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Year Introduced: 1994 (NA-centric PE version 4th Q 1998) Power: 9 vDC (6 AA), AC adaptor optional (included in PE version) Size: 180 x 120 x 37 mm Weight: 600g Price: US$149.95, CAN$250, £105, A$400, £120.00, €195 Coverage: 144-351 kHz, 520-1710 kHz, 1.711-30 MHz, FM 87.5-108 MHz

Value Rating star: 

This review was compiled independently. The Medium Wave Circle and Radio Netherlands has no financial connection with R.L. Drake, the manufacturer of this receiver.

Reviewers: Jonathan Marks, Diana Janssen, and Willem Bos.

The Yacht Boy 400 was launched at the end of 1993 in North America. In fact at £105 across Europe, the Yacht Boy 400 turns out to be a great value package. Our example is clearly made for Grundig in the Peoples’ Republic of China. Grundig has designed the unit and supervised the quality control. The Yacht Boy 400 looks like many travel portables. At 180 by 120 by 37 millimetres, the set is about the size of a paperback book, it works off six penlight batteries and weighs 708 grams with batteries.

Despite a rather clumsy instruction booklet literally translated from German, if you practice a little, the Yacht Boy 400 is extremely easy to use. You simply tap in the desired frequency and press a button. Two buttons allow you to shuttle up and down the dial and on shortwave you can flip between 5 kHz steps and 1 kHz. The radio offers two bandwidths, and both filters have a good shape factor for a portable radio. The speaker is closely matched to the cabinet, so the radio sounds much richer and fuller than competing sets from Japan.

The radio turns out to be sensitive, without serious problems of overloading here in Europe. You can store up 40 stations in the memory and using a separate set of up-down buttons you can flip through the active memory channels with ease. Like most radios, the set will scan through the dial stopping at stronger, listenable signals.

Clearly some compromises have had to be made to keep the price down. You can receive signal sideband using the radio, but clarification of either the upper or lower sideband is by means of a thumbwheel rather than the push of a button. The radio also has no synchronous detection, but the sharp bandwidth filters in Grundig, which come out at 5.5 and 3 kHz at -6dB, are a strong plus point.

FM coverage is between 87.5 and 108 MHz, with stereo possible if you connect the pair of earphones. The sensitivity on FM is about right for Europe… may be a little too sensitive for cities in North America where the FM dial is crowded. You can connect an external antenna for areas where shortwave signals are relatively weak. The radio is supplied with a washing-line antenna, though you don’t really need it in Europe. The dial light can be illuminated for bed-side listening, the set has two clocks for keeping track of both local time and UTC and a recessed lock switch to prevent accidental battery drain when the radio is put in a suitcase. We got just over 20 hours of listening from a fresh set of alkaline batteries, listening for periods of an hour a day. That’s not bad, but running the set off the mains is a lot cheaper. A mains power supply is not included as part of the package though.

In short, Grundig has made a superb portable. They would do well to re-write the instruction manual and supply more up to date schedule information… the one packed with our radio was clearly compiled nearly four years ago. Overall, this set is a good value, and it sounds very good.

The Grundig Yacht Boy 400 won the 1994 World Radio TV Handbook Industry Award for Best Shortwave Portable.

In North America, Lextronix released the titanium-coloured finish YB-400PE (Professional Edition) in the fourth quarter of 1998. Electrically, there is no difference between the YB-400 and YB-400PE. A Grundig-brand AC adapter is included, as are stereo ear plugs, wind-up antenna, a re-written owners manual and vinyl carry case. The out-of-date schedule information has been dropped in lieu of sources of information on broadcasters and schedules.

This review first appeared on the Radio Netherlands website.

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Reviews For: Grundig Yachtboy 400

Category: receivers: general coverage, email subscription.

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Review Summary For : Grundig Yachtboy 400
Reviews: 67MSRP: 199
100 Khz - 30 Mhx portable receiver
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# last 180 days Avg. Rating last 180 days Total reviews Avg. overall rating
Rating: 2023-11-13
updat as of nove 2023 great radio Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
UPDATE as of nov 203

when i brought it use from our local hamfest i brought it fot 45.00 i find not bad but does not tune the band but works fine only 4 band fm mw lw sw when got i heard 160 meter cw is like wow i hear cw lol no wonder i heard cw on 160 meter band ! a keeper for sure !





I brought this march 11,2017 find this radio black radio for $45 at local ham fest !

I have always wanted one for awhile to take with me at the inn or camping out ! or if power goes out at home.

takes little get use to it and to understanding the radio ! I also pick up morse code which is great !!

I see the radio been out since 94 not bad for this radio it's a keeper for me !!

Been Hamming since 2001
Rating: 2017-12-09
Very capable portable Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I'm actually on my third YB400. First two succumbed to hard drops on concrete by other people.....long story. These receivers were great company to me for many years while I travelled out of town during the week. I have also taken them with me to the Caribbean and Florida while on vacation. Coolest experience with my YB400 was while in Aruba I was monitoring an Aruba station working the CQWPX CW contest and actually heard my station back in Illinois work him which I was controlling remotely via TeamViewer and Pignology K3ui. I still regularly drag it out onto the patio while I'm grilling dinner. My Grandfather got me interested in SWLing. I think he would have been very fond of this receiver.
Rating: 2017-02-16
It works just fine Time Owned: more than 12 months.
One of my very first 'modern', contemporary manufactured SW receivers, purchased waaaay back in the early '90s, this little guy worked and works just fine for its price point, and even more so for its much lower resale prices.

It was the first receiver I used with a dedicated SSB mode and though it was touchy, I was able to use it pretty well very quickly, and I don't recall it getting too drifty most of the time. Certainly, having long since used much better and pricier receivers, I now consider the YB400's SSB to be worse than mediocre, but not worse than its average used price would promise.

FM sounded nice for such a little radio, and MW/SW AM signals were clear and mostly crisp and intelligible, no worse than on most portables of its size and retail point. In fact it sounded better than the Tecsun 600 I had for a while (which certainly had better SSB but was still not great).

It's not a powerhouse performer, it's not even a decent DX machine, but it's just fine for SW b'cast listening, AM/FM bands and if you don't mind twiddling with a little finesse and patience, amateur SSB can be enjoyed to some extent, too.

Certainly performs well for its current price range.
Rating: 2012-10-20
Three Thumbs Up Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I've had three of these including a silver PE for many years and they work great. Bought 'em all used for very little $. Performance to price ratio is high. Now they aren't meant to compete with high priced pro-grade receivers so one must adjust his/her expectations accordingly.
Rating: 2010-02-18
OK Choice if SSB not required Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
This review is for the almost identical G4000A.
I also own an E5,7600GR, and KA1103, so this review will focus on where the G4000A falls short or exceeds these models.

*Sensitivity/Selectivity on SW/BCB/FM matches or exceeds the previously mentioned models.
*Sound from the built in speaker is richer and fuller.
*Has a non-radio (beep) alarm with snooze
*Push button frequency step control. (7600GR also has additional buttons for same function.)
*Memory system is easy to set and use. (but only 40 presets.)
*Volume control feels smooth and is easy to set anywhere from silent to loud.

*Did I mention SSB? CW was a warbled mess, and SSB voice took forever to tune in a signal that was easy on the other radios, to only halfway intelligible on the G4000A. For an SSB radio I'd rate it 1/5 if I was being generous.
* Overall Control quality. The buttons and switches feel sloppy and cheap compared to the other radios. They work, but don't inspire confidence.
* requires 6 rather than 4 batteries.

So... Buy this radio if you are looking for BCB/SW unit to put on your nightstand with a beep alarm, and use a few memories.

Do not buy this radio if you want to monitor SSB/CW ham transmissions, if you plan to operate mainly on batteries, or have hundreds of presets.

Rating: 2010-01-08
Bought mine in 1994 Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I guess I'd give my YB400 a 5 just because I've been using it almost daily for 15 years and it has served me well. Whether at home, in a motel room or in a tent while camping I've listened to the bands nearly every night. It absolutly isn't the best receiver I own but it is the most versatile and I can always find something to listen to on it. I bet I'm still listening to it 15 years from now too!
Rating: 2010-01-02
Good general use portable Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I've owned mine for seven years. This radio has very good sounding audio. Not particularly good for surfing the bands because of the push button tuning and it's annoying to tune with headphones on. But for casual BCB on SW/AM/FM it's a good radio. Headphone L/R channels aren't balanced in my set until the volume is turned up high then it's too loud, so I have a little in-line volume control to compensate for it. Overall a good general use portable radio.

Doug NG0K
Rating: 2010-01-02
Very Nice Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have had my Yachtboy 400 since 2003; bought refurbished from Universal Radio for $99.00.

I have used this radio at home and camping, with internal and external antennas, on MW, FM and SW bands; this radio has been great. It performs well beyond the expectations of a $99.00 radio. It's actually built in a manner that makes portability easy and safe for the radio. The earbuds, external antenna and carrying case included with the radio made the purchase even better.

The radio is great in every aspect with only a few exceptions. The audio is terrible with the built-in speaker. I use an external speaker with the headphone jack and it sounds much better. I am not too fond of the battery level monitor that shuts the radio off when it thinks the batteries are low.

Other than those two things the radio is a keeper even at full MSRP.
Rating: 2009-07-19
I like this little beast! Time Owned: more than 12 months.
I have been a swl for 53 years and have owned many radios from 1926 models to present. I got my YB400pe 3 years ago and really enjoy it. Paid 149 at Radio Shack and it's worth every penny.Remember, it's not a 2 grand tabletop! I would never consider Degens or Kaitos because of a huge gap in coverage. This radio looks great and construction quality is good but not great. Refurbished units can be had for about 99 yankee dollars. Get one--you will like it.
Rating: 2009-03-29
Get One while they are still in good shape Time Owned: more than 12 months.
Hello All,
I have used several portable radios in it's class and must say although the Grundig 400 is discontinued you can still find them on Ebay for
reasonable prices. I have used the KAITO 1103,SONY 7600GR and now have the G4000A which is
just like the 400PE but with a leather case.
I liked the KAITO but it had a VERY SENSITIVE front end and NON CONTINUOUS tuning across the entire spectrum of the shortwave bands. Although the Kaito 1103 charges
it's batteries inside the unit it takes at least 12 hours and while charging the charger/adaptor
introduces a nice "BUZZ" all over the bands.
The Sony 7600GR is nice but doesn't come with an AC power adaptor,no Signal strength meter and not as good sound from it's speaker. Is it really worth the Sync detection to sacrifice those?
For those who like to use a portable SW radio with AA batteries just go to your local Best Buy
and buy those Energizer rechargable batteries that come with a charger. They charge in 15 minutes in this charger unlike the 12 hours in the Kaito. I will list the Pros and Cons of the YB 400 as I see them..

1.EXCELLENT sound from it's built in Speaker
2.Good reception across all the bands
3.Simple tuning and no band switching needed when tuning across the entire SW spectrum like the Kaito 1103
4.SIMPLE memory operation(No goofy pages to use)
5.Memory Tuning,Direct Entry,and auto tuning built in
6.Radio when new comes with manual,real antenna,and power adaptor.
7.Signal Strength Meter
8.Two times
9.Sleep timer
10.Good SSB reception,just takes a little patience
11.unlike the KAITO 1103 this guy has a DEDICATED volume knob,the Kaito you had to hit a button and then adjust the volume! Even with the New G5(I have not had) apparently does NOT have a volume knob,you have to adjust the volume with buttons!
12.well layed out keypad
13.Alarm clock to wake up to radio
14.Good location of the "LIGHT" and "Snooze"

1.a little large for a portable these days
2.No Sync detection
3.No Dedicated LSB/USB like the SONY 7600GR
4.No Tuning Knob.
5.Display light won't "stay on" but bright enough to see what your tuning in the dark. Light will stay on for 10 seconds and go off. If you tune the radio while the light is on by letting go of a button and then pressing the same button you originally pressed or another one in the ten second window the light will stay on.However if you are HOLDING DOWN a button while the light is on the light will go off in 10 seconds so if you want to have the light stay on you have to let go of the button and push it again in the 10 second window for it to stay on OR tap the light on button.

Don't let the poor reviews fool you. I consider this radio to be a favorite of mine and for me it's a little better then the SONY 7600GR

I liked the Sony but if you want to jog through more then 10 memories you have to change pages,the sound is FAIR at best from it's built in speaker and no signal strength meter.
It is a good radio though but I think you get more bang for the buck with a used Grundig 400.
Category: Receivers: General Coverage
Product: Grundig Yachtboy 400
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YACHT-BOY-400 Grundig Portable Radio

Image of YACHT-BOY-400 Grundig Portable Radio

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Grundig Yacht Boy 210

Grundig Yacht Boy 210

The Yacht Boy 210 (also written Yacht-Boy 210) was a vintage radio manufactured by the Grundig Corporation. It is a 4-band radio with FM/VHF, SW, MW, and LW coverage and has an integrated telescopic aerial for the VHF band and ferrite rod for the remaining bands. The circuitry has ten transistors and eight diodes with current consumption of 50 mA at 9 V. For the power supply, it requires six 1.5 V dry cells providing approximately 160-hours operation; however for mains operation it requires the TN 5 or TN 12 power pack. The loudspeaker is a 4 Ω dynamic superphon type with high-efficiency magnet, and the audio power output is 2-watts. The dimensions of this radio are 39 cm × 24 cm × 12 cm, and mass 4.4 kg.

Looking at the circuit diagram, and the IF stages, local oscillator circuit, and heterodyne mixer stage, I always marvel at the wonderful electronic engineering employed in Grundig radios. These radios were so well designed, engineered, and manufactured that even today they are highly desirable by collectors.

The audio output stage consists of a pair of transistors (AC187K and AC188K) in a push-pull arrangement, with a 1000 µF capacitor (C660) at the output. Consequently the sound quality through the superphon loudspeaker is very good. This radio has some wonderful features such as:

  • Illuminated dial
  • Dial markers and station designations
  • Tape recorder connection
  • Record player connection
  • Tone control
  • Loudspeaker/earphone socket
  • Battery check meter

These radios are usually for sale on eBay and there is almost always a huge amount of interest on them. A complete unit in mint condition with its original packaging and box could fetch well over one hundred pounds on a good day. However a working unit with issues such as missing knobs, broken aerial, and scratches would be worth around fifty pounds. A completely broken and non-working unit in bad condition would not be worth much as repairing these radios is time-consuming. If you are looking to buy one, then make sure it has the power supply pack fitted as vintage replacement parts are difficult to find and usually very expensive.

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Portable Spy Station: Grundig Yacht Boy 400


JOEL JOHNSON — The Grundig Yacht Boy 400PE is ostensibly a portable marine device for tuning in AM/FM and shortwave radio stations (as the ‘Yacht Boy’ moniker might have tipped you off to.) For those that want to explore the darker side of radio reception, however, the Yacht Boy becomes a indispensable tool for discovering and monitoring ‘Numbers Stations’, the shortwave radio stations that broadcast mysterious streams of five-figure number blocks throughout the night. Although no one knows exactly what they are for, hobbyists poking about the edges have inferred that the broadcasts are the messages of various spy organizations, utilizing nigh-uncrackable one-time pad crypto. Since short wave can be bounced around the world without a repeater or an amplifier, it’s perfect for international communication where large transmitters or receivers could be a liability. There are better shortwave radios than the Yacht Boy, but few as portable (or as cheap.)

If that isn’t enough to spark your interest, according to Wikipedia, both Stereolab and Wilco have used excerpts from numbers stations audio in their music, while the Scottish bleep masters Boards of Canada were ‘influenced by numbers stations at an early age.’ [Thanks, Chris!]

Read – Grundig Yacht Boy

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Power supply, accessories, component layout, development, further information, grundig yacht boy 400 (new).

Manufactured by Grundig, Fürth .

The new variant of the Yacht Boy 400 appeared in 1994 and is a travel multiband radio with PLL synthesis and digital frequency display completely different from it's brother from 1980/1 carrying the same designation.

Technical data

  • Principle : double conversion
  • Modes : A1 with BFO, AM (A3) , FM (F3)
  • Frequency range : FM, LW, MW, SW (1.7 - 30 MHz )
  • Frequency display : Digital display 5 / 1 kHz
  • Frequency memories : 40
  • Signal strength indicator : LCD bar
  • Signal processing
  • Features : Clock / timer; scan and search functions.
  • Sensitivity : AM (A3) / Selectivity : 3 / 4 kHz (-6 dB) in the AM ranges
  • Batteries : 6 x 1.5 V ( UM-3 ) resp. 9 V DC via external mains adapter
  • 180 x 120 x 37 mm, weight 0.59 kg
  • Wire antenna; integrated ferrite and telescopic antenna

The Grundig Yacht Boy 400 from 1994 is a multiband travel radio, with 18 x 12 x 3,7 cm and a weight of 590 g, it has the dimensions of a pocket book and will find some space in your suitcase without problems.

The Yacht Boy 400 in the new 1994 version is a PLL synthesized shortwave radio with digital frequency display.

The set covers VHF / FM broadcast band, long and mediumwaves and the complete shortwave spectrum from 1,7 - 30 MHz . The tuning steps can be set to one or 5 / 9 or 10 kHz (shortwaves / long/mediumwaves Europe and USA).

In the right part of the front panel, you find the numbered direct frequency entry keys, the UP/DOWN tuning pushbuttons (no rotary control) and several pushbuttons to operate the timer, change tuning steps, and so on - have a look to the user's manual to operate this microprocessor controlled little marvel.

The display will show the operation frequency, the memory channel and the time of the internal quartz clock at the same time. You can set the timer to wake you up by radio music or a buzzer sound, but there is no socket to control a cassette recorder for automated recordings. The status symbols in the display are small and difficult to read, the dial illumination is poor and of little help in the dark.

The Yacht Boy 400 offers 40 memory channels to store frequencies, for the different scanning modes, refer to the user's manual.

The set is powered by six AA batteries for the radio, as their nominal power is 9 Volts, the low battery warning will only appear below 5 Volts, so the set can be operated from rechargeable accumulators with 1,2 V each. There is a connector for a matching Grundig external power supply, but be very careful not to use the center positive power supply from the Grundig Satellit 700, the plug will physically match the socket but the wrong polarity might damage your radio.

The receiver comes with a ferrite antenna for LW / MW and a rotating telescopic antenna for shortwaves, the set offers an external antenna socket for a wire antenna - take care not to overload the receiver front end with a high gain active antenna.

The set has a good sensitivity and for a portable an adequate selectivity on shortwaves, it tunes the complete shortwave band and offers simple single sideband capabilities good enough to hear some flight weather information channels and strong signal from radio amateurs.

The background hiss of the synthesizer is audible and might impair the reception of faint tropical band and domestic shortwave signals, some splatter on frequencies in the neighborhood of your local mediumwave transmitter might harm reception on open mediumwave DX frequencies.

In the FM band, the Yacht Boy has an excellent sensitivity and an acceptable selectivity with the standard SKM2N filter (-3/-20 dB: 230 / 600 kHz), this might be replaced by a neven more narrow FM filter. The set can receive in stereo mode, but you can enjoy the stereo sound only with headphones.

The Grundig Yacht Boy 400 had a good price - performance ratio when it was new and is still an above average multiband travel radio with all useful features you need when travelling abroad (yes, I admit, I love to have an RDS decoder on the FM broadcast band included - but only very few sets have this option, like the Yacht Boy 500 ).

Technical principle

Double conversion with PLL synthesis.

The unit is equipped with semiconductors.

Technical documentation

  • Operation Instructions Yacht Boy 400
  • Grundig Yacht Boy 400 on the website of

Should parents of boys set aside the topic of toxic masculinity? This author thinks so

Others say rigid ideas about masculinity are so pervasive we can't afford to ignore them.

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Social Sharing

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Ruth Whippman was going into labour with her third son as the #MeToo reckoning was unfolding in the news.

"I was reading these tweets about how terrible men were and [about] toxic masculinity and one man after another being this, like, sex offender or predator or terrible person," Whippman told The Current host Matt Galloway.

As a feminist, Whippman said she found the #MeToo movement energizing and validating. "It was like, finally, women had a voice. We were allowed to call out this kind of bad behaviour that we all knew about and we were all aware of, but … we didn't have the social permission or the vocabulary to call it out."

"But I think as a mother of boys, I just felt very conflicted and defensive," she said. "It was like, everyone's talking about this gender as if they're the enemy and they're harmful and they're terrible. But these are my children they're talking about."

A composite image of a woman with dark hair beside a book cover.

That got her wondering, she said, if instead of striving to define positive versus toxic masculinity, parents should focus on simply raising good people — regardless of gender. 

Whippman explores that idea in her new book, Boy Mom: Reimagining Boyhood in the Age of Impossible Masculinity . But others say that rigid ideas about masculinity are so pervasive in our culture they can't be ignored, and, instead, parents should aim to be part of broadening boys' horizons on what it means to be a man.

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Are all forms of masculinity inherently 'toxic'?

Michael Kehler, a research professor in Masculinities Studies at the University of Calgary's Werklund School of Education, is in the latter camp. 

He says the #MeToo movement was an important "historical moment" that brought to light the sexual violence and harassment of women, as well as the code of silence around it. 

Despite the movement's efforts, he says that violence and harassment — and the mentality of keeping quiet about it — still exists today, and ignoring it would be a mistake.

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"Men and boys still participate and are complicit in misogyny and homophobia and gender-based violence," said Kehler, who has a PhD in teacher education.

But although "the landscape may not have necessarily changed," he said, "our awareness and understanding, for example, around how we raise boys, is much more sophisticated because we're able to look beyond that single or singular path of raising a boy."

A smiling man wearing a blue button-up shirt stands in front of a brightly painted wall with a gallery of artwork in frames.

Opting out of 'damaging' definitions of masculinity

If that singular path was one that suggested men should be strong, stoic and aggressive, boys and men today "have agency to opt out of the more traditional, sometimes damaging and damaged ways of being boys and men," said Kehler.

Rachel Giese, the Toronto-based author of  Boys: What It Means to Become a Man,  says there isn't anything inherently wrong with the terms masculine and feminine, so much as the values we associate with them. She's not sure how practical it is to leave them out of parenting altogether.

"I think for me, I'm more interested in the project of kind of querying what it means to be masculine, what it means to be feminine, than in saying we can't fix it." 

A woman wearing a patterned, sequined top speaks at a podium.

But Whippman says she worries the conversation about men and masculinity "has kind of become impossible from all sides."

"We've got, on the one hand, all the old expectations of masculinity that boys sort of have always lived with. Which is, be tough, be strong, don't show your feelings, which can be quite difficult and punishing for boys. They're all still very much in circulation," she said.

"But then we have this new conversation more from the left, which is saying, 'Boys, you're toxic, you're harmful. Time to shut up and let somebody else have a turn.' " 

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Nathaniel Packham, a 17-year-old from Lethbridge, Alta., says he's also noticed this, particularly in online spaces. 

"I've seen a lot online that there's really no place for a middle ground for a lot of young men and teenagers," said Packham. Instead, there's "different forms of toxicity."

"On, like, the more politically right side, it's just, yeah 'No emotions. Get rich. Get jacked and get tons of girls,' " he said. From voices on the other side of the political spectrum, Packham says he's noticed that "when a man does bring up his concerns of … feeling lonely or feeling like they are kind of stuck in their life, at least from the online left I see is just, 'Oh well, that's the society you created.' " 

"There's not really much empathy towards anyone," he said.

Are the boys alright?

According to Whippman, there's a "micro-generation" of boys who entered puberty just as #MeToo was unfolding.

"They've had their whole adolescence played out in the shadow of this conversation, where they've been framed as inherently harmful and bad and toxic," said Whippman, suggesting that even if that's not the intention of the conversation, many boys may believe that to be the case and internalize the idea. 

"I think that, psychologically, to grow up with this idea that you start off as harmful is really, really unhealthy."

I don't think it's necessarily that boys are lost. I think that relies on the premise that there's [one] roadmap to being a boy. - Michael Kehler, research professor in masculinities studies

But Michael Kheler says there have been a number of past historical moments — including in the early 2000s — when people have sounded the alarm about boys being "in crisis" or "under siege." 

"I would challenge that position. I don't think it's necessarily that boys are lost," said Kehler. "I think that relies on the premise that there's [one] roadmap to being a boy."

If boys experience confusion or difficulty deciding how they want to define masculinity, he says, then it points to the importance of "our influence as parents or as teachers, as coaches … in terms of engaging boys to rethink what it means to be a boy and a man."

A shifting understanding

Ali Zaidi, 22, of Richmond Hill, Ont., says his thinking around girls and women needed some of those positive influences back when he was a preteen and young teenager.

When sexual assault allegations were coming to the light with #MeToo, Zaidi admits he was taken in when celebrities he admired would say they had been falsely accused. 

A young, laughing man wearing glasses and a winter coat stands outside on a residential street.

"I remember in the music industry, which was like a huge influence on me, there was like a whole bunch of male artists coming out basically saying that they were victims, and they obviously weren't."

For instance, when a popular musician he liked was facing a lawsuit and allegations of misconduct, Zaidi said he would just believe his story. "Because, like, he had great music, he was good looking, he was wealthy. And I just wanted to be exactly like that."

That started to change when he took part in an after-school program run by the non-profit Next Gen Men, centred on topics like mental health, healthy relationships and gender equality.

radio yacht boy

Preventing sexual violence by tackling toxic masculinity

He now works for the organization helping to run those programs, including an online community for middle and high school boys that's billed as positive, inclusive and supportive, with the goal of preventing gender-based violence.

"It was a great start to my journey of reforming my mindset about this," he said. 

"The conversations about mental health, conversations about vulnerability, the conversations about privilege started to become a very normal thing."

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That's the kind of progress that Kehler says indicates a shift toward a much more nuanced understanding of what it means to be a boy or a man.

"Patriarchy still exists, much as it was, but the ability to interrogate patriarchy is what's new and changing. The voices that are raising those questions are changing. Boys and men from within patriarchal systems are raising these questions themselves."


radio yacht boy

Brandie Weikle is a writer and editor for CBC Radio based in Toronto. She joined CBC in 2016 after a long tenure as a magazine and newspaper editor. Brandie covers a range of subjects but has special interests in health, family and the workplace. You can reach her at [email protected].

  • Listen to Brandie's radio documentary Fatherhood, Interrupted
  • Follow Brandie on Twitter

With files from Abby Hughes

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Five bodies found on sunken luxury yacht off coast of Sicily

Three body bags were seen being taken to the port of porticello on wednesday..

The fire service dive team leaves port heading for the dive site

Five bodies have been found inside the wreck of a luxury yacht that sank in a storm off the coast of Sicily.

Three body bags were seen being taken to the port of Porticello on Wednesday afternoon following the sinking of the yacht at around 5am on Monday.

The head of Sicily’s civil protection agency Salvatore Cocina said that four bodies had been recovered and efforts to bring a fifth to shore were “ongoing”.

He said there will be an investigation in due course, but the priority was to find those who are still missing.

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radio yacht boy

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As the three body bags were taken back to the port of Porticello, dozens of emergency services staff were waiting, and one was seen being put in the back of an ambulance.

The Italian Coastguard previously did not rule out the possibility that those missing, including technology tycoon Mike Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter Hannah, may still be alive, with experts speculating air pockets could have formed as the yacht sank.

Among those also missing are Morgan Stanley International bank chairman Jonathan Bloomer; his wife, Judy Bloomer; Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo; and his wife, Neda Morvillo.

Inspections of the yacht’s internal hull took place on Wednesday morning.

radio yacht boy

A team of four British inspectors from the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) also arrived in Porticello to look at the site of the sinking.

The MAIB is looking into what happened because the yacht Bayesian was flying a British flag, it is understood.

The Italian Coastguard said the MAIB is not involved in the search for the missing people, and that it has not been requested to assist.

A helicopter was drafted in to help the search effort, as divers from the local fire service were seen entering the water with torches attached to their headgear.

A police boat and divers were also seen entering the water on Wednesday afternoon.

Members of the public and media watch as a body bag is brought ashore at the harbour in Porticello by rescue workers

Fire crews from the Vigili del Fuoco said they have been accessing the vessel through natural entrances, without making openings.

Remotely controlled underwater vehicles are being used, with naval units and cave divers also taking part in the search, the Italian Coastguard has said.

Bayesian was moored around half a mile off the coast of Porticello when it sank at about 5am local time on Monday as the area was hit by a storm.

Vincenzo Zagarola, of the Italian Coastguard, previously said the missing tourists are feared dead.

radio yacht boy

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radio yacht boy

Final body recovered from wreckage of luxury yacht off coast of Sicily

radio yacht boy

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radio yacht boy

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radio yacht boy

Fifth body recovered from luxury yacht as hunt for remaining person continues


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Privacy commissioner slams company for using pics of crying boy without consent.

NZ Herald

(File photo) Photo: 123RF

A child was bullied and harassed - online and in person - after a company used a video of him crying in an advertising campaign without his consent.

Now the Privacy Commissioner has ruled the company, which has not been named, effectively turned the young boy into a "meme for profit" and had breached his privacy in doing so.

According to a decision released this week, the original video was uploaded to social media without consent from the child or his family.

It is unclear why the child was crying or who took the video and posted it online, but it continued to circulate despite the family's efforts to take it down.

Several months later a New Zealand-based organisation decided to use a still image of the boy crying as well as a quote from the video in an advertising campaign.

Due to the significant reach and social media presence of this organisation, the boy was re-victimised resulting in a resurgence of online and in-person bullying and a rapid decline in his mental health.

After being approached by the family the company removed its advertising from its social media accounts.

However, the family were unable to reach a resolution with the company and complained to the Privacy Commission, which investigated the incident.

The company told the commission the image was effectively fair game as the video had already gone viral, it didn't know the child was a minor and other people had reposted the video without consequence.

Now, Privacy Commissioner Michael Webster has ruled it was obvious from the video the child was a minor and extra care needed to be taken when distributing information about children.

Webster said the company took no steps to contact the boy's family for permission to use his image, which in itself was a breach of the Advertising Standards Code.

"This is a David vs Goliath case, where the onus and due diligence was on the organisation with a team of professional communication experts," he said in his findings.

"Ignorance of the situation is not an argument to decision making which ultimately causes harm."

Webster said the video itself was not readily available after the family sought to have it taken down and the company would have had to track it down specifically.

"Just because information is publicly available, does not make it automatically ok to reuse or republish for your own purposes," Webster said.

"There can be significant impacts on all individuals, and particularly those who are more vulnerable such as minors."

The finding notes that agencies needed to be aware of their obligations under the Privacy Act and in this case he found the company had breached.

Webster suggested organisations stop and think before sharing information.

"Would the individual be surprised to find you are using or sharing their information in this way? Are there any factors which make them vulnerable, or you suspect they would not want the information shared? If the answer is 'maybe' or 'yes', that might be a good time to reassess what you're using the information for," he said.

The agency apologised for the harm caused, and a financial settlement agreement was reached between the parties.

-This story originally appeared in the New Zealand Herald .

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Owen Lavine

Breaking News Intern

Rescue boats operate off Porticello

Alberto Pizzoli/Reuters

Nick Sloane, the engineer who masterminded the refloating of the Costa Concordia in 2014, said that billionaire Mike Lynch and the five other missing people aboard the Bayesian may still be alive if there is an air pocket in the hull. The 184-foot superyacht capsized on Monday morning off the coast of Sicily after it “was hit by a very strong wind,” according to one of the survivors, a person only identified as Charlotte by the Italian media agency ANSA. Sloane told Sky News that his contention is, that the speed the Bayesian sunk and the fact that is intact could “could favor the formation of small air pockets inside.” He described his guess as “highly speculative” and “impossible to predict” but there is precedent for finding survivors in air pockets. “If the yacht is on its side, it might have more air pockets than if it’s upright. She’s got quite a large keel, and that will deflect and put her on her side, I’m sure,” Sloane added. One unidentified male, whom authorities believe may be Canadian-Antiguan chef Recaldo Thomas, was recovered on Tuesday, according to the BBC . There were 22 people aboard the Bayesian when it sunk.

Yacht-Boy N210

  • Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radiowerke)
  • Manufacturer / Brand
  • Broadcast Receiver - or past WW2 Tuner
  • ID
  • alternative name: Grundig Portugal || Grundig USA / Lextronix

Yacht-Boy N210; Grundig Radio- (ID = 84698) Radio

Click on the schematic thumbnail to request the schematic as a free document.

 Technical Specifications

  • Number of Transistors
  • Semiconductors
  • Main principle
  • Superheterodyne (common); ZF/IF 460 kHz; 4 AF stage(s)
  • Tuned circuits
  • 7 AM circuit(s)     10 FM circuit(s)
  • Broadcast, Long Wave, Short Wave plus FM or UHF.
  • Power type and voltage
  • Line / Batteries (any type) / 110-220; (6 × 1,5) Volt
  • Loudspeaker
  • Permanent Magnet Dynamic (PDyn) Loudspeaker (moving coil) - elliptical
  • 2 W (unknown quality)
  • Plastics (no bakelite or catalin)
  • from
  • Model: Yacht-Boy N210 - Grundig Radio-Vertrieb, RVF,
  • Portable set > 8 inch (also usable without mains)
  • Dimensions (WHD)
  • 390 x 240 x 120 mm / 15.4 x 9.4 x 4.7 inch
  • Anschlußmöglichkeit für Plattenspieler, Tonbandgerät, Kopfhörer und ext. Antenne (240 Ohm). 5 Stabilisatoren; 4 Dioden; 1 Gleichrichter
  • Net weight (2.2 lb = 1 kg)
  • 3.8 kg / 8 lb 5.9 oz (8.37 lb)
  • Source of data
  • -- Original prospect or advert
  • Literature/Schematics (1)
  • -- Original-techn. papers.
  • Model page created by Wolfgang Bauer . See "Data change" for further contributors.
  • Other Models

Here you find 6201 models, 5426 with images and 4198 with schematics for wireless sets etc. In French: TSF for Télégraphie sans fil. All listed radios etc. from Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radiowerke)

 Collections | Museums | Literature


The model Yacht-Boy is part of the collections of the following members.

  • Leopold Böhm (A)
  • Aires Gomes (P)
  • Peter Kinnaird (GB)
  • José Pinto (P)
  • Museum Roggenhofer (A)
  • Sándor Selyem-Tóth (H)
  • Gil Silva (P)
  • Alois Steiner (A)
  • Gerhard Weiss (D)
  • Hannes Wurnitsch (A)
  • Milosav Zivojinovic (RS)


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German police arrest boy accused of knowing about knife attack in advance

Police have arrested a 15-year-old boy in connection with a fatal knife attack in the west German city of Solingen.

The boy is not the main suspect but is alleged to have known about the attack beforehand.

Two men, aged 56 and 67, and a 56 year-old woman died in the attack on Friday, which German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called a "horrific act".

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack. It did not immediately provide any evidence and it was not clear how close any relationship with the attacker was.

On Saturday evening, German police raided a refugee home in the city as part of their investigation.

The 15-year-old connected to the case was detained this morning after two women reported overhearing a conversation between him and a second person in which they discussed the attack, the police said.

While he remains in custody, investigators are still trying to establish exactly who carried out the attack.

The suspect's motive is unknown but police said they could not rule out that this was a "terrorist-motivated offence".

Police say there was no specific terror threat before the festival and there was not a large security zone in place.

Chief of police Markus Röhrl urged people not to speculate on social media and appealed to the public for more information.

Police also revealed that they found "multiple knives" and were looking into whether one of them was involved in the attack.

The attacker reportedly stabbed passers-by "at random" during a festival to celebrate 650 years since the industrial city of Solingen was founded.

The situation on the ground after the attack was "very hectic", which made it difficult to find a perpetrator, police said.

Police confirmed that the attacker "targeted" people's throats and necks.

Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that the assailant should be caught quickly and punished to fullest extent of the law.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser expressed her condolences, adding that security authorities were "doing everything they can to catch the perpetrator and determine the background of the attack".

Solingen - a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, which is famous for its steel industry - has about 160,000 inhabitants. It lies about 15 miles (25km) east of Düsseldorf.

The city's authorities asked people to leave the Fronhof market area after the attack at about 22:00 local time (21:00 BST) on Friday.

In a Facebook statement on Friday night, Mayor Tim Kurzbach said: "Tonight all of us in Solingen are in shock, horror and great sadness.

"It breaks my heart that an attack has happened in our city. I have tears in my eyes when I think of those we've lost.

"I pray for all those still fighting for their lives. Also my greatest sympathy for all those who had to experience this, these images must have been horrific."

radio yacht boy


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  3. Grundig Yacht Boy N210 transistor radio

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  4. Grundig Yacht-Boy 1100 AM/FM Radio Manual

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  5. Grundig Yacht Boy 400 Radio

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  6. Grundig Yacht Boy YB 400 PE World Receiver AM FM SW MW LW Shortwave

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  1. Grundig YB-400PE, Grundig YB400 Portable Shortwave Radio

    The legend of the famous Yacht Boy 400 lives on in this latest model the YB-400PE Professional Edition. Larry Magne, Editor-in-Chief of Passport to Worldband Radio says the YB-400PE is "... the best compact shortwave portable we have tested." Power, performance and design have reached new heights. The Grundig 400 Professional Edition, with its ...


    The Yacht Boy 400 was launched at the end of 1993 in North America. In fact at £105 across Europe, the Yacht Boy 400 turns out to be a great value package. ... The Grundig Yacht Boy 400 won the 1994 World Radio TV Handbook Industry Award for Best Shortwave Portable. In North America, Lextronix released the titanium-coloured finish YB-400PE ...

  3. GRUNDIG YB300PE Yacht BOY AM FM SW Digital Keypad Entry Shortwave Radio

    Compare with similar items. This Item. GRUNDIG YB300PE Yacht BOY AM FM SW Digital Keypad Entry Shortwave Radio. Recommendations. Retekess TR111 Shortwave Radio, Pocket Radio with Bluetooth, AM FM SW VHF WB Radio with APP Control, TF, Recording, Clock, Alarm, Sleep Timer, SOS, Flashlight. dummy.

  4. Yacht-Boy G-2000A YB-P 2000 G.RH 25, GRR 16

    Yacht-Boy G-2000A YB-P 2000 G.RH 25, GRR 16 Radio Grundig Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radiowerke, build 1997-2006, 42 pictures, 14 schematics

  5. Grundig Yachtboy 400

    Time Owned: more than 12 months. I have had my Yachtboy 400 since 2003; bought refurbished from Universal Radio for $99.00. I have used this radio at home and camping, with internal and external antennas, on MW, FM and SW bands; this radio has been great. It performs well beyond the expectations of a $99.00 radio.

  6. Grundig Yacht Boy 300PE, Grundig yb300 Portable Shortwave Radio Eton YB300

    The Grundig YB-300 PE Professional Edition is yet another model in the proud Yacht Boy series. This model brings impressive features and performance to the under $100 price category. Coverage includes: AM (520-1710 kHz) and FM plus shortwave from 2.3-7.8 and 9.1-26.1 MHz.

  7. YACHT-BOY-400 Grundig Portable Radio

    The Grundig Yacht Boy 400 professional edition, with its sleek titanium look, is packed with features like no other compact radio in the world. The Grundig 400PE does it all; pulls in AM/FM-stereo and shortwave. SSB circuitry allows for reception of shortwave single sideband two-way communications such as ham radio (HAM radio). Features.

  8. Yacht-Boy 400 1980 Radio Grundig Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radiowerke

    Yacht-Boy 400 1980 Radio Grundig Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radiowerke, build 1980/1981, 28 pictures, 6 schematics, Germany, tubes, semiconductors, Broadcast. Devices. Search Schematic Finder Schematics Requested Manufacturer Countries Audio New Pictures. Components. Search Best Tube Pics New Tube Pics.

  9. Grundig yb500, Grundig yb-500

    The Yacht Boy 500 is a dual coverage portable digital receiver covering 150-353, 513-30000 kHz and the FM broadcast band. FM stereo is provided to the earphone jack. Single sideband reception is supported. This radio features: S Indicator, Dial Lamp, Dial Lamp Switch, 40 Memories, RDS FM, 90 ROM Frequencies, Tilt Stand, Keypad, Lock, Dual 24 ...

  10. Yacht-Boy 205 Radio Grundig Radio-Vertrieb, RVF ...

    Yacht-Boy 205 Radio Grundig Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radiowerke, build 1993, 15 pictures, Germany, schematics, tubes, semiconductors, Broadcast Receiver - or past. Devices. Search Schematic Finder Schematics Requested Manufacturer Countries Audio New Pictures. Components. Search Best Tube Pics New Tube Pics.

  11. Grundig Yacht Boy 210

    The Yacht Boy 210 (also written Yacht-Boy 210) was a vintage radio manufactured by the Grundig Corporation. It is a 4-band radio with FM/VHF, SW, MW, and LW coverage and has an integrated telescopic aerial for the VHF band and ferrite rod for the remaining bands. The circuitry has ten transistors and eight diodes with current consumption of 50 ...

  12. Portable Spy Station: Grundig Yacht Boy 400

    By Joel Published March 9, 2004. 𝕏. JOEL JOHNSON — The Grundig Yacht Boy 400PE is ostensibly a portable marine device for tuning in AM/FM and shortwave radio stations (as the 'Yacht Boy ...

  13. en:yacht_boy_700 []

    The Grundig Yacht Boy 700 is a portable multiband radio with an integrated frequency counter to display the operation frequency. With it's dimensions of 28 x 17 x 6 cm and a weight of 1,4 kg (without batteries), it is still quite well suited for travel use. The Yacht Boy 700 was the top of the range set of the early Grundig travel portables series with analog bandspread dials for several ...

  14. Grundig Yacht Boy 400 (new)

    The Grundig Yacht Boy 400 from 1994 is a multiband travel radio, with 18 x 12 x 3,7 cm and a weight of 590 g, it has the dimensions of a pocket book and will find some space in your suitcase without problems. The Yacht Boy 400 in the new 1994 version is a PLL synthesized shortwave radio with digital frequency display.

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    The author of a new book about raising boys says that instead of striving to define positive versus toxic masculinity, parents should simply focus on raising good people — regardless of gender.

  16. Yacht-Boy 202 Radio Grundig Radio-Vertrieb, RVF ...

    Model: Yacht-Boy 202 - Grundig Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Shape; Portable set > 8 inch (also usable without mains) Dimensions (WHD) 325 x 210 x 110 mm / 12.8 x 8.3 x 4.3 inch; Notes; Nachträglich einsetzbares Netzteil Grundig TN10 (110, 220 V, DM 40,-) ohne dass Batterien entfernt werden müssen.

  17. St. Petersburg Yacht Sales and Service 727-823-2555

    St. Petersburg Yacht Sales and Service 727-823-2555. St. Petersburg Yacht Sales and Service has been serving customers since 1964 and is located in downtown St. Petersburg. We are close by the St. Petersburg Municipal Marina where we have some of our many brokerage boats on display.

  18. Five bodies found on sunken luxury yacht off coast of Sicily

    August 21, 2024 at 6:09pm BST. Five bodies have been found inside the wreck of a luxury yacht that sank in a storm off the coast of Sicily. Three body bags were seen being taken to the port of ...

  19. Grundig YB-400 Early Version

    Grundig YB-400 LW/AM/FM/SW Radio. Discontinued! Replaced by the YB-400PE. Please check our Used List. Recently Sold Used. Discontinued Portable Shortwave Receivers : The Yacht Boy 400 is praised in the Passport To World Band Radio as "Best performance for price/size category ... right up there with very best among world band radios."Passport'95 rates the YB-400 as "The Compact model most ...

  20. Privacy Commissioner slams company for using pics of crying boy ...

    Several months later a New Zealand-based organisation decided to use a still image of the boy crying as well as a quote from the video in an advertising campaign. Due to the significant reach and social media presence of this organisation, the boy was re-victimised resulting in a resurgence of online and in-person bullying and a rapid decline ...

  21. Top radio stations in St. Petersburg

    Listen to all radio stations from St. Petersburg via internet radio for free. Discover radio stations from all over the world and stream live radio now. Top Stations. Top Stations. 1 MSNBC. 2 WFAN 66 AM - 101.9 FM. 3 94 WIP Sportsradio. 4 KIRO - 710 ESPN Seattle 710 AM. 5 CNN. 6 WINS - 1010 WINS CBS New York.

  22. Radio stations in St. Petersburg, Florida

    Location Search. St. Petersburg, Florida Radio Stations. We found 64 FM radio stations and 42 AM radio stations in the St. Petersburg, FL area.

  23. Expert Says Sunken Superyacht Passengers May Still Be Alive

    Nick Sloane, the engineer who masterminded the refloating of the Costa Concordia in 2014, said that billionaire Mike Lynch and the five other missing people aboard the Bayesian may still be alive ...

  24. Yacht-Boy 300 Radio Grundig Radio-Vertrieb, RVF ...

    Yacht-Boy 300 Radio Grundig Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radiowerke, build 1981/1982, 33 pictures, 6 schematics, Germany, tubes, semiconductors, Broadcast Receiver

  25. St Petersburg Yacht Club Junior Sailing Team

    St Petersburg Yacht Club Junior Sailing Team, Saint Petersburg, Florida. 609 likes · 2 talking about this · 70 were here. Sports & Fitness Instruction

  26. Tech mogul Mike Lynch's body is found as the search goes on for 1 more

    A lawyer for Lynch named Chris Morvillo, and his wife, Neda, were also missing in the days after the yacht sank. One member of the crew — Recaldo Thomas, the yacht's chef — also went missing. Local news reports have suggested it was Thomas' body that was found soon after the ship sank. Who survived the sinking?

  27. Yacht-Boy N210 Radio Grundig Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radiowerke, build

    Model: Yacht-Boy N210 - Grundig Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Shape; Portable set > 8 inch (also usable without mains) Dimensions (WHD) 390 x 240 x 120 mm / 15.4 x 9.4 x 4.7 inch; Notes; Anschlußmöglichkeit für Plattenspieler, Tonbandgerät, Kopfhörer und ext. Antenne (240 Ohm). 5 Stabilisatoren; 4 Dioden; 1 Gleichrichter; Net weight (2.2 lb = 1 kg)

  28. German police arrest boy accused of knowing about fatal knife ...

    The boy is not the main suspect but is alleged to have known about the attack beforehand. Two men, aged 56 and 67, and a 56 year-old woman died in the attack on Friday, which German Chancellor ...