
The Meaning Behind The Song: Riverboat Gambler by Carly Simon

Song Meanings

Carly Simon, a legendary singer-songwriter, has gifted the world with countless musical gems throughout her career. One such song that captures the attention of audiences is “Riverboat Gambler.” Released in 1974 as part of her iconic album “Hotcakes,” this melodious masterpiece resonated deeply with listeners, both then and now. Delving into the captivating story behind the song, we discover the profound meaning that Carly Simon intended to convey through her poignant lyrics.

Table of Contents

The Story Unveiled

Carly Simon paints a vivid picture with her words, transporting us to the intriguing world of a riverboat gambler. The song delves into the life of a fearless gambler, navigating through highs and lows, risks and rewards, all while channeling an aura of mystery. As the lyrics unfold, we enter the inner workings of the gambler’s mind, capturing the essence of his alluring yet tumultuous existence.

The gambler becomes a metaphor, representing the unpredictable nature of life itself. Through the song, Carly Simon explores the universal theme of taking chances and embracing the uncertainty that accompanies our choices. She skillfully intertwines the world of gambling with the complexities of human relationships, offering listeners a window into the complexities of love and chance.

The Symbolism Exposed

Within “Riverboat Gambler,” Carly Simon artfully weaves layers of symbolism, enriching the song with deeper meaning. The riverboat symbolizes the journey of life, floating down the river of fate, stopping at various ports of opportunity and challenges. It encapsulates the uncertain nature of existence, reminding us that we are all passengers on a vast river, navigating the currents and making choices along the way.

The act of gambling represents the risks we take in our personal lives, the decisions we make with uncertain outcomes. Just as the gambler places bets, we too must wager on our relationships, careers, and dreams. Sometimes we win, and sometimes we lose, but it is through these risks that we grow and learn, never knowing what lies around the bend.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. what inspired carly simon to write “riverboat gambler”.

Carly Simon drew inspiration from her own life experiences and observations of the human condition. She wanted to create a song that captured the essence of living life to the fullest, embracing risks and the unknown.

2. Is “Riverboat Gambler” based on a true story?

While Carly Simon has not explicitly stated that the song is based on a specific event or person, it is likely a product of her imagination. However, the themes and emotions expressed in the song are undoubtedly relatable to many.

3. What message does Carly Simon hope to convey through “Riverboat Gambler”?

Carly Simon aims to inspire listeners to embrace the uncertainties of life and take risks. She encourages us to live boldly, recognizing that each choice carries both potential rewards and consequences.

4. How does “Riverboat Gambler” fit into Carly Simon’s discography?

“Riverboat Gambler” holds a special place within Carly Simon’s catalog of music. While it may not be as widely recognized as some of her other hits, it showcases her artistic versatility and prowess as a songwriter.

5. What makes “Riverboat Gambler” stand out among Carly Simon’s other songs?

“Riverboat Gambler” stands out due to its intricate storytelling and poetic lyrics. Carly Simon effectively combines themes of gambling, love, and life’s uncertainties in a way that captivates and engages listeners.

6. Has “Riverboat Gambler” received any accolades?

While “Riverboat Gambler” did not achieve chart-topping success upon its release, it remains a beloved song among Carly Simon’s dedicated fanbase. Its impact is witnessed through the lasting appreciation and admiration it receives.

7. Can you explain the significance of the riverboat as a symbol in the song?

The riverboat metaphor in “Riverboat Gambler” represents the journey of life. It symbolizes the unpredictability we face and the opportunities we encounter as we navigate through life’s currents and make choices.

8. How does the song’s message resonate with listeners today?

“Riverboat Gambler” continues to resonate with audiences because the themes it explores are timeless. The song’s encouragement to embrace risks, seize opportunities, and accept the uncertainty of life remains relevant in any era.

9. How has the song impacted Carly Simon’s career?

While “Riverboat Gambler” may not be one of Carly Simon’s most commercially successful songs, it showcases her talent as a wordsmith and further solidifies her status as a versatile and captivating songwriter.

10. Can you find any particular lyrical highlights in “Riverboat Gambler”?

One lyrical highlight in “Riverboat Gambler” is the line, “She smiled as if to say, fate has looked my way.” This phrase encapsulates the gambler’s mindset, acknowledging the role of luck and destiny in our lives.

11. Does “Riverboat Gambler” have a deeper meaning beyond gambling?

Yes, “Riverboat Gambler” delves into the complexities of human relationships and the choices we make in matters of the heart. It serves as a metaphorical examination of life’s uncertainties beyond the confines of the gambling world.

12. What emotions does “Riverboat Gambler” evoke in listeners?

“Riverboat Gambler” evokes a range of emotions in listeners, including curiosity, nostalgia, and a sense of reflection. The song’s introspective nature encourages personal contemplation and introspection, connecting with listeners on an emotional level.

And so, “Riverboat Gambler” by Carly Simon remains an enigmatic and captivating composition, using the world of gambling as a powerful metaphor to explore the unpredictable nature of existence. Through her poetic lyrics, Carly Simon invites us to embrace the uncertainties, take chances, and navigate the river of life with fervor and belief in the enigmatic journey that lies ahead.

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Riverboat gamble

Posted by ESC on January 15, 2007

In Reply to: Riverboat gamble posted by ESC on January 15, 2007

: : Does anyone know the origin of the phrase 'riverboat gamble'? It was mentioned on Channel 4 news last week and I can't seem to trace it back any further than a political discussion on Reaganomics.

: : Cheers, : : Gareth.

: "It's more than a risk, it's a riverboat gamble," said Leon E. Panetta, a Democratic member of the Iraq Study Group and former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton. : www.ndnblog.org

: "Tom Daschle has made a riverboat gamble, and he stands to lose his political shirt." www.nationalreview.com/ kudlow/kudlow010902.shtml Accessed January 15, 2007.

: I can't find it in my reference books. But I am guessing that it means the odds are stacked against you. And that in the past riverboat gambling was fixed so the house won most of the time.

Or maybe a gamble on a riverboat was risky because: "Rich and poor ships also carried the notorious 'Mississippi river gamblers' or 'river gamblers' (both terms common by the late 1840s), ranging from the professional poker players who fleeced plantation owners of their year's profits to sleight-of-hand artists and con men who preyed on the poorer innocents." From I Hear America Talking: An Illustrated History of American Words and Phrases by Stuart Berg Flexner (Von Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1976). Page 347.

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riverboat gambler noun

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What does the noun riverboat gambler mean?

There is one meaning in OED's entry for the noun riverboat gambler . See ‘Meaning & use’ for definition, usage, and quotation evidence.

This word is used in U.S. English.

How common is the noun riverboat gambler ?

Where does the noun riverboat gambler come from?

Earliest known use

The earliest known use of the noun riverboat gambler is in the 1920s.

OED's earliest evidence for riverboat gambler is from 1920, in San Francisco Chronicle .

riverboat gambler is formed within English, by compounding.

Etymons: riverboat n. , gambler n.

Nearby entries

  • river bass, n. 1820–
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  • river birch, n. 1846–
  • river black-oak, n. 1886–98
  • river-blanched, adj. 1788
  • river blindness, n. 1952–
  • river boar, n. 1601
  • river board, n. 1823–
  • riverboat, n. 1565–
  • riverboat casino, n. 1958–
  • riverboat gambler, n. 1920–
  • riverboat gambling, n. 1953–
  • river bottom, n. 1662–
  • river-boy, n. 1791–
  • River Brethren, n. 1849–
  • river bull, n. 1639–1709
  • river bullhead, n. 1763–
  • river bus, n. 1929–
  • river capture, n. 1890–
  • river carp, n. 1653–
  • river cat, n. 1770–

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Meaning & use

Entry history for riverboat gambler, n..

Originally published as part of the entry for riverboat, n.

riverboat gambler, n. was first published in 2009.

oed.com is a living text, updated every three months. Modifications may include:

  • further revisions to definitions, pronunciation, etymology, headwords, variant spellings, quotations, and dates;
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Legends of America

Legends of America

Traveling through american history, destinations & legends since 2003., george devol – old west card sharp.

George Devol

George Devol

“I don’t know just how thick my old skull is, but I do know that it is pretty thick, or it would have been cracked many years ago, for I have been struck some terrible blows on my head with iron dray-pins, pokers, clubs, stone-coal, and bowlders, which would have split any man’s skull wide open unless it was pretty thick. Doctors have often told me that my skull was nearly an inch in thickness over my forehead.”

– George Devol, Forty Years a Gambler on the Mississippi

George H. Devol was the greatest riverboat gambler in the history of the Mississippi River. He was also a con artist, a fighter, and a master at manipulating men and their money.

Born on August 1, 1829, in Marietta, Ohio, George Devol was the youngest of six children. His father was a ship carpenter and was often away from home. Though Devol had good opportunities for early education, he didn’t like school and spent most of his time playing hooky. The unmanageable boy was also prone to fighting, coming home almost daily with scratches and bruises from his numerous scuffles. When a teacher attempted to discipline him with a hardy whipping, he would turn on them, hitting them with stones that he carried in his pocket. While his father was away building boats much of the time, his mother would be forced to call in a neighbor or passerby to help with his punishment.

Devol ran away at the age of ten, serving as a cabin boy on a riverboat steamer called the Wacousta .  Evidently, Devol did a good job in this capacity as he soon took a better-paying job on a boat called Walnut Hills .

Another boat came soon after – the Cicero , where Devol learned to play “Seven-Up” and the art of bluffing. Seeing the high lifestyle of the professional gamblers on the boat, Devol was determined to follow in their footsteps, and by the time he was in his teens, he could deal seconds, palm cards, and recover the cut.

Fighting would continue to be a natural part of his life, and he soon developed skills with a gun, never hesitating to pull it.

By the time the Mexican War broke out, he was on a boat called the Tiago . Soon, Devol thought it a good idea to go to war and got a job as a barkeeper on the Corvette , bound for the Rio Grande and Mexico.

While aboard the Corvette, he met a man who taught him how to “stock a deck.” Upon reaching the Rio Grande and joining the forces, he quickly utilized his newly learned skills to swindle the other soldiers. But he grew bored with soldiering, and with his pockets filled with his ill-earned gains, he returned to New Orleans, although not for long.

At the tender age of 17, Devol’s pockets were filled with almost three thousand dollars as he headed back home to Ohio, laden with gifts for his family.

While back in Ohio, he mastered the games of Faro and Rondo.  Devol continued to hone his skills and made hundreds of thousands of dollars in the years before the Civil War .  Working the steamboats of the South, he joined in with other card sharps, including Canada Bill Jones , Bill Rollins, Big Alexander, and many others over the years.

Playing Faro

Playing Faro

One trick that Devol liked to play was betting against ministers, who inevitably lost their meager wages to the professional gambler. However, Devol would always return their money, along with this advice: “Go and sin no more.” But to the many soldiers, paymasters, farmers, thieves, and businessmen, he was not so kind.

When the war was over, the railroads began to head west, with settlements sprouting up all along the way.  Many of these burgeoning towns, often filled with railroad workers, miners, and cowboys provided all manner of vices, including prostitution , numerous saloons , and the ever-present gambling halls. Supplying perfect opportunities for Devol’s operation, he followed the railroad expansion between Kansas City and Cheyenne in the early 1870s.

According to his account, Devol was working the Gold Room Saloon in Cheyenne when he encountered Wild Bill Hickok .  Devol tells the story that when Hickok placed a $50 bet, he lost.  He then placed another $50 bet, winning the hand that time; however, the dealer handed him back only $25.  When Wild Bill protested, the dealer stated that the house limit was $25. “But you took 50 when I lost,” said Hickok, to which the dealer responded, “Fifty goes when you lose.” The quick-tempered Hickok wasn’t about to accept those terms “sitting down” and quickly whacked the dealer on the head with his walking stick, turned over the table, and stuffed his pockets with the till.

On another occasion, when Devol was working the railroad route, he beat a railroad director out of $1,200.  This one-time winning game resulted in Devol’s profession being quickly curbed when the outraged official prohibited gambling on trains.  Further, the Pinkerton agency was hired to be on the lookout for the most notorious professional gamblers, including Devol.

In 1892, Devol published his autobiography, Forty Years a Gambler on the Mississippi , telling of his life and probably exaggerating much of it. Shortly after he published his book, the great days of railroad and riverboat gambling were over. At his new wife’s insistence, he retired from gambling for good in 1896 and spent the last years of his life selling his book.

It is estimated that Devol won over two million dollars in his forty years of gambling.  However, when he died in Hot Springs , Arkansas , in 1903, he was nearly penniless.

Reno, Nevada Gambling, 1910

Reno, Nevada Gambling, 1910

©  Kathy Weiser-Alexander / Legends of America , updated November 2021.

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The History of Riverboat Gambling

John Shallo

There are various areas of the world that just seem synonymous with gambling. When people hear the name Las Vegas they picture gambling of a flashy, mass entertainment proportion. Macau ’ s gambling culture brings a real Asian flavour to gambling, with many inevitably comparing it to Vegas. Monte Carlo delivers gambling connotations of wealth and prestige. Obviously, it is not just physical areas where gambling has a strong presence, with the web and mobile space being  dominated by PartyCasino  and other big names in the industry.

Another, yet somewhat less spectacular, sight that can only be associated with gambling is the steam propelled riverboat of certain states in the USA. How did these iconic vessels come to be known for hosting casinos, and what is the current status of riverboat casinos today?

On Water, But Not Land

There is a network of rivers that penetrate inland from the Gulf of Mexico up through the United States,  most famously the Mississippi River . In the 19 th  Century the rivers provided a fantastic way to transport goods from town to town up and down the bodies of water. This in turn became a popular method of passenger transport, with travellers using the boat to socialise. One of the most popular forms of entertainment was  play at online Irish casino , and therefore this pastime became highly popular aboard the vessels. 

There were also, and still are today, laws that prohibited gambling on land. However, the proprietor s  of these boats took advantage of the loophole not extending these laws to establishments on water. Even today,  riverboats are still to be found on the Mississippi  and is still considered one of the best for cruises. Certain rivers acted as state lines, so it was sometimes argued that the gamblers could not be classified as being in one state or another while steaming down a river.

Railroads and War

As mentioned, the riverboats were first and foremost a means of transportation and enjoyed such success due to it being the quickest and most reliable means of travel and delivery of goods. However, when railroads started to spread across the country, they opened up new routes that got people around in a more direct manner. The trains also cut days off travel and therefore started to overtake the riverboats in popularity.

Around the same time the  American Civil War  broke out, a period where much of the fighting was done in the Southern States which defied the laws laid out by the North. This meant that riverboat entertainment almost came to a complete end.

The Riverboats of Today

Cruise Compete

Unlike the boats of old, which used to set off on long journeys to various destinations, the vessels of now mostly remain docked and very seldom actually take to the open waters. However, one will still be able to undergo the traditional experience that thousands enjoyed before casinos became what we are familiar with today.


  • #RiverCruise

John Shallo

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Riverboat Gambler

Carly simon.

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Carly Elisabeth Simon (born June 25, 1945) is an American singer-songwriter, musician, and children's author. She rose to fame in the 1970s with a string of hit records; her 13 Top 40 hits include "You're So Vain", "Nobody Does It Better", and "Coming Around Again". Her 1988 song "Let the River Run" was the first to win a Grammy Award, an Academy Award, and a Golden Globe Award for a song written and performed by a single artist. She was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1994. more »

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"Riverboat Gambler Lyrics." Lyrics.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 20 Sep. 2024. < https://www.lyrics.com/lyric/18524078/Carly+Simon/Riverboat+Gambler >.


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riverboat gambler saying

  • #1 Say What You Want
  • #2 Eternal Flame
  • #4 That Ole Devil Called Love
  • #8 All by Myself
  • #9 The Most Beautiful Girl
  • #10 You're a Lady
  • #11 Kiss the Rain
  • #12 Senza una Donna
  • #14 Love Is All Around
  • #15 Fool If You Think It's Over
  • #16 Riverboat Gambler
  • #17 I'm Not in Love
  • #18 I Should Have Known Better
  • #19 Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
  • #20 If You Ever
  • #21 I'll Make Love to You
  • #22 How Am I Supposed to Live Without You
  • #23 If Tomorrow Never Comes
  • #24 Get Here
  • #25 Three Times a Lady
  • #26 One Day in Your Life
  • #27 Just the Way You Are
  • #28 Let's Get It On
  • #29 Walk on By
  • #30 My Girl
  • #31 Being with You
  • #32 Reunited
  • #33 Cherish
  • #35 Save the Best for Last
  • #36 No Matter What
  • #37 Where Is the Love
  • #38 Ever Changing Times

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Pipe and PJs: The Seventies

Patti and Hope in Riverboat Gambolers

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Playboy Playmates Patti McGuire and Hope Olson and model Cindy Russell in Riverboat Gambolers pictorial

Patti McGuire , Playmate of the Month November 1976, and  Hope Olson , Playmate of the Month October 1976, with Bunny Cindy Russell in the pictorial,  Riverboat Gambolers , August 1977

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Riverboat Gambler 17+

67 casino table games, riverboat gambler, llc, designed for ipad.

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Riverboat Gambler contains 67 casino games. All of these games can be found in a casino somewhere in the World, but no casino in the World has all of these games! Climb aboard The Riverboat Gambler and enjoy some of the hottest casino games around! This app serves up 67 different games and there are more planned. You will be amazed at the realism of your experience. Players are saying that they are becoming more proficient at the live games by practicing with Riverboat Gambler. Please read the reviews from loyal Players and professional casino Dealers who are using RBG for training purposes! Games Include: 1. Mississippi Stud 2. Three Card Poker 3. Ultimate Texas Hold’em 4. Criss Cross 5. Double Draw Poker 6. Let It Ride 7. Blackjack 8. Crazy 4 Poker 9. High Card Flush* 10. Pai Gow (tiles) 11. Pai Gow Poker 12. Asia Poker 13. Caribbean Stud Poker 14. Texas Hold’em BONUS 15. Baccarat 16. DJ Wild Poker 17. Tequila Poker 18. Red Dog Bonus! 19. Casino War 20. Keno 21. Roulette (American) 22. Craps 23. Lunar Poker 24. Cajun Poker 25. Four Card Poker 26. Heads Up Hold'em 27. Omaha Hold'em 28. Texas Shootout 29. Farobank 30. Face Up Pai Gow 31. Face Up Blackjack (Double Exposure Blackjack) 32. Jackpot Hold'em 33. Down Under Blackjack 34. Zombie Blackjack 35. Three Card Blitz 36. Casino Over/Under 37. Money Wheel 38. Three Card Fury 39. Four Card Frenzy 40. Big Raise Stud Poker 41. Single Deck Blackjack 42. Three Card Blackjack 43. Three Card Draw Poker 44. Deuces Wild 45. Bonus Six Stud Poker 46. 3-5-7 Poker 47. Chase the Flush 48. Fish, Prawn, Crab 49. Boule 50. Spanish 21* 51. Wild Five Poker (Poker with a Joker) 52. Boston 5 Poker 53. Deuces Wild Bonus! (Deuces Wild Hold'em Fold'em) 54. Sic Bo - IPad only 55. Six Card Poker 56. Rabbit Hunter 57. Cali Lowball 58. Deuces Wild (Video Poker) 59. Jacks or Better (Video Poker) 60. Joker Poker (Video Poker) 61. Royal Flush (Video Poker) 62. Double Double Bonus (Video Poker) 63. Triple Double Bonus (Video Poker) 64. Three Card Sabotage 65. Wild Card Stud Poker 66. Three Shot Poker 67. Three Card Prime * These games are not currently available on the smaller legacy SE devices. The limited screen real estate makes it difficult to display the large number of cards that are required to play the game. These games were designed & developed by an ardent casino player who plays 3-4 times every week. No worries if you do not know how to play. Each game includes detailed instructions and rules as well as descriptions of the possible poker hands and the related payouts. Already a player? You're going to love being able to "sit at the table" and practice your technique. Each game includes its own separate set of achievements for you to tackle as you are building up your bankroll and you will periodically be rewarded with bonus chips throughout the day. You are sure to have hours of fun improving your understanding of the games! To top it off, the developer personally reviews ALL feedback and acts upon it. If you have suggestions, submit them! Many of the current games were introduced in response to Player feedback. Note: some games may not be available on devices with smaller screens because you would need a microscope to view your cards!

Version 63.1.1

I am so happy to have this release finished because it was “beyond tedious”! I have finally completed the Roulette boards for the iPad 11 (M4) and the iPad 13 (M4) devices; both in normal mode and when the screen resolution is “zoomed” by setting the display configuration to “More Space”. It’s a lot of work to plot all of the coordinates for the 211 possible places you can wager on a Roulette board. Not to mention, those points have to be plotted twice because the game supports both Portrait and Landscape modes. I apologize to those who have been waiting! In addition to those screens, I fixed a bug in the “Game Stats” that was reported by a Player who prefers to be called “a secret admirer”. The fix to loyalty bonuses in the previous release broke the reset feature on Game Stats. All should be good now! Another bug was addressed in Three Card Prime. In certain cases, that game was crashing the app. I was down with Covid for a few days and, as a result, I have a lot of chores at the house to catch up on. We have been inundated with torrential rains all summer in South Florida and my backyard is a disaster zone. So, I am going to try to take a few days off and then I will be back on the job with some new games from the Player request backlog. If you haven’t already, please consider leaving a review in the App Store to share your experiences with others who may be deciding whether or not to download RBG. What others say really matters! Stay safe! ~Danny

Ratings and Reviews

Perfect buy.

This app is amazing but I have one major gripe, and I only say this cause I personally work at a casino, but the Spanish 21 I’m familiar with is not depicted on your version. From my knowledge the play should be able to “Double Down” three time, each time doubling the wager placed for instance original bet being 5$ could be doubled down with another 5$ (first double) now if the player wanted again they could double down again called a “double double” which they would then have to match the current wager now being 10$ (second double) and finally if they do wish for the final time they’d be able to perform a “double double double” in which on this hand they’d wager an additional 20$ as they have a current wager of 20$. The other complaint I have is that when splitting. Both card do not immediately receive a card only one card at a time for instance A,A being split would give the play the option to hit again on the first ace after the first initial card, only when they stand or bust would the next ace receive a card. Besides this one thing I noticed the game is amazing. They’re are also bonuses that maybe you did not include due to the complexity of the bonuses and difficulty displaying them to the play, I am unsure. I appreciate your time and any response you provide. Great work keep the amazing communication and attention to your fan base.

Developer Response ,

Hey There! Thanks so much for the 5 Star review and the detailed comments. There is definitely an issue with Double Down in Spanish 21 and it's on my list to address. It should happen in the next few releases. I'll have to dig deeper into your comments about Split Aces. If possible, reach out to me using "Send Feedback" so that we can discuss via text. As to bonuses: different casinos have different bonuses and I've based many of the games on the casinos down here in South Florida; my assumption has always been that the payout odds are influenced by the wagers that are made available. My gut tells me it's part of how they ensure their "House Edge". I could be wrong, though. It would be great to have a Player Preference option to "pick your favorite casino" and have rules and pay tables adjust accordingly, but that will take a lot of work, research, and probably some amount of travel! Thanks again for posting. I appreciate you! Updated: I just released an update to Spanish 21 that is more inline with what many Players expect. It turned out that my local casino was playing by their own set of rules. Thanks again for reaching out and please let me know if the update is more of what you expected. ~Danny

Completely satisfied

Admittedly, I’m a dinosaur. I’m never going to be a gamer, on my phone or computer. But I do want to play plain ol’ video poker on my kinda old iPhone, to kill time. I don’t want to buy an app (period), especially without knowing that it’s good. I don’t want to have to pay real dinero to get fake money to keep playing a game that only pays back an occasional endorphin hit. I don’t want to get blasted with ads every minute, and I HATE those ads that ignore my mute settings and wake up my spouse. Lastly, I surely would rather somehow support a fellow human rather than any MegaCorp. This completely free River Boat Gambler(RBG) ticks all my boxes. Danny, the talented developer, is super responsive, obviously committed to providing the best app and service that he can, and refreshingly honest about the need to show an occasional ad to generate some modest revenue for his efforts, while working hard to make them as benign as possible. Via regular (every few hours) “loyalty bonuses”, RBG keeps you supplied with free chips when your luck inevitably runs out. RBG offers every casino card game you’ve ever heard of (and fun variants thereof. The app is aid out effectively and everything functions perfectly (if anything doesn’t work as it should, send feedback and Danny will fix it ASAP). I couldn’t be happier. Get it - you’ll be happy too!
Wow! I'm feeling a bit like a donkey right now! I apologize for not having responded to this review that you posted over three months ago! 😮 I honestly only noticed it tonight because I filtered my dashboard to see reviews I'd missed - I wasn't expecting to see any! 🤷‍♂️ Thank you for posting it, for the kind words, and for the 5 Stars! I feel really bad given that you emphasized my responsiveness; something I try to be very good about and I quite obviously failed on miserably here. I'm so glad you found RBG and I'm happy that you like it! I've developed the app to my standards; meaning I personally don't like a lot of ads, a lot of noise, and I have no patience for special effects that add no value. Personally, I just want to play the games and practice my strategies. Please don't hesitate to let me know if there is something I can do that will improve it for you. Again, I'm very sorry it took so long to reply; there's no excuse for that! I hope you're doing well! ~Danny

Just scroll, people!

Tl;dr at the bottom. I recently reached out to the game designer (Danny, who is ridiculously responsive) because I wasn’t able to access all the games. I was convinced of this because of a pop-up telling me my display was zoomed and so some games may not be accessible. I was further convinced of this because I had a strong recollection of trying (and failing) to scroll past the few games I could see on my screen. But it was a lie. It’s all a lie! [insert unnecessary maniacal laughter here] The pop-up is a minor algorithm oopsie and easily ignored. The real issue is I’m occasionally vexed by simple things. There’s a very good chance I didn’t scroll at all or tried to in the wrong direction. 🤦‍♀️ The good news is that being “limited” to just the few games I could immediately see, I discovered a fondness for Boston Five Poker - a game I didn’t know existed. And now I’m off to play the 50 or so games I didn’t know I could actually get to. tl;dr Really solid app, fun games, really responsive gamer designer, I’m an idiot.
😘🥳🤣 I loved our text chat; you totally made my day! And thank you very much for posting a review! I respond to every review and every support text and you may be right; I may be ridiculously responsive 🙃 Your chat came at a particularly low point during my day and I am even more grateful for that than am I for the 5 Stars. You're a gem! Thank you! ~Danny

App Privacy

The developer, Riverboat Gambler, LLC , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

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The following data may be used to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies:

  • Identifiers

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The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:

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Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


  • 1,200 Chips $1.99
  • 8,000 Chips $9.99
  • 4,000 Chips $5.99
  • 8,000 Chips (Bonus Add-On) $4.99
  • 15,000 Chips $11.99
  • 500 Chips $0.99
  • 4,000 Chips (Bonus Add-On) $2.99
  • 1,200 Chips (Bonus Add-On) $0.99
  • 20,000 Chips $24.99
  • 20,000 Chips (Bonus Add-On) $12.99
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  5. Riverboat Gambler

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  20. Riverboat Gambler

    However, during the introduction of Riverboat Gambler at AMOA Expo (October 25-27, 1990) in New Orleans, there was a slight modification made. If 777 777 777 came up on the Slot Machine during the show, the display would say *T-Shirt* instead of *Special*. The person playing the game would then receive a Riverboat Gambler T-shirt.

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