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Naufrage d’un yacht en Sicile: les corps de tous les hommes disparus ont été récupérés, celui d’une femme est encore manquant

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Il ne reste plus désormais dans l'épave du Bayesian , le super yacht de Mike Lynch, que le corps d'une femme, cinq dépouilles ayant été remontées depuis mercredi. Il devrait s’agir de celui de Hannah, la fille du magnat britannique de la tech.

Les plongeurs ont récupéré ce jeudi matin le corps du dernier homme porté disparu à la suite  du naufrage lundi en Sicile du super yacht du magnat britannique de la tech Mike Lynch , ont indiqué les garde-côtes à l'AFP, confirmant ainsi le décès de ce dernier.

Au total, trois hommes et trois femmes étaient portés disparus depuis lundi matin et  le naufrage du Bayesian  au large de l'île italienne. Il ne reste plus désormais dans l'épave que le corps d'une femme, cinq dépouilles ayant été remontées depuis mercredi, selon la même source.

Des plongeurs spécialisés travaillant avec un robot sous-marin en ont remonté quatre mercredi de l'épave du voilier, désormais à 50 mètres de profondeur gisant à 700 mètres du port de Porticello. Un autre a été récupéré jeudi matin, ont constaté des journalistes de l'AFP.

La dernière victime dans l’épave devrait être Hannah, la fille de Mike Lynch

Ces cinq dépouilles portent le nombre des morts à six, un membre de l'équipage ayant été retrouvé décédé lundi. Une femme reste recherchée, sans que l'on sache laquelle, dans l'attente de l'identification officielle des corps. Une source proche de l'enquête avait indiqué que les corps de Mike Lynch et de sa fille Hannah ne faisaient pas partie des quatre premiers récupérés. La dernière victime dans l'épave, une femme, devrait donc être Hannah.

Mike Lynch, un richissime homme d'affaires surnommé le «Bill Gates britannique» , fêtait avec ses amis, collaborateurs et avocats, sa relaxe en juin dans un procès pour fraude aux Etats-Unis qui aurait pu lui coûter de longues années de prison.

Outre Mike Lynch et sa fille, les quatre autres personnes qui manquaient à l'appel depuis lundi étaient Jonathan Bloomer, le président du conseil d'administration de Morgan Stanley International - une branche de la banque américaine - et de l'assureur Hiscox, ainsi que son épouse, et Chris Morvillo, un avocat qui a défendu Mike Lynch dans son procès aux Etats-Unis, avec son épouse.

  • «Rien ne pouvait être fait pour ce bateau» : de la soirée festive au naufrage, la nuit où tout a basculé pour Mike Lynch et ses invités
  • Mike Lynch, sa fille, son avocat, un associé... Qui sont les victimes du naufrage du Bayesian en Sicile ?
  • Qui est Mike Lynch, le «Bill Gates britannique» porté disparu après le naufrage d’un voilier au large de la Sicile ?

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le 22/08/2024 à 18:55

Pourtant les requins de la finance sont de bon nageurs normalement

Mister Hyde

le 22/08/2024 à 16:54

9 membres d'équipage sur 10 mais seulement 6 passagers sur 12 s'en sont sortis... Étonnant quand même. Il n'y avait pas 2 canots de sauvetage mis à l'eau pour sauver tout le monde ? Comment le capitaine du bateau peut quitter le navire en laissant 7 personnes dans le bateau et en ne s'assurant pas d'abord que tous les canots sont sortis ?

La Esmeralda

le 22/08/2024 à 15:58

Heureusement que tous les membres de l'équipage se sont sauvés, cinq invités ont même dû plonger pour rejoindre le canot déjà parti sans eux... Et compliments au capitaine qui aurait dû être le dernier à quitter le bateau. Décidément, tout a très mal fonctionné!

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The Yacht Club International de Port Grimaud, in partnership with the port authority and the municipality, is organizing the Grimaud trophy on October 22 and 23, 2022. On this occasion, the municipality will offer an aperitif to the participants, residents, yachtsmen and socio-professionals of Grimaud, Saturday October 22 at 6 p.m. on the forecourt of the harbor master's office. More information:


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Marina de Port Grimaud

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  • 28 Rue Fer a Cheval, Port Grimaud, 83310, France
  • +33 4 94 56 02 45
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About Marina de Port Grimaud

Well-protected Marina de Port Grimaud located on the coast of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez and can offer 250 berths for yachts, as well as ship maintenance, supply of yachts with water and electricity, waste disposal, Wi-Fi and other services. This yacht parking is a World Heritage Site, and the picturesque streets nearby are full of restaurants, bars, cafes, clothing and souvenir shops. On the site of the city near the pier there were once swamps that were used only for hunting and farming. Tourism development here began only in the second half of the 20th century. The port of Grimaud, in which Provencal-style houses with Mediterranean architecture are located, is a dream come true. Canals cross the city, traffic is controlled on them, and each house has its own pier. The goal of the architect Port Grimaud was to

While you are in the city near the Marina de Port Grimaud , be sure to take the time to observe:

  • Picturesque landscapes. Some facades are decorated with simple architectural forms (columns, capitals, etc.), some with statues or figures;
  • Place du 14 juin - this square was named as a reminder of the date of obtaining permission to build a city on the lake. Obtaining approval was very painful, because there were many opposition supporters to this project;
  • A monumental fountain decorated with glazed tiles of Azuleios with a portrait of the founder of Port Grimaud placed on it.

Located in Port Grimaud, tourists can easily reach important and interesting places nearby. Those who are keen on history can enjoy historical routes where they can visit attractions such as St. Michael's Church or Grimaud Castle. Yachtsmen can visit luxurious restaurants near the Marina de Port Grimaud , such as La Calypso, L'Ecurie de la Marquise, La Caravelle and others, to taste the magnificent Mediterranean and traditional French dishes of local gastronomy.

Have a wonderful vacation on the lavishly awarded sunshine of the famous Gulf of Saint-Tropez in France!

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Yacht Charter Port Grimaud

Learn all about a yacht charter in port grimaud.

Port Grimaud, situated on the scenic French Riviera, an elegant port full of coastal charm. Often described by François Spoerry as the “Venice of Provence”.  François Spoerry was a Swiss architect and urban planner who designed and developed Port Grimaud in the 1960s. He created the unique seaside town with its network of canals, colourful houses, and picturesque bridges, drawing inspiration from the city-state of Venice. Spoerry’s vision and architectural expertise led to the comparison of Port Grimaud to Venice, earning it this very apt moniker.

Charter Payment Protection

Insolvency protection, safe payment, muti-currency. lossless forex, low price guarantee, exclusive deals no hidden fees, our guide to a yacht charter in port grimaud, discovering the riviera’s coastal gems.

Yacht Charter Port Grimaud . Located in the heart of the French Riviera, it is a fantastic starting point for a yacht charter. Embarking on a yacht charter from Port Grimaud allows you to explore the stunning coastline of the Côte d’Azur and its picturesque towns.

What are the most popular destinations?

One of the most popular places to visit ashore on a Yacht Charter Port Grimaud is the nearby Saint-Tropez , famous for its glamorous beaches, exclusive boutiques, and vibrant nightlife.

Another must-visit spot is the charming village of Grimaud, perched on a hillside and offering breathtaking views of the surrounding area.

Sailing to spectacular destinations and license requirements

When it comes to sailing destinations, the options are endless. On a Port Grimaud yacht charter, you can sail to the beautiful Porquerolles Islands, where crystal-clear waters and pristine beaches await.

The stunning Calanques National Park is also within reach, boasting breathtaking limestone cliffs and hidden coves.

No formal license is required to charter a yacht from Port Grimaud, making it accessible to experienced sailors and novices. However, it is essential to provide a resume of your sailing experience to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey.

Whether you are an avid sailor or a first-time explorer, a yacht charter from Port Grimaud promises a remarkable experience filled with stunning sights, beautiful beaches, and a taste of the glamorous French Riviera lifestyle.

  • 2. Getting There
  • 3. Comparing costs of Charter
  • 4. The 7 Best Places to Visit

Sailing Weather from Port Grimaud

The weather: a mischievous crew member on your charter.

Excitement. The weather is a significant attraction for sailors in Port Grimaud, adding a unique dimension to your seafaring experience.

It’s like having your mischievous crew member who pops up from time to time, ensuring you know they are there (you know that crew member, too!).

One moment, the sun shines brightly, casting a golden glow on the tranquil waters, and you’re cruising with the wind in your sails. The next, you find yourself in a cheeky game of hide-and-seek with scattered clouds, as if they’re conspiring to keep you on your toes. Who doesn’t love a bit of excitement?

The Playful Dance of Raindrops

Whimsical. We can’t exclude those occasional whimsical rain showers that sneak up on you when you least expect it. They come dancing down from the sky, creating a playful symphony of pitter-patters on the deck.

It’s like nature’s way of reminding you to embrace the unexpected, to laugh and dance with the raindrops, and to appreciate the beauty in every twist and turn.

Embrace the Weather; embrace the Spirit of The French Riveria.

Adventure. So, pack your sunglasses, raincoat, and sense of adventure. Because on this sailing journey from Port Grimaud, the weather may be mischievous, but it adds a touch of whimsy to your seafaring escapades.

Embrace it, enjoy it and let the winds guide you to unforgettable moments on the sparkling waters of the French Riviera.

How to Get to Port Grimaud for Your Charter

Smooth Sailing: Accessing Port Grimaud is a Breeze

Getting to Port Grimaud for your charter is a breeze, thanks to the convenient access provided by several nearby airports.

Fly in Style: Nice Côte d’Azur Airport

The closest airport to Port Grimaud is Nice Côte d’Azur Airport, offering an array of domestic and international flights and serving as a popular choice for visitors.

Intimate Arrivals: Toulon-Hyères Airport

Situated approximately 65km from Port Grimaud, Toulon-Hyères Airport provides a more intimate travel experience while offering convenient flight connections.

Vibrant Connections: Marseille Provence Airport

Marseille Provence Airport, located around 160 kilometres away, offers extensive domestic and international flight connections for travellers from farther afield.

Seamless Transitions: Private Transfers at Your Service

To ensure a seamless transition from the airport to your yacht charter, we provide private transfer services, ensuring your journey to Port Grimaud is comfortable and convenient.

With these punchy subheadings, you can make a bold statement and guide readers through each section of information, allowing them to navigate and find the details they need quickly.

Yacht Charter In Port Grimaud

Port grimaud: an idyllic yacht charter destination, where the french riviera’s elegance meets charming canals, picturesque waterfronts, and easy access to enchanting mediterranean destinations..

Charter Costs Comparison: Port Grimaud, Croatia, Greece, and the BVI

Unbeatable Value: Comparing Yacht Charter Prices for a Yacht Charter Port Grimaud here

When it comes to chartering a yacht on a bareboat hire basis, Yacht Charter Port Grimaud offers unbeatable value compared to other popular destinations.

With approximate weekly charter costs that provide a balanced range during the high season, Port Grimaud sets the standard for affordability and quality in the French Riviera.

Whether you compare it to Croatia, Greece, or the British Virgin Islands, Port Grimaud emerges as an enticing choice for those seeking an exceptional yacht charter experience within a reasonable cost range.

Let’s compare the approximate weekly charter costs from Port Grimaud to other popular destinations during the high season.

Croatia . Compared to Port Grimaud, Croatia’s approximate weekly charter costs tend to be lower, ranging from 75% to 100% of Port Grimaud’s prices. This offers a favourable cost advantage for those seeking a more budget-friendly option.

Greece . Charter costs in Greece, relative to Port Grimaud, are in a similar range, with approximate weekly costs ranging from 100% to 140% of Port Grimaud’s prices. This provides a balanced pricing structure, ensuring a worthwhile charter experience without excessive expenses.

British Virgin Islands (BVI) . Compared to Port Grimaud, the approximate weekly charter costs in the BVI are generally higher, ranging from 112% to 160% of Port Grimaud’s prices. This offers a premium experience for those investing in a higher-end charter.

It’s important to note that these cost comparisons are approximate and based on market trends. Factors like vessel availability, seasonal demand, and additional expenses like fuel, mooring fees, provisions, and extras should also be considered when planning your charter.

Consulting with reputable charter companies or brokers will provide more accurate and up-to-date pricing tailored to your specific preferences and requirements, with Port Grimaud as the reference point for comparison.

This framework allows for a flexible range of options that cater to a wide range of clients.

Places to visit

7 Captivating Destinations for Your Port Grimaud Yacht Charter

Embark on a remarkable journey as you sail from Port Grimaud, exploring the enchanting French Riviera aboard your chartered yacht.

From glamorous hotspots to secluded island paradises, the region offers an array of captivating destinations that will leave you spellbound. Prepare to immerse yourself in coastal beauty, cultural exploration, and unforgettable moments that will create cherished memories.

Here are seven must-visit places that promise to elevate your yacht charter experience:

1. Saint-Tropez Explore this iconic French Riviera destination’s glamorous beaches, upscale boutiques, and vibrant nightlife.

2. Porquerolles Islands Sail to the nearby Porquerolles Islands and indulge in the beauty of their crystal-clear waters, unspoiled beaches, and lush nature reserves.

3. Calanques National Park Cruise, known for its dramatic limestone cliffs and hidden coves along the stunning coastline, offers a picturesque setting for swimming and snorkelling.

4. Port-Cros Visit the protected island of Port-Cros, a true paradise for nature lovers, with its scenic hiking trails, diverse marine life, and stunning underwater landscapes for diving enthusiasts.

5. Île du Levant Sail to Île du Levant, known for its beautiful beaches and naturist-friendly atmosphere, offering a unique and liberating experience for those seeking a different kind of seaside escape.

6. Grimaud Village Take a break from the sea and explore the charming village of Grimaud, perched on a hillside, boasting narrow streets, historic buildings, and panoramic views of the surrounding area.

7. Pampelonne Beach Anchor your yacht near Pampelonne Beach, a famous stretch of shoreline near Saint-Tropez. You can relax on luxurious beach clubs or enjoy water sports in the azure Mediterranean waters.

These seven must-visit places offer a combination of coastal beauty, cultural exploration, and unique experiences that will make your yacht charter from Port Grimaud unforgettable.

Amazing Sailing Experiences

Our amazing customers.

I didn't think sailing with my family would be so much fun...

Sailing for the first time.


Everything went smooth, the paper processing, special requests and the specs of tht check-in procedure. Boat was also in good shape, so no complaints and a worry free holiday...

We had a great experience with booking through sailchecker.

Informative and looked for the best value for our family. Very good customer service on this side and in Greece. Great boat and skipper...

Fantastic holiday from start to finish.

They were very responsive and very quick to answer questions via email and instant chat. They had extensive knowledge of the area...

We will most definitely use their services for our next bareboat sailing vacation.

Kirsten W.

Sailchecker were professional from start to finish - and were awesome dealing with a problem! Our first Yacht had serious issues and sail checker helped us to resolve it...

They are easy to deal with, straightforward and honest and I would recommend them to anyone planning a charter holiday.

Kat, H.

During the Coronavirus pandemic, Kate and her colleagues at Sailchecker have performed brilliantly. They have been considerate and highly efficient in re-organising our Turkey charter and also provided lots of assistance in getting our Yacht Security Deposit insurance policy transferred to match our revised charter dates.

Truly worthy of a 5 star rating!

Alan, R.

Would I go sailing again? OMG yes! Sailing is the perfect family holiday. Boys loved the activities, I enjoy relaxing as well... arranged a sailing cruise her family of 2 sons, daughter & hubby in the BVI with their own.


It was sail in the day… party at night. We couldn't have wanted a better skipper or a Spring Break!  Good times...

Arranged for 6 friends to sail Spring Break in the British Virgin Islands for under $500 each.


All bookings and confirmations was always accurate with no delays. Our boat was also fabulously maintained and the Skipper new the area extremely well...

Everything was down to the tee.

Pieter Van R.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 215 reviews on Trustpilot

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Marina de Port Grimaud

Marina de Port Grimaud

  • 28 Rue Fer a Cheval, Port Grimaud, 83310, France
  • +33 4 94 56 02 45
  • Canal radio VHF9
  • [email protected]

Informations sur Marina de Port Grimaud

Well-protected Marina de Port Grimaud located on the coast of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez and can offer 250 berths for yachts, as well as ship maintenance, supply of yachts with water and electricity, waste disposal, Wi-Fi and other services. This yacht parking is a World Heritage Site, and the picturesque streets nearby are full of restaurants, bars, cafes, clothing and souvenir shops. On the site of the city near the pier there were once swamps that were used only for hunting and farming. Tourism development here began only in the second half of the 20th century. The port of Grimaud, in which Provencal-style houses with Mediterranean architecture are located, is a dream come true. Canals cross the city, traffic is controlled on them, and each house has its own pier. The goal of the architect Port Grimaud was to

While you are in the city near the Marina de Port Grimaud , be sure to take the time to observe:

  • Picturesque landscapes. Some facades are decorated with simple architectural forms (columns, capitals, etc.), some with statues or figures;
  • Place du 14 juin - this square was named as a reminder of the date of obtaining permission to build a city on the lake. Obtaining approval was very painful, because there were many opposition supporters to this project;
  • A monumental fountain decorated with glazed tiles of Azuleios with a portrait of the founder of Port Grimaud placed on it.

Located in Port Grimaud, tourists can easily reach important and interesting places nearby. Those who are keen on history can enjoy historical routes where they can visit attractions such as St. Michael's Church or Grimaud Castle. Yachtsmen can visit luxurious restaurants near the Marina de Port Grimaud , such as La Calypso, L'Ecurie de la Marquise, La Caravelle and others, to taste the magnificent Mediterranean and traditional French dishes of local gastronomy.

Have a wonderful vacation on the lavishly awarded sunshine of the famous Gulf of Saint-Tropez in France!

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yacht club international de port grimaud

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Crash of an Antonov AN-22A in Tver: 33 killed

yacht club international de port grimaud

Tver Oblast Chamber of Commerce in  Tver,Russia

Tver Oblast Chamber of Commerce in Tver - Russia. Here you will find Information on the Tver Oblast Chamber of Commerce in Tver - Russia. For more information on specific services, please contact the chamber directly or visit the official website.

Tver Oblast Chamber of Commerce

44, Sovetskaya Street

170000 - Tver -

(0822) 427843

(0822) 427843

[email protected]

Tver Oblast Chamber of Commerce is a chamber of commerce located in the city of Tver in the country of Russia.

For information on specific services offered by the Tver Oblast Chamber of Commerce, please contact the chamber directly by telephone ((0822) 427843), email [email protected] or visit the official website of the chamber.

This website provides general information about the Tver Oblast Chamber of Commerce in Tver - Russia. This website has no affiliation with the mentioned chamber or the commercial department of the Tver Oblast Chamber of Commerce.

is a local organization of businesses and companies in Tver with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Russia. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Russia.

Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property developers, tourism companies, airlines, manufacturing companies, import and export businesses, banks, finance companies, legal advisors, IT and electronics manufacturers etc.

Chambers of Commerce main activities are, among others, safeguarding business interests and sharing business experiences and business interests, contact with governments, civil society, local media and the press and organzing trade shows and events.


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  5. The Kiechle Family / The Area / Grimaud

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  6. Elecsee partenaire du Yacht Club International de Port Grimaud

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  1. Yacht Club International de Port Grimaud

    Yacht Club International de Port Grimaud. 175 likes. Coordonnées du club mail : [email protected] Téléphone : + 33 (0)4 94 56 54 44 Télécopie : + 33 (0)4 94 56 54 44 Maison commune - Place de l'Eglise

  2. Yacht Club International de Port-Grimaud

    Erreur La connexion est refusée car le nombre maximum de connexions autorisées (100) par le Webmaster pour ce site a été atteint. Réessayez plus tard.

  3. Yacht Club Internacional port Grimaud

    Yacht Club located in the village of Grimaud, South of France. They organize throughout the year sailing events such as regattas. Port Grimaud International Yacht Club was established in 1988 and is located inside the Port Grimaud, which has 1100 moorings for boats with a maximum length of 55 m.

  4. Yacht Club Internacional port Grimaud

    Yacht Club International Port Grimaud is also identified as Le Yachts Club de Port Grimaud and it is located in Grimaud, on the Cote D'Azur, in the department of Var. This marina specializes in nautical activities and offers a variety of facilities for water sports and sailing enthusiasts. Read more about the Marina.

  5. Moorings in Yacht Club Internacional port Grimaud

    Port Grimaud International Yacht Club was established in 1988 and is located inside the Port Grimaud, which has 1100 moorings for boats with a maximum length of 55 m. Fact Sheet and Position Address: Casa común - BP 32 - Plaza de la Iglesia - Port Grimaud - 83310 - Francia.

  6. Naufrage d'un yacht en Sicile: les corps de tous les hommes disparus

    Il ne reste plus désormais dans l'épave du Bayesian, le super yacht de Mike Lynch, que le corps d'une femme, cinq dépouilles ayant été remontées depuis mercredi. Il devrait s'agir de celui ...

  7. Port-Grimaud

    The Yacht Club International de Port Grimaud, in partnership with the port authority and the municipality, is organizing the Grimaud trophy on October 22 and 23, 2022. On this occasion, the municipality will offer an aperitif to the participants, residents, yachtsmen and socio-professionals of Grimaud, Saturday October 22 at 6 p.m. on the forecourt of the harbor master's office. More ...

  8. Yacht Club International de Port Grimaud

    Coordonnées Adresse Place de l'Église 83310 Grimaud Email Afficher l'email Téléphone Afficher le numéro Contacter l'organisme

  9. Inscription paddle tour

    Atelier organisé·e par Yacht Club International de Port Grimaud à Port Grimaud - Paddle Tour, Circuit en Paddle dans les canaux de Port Grimaud. Merci de compléter le document disponible lors de paiement "Inscription et décharge" et le renvoyer au club par mail [email protected].

  10. Yacht Club International de Port Grimaud

    Yacht Club International de Port Grimaud. 176 likes. Coordonnées du club mail : [email protected] Téléphone : + 33 (0)4 94 56 54 44 Télécopie : + Yacht Club International de Port Grimaud

  11. Marina de Port Grimaud: Book a Berth in Yacht Club Online

    About Marina de Port Grimaud Well-protected Marina de Port Grimaud located on the coast of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez and can offer 250 berths for yachts, as well as ship maintenance, supply of yachts with water and electricity, waste disposal, Wi-Fi and other services. This yacht parking is a World Heritage Site, and the picturesque streets nearby are full of restaurants, bars, cafes, clothing ...

  12. Marina Yacht Club Internacional port Grimaud

    Details. Yacht Club located in the village of Grimaud, South of France. They organize throughout the year sailing events such as regattas. Port Grimaud International Yacht Club was established in 1988 and is located inside the Port Grimaud, which has 1100 moorings for boats with a maximum length of 55 m.

  13. Yacht Charter Port Grimaud

    Yacht Charter Port Grimaud and the Art of Charter. Port Grimaud, situated on the scenic French Riviera, an elegant port full of coastal charm. Port Grimaud.

  14. Marina information Yacht Club Internacional port Grimaud

    Help us to improve the port information. Rental mooring. The world's largest Online Nautical ... Marina information Yacht Club Internacional port Grimaud. Please fill in the following fields. Those marked with * are needed. 1. Enter your Contact Details * Name: Phone: (+34) 93 000 00 00 Fax

  15. Marina de Port Grimaud: Réservez une place au Yacht Club en ligne

    Informations sur Marina de Port Grimaud Well-protected Marina de Port Grimaud located on the coast of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez and can offer 250 berths for yachts, as well as ship maintenance, supply of yachts with water and electricity, waste disposal, Wi-Fi and other services.

  16. Yacht Club International de Port Grimaud

    Yacht Club International de Port Grimaud. 176 Me gusta · 1 personas están hablando de esto. Coordonnées du club mail : [email protected] Téléphone : + 33 (0)4 94 56 54 44 Télécopie : + Yacht Club International de Port Grimaud

  17. 17 Charter Yachts in Port Grimaud from 3010.00

    Start your yacht rental cruise from Port Grimaud in France. Compare 17 charter boat (s) from 3010.00 € for 7 days.

  18. Grimaud (Municipality, Var, France)

    The municipality of Grimaud (4,300 inhabitants in 2015, 4,458 ha; municipal website) is located at the end of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez, half-distance (15 km) of Sainte-Maxime and Saint-Tropez. Grimaud was first mentioned in charters of the 11th century as "castrum de Grimaldo", indeed a citadel erected on a rocky spur overlooking the Gulf of ...

  19. Crash of an Antonov AN-22A in Tver: 33 killed

    Crash of an Antonov AN-22A in Tver: 33 killed Date & Time: Nov 11, 1992 Type of aircraft:

  20. Tver Oblast Chamber of Commerce in Russia

    The Tver Oblast Chamber of Commerce is a local organization of businesses and companies in Tver with the intention to develop and further the interests of local companies and businesses in Russia. Many businesses are international operating companies with offices in Russia. Members of a Chamber of Commerce are usually international and local operating companies, such as lawyers, property ...


    Yacht-Club Medvedica, Semenovskoye: See traveller reviews, candid photos, and great deals for Yacht-Club Medvedica at Tripadvisor.

  22. Yacht Club International de Port Grimaud

    Coordonnées du club mail : [email protected] Téléphone : + 33 (0)4... Coordonnées du club mail : [email protected] Téléphone : + 33 (0)4 94 56 54 44 Télécopie : + Yacht Club International de Port Grimaud

  23. Yacht-Club Medvedica

    Yacht-Club Medvedica in Semenovskoye, Russia: View Tripadvisor's unbiased reviews, photos, and special offers for Yacht-Club Medvedica.