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Wally founder Luca Bassani: The man at the cutting edge of yacht design

Yachting World

  • October 1, 2020

Luca Bassani, the visionary founder of Wally Yachts, created an iconic brand and shaped the trend for clean aesthetics in yachting. Mark Chisnell interviews Luca Bassani


Photo: Guillaume Plisson

Try a game of word association with any superyacht industry professional and I’d be surprised if the word innovation didn’t bring the response Wally. Since 1994, Wally Yachts has – initially in sail and then in power – brought to the market a series of game changing initiatives. It’s often true that innovative companies (think Apple or Dyson) are driven by a singular mind, a powerful creative force and vision. In the case of Wally, Luca Bassani is that man.

“I had the freedom and the possibility, the financial possibility to realise my ideas,” he told me. “When you just have the ideas, but you never have the chance to realise the ideas because you have to find the finance to do the prototype and then the product… it becomes very difficult. I had this big, big chance to be able to finance my ideas, my innovations. That freedom was extremely important, because it put us at a completely different level from any competitor.”

Luca Bassani was born to a successful Milanese business family, and his early career followed a conventional roadmap. He was educated in Milan, attending Bocconi University where he earned a PhD in Economics. He then went to London for a year, to work at the St James’s office of McKinsey & Company before returning to Italy to join the family firm, BTicino, a manufacturer of residential and industry electrical equipment, where Bassani was CFO.


The latest Wally, a 45m/148ft Frers design, is currently in build

The family sold up in 1989, and Bassani could then give more attention to his life’s real passion – and his path started to diverge from the expected. “Sailing has been my passion since I was very, very young because we were spending a lot of time in Portofino during the summer, where we had a house… I learnt everything about the sea. How to fish, how to sail, how to paddle, everything.”

Sailing roots

“My family always had a power boat and a sail boat, and when I was 12, the captain of the sail boat told me, ‘Hey, why don’t we spend more time aboard, because we are only using the boat during the weekend when your father is here?’

“I said, ‘Okay, let’s go.’ We sailed 5,000 miles during that summer and the big passion started – from there I’ve been sailing, sailing, sailing.”

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1. Aquarius The brief for Aquarius included that she should be, ‘an elegant, muscular sailing yacht with a classic profile…

The boat was an S&S 37-footer skippered by Tito Prato, and they would sail her from early in the morning to late in the evening. Soon the attention turned to racing . There were several of the top Italian boats in Portofino at the time and in 1971, when Bassani was 15, the S&S 37 was changed for a Swan 43.

“We started to race – I’m going to say seriously – but seriously for that time. Nothing to compare to what seriously means today. So, we started to build up a crew and were doing all the races in Italy, between Italy and France.”

They won the Two Ton Cup in 1972, and an Ericson 46 followed in 1973 and then in 1975 a C&C 66 called Phantom . “At that time, it was considered the first maxi,” said Bassani. “We raced two or three years with that boat. Then we went to the International 6-metre class and we had a long career and five different boats.” Bassani raced for almost 15 years in 6-metres, winning two European Championships (1986 and 1990) and placing third at the 1983 World Championships.


During this time Bassani also raced a Laser, introduced the J/24 to Italy, and then moved into the Mumm 30 when it arrived on the scene in the mid-nineties. He won the world championships at Hilton Head in 1998 and was 2nd at the Europeans the same year. It’s a long racing pedigree and, unsurprisingly, when he came to build a cruising boat for his family, he looked for speed and efficiency.

The first Wally emerges

It was the tail end of the 1980s and the International Offshore Rule (IOR) still held sway over the world’s racing fleets. “Racing boats were absolutely uncomfortable. Also, [they were] not very fast, because the handicap system was producing slow boats. At the same time, cruising boats were just following this formula. They were racing boats just transformed into cruising boats and they were again, not so comfortable… and slow.

“I knew that… there were already technologies and materials that could have made the boats much faster, much easier. That’s why I decided to choose a naval architect to design and build the boat that I had in my mind. It was the first Wallygator [named after the cartoon character], the 83-footer, designed with Luca Brenta and built by Sangermani… That was the mother of all the Wally’s, actually.

“I built that boat only for myself and my family. I didn’t have the idea of starting a company, but I really wanted a boat that could be fast and comfortable, and easy to manage. Once I launched the boat in 1991, I used it for a couple of years and I was very, very happy with it; everything was beyond my expectations, in terms of reliability, in terms of performances and easiness to use.

“I said, ‘Oh, why is nobody trying to copy this boat?’ Something that I wouldn’t say today… at that point we had sold the family company, so I had more time, more finances available, and I said, ‘OK, why not start a small business around this idea?’”

The first Wallygator was sold in 1993 to an Italian owner, becoming Mr Gecko. Luca Bassani then built another two boats to his own specification to get things moving. Wallygator II (now Nariida ) a 105ft ketch that was launched in 1994 and was sold in 1997 to a Norwegian owner. It was this boat that introduced the hydraulics-led push-button handling that enable the sweeping, open and uncluttered decks that have become synonymous with Wally design.


Bassani describes the 32m Wallygator II (now Nariida ) as “the first big sailing yacht with a modern racing hull, changing the look with a plumb bow, a very beamy hull and stern, a very flush deck and carbon fibre construction and sails”. Photo: Guy Gurney

In 1995 the ketch was followed by Genie of the Lamp , a 79-footer also sold in 1997, this time to a Swiss owner. “Between these two boats,” said Bassani, “I finally convinced the market that that was the way to go.”

The proof of that was really the first person to commission a Wally: former Chairman and CEO of L’Oreal, Sir Lindsay Owen-Jones. He saw a photo of Genie of the Lamp and knew almost instantly that it was what he wanted.

Bassani explained how Owen-Jones asked if he could test the yacht and how he then lent it to him for a week’s cruising. “He came back saying he wanted to buy the boat. I convinced him to build a sister ship, which was the first Magic Carpet .” Owen-Jones is now on his third Wally, Magic Carpet3 .


“The first new generation yacht, [ Magic Carpet 3 ] brings very high performances, but also a lot of comfort for cruising,” says Bassani. Photo: Nico Martinez

It’s an ambition that has always found its expression in the boats, through the wide range of designers and shipyards that have been involved in the Wally yachts.

“I think, let me say, sorry, but we influenced them,” said Bassani, of the designers he has worked with – a list that includes Luca Brenta, German Frers , Bill Tripp and Reichel Pugh.


Bassani in his office in Monaco in January 2019. Photo: Toni Meneguzzo

Function before form

“What is today recognised as Wally design style was a result of the systems that I wanted to build for our boats… always to be faster, to be more comfortable, to be easier to manoeuvre, easier to maintain, and the aesthetic was a result, it was not a target.

“It’s what they call the fault of function… I just applied my personal style when I was deciding that I liked that line or the other line, this kind of finish or a different finish… but it was not a target for me to do something stylish. I wanted beauty – for my eyes – but mainly very functional.”

Luca Bassani can identify three core features of the boats that have driven much of the design. The first is the sail plan. In the dying days of the IOR when the first Wallygator was designed, a big overlapping headsail and a small mainsail was the norm. “We abandoned the big, overlapping genoa because we wanted to have self-tacking and we wanted the boat to be fast.”


The serious racing side of Wally – a big fleet start at the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup 2017. Photo: Carlo Borlenghi

That concept at that size required a carbon fibre mast. It was the only way to make a mast that would stay up without runners and an inner forestay. “If you have an inner stay, you cannot have a self-tacking [headsail],” said Bassani. The carbon fibre mast was inspired by the Kiwi big boat [KZ-1] that was built for the 1988 America’s Cup . Laurent Esquier sailed with Bassani in the 6-metre, was with the Kiwi Cup team and told him about the impressive new material.

The second and third features were the hull, and the appendages. “We wanted the boat to be wider, to be much faster reaching, but with the right appendages to have good performance… so they surf easily, but they are still very, very fast upwind. This was made possible by all the new materials, the composites, carbon fibre and titanium.” And it’s really the materials that have enabled the innovation in all these three areas and driven the journey that Wally has been on for the last 25 years.

“Innovation is based mainly on the new materials. The computer, cars, aeroplanes; it’s just the materials that have allowed the big steps forward. I come from an industry where technology and engineering are fundamental; the electrical industry, and also from the entrepreneurial philosophy of my father, who always said that the product is the company… I mean, you cannot make a product by a brand, but you can make a brand by a product. The product, in this case, is based on engineering and materials.”


The clean lines of the Wally 110 Barong D . Photo: Kurt Arrigo

An innovative future

Twenty-five years ago Bassani had to rely on himself and his team to find the materials that could drive the next innovation. “Today, there is a huge movement of people that are inventing, that are proposing new ideas and new materials. We have a position, an image in the world, and everybody looks at us as real innovators. So, we receive, practically every week, some new ideas and, at the end, we find some that are very, very interesting. So, not only do we have our own team, but we have the world helping us.

“Today, there are so many new ideas in naval architecture… they will allow it to be more sustainable, to be more comfortable, but you have to be brave enough to follow this path, otherwise you remain as everybody is now… There are innovations that will be applied both on the big displacement yachts, or in the medium semi-displacement, and in the planing yachts. In sailing, you see from the America’s Cup that there are extremely interesting new ideas about the sail plan. In a few years we will see yachts that are very, very different from today.”

I talked to Luca Bassani during the Düsseldorf boat show , not long after the announcement of the sale of Wally to Ferretti. Bassani was clear about his motives.


Photo: Toni Meneguzzo

“I realised that I didn’t have any more of the energy, the finances that the size of the market today needs, and I realised that was the moment to have a big partner. Alone, I was no longer strong enough to go on with the development of the company.

“I found, in the Ferretti group, the right mentality. A very young group of managers, very motivated, who were loving what we did. They love Wally, and they are very confident that together we could do a lot of things. So, I think this is the next step that Wally deserved to go on.

“I will be doing what I love to do. Inventing and designing, and promoting the development, promoting the innovation.”

And, let’s hope, doing it for another 25 years.

Luca Bassani on his milestone designs

“The sailing yacht would be Genie of the Lamp . On the power boat I would take the 118 Wallypower. They both looked very crazy when they were launched but, after many years, you can recognise they radically changed the industry.”


1995 – Genie of the Lamp [24m/80ft] “In terms of deck layout [this boat] changed the market. Today, practically 95% of the yachts up to a 100ft are a copy.” Photo: Guido Grugnola.


1998 – Tiketitan [27m/89ft] “ Tiketitan was the first boat with the ‘terrace on the sea’ — today, you see all of the boats, mainly the motor yachts, need to have the famous beach on the stern. There were also the metallic colours, a fully battened mainsail, and a canting keel.” Photo: Guy Gurney


2001 – Wallytender [14m/46ft] “The Wallytender opened a huge market that didn’t exist 15 years ago.” Photo: Gilles Martin-Raget


2003 – 118 Wallypower [36m] “This was commercially a flop… but in reality, everybody else in power boats then changed following the Wallypower. Both in the hull, with the vertical bow, in the superstructure and with all the glass.” Photo: Gilles Martin-Raget


2006 – Esense [44m/143ft] “It was kind of a traditional boat with the high bulwarks, and inside the bulwarks the boat is absolutely flush. So, I created a kind of open space cockpit, instead of having the usual little cockpit on the traditional big yachts.” Photo: Gilles Martin-Raget


Photo: Pedro Martinez

Luca Bassani Biography

Born: 24th November 1956

Nationality: Italian

Education:  1980, graduated in business/economics from Bocconi University, Milan, Italy; 2004, honorary degree in industrial design from the University of Architecture, Genoa, Italy.

Honours:  Two-time winner of the Compasso d’Oro (in 2004 and in 2008) – the leading industrial design award.

Inspirations: “He [Tito Prato, skipper of the family’s yacht] was my teacher. He was really the person that, more than anybody else, introduced me to the sea and to sailing, yes… and then, also, to racing.”

Career highlights and lowlights

“On the sports side, OK, I can say the things that I won; the world championships or the European championships. From the business side, it’s difficult to say because it’s a high when you are able to sell a new boat, not just because it’s new but because it’s different, it’s innovative.

“When you find a client who accepts your new idea, this is a fantastic moment, this is a real high in your career. And it’s a low when you don’t find a client accepting or understanding your new ideas. So, you cannot sell it. I mean, ideas are the base of everything for an entrepreneur, and if you’re able to sell your idea, that’s a high. If you’re not able to sell it, that’s a low.”

First published in the April 2019 issue of SuperSail World.

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World leader in nautical innovation, Wally combines the most advanced technologies with contemporary design, constantly looking at ways of improving the on-the-water enjoyment with performance, comfort, and style. Every detail, every fitting, every space is carefully analysed and designed to contribute to the overall Wally appeal, regarded as the state-of-the-art in yachting.

Yacht Wally wallytender48

Founded by Luca Bassani, passionate yachtsman and visionary entrepreneur, Wally changed the entire concept of cruising yachts and built an iconic brand both in the yachting industry and in the luxury market.

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X-Yachts MPU 5

Wally WHY200: the first full-wide-body superyacht that combines design, space and speed

WHY200 - photo © Wally / Ferretti Group

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First Details Revealed: wallywhy100

  • By Yachting Staff
  • January 4, 2023


Wally has revealed the first details about its 69-foot wallywhy100, which is joining the wallywhy200 and wallywhy150 in the builder’s lineup.

Exteriors on the wallywhy100 are by the Wally-Ferretti Group engineering team, with Studio A. Vallicelli & C. responsible for the interior design. The yacht is being marketed as a crossover between a coupé boat and a cruiser with significant volume.

“Whilst beautiful and sleek, traditional coupés do not offer the comfort and livability that today’s owners expect from their boats,” Stefano de Vivo, Wally’s managing director, stated in a press release. “In the same way, larger and more voluminous boats generally don’t offer speed or usage flexibility. This leaves owners with a tough choice: Do they want to compromise on comfort or performance?”

The philosophy of the wallywhy lineup is to eliminate that choice and provide both. For instance, on the wallywhy100, the cockpit is pushed far forward to create more space for indoor-outdoor living areas, but there’s also a slightly reversed bow to help with performance in most weather conditions.

Wally says the wallywhy100 could be used on its own as a weekender yacht or as a support vessel for a larger yacht, thanks to its crew quarters and toy-stowage capacity.

Electrically regulated glass: The en suite head in the master stateroom has glass that can be transparent or opaque, depending on whether owners want the master overall to feel larger or if they want their privacy.

Take the next step: go to wally.com

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Wally, a brand of the Ferretti Group, has added a new model to its portfolio of powered yachts named the wallywhy150.

Wally unveils new details of 24m wallywhy150 model

Wally , a brand of the Ferretti Group, has revealed new details about its in-build 24 metre wallywhy150 at the Cannes Yachting Festival.

First unveiled in July, the new model builds on the success of its bigger sister, the wallywhy200 , and expands Wally's range of offerings in the motor yacht segment. 

The wallywhy150 was masterminded by Luca Bassani and the Wally-Ferretti Group Engineering department, with Studio A. Vallicelli & C creating the interior concept.

The yacht places a heavy focus on alfresco living, with Stefano de Vivo, Wally project manager saying “almost the full length of the boat is outside”.

The yacht features an upper deck that is completely open, creating a huge amount of protected space which de Vivo says is equivalent to the typical volumes on a 40 metre.

Similarly to the wallywhy200, the new model features a forward cabin which enjoys wraparound windows and a 270-degrees view. “Using so much glass obviously presented our engineers with numerous technical challenges, but you have to be brave enough to push the boundaries and shift existing design parameters,” explained de Vivo.

The high bow of the yacht, together with the glass window, create an impressive “wow factor” effect in the cabin, which is complemented by a generous en suite and ample storage solutions.

Volume is another key cornerstone of the design. The headroom in the saloon is smarty designed with curving segments that reach 2.5 metres, which de Vivo says is comparable to a yacht more than three times the LOA of the wallywhy150. The space spans the full beam of the space and extends down to the sea to create a closer connection with the water.

Luca Bassani, Wally’s founder and chief designer has predicted the simplicity and accessibility of the layout to be hugely appealing to a range of clients. “It offers the ultimate flexible platform for those looking to expand the horizon of traditional planing-craft usage."

He went on: "This is the first vessel with direct access to the sea at cockpit level with no stairs necessary–it is effectively a floating loft on the water. As we all know, owners are increasingly prioritising adventures on the water and exploration more than ever, and we made sure to incorporate this into thewallywhy150’s design.”

Accommodation is for eight guests across four generous staterooms, with four crew members also housed in two large cabins.

Tender storage is found in a huge aft deck platform which includes a multipurpose hydraulic ladder, passerelle and a hydraulic platform. Owners are able to outfit this area as desired, with the capacity to bring all types of water toys on board, as well as a large 3.95-metre tender.

De Vivo added: “After the success of the wallywhy200 we were asked to offer the same characteristics of this breakthrough model in a smaller size. We decided to develop this model to be 24 metres in length and 150 GT and added in some tailored and unique features to give her own identity."

“The challenge was to incorporate some of the 200’s best features into a smaller package," said Luca Bassani, founder and chief designer of Wally, "while opening the door to new and innovative solutions in this size range."

The wallywhy150 offers two propulsion packages: her optional three IPS1350 engines can reach a maximum speed of 23 knots, or 21 knots with the standard propulsion of three IPS1200 engines.

Construction on the first wallywhy150 is already underway and is scheduled to launch in February 2023 with a global debut in spring. "As an industry paradigm-shifting project, the wallywhy150 looks set to be seen around the world, from top Mediterranean ports to remote islands in the Caribbean,” de Vivo added.

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This Sleek New 58-Foot Yacht Can Slice Through Waves at an Exhilarating 50 Knots

The new wallypower58x can churn out a bonkers 2,400 horses via four v-12 outboards., rachel cormack.

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The letter “X” can symbolize a lot of things: a kiss, an unknown variable in an equation, or even death. In the case of Wally Yachts , though, X signifies power and speed.

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In fact, Wally says the 58X is the first fleet member to be fitted with the new 600 hp Mercury V-12 Verado—it has four of them actually, which collectively produce 2,400 hp. The yacht also sports a deep V-hull to help it slice through waves quickly and efficiently. As a result, fuel consumption remains relatively low, according to the yard. The tankage gives it a range of about 320 nautical miles.

“Wally stands for avant-garde, so it should come as no surprise that we have found a way to unite the very latest in outboard performance with the essential access to the water that the wallypower line provides,” Wally’s managing director Stefano de Vivo said in a statement. “Exhilarating speed from 2,400 hp of motors, peerless handling and a true spirit of enjoying what nature has to offer—these are all hallmarks of Wally yachts .”


The new Mercurys have other benefits beyond sheer grunt, too. The outboards have a reduced draft compared to other models, so traversing shallow waters is no problem. The rotating gearcases and joystick maneuvering system, meanwhile, enable precise docking in tight spaces.

Another highlight is the “magic porthole.” Essentially, Wally decided to eschew windows on the hull in favor of video cameras on either side of the exterior. The yard says this setup requires less maintenance and ensures more privacy.

This year’s PBIBS kicks off today and runs through Sunday, March 26. If you’re heading to the West Palm Beach waterfront, be sure to check out these 12 newcomers .

Click here to see all the photos of the wallypower58X.

Rachel Cormack is a digital editor at Robb Report. She cut her teeth writing for HuffPost, Concrete Playground, and several other online publications in Australia, before moving to New York at the…

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wallyace500 concept

"Bringing Wally’s characteristic good looks, generous use of glass and lifestyle design to the larger canvas of a superyacht for true enthusiasts of the cruising life."

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Fast planing hulls had always been a feature of Wally’s power yachts – until we designed the wallyace line. Drawing on the naval architecture expertise of the celebrated Laurent Giles, the wallyace500 is our first yacht to have a steel hull and aluminium superstructure for operations at displacement speeds. Maxing out at 16 knots, the yacht has an ocean-straddling range of 5,000nm at 12 knots. In other respects, the yacht is immediately identifiable as a Wally. It embodies the brand’s famous inside-outside lifestyle to perfection, with the sleek, minimal lines that are typical of all our boats. Glass features heavily in the exterior design, from bulwarks to the full-height windows which seem to support the upper and sun decks. Overhangs taper far back over the deck below. But this is no mere exercise in aesthetics. The open plan design of the interior guest spaces and owner’s cabin combines with the glass to bring natural light flooding in. Doors and windows open to connect interior and exterior. And the overhangs offer welcome shade for the 308sqm of open air living space, which serve for al fresco work-outs or simple lounging. A 75sqm beach club lies just 80cm above the water, so you can lie pieds-dans-l’eau. Or if that’s too sedentary, launch an e-foil, sailing dinghy or jetski – there’s plenty of carrying capacity aboard. The dedicated garage amidships is designed for a 7.0m tender.

Ocean oriented

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Inside-outside lifestyle to perfection


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  1. Wally founder Luca Bassani: The man at the cutting edge of yacht design

    wally yacht wikipedia

  2. Ahead of its time: Wally unveils details of wallywhy100 yacht

    wally yacht wikipedia

  3. New Renders Reveal Sleek Design and Timeless Luxury on Wally Yachts

    wally yacht wikipedia

  4. Wally Yachts: El arte del diseño naval

    wally yacht wikipedia

  5. Wally Yachts releases design for WHY200

    wally yacht wikipedia

  6. Wally unveils its showstopping WHY200 yacht

    wally yacht wikipedia


  1. Wally Yachts

    Wally launched sailing yachts ranging from the Wallynano 37 feet (11 m) day sailer to the 166 feet (51 m) flybridge carbonfiber sloop Better Place. [citation needed] Wally is known [4] for being a pioneer of carbon fiber as a yacht-building material. [citation needed] On 31 January 2019 Ferretti Group acquired Wally Yachts.

  2. 118 WallyPower

    118 WallyPower. 118 WallyPower, christened Galeocerdo, is a 118-foot (36 m) luxury motor yacht with a maximum speed of 60 knots (69 mph; 110 km/h), designed by Lazzarini Pickering Architetti, produced by Wally Yachts. [ 1] The yacht is narrow and angular in design with black glass housing, driven by three Vericor TF50 gas turbines generating ...

  3. Wally. 20 years ahead

    Boat in focus. Demand for a smaller yacht in our wallywhy range inspired Wally to create a crossover boat that combines the same spirit of bold innovation and volume in a more nimble package. Coming in under 70ft LOA, the wallywhy100 is a coupé that really challenges the genre. Wally is a world leader in yachting innovation. Our sailing and ...

  4. Wally Web Site > Being wally

    Being Wally. Wally stands for avant garde, restless development and the conviction that form should follow function. Since 1994, these principles have spurred us to create some of the most emblematic yachts afloat. Our only rule is that there are no rules. Our fleet reads like a rollcall of design and innovation.

  5. Wally founder Luca Bassani: The man at the cutting edge of yacht design

    Luca Bassani, the visionary founder of Wally Yachts, created an iconic brand and shaped the trend for clean aesthetics in yachting. Mark Chisnell interviews Luca Bassani. Try a game of word ...

  6. Boat of the Week: The Luxe 79-Foot Wally Has all the Comfort and Space

    Wally continued to make waves with motoryachts like the Wallytender in the late 1990s and the iconic Wallypower118, launched in 2004, is a boat etched in yacht design history as a breakthrough design.

  7. Wally: stands for avant garde

    Founded by Luca Bassani, passionate yachtsman and visionary entrepreneur, Wally changed the entire concept of cruising yachts and built an iconic brand both in the yachting industry and in the luxury market. Wally combines the most advanced technologies with contemporary design, constantly looking at ways to improve on-the-water enjoyment.

  8. Changing perceptions: Why Wally's new wallywhy150

    Cannes - 11 September 2023 - Late this summer, a new member of the Wally family will make her international debut - and with it, the understanding of what you can expect in a sub-24-metre yacht will change forever. Wally has long been considered a benchmark of advanced design, and its iconic ranks are about to be joined by the all-new ...

  9. Wally's WHY200 Impresses Inside and Out

    The Wally WHY200 fits nearly 200 gross tons of volume into its 88-foot-8-inch length overall. Courtesy Wally. Why WHY200? The acronym stands for Wally Hybrid Yachts, which has nothing to do with hybrid propulsion, but rather a hull designed for a range of displacement and semidisplacement cruising speeds. And the numerals don't reference length.

  10. Wally WHY200: the first full-wide-body superyacht that combines design

    The innovative motor yacht combining the comfort and space of a larger displacement yacht with the speed and performance of a semi-displacement, was developed by Wally design team led by Luca Bassani, jointly with the Ferretti Group Engineering Department, working with Laurent Giles NA Ltd for naval architecture and Studio A. Vallicelli & C for ...

  11. Here Comes the wallywhy150

    The wallywhy150 is designed by the Wally-Ferretti Group Engineering team, with interior design by Studio Vallicelli Design. Courtesy Wally. Wally showed off its wallywhy150 in Venice, Italy, in early June ahead of the model's official world debut at the Cannes Yachting Festival this autumn.. The wallywhy150 is by the Wally-Ferretti Group Engineering team, with Studio Vallicelli Design for ...

  12. Inside the spaceship-style WHY200 superyacht from Wally

    The result is an 89ft, sub-200-gross-tonne semi-displacement yacht that still looks Wally despite having a 15ft-high freeboard and a beam so ample that it broadens the meaning of wide body. The straight bow flares back slightly and the yacht's hull lines are broken up by a continuous strip of glass at main deck height and a black jag along ...

  13. The Wally WHY200 Is a Sleek 89-Footer With the Space of a Superyacht

    Boat of the Week: The Wally WHY200 Is a Rule-Breaking 89-Footer With the Space of a Superyacht. Wally's WHY200 isn't 200 feet long. It's 89. But thanks to its wide beam and high profile, it has ...

  14. WHY200: Wally's spaceship superyacht model revealed

    The WHY200 was designed by Wally founder Luca Bassani in collaboration with the Ferretti Group 's in-house engineering department. The first hull was delivered in 2021 and finished in an eye-catching 'Wally Silver'. "With its widebody design, this 200 GT yacht offers far larger volumes compared to traditional motorboats, plus a living space ...

  15. Luca Bassani

    He was born on 24 November 1956 into a wealthy Milanese family. As a child he learnt to sail while staying at their house in Portofino on the Italian Riviera. Later he studied economics at Bocconi University, where he was awarded a Ph.D., before working in his father's electrical supply business. He formed the Wally Yachts company after having ...

  16. First Details Revealed: wallywhy100

    Wally's wallywhy100 can be used as a weekender or as a support yacht. Courtesy Wally. Wally has revealed the first details about its 69-foot wallywhy100, which is joining the wallywhy200 and wallywhy150 in the builder's lineup.. Exteriors on the wallywhy100 are by the Wally-Ferretti Group engineering team, with Studio A. Vallicelli & C. responsible for the interior design.

  17. Wally wallywhy100 New

    wallywhy100 new. new. Demand for a smaller yacht in our wallywhy range inspired Wally to create a crossover boat that combines the same spirit of bold innovation and volume in a more nimble package. Coming in under 70ft LOA, the wallywhy100 is a coupé that really challenges the genre. At its core is a single flush deck running from bow to stern.

  18. Wally unveils new details of 24m wallywhy150 model

    Wally, a brand of the Ferretti Group, has revealed new details about its in-build 24 metre wallywhy150 at the Cannes Yachting Festival.. First unveiled in July, the new model builds on the success of its bigger sister, the wallywhy200, and expands Wally's range of offerings in the motor yacht segment.. The wallywhy150 was masterminded by Luca Bassani and the Wally-Ferretti Group Engineering ...

  19. Wally's Sleek New 58-Foot Yacht Can Reach an Exhilarating 50 Knots

    In the case of Wally Yachts, though, X signifies power and speed. The Italian yard's newest model, the wallypower58X, can soar across the seas at a blistering 50 knots (57.5 mph) at half load ...

  20. Wally Yachts

    Esense, eine Luxus-Segelyacht aus der Wally-Werft. Wally Yachts ist eine Werft mit Sitz in Monte Carlo, Monaco.. Die Firma wurde 1994 vom italienischen Geschäftsmann Luca Bassani gegründet und ist für ihre Luxusyachten bekannt. Zum Sortiment gehören Motor- und Segelyachten. Die Schiffsmodelle wurden u. a. von den Designern Luca Brenta, Bruce Farr und Philippe Starck entworfen ...

  21. Wally wallywhy200

    Wally shifted the dial on yacht design with the wallywhy200. Innovative in so many ways, its bold aesthetic is only matched by the incredible range of features that can be offered by its 200-gross tonne volume. With its full-wide body, the signature of this futuristic space ship is the vast owner's suite in the bow, which seems to hang over ...

  22. Yacht Club Costa Smeralda, Recordati: "La vela? E' navigare"

    Indio, uno yacht che mi ha dato grandissime soddisfazioni. Non solo sul campo di regata: l'ho portato anche nel Pacifico, per tre anni in crociera. Nonostante ci fosse chi diceva che i Wally non ...

  23. WallyIsland

    WallyIsland was a 325-foot-long (99 m) [1] steel motor yacht proposal published by Wally Yachts in 2007. She was intended to be one of the world's largest private yachts. [2] The defining feature of WallyIsland was her large main deck area. Measured at 1,000 square metres (11,000 sq ft), it was designed to maximize open space and allow a large ...

  24. Wally wallyace500 Concept

    Fast planing hulls had always been a feature of Wally's power yachts - until we designed the wallyace line. Drawing on the naval architecture expertise of the celebrated Laurent Giles, the wallyace500 is our first yacht to have a steel hull and aluminium superstructure for operations at displacement speeds. Maxing out at 16 knots, the yacht ...