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How to Build a Catamaran Boat? (Step-by-Step Guide)

plan a catamaran

Building a catamaran boat from scratch is a rewarding and challenging endeavor.

It takes a combination of skill, dedication, and hard work to craft a seaworthy vessel.

In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to design and size your catamaran, gather the necessary materials, cut and assemble the pieces, lay fiberglass and apply epoxy, make finishing touches, add hardware and paint, and rig the boat.

With the right tools, planning, and patience, you can make your dream of sailing in a catamaran a reality.

Table of Contents

Short Answer

Building a catamaran boat requires a lot of patience and skill.

The first step is to choose the right materials for the hull, such as fiberglass, wood or aluminum.

Then, you will need to build the frame of the boat, which includes the crossbeams and the main hull.

After that, you will need to install the decking, the rigging, and other components.

Finally, you will need to paint and varnish the boat, as well as install the outboard motor and other accessories.

Design & Size Considerations

When it comes to building a catamaran boat from scratch, the first step is to determine the design and size of the boat.

This should take into account the intended use of the boat, such as sailing, fishing, or leisurely cruising.

The size of the boat will depend on the number of passengers and the type of activities the boat will be used for.

For instance, a larger boat may be needed if passengers will be standing or participating in watersports.

The design of the boat is also important and should be chosen based on the intended use.

If you are looking to build a sailboat, you will need a design that is optimized for sailing.

On the other hand, if you are looking to build a fishing boat, you will need a design that is optimized for fishing.

There are a wide variety of boat designs available, so it is important to research and choose the one that best suits your needs.

In addition to the design and size, you will also need to consider the materials used for construction.

The most common materials for building a catamaran boat are wood, fiberglass, and epoxy.

Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to research them and determine which one is best for your project.

Finally, you will need to consider the cost of the project.

Building a catamaran boat from scratch can be a costly endeavor, so it is important to have a budget in mind before you begin.

The cost will depend on the type of materials used and the complexity of the design.

It is also important to factor in the cost of any tools that may be needed for the project.

By taking into account the design and size, materials, and cost of the project, you can be sure to build a catamaran boat that meets your needs and budget.

With the right amount of patience and attention to detail, you can build your own catamaran boat in no time.

Gathering Materials

plan a catamaran

Gathering the materials needed to build a catamaran boat from scratch can be a daunting task, but it is essential for creating a sturdy and safe vessel.

Before starting the building process, it is important to have an accurate and detailed plan for the boats design and size.

Once a plan is in place, it is time to begin sourcing the necessary materials.

The most common materials used to construct a catamaran boat are wood, fiberglass, and epoxy.

When choosing wood, it is best to select a species of timber that is strong and durable, such as mahogany, teak, or cedar.

Additionally, the wood should be clear and free of knots, splits, and other defects.

Fiberglass is a lightweight fabric that is resistant to water and provides additional strength to the boats hull.

Epoxy is a waterproof adhesive that is used to seal the boat and ensure that it is watertight.

It is important to ensure that the materials are of high quality, as this will help to ensure the boats longevity.

Additionally, it is important to purchase the necessary materials in the correct amount and size.

Too little or too much of a material can be a costly and time-consuming mistake.

Finally, it is important to keep any leftover materials for future repairs or modifications.

With the right materials gathered, the next step is to cut the wood and begin the assembly process.

Cutting & Assembly

Cutting and assembly are the most important steps when it comes to building a catamaran boat from scratch.

The first step is to decide the design and size of the boat.

This will determine the type of materials you need to gather and the amount of effort that needs to be put into the project.

After deciding on the design and size, you will need to cut the wood to fit the design.

This includes cutting the wood to the desired size, as well as cutting any additional pieces that may be needed to complete the design.

It is important to ensure that all the pieces fit together correctly and securely, as any mistakes could lead to a weak boat.

Once the wood has been cut, it is time to assemble the pieces together.

This involves attaching the pieces together with glue, screws, and nails, and ensuring that the pieces fit together securely.

It is important to be careful and patient when assembling the pieces, as any mistakes could result in a weak and unstable boat.

Once the frame is ready, it is time to lay the fiberglass, and apply the epoxy to seal the boat.

This is an important step, as it will make sure that the boat is waterproof and durable.

Finally, you can add the finishing touches, such as the hardware, paint, and rigging.

With the right amount of patience and attention to detail, you can have your own custom catamaran boat in no time.

Laying Fiberglass & Applying Epoxy

plan a catamaran

When laying the fiberglass and applying epoxy, it is important to take your time and be precise.

Fiberglass and epoxy are key components of a catamaran boat, as they provide the strength and waterproofing necessary to keep the boat afloat.

Start by laying the fiberglass over the frame of the boat.

Make sure to cut the fiberglass to size and overlap the edges for a strong seal.

Once the fiberglass is in place, mix the epoxy and begin to apply it.

It is important to apply the epoxy in a thin, even layer to ensure a proper seal.

Make sure to move the epoxy around to get it into all the nooks and crannies of the boat.

Allow the epoxy to cure and then you can begin to add the finishing touches.

Finishing Touches

Once the frame of the catamaran boat is built, it is time to add the finishing touches.

This includes adding the necessary hardware, painting, and rigging the boat.

Hardware: Before adding the hardware, it is important to ensure that the frame is stable and secure.

Add the appropriate hinges, screws, and nails to the frame.

Make sure that the screws and nails are the correct size and do not exceed the recommended load capacity of the frame.

Painting: Once the hardware is added, it is time to paint the boat.

Choose a paint that is suitable for the materials used in the construction.

Make sure that the paint is applied evenly and that the frame is completely dry before applying the next coat.

Rigging: The last step is to rig the boat.

This involves attaching the sails, running rigging, and standing rigging to the masts and booms.

Make sure that the rigging is properly tensioned and secured.

Once all of these steps are complete, your catamaran boat is ready to sail.

Hardware & Paint

plan a catamaran

The last step in building a catamaran boat is to add the hardware and paint.

This step is often the most rewarding, as it is the finishing touch.

Depending on the design of your boat, there are various types of hardware you may need.

Some of the most common items are cleats, winches, fasteners, and decking.

After selecting the required hardware, you will need to install them on the boat.

It is important to use the correct type of screws and bolts, and to secure them tightly.

Once the hardware is installed, it is time to apply the paint.

The type of paint and color you choose will depend on the design of your boat.

It is important to use a high-quality marine grade paint that is designed to handle the extreme environment of the ocean.

If you are up to the challenge, you can add some custom artwork or detail to your catamaran boat.

Adding the hardware and paint is the final step in building a catamaran boat.

With patience and attention to detail, you can create a beautiful and unique boat that will last for many years.

Be sure to take your time and enjoy the process of constructing your own boat.

Once you have finished the frame, fiberglass, and epoxy of your catamaran boat, you will need to move onto the rigging.

This is a crucial step in the construction process, as it will keep your boat safe and secure on the water.

When rigging a catamaran, there are a few key components that must be taken into account.

First, you will need to determine the type of rigging you will be using.

Typically, catamarans use a combination of standing and running rigging.

Standing rigging consists of cables and lines that stay in a fixed position to provide stability and strength to the boat, while running rigging consists of lines that are used to adjust the sail and mainsheet.

Additionally, you will need to choose the right type of rope and hardware for your rigging setup.

The rope should be strong and durable, and the hardware should be made of stainless steel and be corrosion-resistant.

Once you have chosen the type of rigging and hardware, you can start assembling the rigging lines.

This process involves carefully measuring and cutting the lines to the proper lengths, and then attaching them to the mast and boom.

Depending on the type of rigging setup, you may also need to attach the lines to the hulls and deck.

It is important to inspect the rigging lines and hardware regularly to ensure that everything is secure and in proper working order.

Rigging a catamaran boat can seem like a daunting task, but it is essential for the safety and comfort of your vessel.

With the right tools, materials, and attention to detail, you can successfully and safely rig your catamaran boat.

Final Thoughts

Building a catamaran boat is a rewarding experience that requires patience and attention to detail.

With the right plan, materials, and steps, you can build your own boat in no time.

Now that you know the basics of how to build a catamaran boat, why not grab your tools and get started on your very own project? With the right motivation and dedication, you can make your dream of owning a catamaran boat a reality.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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Time For a Catamaran Adventure

Isn't Time For Yours?

Building Your Own Catamaran

Building your own catamaran is another option to getting into your own boat. In this page we will go over the advantages, considerations, and a detailed history and journal of our boat-building adventure with Light Wave . We hope this will give you a clear picture of what lies ahead if you go this route, including:

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  • 9 essential design features
  • Review of the four leading catamaran designers for home builders
  • Construction times
  • Budget: How much did it cost to build a basic cruising catamaran?
  • Layout of our catamaran, LightWave , and lots of pictures
  • Carllie’s article from September 2000 Multihulls Magazine: “The Boat Builder’s Wife “
  • Equipment outfitting
  • Radio and communication outfitting
  • Dinghy selection and considerations
  • Having a boat custom-built for you

Because of the huge dollars needed to buy a new or even a used catamaran, we would never have gotten a catamaran if we hadn’t built it ourselves.

Let’s start by saying that building any type of larger boat, especially a catamaran, can be one of the most intellectually and physically challenging things you will ever do.

It has been said that building a large boat is the closest a man can come to giving birth to a baby. In other words there is going to some discomfort and pain along the way; you will question yourself on whether this was such a good idea; it’s very difficult to reverse the decision; and though friends will support you, you will be on your own most of the time with your significant other if he/she is game.

Know your boat

You will intimately know every part of your boat. You will know where every wire, hose, bolt, bulkhead, rib, and support is because you installed them!

Pride of ownership

We have often thought what it would be like to just buy a boat from a manufacturer, and know that while owners who have spent a lot of cash (or future life to pay off the lien) their often possessive and competing-with-the Joneses could not begin to compare to our quiet glow of happiness and akinship we feel with Light Wave .

Our boat is like part of the family. So much time was spent on her that we have a major emotional investment. Every time we see our vessel – from a distance at anchor or approaching her in our marina, we say, “What a pretty boat! I can’t believe we built it!” Then that sense of accomplishment settles back in and we feel we have indeed earned the privilege of all of the beautiful experiences we have had sailing, cruising, exploring the beautiful BC Coast and much further a field (or should we say “an ocean”?).

You will be able to pay for the materials as you go and “donate” your time to the cause.

Get a newer design

Many of the production boats that are out there are designs of many years ago because the manufactures have to recoup their capital investment on the mold and production setup. When you build your own you have much newer designs to draw from.

Details on Our Boat Building Adventure

We had sailed our first boat Wave Dancer for five years and had many adventures on the British Columbia coast. In May 1996, I had just returned from a little one-week solo trip in the Gulf Islands of BC when I bought the book, The Cruising Multihull by Chris White (Future link to book review on our web site).

This is the book that got me going (Carllie was not yet convinced). I must have read it a half dozen times over the next 6 months, each time becoming more convinced that this was the way to go for our next boat. It was really still pre-internet web site days so I wrote to all the designers that were listed in the back of the book. Over the next several weeks packages of information started appearing in the mailbox (there is just something about getting packages in the mail – I guess it’s the anticipation). I would pour over these preliminary printed pages with pictures and accommodation layouts. Next, I put a few dollars down to buy the information packages and study plans from the top prospects.

I waited patiently for the study plans. It was like the night before Christmas when I was kid. Oooh the wait! Finally they came, and again I carefully scrutinized the next level of detail. Things were getting a little more serious. The top contenders were:

  • Richard Woods
  • Chris White
  • James Wharram

Click here to read my comments and reviews on their catamaran designs as well as those of Jeff Schionning.

I remember initially drooling over the Atlantic 42 by Chris White, still one of my favorite designs. It seemed to be so seaworthy (by the way if I run into about $800,000 USD any time soon, I am going to buy an Atlantic 55). The most important piece of advice that came out of the material was from Richard Woods:

“Build the smallest boat you‘d be happy with it.”
Axiom #1: The hours to build a catamaran is in almost in direct proportion to its weight.

Which brings us to Axiom #2:

Axiom #2: It takes about 1 hour to create 1 pound of finished boat.

In our case we spent 3,500 hours ( click here for full details on the construction hours ) to build a 4,000 lb. boat (just a little less than 0.9 hours per pound). If a boat’s empty weight is 8,000 lbs., it will probably take about 6,000 hours to build.

When you think about it, you can only mix and handle so much material per hour. More boat weight, more material, more hours. Sure there are some economies of scale on a bigger boat, but usually the systems become more complex and these take longer to install.

This decision process took 8 months and I figured we’d launch in 6 months. It was now January of 1997. Little did we know it would be 26 months and 3,500 hours between the two of us until we launched on June 5, 1999. We ordered the full plans and we were off and running.

We were ready to build, but where would we start the process? First of all, we live in a tiny 480 sq. ft. apartment in Vancouver. Back-yard building wasn’t exactly an option so I found a small garage nearby that we rented for 5 months.

After about 4 months in the garage, I had made all the small parts and it was time to build the hulls. This meant that we had to go larger facilities. We found space at Shelter Island Marina and Boatyard in Richmond. This is the biggest boat yard in the Vancouver area with dozens of commercial and private projects, big and small, under way.

We were out of money by then, so we sold our first boat so we could buy resin and fiberglass. It was a traumatic time as we said goodbye to our beloved Wave Dancer . We were now committed. We than had all the foam for the hull cores, barrels of resin, and huge rolls of matting and roving needed for the fiberglass skins delivered to our “domed stadium”. We kicked ourselves many times that we didn’t take a picture of this raw material stacked in one corner of the empty shed, so we could later show “before” and “after” photos. It was time to build the hulls.

Over the next several months we proceed to join the hulls with the beams I had built in the garage, and then to install the cuddy cabin, cockpit, and decks. By the spring of 1998, it was staring to look like a catamaran. Through the spring and summer of 1998, we continued with the major structural components: mini-keels, hatches, stairs, and interior. Then we went on to the very laborious work of fairing the boat before painting. Don’t under estimate that job!

By October 1998 we were ready to prime the boat and start painting. I really thought this would go quickly. I forgot that I would have to do two more complete sandings to sand off and finish the two layers of primer application. In addition we had to fill countless pinholes – a laborious process somewhat like hiking up a mountain – each time you get to what you think is the top, you see another summit!

The boat seemed to get bigger and bigger. Believe me, there is a lot of surface area on a catamaran. I clearly remember that last sanding: I had reached the end of my physical and mental endurance – I was exhausted. I was ready to move on to the next phase – any phase but more sanding!

We now started spray-painting the hulls bright yellow. It was around this time we decided on our boat name of Light Wave . The painting took over a month: the hulls being the easy part, it was the topsides, the nonskid, and all the masking and prep that seemed to take forever. Happily, the worst of the dust was gone.

By March 1999 we were in the home stretch. The center bridge deck cabin was completed so we took a week off from our paid jobs and lived on the boat in the shed so we could work all day and not waste time commuting. March, April and May were frantic months as we finished all the final touches: engine installation, rudders, windows, deck fittings, electrical, plumbing, mast, and rigging. See our outfitting page (for more details on what we picked and why, and things we would do differently now.

Initially, our electronic systems were relatively basic but included GPS and autopilot see the following link for all our electronic outfitting choices and reasoning for more details.

It was May 22, 1999 and we decided that Saturday, June 5th would be “Launch Day” so we could send invitations to all of our friends. On the Friday night before Launch Day, we still had a number of final things to do, many of them outside. Unfortunately it was pouring rain. We were tired and very wet but the boat had to go into the water next day so we persevered on till everything was ready.

The moment of truth came as Light Wave was lowered into the water. While still in the slings of the Travelift, I jumped aboard to check for leaks. Of course there weren’t any! More food and laughs and tours of the boat for all attending. It was a great day.

Emotionally drained that night, we slept in Light Wave in the water for the first time. It was another week before we actually went out for our first trip as we had to sell the shed, setup sails, and install some final deck hardware.

To sum it up, building a catamaran was a great experience. We learned a lot. Carllie and I grew closer together through it all. We had a great time doing it. We had a beautiful catamaran to show for it. Now it was time for a catamaran adventure !


James Wharram Designs

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Drawings of boat plans

20% Off Boat Building Plans

Take advantage of our spring sale starting on 13th May and start building your dream boat.

Offer ends 31st May.

Distant photo of Wharram Tiki 46 on the water with all sails up

Dream, Build, Sail

Build your own catamaran renowned for its seaworthiness, stability and safe simplicity. All Wharram plans are drawn for the first-time builder.

Aerial view of 5 colourful Wharram catamarans at the beach

A Global Family Of Sailors

The Wharram World circles the globe. Wharram catamarans have been built and are sailing in all the World's oceans.

James and Hanneke in their design studio with Amatasi model

Trusted, Proven Designs

We believe the ancient Polynesians knew a thing or two about building boats to last. Wharram catamarans are proven survivors.

Wharram Mana 24 with white and teal hulls, with deck tent on board

Mana 24: Boat In A Box

Assemble her yourself from pre-CNC-cut plywood parts. Keep it at home, trail it and sail it anywhere.

Seaworthy. Simple. Affordable.

Building your own boat with Wharram Designs is the easiest and most cost effective way to fulfil your sailing dreams. Wharram Self-build boat plans start from only £120.

Wharram designs are based on years of practical, hands-on experience of building and ocean sailing catamarans. They are renowned for their seaworthiness, stability and safe simplicity. Designs from 14’ - 63’ are available for self-building in ply/epoxy with very detailed, easy to follow Plans often described as 'a course in boatbuilding'.

Study our Self Build Boats to familiarise yourself with our range of designs and their unique qualities. Download and read the Wharram Design Book which reviews each design in detail and offers a detailed introduction to the world of self-build catamarans. Order and download Study Plans and immerse yourself into the boat builder's mindset; evaluate the costs; the amount of time required to build your boat; where you will build it and where you will eventually launch it.

Once you have decided on the boat that is right for you, order your Boat Building Plans . All Wharram building plans are drawn for the first time builder, so anyone with a modicum of practical ability can build one of our designs. Our Building Plans present quality instruction, guidance and advice for both novice and professional alike. They are all based on decades of actual building experience and thousands of ocean miles sailed.

Go on adventures and live the life of your dreams. Spend your weekends coastal trekking and camping, or live aboard and spend your days sailing around the world. Become a member of the global family of Wharram builders and sailors. Wharram catamarans have been built and are sailing in all the World's oceans and can be found in far away ports and anchorages.

The quality of the Wharram self-build catamarans is reflected in their popularity, excellence of craftmanship and sound sailing qualities. More than 50 years on - with over 10,000 sets of plans sold and thousands turned into proud vessels - Wharram 'Cats' can be seen in harbours across the world, maintaining the highest reputation for surviving wind and wave.

Find Out More

Aerial view of two Wharram catamarans

Self-Build Boats

Index of Wharram self-build catamarans. Familiarise yourself with our range of designs and their unique qualities.

Wharram study plans

Choosing A Boat

To help you select a design, read our practical advice about basic requirements, building times, building methods, and costs.

James and Hanneke in design studio with Amatasi model

How We Design

Several articles giving an in-depth look at our core design principles and how they are reflected as seaworthy, stable vessels sailing the oceans.

James and Hanneke receiving an award

James Wharram: Lifetime Achievement Award

A special award was presented to James Wharram for a 'Lifetime Achievement' as Pioneer catamaran builder - sailor and multihull designer.

James Wharram - British pioneer of the modern catamaran

About James Wharram

In the mid 50's, based on his research into ancient Polynesian boat design, James Wharram built the first off-shore Catamaran in Britain and sailed it out into the Atlantic. While the world's yachting community still did not accept such a design as a worthy sea-going vessel, James was landing his 23'6" 'Double Canoe' called TANGAROA in Trinidad in the West Indies.

There he built a second 40' Polynesian style Catamaran, RONGO, and in 1959 sailed it up to New York and back to the UK accompanied by two German women - being the first to sail a catamaran West-to-East across the North Atlantic. These amazing Trans-Atlantic crossings and the follow up book ' Two Girls, Two Catamarans ' have etched the name 'James Wharram' into the annals of yachting history.

Since then, James Wharram has been designing, building and sailing offshore catamarans longer than any other multihull designer. James was a 'hands-on' designer having, over his lifetime, built personally many of the prototype designs. These prototypes were built in the open, in barns, workshops and all the range of building sites available to self-builders, in a variety of climate types from northern European to the Tropics. James was often referred to as a 'Living Legend' or as written in 'Yachting Monthly' in January 2006: "James Wharram is considered by many to be the father of modern multihull cruising."

James’ last achievement was his autobiography published in 2020 as ' People of the Sea ', which he wrote in conjunction with his design/life partner Hanneke Boon. James died in December 2021 at the age of 93. The design business is carried on by his co-designer Hanneke Boon .

Tiki Odyssey

Two men in a boat cockpit

From Kos to Kefalonia. Father and son, in a self-build Wharram Tiki, survive a winter passage across Greece. The call came on Thursday. "Hey, Dad. There's a weather window, all next week. It could take us all the way to Monemvasia, maybe even round the Peleponese." Our plan was to sail our self-built Wharram Tiki 26 from its birthplace in Kos to its new home in Kefalonia, a winter passage of over 400nm east to west across Greece. A compelling read.

  • Read more about Tiki Odyssey

Hui Wharram Cornwall Gathering 2024

Wharram Hui 2024

We are having another Annual Hui! 3rd - 5th August 2024. This Hui will mark 70 years since James designed his first Catamaran 'Tangaroa' and we are excited that we will be mooring at Devoran Quay just a 5 minute walk from the Wharram Headquarters based in Cornwall. It would be lovely to celebrate his achievement with all of you.

  • Read more about Hui Wharram Cornwall Gathering 2024

Pacific Islander History Month

People wearing sarongs walking around a beached double canoe

This month of May in America is 'Pacific Islander History Month' and we at James Wharram Designs would like to join in and celebrate alongside them! As you may know, double canoes/catamarans are of ancient Polynesian origin. The modern day catamaran is a direct descendent of these original ocean-going vessels.

  • Read more about Pacific Islander History Month

James Wharram's Last Ride

Catamarans gathered at a quay

On 23 July, a motley fleet of self-built catamarans gathered off Cornwall to give James and Ruth Wharram their final escort. It was a fitting farewell to a legend. The ashes of James and Ruth Wharram were consigned to the sea to be carried by the ebb current out to the open ocean.

  • Read more about James Wharram's Last Ride

Hanneke's Atlantic Adventures (Part 3)

Double sailing canoe at sunset

My new home for the next two weeks was Ontong Java. She had crossed the Atlantic a week after us and was moored off the beach in Port Louis, on the North West coast of Grand Terre.

  • Read more about Hanneke's Atlantic Adventures (Part 3)

James' Eulogy

Matt Knight on Hecate

Hi everyone. I'm Matt. And apart from being truly honoured to be here to help send James on his way to his next adventure, I am here above all as a representative, really, for the many many people worldwide who's lives have been changed, for the better, as a result of James' life work.

  • Read more about James' Eulogy

A Living Legend Lives No More

James Wharram

We are very sad to announce that on the 14th December James Wharram left this earthly world, joining Ruth, Jutta and his many close friends that departed before him. At 93 years old his spirit has set out on the voyage to sail the oceans of heaven.

  • Read more about A Living Legend Lives No More

People Of The Sea - Compact Edition

People Of The Sea - James Wharram with Hanneke Boon

The new second edition of the autobiography of James Wharram and Hanneke Boon is now available! This more compact edition at the lower cost of £16 contains all the text and illustrations of the special first edition. An easier size to fit the bookshelf on your boat. A must for all Wharram enthusiasts and other sailors.

  • Read more about People Of The Sea - Compact Edition

plan a catamaran


Yacht design.



We provide stock boat plans for both monohull and multihull sailing vessels, including sailing skiffs and sharpies. Our designs mainly feature timber construction, in plywood or cedar strip plank composite construction, using the W.E.S.T. system (wood epoxy saturation technique). Our designs are intended mainly as cruising boats, although several have done well in racing. All designs are suitable for amateur boat builders.

Monohull designs by Mike Waller Yacht Design.png


 multihulls  , photos from our builders.

Waller TS 540 by Mike Waller Yacht Design -  under sail

Photo galleries are provided on each design page where available

Catamaran Design Guide

Spectacular sunsets in the Pacific turn the horizon into a brilliant spectrum of gold and orange colors.

Copyright © 2006, 2008 by Gregor Tarjan. Click here for terms of use.

performance, yet desire high daily averages and passage times, which should be as short as possible. When choosing a large multihull, sailors look, above all else, for safety and comfort, long before the consideration for flat-out speed comes into the discussion. Nevertheless, performance is a highly important design consideration. No catamaran sailor wants to sail slower than a same length ballasted keelboat. Below are some EVALUATION & COEFFICIENTS useful coefficients, which will help compare monohulls and multihulls objectively.

Bruce Number (BN)

below "Indigo," a magnificent Wormwood 70, sailing in sparkling Caribbean waters.

Wormwood Catamaran

Various multihull characteristics and design features can be expressed in mathematical formulas. Their results are crucial and will give prospective owners a basis of comparison between different types of catamarans. These numbers are important, as they eliminate ambiguity and clearly display various advantages or concessions of a design, which would be hard to quantify any other way. Mathematical coefficients not only will provide insight into a boat's performance in varying conditions, they also reflect concerns about loads to be carried safely, speed and stability.

We have already mentioned the Displacement/Length and Sail Area/ Displacement ratio in our chapter on Multihull Advantages, illustrating the point of a multihull's efficiency. Let's look at some other coefficients that give us an indication of a boat's performance.

What is performance and how do we really measure it? Most people who buy a cruising catamaran are not really interested in racing

The Bruce Number is very similar to the Sail Area to Displacement ratio although the formula is slightly different. It is the square root of the sail area in feet, divided by the cube root of the boat's displacement in pounds:

SA = upwind sail area (mainsail and 100% jib)

Displ = weight of the boat in pounds

Similar to the Sail Area to Displacement ratio, the higher the coefficient the faster the boat and better is its performance in light air. Typically a BN of 1.1 will be the threshold between fast and more sluggish multihulls. A heavy displacement monohull might have a BN of .7, whereas a modern cruising catamaran shows a BN of 1.3. Offshore multihull racers can have BNs of 2.0 and higher. The BN will also tell us about a catamaran's ability to withstand stronger winds before reefing. A boat with a higher BN is usually overcanvassed in strong conditions and will have to be reefed earlier than one with a lower coefficient.

On the other hand, they will be able to produce more "power" than their counterparts in lighter winds and perform better.

Sail Area to Wetted Surface (SAWS)

SA/WS = Sail Area Wetted Surface Coefficient

SA = upwind sail area

WS = total underwater surface area (hull and appendages)

This formula simply divides the upwind sail area of the boat (mainsail and 100% jib) by the wetted surface. This coefficient will give us a statistical indication of the multihull's lightair performance since in low wind conditions skin friction becomes an important factor. Monohulls can have coefficients of at least 7% more than multihulls.

Hull Fineness Ratio (HFR)

The Hull Fineness Ratio, known as the hull's beam-to-length ratio, is an interesting number. It is derived by simply dividing the waterline length of the hull by the waterline beam of the hull.

Max. WL/Max. Beam WL = Hull Fineness Ratio Max. WL = length of the hull at waterline in ft. Max. Beam WL = beam of the hull at the waterline in feet.

Monohulls, when compared to multihulls, have low hull/fineness ratios. In Part 1 of this

Catamaran Proportions

book, discussing "Efficiency," we saw that ballasted keelboats are limited to Archimedes' principle of hull speed (1.34 x VWL). Multihulls do not have these theoretical barriers, because their hulls are narrower.

The thinner the hull the faster it will be able to travel through the water. But, attention! It will also carry less unless you are on a mega cat. Typically, a 40' cruising catamaran's HFR will range from 8:1 to 10:1. Dennis Conner's above While sailing under spinnaker and experiencing virtually no roll at all, guests will always find a comfortable spot to relax on the foredeck, an impossibility on a monohull.

There are various methods of calculating the transverse stability of a catamaran. One of the simplest and most utilized techniques is establishing a relationship between the height of the Center of Effort (CE), displacement, beam and sail area. Multihull designer, James Wharram added safety factors of 20% to compensate for gusts and the dynamic environment of the ocean. Another method is described in the text below.

Multihull Stability & Capsizing Moment d - Displacement (kg) x half beam (m) max ~ Sail Area (sq m) x Height of Center of Effort (m)

P max = maximum pressure exerted onto sails

Multihull Stability & Capsizing Moment

Trimaran Center Effort

height of sailplan CE

half overall beam (half hull beam)

racing cat "Stars and Stripes" had a 16:1 HFR. Of course, the larger the boat, the narrower the hulls will become in comparison to its length. For example, the HFR of a 100' luxury catamaran may be 12:1, providing it with a high speed potential. However, monohulls can show HFRs of 3:1, though the comparison is complicated as their angle of heel affects the measurement.

One has to be very careful when analyzing the Hull Fineness Ratio of a cruising catamaran, because other factors such as the actual shape of the hull cross sections (Prismatic Coefficient, PC) can throw the analysis off balance. Go-fast sailors like to think that fine hulls are always fast. That is not necessarily true because a slim hull could have a large underwater volume, thus slowing it down. Consequently, a wide waterline-beam hull could have less drag than a narrower one. It could have a shallow underbody (low PC), which would be beneficial to load carrying (Pounds Per Inch Immersion Number, PPI) and early surfing characteristics at speed.

Stability Coefficient (SC)

This mathematical formula has been devised by the distinguished catamaran designer and sailor James Wharram and his team. This coefficient analyzes a multihull's ability (in a static environment) to resist capsizing due to wind.

( 0.682 VW x (.5 Boa) ) x .555 = CW .00178 x SA x h

W = Wind speed, apparent, in mph CW = Critical Wind Speed to capsize in mph SA = upwind sail area in sq ft. h = height of Center of Effort (CE) of total sail area

Boa = Beam overall

This formula will tell us how much wind it will take to overturn our multihull. By instinct we will know that a catamaran with a wide stance and a conservative sail plan will be very stable offshore. The SC formula will inevitably illustrate that a wider beamed catamaran with a tall sail plan will be as resistant to wind induced capsize as a short-rigged, narrower boat. This is not so if one considers the chaotic environment of waves and the real world of heavy weather sailing. It is interesting to note that a wide beamed boat (regardless of the SC) is more resistant to capsize in seas due to the effects of a higher moment of inertia. In an open-ocean environment, which is everything but static, the SC formula has little meaning. Nevertheless, it serves as a good basis to evaluate stability as a factor of wind force.

below When the wind suddenly comes up, all that is needed is a couple of turns on the jib furler to quickly reduce the headsail size. The catamaran will hardly sail any slower, but feel more comfortable.

Ship Hull Fineness

Wide hulls and a large overall beam will increase the overall righting moment of a catamaran. A word of caution: Excessive beam will reduce the fore and aft stability. Designers strive to compromise hull fineness ratios, place heavy weights towards the CG (Center of Gravity), and engineer hull and overall beam to achieve a seaworthy balance, which is safe, yet provides ample liveaboard accommodations.

Catamaran Stability Considerations

Seaworthy Catamaran

Diagonal Stability & Beam-to-Length Ratio (BLR)

Stability of a multihull, or the resistance to capsize, should be seen as three components. Athwartship Stability is one well-publicized type and the one often talked about. The other much more important types are Fore and Aft and Diagonal Stability. Fore and aft stability is established by the relationship between the boat's waterline length and the distance between the hull centerlines. It will reflect the catamaran's resistance to tripping. This relationship should be in the vicinity of 39% to 42%. For a seaworthy cruising multihull it is important maintain the proper ratio between length and beam, which, in turn, balances equal amounts of athwartship with diagonal stability. The goal should be to prevent the possibility of a sudden discrepancy of powers between fore and aft and sideways resistance. Most of today's multihulls keep these two component forces in equilibrium, making them extremely seakindly and safe.

Some early design multihulls were very narrow, partly due to the material limitations of that time. But things have changed. Contemporary composite construction allows designers to build wider boats without compromising stiffness. Production catamarans of today have a wide stance and have the benefit of greater safety margins in gusty wind conditions than their older cousins. Multihulls are sophisticated structures and true modern miracles. They provide a more comfortable ride and more interior room. Thanks to modern materials they weigh less and perform better than catamarans built only 10 years ago.

Some catamarans, especially production boats, which are very popular in the charter fleets, are growing wider by the year. The businesses who rent these beamy monsters adore them. Lots of room plus open decks are ideal for clients and the bigger (wider) the boat, the more paying guests can share the fees. But there certainly is a limit as to how wide is too wide. Extreme beam can be dangerous. It can lead to instability fore and aft and to excessive bridgedeck slamming, as the relative distance from the bridge deck to the water will decrease with an increase in width. A vessel with excessive beam might seem stable athwartships, but it will compromise overall stability.

We know that multihulls can, in extreme cases of seamanship error in wild storms, be thrown over from any side - front, back and beam-on. The best examples of this phenomenon are racing multihulls, especially Formula 1 trimarans, which have fine hulls for speed and huge sailplans to provide driving power. They are initially extremely stable athwartships (High Beam-to-Length Ratio), but have a tendency to become unstable fore and aft. They will surf down waves and reach a point where the power of the sails, and speed, will exceed the ability to keep the bows out of the water and the boat will pitchpole. This is the reason why catamaran designers usually draw their multihulls with a Beam-to-Length relationship of between 50% and 55%. The longer the vessel the lower that percentage becomes.

I am currently involved in the "Gemini" project, which presents an example. It very well might become the world's largest sailing catamaran. She will have an overall length of 145 feet, yet her beam will "only" be 54.4'.

Stable Catamaran Dingy

Please, don't worry. "Gemini" will not be tender and tip over in the slightest breeze. On the contrary, this monster will be one of the most stable craft afloat, although the beam-to-length relationship is only 37%. The relatively low beam-to-length ratio also involves the fact that the boat would be too heavy and building costs would be prohibitive if she were to have a standard 52% BL relationship. Most importantly, could you imagine turning a 75-foot-wide boat?

above Asymmetric spinnakers on furlers are great inventions. They add instant sail area, yet can be doused in a matter of seconds when the wind picks up strength.

Catamaran Underwing

above Although this Edel 35 was a good-looking and popular catamaran, it suffered from excessive bridgedeck pounding, which was caused by only several inches of clearance between the saloon's underwing and the sea.

Obviously there is a sweet spot in the beam vs. stability question. Designing too beamy a boat will also necessitate more freeboard to preserve bridgedeck clearance which, in turn, will increase windage and complicate maneuvering. Unless sophisticated aramid construction methods are utilized, more beam will also add more weight and stress to the structure. Adding more mass will, to a certain point, help make the boat more stable, but where do we stop? Is it better to add weight or width to make a boat stiffer? Of course, both characteristics are interrelated as a beamier boat normally is also heavier. Just adding weight to a catamaran simply to make her more stable will not pay off. Consequently, making a boat too wide might increase living space yet it will also burden the structure, require a beefier manufacture, and yield an even heavier boat. Needless to say, a boat which is too wide will also create practical restrictions such as maneuvering, the ability to haul the vessel and much higher building costs.

Beam has a great effect on bridgedeck clearance, which is one of the most vital characteristics of a good cruising catamaran. As standard practice, the well-known rule of 1" of bridgedeck clearance for each foot of beam was a safe way to prevent excessive wave slap. The wider the beam the more the relationship changes and the necessary height of 1" per foot of beam needs to be increased to 1.3" or more. In the extreme case of overly square boats, that number will have to be closer to 1.8" per foot of beam. This will have a negative effect on any seaworthy multihull that has a bridgedeck saloon. The wide beam will necessitate a high cabin sole to remain a safe distance from the waterline. In order to provide standing headroom, the coachroof might be higher than practical, which could result in a boxy, high-windage multihull. Not only will this be unattractive, but also raise the Center of Gravity (CG) which really should be kept as low as possible.

More overall beam on the other hand (given that there is still sufficient bridgedeck height) has a less known benefit, as it reduces the possibility of hull-wave interference, which is particularly important for fast designs. The wave interaction between the hulls can lead to additional resistance, and especially in an agitated sea state, the formation of wave crests can pound the bridge deck. Most early narrow-beamed catamarans suffered from this phenomenon,

Ultimately, a boat's design has a major influence on its ability to stand against the forces of nature, and to keep occupants safe. Manufacturing excessively wide catamarans is like trying to market monohulls with super deep-draft keels. Both are totally impractical. We designers have to make sensible compromises and learn from past experiences of what has worked at sea by balancing the benefits of a wide boat with its disadvantages.

below This narrow-hulled Outremer 64 Light has completed her third circumnavigation with the same owners. Note the smooth underwing clearance, lacking any protrusions or steps.

Outremer Standard

"A great cape, for us, can't be expressed in latitude and longitude alone. A great cape has a soul, with very soft, very violent shadows and colors. A soul as smooth as a child's, and as hard as a criminal's. And that is why we go!"

~ Bernard Moitessier

Catamaran Underwing

Dinghies, windsurfers and every imaginable type of water toy can be stored conveniently on large catamarans and easily launched from the wide transom steps for shore-side pleasures. Note the twin life rafts located in special compartments on the massive aft crossbeam.

Continue reading here: Hull

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Readers' Questions

What length should a stub keel be to waterline length on a catamaran?
There is no set rule for the length of a stub keel on a catamaran in relation to its waterline length. The length of the stub keel will depend on various factors, such as the size and design of the catamaran, intended use, and specific requirements of the boat builder. Generally, the stub keel on a catamaran is designed to provide stability and improve sailing performance, so it is important to consult with a naval architect or boat designer to determine the appropriate length for a specific catamaran.
What is a 16 passenger catarmarn like?
A 16-passenger catamaran is a type of boat or vessel specifically designed to carry 16 people comfortably. Catamarans are multihull boats with two parallel hulls, which are connected by a deck or a structure. They offer stability, speed, and efficiency in the water. A 16-passenger catamaran can vary in size and design, but generally, it will have enough seating or lounge areas for all passengers. It may have indoor cabins with beds or seating areas, as well as outdoor spaces for relaxation or socializing. These boats often come equipped with amenities such as bathrooms, kitchens or galleys for meals, and sometimes even entertainment systems. The catamaran's size can influence its specific features. Some catamarans are designed for day trips or shorter excursions, while others are built for longer journeys or overnight accommodations. Additionally, they can be used for various purposes, such as whale watching, diving trips, ferry services, or private charters. Overall, a 16-passenger catamaran provides a comfortable and stable platform for small groups or gatherings, allowing passengers to enjoy the beauty of the water while ensuring safety and comfort.
Is the catamaran hull floor always on the waterline?
No, the hull floor of a catamaran is not always on the waterline. The design of a catamaran allows for the hulls to be elevated above the waterline, reducing drag and increasing speed. The position of the hulls in relation to the waterline can vary depending on factors such as the weight distribution, load, and sailing conditions.
How close to a catamarans design reefing points should you go?
You should always be careful when approaching reefing points on a catamaran and stay as far away as possible. Generally, you should aim to stay at least 10 meters away.
What keel to length ratio for catamarans?
The keel-to-length ratio for catamarans typically ranges from 0.1 to 0.25.
Is 70% length to beam ok for a catAMARAN?
Yes, it is generally accepted that a catamaran should have a length to beam ratio of between approximately 6:1 and 8:1. Therefore, a 70% length to beam ratio would be within an acceptable range.
What is the waterline length to baem ratio of a typical cruising catamarans?
This ratio will vary depending on the type and size of the catamaran. Generally, the ratio should be between 1:1.5 and 1:2.5, with 1:2 being the most common.

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Catamaran Construction – Hulls, Laminates, and Composites

  • Post author By BJ Porter
  • Post date October 15, 2020
  • 3 Comments on Catamaran Construction – Hulls, Laminates, and Composites

plan a catamaran

It’s a given that catamarans are more sensitive to weight and loading than monohulls. Catamaran builders strive to build the lightest boats they can without sacrificing strength and stiffness, and have adapted new building techniques and materials to meet this target. Cutting weight allows more passengers and gear without sacrificing performance.

And the marketing materials reflect it–they load every review and website with polysyllabic technical jargon describing the design and production choices each builder made to deliver the best boat they can.

plan a catamaran

But when you’re reading a brochure and you come across phrases like “ hand laid bidirectional GRP ” or “ vacuumed bagged e-glass with vinylester resin over a Divinycell core ” do you know what that really means?

All modern production catamarans are made with “FRP” construction (for Fiber Reinforced Polymer). Composites aren’t new–it’s just using materials together to strengthen the whole assembly. Straw was added to bricks centuries ago, and steel reinforced concrete is a staple of construction over the last century. For boats, it’s the use of stranded fibers and cured resins which make FRP different.

The term “FRP” doesn’t get into the technical detail of which fibers and which plastics, and how they’re put together to build your hull. There’s a wide variety of fiber types which can be stranded, woven, chopped or sprayed in a varied of patterns then combined with several types of resins to make hulls with different characteristics.

Some FRP techniques produce lighter, stronger shapes, while others are quicker to build and less expensive to produce. The choice of technique is a function of many factors, from the number of hulls and parts to be built, the type of parts, the budget for the project, and many design specific requirements for weight and strength.

1. FRP Basics

The principle behind all FRP construction is the same – you lay our fibers in the shape you need, then saturate them with resin, removing all the air and voids you can. Resin is left to cure, then the piece is ready to finish and use.

plan a catamaran

The reality is more complex, since building a boat isn’t like making a flat board or a simple door. You’ve got a complex shape with a designed set of curves to build. “Tooling” is the set of shapes to make the boat parts; molds to cover with fiberglass to get the right shapes.

That’s what makes FRP so effective – you can make almost anything out of it. But to do so requires a lot of choices about what you need for the project at hand.

There isn’t a “best” all around material or technique choice for all jobs, and sometimes a lower cost technique or easier to work with material may be the better solution to the problem.

A. Fiber types

Fiber choices in the last few decades have expanded past the glass fibers used in the first mass produced boats in the 1960s. FRP construction wasn’t new even then, they built the first composite boats using modern fiberglass in the 1940s.

The major fibers used in marine construction fall into three categories – glass, aramids, and carbon. The primary differences are in the strength to weight ratios of the fibers, durability, elasticity, and cost. Some construction may use blends of fiber types to combine performance characteristics.

Glass – the most common material still, because of its low cost and versatility. The most common variety used in GRP (Glass Reinforced Polymer) is “E-glass” which refers to its strand size and mineral content. Other grades have different and sometimes better mechanical properties, but may be more expensive and less appropriate for boat building use. Fiber sizes run 10 to 25 microns for E-glass, though other grades may be smaller.

plan a catamaran

Brands like Leopard, Lagoon, and most higher production volume builders use E-glass.

Aramids – this includes brand names like Kevlar, Technora and Twaron. They have higher tensile strength than E-glass, and resistant abrasion and punctures. Kevlar is a common choice for bullet proof body armor, and can built a tough, lightweight hull. The materials can be difficult to work with, as it is very tough to cut the cloth. It is often blended with carbon fiber or other materials – Catana is known for using Twaron blends in hull construction.

plan a catamaran

Carbon – the ultimate in lightweight, strong construction material. Carbon fiber is the most expensive fiber, and is available in a variety of weights, grades and strengths. Fibers are smaller than glass – down to 5 Micron.

The lightest, most expensive hulls are made from carbon, but a catamaran builder may use carbon in places other than the hull to add strength and stiffness. Carbon boards, rudders, and reinforcing structures can enhance performance without driving the price of the boat beyond reach. Carbon is the fiber of choice for many custom builds, racing cats, and Gunboat.

B. Mats, Strands, Roving, Direction, and Weights

Fibers are woven into matting and cloth for construction. Depending on the application, different weights of cloth and cloth patterns and weaves may be more appropriate for the job.

Cloth weight refers to the weight per square yard (or meter) of the cloth. A square yard of nine ounce cloth weighs nine ounces. The heavier the cloth, the stronger it is in a laminate.

Fibers carry loads along their length, so cloth weaves have directionality to their strength. Most builders use several layers of cloth with different orientations to give good universal strength to hulls. Specific FRP applications with strict load-path requirements may have more unidirectional fiber layering – for example, a chainplate manufactured from carbon fiber may use unidirectional fiber.

Cloth – fiberglass cloth is commonly used on outer layers of composites. Cloth may have unidirectional or bidirectional strength. Bidirectional cloths have maximum load strengths in two perpendicular directions. Variations on weaves like a modified twill allow a more flexible cloth for better shaping around complex molds.

Mat – is omnidirectional strands of fiber compressed into a cloth. This is often held together with a resin soluble glue, which makes mat great at conforming to mold shapes without folding and bunching as it collapses when wetted. Because the strands do not align, fiber strength is the same in all directions.

plan a catamaran

Woven Roving – a heavier cloth made from larger bundles of strands. Woven roving allows for quicker buildup of material and strand weight.

Most FRP layups include multiple layers of different cloth and mat. Finished layers may be finer cloth over courser cloth, over woven roving and mat.

Three primary resins are in common use in marine construction – polyester , vinylester , and epoxy . All resins have materials safety concerns and require care in their use and handling.

Polyester is the least expensive and requires breathing protection because of the VOC emission (Volatile Organic Compounds…nasty, smelly fumes). It doesn’t have good bonding/gluing capability, and should only be used with glass fibers for structural building. Some polyester resins are referred to as “isophthalic” resins.

Vinylester is chemically similar to a hybrid of polyester and epoxy, and performs best with fiberglass. It shouldn’t be used in high strength applications with carbon or aramid fibers. It has some adhesive qualities which polyester lacks, it shrinks less during curing, and has better impact resistance.

The added strength of vinylester coupled with increased water resistance makes it an attractive option for many catamaran builders. It costs less than epoxy, but still has better performance than polyester.

Epoxy is the most expensive, but is three times the strength of the others. It offers the best adhesion and the only resin for building structural elements with carbon and aramid. It resists water intrusion better than the other resins, resists blisters, emits no VOCs, and shrinks less. The major drawback is it is more brittle if it takes an impact.

While epoxy is “the best” in terms of strength and ease of building, there are many applications where other resins are appropriate. Budget is a big driver – a boat made from E-Glass doesn’t need epoxy resin, and considerable cost savings to meet a construction price target may drive the choice.

They can build quality boats from all material combinations, but price and performance will drive materials choices to keep some boats more affordable.

2. Cored Construction

What’s the best way to make fiberglass strong? To a point, you can make it thicker. As it gets thicker, it gets heavier. A hollow shape can take more compressive load than a solid one of the same weight, and the same principle applies to fiberglass construction.

Consider an I-Beam used in building construction. It has the same strength (or more) as a solid rectangular beam of similar mass. The compressive load on the beam is supported by the outside edges of the material, the metal in the middle doesn’t contribute much to the strength. So we can remove metal to get the “I” shape while still keeping those sides rigid, making a lighter girder with less material.

The same principle applies to cored construction with fiberglass. Making a sandwich of two layers of fiberglass with a light core between them allows for the greater strength with weight savings.

There are drawbacks – the biggest risk is damage which breaks the skin, which can let water into the core. Earlier cored construction used materials prone to saturation and rot if they got wet. Some builders opt to do cored construction above the waterline and solid below to minimize some of these risks.

But the advantages in weight savings and increased stiffness offset the drawbacks, and there may be a few other side effects like sound and temperature insulation. Like resins and fibers, core materials offer distinct advantages, disadvantages and price points.

Most builders have adopted a hybrid approach, building solid hulls below the waterline, and cored hulls and decks above. This gives a balance of weight and safety.

A. Balsa Core

Balsa is light and inexpensive. The first cored construction used balsa, but it has the disadvantage of being wood. As a natural material, if it gets wet it can rot and break down. Builders use “end grain” balsa – shorter cross cut sections – to prevent wicking of water if there is an intrusion.

plan a catamaran

B. Foam Core

Closed cell foam cores give good strength to weight savings while minimizing water intrusion. If you get water in the core, it won’t spread very far. Divinycell is a popular PVC foam core, though there are several choices with different densities and compressive strengths.

plan a catamaran

Some foam cores are not suitable for heat treatment, but infused or vacuum bagged boats like the Outremer and PDQ do well with it.

C. Honeycomb

Honeycomb cores are often the most expensive, but also give some of the best strength to weight ratios. Honeycombed cells made from resin cured aramid papers are some of the best, but also among the most costly. They offer good stiffness, but can be hard to shape. Aluminum and other resin-infused papers are other core materials builders can choose from.

3. Construction and Resin

When building a hull, there are optimal ratios of fiber to resin saturation for target strength and weight. Too little resin and you may not have enough strength (or worse, voids and gaps), and too much, and you’re just adding weight without adding strength. Resins are also a significant material cost in building the boat, so over application not only increases weight but adds cost.

plan a catamaran

There are many ways to assemble the cores, fibers and resins to build a finished laminate hull – we’re addressing the most common in boat building. Each approach has strengths and limitations, and an impact on the bottom-line cost to build the boat. Any voids or air pockets in the laminate can be disastrous; these techniques have been developed to increase saturation and reduce the risk of voids.

A. Hand Layup / Open Molding

As the name implies, this is the application of resin by hand to cloth as it’s laid into a mold. Wetting is done with a brush, and the laminate is rolled out to remove any air pockets and voids. This is the simplest way to lay up fiberglass, but also the least precise and consistent and will use the most resin.

Skilled craftsmen have built some of the finest vessels in the world this way. Though it’s more popular with monohulls, which are less sensitive to weight, many catamarans built with hand layups on open molds are still out cruising and performing well.

B. Spraying

Using chopped-strand fiber mixed with resin, a “chopper gun” can spray the mixture into a mold to lay down the composite. A consistent thickness can be difficult, but this is a low cost construction technique which makes a very resin-rich laminate. Using sprayed fibers gives lower strength in all directions compared to meticulously laid down mat and bi-directional cloth. But it is a quick technique popular with mass produced, smaller boats.

It is an excellent technique for parts with complex geometry where weight is not an issue, but you will not see it often in catamaran construction. It’s heavy with resin without any resultant increase in strength.

C. Vacuum Bagging (Wet layup)

When an open molded component has been laid up and wetted with resin, vacuum bagging takes the process a step further. After the wetting is complete, air tight plastic bagging is secured around the wetted area, and the air is pumped out of the bag. The vacuum pulls excess resin out and collapses air pockets.

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The goal is to get thorough wetting and produce as strong a laminate as possible without excess resin. Knysa and Leopard are two builders that use vacuum bagging on their hulls to reduce weight.

D. Resin Infusion

For resin infusion the cloth, matting and core is laid in place dry, then sealed in an air-tight bag. A vacuum pump attaches to one side of the bag, and on the other a feed for resin. The vacuum sucks the air out of the dry cloth stack, then pulls the resin through the stack, infusing and wetting it.

Resin infusion, when done right, gives the lightest, strongest laminates with no voids and the minimum resin weight for maximum strength. SCRIMP is a variant of the resin infusion process used by some builders, including TPI which build many early Lagoon cats.

E. Pre-preg

Using pre-preg (for “Pre Impregnated”) cloth for your laminating gets rid of the resin bucket. They manufacture cloth with a partially catalyzed resin pressed into it, then it’s chilled or frozen to stop the curing process. There is no need for seperately mixed resins, and there’s no worry your resin might “go off” and harden before you’re done wetting the cloth. Instead, the cloth is assembled, vacuumed, then heated to kick off the curing process.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to using pre-preg for your laminate work. The big disadvantage is the cost; it is most expensive material to use. You also need to chill and store the cloth until you need it, though some can be at room temperature for a couple of weeks without kicking off. And you need an oven which requires some clever tricks if you’re building a forty or fifty foot boat.

But the strength to weight ratio will always be perfect. High tech honeycomb cores are best suited to pre-preg lamination, and without racing against resin cure times, you can ensure perfect cloth placement and precise layout in the build process.

The primary use for pre-preg in boating is high performance race boats. With catamarans, pre-preg may be used high load parts, like Gunboat does for foils and rudders.

4. Industry Examples

Across the catamaran building industry you’ll find almost all the above techniques and materials used, though some are less common. You aren’t likely to find chopped strand sprayed layups in ocean going cats, and hand layups can lead to heavier hulls than weight sensitive catamaran designers prefer. Most manufacturers have moved to vacuum bagging or resin infusion, with a few of the highest end boats using pre-preg for key components.

Built by Robertson & Caine in South Africa, the hull material is vacuum bagged, end-grain balsa-cored E-glass with polyester.

Hand laid, bagged vinylester over an Airex foam core in the hulls.

Earlier Prout catamarans like the Snowgoose 34 featured hand laid solid FRP hulls and decks. Over time they switched to foam or balsa cores for decks and above the waterline.

Older PDQ boats were made from vacuum bagged vinylester – solid below the waterline and cored with CoreCell foam above the waterline and in decks. Newer PDQ models switched to epoxy resin.

All glass is vacuum bagged. Below the waterline is solid E-glass and vinylester. The rest is unidirectional, bidirectional, and triaxial cloths over a Nida-Core polypropylene honeycomb core with isophthalic and vinylester resins.

The Gemini cats are built with a solid hand layup of woven roving and fiberglass mat and polyester resin. Decks are cored with end grain balsa. The Gemini 3200 introduced vinylester resin into the layup to prevent blistering.

Older Lagoons were SCRIMP infused vinylester with and end grain balsa core above the waterline and in the decks.

Newer Lagoon catamarans use polyester and vinylester resins, also infused with balsa cores above the waterline and solid below.

With a carbon fiber inner skin, Catana also uses Twaron aramid fibers in the sandwiched hull over a foam core.

Fontaine Pajot

Primary hull construction is resin-infused vinylester with a balsa cored hull and deck.

Beneath the waterline, Outremer uses a single layer, solid vinylester laminate for safety. The hulls and deck are vinylester with a Divinycell foam core. They stiffen certain components with carbon for rigidity and durability.

Gunboat hulls are epoxy infused carbon fiber with a Nomex honeycomb core. They build dagger boards and other high load components with pre-preg carbon.

  • Tags Buying Advice

BJ Porter

By BJ Porter

Owner of Hallberg Rassy 53; world explorer.

3 replies on “Catamaran Construction – Hulls, Laminates, and Composites”

Excelent. Thank you for this I learned allot. Johan

Very straight forward information. Thankyou for doing this.

Damn…What an Amazingly Informative Article. *Cheers*

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The seafront of Cartagena in Colombia is the backdrop for two sailing vessels of different epochs and sharply contrasting character.

Against the sea wall  Galeon Bucanero , a replica of a Spanish galleon of the seventeenth century is totally at home against the fortifications of this historically significant Spanish port city.

In the foreground Chincogan 52  Sole currently circumnavigating the globe stops over en route to Panama and the Society Islands.

Over the years I've received many wonderful photos of our boats from around the world. This one is an absolute classic. Many thanks to Mike and Sarah Mason for the shot.


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Raku 44#1 launched in Brazil. See more images in the build gallery here

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Catamaran cruising: everything you really need to know

Nikki Henderson

  • Nikki Henderson
  • September 21, 2022

Expert skipper Nikki Henderson reveals what you really need to know before going bluewater catamaran cruising

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It has become routine now for me to bookend the summer sailing season with a trip to the south of France for the biannual ‘Outremer Week’. This hugely popular event gathers 100-plus new Outremer catamaran owners for five days of training, both in the classroom and on the water, and three days of friendly racing. The goal is to educate future owners so they are as prepared as they possibly can be for their upcoming bluewater catamaran cruising plans.

It’s an intensive week of 12-hour days, with a lot of information to absorb. Unsurprisingly there are some discussions specific to bluewater catamaran cruising that come up repeatedly, and they apply to owners or prospective owners of all brands of bluewater multihull. Here are some of the most common questions people ask me:

What sails should I buy for a cruising catamaran?

Every day after sailing a new catamaran owner will come up to me and say, “Nikki, I’d love to take up some of your time and rack your brains about sail selection .”

To pitch my advice appropriately, I always ask some key questions about your catamaran cruising plans, and I’d encourage you to ask yourself the same.

What is your route plan?

Tradewind sailing will be predominantly downwind. So, focus your attention on downwind sails. A route involving more upwind requires more focus on headsails. Routes involving more upwind tend to be more coastal routes, or schedules with strict timings that will reduce the option to wait for downwind weather windows.

All bluewater sail plans will need storm options. Three reef points in the main is a must, or at the very least an extremely generous second reef. A storm headsail is another key component. Ideally it should be possible to hoist the storm jib up over the top of your furled foresail. In very big conditions, reliance on the thin furling line gets quite nerve-racking.

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Catamaran cruising sail options range from symmetric spinnakers to Code sails for reaching performance. Photo: Nicolas Claris

How performance-orientated are you?

Performance catamarans  are designed to sail angles downwind, ideally with an asymmetric spinnaker wardrobe. However, there is a cost to the incredible speeds that you can attain reaching on these boats: comfort. So, a key question is what is your attitude to speed versus comfort?

Performance-focused sailors are typically racing sailors, sailors without kids, or sailors who are in good physical shape. If you fit this category, then I’d advise purchasing one heavy weather flat-cut asymmetric sail that can withstand a squall up to 40 knots, and a rounder, lightweight sail that you can sail quite deeply in light to moderate conditions.

If you don’t have a taste or attention span for speed, then one heavy weather symmetric spinnaker (approximately up to 40 knots TWS) should be enough. This will allow you to sail a rhumbline course, and make night-time take-downs less of a worry because the kite will survive a squall.

For upwind, if you will enjoy fine tuning your boat to get that extra half a knot, your ideal option is a large genoa for drive in light to moderate conditions, and a small flat blade-shaped jib for heavier conditions – small enough that it does not need to be furled to an inch of its life to cope with a Force 6. If an inner forestay is an option, the latter could be a staysail which will keep the centre of effort low and reduce sideways drift.

For anyone less performance orientated in their catamaran cruising, the key for upwind sailing is a strong, flat jib that is not too big. Mark three reef points on the foot with sail tape. Keep an eye on how much it stretches and don’t be surprised if you need to change it every few years to avoid losing 5-10° of height.

Downwind the tradewind route logic applies: performance sailors should invest in asymmetric and non-performance sailors in symmetric spinnakers.

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Left: taking videos and photos to remember key points of spinnaker handling technique. Photo: Robin Christol/Outremer

Who’s the crew?

At this point, the conversation often goes full circle. Sailors get enthusiastic about performance, and then remember that the kids will need home schooling, or that this is a retirement plan with potential health and fitness considerations.

Most sail changes will require more than one person, and conditions at the bow can be bouncy. Crew also have to be able to sleep, cook, and live on the boat while it is thrown about. If you are short-handed, you could compromise for downwind sailing by choosing furling sails.

A furling asymmetric such as a Code D can replace the ‘hoist and drop’ asymmetric. Or you can make the sock line on a symmetric long enough to route back to an electric winch.

Upwind sailors could compromise by returning to a single jib and consider altering routing to sail slightly off the wind but faster; optimising for VMG. If you have a staysail, ensure it could be furled and therefore left rigged at sea – though make time to speak to the yacht designer about the impact on stability that having two heavy furled sails up continuously could have on the boat.

How ‘eco’ and time-conscious will you be?

Do you care about motoring? Increasingly for many of us, awareness of climate change is a strong motivator to avoid using the engine. And will you be more focused on the destination or more interested in the journey?

If you are keen to avoid motoring, and you are free of time constraints such as fixed crew changeovers or grumpy children who need to stop and swim, then I’d recommend you invest in a Code 0. A Code 0 can double or even triple the boat speed: in 6 knots of wind, an Outremer will sail at 2-3 knots with a jib, but 5-6 knots with a Code 0. It’s a great sail and worth the investment, but first work out if you will use it. They often have low wind limits – around 15 AWS – which upwind could be 10 knots TWS.

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Code sails for reaching performance. Photo: Balance Catamarans

When do you reef a catamaran?

Many bluewater cruisers will reef down before dark every night. I’m not a huge fan of this as a rule; reefing should be straightforward enough to not be an intimidating manoeuvre in the dark.

But all new catamaran owners who are planning to go bluewater cruising are concerned about knowing when to reef, especially if they come from monohull sailing, as a catamaran communicates whether it is overpowered or not in a much more subtle way.

You want to conserve your equipment while sailing the boat effectively. So aim for the least amount of sail necessary to achieve your target speeds and angles. The best way to get to know this is to put reefs earlier or later each time and take note of whether it was beneficial or not. Over time you will know your boat very well.

Sailing favours guidelines over hard rules, but it’s good to have a starting point so here are some general ranges. For more cautious sailors or bigger sea states, use the more conservative side of the wind range:

  • Reef 1 in at 15-20 knots TWS
  • Reef 2 in at 20-25 knots TWS
  • Reef 3 in at 25-30 knots TWS

Note that I am using true wind and not apparent. When sailing downwind it’s tempting to fly more sail because the apparent wind is so low. However, if you need to turn upwind – perhaps to reef – the 12 knots AWS in 20 knots TWS will quickly become closer to 25 knots AWS.

Reliance on numbers is great until the wind instruments stop working (it will happen at some point). Remember your RYA Competent Crew course and use the descriptions of the sea surface at various Beaufort Scale forces to identify how windy it is.

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How to share roles is a frequent question among couples planning a catamaran cruising adventure. Photo: Robin Christol/Outremer

There are other telltale signs that the boat gives if she needs a reef. Although hulls don’t fly unless you are at the performance level of a Gunboat or similar, you may feel the windward hull just slightly lifting. This is a sign that a reef might be needed. Another is if the bows are diving down when you are sailing downwind. Heel angle can be most obviously sensed while lying down.

The main hindrance to learning when to reef – and when not – is a hesitation to perform the manoeuvre. If taking a reef feels arduous, people avoid it. I admit I can find myself in this camp: I have to remind myself that it’s a win/win, either it’s the right decision and the boat sails better, or it’s wrong and I’ve learnt from it.

The key to reefing is to practice. Taking a reef should be possible to do in under two minutes, especially if you have fast electric winches.

It’s handy to have the option to reef downwind, especially if you’re tradewind sailing. Fully battened mainsails struggle to come down so set up downhaul lines from each reef tack point. Run them through the reefing point on the sail and through the reefing points on each side of the mast so the sail is pulled down in line with the track. Watch out for chafe on the back of the main if reefing a lot downwind, and add spreader patches to your sail where applicable. Centring the traveller during the manoeuvre can help, but keep your eyes looking up and check nothing is getting caught.

Also practice  solo reefing ; aside from the possibility of needing to reef alone, this also builds a big picture understanding of the whole manoeuvre. It means reefs are put in faster because anyone can work anywhere.

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Catamaran designs at the ARC start cover a full spectrum of performance. Photo: James Mitchell/WCC

How can couples close the ‘experience gap’?

The argument for both halves of a cruising partnership being competent on board has always been that if something happens to the skipper, their partner will know how to safely get to a port of refuge.

However, most people assume that this will simply never happen to them, or they practise parking a couple of times, pick a fender out the water – then never think about it again. The difficulty with starting a bluewater sailing project with a large experience gap is that it tends to widen over time. Each day as leader will be a learning opportunity for the skipper.

They will grow in competence and confidence. Meanwhile, the first mate’s skills will suffer. They will get used to following instructions, their confidence will decrease, and a habit of helplessness will develop. Then, when an emergency does occur, they’ll be in a worse position to take charge than when they started.

It’s critical that couples approach buying a bluewater catamaran for cruising as a team exercise from day one – for both safety and enjoyment. Ideas on how to level up your partnership include:

  • Rotate roles each day, or follow a rota. Who drives the boat into dock? Who makes the navigation calls (do this passage by passage)? Who does the safety checks? Who runs the watermaker?
  • Divide the boat – maintain one hull each and share the saloon. This forces you to both understand how everything works from bilge pumps and engines to steering gear and gear storage.
  • Take a coach with you for the first few crossings. It can be hard to learn to sail from your spouse. A professional coach will force you into a learning environment. They will also create space for the less experienced to be able to take charge in a safe way.
  • Sail the boat without your partner. Creating a scenario where your leadership role feels natural is the optimum way to practice skippering. So, invite a few friends who don’t know as much about sailing as you, and go for a low pressure cruise. It’s a brilliant confidence builder, and a chance to develop your own style and your own voice on board.

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Do you have the skills for a faster cat? Photo: Rick Tomlinson

Production or performance cruising catamaran?

A common view is that you pay more for less when you buy a performance catamaran: fewer creature comforts, less living space, fewer berths, bathrooms, and instead get narrow hulls and sparse design. So, is the big price tag worth the upgrade in performance?

If you are lured by the comfort of a production catamaran, but plan to sail intensively around the world for the next five years, it might not actually be the most comfortable option. No dishwasher or air conditioning is going to make a boat feel safer in a storm. Conversely, why buy a performance catamaran if you plan to leave the boat at the dock for 10 months a year?

Ask yourself if you have the skills to harness the performance of a faster catamaran? And if not, how prepared are you to invest time into learning how to use the boat to her full potential?

A common justification for buying a performance catamaran is that it can outrun bad weather and therefore is safer. But you cannot take advantage of that option if you sail everywhere with three reefs in the main because you are nervous of the boat’s power.

Similarly, the power of performance catamarans comes in part from how light they are. If you load the boat with extras – personal gear, kitchen appliances, heating, aircon – you will quickly reduce a lot of the speed and safety advantages you’re paying for.

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The dream – catamaran cruising in paradise! Photo: Robin Christol/Outremer

How to handle heavy weather in a cat?

A popular heavy weather strategy is avoidance: account for global weather patterns when planning your passages to ensure you sail during the more favourable months; invest in a good satellite connection to download accurate forecasts so you can see bad weather coming; use your boat speed to position yourself out of the predicted storm track; be flexible with departure windows and leave at an optimum time.

However, do not misinterpret avoidance of heavy weather as a safety net. With weather systems becoming increasingly extreme and unpredictable (see page 38), this risk management strategy is becoming less and less dependable.

  • Develop scenario plans for the type of boat you have so that you don’t have to start with a blank sheet of paper as a storm approaches.
  • In all scenarios, on all boats, avoid 90° wind and waves. Your boat is at its least stable in these conditions. Sail with the weather forward or aft of the beam.
  • Keep an eye on heel angle. Reduce sail if you start to see any more than 5° or so, unless you have a catamaran that is designed to lift a hull. Lower the centre of effort by reducing sail, starting with the main.
  • Set up and practice how to reef downwind in case the weather comes in more quickly than you were expecting.
  • If you can’t sail as fast as the waves, consider trailing warps to slow you down and help with steerage. You should aim to keep the speed relatively high. The key is to reduce the erratic surfing which drops the bows into green-water troughs. I prefer warps to drogues where possible because we are more familiar with them. Unless you practice using a drogue regularly, you will likely need to read the instructions when you get it out, which isn’t ideal in an emergency.
  • If waves are breaking over your stern, consider turning into the seaway and holding steady. In a performance cat, you can drop the windward daggerboard, lift the leeward board, and pinch into the wind. In a production cat with no daggerboards, this will be difficult. Running the leeward engine might help you keep your bows into the wind. Watch that there is no back flow of water into the exhaust.
  • Avoid lee shores at all costs, sea room downwind is key.

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Outremer Week crews receiving coaching on sail handling. Photo: Robin Christol/Outremer

When should we go?

How long should you wait after buying a boat before heading out on your first bluewater passage? Whether you spend £100,000 or £1,000,000 on your boat, it’s likely to need some fine tuning. I’ve never heard of a new boat that was perfect.

Some yards will cover the initial issues as part of the warranty, so staying close to the yard is a good idea within that period. Even if you don’t have a warranty, proximity to the yard can help you access parts, boat builders and people who understand how your boat has been constructed.

The flip side is that you want to get going, and experience all the freedoms of your new yacht! Some serious bluewater sailing is also needed to test some of the systems.

Give yourself two to six months before you head out on the first crossing. This is enough to test the boat out, but not so long that ‘passage-anxiety’ builds up and you never actually leave.

Do not treat the first few months as a holiday. This is commissioning, and it is the last stage of the build. Test the boat as rigorously as you can before you leave the proximity of the yard. Complete a couple of substantial offshore passages of 48 hours or more to test the systems. Run everything, including the watermaker. Fly all the sails you own. Sail in fruity conditions relative to your ability (Force 6-8 as a guideline) to see how the boat (and you) cope.

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Women’s only coaching groups for catamaran cruising sailors help bridge the ‘experience gap’. Photo: Robin Christol/Outremer

Get some experienced people on board to bolster the crew for the early days. The ideal is to hire a professional coach, as this will make pushing the boat much safer and more fun for you.

Do some training ; the MCA AEC four-day engine course is a really useful opportunity to explore the parts of the engine you are normally too nervous to. A safety at sea course is worth its weight in gold. Use this to put together a safety kit that you feel confident in and that is appropriate for your cruising plans. A basic maintenance course can also be helpful, ideally one that covers beginners’ sail repair, rigging, splicing, and electrics.

Ask other sailors for a good tools and spares inventory list. On top of the standard parts that the equipment manuals recommend, current and previous owners of your boat model will have a plethora of advice.

Confident to cast off

Preparation for any type of bluewater sailing can feel daunting. Training courses and cruisers’ seminars like Outremer Week are a little paradoxical – learning how to insert an IV line in a morning medical session, then toasting your upcoming lifelong dream in the evening. It’s a bit like watching the flight safety demonstration before taking off on a once in a lifetime holiday.

The reality is that bluewater sailing is the most incredible opportunity in the world to be both savoured, and treated with an appropriate level of respect. But the most rewarding thing is to see sailors’s enthusiasm grow as they learn. With the opportunity to make mistakes and ask questions in a supportive environment, everyone develops their own skippering style and mantras.

Knowledge nurtures confidence, and confidence breeds positivity – which all contribute to a safe, and successful bluewater catamaran cruising experience. If in doubt, ask!

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17 Best Catamarans for Sailing Around the World

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Catamarans are quickly outstripping single-hull boats for long-distance journeys. They are more stable and comfortable , and some can travel more than 200 miles in a day. In today’s article, I have put together a complete (well almost) list of some of the best catamarans for circumnavigating the planet; the question is, which one is best for you?

The best catamarans for sailing around the world include: 

  • The Fountaine Pajot Ipanema 58

These cats focus on speed, safety, and comfort for longer journeys. 

This article will show you the seventeen best catamarans for long journeys, and why they’re the best. You’ll also learn some great tips on what to look for in a Catamaran and how to save money by buying a used catamaran. Let this list be a jumping-off point for your future research!

Pro-tip; here are the actual costs of maintaining a cat and here are considerations on how to circumnavigate .

Table of Contents

The Best Catamarans for Sailing Around the World 

A catamaran is a double-hulled boat with a deck or cabin area in between (bluewater cat definition in this article ). The double hull design means that the boat rocks less, sits higher on the water, uses less fuel to sail, and can be sailed in shallower waters than a single-hulled boat without worrying about grounding. 

Catamarans come in a variety of sizes and can be sail-powered or motor-powered and range from single-person sailing boats to family-sized yachts. Every catamaran design is different, and the twin-hull shape offers many ways to customize the layout of a ship. 

Each boat on this list is a larger catamaran (+40ft, more on size here ), so if you’re going to sail around the world, you want lots of space for provisions and rest.

Of course, there are tons of technical specs for each of these boats, but I’m going to focus on the overall features of each of these catamarans, what makes them stand out, and why they would each be an excellent choice for a transatlantic journey. 

Antares 44i 

The Antares 44i is an excellent option for sailing around the world and was explicitly designed for long-distance cruising. It performs well in any weather conditions, can be sailed easily by two people, and you’ll be able to sail long distances and live in comfort. 

Although it can be easily sailed by a crew of two I believe that a true bluewater cat should be set up for single-handed sailing, more on that in another article .

This catamaran features a stateroom on each hull and a forward cabin with plenty of storage space. The living and entertainment features include a flatscreen tv and a high-end deck speaker system. 

With this model, Antares dedicates itself to high-quality boats with optimal rigging and engine configurations. 

Atlantic 42

Atlantic is no longer building this catamaran, but there are usually a few pre-owned boats on the market. You can also get it made custom if you love the design, but be prepared to spend more money on a custom boat (custom boat also gets custom problems ;)). 

The Atlantic 42 is slightly smaller than some of the other catamarans on this list but is a seaworthy vessel. 42 ft is what most sailors I interview ( in this article ) said was the smallest cat to safely cross big oceans. It is also a decent size to counter the risk of capsizing (more on that here ).

It has a forward cockpit and pilothouse, which gives the owner a better use of space and makes the boat easier to navigate. With single-handed capability, one person can sail it easily and let the rest of the crew relax. 

One of the best-praised aspects of the Atlantic 42 is its galley, more extensive than most 42-footers (12.8-meter) can offer. 

One of the few 50 footers (15.24 meters) that can be sailed by just one person (many would of course disagree on this).

The Catana 50 is a catamaran worthy of an overseas journey. Its size adds to its stability on the open waters and its ability to sail straight through the choppy ocean and windy conditions. 

The Catana is also incredibly spacious on the inside, with substantial cabins and showers. The biggest downside to the Catana 50 is its price, as it’s much more expensive than most of its competitors. 

Catana also holds up well against some of the fastest cruising cats out there, here’s a list of the fastest cruisers if you are interested in that.

However, if you can find a gently-used Catana 50, you can rest assured that this boat will last! 

The Dolphin 42 is unique because of the use of daggerboards instead of fixed keels. This upgrade means that the boat has some pretty decent upwind performance while at the same time being faster downwind.

Centerboards and daggerboards offer some interesting downsides compared to mini keels. This is an interesting discussion and I suggest you read another one of my articles if you want to deepen your knowledge a little.

These catamarans are some of the lightest on the market. Not many Dolphins were made, so they are relatively hard to find. However, if you want a small, lightweight boat capable of going great distances, the Dolphin 42 is an excellent choice. 

Fountaine Pajot Belize 43

The Fountaine Pajot Belize is another well-built cruising yacht. Its core is made of foam instead of balsa, which reduces the risk of structural damage due to a rotten core in case of water intrusion. 

The design of Belize offers many options for customizability, with large open spaces and a combined saloon, navigation, and dinette area. 

There are two styles of Belize catamarans for sleeping quarters. You can either purchase a boat with an entire primary suite on one hull or one with two cabins in each hull. The first option is great if you are sailing the world alone and not expecting many guests, as it increases the storage capacity. 

Understanding what factors to consider when getting a cat can be hard, there are just so many of them (such as the daggerboard discussion above), I have tried to compile some of the most important in this article .

The boat also has wraparound windows to increase the sense of space in the galley. 

Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40

Fountaine Pajot is one of the best sailboat manufacturers existing today, as their boats are well made and highly versatile. The Lucia 40 is no exception – it’s a smaller boat but has a lot of room for moving around and on-board living. 

The living area is remarkably spacious on this catamaran for its size. 

The galley and lounge easily accommodate 6+people. The Lucia 40 doesn’t disappoint when it comes to sailing either, as the narrow hulls slice through choppy waters with ease. 

Most catamarans today are built to withstand rough weather but that doesn’t matter as much if the crew isn’t up for the task, I firmly believe that the most important thing a boat should consist of, is knowledge. Therefore taking online courses ( two free here ) or reading books ( my favorites here ) is imperative.

Gemini 105M

Gemini’s boats have been on the market for years and are solidly built for cruising. This boat is one of the most popular ever made, I personally would consider something different for offshore cruising, but since it has such a good reputation, I felt I had to add it to the list.

If you want to understand why I am hesitant to take this boat around the world, I recommend you read my article: What are trampolines on a catamaran?

The Gunboat 62 is a great catamaran and set the standards for the rest of the impressive Gunboat lineup. It’s sleek and spacious while being robust and capable of transatlantic journeys. You can easily travel the world in a Gunboat 62 with several people and not feel cramped. 

The yacht was made for speed and power and remains one of the fastest catamarans on the market, even rivaling the newer Gunboat models.  GABO

Although the earlier models of the Gunboat 62 weren’t designed for a lot of cargo, you can still find space for everything you need without compromise. 

Lagoon catamarans are known for their reliability and ease of use. If you are considering a catamaran for the first time and are unsure about the technicalities of sailing, a Lagoon boat is a great option. 

The Lagoon 380 is probably the smallest cruiser on this list, which makes it better suited for solo or couple sailing.  

When I go looking to buy something, whether it be a boat, campervan, or whatever, I create a checklist and classify all the things I want either by NEED or NICE to have.

I believe the Lagoon 380 to be sub-optimal for my NEEDS, even though it does check a lot of NICE boxes, there’s a step-by-step article on the NEED and NICE method here .

There are several cabin options available on the Lagoon 380, but if you’re sailing by yourself, you can settle for three cabins and a larger galley and living space. With a smaller cockpit and broader side decks, the Lagoon 380 packs a lot of practicality and ease of sailing into a more compact catamaran. 

If you like the idea of a Lagoon boat but want a little more space, the Lagoon 42 is the upgraded version of the Lagoon 380. With all of the same benefits, it comes with more space for cabins or storage, making it one of the best-selling Lagoons of all time. 

The Lagoon 42 is also a faster cruiser built for strength. While it’s not the fastest on the market, it works well in choppy waters and windy conditions, making it great for the beginning sailor to go on a more extended trip. 

Many people have completed an around-the-world sail with this ship.

Although there is a flybridge version, I would recommend the “open” version due to several factors, some including increased windage and a higher boom. More on flybridges pros and cons here .

For stability, safety, and durability, you can’t beat the Lagoon 42. 

The Leopard 45 performs better with less storage weight because of the relatively low bridge deck clearance. If the boat is fully loaded, you could experience some wave pounding. However, the cockpit is open and airy, with devices that block the sun and provide maximum comfort while sailing. 

The Leopard 45 is an incredibly beautiful boat,   and has a strong reputation for excellent build quality!

Leopard catamarans are one of my personal favorites, as such I have written an entire article about the brand, so if you want to understand its pros and cons then here is the link . Gabo

Designed in South Africa, it features a high rear arch for extra support and very smoothly connected decks. The galley is large and open, and most Leopards offer a four-cabin plan. If you are traveling with another person, this boat is an excellent option for you! 

The Manta 42 is another classic catamaran that you can buy used (at a decent price), as it is an incredibly seaworthy vessel. While still in production, the Manta was one of the most popular catamarans on the market. 

It is still in high demand amongst circumnavigators. Buying a used Manta 42 usually means that you inherit some of the previous owner’s boat upgrades! 

The Manta 42 also made it to my list of the 9 safest catamarans on the market ( link ).

This blue water cat can be sailed by one or two people, making it ideal for liveaboard couples or long-distance shorthanded sailing. The galley is in the saloon ( instead of in one of the hulls ), making the cabins below more spacious and better equipped. 

Overall, the Manta is well equipped for sailing around the world. 

Nautitech 44

Nautitech is an excellent brand of the catamaran, with several different designs per boat. The Nautitech 44 has a unique feature, you can have it with two options for steering: twin wheels or a single wheel.

The Nautitech 44 also features a cockpit on the same level as the saloon. The door between the two is more convenient than a hatch and dramatically reduces the risk of water damage during rain pour. 

This is also the same boat that aeroyacht president Gregor owns, he has offered some great insights into Nautitech in the book Catamarans (amazon link )

Outremer 45

Outremer is famous for being one of the fastest brands of catamarans on the market. If you need speed, the Outremer 45 might be the perfect choice for you. It has a top speed of 16 knots, which is higher than almost every other catamaran of its class. 

While the Outremer 45 is known for speed, it doesn’t compromise on the quality of living. 

You can settle into life on this boat with complete peace of mind. Even as a beginning sailor, the steering is simple and easy to use, and the autopilot is top of the line, so you’ll be able to sail across the ocean in an Outremer without issue. 

Privilege Serie 5

A French-designed catamaran, the Privilege Serie 5 is one of the most comfortable 50-foot (15 m) yachts available. The unique cabin layout includes the master cabin in the boat’s center instead of in one of the hulls. 

The Privilege Serie 5 is also incredibly easy to sail, despite its larger size. 

The sails and controls lead to the helm, where the raised deck makes it easy to see all around the deck. If you want to cross the ocean with a full crew then the Privilege Serie 5 might be perfect for you! 

Seawind 1000

The Seawind 1000 is the smallest boat on this list, measuring 33 feet (10 meters) long altogether. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s not livable. If you are sailing on your own or with a partner, there is more than enough space to live in the Seawind 1000, which includes the option of a centered cabin or two hull cabins. 

Because it’s small, the Seawind 1000 is easy to handle. The mast and sails are all manufactured for extra stability and ease of use. 

Overall, the Seawind 1000 is an excellent example of a simple, safe, and seaworthy catamaran. 

Note: since this is a small catamaran it will also be more sensitive to heavy weather so trip-planning becomes even more important.

The Voyage 44 is one of the oldest cats on this list, having had its hay-day in the mid-1990s. However, this also means that a used Voyage 44 will be cheaper than a newer boat. If you can find a Voyage with previous responsible owners, you will inherit any upgrades and fixes that they’ve made on top of a very seaworthy boat. 

The Voyage 44 has more storage and space than most cruisers of its size and is known for behaving very well in choppy waters. 

This catamaran does its job well while providing adequate space for cooking, sleeping, and living aboard. 

What To Look For in a Long-Distance Cruising Catamaran

If you are planning to sail around the world, you need to be very careful about which kind of catamaran you decide to use. Many of the things you want in a boat really comes down to personal preference, so be sure you know what design preferences you want before you start shopping! 

Size and Payload

The most important thing to consider when buying a catamaran is how much space and cargo you need because the larger the boats are, the bigger the payload it can handle. Decide how long you want the ship to be and how much you’re taking with you. 

It’s vital not to overload a catamaran, this will reduce performance and increase risk of unwanted behavior in heavy seas.

Cabin Placement  

Most catamarans have options for a “Maestro” cabin placement, where one entire hull is the master suite, and the other cabins are located on the opposite hull.

Cockpit and Protection From The Weather

Is the cockpit on the boat you’re looking at covered or open? This can make a difference on the high seas, especially during rainy weather. 

The size of the ship also can affect how many people you need as a crew. If you’re traveling by yourself or with one other person, you don’t want to buy a boat that needs a larger crew. 

Buying Used? 

If you don’t want to spend the money on a brand new catamaran, I don’t blame you. Several of the ships on this list are out of production and can only be found used. However, for circumnavigation, you do want a boat of high quality to keep you safe and dry until you make it to your destination.  

When buying a suitably used catamaran, it’s essential to look at the refit history of the boat more than the year it was made. Catamarans are sturdy, and the general design has been the same for at least the past decade. 

If you find a newer, larger, cheaper boat, you should look into its history. 

Your best bet to save money while buying a catamaran will be to buy an older, probably smaller boat with an excellent refit history and no serious issues. It will still be an investment, and a sturdy used catamaran will serve you well. 

Final Thoughts

No matter which catamaran you decide to buy for your journey, you’ll be able to sail safely and comfortably. Catamarans are great yachts for long-distance sailing, and the ships on this list are the best of the best. These brands are time-tested and ready to accompany you on an adventure around the world! 

Here are Some of My Favorite Catamaran Cruising Resources

Thank you for reading this article. I hope you found it helpful as you hopefully start your sailing adventures. Here are some resources that I use as a sailor that I hope you’ll also find helpful. These are affiliate links, so if you do decide to use any of them, I’ll earn a commission. But in all honesty, these are the exact things that I use and recommend to everyone, even my own family. Sailboats: If you’re looking for the best boat to suit your needs, I would recommend a catamaran. If you’re interested, I can show you the differences between catamarans and other types of sailboats .

Books:  For getting started, I really like  Cruising catamarans made easy . It is actually a textbook from the American sailing association; it is used to get a cruising catamaran certification. There are some other great books, and I have compiled a list of books about cruising catamarans that you will find useful.

Communication:  Being out on adventures, whether it be sailing or climbing mountains, good communications are essential to being safe. I recommend two things Google fi (incredibly simple cellular data all over the world) and Garmin inreach mini (for text and voice in remote areas without cell coverage)

Sailing courses: Online sailing courses are great for beginners starting out their sailing career; it’s an efficient way of learning the basics of navigation, throttle controls, and maritime safety. I suggest starting with two free courses from NauticEd .

To see all my most up-to-date recommendations,  check out this resource  that I made for you!

  • Wikipedia: Catamaran
  • Cruising World: A-Z Best Cruising Catamarans 
  • Dreamy Yacht Sales: Four Best Catamarans for New Buyers
  • Atlantic Cruising: Good Cat/Bad Cat
  • Yachting World: Catamaran Sailing Across the Atlantic
  • Boat Affair: What is a Catamaran? 
  • Nautilus Sailing: Catamaran Sailing

Owner of A minimalist that has lived in a caravan in Sweden, 35ft Monohull in the Bahamas, and right now in his self-built Van. He just started the next adventure, to circumnavigate the world on a Catamaran!

3 thoughts on “ 17 Best Catamarans for Sailing Around the World ”

I like the efforts you have put in this, regards for all the great content.

Thanks Elisabeth I really appreciate the kind words 🙂

I appreciate you sharing this blog post. Thanks Again. Cool.

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Sail Away Blog

Mastering Catamaran Sailing: Essential Guide & Tips to Navigate the Waters

Alex Morgan

plan a catamaran

Sailing a catamaran can be an exhilarating and enjoyable experience for both experienced sailors and beginners alike. Unlike monohull sailboats, catamarans offer unique advantages in terms of stability and speed. If you’re interested in learning how to sail a catamaran, it’s important to understand the basics and master the necessary skills. This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide to sailing a catamaran, from understanding the fundamentals to maneuvering and handling the boat effectively.

To begin with, let’s delve into the introduction of sailing a catamaran, followed by understanding the basics of a catamaran. We’ll explore what exactly a catamaran is and how it differs from a monohull sailboat. we’ll discuss the advantages of sailing a catamaran, highlighting why it has become a preferred choice for many sailors.

Before setting sail, proper preparation is essential. This section covers the importance of safety equipment and checks, along with understanding wind and weather conditions. Planning your route is crucial to ensure a smooth and enjoyable sailing experience.

Once you’re prepared, we’ll move on to the essential sailing techniques for a catamaran. This section will guide you through rigging and hoisting the sails, tacking and jibing, trimming the sails, and controlling speed and direction. Mastering these techniques is key to maneuvering the catamaran effectively on the water.

Handling the catamaran also requires specific techniques. We’ll cover important maneuvers such as docking and undocking, mooring and anchoring, and addressing emergencies like man overboard recovery. These skills are vital to ensure a safe and successful journey.

We’ll provide you with essential safety tips for sailing a catamaran. Understanding right-of-way rules, handling rough seas and heavy winds, and maintaining balance and stability are crucial aspects of staying safe on the water.

By the end of this comprehensive guide, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to sail a catamaran and be well-equipped to embark on your own catamaran adventures while ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.

– Sailing a catamaran offers the advantage of maximizing space with its two hulls, allowing for more comfortable living quarters and a larger deck area. – Catamarans provide a stable and balanced sailing experience, making them a safer option for beginners and those prone to seasickness. – Proper preparation, including checking safety equipment, understanding weather conditions, and planning your route, is crucial for a successful catamaran sailing experience.

Understanding the Basics of a Catamaran

Understanding the basics of a catamaran is essential for safe and enjoyable sailing. A catamaran is a boat with two parallel hulls connected by a deck. It has advantages over monohull boats. Catamarans are stable due to their wide beam, reducing the risk of capsizing . They can access shallow waters because of their shallow drafts . Catamarans also offer more space and comfort with larger cabins, living areas, and deck space.

To control a catamaran, the skipper uses the helm to control the rudders. Adjusting and trimming the sails allows the skipper to use the wind’s power and steer the boat efficiently. Balancing the sails and maintaining stability while sailing is important.

Knowing the key components, how to control the boat, and handle the sails will help you navigate the waters confidently. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a beginner, familiarizing yourself with the fundamentals of catamarans is crucial.

What Is a Catamaran?

A catamaran, also known as a cat , is a type of boat that features two parallel hulls connected by a platform or bridge deck. This unique design provides it with stability and speed, making it a popular choice for sailing enthusiasts. Unlike traditional monohull sailboats, a catamaran offers a wider beam , which results in more space and greater stability . As a result, the sailing experience on a catamaran is smoother and more comfortable .

There are several advantages to sailing a catamaran. One significant advantage is its shallow draft , which allows it to navigate in shallower waters that are inaccessible to other types of boats. The dual hull design of a catamaran minimizes drag and enhances speed , making it highly efficient for long-distance cruising . The spacious interior layout of a catamaran provides ample room for accommodations , amenities , and storage .

When sailing a catamaran, it is essential to consider the wind and weather conditions for safe navigation. Understanding the right of way rules and knowing how to handle rough seas and heavy winds are crucial skills for catamaran sailors. Maintaining balance and stability is of utmost importance to ensure a smooth sailing experience.

A fun fact about catamarans is that they have been utilized by Polynesian cultures for centuries, proving their effectiveness and versatility in various sailing conditions.

How Is a Catamaran Different from a Monohull Sailboat?

A catamaran is different from a monohull sailboat in several ways. A catamaran has two parallel hulls connected by a deck or bridge, whereas a monohull sailboat only has one hull. This dual hull design provides greater stability and balance on the water.

In addition, the hulls of a catamaran are wider and shallower compared to those of a monohull, allowing for a shallower draft and improved maneuverability . This also results in a higher cruising speed and faster sailing speeds for catamarans.

Catamarans also offer more interior space and are known for their spaciousness and comfort , thanks to their wider beam. When sailing upwind, catamarans experience less heeling , which translates into a smoother and more comfortable ride for passengers.

Catamarans are better suited for cruising in shallow waters and can anchor closer to shore due to their shallow draft . The dual hull design of catamarans also provides greater redundancy and safety in the event of hull damage or collision.

Unlike monohull sailboats, which typically have a keel, catamarans rely on centerboards or daggerboards to prevent sideways sliding. The main differences between a catamaran and a monohull sailboat lie in their stability , speed , comfort , and maneuverability .

Advantages of Sailing a Catamaran

– Stability: Catamarans offer excellent balance with their twin hulls, making them less likely to tilt or capsize compared to monohull sailboats.

– Spaciousness: The wide beam of catamarans provides more interior and deck space, including comfortable living quarters, larger cabins, and ample room for socializing and entertaining.

– Speed: The design of twin hulls reduces drag, allowing catamarans to sail faster and provide exhilarating experiences.

– Shallow Draft: Catamarans have a shallower draft than monohull sailboats, enabling them to sail in shallower waters and access a wider range of cruising grounds.

– Comfort: The wide beam and stable design of catamarans offer a smoother and more comfortable sailing experience, eliminating the heeling common in monohull sailboats and reducing the chances of seasickness.

– Maneuverability: Catamarans are more maneuverable than monohull sailboats, providing better turning ability for navigating tight spaces, docking, and anchoring precision.

– Sailing Performance: Catamarans excel in light wind conditions, thanks to their large sail area and light weight, allowing them to catch even the slightest breeze and maintain good boat speed. This makes them ideal for destinations with calm weather patterns.

Preparing for Sailing a Catamaran

Preparing for a thrilling catamaran sailing adventure requires careful planning and essential knowledge. As we dive into the section on “ Preparing for Sailing a Catamaran ,” we’ll explore vital aspects such as safety equipment and checks , understanding wind and weather conditions , and planning your route . Get ready to uncover expert tips and strategies to ensure a smooth and enjoyable catamaran journey on the open waters.

Safety Equipment and Checks

Prioritize safety when sailing a catamaran. Thoroughly check and prepare your safety equipment before setting off on your adventure. Consider the following important safety equipment and checks :

  • Life jackets: Ensure enough properly fitting life jackets for everyone on board.
  • Flotation devices: Have throwable flotation devices readily available for emergencies.
  • Fire extinguishers: Have the appropriate type and number of fire extinguishers on board.
  • First aid kit: Maintain a well-stocked kit for handling minor injuries or medical emergencies.
  • Navigation lights: Ensure all navigation lights are functioning properly, especially for sailing at night or in low visibility conditions.
  • Communication devices: Carry reliable communication devices such as a marine VHF radio or satellite phone for calling for help if needed.
  • Engine and safety equipment checks: Regularly inspect engines, bilge pumps, anchor systems, and other safety equipment to ensure good working condition.

Remember, safety is crucial. Check your safety equipment before every trip and ensure proper working order. Familiarize yourself with specific safety requirements and regulations of the sailing area. By taking these precautions, you can enjoy your catamaran sailing adventure with peace of mind and be prepared for any unexpected situations.

Understanding Wind and Weather Conditions

Understanding wind and weather conditions is crucial when sailing a catamaran. You must have a comprehensive understanding of the wind direction, speed, and weather changes that may impact your sailing experience. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

1. Wind direction: It is essential to know the direction from which the wind is blowing. This knowledge will assist you in planning your sailing route and selecting the appropriate sails.

2. Wind speed: Pay close attention to the wind speed as it could potentially affect the speed and maneuverability of your boat. Higher wind speeds may necessitate reefing the sails or adjusting your course.

3. Weather changes: Remain mindful of any approaching storms, rain, or fog. These conditions can have a significant impact on visibility and create challenges when sailing.

4. Sea state: Take note of the current sea state, which includes wave height and frequency. Rough seas may require you to adjust your sailing technique and speed to ensure the stability of the catamaran.

5. Weather forecasts: Always remember to check the weather forecasts before embarking on your sailing trip. This will provide you with an overview of the expected weather conditions.

By possessing a thorough understanding of wind and weather conditions, you can make well-informed decisions to ensure a safe and enjoyable sailing experience aboard a catamaran. Keep in mind that conditions at sea can change rapidly, so it is essential to stay vigilant and adapt your plans accordingly.

Planning Your Route

When planning your catamaran sailing route, it is important to consider several factors for a safe and enjoyable journey. One of the first things to do is assess the weather conditions by checking the forecast for potential storms or strong winds. It is crucial to avoid adverse conditions as they can pose risks to both the crew and the catamaran’s safety.

In addition, it is necessary to identify key destinations and conduct research on navigational challenges. This will help in finding suitable anchorages or marinas along the way. Creating a timeline is also essential to plan the duration of the journey, taking into account the distance to be covered and the catamaran’s speed. It is important to remember to account for any time constraints or events that may affect the plan.

Using navigational charts, it is advisable to plot the course, noting any potential obstacles along the way. It is also a good practice to plan alternative routes in case they become necessary. Considering currents and tides is another crucial aspect of route planning. Studying tidal patterns and current directions will allow for incorporating these factors into the planning process for greater efficiency.

Another important consideration is fuel and provisions . It is necessary to determine the locations of fuel stations and provisioning points along the route. Planning fuel stops and stocking up on supplies will ensure that you have everything you need during the journey. Communication and safety should not be overlooked either. Identifying channels to communicate with other sailors and emergency assistance is vital . It is also important to familiarize yourself with emergency procedures and have access to contact information in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

It is recommended to regularly review your route plan and make adjustments based on real-time conditions and feedback. This will help ensure that you are always up to date with any changes that may occur during the journey. By carefully planning your route, you can optimize your sailing experience, safely navigate waters, and fully enjoy your catamaran adventure.

Essential Sailing Techniques for Catamaran

Mastering the essential sailing techniques for a catamaran is the key to harnessing the power of wind and water. From rigging and hoisting the sails to controlling speed and direction, each sub-section in this guide will unlock the secrets that seasoned sailors swear by. So, get ready to tack and jibe , trim those sails just right, and experience the exhilaration of sailing a catamaran like a pro!

Rigging and Hoisting the Sails

To rig and hoist the sails on a catamaran, follow these steps:

1. Assemble the mast, boom, and rigging securely and properly aligned.

2. Attach the main halyard securely and tensioned to the head of the mainsail.

3. Attach the jib halyard properly tensioned and secured to the head of the jib sail.

4. Connect the main sheet to the boom to control the angle and tension of the mainsail.

5. Connect the jib sheets to the clew of the jib sail to control the angle and tension of the jib sail.

6. Attach the reefing lines to the mainsail, if applicable, to reduce sail area in strong winds.

7. Check all rigging and lines for proper tension and adjustments, ensuring everything is secure and aligned.

8. Raise the mainsail by pulling on the main halyard while guiding the sail up the mast, using winches or other mechanical aids if necessary.

9. Raise the jib sail by pulling on the jib halyard while guiding the sail up the forestay, using winches or other mechanical aids if needed.

10. Adjust the main sheet and jib sheets to achieve the desired sail shape and trim for optimal boat performance.

Rigging and hoisting the sails on a catamaran is crucial for a smooth and exhilarating sailing experience. By following these steps, you can confidently prepare your catamaran for sailing adventures.

Now, let’s appreciate the history of rigging and hoisting sails. Sailing has been a vital mode of transportation and exploration for centuries. The technique of rigging and hoisting sails has evolved from simple square sails to more efficient and versatile fore-and-aft sails used on catamarans. Today, catamarans are equipped with advanced rigging systems and modern materials that enhance speed and maneuverability. Rigging and hoisting sails remain a vital skill for sailors, connecting us to our seafaring ancestors and enabling exploration of the world’s oceans with grace and agility.

Tacking and Jibing

Tacking and jibing are essential maneuvers when sailing a catamaran. These techniques allow you to change direction and make the most of the wind. Consider these key points:

  • Tacking: This maneuver is used to sail against the wind. Turn the bow of the boat through the wind to switch the sails to the opposite side. This allows you to zigzag towards your destination.
  • Jibing: Use this maneuver to change direction with the wind at your back. Turn the stern of the catamaran through the wind to move the mainsail to the other side. Control the boom to prevent dangerous swinging.
  • Preparation: Before tacking or jibing, ensure that the crew is aware and in a safe position for stability during the turn.
  • Wind direction: Success with tacking and jibing depends on understanding the wind. Assess the wind and plan your maneuvers accordingly.
  • Practice: Perfecting tacking and jibing requires practice. Start with gentle maneuvers in light wind conditions and gradually progress with experience.

During a sailing race, a crew utilized their knowledge of wind patterns and executed a flawless maneuver by tacking right before the finish line. This tactical advantage secured their victory.

Trimming the Sails

Sailing a catamaran requires mastering the skill of trimming the sails . Properly trimmed sails greatly impact the catamaran’s performance and maneuverability. Here are some important considerations for sail trimming:

1. Adjusting the tension: Properly adjusting the tension on the sails is vital for achieving the desired shape and angle. The main sail should have a slight curvature called camber , which generates lift and power. Trim the jib sail to maintain smooth airflow on both sides.

2. Controlling the angle: The angle of the sails in relation to the wind direction is crucial for maintaining optimal speed. Adjust the sheets to trim the sails closer or further from the wind based on sailing conditions and desired speed.

3. Monitoring the telltales: Telltales , small yarn or ribbon pieces attached to the sails, provide valuable airflow information and indicate proper sail trimming. Continuously observe the telltales to ensure smooth and even flow.

4. Reefing: In strong winds, reducing the size of the sails through reefing is necessary to maintain stability and control. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for reefing and ensure proper securing of the sails.

5. Constant adjustment: Sail trimming requires constant attention. Continuously monitor wind conditions and make necessary adjustments to optimize performance and maintain control.

Mastering the art of sail trimming leads to smoother sailing, improved speed, and enhanced overall performance on a catamaran. Practice and experience are essential for developing this skill, so head out to the water and start honing your sail trimming abilities.

Controlling Speed and Direction

To effectively control the speed and direction of a catamaran, it is important to follow these steps:

1. Sail Adjustment: Optimize the power and speed of the catamaran by trimming the sails. Utilize the mainsail and jib sheets to manipulate the sail angle, taking into account the wind direction.

2. Utilize the Traveler: Fine-tune the speed and stability by adjusting the traveler. This tool, located across the cockpit, allows you to modify the mainsail sheeting point and control the angle of the mainsail.

3. Sail Plan Modification: Alter the sail plan as necessary to either increase or decrease speed. Reef the sails in strong winds to reduce the sail area, and unreef them in light winds to allow for greater sail area.

4. Daggerboard Adjustment: Maintain stability and control the direction of the catamaran by raising or lowering the daggerboards. These adjustments contribute to achieving balance and maneuverability.

5. Rudder Tweaking: Make slight adjustments to the rudder angle using the tiller or wheel, ensuring smooth steering of the boat.

Pro-tip: Enhance your ability to control speed and direction on a catamaran through practice and experience. Continuously monitor wind conditions and make minor adjustments to optimize performance.

Catamaran Maneuvers and Handling

Get ready to conquer the waters as we dive into the art of sailing a catamaran. In this section, we’ll navigate through the thrilling aspects of docking and undocking , the essentials of mooring and anchoring , and the crucial skill of man overboard recovery . Brace yourself for a wave of practical tips and tricks that will enhance your catamaran sailing experience. So, grab your compass, adjust your sails, and let’s set sail on this exciting journey!

Docking and Undocking

Docking and undocking a catamaran can be daunting, but with the right techniques and precautions, it can be done smoothly. Follow these steps:

  • Approach the dock slowly, keeping an eye on the wind and current.
  • Assign crew members to handle lines and fenders for a safe docking process.
  • Shift into reverse as you near the dock to slow down.
  • Turn the helm to steer the catamaran parallel to the dock as you stop.
  • Have crew members ready with fenders to protect the catamaran.
  • Engage reverse to back closer to the dock, using brief forward bursts to maneuver if needed.
  • Once close, crew members should step off the catamaran with lines to secure it to the dock.
  • Secure the catamaran using docking lines , ensuring they are properly fastened and have enough slack.

True story: One summer, while docking our catamaran in a busy marina, a strong gust of wind made our docking process challenging. Thanks to our crew’s quick reflexes and knowledge, we maneuvered the catamaran safely and secured it to the dock without damage. It was a valuable lesson in being prepared for unexpected situations while docking and undocking a catamaran.

Mooring and Anchoring

Mooring and anchoring are integral skills when sailing a catamaran. It is important to consider several key points when engaging in these activities. Make sure to choose the appropriate anchor that matches the type of seabed you will be navigating. Inspect the anchor line thoroughly to ensure it is in good condition and securely attached. Next, carefully select a mooring spot in a protected area that offers solid holding ground. When approaching the mooring, take into account factors such as wind and current, and proceed slowly. To secure the boat, use mooring lines that are connected to cleats or deck fittings. Safeguard your boat from potential damage by utilizing fenders . Prioritizing safety and accounting for your boat’s unique conditions and requirements is crucial. By practicing these techniques, you can enhance your proficiency and guarantee a safe and enjoyable sailing experience.

Man Overboard Recovery

  • Assess the situation: When facing a man overboard situation, it is important to stay calm and promptly evaluate the circumstances. Take into account the distance between the catamaran and the individual in the water, as well as any nearby hazards or obstacles.
  • Alert the crew: Immediately inform the other crew members about the man overboard incident. This ensures that everyone is informed and prepared to provide assistance.
  • Initiate the man overboard recovery process: Throw a life buoy or any floating object towards the person in the water, offering them something to hold onto. This will help keep them afloat during the recovery process.
  • Turn the catamaran: Skillfully maneuver the catamaran to create a controlled loop or figure eight pattern around the individual in the water. This will slow down the vessel and facilitate their retrieval.
  • Bring the person back on board: Once the catamaran is properly positioned, utilize a ladder, swim platform, or any available means to assist in bringing the person back on board. Assign crew members to provide support and ensure the individual’s safety throughout the recovery process.
  • Monitor and provide medical assistance: After the person is safely back on board, promptly evaluate their condition and administer any necessary medical attention. Check for injuries, monitor vital signs, and administer first aid if needed.

Pro-tip: Conduct regular man overboard drills and practice recovery procedures with your crew to ensure that everyone is familiar with their respective roles and responsibilities. This will help reduce response time and enhance the likelihood of successfully recovering individuals in emergency situations.

Safety Tips for Sailing a Catamaran

Discover essential safety tips when sailing a catamaran in this section. From understanding right of way rules to dealing with rough seas and heavy winds, you’ll learn how to navigate challenging conditions with confidence. We’ll explore techniques for maintaining balance and stability, ensuring a smooth and secure sailing experience. So hop aboard and let’s dive into the world of catamaran sailing safety !

Understanding Right of Way Rules

Understanding Right of Way Rules is crucial for safe sailing. Follow these guidelines:

1. Sailboats have the right of way over powerboats. Be aware of your surroundings and give way to any sailboats in your path.

2. When encountering a vessel on your starboard side, yield and give them the right of way. Alter your course slightly to avoid a potential collision.

3. When overtaking another vessel, keep a safe distance and give them the right of way. Maintain a slow and steady speed to avoid creating a dangerous situation.

4. In narrow channels or crowded areas, vessels going uphill or against the current have the right of way. Yield to any vessels navigating in these challenging conditions.

5. Always be cautious and maintain a safe speed when crossing paths with other vessels. Slow down if necessary to ensure a safe passage.

By understanding and adhering to right of way rules, you can navigate the waters confidently and reduce the risk of accidents. Remember, safety should always be the top priority when sailing a catamaran.

Dealing with Rough Seas and Heavy Winds

Dealing with rough seas and heavy winds is crucial when sailing a catamaran. Here are tips to navigate challenging conditions:

1. Check the weather forecast before setting off. If rough seas and heavy winds are expected, consider delaying your trip or changing your route.

2. Ensure all crew members wear appropriate safety gear, such as life jackets and harnesses. Secure loose items on the deck.

3. Maintain a steady speed when encountering rough seas to keep the boat stable. Avoid sudden changes in direction or speed.

4. Adjust your sails by reefing to maintain control and prevent overpowering by strong winds.

5. Be cautious when navigating large waves. Approach them at a slight angle to minimize the risk of capsizing. Maintain a firm grip on the helm.

6. Be aware of the sea state. Avoid crossing large waves head-on; instead, cross them diagonally or at a slight angle.

7. Communicate effectively with your crew. Assign roles and responsibilities to ensure everyone is working together for safety and control.

In rough seas and heavy winds, safety should be the top priority. Stay alert, remain calm, and rely on your training and experience.

Pro-tip: Consider advanced sailing courses or consulting experienced sailors to enhance your skills and confidence in dealing with rough seas and heavy winds.

Maintaining Balance and Stability

Maintaining balance and stability is absolutely crucial when sailing a catamaran. It is important to ensure that weight is evenly distributed on both sides of the catamaran in order to achieve stability .

One way to accomplish this is by having passengers and crew members move to the opposite side when the wind picks up. Another key aspect of maintaining balance is properly trimming the sails to adjust their angle in response to wind changes. This helps to prevent excessive heeling and ensures stability .

Paying attention to the centerboards can greatly enhance stability . Deploying the centerboards can counterbalance the force of the wind and prevent tipping over.

Steering also plays a significant role in maintaining balance. It is crucial to steer steadily and in a controlled manner in order to keep the catamaran on course and avoid any imbalance.

It is important to be aware of weather conditions and understand how they can impact stability . When faced with heavy winds and rough seas, it is essential to adjust sailing techniques accordingly and make any necessary adjustments to maintain balance and stability .

Some Facts About How To Sail Catamaran:

  • ✅ Sailing a catamaran requires adjusting to the different motion and sail trimming compared to monohull sailboats.
  • ✅ Catamarans provide more space and stability compared to traditional monohull sailboats.
  • ✅ Catamarans do not heel like monohulls, providing a less tiring sailing experience.
  • ✅ Catamarans can sail in shallower places and prevent rolling in anchorage due to their lower drafts.
  • ✅ The American Sailing Association (ASA) offers a specific course, ASA 114: Cruising Catamaran, to provide practical sailing skills and confidence when sailing a catamaran.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how do i sail a catamaran.

Sailing a catamaran involves adjusting to its different motion and sail trimming compared to monohulls. You’ll need to take a sailing course or gather practical sailing skills to ensure confidence and enjoyment while sailing a catamaran. The American Sailing Association (ASA) offers the ASA 114: Cruising Catamaran course designed specifically for individuals with monohull cruising experience transitioning to catamarans.

2. What are the advantages of sailing a catamaran?

Catamarans offer numerous advantages over monohulls. They are more spacious, providing larger living areas above decks and expansive cabins located in the hulls. Catamarans are incredibly stable, making them ideal for longer voyages and providing maximum comfort and relaxation. They also have lower drafts, allowing navigation in shallow reef passages and anchoring closer to shore. Catamarans do not heel like monohulls, providing a more comfortable and less tiring sailing experience.

3. How can I charter a catamaran from The Moorings?

The Moorings offers innovative and top-quality catamarans for sailing vacations. To charter a catamaran from The Moorings, you can visit their website and access their charter resources. They are known for their exclusive access to Robertson & Caine catamarans, distinguished for their quality and comfort. There, you can find information on boat availability, reputation, and customer reviews to choose the right catamaran for your needs and preferences.

4. What is the ASA 114: Cruising Catamaran certification?

The American Sailing Association (ASA) offers the ASA 114: Cruising Catamaran certification. This certification is designed for individuals with monohull cruising experience who want to transition to catamarans. The course covers the advantages and disadvantages of multihull sailing, as well as practical sailing skills specific to catamarans. Obtaining this certification ensures that you have the necessary knowledge and skills to confidently sail a catamaran.

5. Are catamarans safe for offshore sailing?

Yes, catamarans are safe and stable for offshore sailing. They are designed to offer stability and comfort in various conditions. Catamarans have two independent hulls, making them less likely to sink completely. They also have duplicate navigation systems, including two engines and rudders, for onboard safety. Catamarans remain stable even in bad weather and do not capsize easily. Their advanced design and safety features make them a reliable choice for offshore sailing.

6. Can I sail a catamaran without previous sailing experience?

Sailing a catamaran without previous sailing experience is not recommended. It is essential to have some sailing knowledge and skills before attempting to sail a catamaran. Taking a sailing course, such as the ASA 114: Cruising Catamaran course, will provide you with the necessary skills and confidence to safely operate a catamaran. Spending time onboard and obtaining a sailing diploma or certification will ensure a better understanding of catamaran sailing fundamentals.

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8x22 Scat Cat

Catamaran Cruisers introduces the 8'x22' Scat Cat. The Scat Cat is a smaller verison of the Party Cat Deck Boat and features our classic multi-chambered fiberglass hulls with deluxe seating.

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How To Plan the Perfect Catamaran Charter Trip for Your Family

Imagine this: a warm wind in your hair, the sun setting while you relax on a big, fancy boat, and your family is having a great time together. Renting a catamaran could be the best way to make your family feel closer, turning regular days into amazing adventures on the ocean.

But where do you begin? If you’re a beginner – sailing novice or yacht enthusiast – and you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by the idea of planning a catamaran charter trip for your family, breathe easy. This comprehensive guide is designed to hold your hand through the process. Let’s go!


A Bit About Catamarans

Before you cast off on the yacht trip of your dreams, it’s essential to get comfortable with the main star of your adventure – the catamaran. Catamarans are multi-hulled vessels known for their stability and spaciousness.

With two hulls, they offer more room to move about than their traditional mono-hull counterparts, making them an ideal choice for families looking for a comfortable and safe sailing experience. Catamarans are also typically faster than mono-hulls, meaning you can cover more ground (or water) during your trip.

Understanding the Charter

A chartered boat is like a floating home for rent. You’re essentially hiring a complete service package including the vessel, and sometimes, a captain and crew.

Depending on your preferences and experience level, you can choose between a fully crewed charter, a skippered charter, or a bareboat charter. In a bareboat charter, you’re the captain, responsible for navigating the vessel with the help of your family.

How To Plan the Perfect Catamaran Charter Trip

Planning the perfect catamaran charter trip involves several key steps that will ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience for you and your family . Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you embark on this exciting adventure.

Step One: Defining Your Goals and Expectations

Planning your family catamaran charter? Start by chatting with your family about what everyone wants.

Do you dream of quiet island getaways? Love water sports, or do you want to snorkel and scuba dive? Knowing your shared wishes helps guide your trip and come up with itinerary ideas!

Step Two: Choose Your Destination

First, make a list of fun activities and experiences you want. Next, pick one of the many sailing destinations to go to. Your choice affects what you’ll see, the local culture, and sailing conditions.

The Caribbean has calm waters and amazing places for snorkeling. The Mediterranean has a lot of history and lively coastal areas. Look up information and choose a place that matches what your family wants.

Step Three: Budgeting Your Charter

Renting a catamaran can be pricey, but it can still be affordable. Your budget decides the charter type, boat size, and extras like food and activities. Be honest about what you can spend and remember to include any extra costs that might pop up.

Step Four: Booking and Preparing

Booking a charter trip? Do it early to snag your spot! Pick your date, destination, and boat.

Gather your passports and any sailing papers needed. Don’t forget to check with the charter company for packing tips and pre-trip advice.

Step Five: Meal Planning

Food can be a significant cost factor in your charter trip, and catering for the entire family while at sea can be tricky. Consider pre-planning your meals, discussing dietary restrictions with the charter company, or in some cases, hiring a chef to take care of your culinary needs. Ensure you have a rough itinerary for your trip so that you can stock up on supplies at your various destinations.

Step Six: Safety First

Safety is paramount, especially when children are involved. Before you set sail, familiarize yourself with the safety equipment on board.

Ensure that life jackets fit and are worn when necessary and that all emergency procedures are understood and agreed upon by every member of your family. If you’re new to sailing, you may want to enroll in a basic sailing course to gain confidence in your abilities.

Step Seven: Packing Light but Right

When it comes to packing for a catamaran trip, less is usually more. Space is a luxury on a sailing vessel.

Opt for versatile, quick-dry clothing, and don’t forget essentials like sunscreen, seasickness medication, and a good book. If you’re traveling with young children, remember to pack their favorite toys and games to keep them entertained.

Step Eight: Ready, Set, Sail

The day has arrived. You’re standing at the marina, staring at the magnificent vessel that will be your home for the duration of your trip.

With excitement and a hint of trepidation, you board and begin the final preparations with your crew. Settle into your cabins, stow away your belongings, and get ready to create lasting memories with your family.

Exploration and Water Activities

When your trip starts, the fun really begins. Spend lots of time together on deck, watching animals and enjoying the views.

Get everyone to try a bit of sailing – help with the sails, learn a bit from the captain or try steering with someone watching. Stop often to swim in clear water, walk on untouched paths, or explore small towns and learn about local life.

Want more excitement? Bring along water skis, kayaks, or a paddleboard for extra fun. And don’t forget to take lots of pictures and videos to remember your adventure.

Dealing With Seafaring Challenges

Sailing isn’t always smooth, and being caught in a sudden storm can be a frightening experience. Remain calm and follow the instructions of your crew.

It’s moments like these that teach resilience and the ability to rely on one another. Turn these challenges into family victories that you can look back on with pride.

Cherishing Your Catamaran Trip Memories

Take lots of pictures and videos, and maybe write in a travel journal. Ask your family to write about their fun times and feelings too.

At home, put these in an album or a slideshow. This way, you can enjoy those special moments again and share your adventures with others, maybe inspiring them to go sailing too.

The Lasting Legacy of Your Family Catamaran Charter

Planning a family catamaran charter might sound daunting, but with the right preparation and mindset, it becomes a rewarding experience. From start to finish, you’ll learn, grow, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Whether it’s the first time or the fifth, each sail is a new chapter waiting to be written. Cast your anchor into the world of family charters and prepare for the voyage of a lifetime. Did you like this guide? Great! Browse our website for more!

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Last Published on April 1, 2024 by Caryson

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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Between a Sailboat or Catamaran for Your Sailing Adventures

C hoosing between a sailboat and a catamaran for your sailing adventures is a significant decision that depends on various factors, including your sailing preferences, experience level, budget, and intended use. Here's an ultimate guide to help you make an informed decision:

1. Sailing Experience:

  • Sailboats: Typically require more skill and experience to handle, especially in adverse weather conditions. Ideal for sailors who enjoy the traditional feel of sailing and are willing to invest time in learning and mastering the art.
  • Catamarans: Easier to handle, making them suitable for beginners. The dual-hull design provides stability, reducing the learning curve for those new to sailing.

2. Space and Comfort:

  • Sailboats: Generally have a narrower beam and less living space. However, some sailboats may offer comfortable cabins and amenities.
  • Catamarans: Wider beam creates more living space. Catamarans often have multiple cabins, spacious saloons, and expansive deck areas, providing a more comfortable living experience.

3. Stability:

  • Sailboats: Monohulls can heel (lean) while sailing, which some sailors enjoy for the thrill but can be discomforting for others.
  • Catamarans: Greater stability due to the dual hulls, providing a more level sailing experience. Reduced heeling makes catamarans suitable for those prone to seasickness.

4. Performance:

  • Sailboats: Known for their upwind performance and ability to sail close to the wind. Some sailors appreciate the challenge of optimizing sail trim for efficiency.
  • Catamarans: Faster on a reach and downwind due to their wide beam. However, they may not point as high into the wind as monohulls.
  • Sailboats: Typically have a deeper draft, limiting access to shallow anchorages and requiring deeper marina berths.
  • Catamarans: Shallow draft allows access to shallower waters and secluded anchorages, providing more flexibility in cruising destinations.
  • Sailboats: Generally more affordable upfront, with a wide range of options available to fit different budgets.
  • Catamarans: Often more expensive upfront due to their size and design. However, maintenance costs may be comparable or even lower in some cases.

7. Mooring and Docking:

  • Sailboats: Easier to find slips and moorings in marinas designed for monohulls.
  • Catamarans: Require wider slips and may have limited availability in certain marinas, especially in crowded anchorages.

8. Intended Use:

  • Sailboats: Ideal for traditional sailors who enjoy the art of sailing, racing enthusiasts, or those on a tighter budget.
  • Catamarans: Suited for those prioritizing comfort, stability, and spacious living areas, especially for long-term cruising and chartering.

9. Resale Value:

  • Sailboats: Generally have a more established resale market, with a wider range of buyers.
  • Catamarans: Growing in popularity, and well-maintained catamarans often retain their value.

10. Personal Preference:

  • Consider your personal preferences, the type of sailing you plan to do, and the kind of lifestyle you want aboard your vessel.

In conclusion, both sailboats and catamarans have their advantages and disadvantages. Your decision should be based on your individual preferences, experience level, budget, and intended use. If possible, charter both types of vessels to experience firsthand how they handle and to help make a more informed decision based on your own preferences and needs.

The post The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Between a Sailboat or Catamaran for Your Sailing Adventures appeared first on Things That Make People Go Aww .

Choosing between a sailboat and a catamaran for your sailing adventures is a significant decision that depends on various factors, including your sailing preferences, experience level, budget, and intended use. Here's an ultimate guide to help you make an informed decision: 1. Sailing Experience: 2. Space and Comfort: 3. Stability: 4. Performance: 5. Draft: 6....

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China Builds World’s First Dedicated Drone Carrier

China has built the world's first dedicated drone carrier. the ship has not been reported however and many of the circumstances surrounding it remain a mystery..

H I Sutton 15 May 2024

Hidden away in a shipyard on the Yangtze, far upriver from the major yards at Shanghai, is a new aircraft carrier. It’s China’s fourth, a ship whose mere existence has not been reported before. Only China can build an aircraft carrier in relative secrecy.

This ship, launched in December 2022 but not reported until now, is surrounded by mystery. Naval News, together with J. Michael Dahm, Senior Resident Fellow at the Mitchell Institute , have been analyzing it.

Mysterious Drone Carrier

The world knows about China’s first three carriers; the largest and most capable, the Type-003 Fujian, is currently undergoing sea trials . This new carrier is very different. Its claim to fame will not be that it is larger. Instead, we are confident that this ship is the world’s first dedicated fixed-wing drone carrier.

The design is smaller than the regular aircraft carriers, with a flight deck approximately one third the length and half the width of a U.S. Navy or Chinese Navy (PLAN) super carrier. For comparison, it is slightly shorter but wider than a World War Two escort carriers. It would be possible to operate fixed wing aircraft from it, but its straight deck arrangement would be anachronistic, not allowing aircraft to take off and land at the same time. Additionally there doesn’t appear to be space for a typical aircraft hangar, so the number of aircraft would be greatly limited. It does make sense as a drone carrier however.

Drones are an increasing part of naval warfare. Leading navies are already trialing them from regular aircraft carriers. And some navies, notably Iran and Turkey, are working on plans for ‘drone carriers’. But this space is still in its infancy.

Analysis of the ship

It is immediately apparent that it is, in general arrangement, an aircraft carrier of some sort. It has a marked runaway running along the port (left side) with an island superstructure on the starboard (right) side. 

Beyond this, it is unusual in every respect. The hull is a widely spaced catamaran. While catamarans are often featured in aircraft carrier concepts because they allow a large deck area, no one has actually built one before. Additionally, analysis of satellite imagery shows that the flight deck is very low. It appears unlikely there is a hangar deck below the flight deck. If there is, its ceiling is very low. Therefore, it does not appear designed to support high tempo or prolonged flight operations. 

The flight deck is wide enough to comfortably operate aircraft or drones with a wingspan of around 20 meters (65 feet) such as Chinese equivalents of the Predator drone. 

However, the mere existence of a flight deck suggests that aircraft intend to land on it. A catapult or launch rail of some form would be sufficient for launch if recovery wasn’t necessary.

Potential roles for this ship

J. Michael Dahm notes that the shipyard where it is being built, Jiangsu Dayang Marine, has previously built simulated enemy ships for the PLAN. China has an extensive program of simulating Western and Western-leaning navies’ ships in its weapon testing program. Its anti-ship ballistic missiles are tested on full-size outlines of U.S. Navy aircraft carriers .

Several high-tech target barges and two large dr one motherships have already been built at this shipyard. All these perform as opposing forces in training, a role known as ‘Electronic Blue Force’. So it is possible that this ship too is designed to support that mission.

Whether it is intended for Blue Force simulation or purely research and development remains to be seen. Similarly, we question whether it is an official PLAN program or a speculative commercial project. The new drone carrier remains something of a mystery. Watch this space.

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This New 80-Foot Explorer Catamaran Has a Roof That Doubles as a Helipad

The 80 is also the largest vessel in the archipelago range., rachel cormack.

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Archipelago 80

Archipelago Yachts is going bigger than ever before.

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Archipelago 80

The cat is also equipped with a hybrid diesel-electric propulsion system that ensures a maximum speed of 30 knots at full tilt. If that’s not enough grunt, an optional generator can provide an additional 180 kW of electrical power. In addition, a paravane kite can be added to the vessel to lower overall fuel consumption and maybe even increase speed.

“This model represents ultimate versatility in a sub-79-foot, owner-operator platform, and the embodiment of our commitment to delivering exceptional experiences on the water,” Weatherley said in a statement. “I am very excited to see this project come to life and welcome the customer on board for some unforgettable journeys at sea.”

Inside, the open-plan main salon is outfitted with a bar, a day galley, and expansive windows that offer panoramic views. The two hulls are home guest accommodation for 12, the main galley, and the crew quarters, while the wheelhouse serves as an adaptable entertainment space with another bar and alfresco seating. You can also choose to add a hot tub to the wheelhouse’s shaded balcony.

The 80 has substantial exterior decks given its length. The aft cockpit centers around a large “working area” that can store tenders, toys, or expedition gear. The built-in crane could move a 20-foot ISO container or a personal sub, for example. Alternatively, the aft area can be used for outdoor entertaining or other activities such as fishing.

A star fleet member, indeed.

Rachel Cormack is a digital editor at Robb Report. She cut her teeth writing for HuffPost, Concrete Playground, and several other online publications in Australia, before moving to New York at the…

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This Greek Island Is One of the Most-visited in the World — With Instagram-worthy Views, Romantic Villages, and Relaxed Tavernas

Here’s your ultimate guide to Santorini, the Cycladic showstopper that sets hearts aflutter.

plan a catamaran

arturbo/Getty Images

Lovers and honeymooners gravitate to Santorini to meander amid cliffside cave houses that hover almost imperceptibly above a lustrous, inky Aegean Sea.

A catastrophic volcanic eruption some 3,600 years ago, which saw half the island swallowed by the sea, is responsible for the dizzying visuals. Famed for its sunsets, photogenic blue-domed whitewashed churches, and intensely mineral white wine, Greek tourism’s poster child has long epitomized romance. It’s no wonder Travel + Leisure readers have repeatedly voted the Cycladic superstar among their favorite islands in the world as recently as 2023. It’s that kind of mind-blowing destination you must experience once in a lifetime.

And while Santorini seems more geared toward couples, you don’t have to be partnered up to enjoy a visit. Most travelers stay in accommodations in one of the caldera-facing villages in northwest Santorini, namely Oia, Fira, or Imerovigli. It’s no coincidence that eight Santorini hotels made it into the top 10 Greece-wide among 2023 T+L reader picks .

Christos Stergiou , a T+L A-List Advisor and the CEO and founder of True Trips, said accommodations on Santorini’s “off-caldera” side are worth considering if you’re looking to dodge the crowds. Cruise ship passengers, in particular, make up many visitors who visit in the peak summer months.

“There’s an advantage to staying on the caldera because you have the views. You exit your hotel, and you’re in the heart of everything,” he said. “In recent years, we’ve seen quite a few hotels opening up inland on Santorini, offering more of a private refuge.”

Stergiou makes a similar recommendation in terms of sightseeing. “Hire a car and follow a road to see where it takes you,” he told T+L. “Or book a private walking tour to explore villages beyond Oia.”

Meanwhile, the island’s food scene has also improved in recent years. High-quality restaurants helmed by prominent chefs have opened within the island’s best hotels, showcasing superior local produce ranging from white eggplant to yellow split pea (fava). Fish tavernas on the waterfront and inconspicuous dining spots in the interior enhance culinary offerings.

Add black sand beaches and historical and cultural attractions, including an enigmatic ancient settlement and wine tasting at small-scale estates.

Dreaming of a Santorini getaway? Here’s how to plan your perfect vacation on the island. 

Top 5 Can’t Miss

  • Capture a dreamy Santorini sunset or, better yet, a people-free dawn.
  • Walk around picture-perfect Oia village.
  • Sail the caldera on a catamaran to witness the island’s beauty from the sea.
  • Explore the ancient site of Akrotiri.
  • Sample Santorini’s world-famous wines.

Best Hotels and Resorts

Courtesy of Katikies Santorini

Katikies Santorini

A T+L mainstay, readers voted this elegant hotel as their favorite resort in Greece for 2023 , Katikies Santorini is, after all, one of the island’s luxury hospitality pioneers. Situated in Oia, the 34-room hotel’s guests can avail themselves of experiences such as a private cruise in a sleek 52-foot Riva Rivale motor yacht to unassuming Thirassia islet.

Andronis Boutique Hotel

A consistent T+L World’s Best winner , this caldera-facing Oia resort echoes traditional cave houses, once home to seafarers. Of Andronis Boutique Hotel ’s 25 accommodation options, the largest and most lavish is the Prestige Suite. Emmanuel Renaut, chef and founder of three Michelin-starred Flocons de Sel, curates the menu at in-house restaurant Lauda. 

Grace Hotel, Auberge Resorts Collection

Oozing elegance, this pristine white boutique hotel looks out over enigmatic Skaros Rock and the caldera. T+L readers proclaimed Grace Hotel, Auberge Resorts Collection to be Europe’s best hotel in 2021 . Located in Imerovigli, the resort features a sizable infinity pool and, for the deepest pockets, a sprawling villa. 

Best Things to Do

Alexander Spatari/Getty Images

Hike between inland villages

A classic trek runs across the rim of the caldera, from Fira to Oia, with pit stops in the villages of Firostefani and Imerovigli and at Skaros, the first castelli (fortress) built on the island. Alternatively, hike ancient trails through the authentic settlements of Pyrgos, Exo Gonia and Mesa Gonia. Santorini Walking Tours offers small group and private guided options. 

Take a boat tour of the caldera

No Santorini visit is complete without witnessing the caldera from the sea. Step aboard a catamaran for a private or small group day or sunset cruise . You’ll have the opportunity to swim and snorkel, take a dip in hot (lukewarm, actually) springs off the volcanic islets of Palea Kameni and Nea Kameni and view a 19th-century lighthouse. 

Explore ancient Akrotiri

Akrotiri is one of Europe’s most significant ancient settlements. Santorini’s fiery eruption preserved it in Pompeii fashion but, strangely enough, no human remains have been found. Take a tour with a state-licensed guide to learn what life was like in this advanced Mediterranean Bronze Age city. Key excavation finds are on display at the Museum of Prehistoric Thira in Fira. 

Sample Santorini’s great whites

Assyrtiko, Santorini’s best-known wine, might make up about 90 per cent of production, however, the island lays claim to around 50 indigenous grapes. Book a tour with oenologist Iliana Sidiropoulou who leads private tours where you’ll learn about the singular terroir, view an archaic pruning method and sample wines at family-owned estates. 

Jorg Greuel/Getty Images

Swim at a black sand beach

Santorini features some pretty cool beaches. Among them is Perivolos, known for its black sand and invigorating, deep blue waters. Located in the southeast, here you’ll find water sports like jet skiing, along with buzzy beach bars and casual restaurants. As the sun goes down, turn up the romance with a shoreline wander to admire the rocky peaks of Mesa Vouno rising up to the north. 

Best Restaurants

Carol Yepes/Getty Images

Selene, Katikies Garden Hotel

Founded by self-taught chef Giorgos Hatzigiannakis, Selene is the stuff of Santorinian culinary legend. With reverence and ingenuity, Botrini today helms the restaurant that brought reimagined island fare to the fore. Splurge on a tasting menu, featuring dishes like cured bonito with rock samphire, local cucumber katsouni and pistachio paired with wines selected by Master of Wine Yiannis Karakasis. 

Varoulko Santorini, Grace Hotel

Chef Lefteris Lazarou, whose Piraeus restaurant carries a Michelin star, quietly demonstrates his expertise with fish at his Santorini outpost. Linger over a laidback a la carte lunch at Varoulko Santorini or book for dinner, where degustation menus feature refined monkfish soup and crispy sea bream with smoked eggplant mousse, among other highlights.

In Vourvoulos, away from the celebrated caldera, you’ll find Roza’s . Seasonality reigns supreme at this downhome dining spot owned and run by a Georgian cook and her Greek husband. Rice-stuffed vine leaves with smoked eel and lime foam count among the delectable offerings, while there are plenty of vegan options. 

Best Time to Visit

Daniel Gorostieta/Travel + Leisure

“Late September through early October is the best time to visit Santorini. Crowds are thinner, prices are better, the weather is generally fantastic and the sea is warm,” Stergiou said. The shoulder season from late April through May is also a good time to schedule a trip though keep in mind the Aegean is still too cold for swimming, at least for most people. June offers long, languid summer days, making it a popular month. July and August are the busiest and hottest months of the year. And while rainy days are rare in spring or fall, it can be chilly. Stergiou said winter wasn’t an ideal time to visit as it’s mostly cold and damp and that’s also when construction and renovations occur. 

How to Get There

The quickest way to reach Santorini is by plane. Flights from Athens International Airport (Eleftherios Venizelos) to Santorini operate daily and take about 50 minutes. For those who prefer to island hop, take a ferry from Piraeus. A fast catamaran takes around four hours and 40 minutes to reach the island, while conventional ferries require between six hours and seven hours and 45 minutes. Santorini features on many cruise line itineraries including those of Virgin Voyages, Silverstar, Seabourn and SeaDream Yacht Club, though peak season means significant crowds. Viking Cruises and Windstar Cruises operate Mediterranean itineraries that encompass Santorini in winter. 

Areas to Visit

Santorini’s best-known village draws the crowds to its cobblestoned alleyways lined with elegant art galleries, boutiques carrying Greek designer labels and the island’s iconic blue-domed churches. Stop in at literary treasure trove Atlantic Books and lose yourself in Oia ’s backstreets to peruse stately neoclassical mansions once home to sea captains. “Everyone knows Santorini for its sunsets but dawn is equally spectacular,” said Stergiou, who suggested rising early, while Oia is still people-free. 

Few visitors venture to the low-key inland medieval village of Pyrgos, situated in the southwest, which Stergiou described as “underrated”. By day, visit the chapel atop Profitis Ilias, the island’s highest point, from where you can take in views across the island. Stergiou said he particularly enjoyed walking amid the town’s whitewashed houses in the evening to soak up the atmosphere.


Megalochori , another of Stergiou’s favorites, is brimming with living folklore and tradition. Located in the island’s southwest, the village is characterized by labyrinthine alleyways and ornate bell towers. Immerse yourself in music, art and mythology at family-friendly cultural center Symposion , where youngsters can learn to craft a panpipe. Fun is also guaranteed if you take a cooking class at Petra Kouzina . “There are a few tavernas and they’re all good,” Stergiou added.

How to Get Around

By Rental Car: Book a rental car well in advance, particularly if visiting during summer. “As long as you feel comfortable driving, I always recommend car rental, so that you’re independent,” said Stergiou. “Venture off without choosing a specific destination. Go check out wine country, for example.” Google Maps is mostly reliable. 

By Taxi: Silver taxis operate on the island but numbers are limited. Wait times can be long and traffic can spike fares. Cab ranks operate at the airport, Athinios port and near Fira’s central square. They may cost more if booked in advance or via a hotel. Taxis are metered and prices vary. It costs around €17 to €22 to reach Fira from the airport and about €30 to €40 to reach locations further afield. 

By bus: Santorini has a fleet of 23 buses known as KTEL that connects all island villages. Fira is the main hub for all bus routes. One-way tickets start from €2 (daytime fare) and €3.10 (night-time fare), respectively.

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Bethpage Air Show at Jones Beach 2024: What to know about the show

Blue Angels perform at the Bethpage Air Show at Jones...

Blue Angels perform at the Bethpage Air Show at Jones Beach in May 2022. Credit: James Carbone

Soar into Memorial Day weekend with the U.S. Navy Blue Angels. This summer marks the jet team’s 10th headlining performance at Jones Beach.

The Bethpage Air Show  is celebrating its 20th anniversary in Wantagh from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on May 25 and May 26. A $10 parking fee per car can be paid at the parking field. Parking is free for Empire Pass holders.

No other tickets are required to attend the show. Here’s what else you’ll need to know, and where to watch.


Crowds gather to view the Bethpage Airshow at Jones Beach...

Crowds gather to view the Bethpage Airshow at Jones Beach in May 2023. Credit: JOSEPH SPERBER

This year’s military performers include the U.S. Navy Blue Angels, the U.S. Army Golden Knights Parachute Team, the A-10C Thunderbolt II Demo Team, and the U.S. Navy F-35C Demo Team. Also see aerobatic pilots Mike Goulian and David Windmiller, the Skytypers, Warbird Thunder Airshows, Farmingdale State College Flying Rams and the American Airpower Museum Warbirds.

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Jones Beach State Park concessions will be serving traditional beach treats such as hamburgers, hot dogs and ice cream.


Blue Angels perform at the Bethpage Air Show at Jones...

Fans who want to steer clear of the crowds at Jones Beach can also watch the highflying stunts and astonishing aerobatics by top flight military and civilian performers with some alternative planning.

BY BUS: NICE (Nassau Inter-County Express) will run N88 buses from the Freeport Long Island Rail Road station off Sunrise Highway to Jones Beach on show days from 8:28 a.m. to 8:55 p.m. The buses will leave hourly on May 24 (practice day) and every half-hour on May 25-26. Riders will be dropped off and picked up at the West Bath House just west of the park’s Central Mall main viewing area. Cost is $2.90 per person; must be exact change or Metro Card, .

BY BOAT: Watch the show with a cocktail in hand on cruises out of the Nautical Mile in Freeport. At noon on May 25-26, Freeport Water Taxi & Tours’ 44-foot catamaran will leave with a capacity of 28 passengers for a viewing party, getting “as close as we can to the water tower because that’s the focal point of the jets,” says Captain Rick Cohen. Cost is $65, $45 ages 10 and younger. There will also be a cash bar and guests can bring their own food. (516-521-7744, make reservations online at )

The Capt. Lou Fleet’s super cruisers, the 100-foot Atlantic Pearl and the 85-foot Capt. Lou VII, are hosting viewing parties from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. May 25-26. Spectators can bring a small cooler with food and one unopened bottle of water, but other beverages need to be purchased from the boat’s cash bar. Boarding at 11 a.m. for the Atlantic Pearl at 111 Woodcleft Ave. and for the Capt. Lou VII at 31 Woodcleft Ave., The Nautical Mile, Freeport. Tickets are $65. (516-623-5823, must reserve in advance on )

BY DINING RESERVATION: Watch the aerial action while dining at Gatsby on the Ocean restaurant on the second floor of Jones Beach’s West Bath House, where patio tables offer a show view. Cost: $10 parking fee at Field 6 and walk west; the restaurant offers a special show menu including steaks, pasta, burgers, appetizer specials and salads. (516-785-0012, for reservations )

VIA AN OFF-SITE PARK: See the show from a different angle from the pier and long shoreline at Wantagh Park (1 King Rd., Wantagh, 516-571-7460) or at nearby Cedar Creek Park  (3340 Merrick Rd., Seaford, 516-571-7470). Free for Nassau County resident with driver’s license or leisure pass, resident Leisure Pass fee is $36 with proof of Nassau County residency, $10 for nonresident.

Nassau County’s Nickerson Beach Park , located on Long Beach west of Jones Beach, also offers a view of the highflying derring-do. Parking costs $15 for Nassau County Leisure Pass holders or $37 without a Leisure Pass. Resident Leisure Pass fee is $36 with proof of Nassau County residency, , 516-572-0200. (880 Lido Blvd., Lido Beach, 516-571-7700)

You can also watch the aircraft fly overhead after they take off from Republic Airport, from a vantage point at Nassau County’s nearby Old Bethpage Village Restoration . $15, $12 seniors and ages 5 to 12 (1303 Round Swamp Rd., Old Bethpage, 516-572-8400)

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    The engine power needed for the catamaran is typically 4 kW/tonne and the motoring speed is near the hull speed, so: Powering While the length/beam ratio of catamaran, LBRC, is between 2.2 and 3.2, a catamaran can be certified to A category if SF > 40 000 and to B category if SF > 15 000. SF 82 10 3 SF := 1.75 ⋅mMOC ⋅ LH⋅BCB = ×

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    3. Stability: Sailboats: Monohulls can heel (lean) while sailing, which some sailors enjoy for the thrill but can be discomforting for others. Catamarans: Greater stability due to the dual hulls ...

  25. Archipelago 80 Catamaran

    The Archipelago 80 measures 79 feet and is built on a Chartwell Marine multihull, a design that offers more stability than a traditional monohull. Power comes from a hybrid diesel-electric propulsion system that can push the 80 to 30 knots; an optional generator can add another 180kW of electrical power. An open-plan main deck houses a bar, day ...

  26. China Builds World's First Dedicated Drone Carrier

    The hull is a widely spaced catamaran. While catamarans are often featured in aircraft carrier concepts because they allow a large deck area, no one has actually built one before. Additionally, analysis of satellite imagery shows that the flight deck is very low. ... Jiangsu Dayang Marine, has previously built simulated enemy ships for the PLAN ...

  27. Archipelago Yachts Just Unveiled a New 80-Foot Explorer Catamaran

    Archipelago Yachts just unveiled a sleek new 80-foot explorer catamaran that will become the flagship of the fleet upon launch. ... Inside, the open-plan main salon is outfitted with a bar, a day ...

  28. Santorini Is One of the Most-visited Islands in the World

    Step aboard a catamaran for a private or small group day or sunset cruise. You'll have the opportunity to swim and snorkel, take a dip in hot (lukewarm, actually) springs off the volcanic islets ...

  29. Bethpage Air Show at Jones Beach 2024: What to know about the ...

    At noon on May 25-26, Freeport Water Taxi & Tours' 44-foot catamaran will leave with a capacity of 28 passengers for a viewing party, getting "as close as we can to the water tower because ...