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The Dockwalk Guide to Yacht Transport

transport de yacht sur cargo

Louisa Beckett is the former editor of Motor Boating, ShowBoats International, and Southern Boating magazines, and a longtime contributor to Dockwalk. Over her career, she has written about a wide variety of vessels ranging from Sea-Doos to superyachts, and has had many adventures on the water, including riding in a U.S. Coast Guard “rollover” boat in heavy surf off Cape Disappointment, Washington.

Even now, in the third year of the pandemic, we’re seeing headlines about global supply chain disruptions caused by worker shortages and other factors related to COVID-19. In particular, the maritime shipping industry has been affected, with long lines of cargo ships frequently sitting idle as they wait to be unloaded in port.

“It’s a very difficult marketplace at the moment. The freight rates are higher than they’ve been in decades. Congestion in ports is at an all-time high, all these things are affecting our ability to get ships where they need to be on time, and space on ships is at a massive premium,” says Simon Judson, CEO of global logistics firm Peters & May , which organizes passage for yachts on board a wide variety of commercial cargo ships.

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Right from the start, the pandemic dramatically transformed the yacht transportation industry. In early 2020, the number of bookings by the usual clients, including owners and captains wanting to move their yachts to seasonal cruising grounds and sailing yacht owners and captains following the regatta circuit, fell off dramatically. At the same time, bookings increased from yacht owners who were unable to travel to their vessels and wanted to have them shipped home instead. Then, as COVID-related lockdowns and sheltering began to fuel the demand for new and brokerage boats, yacht manufacturers, dealers, and brokers around the world began to use yacht transport companies to ship boats to clients who couldn’t get to the vessels or send crew to pick them up. “I think COVID has changed everybody’s way of doing business,” says General Manager Laura Tempest of DYT , which owns and operates semi-submersible yacht-transport ships.

Port closures and travel restrictions also made it difficult for yacht transport companies to move their loadmasters into position around the world in order to supervise loading and unloading. In addition, “We have had a shortage of loadmasters at times when they came down with COVID,” said Uta Scarlata, who handles transatlantic and Caribbean sales for Sevenstar Yacht Transport , which operates its own fleet of 120 cargo vessels.

“Everything about the logistics of shipping a yacht from A to B is ten times harder,” Judson says, but he adds, “As we moved through the pandemic, we learned a little bit about how to adapt. Today we are using what we’ve learned to be better placed. That means making sure we’ve got the right people in the right places a lot further in advance [and] thinking about relocating our cradling and lifting equipment and everything we need to load the boats a lot further in advance.”

While internal logistics such as these typically are handled by a yacht transportation company behind the scenes without affecting its clients, industry experts agree that this year, yacht captains are going to have to act earlier than usual in order to secure transportation for their yachts.

If you do need to ship a yacht overseas, there are two basic means of transport: on the deck of a commercial ship or inside a semi-submersible vessel.

“It’s kind of going back to old days when if you didn’t book well in advance, you are not going to have a space…. People are done [with sheltering]. They are going to start using their yachts whether it be in the Med or in the Caribbean,” says Tempest. “We are seeing all of our repeat customers coming back, and the ones we met in the last year and a half that we didn’t know before are coming back.”

“Every ship that we’ve put on from the middle of last year has been fully booked probably a month before it comes to port. That was never the case before. We would always have some space a week before,” says Judson, who also predicts that demand for yacht transportation will increase in 2022 as owners return to pre-pandemic levels of cruising and racing. “If there’s a reason to book early, it would be to avoid disappointment in the fact that there may not be space,” he says. “To be safe, you should be thinking at least two months out.”

Cargo Ship vs. Semi-Submersible

There are a variety of reasons why an owner or captain would want to arrange to have a yacht transported from one location to another. It might be to change cruising grounds with the seasons, or to take the yacht to an event. Some yachts are able to make the voyage on their own bottom, but others must be shipped because they may be too small or have an insufficient fuel capacity to make the trip, their owner wants to avoid wear and tear on the vessel, or the yacht is booked for a charter in the new destination and the timing is just too tight.

Booking space on a cargo ship gives you the advantage of being able to transport a yacht pretty much anywhere around the globe where that vessel is scheduled to deliver freight.

If you do need to ship a yacht overseas, there are two basic means of transport: on the deck of a commercial ship or inside a semi-submersible vessel. Which method to pick depends on a variety of considerations, including the location where you want to ship the yacht, the flexibility of your schedule, whether or not you want to use the transit time to get work done on board, and the price.

In the most common scenario, the yacht is lifted by crane onto a commercial ship and secured in a custom-built cradle on its deck, where it shares space with other cargo for the duration of the passage. Since cargo ships typically make multiple stops and can experience delays in loading and unloading cargo, it’s important to have a flexible schedule. “Shipping is not an exact science. You can’t expect to ship on a certain day and unload on a certain day. You have to give yourself flexibility,” Judson says.

On the other hand, booking space on a cargo ship gives you the advantage of being able to transport a yacht pretty much anywhere around the globe where that vessel is scheduled to deliver freight.

The other yacht-transport method, pioneered by Dockwise Yacht Transport (now DYT) in the 1980s, is “float on/float off.” DYT’s semi-submersible ships are partially submerged in the water; the yacht floats into it and is secured in a cradle on the deck by divers. Then, the water is drained from the hold. At the end of the voyage, the process is reversed and the yacht floats out.

“When the world woke up with a bang, the amount of consumer goods to be shipped outweighed the space available to ship them. That will take some time to stabilize,” he says.

DYT offers a limited number of routes designed to match typical yacht-shipping patterns, such as from the Mediterranean to Fort Lauderdale and the Caribbean and back. “What I think sets us apart from anyone else is that we have a set schedule — there is no deviation; there is no change. That is why charter yachts depend on us,” Tempest says.

When clients want to ship their yachts off the beaten path, DYT will refer them to its sister company, Sevenstar Yacht Transport, for bookings on board its cargo ships.

DYT recently launched a third ship, Yacht Servant , which was built in China and is scheduled to start transporting yachts in May. For a short window in 2022, DYT will have three semi-submersible vessels in operation, which should help to meet the rising demand for yacht transportation.

Riding Along

Before the pandemic, captains typically could send one or two crewmembers along with the yacht during either type of transportation, enabling them to use the passage as a mini yard period to get a variety of jobs done on board.

While most cargo ships do not permit riders to sleep in their yachts while in transit, before the pandemic, they often would assign them cabins in the ship and let them eat in the mess hall and recreate with the ship’s crew. However, when COVID-19 hit, most ship operators suspended this courtesy in order to reduce the risk of the disease spreading on board, which could lead to serious delays if the ship was forced to quarantine before unloading in a port.

“When things calm down, we will accept riders again,” Scarlata says. On DYT, “We still allow riders as it’s such a crucial part of the service that we offer,” Tempest says. In fact, the semi-submersible ships provide power to the yachts so that riders can sleep and work on board. At the height of the pandemic, however, the company limited the riders’ interaction with the ship’s crew. “They needed to provision their yacht for the duration of the voyage. They had to stay in the yacht and on the deck of the ship; they could not go into the ship’s superstructure.”

  • 5 Things You Need to Know About Health Insurance During the Pandemic

One thing that has not changed in the yacht transportation industry is the need for owners and captains to ensure their vessel is properly insured for the passage. “Some people get caught out on this. They think their hull and machinery insurance will automatically cover them. They need to take out a separate marine cargo insurance policy,” Judson says.

Both Sevenstar and DYT include an all-risk insurance policy in the rate they quote for yacht transport. “Usually, one of the questions we get is, ‘Can we leave it out?’ It’s not optional,” Tempest says. “It covers everyone on board and eliminates the need for multiple underwriters.”

Price Increases

Captains booking transport for their yachts today are finding that insurance rates have gone up. “The whole insurance market has hardened over the last couple of years,” Judson says.

As for shipping, no matter what method you choose, you are bound to see a COVID-related price increase. “DYT rates have increased over the past six months. Many factors have attributed to this but certainly a large portion is a consequence of the global pandemic,” Tempest says.

“In the last ten years, freight rates have been very low…. Now the market has flipped a little bit,” Judson says. While there are a number of reasons behind this, the main one is the reduced amount of cargo space currently available.

As for shipping, no matter what method you choose, you are bound to see a COVID-related price increase. 

In early 2022, Judson reported that his company had seen rates for shipping yachts between the U.S. and the Caribbean go up 15 to 20 percent; transatlantic shipping rates had increased a 60 to 80 percent, and rates to and from the Far East had gone up 200 to as high as 300 percent. “Coming out of Asia, every ship is full to the gunwales and if you want some space, you have to pay through the nose for it,” he says.

“There are not as many people who are prepared to pay the increased freight rates we are seeing at the moment. There are a lot of people who are holding back…,” Judson continues. “Not everyone who ships a yacht is a multi-millionaire. We’ve got lots of clients who are dealers, brokers, and manufacturers who are moving their boats where they need to be to be sold as new boats…. I think the people and companies who are shipping their boats now are the ones who have more of a commercial need.”

This feature originally ran in the April 2022 issue of Dockwalk.

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Sevenstar Yacht Transport

Sevenstar Yacht Transport, membre du Groupe Spliethoff, est reconnu pour être le leader mondial du transport maritime de yachts. En effet, tous les types ou tailles de yachts peuvent être accommodés à bord des navires du Groupe Spliethoff, que ce soit en cale ou sur le pont.

Basé à Amsterdam, Sevenstar Yacht Transport s’appuie sur une équipe de professionnels, pour la plupart dans le transport de yachts depuis plus de 20 ans, et peut donc se targuer d’avoir construit et accumulé une riche expérience technique et commerciale à travers le monde entier. La passion qui anime nos collaborateurs permet à Sevenstar Yacht Transport d’assurer que chaque yacht sera transporté avec le plus grand soin durant son voyage à bord de nos navires.

Sevenstar Yacht Transport est historiquement connu comme un spécialiste de transport via levage « Lift-on, Lift-off » mais au sein du même groupe, notre partenaire dédié DYT Yacht Transport opère deux navires semi-submersibles pour un transport de yachts en mode « Float-on, Float-off » et ainsi répondre a toutes les demandes possibles de nos clients.

Sevenstar EMT est notre spécialiste en transports maritimes exceptionnels et dispose d’un département d’ingénierie afin de fournir des solutions sur mesure pour les navires d’exception tels que les navires de régate, de course, remorqueurs, vedettes militaires, navires de dragage, barges, péniches, pousseurs, navires de croisière fluviale, pontons, quais de marina ou bien même des yachts d’époque, classiques et de tradition.

Avec Sevenstar, vous êtes donc sures d’être à la source du service, pas d’intermédiaires ni tiers engagés contractuellement dans l’opération.

Toutefois, en plus de la centaine de navires dont dispose de le Groupe Spliethoff, l’équipe Sevenstar Liner a développé des relations avec un grand nombre d’armateurs rouliers ou containers. Il est donc certain qu’avec Sevenstar Yacht Transport, nous avons toujours un navire et une solution vous offrir!

Your Sales France

transport de yacht sur cargo

Matthieu Le Bihan

Sales France

France West Coast

Matthieu is well established in offshore racing in France and beyond. He has worked and lived in the Caribbean and Brazil and speaks Portuguese, French and English. Based on the West Coast of France and is looking the needs of our French clients as well as all the French yacht builders. He is very passionate about delivering his work at the highest standards.

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Transport de Yacht

DYT est la première et la seule compagnie au monde à utiliser des navires semi-submersibles dédiés uniquement au transport de yachts en toute sécurité.

Comment cela fonctionne t’il?

En regardant l’animation vidéo, vous saurez tout sur nos navires semi-submersibles et sur notre méthode unique pour le transport de yachts.

Transport en Semi-Submersible

Notre méthode est la plus efficace est sure pour charger et décharger votre yacht de notre navire.

DYT Yacht Transport est le leader mondial incontesté dans le domaine du transport de yachts. DYT utilise ses propres navires semi-submersibles avec un planning de voyages spécifiques pour les yachts. Votre yacht atteindra ainsi la destination souhaitée en toute sécurité tout en préservant sa valeur de revente.

Destination Exceptionnelle

Depuis 20 ans que DYT est dans le métier, nous avons un nombre important de photos et de vidéos dans notre médiathèque. Vous avez certainement vu l’un de nos navires dans l’un des nombreux reportages de télévision dédiés au transport de yachts. Entre autres Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Channel 7 et, Thalassa ont consacré des reportages sur notre méthode révolutionnaire pour le transport de yachts. La vidéo suivante vous en donnera un aperçu global. Amusez-vous!

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Complete Marine Freight are global leaders in worldwide boat shipping . Whatever kind of boat transport service or yacht shipping you need, whether shipping a boat from USA to UK, transporting a tender from Scandinavia to the Med or if you need to transport a yacht from the Caribbean to Europe, make CMF your first port of call for international boat shipping .

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This is how we work for you, make contact, contact us via phone, email or fill out our yacht transport quote form., receive your quote, we will give you the best price and best route options for your specific requirements., ship your goods, you will have one point of contact throughout your shipment so sit back and relax whilst we ship your boat around the world., the proof is in the pudding, our partners.

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Yacht Transport: Everything You Need To Know About Shipping A Yacht

Date: 12/29/2023, author: seo.

Yacht Transport: Everything You Need To Know About Shipping A Yacht

Transporting a yacht can feel like setting sail into unknown waters, brimming with intricate choices and deep-seated worries for your cherished vessel. It’s a path we’ve traversed as well, learning the ropes through our sea of experiences in boat shipping .

Our guide is crafted to demystify the process, offering clear steps to ensure your yacht’s relocation is as seamless as the calmest sea . Let’s navigate these waters together for an easy, breezy transition from one harbor to the next!

Need to ship your yacht? Request a Quote from Cross Chartering Yacht Transport today!

Key Takeaways

There are a few different yacht shipping methods, including Lift on Lift off (LoLo), Roll on Roll off (RoRo), Container Shipping, and By Water on Keel. Each method has pros and cons, so it’s important to weigh your options carefully before deciding.

  • Preparing your yacht for transport involves vital steps such as cleaning and inspection, securing detachable parts, protecting the exterior, disconnecting batteries, and draining fluids to ensure safe transportation.
  • When planning the logistics of yacht transportation , it’s crucial to consider timeframes based on distance, shipping method, customs procedures, seasonal factors, and budgeting for cost factors like insurance premiums and demurrage fees .

Understanding Yacht Shipping Methods

Understanding Yacht Shipping Methods

Lift on Lift off (LoLo) Boat Shipping

We often recommend Lift on Lift off (LoLo) for transporting our clients’ prized yachts. This method calls upon the strength of cranes to hoist your vessel onto a cargo ship with precision and care.

Once lifted, we secure your yacht firmly on deck, strapping it into place for its ocean journey. Trust in this process comes from knowing that every detail is meticulously planned, with specialized tools ready.

Choosing LoLo means your yacht’s safety is a top priority. Our transport business offers comprehensive voyage insurance , ensuring protection throughout transit. We manage all logistical aspects so you can have peace of mind while your sailing companion travels to meet you across the seas.

With us handling the heavy lifting, rest assured that your treasured vessel will arrive safely and efficiently at its destination.

Roll on, Roll off (RoRo) Yacht Shipping

Shifting gears from Lift on Lift off, let’s explore the Roll on Roll off (RoRo) method , another popular choice for transporting yachts. This process streamlines loading and unloading your prized vessel by allowing it to be driven directly onto the ship’s deck at departure and rolled off upon arrival .

Imagine how efficient this is: no cranes or lifting, just a seamless transition from dock to deck and back to dock.

With RoRo shipping, our team meticulously secures your yacht for its ocean voyage. We utilize a fleet of specialized trailers and tie-down systems designed for maritime conditions to keep your yacht stable throughout the transport.

Your complete confidence in us is justified as we handle every detail of transit with precision—from obtaining permits to conducting thorough inspections—assuring that GPS tracking keeps you updated every nautical mile of the journey.

Whether racing across oceans or cruising through canals, consider RoRo for a robust yet straightforward solution tailored to oversized loads like yours.

Roll on, Roll off (RoRo) Yacht Shipping

Container Shipping

Moving from Roll on Roll off to Container Shipping , we’ll explore how this method provides an alternative for transporting yachts that don’t fit the traditional RoRo vessels. Imagine dismantling your yacht’s mast and securely placing it within a massive metal box; that’s what container shipping is about.

Expert freight forwarders use flat rack containers to accommodate the unique dimensions of racing yachts or smaller leisure boats, ensuring they are well-protected throughout their journey.

This option may seem daunting at first glance, but we streamline the process with our know-how and careful planning.

Our teams meticulously prepare each yacht before it gets loaded onto a flatbed trailer and then transferred to these specialized containers. We understand every inch counts when dealing with valuable cargo like your yacht.

We guarantee its safety against any bumps on the road or waves at sea through extensive knowledge, precise measurements, and custom cradle construction . Trust us to navigate all logistics involved in container shipping because securing your prized possession is not just another task—it’s our commitment to excellence in transportation services .

By Water on Keel

Transporting yachts By Water on Keel is a direct approach where the vessel sails under its own power. It’s a go-to option for many boat owners since it often avoids the complexities of overland transport , such as haulage and road permits.

Our team ensures each yacht is seaworthy before embarking on its journey, using our nautical and marine industry expertise to navigate through international waters safely.

We handle all aspects of voyage planning, from route selection to contingency measures. This method retains the yacht’s integrity and cuts down on potential demurrage by keeping schedules tight and efficient.

Next up are vital steps in preparing your prized possession for her sea voyage – preparing your yacht for transport is next on our list.

Preparing Your Yacht for Transport

Preparing Your Yacht for Transport

Cleaning and inspection are crucial steps in preparing your yacht for transport. Secure detachable parts, protect the exterior, and disconnect batteries. Read on for more detailed information on how to prepare your yacht for shipping!

Cleaning and Inspection of Power Boats

Before shipping a yacht , it is crucial to thoroughly clean and inspect the vessel. This process involves removing any dirt, debris, or marine growth from the hull and ensuring that all parts of the yacht are in good condition for transport.

Inspecting for leaks, damages, or loose fittings can prevent potential issues during shipping . Moreover, cleaning also includes preparing the yacht’s interior by securing loose items and ensuring all areas and equipment are tidy and organized to avoid any damage during transit.

Regularly scheduled inspections help maintain your vessel’s integrity and diagnose potential problems early on before they escalate into costly repairs later on. Addressing minor issues upfront before shipment ensures smooth sailing throughout this exciting relocation phase.

Securing Detachable Parts

After thoroughly cleaning and inspecting the yacht, it’s important to focus on securing detachable parts for safe transport. Removing or safeguarding sails with covers is recommended to prevent damage from wind resistance during shipping.

Additionally, ensure that all stainless steel and chrome fittings are covered to protect against corrosion and secure detachable parts of the yacht during transport. These measures safeguard your yacht and contribute to a smooth and worry-free transportation process.

It’s also crucial to double-check the security of detachable parts before shipping, as even small oversights can lead to significant damages during transit . Taking these steps will help ensure that your yacht arrives at its destination in pristine condition, ready for your next maritime adventure.

Protecting the Yacht’s Exterior

After securing detachable parts, the next crucial step in preparing your yacht for transport is protecting its exterior. Cleaning and inspecting the exterior thoroughly will help identify any existing damage and ensure that it can withstand the rigors of transportation.

One common practice is to use shrink wrap to shield the yacht from elements such as wind, water, and debris during transit. This protective layer acts as a barrier against potential scratches or dents caused by external factors, providing an added level of security for your vessel during shipping.

Another important aspect of protecting your yacht’s exterior is ensuring comprehensive insurance coverage for the vessel’s journey. When choosing a yacht transport company , ensure they offer voyage insurance that includes protection to safeguard your yacht during its transportation process.

Disconnecting Batteries and Draining Fluids

Preparing a yacht and boat for transport involves crucial steps such as disconnecting batteries and draining fluids . These steps are essential to ensure the safety and efficiency of the shipping process. Here’s a detailed guide on disconnecting batteries and draining fluids:

1. Disconnecting Batteries :

  • Turn off all electrical systems on the yacht before disconnecting the batteries.
  • Use appropriate tools to remove the battery cables, starting with the negative terminal.
  • Securely tape or cover the disconnected cables to prevent accidental contact.2 . Draining Fluids :
  • Drain fuel tanks and lines completely to avoid any potential hazards during transport.
  • Ensure all water tanks are emptied and plumbing systems are properly winterized if necessary.
  • Securing Loose Components :
  • Check for any loose components that could shift during transport, securing them if necessary.
  • Protecting Electrical Systems :
  • Cover exposed electrical connections with insulating materials to protect against moisture or damage.
  • Documenting Preparations :
  • Keep detailed records of all preparations before transport, including photographs where possible.
  • Adhering to Environmental Regulations :
  • Dispose of drained fluids and hazardous waste per environmental regulations .
  • Obtain necessary permits if transporting hazardous materials separately from the yacht.

The Logistics of Boat Transport

The Logistics of Boat Transport

When planning the logistics for yacht transportation, it’s important to consider the timeframes and options available for land and sea transport. Additionally, budgeting for insurance premiums and demurrage fees ensures a smooth shipping process.

Timeframes and Planning

Yacht transport durations vary based on distance, country, shipping method , customs procedures , time constraints , and seasonal considerations . Customs paperwork must be filed a minimum of 72 hours before loading. International yacht transport ports and customs information, including necessary clearances and formalities, are provided.

  • Consider the Distance : The duration for transporting your yacht overseas is influenced by the distance it needs to travel. Longer distances may require more planning and preparation.
  • Shipping Method : Different shipping methods have varying timeframes. Lift on Lift off (LoLo), Roll on Roll off (RoRo), Container Shipping, and By Water, on Keel, all have different timelines that must be factored into your planning.
  • Customs Procedures : Timeframes can also be affected by the customs processes in both the departure and arrival countries. Ensure you are aware of any required paperwork and clearances ahead of time.
  • Seasonal Considerations : Be mindful of the season when planning your yacht’s transportation. Certain times of the year may have higher demand or specific weather conditions that can impact shipping schedules.
  • Time Constraints : If you have specific timing requirements for your yacht’s transport, such as attending an event or meeting a deadline at its destination, ensure these are communicated clearly with your chosen transport company from the outset.

Land vs. Sea Options

When transporting your yacht, you must decide between land and sea options. Land transport typically involves using a truck and trailer to move the yacht over roads.

On the other hand, sea transport entails shipping the yacht on a larger vessel across bodies of water.

Land transport is suitable for shorter distances or when no viable water routes are available, offering more control over the timing and logistics of the journey. Sea transport is ideal for longer distances and international shipping but requires adherence to specific maritime regulations and considerations regarding weather conditions and potential delays .

Yacht Shipping Cost Factors and Budgeting

Budgeting for the journey is key as we consider transporting our yacht to distant shores. Understandably, various costs are associated with this process and must be accounted for meticulously to avoid any financial surprises.

Here’s an overview of the primary cost factors involved in yacht transport:

Shipping Method- the method by which the yacht is transported (e.g., LoLo, RoRo, on Keel, or Container): Different methods have varying costs; container shipping may be cheaper than LoLo for smaller yachts.

Distance- travel length from the pickup location to the final destination: Longer distances generally increase the transportation cost.

Yacht Size and Weight- overall dimensions and weight of the yacht: Larger and heavier yachts require more resources to transport, raising the cost.

Preparation Work- cleaning, inspection, and assisting in securing the yacht for transport: Professional preparation may add to the cost, but the job is crucial for a smooth transit.

Insurance- Voyage insurance protects against potential damage during transport. Opting for comprehensive insurance is advisable, adding to the total expense.

Customs and Duties: Applicable customs fees, import duties, and taxes depend on the country. These costs vary by destination and must be calculated into the budget beforehand. There are additional services such as on-deck storage and extra security measures. Extras like these can escalate the overall cost, depending on the level of service chosen.

Land Transportation: Transporting the yacht from the marina to the port and vice versa may be necessary. This can be a significant expense, especially if specialized vehicles are required.

Storage Fees if the yacht needs to be stored at the port before or after shipping: Port storage fees can accumulate daily, impacting the overall budget.

Seasonality: Peak seasons may affect transportation costs due to higher demand. Shipping during off-peak times may reduce costs.

Exchange Rates: International shipping involves currency conversion if dealing with foreign entities. Fluctuating exchange rates can affect the final cost of transportation.

We must keep a keen eye on these factors and prepare a well-rounded schedule and budget. Partnering with a professional yacht shipping company like Cross Chartering Yacht Transport can provide a tailored solution that addresses our needs.

Clear communication ensures that the services we receive are aligned with our expectations and budget. Remember, it’s not just about getting our vessel from point A to point B; it’s about ensuring a safe and secure transit within a reasonable budget, backed by first-class service and comprehensive insurance for optimal protection.

Selecting a Reliable Yacht Transport Company

Selecting a Reliable Yacht Transport Company

When selecting a yacht transport company , look for proper authorizations and insurance to ensure the safety of your vessel. Tracking options and excellent customer service are also important factors to consider.

For more in-depth guidance on choosing the right transport company, keep reading!

Authorizations and Insurance

Yacht transport companies provide comprehensive voyage insurance for the vessel’s protection during transport. This insurance ensures the yacht owner is covered in any mishap or damage.

When selecting a reliable yacht transport company , confirming their authorizations and insurance coverage is crucial to safeguard your valuable asset throughout its journey.

Ensuring that the chosen yacht transport company holds proper authorizations and offers comprehensive voyage insurance is vital for peace of mind and protection against unforeseen circumstances during transportation overseas.

Tracking and Customer Service

Once the necessary authorizations and insurance are in place, the next crucial aspect when selecting a yacht transport company is the provision of real-time tracking and reliable local customer service .

Customers should expect constant updates about their yacht’s location and status during transportation. This ensures peace of mind and allows for better planning at the destination port or point of delivery.

Additionally, a responsive customer service team is vital in addressing any concerns or inquiries that may arise throughout the shipping process.

In conclusion, yacht transport involves intricate logistics and meticulous planning for safe and efficient transportation. When shipping a yacht, choosing a reliable company like Cross Chartering Yacht Transport with expertise in vessel conveyance is essential.

Understanding the preparation and methods involved in yacht shipping is crucial for ensuring a smooth and secure transport process . Selecting the right shipping method , preparing the yacht, and working with a trusted transport company is key to successfully transporting your valuable watercraft.

Cross Chartering Yacht Transport will meet all of your yacht transportation needs. Give us a call.

What are my options for yacht transport?

You can have your yacht shipped using water transport or trailer it on a tractor-trailer if it’s the right size.

How do I know how much it costs to ship my yacht?

Pricing for shipping a yacht often depends on its size and the transport distance; some companies might charge a flat fee or by mile. GET A QUOTE HERE

Is there anything I should subscribe to before transporting my yacht?

Yes, you may want to request to join a mailing list or inbox updates from our experts in yacht transports so you can stay up-to-date and get insights that could help you with your shipping needs.

Are people who handle my yacht during transport trustworthy?

Most reputable transport companies conduct background checks on their staff to ensure they are reliable when handling your valuable property, like yachts.

Can I edit details about transporting my yacht after agreeing upon terms?

It’s important to finalize all details ahead of time as editing agreements late in the process might lead to extra fees, such as demurrage charges if changes delay the shipment.

Cross Chartering Yacht Transport is your trusted partner for global yacht transport, shipping, and delivery to North America , the Mediterranean , and Asia .



Cross Chartering Yacht Transport US 8201 Peters Road Plantation, FL 33324 Phone: +1 (954) 686-6902 Email: [email protected]

Cross Chartering Yacht Transport International Napoleonkaai 39 2000 Antwerp, Belgium Phone: +32-475-43-45-31 Email: [email protected]

Copyright ©2023, Cross Chartering Yacht Transport, All Right Reserved

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Smooth sailing: a comprehensive guide to yacht shipping and essential details that should not be overlooked.

Are you dreaming of sailing the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean or exploring the exotic islands of the Caribbean on your own yacht? The allure of yachting is undeniable, but when it comes to transporting your prized possession to these dream destinations, the process can be intricate and requires careful consideration. In this guide, we’ll explore the essential steps and considerations when it comes to yacht shipping, ensuring your overseas journey is smooth from port to port.

Iron Out the Details

Your initial consultation serves as the linchpin in the entire process, allowing you to tap into the expertise of the Legend Yacht Transport team, providing helpful insight and years of expertise not available through many other yacht transportation services. Seasoned yacht owners and first-time shippers alike benefit from our personalized approach, ensuring that each aspect of the transport is meticulously considered and catered to individual needs. Our knowledge and insights extend beyond mere logistics; we provide invaluable guidance on the best shipping options, cost considerations, and how to safeguard your yacht during its overseas voyage. This initial consultation becomes the cornerstone of a successful shipping experience, fostering a collaborative relationship that sets the tone for a seamless and secure transition of your yacht to its final destination.

Apples to Apples Quotes

A critical aspect often overlooked is the careful comparison of quotes from various shipping companies. To ensure a fair assessment, it’s imperative not just to compare quotes but to ensure you’re evaluating apples to apples. Quotes may come with many nuances, including the type of yacht transport , so comprehending the breakdown of costs, the array of services provided, and anticipating any potential additional fees that might surface throughout the shipping process is extremely important. A transparent quote serves as the keystone in making an informed decision, shedding light on the intricacies that may impact your budget and aligning seamlessly with your specific requirements. Beyond the numbers, it is crucial to understand the quality of service each quote represents. By scrutinizing the details, you gain a comprehensive understanding of what each yacht shipping company offers, allowing you to make a choice that not only meets your budget but guarantees a smooth, worry-free transport of your cherished yacht.

Overseas Shipping Options: Charter vs Liner Yacht Transport

Two primary yacht shipping options demand careful consideration: charter yacht transport and liner yacht transport . The choice between the two significantly impacts the logistics and costs associated with shipping your yacht. Chartering entails reserving an entire vessel exclusively for your yacht, offering unparalleled flexibility in scheduling and routing. This option caters to those who prioritize a personalized and dedicated approach, ensuring that their yacht receives undivided attention throughout the journey. 

Alternatively, liner transport consolidates multiple yachts onto a single vessel, presenting a potential avenue for cost savings. While this may be a more economical option, it comes with the compromise of a shared shipping space and a more fixed schedule. Understanding the nuanced pros and cons of each alternative becomes paramount in making a decision that aligns seamlessly with your unique needs, budget, and preferences. Whether opting for the exclusivity of chartering or the efficiency of liner transport, a judicious evaluation ensures that your yacht’s journey across the seas is tailored precisely to your expectations.

Details Count

In our world of yacht shipping, precision emerges as the linchpin for a successful and seamless process. The importance of accurate measurements cannot be overstated, extending beyond the overall length of the vessel to include meticulous details such as davits, aerials, radar arches, and pulpits. Each protruding element plays a crucial role in determining the spatial requirements and potential challenges during transportation. 

Even the slightest deviation in the declared length can cascade into a series of complications. From logistical challenges in accommodating the yacht within the cargo hold to unforeseen delays at ports of call, inaccuracies in measurements have the potential to disrupt the entire shipping timeline. Moreover, discrepancies may result in unexpected charges, adding financial strain to an already complex process. 

Paying meticulous attention to these details isn’t just a recommendation; it is a prerequisite for a seamless and stress-free shipping experience. The precision in measurements ensures that the yacht fits snugly within the allocated space, minimizing the risk of damage during loading and unloading. It also allows for efficient planning of routes and port logistics, reducing the likelihood of delays. 

In essence, the devil truly lies in the details when it comes to yacht shipping. As the yacht owner or manager, you’ll work directly with the Legend Yacht Transport team and collaborate closely to ensure that every centimeter is accounted for, guaranteeing a journey across the seas that is not only secure but also punctual and devoid of unexpected financial burdens. Precision is not just a virtue; it’s the compass that guides the vessel safely to its destination.

Reputation is Everything

Before entrusting your yacht to the vastness of the open seas, a thorough examination of the history and credentials of prospective shipping companies is not just advisable but paramount.

If you’re in the process of sourcing multiple quotes from various yacht shipping companies, it’s important to scrutinize their reputation. A yacht transportation company with a solid track record is more likely to have built positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied clients over time, offering a glimpse into the quality of its services. Look for longevity in the industry, a tenure that signifies stability and adaptability to the ever-evolving dynamics of yacht shipping. 

Experience in the industry is a key metric in evaluating a shipping company’s capabilities. An established history often translates into a wealth of knowledge, a refined understanding of logistics, and a proven ability to navigate the myriad challenges that may arise during transportation. Yacht owners can take solace in the hands of a seasoned operator who has weathered the seas of the shipping industry. 

You Get What You Pay For

In the complex world of yacht shipping, cost is undeniably a pivotal factor that warrants careful consideration. However, a critical adage holds true: you get what you pay for. While the allure of a lower-priced quote may be enticing, it often conceals potential pitfalls that could compromise the overall quality of the shipping service. 

Opting for a cheaper quote may expose yacht owners to hidden fees that emerge as unwelcome surprises during the shipping process. These unforeseen costs can range from port charges and customs fees to unexpected expenses related to specialized handling or documentation. The initial savings can quickly dissipate when confronted with these hidden fees, negating the perceived cost advantage. 

Moreover, lower-cost quotes may indicate compromises in service quality. Yacht shipping involves intricate logistics and the need for specialized expertise to handle the unique challenges of transporting a vessel across oceans. Choosing a service solely based on cost may lead to a reduction in essential services, potentially jeopardizing the safety and condition of your yacht during transit. 

Yacht owners must prioritize overall value and reliability when selecting a shipping service. Investing in a reputable and experienced company might come with a higher initial cost, but it assures the safety, security, and efficiency of the shipping process. Reliability extends beyond the financial aspect and encompasses factors such as on-time delivery, adherence to safety standards, and transparent communication throughout the shipping journey.

Double Check Insurance Coverage

Navigating the intricacies of yacht shipping requires a keen understanding of insurance considerations, as assuming that your standard hull insurance covers all risks during transportation is a common misconception. To safeguard your valuable investment, it is important not to look beyond your insurance coverage and take proactive steps to mitigate potential risks. 

Hull insurance, designed for risks while the yacht is in operation, often falls short when it comes to covering perils associated with transportation. Therefore, yacht owners are strongly advised to verify their insurance coverage and explore additional coverage. At Legend Yacht Transport, we will help you navigate this often confusing topic. 

Thorough insurance coverage is not merely a precautionary measure; it is a lifeline that provides peace of mind throughout the entire shipping process. Knowing that your yacht is protected against unforeseen events instills confidence and allows you to focus on the exciting prospect of your vessel reaching its destination unscathed. By taking the time to understand, verify, and invest in comprehensive insurance coverage, yacht owners can navigate the seas of transportation with the assurance that their cherished possession is safeguarded against the unpredictable elements of the maritime journey.

Communication is key. Don’t hesitate to ask your Legend Yacht Transport team member any questions that may arise during the quote, preparation, or shipping process. Seek clarification on any concerns, understand the logistics involved, and stay informed throughout the process. A reliable shipping company will be transparent and willing to address your inquiries. 

In conclusion, yacht shipping is a meticulous process that demands careful planning and attention to detail. By following these guidelines and collaborating with a reputable shipping company like Legend Yacht Transport, you can ensure your yacht reaches its destination safely and in pristine condition, ready for your next adventure.

Trust Legend Yacht Transport

As a global leader in yacht shipping and transport, the team at Legend Yacht Transport has earned the trust of renowned yacht and boat manufacturers, owners, managers, captains, and racers. Legend Yacht Transport specializes in offering customized yacht and boat transportation services for a wide range of vessels, including sailing and racing yachts, motorboats, superyachts, and commercial vessels, on a global scale. 

Distinguished as pioneers in the logistics domain, our expertise lies exclusively in ocean transport for marine vessels and equipment. Our highly qualified staff possesses an in-depth understanding of the intricacies of yacht transport and boat delivery, making us industry leaders with a comprehensive grasp of the challenges and nuances inherent to these specialized services.

Contact us today for more information or to start your yacht shipping journey.

Legend Yacht Transport to Sponsor the S97 2.5 Stock Hydroplane

Legend Yacht Transport to Sponsor the S97 2.5 Stock Hydroplane

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The Humanitarian and Logistical Implications of BBC EDGE's Recent Rescue Operation in the Mediterranean

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One World Shipping Network, Inc.

Boat & Yacht Transport

See what the worlds leading international and nationwide boat and yacht transport can do for you..

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ONE WORLD SHIPPING NETWORK, has over 25 years of experience in Shipping & Transporting Boats & Yachts via Land, Sea or Air. Our commitment is to provide professional and personalized service which is the basis of our success and we extend that commitment to exceed our client’s expectations. Regardless of your requirements we will find the right solution to Ship and/or Transport your Boat and/or Yacht to and from the Continental U.S. and anywhere in the world with the utmost efficiency & security.

Our service:, * in-land transportation *worldwide shipping * custom built shipping cradles * shrink wrapping *documentation processing  * insurance coverage * voyage preparation *storage and marina services *cranes and special lifts *containerize consolidation * customs brokerage    * captain service, we specialized loading any type of vessel suitable for ocean, inland and/or air transportation in the following methods:, lift-on,lift-off method.

transport de yacht sur cargo

Cranes and derricks are used to load and offload cargo over the top of freight ships. With lift-on/lift-off method, cargo is loaded and discharged over the top of the vessel using handling equipment such as cranes, allowing for cargo to be loaded onto a specific location on the ship or if transported via land, on to truck. Learn more..

Float-on,float-off method.

transport de yacht sur cargo

This is done by partly submerging the ship, until only the forward deck and stability towers remain above the surface. The cargo is then floated over the cargo deck, which is now deep (up to 10m) under water. When the cargo is in the correct position for loading, the heavy lift ships pump out water and de-ballast, leaving the cargo on deck. Learn more…

Roll-on/roll off method.

transport de yacht sur cargo

Your cargo is carefully placed on a trailer, towed onto the cargo ship and driven off when it arrives at your destination.   Roll-On/Roll-Off vessels are specifically designed to carry wheeled and tracked vehicles. Yachts are driven or towed on and off the ship by means of either the ship’s own ramps or shore-based ramps. Because it is designed to accommodate cargoes which cannot be stacked but which vary in height, below-deck space and volume utilization is generally less efficient than on a containers ship. RO/RO ships are thus commercially viable only in certain specialized trades. Lear more…

Containerized/ consolidated method.

transport de yacht sur cargo

Securely placing your smaller boat in a standalone container or consolidated together with other similar shipment types. Containerized provides service for smaller boats that can securely fit on a Flat Rack or in a Enclosed or open container. In Enclosed Container with the proper loading or custom built cradle your boat is protected from outside elements that can harm your shipment. Definitely, it is the most secure way to ship your small boat. On the other hand, in an Open Container or Flat Rack with a well supported and specialized customs built cradle, as well as, proper bracing, lashing and/or blocking your boat will be secure and safe for shipping, but unlike in an Enclosed Container , your boat or Yacht will be exposed to outside elements.   Consolidated Service is often a more cost-effective method for boats that fit in standard container dimensions and can be stuffed with other general merchandise going to the same destination.

Water to water delivery, in water delivery is a basic level of service where the service provider captains the boat to be transported on the water to the destination. this service is useful for moving large boats, transporting a boat internationally and for shipments with a practical water route. rate varies depending on the size of the boat, the crew required and the number of days for the trip., on deck cargo method.

transport de yacht sur cargo

With no height restrictions, transporting your boat on the main deck of the cargo ship, allows for optimal maneuverability. Cargo is carried outside (on the deck) rather than within the enclosed cargo spaces of a vessel. Typically it is less expensive to ship as deck cargo with a conventional cargo ship however service is limited to size and weight. The major advantage of On Deck Cargo is that there are no height limitations imposed on the vessels. Therefore, it is ideal for maneuvering and transporting large yachts, custom-built vessels, and sail boats without the need to un-step tall masts. Due to significant height and size requirements of some vessels, transporting them as On Deck Cargo allows for optimal maneuverability and convenience. The major advantage of On Deck Cargo is that there are no height limitations imposed on the vessels. Therefore, it is ideal for maneuvering and transporting large yachts, custom-built vessels, and sail boats without the need to un-step tall masts. Due to significant height and size requirements of some vessels, transporting them as On Deck Cargo allows for optimal maneuverability and convenience.

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transport de yacht sur cargo

Global Yacht Transport

Boat on a crane

Superyacht Transport

Unmatched expertise and experience.

Our team specializes in the global transportation of the world’s most luxurious superyachts, offering a premium, bespoke logistics service that is unparalleled. We’ve earned the trust of superyacht owners, captains, and management companies across the globe through our exceptional knowledge and experience.

Shipping the Ammonite Yacht

First flat rail shipment out of the philippines, dna performance sailing g4 catamaran shipment, 63m flo-flo superyacht shipment – utopia iv, customs and vat.

With many years experience and our very own in-house Customs Manager, we are on hand to guide you through any international trade service operations, and answer any customs / VAT questions you may have.

  • Pre shipment Letters of Credit scrutiny and amendment service
  • Full Letter of Credit services
  • Certificates of origin
  • Preparation and presentation of export license application forms

Masts, Spares and equipment transportation

We understand the importance and recognise the unique requirements that the transportation of specialist equipment such as masts, spares and containers need. With our global contacts the team are able to provide the most cost effective and efficient solution to ensure your cargo reaches its destination within your timescales.

  • Shipping containers
  • Support boats
  • Specialist camera equipment
  • Urgent spares


Our expert full time professional Loadmasters with industry approved qualifications and some with 25 years of experience in military maritime logistics deployment are at the centre of our commitment to provide a trusted and personal service.

  • Preparation of all loading / discharge equipment
  • Manage all loading / discharge operations
  • Co-ordination of third parties including divers, ship's crew etc.
  • Client point of contact on the day of loading / discharge
  • Skills to design lifting gear solutions

Technical Support

Our expert Technical Support Team works alongside our Loadmasters to provide necessary overall support prior to and during all loading and discharge operations. From technical drawings to bespoke cradle designs and welding services, our team will ensure that each loading / discharge is executed safely, efficiently and to industry standards.

  • Bespoke cradle design
  • Co-ordination of Loadmasters
  • Welding fabrication
  • Technical diagrams - stow plans, loading / discharge diagrams
  • Onsite cradle / equipment maintenance and distribution

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Yacht Transport

What our customers say

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Where We Operate

Customized solutions.

We tailor our services to match your specific requirements, ensuring a seamless journey for your superyacht.

Global Reach

We operate across the globe, ensuring your superyacht reaches its destination with meticulous care and precision.

Why Choose Peters & May

Peters & May is your unrivaled choice for seamless shipping solutions. Our wealth of experience, global reach, and dedication to precision make us the preferred partner for all your shipping requirements. Our team of experts ensures your cargo arrives safely and on time, wherever your destination may be. You can trust Peters & May to deliver excellence every time. Join the ranks of satisfied customers who choose us as their trusted shipping partner.

Unparalleled Reputation

Our reputation as a trusted partner in the superyacht industry is a testament to our decades of experience and unparalleled expertise.

Exceeding Expectations

We go above and beyond to exceed your expectations, ensuring your superyacht receives the royal treatment it deserves.

Global Expertise

In addition to superyacht transport, we’re experts in global yacht shipping and racing yacht transport, offering comprehensive solutions tailored to your needs.

Precision Matters

We approach every superyacht transport operation with a high level of precision, ensuring every detail is considered, from the initial proposal to the custom lifting and cradling systems designed specifically for your vessel.

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Yacht Transport to Any Destination in the World

Brooks Yacht Transport offers worldwide all-included ocean transport for yachts. We are the gold standard of yacht transport companies and maintain this reputation through meticulous attention to detail and thorough communication. We offer fully-insured bespoke yacht transport solutions for every customer, and pride ourselves on customer service that is unparalleled in the yacht transport industry.

Why Brooks Yacht Transport Is Different

We see these as our main competitive differentiators in the Yacht Transport Industry.


Moving a yacht is not like moving other cargo. We are NOT a general cargo shipping company, we are yacht and boat specialists and we will know how to properly prepare your boat for safe transport.


We are a customer service company FIRST and a transport company second. We love working with superyachts and megayachts, but unlike other companies, we give as much attention to any boat, regardless of the size.


We are able to utilize any ship out there; we aren’t limited to only providing you with the sailing dates of our own ships like many other larger yacht transporters in the market.

Detailed Process: Yacht Transport by Ocean

Tell us about your boat & route, we do the research, contract is signed, your yacht is transported, ocean yacht transport: frequently asked questions, what are advantages of transporting my yacht via ocean liner versus having a captain & crew deliver my yacht.

There are many good reasons to transport a yacht by liner rather than hiring a captain.

First and foremost, transporting your boat means sparing it from significant wear and tear, engine hours, and the possibility of interior or exterior damage or engine malfunction.

Another reason to have your yacht shipped to its destination instead of motored is the cost of fuel. Depending on the type of boat, the cost of fuel consumption on a long distance delivery will come very close to the cost of transport by ocean liner.

We make the process stress free. You never worry about your boat running aground or experiencing other structural or mechanical failure that could delay your yacht reaching its destination by months, and costing you indefinite sums for repair.

Even though with yacht transport by liner there’s no absolutely guaranteed date of arrival, you do know that you won’t run into an unexpected long-term maintenance or repair scenario between your origin and destination.

With ocean yacht transport by liner, you also have complete certainty of liability – every time you transport your boat with us you have a full-coverage all-risk marine cargo insurance policy

Why don’t we know exact dates for loading & delivery of my boat?

Sadly, guaranteed pick-up dates don’t exist in ocean transport – regardless of the shipper or transporter. In fact, if an ocean yacht transporter is giving you a guaranteed pick-up date well in advance of shipping, this is not trustworthy information and very much a red flag.

It’s impossible to know exactly what day the ship is going to arrive at the port because of the possibility of whether delays, port congestion, or delays at prior ports. Once the ship has reached port, we will have a much more accurate idea of your delivery date, but because of the many uncontrollable factors in the international shipping industry at large, we have to use our best judgment and err on the side of caution in providing you with estimated dates.

If we are a month or more away of shipping, you can expect a loading window of approximately 15 days. That window narrows as the ship gets closer & clears each port on its schedule before your port of loading.

How will my boat be prepared for ocean transport?

Initial preparations may take place before your boat gets to port. Perhaps your boat was shrinkwrapped at your marina or boatyard. Perhaps you had a custom cradle built for your boat in advance etc. These preparations depend on the type of boat and your preference.

Next, there are a few different options for how your boat can get to port for loading. We can deliver your boat by truck if it’s of road legal size. Otherwise, you or a designated friend or professionally hired captain can bring your boat to port for loading.

Once your yacht has reached the port, final preparations are made prior to shipping. The cradle might be built on the deck of the ship custom-fit to your boat, your boat may be lashed and strapped securely to the deck of the ship. Experienced certified loadmasters, experienced certified cradle builders, or experienced certified divers may all be involved in the final preparations of your boat.

Your boat will be loaded onto the liner either with a heavy-duty crane that is geared to the deck of the ship, or it may be loaded by other means such as mobile port crane, or by roll on – roll off if that’s your method of shipment (see below our detailed guide on loading methods). We will know which loading method is appropriate for your yacht. Please give us a call if you have any questions or concerns!

Do you own the ship that will be transporting my yacht?

We do not own ocean liners. For your yacht transport, there is no advantage whatsoever to using a company that owns their own ships. Most ship-owning companies are actually more expensive because they have greater overhead, and the customer service that you receive will be inferior. All NVOCC companies (like us) have access to the same ships on the same tradelines.

Please give us a call and ask us if you have additional questions about Ocean Yacht Transport. We are here 7 days a week and would love to hear from you!

Boat being Prepared for Yacht Transport by Ocean

Yacht Loading Methods

Below we describe the various ways of loading your yacht onto an ocean liner


Roll-on/roll-off, float-on/float-off.

The Lift On – Lift Off transport method is the most common in the industry. It is straightforward, safe and most cost-effective in many cases. If our team determines that Lift-On, Lift-Off is best for your transport, your yacht will need to be brought shipside, by sea or by truck. Heavy-duty slings are carefully placed under the hull of your boat by professional divers at the instruction of an experienced loadmaster. The loadmaster will have determined the correct lifting points for your hull in advance. At this point, your yacht is slowly and delicately crane-lifted out of the water or truck-bed, and placed on top of a custom built arrangement of lumber and steel stands that cradle the vessel onboard. These cranes are often rated for hundreds of tons of load capacity and can lift your yacht like a feather. Your boat is securely lashed down to the deck and cradle, and the process is simply reversed at your port of destination.

transport de yacht sur cargo

Flatrack shipping is very useful for boats that are shorter than 40 feet, do not exceed height restrictions (which vary by route and ship), and need to be transported along less common routes and schedules. Flatracks are essentially standard 40’ shipping containers without sidewalls and a roof. This allows your yacht’s dimensions to go beyond the parameters of standard shipping containers, but with the same ease of loading. Because of the container-like design, these platforms are available for use on most major shipping lines worldwide, year-round, and at a relatively low cost. Custom-built cradling is provided if necessary.

Flat Rack Yacht Transport for Ocean Liner

The Roll-On/Roll-Off transport method is a very attractive shipping option if your yacht is less than 60 feet in length, and less than 15-18 feet in height. In this method, your yacht is wheeled on board the stern ramp of a ship that is specially designed for rolling cargo. Your yacht can be rolled onto the ship on its own trailer, or on top of a specialized rolling flatbed and cradle. Roll-On/Roll-Off is a fantastic method of transport because of the weather protection provided by the boat being enclosed within the ship, the frequency of the ship schedules, and the fact it’s generally the most cost-effective method of transport if possible for your yacht!

Roll on Roll off Yacht Transportation Example

The Break Bulk (otherwise known as Out-of-Gauge) transport method is utilized when a yacht must be shipped on board a container or “break bulk” liner vessel due to route or season, but the yacht’s dimensions make standard container or Flatrack loading impossible. In this case, your yacht is lifted by the same means as the Lift-On/Lift-Off method onto a platform between rows of containers for safety, or directly onto the deck of the ship in its own custom-built steel cradle.

The Float-On/Float-Off yacht transport method is done with the use of semi-submersible vessels. These ships are engineering marvels that were originally designed to transport and launch oil rigs, but have since been utilized to transport a variety of cargo that is simply too large or heavy to be safely lifted by cranes, and must be floated over the submerged deck of these very special ships. Due to the fascinating coverage of many of these operations, our customers will often ask if this method would be best for their yacht. This method is great for megayachts that cannot be lifted safely, but this transport method is actually not necessary for most yachts. Most yachts, including many superyachts, can be safely lifted on a traditional cargo vessel at a lesser cost. There are, however, some instances where this transport method is cost effective and convenient, in which case we are happy to offer it as one of our many options!

For yacht transports that can be done by land, we offer yacht trucking. This ranges from tri-axle bunk trailers to specialized lowboy boat haulers for oversized boats with high clearance. Trucking is often required for domestic yacht transport, due to The Jones Act (Merchant Marine Act of 1920), which prohibits ocean freight to be delivered between U.S. ports if the ship is not U.S. built, U.S. flag, and fully crewed and supported by U.S. labor. We offer road transport of any distance, ranging from local moves, to cross-country, to international. We have thoroughly vetted, experienced drivers positioned in the United States, Mexico, Canada, and Europe. Can my yacht be moved by truck ?

Yacht Transport being hauled by truck

Let's Talk!

Fill out the quote request form or give us a call directly at +1.850.384.9852. We’ll need to know about your boat size, and desired route and schedule.

Get Your Quote!

We send you a custom quote and start-to-finish plan for preparing, loading, and shipping your yacht. You check the paperwork and return the signed contract.

We Transport Your Yacht!

Our loadmaster and technical team prepare your yacht for safe transport. We fine-tune throughout the process, and you always have a direct line of communication with our team.

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Cobo Ship & Yacht

Innovative solutions for yacht & special / project cargo logistics.

Cobo Ship & Yacht Ltd (CoboShip) specializes in worldwide yacht and heavy-lift cargo shipping, devising tailor-made freight solutions for yachts of any dimensions, and making door-to-door delivery for all manners of heavy-lift cargoes such as cranes, buses, railway locomotives and railcars, airport equipment, etc. Since 1979, our group has been serving a wide range of customers including yacht owners and builders, passenger line operators and government agencies from countries and regions spanning the globe... More

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The Ultimate Guide to Transporting a Yacht: Everything You Need to Know

Are you dreaming of taking your boat on a global adventure.

This article was provided by Atlantic Project Cargo .

Shipping your yacht or boat overseas may seem daunting, but fear not! We’re here to guide you through every step of the process. This comprehensive manual is your go-to resource for safe and efficient international boat shipping.

Whether you own a magnificent luxury yacht or a compact recreational boat, understanding the necessary steps and preparation is crucial. We’ve simplified the complexities, providing you with the knowledge and skills to navigate the world of boat shipping confidently.

So, get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey, armed with the tools to make your international yacht and boat shipping experience smooth and successful. Let’s set sail together!

Challenges of Transporting Yachts Overseas

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When shipping yachts overseas, there are several challenges to consider. These include navigating complex customs regulations, ensuring proper handling and securing of your vessel, and selecting a reliable freight forwarder to oversee the process.

To overcome these hurdles, having a well-thought-out plan and partnering with an experienced and reputable service provider is crucial. Understanding the challenges and taking proactive measures can ensure seamless and successful overseas transportation for your cherished yacht.

Exploring Boat Shipping Methods

Various international yacht shipping methods are available, each suited for different types of vessels and specific routes.

These are the main methods:

Container Shipping

Container shipping involves placing the boat or yacht inside a shipping container for transportation. This method offers protection from the elements and allows for secure handling throughout the journey. It is suitable for smaller boats and yachts quickly loaded and secured within a standard container.

Atlantic Project Cargo ensures the container is adequately prepared, secured, and loaded onto the shipping vessel to prevent any damage during transit. Our experienced team handles all the necessary logistics and documentation to ensure a smooth container shipping process.

RoRo (Roll-On/Roll-Off) Shipping

Roll-on/roll-off ( RoRo) shipping is a renowned method for transporting boats and yachts. With this method, the vessel is driven or towed onto a specialized RoRo vessel using ramps. Once the vessel is secure for transportation, it can unload at the destination port by rolling it off the same ramps used for loading. This process ensures a safe and efficient vessel transfer to its intended location.

This method is particularly suitable for larger boats and yachts that are self-propelled or have their own means of transportation. It offers convenience, efficiency, and the ability to load and unload the vessel quickly.

Atlantic Project Cargo works closely with reputable RoRo shipping providers to ensure the safe and secure transportation of your boat or yacht using this method.

Lift-On/Lift-Off (LoLo) Shipping

Lift-on/lift-off (LoLo) shipping involves cranes or specialized lifting equipment to load and unload boats and yachts onto and off the shipping vessel. Due to their size or configuration, this method is used for larger vessels that cannot transport using RoRo or container shipping methods.

Atlantic Project Cargo coordinates the entire lift-on/lift-off process, ensuring the safe handling of your boat or yacht. We work with experienced operators and utilize suitable equipment to minimize the risk of damage during the loading and unloading operations.

Berth-to-Berth Shipping

Berth-to-berth shipping covers the entire transportation process, from the departure to the final destination port. It includes all the necessary logistics, such as loading, securing, transportation, unloading, and delivering the boat or yacht.

Atlantic Project Cargo manages every aspect of the berth-to-berth shipping process, providing a turn-key solution for your international boat or yacht transportation needs. Our team ensures that your vessel is handled with great care and attention to detail, guaranteeing a smooth and worry-free shipping experience.

These methods offer flexibility and options for transporting yachts and boats internationally.

Preparing Your Yacht for Transport

transport de yacht sur cargo

Preparing your yacht or boat for transport is crucial to ensure safety during international shipping or moving oversized cargo.

Follow these steps to prepare your vessel effectively:

  • Documentation and Registration: Ensure all necessary documents, ownership papers, registration, and insurance are in order, complying with international regulations.
  • Maintenance and Inspection: Inspect your yacht or boat for mechanical issues or damages. Conduct routine maintenance and ensure all systems are working properly.
  • Secure Loose Items: Remove all personal items and secure any remaining equipment to prevent damage during transit.
  • Fuel and Fluids: Maintain minimal fuel and fluid levels on board to comply with safety regulations.
  • Winterization (if applicable): Take necessary steps to winterize the vessel, protecting water systems and engines from freezing temperatures.

Proper preparation is vital for a seamless shipping experience and for safeguarding your yacht or boat.

Measuring Your Yacht

Accurate measurements of your yacht are vital for determining the most suitable shipping method and calculating transportation costs.

Key measures include your vessel’s length, height, width, and weight. It is recommended to consult with a professional surveyor or your chosen freight forwarder to obtain precise measurements.

Understanding the Estimate Calculation

When seeking quotes from freight forwarders, understanding how the estimate is calculated is essential.

Global boat shipping costs depend on the following:

  • Boat’s size
  • Chosen shipping method
  • Distance between ports
  • Customization needs
  • Insurance coverage

Requesting a quote from a reputable yacht shipping service provider ensures an accurate estimate tailored to your requirements. You can obtain a reliable estimate by providing accurate information and discussing your needs with the freight forwarder.

Additional Services to Consider

When selecting a freight forwarder for yacht shipping, one crucial service to consider is insurance coverage. It is essential to inquire about comprehensive insurance options tailored to yacht shipping.

Adequate insurance coverage will protect your valuable asset throughout the transportation process, providing peace of mind. Partnering with a freight forwarder that offers reliable insurance options ensures that your yacht is safeguarded against unforeseen events during its journey.

Yacht Preparation Checklist

transport de yacht sur cargo

Preparing your yacht for shipping involves a series of necessary steps.

Some essential items to include in your checklist are:

  • Removing personal belongings
  • Securing loose items and covering delicate surfaces
  • Draining fuel and water tanks
  • Documenting the vessel’s condition through photographs
  • Notifying your insurance provider about the upcoming transportation

International Yacht Shipping

When transporting your yacht internationally, it’s crucial to comply with customs regulations and documentation requirements. Your freight forwarder should have expertise in international yacht shipping and guide you through the necessary paperwork, customs clearance, and country-specific regulations. Their experience and knowledge will ensure a smooth transit across borders.

Choosing the Right Freight Forwarder

Selecting the right freight forwarder is pivotal to the success of your yacht transportation. Consider factors such as their experience in yacht shipping, industry reputation, customer reviews, and the range of services they offer.

Atlantic Project Cargo is a renowned freight forwarder specializing in boat export and international yacht shipping. With their extensive expertise, commitment to customer satisfaction, and tailored insurance options, Atlantic Project Cargo is a trusted partner for hassle-free yacht transportation.

Embark on Your Yacht Shipping Adventure!

Transporting your beloved yacht overseas can be a manageable task. You can easily navigate the seas of yacht transportation by understanding the various shipping methods, preparing your yacht meticulously, and partnering with a reliable freight forwarder. Bon voyage!

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Yacht shipping: How to prepare your boat for a trip on a transporter ship

Yachting World

  • February 24, 2020

Shipping your yacht may seem counter-intuitive, but putting wear on someone else’s hull can make more sense than you think, writes Will Bruton


Transocean yacht shipping is becoming increasingly popular. Photo: Sevenstar Yacht Transport

Bypassing seasonal weather restrictions and being able to relocate quickly are among the factors making yacht shipping more popular than ever.

Cargo ships cruise well in excess of the speeds of even the fastest racing yachts and are rarely delayed due to weather that would make a passage under sail untenable.

But while there is much less wear and tear on your yacht than a 3,000-mile ocean crossing will cause, there are still preparations you need to make sure your yacht is unloaded in good shape. We take a look at the process and how to prepare for it.


Once the strops are in position the owner and crew disembark for lifting. Photo: Tor Johnson

The beat back across the north Atlantic to Europe via Bermuda and the Azores is, despite its course to windward, a rewarding trip to make. But there’s a good reason many shy away: it’s often hard on the yacht, as well as the crew. Some 3,000 miles of wear on sails, engine and rigging has a significant impact.

For those who have travelled further, maybe across the Pacific, the trip back to Europe also involves significant weather challenges and time demands. Jeremy Wyatt, director of the World Cruising Club, has noticed a steady increase in the number of WCC event participants using yacht shipping services.

“Many are time-poor and unable to take the long periods of time necessary off work to complete ocean crossings. Also, production yachts proportionally suffer greater stress and wear and tear on the north Atlantic route to Europe than traditional heavy displacement boats. So the cost/benefit of shipping over sailing the route swings more towards shipping.”

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Preparing a yacht to be shipped should be undertaken with a similar level of attention to detail as getting ready to complete an ocean passage, or riding out a storm season, in order to minimise the chance of damage.

“The best preparation to get your boat ready for shipping is to think of it as winterising it,” explains Sevenstar loadmaster Geert de Krom. “If you stop for a season at home, you’d take the sails off, make everything nice inside, empty your tanks.”

The other thing he advises is to bear in mind that the yacht may well be exposed to the elements. “The big ship is also moving. If it is blowing 25 knots and the ship has its own speed, it can be 40 knots or more over the deck for days.


The ship’s loading crew will control the yacht during the lifting process. Photo: Tor Johnson

“The best thing to do is try and get rid of all the sail covers; they’re best stored inside. If a sail cover or other wrapping is blowing off it can also damage their neighbours’ yacht.”

The loading process

Yachts need to have their fresh and grey water tanks emptied (before approaching the ship as there will be divers working in the area) but to make sure that there is a little fuel left on board for offloading at the arrival port.

Owners (or their representatives) are responsible for driving their yacht up to the ship. There are good reasons for doing it yourself if you are able. “I always prefer it if the owner is doing it himself,” explains de Krom, “because they know their yachts best.

“For example, you have to remove your backstay, because we have a spreader beam for the lift, and the backstay is always in the way. On some yachts that’s five minutes work, on other yachts where it hasn’t been removed for the past eight years it takes longer.

“But if it is your own yacht, you know where the tools are and it’s more easily done. In the Caribbean a lot of times the delivery skippers will bring the boat alongside, but they don’t always know where the right screwdriver is.

“Normally you have a contact a couple of days before loading, and you’ll be assigned a loadmaster like me. We agree a loading time, and tell them where to come alongside, which side to put the fenders on. We try to prepare all the clients so we don’t have to shout down from the big ship.


Sevenstar Yacht Transport loadmaster Geert de Krom

“They just come alongside and then we have a crew who climb down the ladder and prepare the yacht for lifting. The lift rig will be lowered down, and we have one or two divers – always on every yacht – to double-check where to put the belts.”

Then we start lifting. The divers can also give us some information on the level of the yacht, if she is too bow down or stern down,” de Krom explains. “When everything looks safe we disembark, and lift the yacht into position on deck.”

Once the yacht is in position on the ship, it will be secured on its stand with lashings, and the stands are welded onto decks. For some yachts the loadmaster will ask for advice on the best strong points to lash the boat from.


The yacht is lowered onto a cradle in position and secured with tie-down points. Photo: Tor Johnson

“We always ask owners to send us pictures or drawings of previous lifts. But we ship 2,500 yachts a year, so we have quite a good database of how we’ve lifted previous yachts.” Even though the yacht process is a very well oiled machine, de Krom says owners shouldn’t feel rushed at this stage.

“They have plenty of time to prepare the yacht for the voyage. They can close everything down, put fenders inside, lock everything up, take your time. If you are the first yacht and I still have 45 yachts to loads, you have three days! But even if you are the last yacht, I still always offer the owner time.”

Key things to remember before stepping off for the last time are to disconnect the batteries and turn off the AIS . The process for loading onto a semi-submersible ship is slightly different. “Owners should approach it like going into a big lock,” he advises.

“So you’re waiting for the lock with 20, 25 yachts, and you stand by on Ch21, and one by one the loadmasters will call the vessel’s name, and then we have a lot of crew on board to catch the lines and help the skipper moor.

“Once the yachts are on the ship we start deballasting, and we have between 12 and 22 divers in the water. They have underwater stands they put in place so the yachts will not tip over.

“Loading takes place on one day, so if all the yachts are on by 1000, by 1700 the decks will be dry. The clients can stay on board, do some paperwork – or leave when the yacht is ready.


To prepare for unloading, remove the backstay, put out fenders and long mooring lines, and double-check you have enough charge to start the engine. Photo: Drone Caraibes

“Then by the evening the deck is dry, and the crew put all the sea fastening stands on to prepare for the voyage, which are also welded to the deck.”

How the yacht is secured is crucial. The loss of the 40m superyacht My Song , which fell from a ship last year , is at the centre of a legal case. When yachts ride on deck, they are held in a cradle supplied by either the yacht shipping company or sometimes the yacht owner.

However, if you supply your own cradle you should check it has been designed for use on the deck of a ship as well as for static storage ashore.


The owner (or owner’s representative) is responsible for driving the yacht up to the ship. Photo: Tor Johnson

While seeing your yacht hoisted atop a giant ship is spectacular, de Krom pleads that owners bring only essential crew who are able to climb the ladders. “It’s not a family party. I’ve had babies onboard coming alongside.”

He also advises that anyone at loading or unloading wears a good pair of deck shoes – not flip-flops. “We will provide the safety vest and helmet. But at least wear decent shoes to protect yourself. We work on a big steel vessel and there are so many ways to hurt yourself.”

One of the chief complaints made by owners after yacht shipping is that of dirt from the ship’s exhaust system causing staining to the hull and mast, particularly for yachts positioned downwind of the exhaust.

For this reason, it’s a good idea to wax the hull as well as to take down all canvas and as many lines as possible. Some owners prefer to have the yacht shrink-wrapped for even greater protection.

Andrea Lezzi organised the movement of the 82ft Southern Wind Feelin ’ Good from Thailand to Palma and, unusually, he also accompanied the yacht on the shipping stage of its voyage.

“No one wanted the yacht to go through the Gulf of Aden so it was decided shipping was the best option early on. The ship we were allocated was not a specialist yacht transport ship but a heavy lifting cargo ship that can carry almost anything with its own cranes on board.

“One early miscommunication meant that the loadmasters didn’t realise how big our fixed keel was, assuming it to be retractable.

“The guidance to remove all canvas, indeed anything you can, is worth heeding. On our passage we had 30 knots on the nose of the cargo ship and she moves at 20 knots; that’s 50 knots over the deck.

“So, shipping can still be quite harsh on the yacht in a different way. In total we used 43 lashings onto the deck and 23 inside the yacht for various furnishings.”


While the cradle is being welded onto the deck owners have some time to make final checks. Photo: Tor Johnson

Lezzi travelled as a passenger on the ship. “I was on board for 40 days in total. At first the shipping line wasn’t keen to accommodate me but we negotiated a rate for a cabin for the passage.

“I polished the yacht before we left – not to a shine, but to protect from dirt. But one big advantage of being on board is that I was able to rinse the yacht off every day with freshwater from the ship.”

Yacht shipping tips  

  • Check your insurance for every stage of the operation in advance. Are you covered at every point in the process?
  • Strip everything you can from the yacht. Canvas work should be removed and lines moused out.
  • Is your yacht watertight? Yachts are exposed to the same weather as on passage and sometimes worse.
  • Is your interior secure? Yacht shipping companies recommend using trucking straps to secure anything below that might move.
  • Empty all water tanks. Fuel tanks should only carry the minimum of fuel necessary to get to and from the ship. Gas bottles should also be removed.
  • Check your yacht shipping contract. Some do not guarantee a delivery date and weather delays do happen, even to big ships.
  • Shop around. Prices for shipment vary significantly based upon many factors, including how full the ship is at the time of quotation. Check if there is a scheduled service as they are often cheaper.
  • Think in terms of winterising your yacht – shipping via northern Europe can expose the yacht to cold. Will anything freeze?
  • Leave the mast up. S pecialist yacht shipping companies will ship almost all yachts with the rig stepped.
  • Leave a spare key. I f the ship pulls into another port, Customs may want to get on board your yacht

Insurance should be an early consideration. Robert Holbrook of Admiral Marine says: “We insure a lot of yachts which are shipped to Europe from places like the Caribbean.

“We have found over the years that the shipper often provides cargo cover which is well priced and so the normal practice is to cease cover on the yacht from the time that the yacht is loaded (usually when the slings are attached), and cover remains suspended until the yacht is safely offloaded onto the water or onto the quay at the destination.

“It is not possible to cover the yacht as cargo under a normal yacht policy. The cover offered while the yacht is being shipped is Institute Cargo Clauses (All Risks).”

If it’s not you loading and unloading, you should also be careful to check there are no blurred lines in liability with who you put in charge of the yacht.

First published in the February 2020 edition of Yachting World.

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Avec près de 30 ans d’expérience dans le domaine, SGC Maritime est le spécialiste dans les frêts par voie maritime toutes destinations et sera votre seul interlocuteur.

Une prestation clé en main pour faire transporter votre bateau

Transport de bateaux

  • Convoyage par équipage
  • Préacheminement spécialisé au port de votre bateau
  • Mise et sortie d’eau
  • Mise sur ber, calage et saisissage
  • Transport maritime par cargo, container ou navire semi-submersible
  • Formalités douanières
  • Assurances.

Par ailleurs, SGC Maritime vous assure le transport de bateaux de tous types

  • Déménagement  de Voiliers
  • Transport de catamarans
  • Transit de bateaux de plaisance
  • Déménagement de bateaux à moteur ou à voile
  • Expédition en groupage maritime de petits bateaux

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Transport longue distance pour un multicoque : cargo ou convoyage ?

Avatar de Philippe Echelle

Article publié le 23/03/2018

Par Philippe Echelle

n°188 avr. / mai

Multicoques Mag n°188

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Pour le transport par cargo, par Mathieu Le Bihan

Issu du monde du shipping, Matthieu a passé plusieurs années en expatriation entre Caraïbe et Amérique de Sud. Son rôle : organiser les escales des navires de commerce pour le compte d’un armateur français. En 2011, à son retour en Bretagne, il se spécialise dans la logistique Course au Large, et organisera les transports par cargo des flottes des Transat AG2R, Mini Transat et Route du Rhum. Fin 2016, il rejoint le groupe Sevenstar Yacht Transport, leader mondial du transport de yachts.  

La plaisance est entrée de plain-pied dans l’ère du plug and play. Pour bon nombre de navigateurs, la traversée d’un océan n’est plus un Graal en soi ; elle est même ressentie comme une contrainte de temps et un facteur non négligeable de risque (humain et matériel). Le transport maritime de bateaux s’inscrit logiquement dans cette recherche de plaisir immédiat et de navigation sans contrainte. Il permet un accès rapide et sûr aux bassins de navigation ultra-marins que beaucoup de plaisanciers effleuraient seulement du bout des doigts sur le papier glacé de leurs magazines spécialisés. Peu d’entre eux y naviguaient. Grâce au transport par cargo, ce rêve devient réalité : A vous les îles et les lagons ! La grisaille hivernale oubliée, la saison suivante, vous naviguerez en Adriatique, en Polynésie ou vers Phuket. Le champ des possibles s’ouvre à vous ; la seule limite : votre imagination !

transport de yacht sur cargo

Le transport par cargo : la solution rapide, fiable et accessible

Rapide : Aujourd’hui, en moins de 15 jours, votre catamaran, solidement arrimé à la pontée du cargo, fera le voyage en toute sécurité depuis La Rochelle jusqu’aux Antilles ou en Floride. Après 35 jours de transport, vous aurez le plaisir de mouiller l’ancre à Papeete, Sydney ou Singapour. Comptez 20 à 30 jours de plus en convoyage, si le parcours est sans embûche...

Fiable et sûr  : le transport par cargo vous affranchit des aléas inhérents au convoyage  : vents contraires, calmes plats, tempêtes, et aux retards qui en découlent. Il présente également l’avantage incontestable de préserver votre multicoque de l’usure consécutive à une traversée transocéanique : gréement, voiles, moteurs et structure ne seront pas sollicités pendant le voyage.

Accessible : contrairement aux idées reçues, le transport par cargo n’est plus seulement réservé aux propriétaires de superyachts. Aujourd’hui, le budget transport d’un catamaran de 40 pieds pour une traversée de l’Atlantique se situe à 15 000 euros, soit, tous frais inclus, un coût comparable à celui d’un convoyage réalisé par un équipage professionnel ; aléas de navigation, consommation de carburant et usure de l’équipement en moins.

En conclusion : à budget équivalent, la balance penche clairement en faveur du transport par cargo. Les propriétaires, de plus en plus nombreux à vouloir préserver leur patrimoine nautique et profiter pleinement de leur temps de loisir, retiendront cette solution. A ceux qui ...

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    Brooks Yacht Transport offers worldwide all-included ocean transport for yachts. We are the gold standard of yacht transport companies and maintain this reputation through meticulous attention to detail and thorough communication. We offer fully-insured bespoke yacht transport solutions for every customer, and pride ourselves on customer ...

  19. Worldwide Yacht Transporting and Heavy-Lift Cargo Logistics, Shipping

    Cobo Ship & Yacht Innovative Solutions for Yacht & Special / Project Cargo Logistics. Cobo Ship & Yacht Ltd (CoboShip) specializes in worldwide yacht and heavy-lift cargo shipping, devising tailor-made freight solutions for yachts of any dimensions, and making door-to-door delivery for all manners of heavy-lift cargoes such as cranes, buses, railway locomotives and railcars, airport equipment ...

  20. The Ultimate Guide to Transporting a Yacht: Everything You Need to Know

    Atlantic Project Cargo manages every aspect of the berth-to-berth shipping process, providing a turn-key solution for your international boat or yacht transportation needs. Our team ensures that your vessel is handled with great care and attention to detail, guaranteeing a smooth and worry-free shipping experience.

  21. Transport de multicoques par cargo

    Il fait partie de la flotte de Sevenstar Yacht Transport. Une poignée d'heures plus tard, le navire mettra le cap sur Palm Beach, en Floride. De là, certains bateaux seront transbordés en pontée d'un autre cargo, à destination de l'Australie et la Nouvelle-Calédonie…

  22. Yacht shipping: How to prepare your boat for a trip on a transporter ship

    Once the yacht is in position on the ship, it will be secured on its stand with lashings, and the stands are welded onto decks. For some yachts the loadmaster will ask for advice on the best ...

  23. Transport de bateaux toutes destinations

    La SGC Maritime s'occupe de tout : Convoyage par équipage. Préacheminement spécialisé au port de votre bateau. Mise et sortie d'eau. Mise sur ber, calage et saisissage. Transport maritime par cargo, container ou navire semi-submersible. Formalités douanières. Assurances.

  24. Transport longue distance pour un multicoque : cargo ou convoyage

    En 2011, à son retour en Bretagne, il se spécialise dans la logistique Course au Large, et organisera les transports par cargo des flottes des Transat AG2R, Mini Transat et Route du Rhum. Fin 2016, il rejoint le groupe Sevenstar Yacht Transport, leader mondial du transport de yachts.