The world's favorite portable sailboat!

MiniCat offers the most portable, versatile beach catamaran on the market. With a variety of models and sizes available, Great Lakes Watercraft can help you decide which is the perfect boat to take on your next adventure.

Learn to Sail

It is never too early or too late to grab the helm and learn to sail. The MiniCat Brand is beautiful, portable and easy to assemble which makes getting out on the water hassle free. MiniCats do not require a dock, trailor, or storage so you can avoid the overhead costs on your journey to becoming an admiral. At Great Lakes Watercraft, we have a few recommendations from the MiniCat lineup for ambitious sea dogs ready to learn.

MiniCat Guppy

The smallest and simplest boat in the MiniCat range, the Guppy is a great trainer for beginners. You can learn to sail on a low stress, single sail boat! Holy mackerel!

The 310 sport is the first boat with jib sail equipped with a roller furler to quickly pulls the sheet while asea. It was designed for individual sailors who want a compact, fun boat to sail, with the option for speed and high performance. The 310 model is easy to right should you capsize, even for children!

MiniCat 420 Emotion

The Emotion is the first trim level in the 420 series to come equipped with a boomed mainsail and a dedicated forestay for greater sail control. It is the first fully featured boat, so skills learned on this weatherly boat will translate well to a bigger rig.

The MiniCat lineup has a very forward thinking, practical design. These sailboats can be assembled in 20-45 minutes and they pack down small enough to fit in a closet, garage, or on the roof rack of your Chevy Spark! Great Lakes Watercraft recommends a few models that are perfect for spending a day on the water with friends and family. Having a unique boat with a full selection of sail colors, you are sure to be all the scuttlebut on the water.

MiniCat 420 Instinct

The 420 is the smallest size boat with space for having all hands on deck. It is rated for 4 adults and up to 992lbs! The Instinct does not have a boomed mainsail. So a family of four can run a tight ship without concern that heads will be knocked by the boom.

MiniCat 420 Emotion & Evoque

These are fully featured for your day sailing voyage. Complete with a boom, continuous line jib furler, and dedicated forestay, it is easy enough for a few kids to manage and can go full speed ahead in the right hands. The Evoque has a carbon fiber boom, bowsprit, and rudder; while the Emotion parts are made of aluminum and epoxy.

MiniCat 460 Esprit

The MiniCat 460 carries 4 adults and supports a weight capacity of up to 1,234lbs! It is complete with 124 sq ft of sail area made of a Poly-X racing material. It is the best value in performance beach cats and a spacious boat for the whole family.

Camping & RVs

Exploring everything the Great Lakes has to offer often means packing it all in your car, truck, or RV and hitting the road! Limited space may mean limited activity options when you get to your destination. Let MiniCat help you make waves on your vacation! We have a few options that can help you can graduate from a cabin boy to a deck hand on a compact, ultra portable sailboat!

The smallest and simplest boat in the MiniCat range, the Guppy packs into a single bag, which can slide into the storage boot of your RV or be strapped to a roof rack! It takes about 10 minutes to set up when you get to your destination.

The 310 also fits in a single bag. The 310 Sport is what we would call a ‘performance sailing dinghy’. It boasts 56ft2 of sail area and only weighs 77lbs. It combines pristine design and premium materials to give customers a boat that’s easy to carry on land, and efficient on the water.

MiniCat 420 Evoque & Laura Dekker

With the 420 series, what you give up in portability, you more then make up in performance. The boats pack into two large bags, that can be transported in a tailgate or on a roof rack. Both the Evoque and the Laura Dekker come equipped with carbon fiber elements to keep the boat lightweight. These fully-featured sailboats provide an elite sailing experience while on the road or on vacation!

These cats can run fast on the water! Lightweight, premium materials and intelligent design enable skippers to have portability, stability, and reliability without sacrificing performance. The are the lightest weight sailboats on the market with an unrivaled sail area to displacement ratio (SA/D). They can move in any amount of wind, but in 15-20 knots you get a true feel for the flank speed!

MiniCat 420 Laura Dekker

The special edition 420 is named after the brand ambassador, Laura Dekker. It has an awesome color scheme over a dacron jib and a poly-x racing mainsail. The Laura Dekker also boasts a traveler and all the carbon fiber bits from the Evoque.

MiniCat 420 Evoque (with Carbon Mast Upgrade)

To maximize the SA/D, you go as lightweight as possible! The carbon mast has less weight aloft which allows you to carry full sails in stronger wind. It can be stepped by a six year old and it has the added bonus of making the bags easier to transport.

MiniCat 460 Elite

The 460 is the largest and fastest in the MiniCat lineup. The Elite model is equipped with all of the carbon fiber goodies and a sleek poly-x racing mainsail. Pair with an optional gennaker and suffer to gap off from the competition.

Looking for something fun while your cruiser or yacht is anchored at bay? Look no further than MiniCat. They are towable, extremely lightweight, and can be stored in bags below deck. When you are done sailing, MiniCat can also be used as a tender. Just remove the sails, mast, and put on the engine support bracket. Then fit your electric motor and go!

The smallest and simplest boat in the MiniCat range, the Guppy packs into a single bag, has a single sail, and is best suited for a single adult or a few children! It takes about 10 minutes to set up when you get to your destination.

The 310 Sport is what we would call a ‘performance sailing dinghy’ that packs down into a single bag. It’s very efficient on the water and small enough to assemble on an open bow or swim deck.

MiniCat 420 Evoque

The 420 Evoque is the first rate, fully featured sailboat to have at anchor. It demands a more space for assembly, but will be your entertainment for the week! Practice and race in low wind or on a 20 knot day!

MiniCat Specification Comparison

How to assemble a minicat sailboat.

Minicat Recommended Accessories

Minicat 420 bag with wheels (set), minicat 310 additional front trampoline, minicat guppy engine support, minicat 310 mast float, ultra-portable.

All models store easily in your shed or closet and fit comfortably in any personal vehicle. It has never been easier to take your boat with you on vacation. No boat slip, no trailer just sailing!

Easy to Set Up

Unpack your bags and assemble your sail boat quickly and easily when you reach your destination. The more you get out there and enjoy your MiniCat the more skilled you become. How quickly can you assemble your MiniCat?


From experienced sailors looking for performance to those who just want to go where the wind takes them, MiniCat has the boat for you!

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guppy 13 sailboat for sale

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guppy 13 sailboat for sale

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Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

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Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia

guppy 13 sailboat for sale

Happy Cat Spring Sail Sale Going on Now! SAVE UP TO 20% OFF HAPPY CAT SAILBOATS LEARN MORE. Sailboats. MiniCat. Overview; ... The MiniCat Guppy is the smallest and simplest sailboat in the MiniCat range. The Guppy is a great trainer for beginners and small families. ... 13' 6" Carbon 3pc | 6 lbs: Crew Capacity: 1-2 people: Carrying Weight ...

If you're looking for a small safe inexpensive sailboat the Guppy 13 is a good choice.I sailed my Guppy 13 sailboat weekly for several years on north Biscayn...

A boat with a BN of 1.6 or greater is a boat that will be reefed often in offshore cruising. Derek Harvey, "Multihulls for Cruising and Racing", International Marine, Camden, Maine, 1991, states that a BN of 1 is generally accepted as the dividing line between so-called slow and fast multihulls.

One bag weighing just 26kg, assembled in 15 mins - that's GUPPY, the unique portable sailboat. BUY YOUR GUPPY NOW FOR JUST €3,450 (excl. VAT) BUY YOUR GUPPY NOW FOR JUST €3,450 (excl. VAT) MINICAT WORLDWIDE +420 776 749 175 [email protected]

Guppy 13, 1976 This is a limited edition sailboat made by Mellen Marine with a collectors following. I bought this about 10 years ago and it has been in my garage ever since. It comes with the trailer, extra set of wheels, all sails and the cabin sleeping pads. I have the clean title. Sleeps 2 adults. Location of boat - Lake Forest. CA

Guppy 13 is a 12′ 6″ / 3.8 m monohull sailboat designed by Herb Stewart and built by Melen Marine Ltd.(USA) between 1974 and 1975. ... Guppy 13 is a 12 ... For Sale View More . Have a sailboat to sell?

MINICAT GUPPY Dinghy Inflatable Sailboat. $ 4,500.00. The new MiniCat Guppy is based on our hugely popular MiniCat 310. MiniCat Guppy is engineered for the simplest and speediest assembly possible. With floats pre-fixed to the frame, the set-up takes just 10 minutes from start to finish. The Guppy is also exceptionally light and with grab ...

Guppy is equipped with a single sail, without a boom for easy use. The total area of the sail is 4.5 m2. The sail material 'Dimension Polyant ' is used with a surface density of 175-210g/m. The sail is ' all-spire ' construction, i.e. without a yardarm. The sail also has a window to ensure better visibility while sailing.

The Guppy is the smallest sailboat in the MiniCat lineup, but quickest to assemble. While there's a performance trade-off compared to its bigger siblings, it still provides plenty of fun on the water considering that it fits in a single bag weighing under 60 lbs. ... Mast - 395 cm (13 ft) 3-piece black composite mast. Mainsail - 4.5 m² (48 ...

MiniCat GUPPY. €3.450,00. Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout. Quantity. Add to Cart. MiniCat GUPPY is a light portable sailboat that fits in a single bag. Set up takes 15 minutes from start to finish, exceptionally light (just 27 kg) and super-portable. Funky design makes this dinghy sailboat appeal especially to first-time young ...

The Guppy is a fiberglass boat with a shoal draft keel, and sleeps 2 adults in a 6 ft 8 in long cabin. LOA 12'6". Beam 5'7". Displacement 480 lb empty with 150 lb of ballast. Draft 1'7". It has a Bermuda rig consisting of a 32 square feet high aspect main sail and a 48 square feet jib. Length at waterline was 11 ft 10 inches.

We offer multiple models, including the Guppy, 310, 420, and 460. Happy Cat Spring Sail Sale Going on Now! SAVE UP TO 20% OFF HAPPY CAT SAILBOATS LEARN MORE. ... and Takacat. Independently owned, Red Beard Sailing is your one-stop-shop for mini catamaran, small catamaran boats, inflatable dinghies, sailing accessories, & more. (410) 705-5026 ...

On Sale. Select Options. Minicat GUPPY. from $4,500.00 $5,500.00. On Sale. ... The Guppy is equipped with 9.8ft hulls with a 13 inch diameter. Made of Heytex 5509, they are abrasion resistant. The floats are single-chamber with a combined load capacity of 518 lbs. ... The smallest and simplest boat in the MiniCat range, the Guppy packs into a ...

Go to Sailing Texas classifieds for current sailboats for sale . 1975 Guppy 13 Boat purchased from previous owner in Sept 2006 as a project Custom galvanized trailer with spare (12" wheels) Nov 2006 Excellent running 3.5hp 2-stroke outboard (not pictured) New sails (main and genoa) by Tosh Custom Boatworks Jan. 2007 New grabrails April 2007

Guppy 13, 1976, Sonora, California, yacht for sale, sailboat for sale. ... Texas Lakes: Advertise with us: Contact: Free Sailboat Ad: Go to Sailing Texas classifieds for current sailboats for sale . Guppy 13, 1976 Pocket cabin cruiser with original sails and trailer. Cabin sleeps two adults. V shaped bottom with fixed keel. All in very good ...

The MiniCat inflatable portable catamaran sailboat collapses down into duffel bags that you can take with you anywhere; no truck, trailer, nor slip needed. ... Guppy by MiniCat MiniCat 310 MiniCat 420 ... (13'9") Long. View Details. MiniCat 460. Fast. 2.5 Bags 4 Adults 50min Assembly 460cm (15'1") Long.

MiniCat preowned sailboats for sale by owner. MiniCat used sailboats for sale by owner.

Create a Boat Alert to have matching boats emailed to you when they are added. Find your perfect Minicat Guppy today. We have Minicat Guppy brokers and sellers from around the world at great prices. Used Minicat Guppy for sale from around the world. Search our full range of used Minicat Guppy on www.theyachtmarket.com.

Guppy 13 sailboat for sale. The Guppy is a fiberglass boat with a shoal draft keel, and sleeps 2 adults in a 6 ft 8 in long cabin. LOA 12'6". Beam 5'7". Displacement 480 lb empty with 150 lb of ballast. Draft 1'7". It has a Bermuda rig consisting of a 32 square feet high aspect main sail and a 48 square feet jib.

Welcome to the 628DirtRooster website where you can find video links to Randy McCaffrey's (AKA DirtRooster) YouTube videos, community support and other resources for the Hobby Beekeepers and the official 628DirtRooster online store where you can find 628DirtRooster hats and shirts, local Mississippi honey and whole lot more!

In 1954, Elemash began to produce fuel assemblies, including for the first nuclear power plant in the world, located in Obninsk. In 1959, the facility produced the fuel for the Soviet Union's first icebreaker. Its fuel assembly production became serial in 1965 and automated in 1982. 1. Today, Elemash is one of the largest TVEL nuclear fuel ...

Guppy 13, 1974, SW Florida, $4,500. 7/14/07, Guppy 13, 1974, SW Florida, $4,500, price reduced 4/14/08 to $1,875, sold 4/16/08: Home: Lessons: Rentals: How To: ... Advertise with us: Contact: Free Sailboat Ad: Go to Sailing Texas classifieds for current sailboats for sale . 1974 Guppy 13 Very Rare Unique Collectors Item Good / Excellent ...

Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.


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Welcome to Your First Sail , the American Sailing Association’s short, fun, online sailing course designed to familiarize you with the world of sailing, one that some see as a sport and others choose as a lifestyle.


Q: Who should take this online sailing course? A: If any one of the following describes you, this course is for you!

  • I have never been sailing.
  • I’ve been sailing a couple of times as someone’s guest, but I couldn’t tell you the difference between a close tack and a broad reach.
  • I’m not interested in taking a sailing class at this time, but I would like to know enough to be helpful on a sailboat.
  • I’ve enrolled in a basic sailing class, but I’d like to get a solid head start before my first on-the-water lesson.

After completing this course, you’ll understand how a sailboat works, the common commands used to steer one and some basic sailing terminology. You’ll not only get the most out of your time on the water, but also be able to actively participate in the magic of sailing!

Q: How long will it take to complete the online sailing course? A: Anywhere from about 30 to 45 minutes.

Q: Do I need any books or other study materials? A: No, the course is fully self-contained. You can start the course at any time and do some or all of it at a time.


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  1. How To Sail a Small Catamaran (Complete Guide)

    learn to sail a catamaran near me

  2. How To Sail a Small Catamaran (Complete Guide)

    learn to sail a catamaran near me

  3. How To Sail A Catamaran

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  4. LEARN TO SAIL A CATAMARAN: First time out, a sailing lesson

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  5. The Fastest Way of Learning How to Sail a Cruising Catamaran

    learn to sail a catamaran near me

  6. Caribbean Sailing School

    learn to sail a catamaran near me


  1. BoatSmith Delivers and Assembles Dex's Ariki Hulls and Beams

  2. How to Sail a Catamaran

  3. Learn To Sail On A Catamaran

  4. Learn How To Sail A Catamaran #short

  5. Catamaran Falco

  6. Sailing an Iroquois Catamaran 'Baron' Part 1


  1. Learn To Sail

    There are more than 400 ASA sailing schools across the United States as well as schools across the far east, Canada, the Caribbean and many other popular sailing locales. All Schools US Schools International Schools Search By Name. ASA affiliated sailing schools now certify thousands of sailors annually - sailors who learn faster, learn more ...

  2. Fast Track to Cruising

    888-454-7015 or 239-454-1700. [email protected]. SAILING - Good for You. Good for the World!®. The Fast Track to Cruising® Course prepares you for big boat ownership and charter cruising on your own, without a professional captain and crew aboard (called Bareboat Cruising by charter companies).

  3. ASA Sailing School for Catamaran Cruisers & Liveaboards

    The ASA sail training courses provide a good grounding for all new sailors and advanced courses increase competency and confidence. While learning to sail monohulls will provide many useful basics of sailing knowledge, instruction aboard a catamaran, and even better aboard your catamaran or a similar model is the best possible scenario.

  4. Catamaran Sailing Courses

    The sailing course combines the Basic Sailing (ASA 101), Basic Coastal Cruising (ASA103), Bareboat Chartering (ASA 104), and Cruising Catamaran (ASA 114) levels of the ASA curriculum. We are also one of the only sailing schools to offer a course in advanced catamaran sailing (Course C+ Cat: Advanced Catamaran Skipper). During this weeklong live ...

  5. ASA Sailing Courses

    Course A+ Cat: Bareboat Catamaran Skipper. Learn how to sail and Bareboat Charter a cruising catamaran. A 7 day, 6 night live-aboard cruise entirely on a cruising catamaran. Includes everything from Course A: Bareboat Skipper (above), with additional catamaran training that meets the ASA Cruising Catamaran (ASA 114) certification standard.

  6. Catamaran Sailing

    888-454-7015 or [email protected]. SAILING - Good for You. Good for the World!®. Unlock the world of catamaran sailing! Live-aboard cruising courses in Florida & the BVIs. Learn to captain or skipper a catamaran with Offshore Sailing School.

  7. Learn To Sail with the American Sailing Association

    Learn to Sail. Your dream to learn to sail is close to becoming reality. Find a school, take a course and set off on your new adventure. ASA has everything you need to sail confidently and safely and you can start right now. We have compiled a list of tools and resources that will help you learn the basics of sailing before you get out on the ...

  8. Catamaran Sailing

    A catamaran is a sailboat with two hulls. These two hulls are connected by a bridge deck. Many people will be familiar with Hobie cats, small catamarans that are popular for sailing on lakes and in calmer waters. Cruising catamarans are based on this same principle but have large hulls that can fit many cabins inside, and house large structures ...

  9. Learn How to Sail a Catamaran: Beginner's Guide

    Here are some key points to consider about sails and rigging: 1. Sail design: The design of the sails, including their size, shape, and material, plays a significant role in the catamaran's performance. High-performance racing catamarans often have larger, more efficient sails that generate greater speed. 2.

  10. Learn to Cruise

    All these exciting sailing adventures can be yours to enjoy, when you Learn to Cruise on Offshore Sailing School's liveaboard sailboats. Take Command of a 40-50′ Yacht While Learning and Living Aboard or Ashore. Offshore Sailing School learn to cruise courses - OSS 103, 104 and 114 - are taught on 40' to 50' monohulls and catamarans.

  11. Chart Your Course

    EMBARK SUCCESSFULLY. 1. Get SKILLS Gain the skils, experience and formal certifications to sucessfully embark on your sailing journey. 2. Get EXPERIENCE You deserve an incredible adventure, award-winning instructors, sexy new sailboats and a fun learning environment. 3. Go SAILING Enjoy sailing with friends & family in exotic destinations.

  12. Catamaran Guru Sailing Academy

    The Catamaran Guru base is in Loggerhead Marina, 1400 Marina Drive, Hollywood, FL 33109. We are about 20 minutes from Fort Lauderdale / Hollywood International Airport (FLL). Arrival Arrangements: Boarding is at 3pm on your start date. The Sailing School catamaran is called "Akani" a Bali 4.2 on slip 401.

  13. ASA 114, Cruising Catamaran Certification

    ASA 114, Cruising Catamaran. Able to skipper an auxiliary-powered sailing cruising catamaran of approximately 30 to 45 feet in length during a multi-day liveaboard cruise upon inland or coastal waters in moderate to heavy winds (up to 30 knots) and sea conditions. Knowledge of catamaran structure, components and features, performance under sail ...

  14. ASA Catamaran Learn-n-Cruise

    The Basic Learn-'N-Cruise (LNC) Catamaran course offers ASA 101, 103, 104 and 114 Multihull certifications. ASA 104 is recognized by charter companies around the world as a charter credential in conjunction with ASA's International Proficiency Certificate .

  15. Learn to Sail

    "Fantastic experience! I've sailed Hobie Cats and windsurfed my whole life. Our Offshore instructor helped me gain the knowledge and confidence to sail a large catamaran. My wife and I did this together after doing 5 cat charters in the BVIs. My wife feels confident in her sailing skills after just one week. This is the perfect way to learn.

  16. Stunning Sailing Course Destinations With Nautilus Sailing

    START YOURSAILING JOURNEY NOW. SEND US AN EMAIL. CALL +1 800 680 7902. Discover Nautilus's Jaw-Dropping Destinations. including sailing courses in Mallorca, Tahiti, Croatia, Sea of Cortez, and more! Learn to sail with the Best.

  17. Learn to sail with Nautilus Sailing: A sailing adventure in Croatia

    Learn to captain your own catamaran during a week-long liveaboard sailing course in Croatia with Nautilus Sailing. Get a captain's certification, too. Come along on our adventure.

  18. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...

  19. Live Aboard Sailing Lessons & Cruising Courses (OSS 103/104)

    Monohull or Catamaran. If you do not have any sailing experience on large cruising yachts, we recommend you gain your Bareboat Cruising Certification on one of our classy and fast 43′-47′ Jeanneau monohulls. In the OSS 103/104 Monohull Live Aboard Course at our Florida campuses you quickly learn how to control and capture the wind on all ...

  20. jeff brown yachts axopar

    For those eager to commence their maritime journey with me at Jeff Brown Yachts, I invite you to reach out at (910) 612-7651 and you can expect a personalized experience dedicated to making your nautical dreams a reality. Cheers to new adventures , The Ultimate Boating Experience. The axopar range - let your adventure begin.

  21. 628DirtRooster

    Welcome to the 628DirtRooster website where you can find video links to Randy McCaffrey's (AKA DirtRooster) YouTube videos, community support and other resources for the Hobby Beekeepers and the official 628DirtRooster online store where you can find 628DirtRooster hats and shirts, local Mississippi honey and whole lot more!

  22. guppy 13 sailboat for sale

    We offer multiple models, including the Guppy, 310, 420, and 460. Happy Cat Spring Sail Sale Going on Now! SAVE UP TO 20% OFF HAPPY CAT SAILBOATS LEARN MORE. ... and Takacat. Independently owned, Red Beard Sailing is your one-stop-shop for mini catamaran, small catamaran boats, inflatable dinghies, sailing accessories, & more. (410) 705-5026 .....

  23. ASA's Free Online Sailing Course

    A: No, the course is fully self-contained. You can start the course at any time and do some or all of it at a time. Start Now! Learn to sail online with ASA - "Your First Sail" is a short, fun, online sailing course designed to familiarize you with the world of sailing.