Barefoot Yacht Charters


St. Vincent & The Grenadines > Suggested Itineraries > 7 Nights 8 Days

Britannia Bay, Mustique

After checking through the yacht, set sail for Britannia Bay, Mustique, an easy 2.5 hour reach (17 miles). (Note: the easiest approach to Mustique is from St Vincent, rather than from Bequia or from the central Grenadines which would place you hard on the wind). En route to Mustique, pass the uninhabited islands of Battowia, Baliceaux and The Pillories. Approach Britannia Bay from the north (avoiding Montezuma shoals which lie about 800 yards offshore but are clearly marked – interesting snorkelling or diving with a wreck on the reef).

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Britannia Bay is the one place in the Grenadines where it’s mandatory to pick up a mooring buoy. The most comfortable spot is just south of the small cargo ship dock (the anchorage can get a bit rolly if there are swells out of the north east – in which case it’s a good idea to set bow and stern anchors). No need to reserve in advance, it’s a first-come first-served basis and, unlike in the BVI, you don’t need to be worried about not finding space if you arrive after 2.00 p.m..

At some stage during your visit, someone will come out in a launch and will charge you $ 75 for the mooring – this entitles you to a 3-day permit. There is a mooring office close to the dinghy dock but it’s often closed. Note that Mustique is a marine park and so fishing or removal of anything from the waters surrounding the island is illegal up to 1,000 yards offshore. Whilst the island is well known for its stately villas and famous inhabitants, what’s more important are the beautiful beaches. From the main anchorage it’s a leisurely 25-minute stroll south to Lagoon Bay. Golden sand beach, fringed with palm trees, a couple of picnic areas with wooden umbrellas and tables, and not a human being or building in sight.

On a clear day you can see all the way down to Petite Martinique. From the dinghy dock, famous  Basil’s Bar  is just a minute’s walk to the north. Spectacular surroundings – white sand beach, sparkling blue water and a wonderful ambience. What a great place for a cocktail! On Wednesday and Sunday nights, the “jump-up” at Basil’s can be a lot of fun. A “must” in Mustique is  Firefly  – a wonderful restaurant built in what used to be one of the great private villas of Mustique. It’s perched halfway up the hillside overlooking the anchorage, and is stunningly beautiful – marble counters, giant ferns, a grand piano, Balinese furniture, two freshwater pools and a beautiful restaurant and bar. The food is first-rate and the prices moderater – but even if you don’t want to eat, you should still go there to savour the ambience. It’s fairly small so a good idea to book in advance if you plan to eat – unlike everyone else in the Grenadines who listens on VHF 68, Firefly monitors VHF Channel 10. It’s the sort of place where one might be tempted to wander in for lunch at noon, and wander out again at three o’clock the next morning. Impromptu performances from famous musicians are a regular feature. If you don’t fancy the steep up-hill walk, call owner Stan on the VHF and if he’s not busy he will send one of his staff down in a vehicle to give you a lift.

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Close to Basil’s are a couple of food stores where you can get your Iranian caviar and Norwegian smoked salmon – and also excellent Italian bread baked by a real Italian baker. But don’t plan on doing any major provisioning there – these stores are expensive. There are also a couple of (expensive) boutiques, and a little fishing village just north of Basil’s, where you can pick up fresh fish directly from the fishermen. For those who fancy a gallop down a deserted beach, thoroughbred horses can be rented by the hour. But for those who don’t ride horses, I’d recommend they rented a “mule” – not a donkey, but a gasoline-powered cross between a mini moke and a golf cart. Ask the bartender at Basil’s, and he’ll call up the company who rents them (around $US 90 for a full day). Renting a “mule” is lots of fun and enables you not only to get around and explore some of the amazing villas, but also to access some of the best beaches which are a little too far to walk to from the anchorage.

MACARONI beach on the east coast must rate as one of the Caribbean’s ten top beaches – half a mile of fine white sand, with turquoise waves rolling in from the Atlantic, safe swimming, and a picnic area under the palms.

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The Cotton House

The hotel also has a freshwater pool with a pool bar, and a water-sports centre with Hobie Cats, windsurfers and dive facilities. If you need ice, you can get it at Basil’s – but you won’t be able to get water or diesel in Mustique. Well, that’s Mustique – if you’re looking for wonderful ambience and a genteel atmosphere, great beaches and a couple of excellent restaurants, this is the place.

The  Cotton House  hotel is definitely worth a visit – formerly a 19th-century sugar and cotton plantation, the hotel has been beautifully restored to its original grandeur. There’s a fantastic restaurant there – but it’s expensive and rather formal (long trousers for gentlemen for dinner). They also have an informal beach restaurant which is reasonably-priced and a good option for lunch.

Salt Whistle Bay, Mayreau

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Salt Whistle Bay

Head for  Salt Whistle Bay , Mayreau – the “Caribbean beach dream come true” and one of the loveliest anchorages in the Caribbean. It’s a 3.5 hour broad reach from Mustique and the usual route is to pass close under the lee of the flat-topped island Petit Canouan, and then under the lee of Canouan itself.

Watch out for as you approach Canouan from the north – the northern tip of the island has strong currents, so don’t be surprised if a noticeable swell builds up about a mile offshore.

I don’t recommend stopping at Canouan on the way south – firstly, it’s a fast sail from Mustique straight to Mayreau; secondly, you can stop at Canouan and Bequia on the way north, which will give you a different itinerary on the way back up. As you pass under the lee of Canouan’s northern headland you’ll probably lose the wind for a few minutes – but if you’ve had reefs in the main, don’t shake them out – as you head across Charlestown Bay, you’ll be hit by strong guests of wind blowing over the island’s central ridge. Passing close under the lee of the island’s south-western tip, you then set out across the North Mayreau Channel towards Salt Whistle Bay.

Mayreau Island

Mayreau Island

Baleine Rocks to the east, and Jondell Rock & Catholic Island to the west are clearly visible and leave you with an approach passage about a mile wide. Enter Salt Whistle Bay pretty well through the middle of the entrance, to avoid the reef and shallow area protruding from the northern headland. If there’s room, anchor at the head of the bay in 8 to 10 feet of clear water. It’s a sand bottom and reasonably good holding ground, though if it’s busy or blowing hard you should consider a second bow anchor. Whatever you do, be especially careful about not anchoring too close to the reef on the southern shores – it’s a popular reef to be hit by yachts. There are several moorings here but if you do pick one up, dive on it and make sure you know what you’re tying up to – they have been known to move….

There’s good snorkelling on both reefs, and the white sand beach is pristine. The dormant resort nestles in the palm trees on the beach,  a dozen stone and wood cottages, and the resort’s floor is the sand.

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If you feel like a bit of exercise, follow the paved road from the dinghy dock, and, after a steep 25-minute walk (but well worth the effort) you’ll get to the “settlement” where 400 people, and about the same number of chickens, cows and goats live.

The old stone church (built in 1929 by a Benedictine monk) is definitely worth a visit and from the windward side of the church you’ll get spectacular views over all of the Grenadines. In the settlement itself, you’ll find 4 or 5 great little bistros, all very welcoming and serving good food. They accept credit cards and also have small minmarts adjacent to them.  Dennis’ Hideaway  is my favourite – Dennis is the Grenadines’ equivalent of “Foxy” on Jost van Dyke, except that he doesn’t play the guitar – but he’s the island’s Justice of the Peace, yachtsman, guest-house owner, restaurateur and raconteur – and he even has a swimming pool and dive shop.

A word of warning – if you get stuck into Dennis’s frozen Margaritas (which is easy to do), and it’s after sundown, remember that the pathway back to Salt Whistle Bay is unlit. Don’t forget your flashlight! Alternatively, you can ask for a vehicle which will cost around $US 8. Visiting Mayreau is like stepping into a time warp. There are around 400 yards of paved road, half a dozen vehicles, no high-rises, no police, and the island’s had electricity for less than 15 years.

Tobago Cays – Palm Island

Salt Whistle Bay is the natural stepping stone to the  Tobago Cays , the high spot of the cruise for pretty well everyone. It’s an easy 45-minute passage, and best is to motor or motor-sail as you’ll be against current and on the wind. From the entrance of Salt Whistle Bay, turn to the north-north-east and point at Glossy Hill. When Jondell Rock is right on your port beam, turn to the south-east and you’ll see the Tobago Cays right on your bow. You won’t be able to see the passage between Petit Bateau and Petit Rameau, so they’ll look like one island until you get to the entrance itself.

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You’ll be heading down approximately 143 magnetic and what you’re looking for are the two transit markers – latticed pylons with spear shapes on the top – which you can usually pick up about a mile away. Baleine Rocks are visible right up to the entrance to the Cays and your route takes you about halfway between Mayreau and Baleine Rocks. This is an easy passage, about half a mile wide and I’ve never heard of anyone having a problem approaching the Cays from the north west.

A word of warning, however – don’t be surprised if you can see the bottom 30 or 40 feet down … the seabed consists of rocks and coral, which always look closer than they are. It’s what I call “Alarming Clarity Syndrome”. The passage between Petit Bateau and Petit Rameau is the “front door’ to the Cays. Astonishingly, the Imray charts mark this as an anchorage which seems to me to be pretty anti-social. There’s about 12 to 18 feet of water through the passage, so no depth constraints.

The best place to head for is south of Baradal – as you come through the passage, turn to the south east, cross the deep patch (drops down to about 50 feet) and then edge up towards Horseshoe Reef. You’ll be anchoring in about 8 to 10 feet of water in a sand bottom with excellent holding ground. The Tobago Cays are a marine park and are patrolled by Park Rangers. So no fishing, no removing anything from the water and be particularly careful not to touch coral. There’s an entrance fee of $EC 10 (about $US 3.85) per person per day and this may be paid directly to the Park Rangers who should properly identify themselves.

Boat Boys

Note that close to Baradal is a protected green turtle breeding ground so stay well clear. In the Cays, you’re anchoring in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean – with nothing between you and Africa except Horseshoe Reef. But don’t worry – not only is it a safe overnight anchorage, but it’s also a great place, from the security point of view, to anchor if bad weather’s coming through. The sea rarely breaks over the reef into the anchorage and, thus, whilst it’s always wind-swept (makes for nice cool nights), it’s usually pretty comfortable. But because you’re exposed (2,400 miles of open ocean in front of you), and if it’s blowing up, I strongly recommend a second bow anchor – more for psychological reasons than for the quality of the holding. You’ll definitely sleep better knowing that you’ve got that extra ground tackle out.

Although they’re uninhabited, the price of progress means that you can get pretty well anything you need in the Cays – the fishermen come out daily from Clifton Harbour in Union Island, and vend from their open boats. You can find everything from fresh fish, to lobster (in season, 01 September through 30 April), ice, jewellery, t-shirts, post-cards, soft drinks – and one fellow will even come round and take your orders for fresh baguettes directly from Union Island’s

Great Anchorage

bakery for tomorrow’s breakfast. These fishermen are friendly, helpful and offer a great service – years ago one would have to sail down to Clifton to top up with essentials, but now you can have everything brought directly to you, and thus sit in the Cays for as long as you want. Striking up a rapport with these people is easy and worthwhile.

A cold drink will bring you a friend for life and, before you know it, they’ll be offering to clean the fish for you and even to barbecue it on the beach. You’ll pay a bit of a premium for anything you buy in the Cays since obviously the fishermen need to cover their fuel costs and earn a few dollars. For instance a bag of block ice can cost between $US 8 and $US 10 – but, on the other hand, if your beers are getting warm, it’s worth it. The snorkelling in the Cays is everywhere – right around the main Horseshoe Reef itself, one of the longest barrier reefs in the Western hemisphere, and close to the islands themselves. You can dinghy in and out of the coral heads, the seabed clearly visible, and pick up a dinghy mooring. Be aware that the strong breezes create current throughout the Cays, so it’s usually best to snorkel upwind of your dinghy and then drift back down onto it.

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Sea Turtle Sanctuary

It’s worth finding the dinghy pass which runs parallel to the northern end of Baradal – great snorkelling here, though make sure you don’t get too close to the outside of the reef, as this area can break and there are also strong currents running down the windward side of the reef. For those who dive, it’s worth calling Glenroy Adams at Grenadines Dive in Clifton Harbour (VHF 68) – he operates rendezvous dives through this region and there’s excellent diving at Mayreau Gardens immediately east of Mayreau, and, if the weather conditions are right, at World’s End Reef.

It’s also worth taking your dinghy over to the beach at Petit Bateau – this is a great spot for a lunch-time picnic, and there’s a scenic reef just a few yards from the beach, with a drop-off down to about 35 feet. If you’re planning on a beach barbecue, check with the Park Rangers as there are nominated barbecue areas. Most people plan a half a day or so in the Cays, but end up spending most of their vacation there. I first sailed in there 25 years ago, and still find it hard to leave … but the time will come when you have to go …

Clifton Harbour, Union Island

By this stage in the trip, many people will be thinking about fresh water, and so our suggestion is to head down to Clifton Harbour for lunch, water, fuel and re-provisioning, and then to head south to Petit St Vincent for overnight. Exit the Cays the same way that you entered, i.e. through the north-western approach. You might see some people dog-legging through the reefs to the south-west – don’t try it. That passage is narrow and unmarked, and requires perfect water clarity and local knowledge. More importantly, remember that coral heads are growing and so charts are never 100% accurate when it comes to coral. For your own peace of mind – if not for the bottom of the boat – sail out through the main entrance and approach Union under the lee of Mayreau – about an hour and a half’s sail to Clifton Harbour.

When sailing under the lee of Mayreau, give an extra wide berth to the reef that protrudes about 200 yards off Grand Col point. Hurricane Lenny removed the marker in November 1999 and, although a temporary red buoy has been laid in its place, it’s small and unlikely that you will see the buoy until you’re fairly close. Before this reef was marked, it was one of the most popular ones in the Grenadines to be hit by yachts – about once every 2 weeks (not the same yacht). So – stay 400 yards clear of this headland.

Clifton Harbor, Union Island

The almost vertical mountains of Union Island are visible 40 miles away on a clear day. You need to sail almost over to Palm Island before turning to the west and up into the main harbour at Clifton, the cross-roads of the Grenadines where you can obtain pretty well everything that you need. The harbour is divided into a western and an eastern side, separated by a reef in the middle. The main harbour, to the west, is lousy – deep, poor holding ground, and you’re on a lee shore so all the crud in the harbour accumulates there. Don’t anchor in here, or even pick up a mooring. The best anchoring is to be found if you tuck up on the eastern-side of the harbour, behind Newlands Reef – it’s a sand bottom, great holding ground, cool and breezy, and the water is crystal-clear.

From this anchorage, it’s a couple of minutes by dinghy, not only to the shore, but also to the unique Happy Island, the labour of love of one man. Janty got fed up selling pizzas in town so decided to build himself an island. It took him a couple of years and a lot of sand, conch shells and palm fronds, but today it’s finished and he has a wind generator, solar panels, hammocks, reggae music – and a well-stocked bar. This is a must – and all visitors are welcome. If you’re planning on a lunch-time stop, then head up to the north-western corner of the harbour where you’ll find Bougainvilla Marina. Give them a call on the VHF (Channel 68) to let them know that you’ll be coming in. You can get fuel, ice and water here.

Bougainvilla has a particularly good restaurant and is home to the excellent Erika’s Marine Services run by Heather Grant. Erika’s offers a laundry service, telephone and internet, weather forecasts, digital photography, book exchange and bicycle rentals. The town of Clifton is just a short walk along the beach (don’t fall into the shark pool next to the Anchorage Yacht Club) and there are plenty of small supermarkets in town.

Clifton Harbor, Village

Clifton is a funky little place with friendly people, several supermarkets and stores, and a number of great little restaurants where you’ll find excellent Caribbean fare at reasonable prices. If you plan on overnighting at Union, the best options are either to stay on the dock at Bougainvilla , or to to anchor behind Newland’s Reef. A word of caution – there have been occasional reports of visitors being hassled by youngsters in boats. The majority of people in Clifton are very friendly and honest, but there are a few scamps around.

Always make sure you know the price of something before buying, and always assume the price is in Eastern Caribbean Dollars rather than US Dollars. And don’t be surprised, when topping up with water, if you put 100 gallons into a 75-gallon tank …. I think their meters are running a little faster than they should.

Mopion Island / Petit St. Vincent

From Union, we recommend you take an afternoon sail (one hour) down to Petit St Vincent, one of the loveliest spots in the Grenadines. When leaving Union Island, be sure to give Grand de Coi reef a wide berth, close to Palm Island. It’s clearly marked, but it’s astonishing how many yachts decide to hit it. Petit Martinique, to the south, is a volcanic island that rises steeply out of the water and is visible 40 miles away on a clear day.

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Mopian Island

Your route is going to take you through the passage between Mopion and Pinese sandbanks but it’s made very easy by using a bearing on the peak of Petit Martinique – when the peak is on 163 Magnetic (at the time of writing) you’ll pass safely through the gap. The island has dark sand beaches – but as you head towards the pass between Mopion & Pinese from Union Island, you’ll see a little white sand beach that looks as if it is on Petit Martinique.

This is Mopion – the ultimate desert island – 15 yards long, fine white sand, and with a triangular thatched shelter in the middle of it (and a bottle opener bolted to the shelter’s support beam). As you approach the gap, if it’s low water you’ll see Elkhorn and Staghorn coral above the surface. If it’s high water, note that Pinese is subsiding and will be just below the surface. But the gap is about 200 yards wide so you have plenty of sea room and it’s very hard to go wrong if you can see Petit Martinique. You’ll have about 20 feet of water as you pass between the sandbanks, and will probably see the bottom as you go through.

Petit St. Vincent

Petit St. Vincent

You’ll then need to motor up to the east to the lovely anchorage at PSV. Don’t go too close in because the seabed shelves and you’ll find yourself anchoring in about 20 feet or more. If you stay a little further down to the west – and the chart does show the soundings – you’ll be able to anchor in about 15 feet. It’s a sand bottom and well protected from the seas, but it can be breezy I’d recommend a second bow anchor for overnight. When in PSV, whether you’re thirsty or not, you need to visit the bar, a few minutes’ walk up the hillside.

The ambience is great – hummingbirds flying through tropical vegetation, fat Labradors lounging in sandpits, and the finest fresh, tropical fruit frozen daiquiris in the Grenadines. There is an excellent, though somewhat expensive (around $US 100 per person) restaurant, but if you’re planning one very special night out during your charter, this is the place to go. Note that gentlemen require long trousers for dinner. If you need ice, you can obtain it at PSV, but you won’t be able to get diesel or water.

Saline Bay, Mayreau

You have a few choices today. There are two anchorages in the central Grenadines that we

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haven’t yet mentioned. The first anchorage is at Saline Bay, Mayreau. This is a pretty spot and only half an hour or so from Chatham Bay but if you do go there, don’t believe the Imray chart which indicates anchoring in the north-eastern corner – the holding ground there is bad and there’s a commercial wharf with plenty of ferry activity.

Anchor in the southern part of the bay, in 10 to15 feet of water with a sand and weed bottom. If you’re making this a lunch-time stop only, then one anchor should be fine, but if you’re over-nighting, I’d recommend two anchors – although the ridge at the head of the bay is fairly low-lying, it’s surprising how strong those early morning gusts can get. There’s a lovely beach at Saline bay, and also a paved roadway up to the settlement – and there are also a couple of lights on this road, so access to the settlement is slightly easier than from Salt Whistle Bay. A point of interest is the wreck of a British gunboat which lies just north of the western tip of the reef at Grand Col Point, and you can snorkel over it as it starts in only 14 feet of water.

For overnight, you might want to head up to Canouan, an hour or so from Saline Bay. As mentioned earlier, I’d call Canouan a stop of convenience. It used to be an island of 700 farmers

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Tamarind Beach Hotel

and fishermen and one very slow hotel, but that changed in 1990 when an Italian group came and built the  Tamarind Beach Hotel  in the centre of Grand Bay. The approach to Grand Bay takes you through two markers with about 300 yards between them. Don’t try and take a short cut! Head towards the hotel jetty and pick up a mooring there – you’ll be charged around $US 15 for the night. In the unlikely event that the moorings are full, do NOT anchor in this area – although the Imray charter marks this as an anchorage, it has the worst holding in the bay. For anchoring, tuck well up into the north-eastern corner – and always put out two bow anchors.

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Tamarind Hotel Beach Bar

There’s not much snorkelling in the bay, but you’ll probably sea large star fish on the sea bed – they like the sand and turtle-grass environment. The hotel is very pleasant – has a good Italian restaurant with a real Italian Chef and reasonable prices, the cheapest ice in the Grenadines, showers for visiting yachtsmen, and friendly staff. The Tamarind Beach Hotel was the fore-runner of the world-class  Raffles Resort  which encompasses most of the northern and north-eastern parts of the island. Part of it is managed by an American gentleman called Mr Trump. The resort has around 250 luxury villas, tennis courts, a huge swimming pool, a spa and health centre, a casino, an 18-hole golf course, an Italian piazza, and two restaurants (food flown in fresh from Rome every week). It’s expensive but if you’re looking for amazingly good food and something “different”, check it out.

Admiralty Bay, Bequia

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Next stop is Bequia – close-hauled in winter months but in the summer you may do it on a close reach, anything from 4 to 5 hours. As you leave the northern end of Canouan, be prepared for a slightly lumpy sea until you get into deeper water. And remember that there’s strong current at either end of the Canouan Channel, so you’ll need to point up a little more than usual – in fact leaving the northern end of Canouan, it’s best to point at the middle of Ile a Quatre and you’ll find that this usually enables you to tuck close in under West Cay for the approach to Admiralty Bay.

If, when south of Bequia, you find yourself well up-wind, do not be deceived and fall off – it’s surprising how quickly you can be set to the west as you get closer to Bequia’s south coast. This is important – under the lee of these islands, the wind tends to back, so if you find yourself a couple of miles down-wind of West Cay, it’s going to be a real struggle to get yourself into Admiralty Bay The open-water passage is only about 3 hours, and as you round West Cay (which you can do comfortably about 50 yards off), you’ll then need to motor or motor-sail up the cost and into Admiralty Bay – about another hour’s passage.

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Princess Margaret Beach

The best spot to anchor in Bequia is Princess Margaret Beach – the second golden sand beach to starboard as you head up towards Port Elizabeth. You can drop the hook in about 15 feet of water in a sand bottom, and should find that a single anchor is fine. The water is clear for swimming and there’s some snorkelling off the northern headland. There’s also a small restaurant here with a dinghy dock. To get to Port Elizabeth, it’s just a couple of minutes’ dinghy ride around the bay’s northern headland and you’ll see dinghy docks along the waterfront footpath that runs from the Plantation House hotel right the way up to the  Frangipani , the popular Happy Hour meeting place for cruisers (good for the Thursday night “jump-up”.

There are many great bars and bistros along the waterfront pathway – Mac’s Pizzeria is a favourite – not a “Pizza Hut” but a great restaurant that happens to make wonderful pizza, in addition to freshly baked breads, cakes and pastries. Tommy Cantina is an excellent Mexican

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Gingerbread Hotel

Restaurant, and  Gingerbread Hotel  does great local and North American food. A relatively new restaurant overlooking the water and close to the dinghy dock is  Maria’s French Terrace.  They have a great menu, excellent service, and the prices are very reasonable. Overall, there’s a great choice from French to Caribbean, and something to suit every pocket.

Although Port Elizabeth is well developed by Grenadines standards, it still retains a sleepy, old-world Caribbean charm. Most people still access Bequia by boat, and the island’s sea-faring traditions such as whaling, model boat building and fishing still remain. If you’re in need of exercise, there are some great walks – notably to Hope Bay, a deserted bay on the east coast, lined with a golden sand beach, with coconut plantations sweeping down the hills almost to the water’s edge (about an hour’s walk – take food and drink) and to Spring and Industries bays on the north-east coast (also about an hour).

Getting around Bequia is inexpensive in local transport and you can pretty well tour the whole island for about $US 5. The turtle sanctuary is worth a visit, as is the Old Fort, a charming hotel with stunning views, a freshwater pool and regular entertainment. You wouldn’t get bored spending two or three days in Bequia – it really offers a little bit of everything – good places to eat, great beaches, spectacular scenery, snorkelling and diving, reasonable shopping, friendly people and the chance of seclusion.

Blue Lagoon, St. Vincent

Time to return to Blue Lagoon. This is going to take around 1.5 to 2 hours – longer than you might expect, but chances are that you’ll be close-hauled and have some current to contend with. The best bet is to short tack up the northern coast and then to bear away to St Vincent from Anse Chemin.

But if the wind is strong, that can be a painful way of doing it, in which case simply head up from Admiralty Bay – you should still be able to make it on one tack. Don’t be alarmed if you can only point as high as St Vincent’s West Coast as you leave Admiralty Bay – once you clear the northern head of Bequia, you’ll find that the wind will veer and you’ll be able to point up towards Young Island.

Give us a call on VHF 68 as you approach Blue Lagoon, and we’ll send our staff out to bring you back into the dock. Hope you had a great trip!

  • bequia-to-barefoot

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Destinations for Yacht Charters in Cyprus – Blue Lagoon, Akamas Peninsula

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Destinations for Yacht Charters in Cyprus - Blue Lagoon, Akamas Peninsula

Blue Lagoon Hotel and Marina

Blue Lagoon Marina

We provide comprehensive marina services with a total of 20 slips, which include 4 alongside berths for convenient docking.

Our Marina serves as an official Port of Entry, housing the Customs & Immigration Office. You can expect our office to be open 7 days a week, operating from 9am – 4pm (Mon – Fri) & 1pm to 6pm (Weekends & Holidays).

To enhance your arrival experience, we extend a warm welcome to all marina guests by offering a delightful treat: our special St. Vincy Rum Punch. It’s our way of making your stay with us even more enjoyable

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  • Port of Entry.- Customs & Immigration
  • 24Hr Security
  • 110/220 Electricity with 50htz
  • Showers & Washrooms
  • Laundry Service
  • Complementary Wifi
  • Lagoon Marketplace
  • The Loft Restaurant
  • Dockside Cafe
  • Cafe Soleil & Bakery
  • Flowt beach Bar
  • Swimming Pool
  • Conference Room
  • Taxi Service
  • Water Sports Equipment Rental
  • Island Tours
  • Serinity Dive
  • Blue Lagoon Yach Charters

Horizon Yacht Charters

Communication – we monitor VHF channel 16/68. Approach – currently boats with a draft of 6.5ft or more cannot enter the marked channel at low tide.  We are looking at addressing this in the near future.

A great way to explore The Grenadines is by sail boat and Blue Lagoon is home to Horizon Yacht Charters St. Vincent & the Grenadines Horizon Yacht Charters provides world class sailing at all their bases in the Caribbean. They offer bareboat, skippered, fully crewed and learn to sail charters on immaculate yachts with first class service. Horizon Yacht Charters have 2 bases serving The Grenadines, and Blue Lagoon is an ideal starting point for a one-way charter to their base in Grenada, giving you a wonderful opportunity to sail The Grenadines in full.  Swim with turtles at the unspoilt Tobago Cays, rub shoulders with the rich and famous on Mustique or relax in Mayreau. And for those of you with limited time in St Vincent, skippered day charters to Bequia are also available, a superb way to spend a day whilst on vacation!” 

Blue Lagoon Chaters Boats  Logo.png

Sweet Janina 

About the boat.

Sweet Janina is a 58-foot sailing catamaran.

The maximum capacity is 14 people, and sleeps 6 people.

The boat is equipped with air conditioning and a skipper.

Sweet Janina can be booked for the following trips: 

Up the Leeward Coast: $800 USD 

Bequia: $1,400 USD

Must ique: $1,400 USD

Tobago Cays: $2,000 USD

Overnight: $2,000 USD

Please contact us for inquiries regarding booking.

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© Blue Lagoon Charter Boats 2023 

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Blue Lagoon, Oludeniz

Blue Lagoon, Oludeniz Image 1

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Beach & Activity - fethiye

Turkey's turquoise haven

Encircled by forested mountains and separated from the Mediterranean Sea by a narrow sandbank, the Blue Lagoon at Oludeniz is a protected nature reserve famed for its sparkling turquoise waters and wild, unspoiled scenery.

Just down the coast from Fethiye, Oludeniz is a popular seaside resort, famous for its long sand and shingle beaches and the mesmerizing Blue Lagoon.

Protected from over-development thanks to its national park status, the Blue Lagoon is one of the natural wonders of the Turkish Riviera, and an inviting and easily accessible excursion to enjoy during your luxury yacht charter along Turkey's beautiful Mediterranean coastline.

Stretching between the lagoon and the sea, the sandbank known as Kumburnu Beach is one of the most striking coastal images in Turkey and a great place to relax on a lounger or enjoy a variety of watersports. The water on the lagoon side of the beach is very shallow, making it ideal for young families.

Oludeniz, and especially the Blue Lagoon, is said to be one of the best places in the world for paragliding, due to the stable weather conditions, the height of the surrounding mountains and the spectacular scenery.

Blue heaven

blue lagoon yacht charters

Protected from over-development thanks to its national park status, the Blue Lagoon is one of the natural wonders of the Turkish Riviera

On the northern shore of the lagoon, there is a handful of boutique hotels with private beaches backed by pine forests, if you're looking for somewhere to unwind on a perfectly-placed lounger, such as Sugar Beach Club and the smaller Seahorse Beach Club.

There are also some simple restaurants and bars where you can stop for a light lunch during your visit to the lagoon, or enjoy a chilled cocktail as you take in the glorious views.

The water in the Blue Lagoon is calm, shallow, and clear, perfect for enjoying a relaxing swim or snorkeling, while canoes and paddle boats are available for hire if you want to explore the further reaches of the lagoon.

If you would like to incorporate a trip to Blue Lagoon into your charter itinerary, please speak with your prefered yacht charter broker . 

Alternatively, if you're feeling inspired and want to start planning your next luxury vacation, you can view the entire fleet of superyachts available for Turkey yacht charters . 

Blue Lagoon, Oludeniz Photos

Blue Lagoon, Oludeniz Photo 2

Blue Lagoon, Oludeniz, Turkey

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Flying Fox yacht charter

136m | Lurssen

from $3,318,000 p/week ♦︎

Ahpo yacht charter

115m | Lurssen

from $2,893,000 p/week ♦︎

O'Ptasia yacht charter

85m | Golden Yachts

from $1,001,000 p/week ♦︎

Project X yacht charter

88m | Golden Yachts

from $1,223,000 p/week ♦︎

Savannah yacht charter

84m | Feadship

from $1,111,000 p/week ♦︎

Lady S yacht charter

93m | Feadship

from $1,556,000 p/week ♦︎

Maltese Falcon yacht charter

Maltese Falcon

88m | Perini Navi

from $490,000 p/week

Kismet yacht charter

122m | Lurssen

from $3,000,000 p/week

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Image by Ryan Wilson


with Optimum Private Charters


​Optimum Private Charters specialises in boat cruise services in Marsalforn. 

We’ve been creating the best tours around Gozo for our clients based around their personal preferences for over 40 years.

With our own private jetty on the island of Comino, direct access from the Blue Lagoon, and a BBQ on board, we can cater for any function.

blue lagoon yacht charters

MIDAS 2 - Full Day Cruise

Private charters.

Experience a delightful full-day cruise around the captivating islands of Gozo & the Blue Lagoon in Comino. Indulge in 2 hours of leisurely swimming at the world-famous Blue Lagoon, followed by a delectable VEGETARIAN buffet lunch served on board AT THE BLUE LAGOON.



Embark on an island-hopping adventure, exploring Malta's Grand Harbor with a fascinating historical account. Discover St. Paul's Islands, the captivating Blue Grotto, and Comino's renowned landmarks along the way.

Enjoy a journey tailored to your desires, where every moment is a masterpiece of exclusivity. With three distinct boat options, we cater to groups of all sizes, ensuring an unforgettable experience for everyone on board.

For More information Contact us  

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BVI Yacht Charters

Sailing Vacations with the personal attention you deserve

MR T: Lagoon 380

Mr T   Lagoon 380 (2019)

Key features.

  • 4 Double Cabins & 2 Heads
  • Shoreside AC
  • Classic Main with Stack Pack & Lazy Jacks
  • Saloon table converts into double berth
  • Fusion Audio System with Bluetooth
  • B&G Zeus Chartplotter, GPS & Autopilot
  • 2 x 29 HP Yanmar Diesel Engines
  • Cockpit Cushions
  • Cockpit cooler
  • Chart & Cruising Guide
  • Snorkeling & Safety Gear
  • Cell Phone & VHF
  • Hard Top Bimini

See Full Fleet Pricing

blue lagoon yacht charters


Dec 16 - Jan 1 Feb 1 - Mar 31

Jan 2 - Jan 31 Apr 1 - Apr 30

May 1 - Jul 9 Nov 6 - Dec 15

Jul 10 - Nov 5  




(click to enlarge)


  • LOA: 37' 11"
  • BEAM: 21' 5"
  • DRAFT: 3' 9"
  • ENGINES: 2 x 29HP
  • FUEL: 52gal
  • WATER: 158gal


  • First Name *
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  • Start of Charter MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • End of Charter MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Number of Guests
  • Type of yacht Please select Large Catamaran >45' Medium Catamaran 40' - 44' Small Catamaran < 44' Large Monohull > 45' Medium Monohull 40' - 44' Small Monohull < 44'
  • Other Comments
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  • 3 Double cabins & 2 Large Electric Heads
  • Weekly rates $5,500 - $8,000
  • Generator & Air-Conditioning

SAINT BLUE: Lagoon 380

SAINT BLUE Lagoon 380

  • 3 Double Cabins & 2 Heads
  • Weekly rates $4,800 - $6,800
  • Shoreside Air Conditioning



  • 3 Double Cabins & 3 Electric Heads
  • Weekly rates $6,000 - $9,000


Mr T is a 2019 Lagoon 380. She offers 4 cabins and two heads. In each hull you will find a queen cabin and a double cabin with a shared bathroom.

This yacht is available to rent from December to April in the BVI, and from June to October from base in Croatia.

The Lagoon 380 is fast, easy to maneuver and safe, equally at home on the high seas or relaxing in port on a comfortable, welcoming boat. Captain and crew can move around easily and safely thanks to wide side decks and a rigid walkway on the trampoline, and the transom platforms provide easy access to the sea and dinghy.

Although the smallest in the Lagoon range, the Lagoon 380 is still built to the highest standards. She is rated rated CE Category A (Ocean) – hundreds have crossed the Atlantic and some have even completed circumnavigations.

The saloon is a light and airy affair with the now trademark vertical windows all around giving a 360-degree view. The windows give consistent headroom throughout the saloon and also cut down on sunlight and, therefore, heat that could otherwise enter the saloon. It’s a well thought-out system that allows for plenty of light and views with functional use of the area.The galley has twin stainless steel sinks, a three-burner gas cooktop with oven, a bigger-than-normal front-opening fridge and adequate, though not abundant, storage. On the port side of the saloon is the nav. station with room to mount a plotter screen and other electronics if desired. There’s an opening chart table and an adjustable stool which is neat and tidy


Hear from guests who have recently chartered Mr T!… or visit our Client Testimonials page to read hundreds of genuine reviews about us!

“We loved our trip in the British Virgin Islands. The beauty of the islands we sailed to-Norman, Virgin Gorda, Anegada, Guana, Diamond Cay, and Peter is so awesome. The excellent snorkeling at the Dogs and the Indians was really a lot of fun. This was our 4th charter with BVI Yachts who keep us coming back with their competent and friendly office staff-no misinformation or delays- and I want to mention the maintenance staff too because the outboard on the dinghy started on the first pull every time. We had a great time.” – Ward Paxton, February 2020, Mr T

BVI Yacht Charters

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Tel: +1 284-494-4289
Fax: +1 305-503-9495
Email:  [email protected]

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Damn Good Ponce Inlet Fishing Charters

Check real-time availability and compare rates on Ponce Inlet fishing trips. Deep Sea, Inshore, Flats, Nearshore, and River trips available.

Experts Available 24/7

Licensed & Insured Guides

100% Weather Guarantee

Recently Booked Fishing Charters Near Ponce Inlet, Fl

Fishing in Ponce Inlet

Inshore, Jetty, Nearshore, River Fishing Charter in Ponce Inlet

Inshore-Nearshore Run

Fishing in Port Orange

Flats, Inshore, Nearshore, River Fishing Charter near Ponce Inlet

4 Hour Inshore/Near 8-12 $375

Fishing in New Smyrna Beach

Nearshore Fishing Charter near Ponce Inlet

Shark Fishing

Fishing in Port Orange

Deep Sea Fishing Charter near Ponce Inlet

Big Day Big Fish

Fishing in Daytona Beach

Inshore, Nearshore, River Fishing Charter near Ponce Inlet

Fishing in Port Orange

Full Day Trip - 31’ Contender

Most popular types of trips in ponce inlet.

Deep Sea

“Our Damn Good Guides go above and beyond to provide you an incredible trip, and we’ve handpicked every single one. We’re passionate about the outdoors and about empowering people to find the perfect-match guide for the trip of a lifetime, every time.”

Jonathan and Attison   |   Co-founders   |   Austin, Texas

Red Snapper Fishing Charters Near Ponce Inlet, Fl

Deep Sea Fishing Charter in Port Orange

Fishing in New Smyrna Beach

Deep Sea, Nearshore Fishing Charter in New Smyrna Beach

Deep Sea Fishing

Fishing in Port Orange

Offshore Wreck & Reef

Fishing in Port Orange

Offshore Grocery Run And Trophy Hunt

Fishing in Port Orange

Offshore Reef And Wreck

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East Coast Offshore/Nearshore

Deep sea fishing charters near ponce inlet, fl.

Fishing in New Smyrna Beach

10- 20 Mile Keeper Trip

Fishing in New Smyrna Beach

Deep Sea, Flats, Inshore, Nearshore Fishing Charter in New Smyrna Beach

Shark Fishing Adventure

Inshore fishing charters near ponce inlet, fl.

Fishing in New Smyrna Beach

Inshore, Jetty, Nearshore, River Fishing Charter in New Smyrna Beach

3 Hour AM Quick Trip

Fishing in New Smyrna Beach

Flats, Inshore Fishing Charter in New Smyrna Beach

Inshore Bay And Flats Fishing

Fishing in New Smyrna Beach

Inshore, Jetty, Nearshore Fishing Charter in New Smyrna Beach

Inshore Saltwater Run

Fishing in New Smyrna Beach

Inshore Flats Fishing

Flats fishing charters near ponce inlet, fl.

Flats, Inshore, Nearshore, River Fishing Charter in Port Orange

Fishing in New Smyrna Beach

Mosquito Lagoon Backcountry

Fishing in New Smyrna Beach

Sight Fishing Mosquito Lagoon

More fishing charters near ponce inlet, fl.

Fishing in Ormond Beach

Get out there and get after some of Florida's best inshore fishing with Captain Billy, a highly experienced tournament angler and top-tier guide! You'll explore a range of fish habitats, including oyster bars, ledges, sunken structure, and flats, hunting for champion Redfish, Speckled Seatrout, Snook, Flounder, Jacks, Snapper and more that lurk in the waters around Ormond Beach. It will Depend on the season, weather, and your preferences. On the morning of the trip, you'll head out aboard his custom 21' Avid FST bay boat—perfect for this type of fishing and with a proven track record. It's equipped with a 150 HP Yamaha, and she gets up to a maximum cruising speed of 25 knots. Captain Billy will bring everything necessary for a blue-ribbon fishing experience, including rods, reels, tackle, bait, and most importantly, his expertise catching prizewinners. To maximize your experience on the water, make sure to remember a pair of Polarized Sunglasses, a Hat, Weather-Appropriate Clothing, and Sunscreen. Read More

Flats, Inshore, River Fishing Charter near Ponce Inlet

Sizzling Summer Special 5hrs

Fishing in New Smyrna Beach

Head out with Captain Matt for an awesome inshore/nearshore experience in New Smyrna Beach, FL! These waters have a very diverse population of inshore species that you can target on your adventures, like Redfish, Speckled Trout, Flounder, Sheepshead, Black Drum, Mackrel, Jack Crevalle, and Bluefish. Seasonal species like Triple Tail, Tarpon, and Cobia are also around during the summer months! Just let Captain Matt know what you're looking to catch and he will do his best to make it happen! Captain Matt runs a 22' Sea Chaser center console bay boat. She's powered by a well-maintained Yamaha 150 and a 36v 112lb thrust MinnKota Ulterra I-Pilot trolling motor. This boat features 2 large live wells, a Garmin GPS, a radio with 2 speakers, lots of useful rod holders, a large T-Top that provides lots of shade, and Yeti Coolers that are always loaded down with ice! This boat can accommodate up to 3 guests comfortably and for an extra $50, a fourth person can be added onto the trip. Captain Matt comes prepared with all the necessary licensing as well as full insurance coverage, all the necessary bait and tackle for the type of fishing that day as well as iced down coolers with nonalcoholic drinks (water, Gatorade, Soda, etc. depending on what Matt has in stock), and you will only use high quality, well maintained Shimano and Penn reels paired up with St. Croix, TFO, and Shimano rods. If you want to bring your own gear that's awesome as well! Just let Captain Matt know in the days leading up to your trip. Captain Matt is a very passionate angler who prides himself on making sure that no matter what the circumstances of the day might be, you will still have a great time out on the water. Safety is always the number one priority. Captain Matt is very flexible and is willing to do what it takes to make your dream day on the water a reality! Read More

Flats, Inshore Fishing Charter near Ponce Inlet

Fishing in New Smyrna Beach

For one to two anglers we will be sight fishing for reds and trout weather permitting and for 3 persons charters we will be using live bait or artificial baits. Catching of redfish. Sea trout, snook, black drum, tarpon and mangrove snapper Read More

Fishing in New Smyrna Beach

Fishing the inlet and nearshore reefs up to 3 miles Read More

Jetty, Nearshore Fishing Charter near Ponce Inlet

Fishing in Port Orange

Join us for an exhilarating shark fishing trip! Target various shark species in the waters near New Smyrna Beach. Our expert guides provide top-notch gear, personalized instruction, and take you to the best shark hotspots. Experience the thrill of battling these powerful predators while enjoying stunning coastal views from our comfortable, well-equipped boats. Perfect for adrenaline seekers and fishing enthusiasts. Book now for an unforgettable shark fishing adventure! Read More

Nearshore Fishing Experiences

Fishing in Port Orange

Hop on board with Captain Scott and get ready for a memorable trip fishing the Florida Atlantic! In the deep waters off the coast of Daytona Beach there's always bound to be a prized fish chasing after your line. On this 6 hour trip, Captain Scott will take you from Port Orange up to 15 miles offshore where you can expect to target Amberjack, Blackfin Tuna, Cobia, King Mackerel, Mahi Mahi, Red Snapper, Sailfish, and Wahoo. For these 6 hour trips you are usually constricted to one type of fishing whether that's trolling or bottom fishing. For the full day 8 hour trips you can expect to have more time to explore deeper water or stay in around the same distance but mix up the fishing techniques. Depending on the fish, Captain Scott will get you set up with one of a variety of fishing methods including light tackle, artificial lures, heavy tackle, bottom fishing, trolling, and jigging. Captain Scott spends tons of time diving in the area and gets a first-hand look at fish habits throughout the week, so don't be surprised when his expert tips land you a picture-worthy fish! You'll be fishing aboard Captain Scott's 31ft Contender center console with a capacity for 6 anglers. This boat is designed by fishermen for fishermen. It is the ultimate fishing platform and has plenty of space to fight that monster fish, set up your dive gear, or to kick back and relax in a bean bag chair. It has 2 large live wells to hold live bait, 4 fish boxes including two separate 400qt fish boxes. With twin 300's strapped to the stern, Captain Scott can get you out to the fishing grounds in a hurry so you'll spend more time fishing and less time riding. The boat is also equipped with a bathroom for those emergency situations. Captain Scott will provide all rods, reels, tackle, and live bait. All you need to bring is sunglasses, sunscreen, and any snacks or drinks you might need. Come visit Port Orange and have a super fun time on the water with Captain Scott! Read More

Fishing in Port Orange

Get out there and get after some of Florida's best inshore fishing with Captain Billy, a highly experienced tournament angler and top-tier guide! You'll explore a range of fish habitats, including oyster bars, ledges, sunken structure, and flats, hunting and sight casting for crawling Redfish, Speckled Seatrout, Snook, Jacks, Sharks and more that lurk in the shallow waters around Ponce Inlet. It will Depend on the season, weather, and your preferences. On the morning of the trip, you'll head out aboard his custom 21' Avid FST bay boat—perfect for this type of fishing and with a proven track record. It's equipped with a 150 HP Yamaha engine, and she gets up to a maximum cruising speed of 25 knots. Captain Billy will bring everything necessary for a blue-ribbon fishing experience, including rods, reels, tackle, bait, and most importantly, his expertise catching prizewinners. To maximize your experience on the water, make sure to remember a pair of Polarized Sunglasses, a Hat, Weather-Appropriate Clothing, and Sunscreen. Read More

Artificial Lure Action

Fishing in Oak Hill

This is a great trip for children and beginner anglers, or for guests who just want to take a leisurely ride on the water and try their hand at catching a fish for the first time! Captain Neal is great with children, knowledgeable about the river and different species of fish and can give you a history of the area while your ride. You can catch and release or take your catch home for dinner—it's entirely up to you! You'll be chasing classic Florida inshore species, including Black Drum, Redfish, Snook, Speckled Trout, and many more. If you're just out for the ride, you're sure to see marine life, including dolphins, manatees, and a variety of birds including bald eagles, plus the occasional alligator. Read More

Inshore Fishing Charter near Ponce Inlet

2-Hour Oak Hill Quick Trip

Fishing in Allenhurst

You will be sight fishing from the bow of a flats skiff in the Mosquito Lagoon or Indian River Lagoon. Despite the scary name, there are no mosquitoes on the water. With clear skies and water, you can see fish within casting distance. In addition, we look for tails, fins, and wakes from single fish, groups or schools. Year round targets include redfish (red drum), spotted seatrout, and black drum. Seasonal catches may include tarpon and snook. Your captain has nearly 20 years of guiding experience specializing in sight fishing these waters. Capt. Chris is a certified fly casting instructor with the FFI for those wanting to improve their cast. Fly fishing in this area is primarily sight fishing which means you are casting at specific targets. 7 weight rods are used most often with 5, 9, and 12 wt rods for specific species. This trip is not for beginner level fly anglers due to the need for speed and accuracy in casting. I can provide all tackle and flies at no additional charge, or you may bring your own. In the event conditions for fly fishing are not optimal, spinning tackle will also be available on board. Fly fishing trips are usually started at first light unless otherwise dictated by weather or other factors discussed in advance. All trips are catch, photo, release only. Read More

Awesome Saltwater Fly Fishing

Fishing in Port Orange

Hop on board with Captain Austin and prepare for an exciting day out on the Florida Atlantic waters! The deep blue waters off the coast of Daytona Beach are excellent for chasing after some of the prized big game fish that Florida is known for! On this 6, 8 or 10-hour trip, Captain Austin will take you from Port Orange out to the inlets, intracoastal waters, beaches, and nearshore wrecks, where you can expect to target Mahi, King Mackerel, Cobia, Snapper, and Grouper. You'll spend a mix of your time trolling for species like Mahi and Mackerel, and bottom fishing underwater structures and reefs for Snapper and Grouper. Just let Captain Austin know what you want to catch and he'll get you set up with the best method! He's been fishing these waters since he was 10 years old and is sure to give you some expert tips! You'll be fishing aboard a 22’ Pathfinder bay boat with a capacity for 5 people. Its 200 HP Yamaha V6 engine will have no problem getting you out into the deep waters. It comes with the essentials such as GPS, Fishfinder, a Live Bait Well, a Wireless Trolling Motor, and an Ice Box to store your catches. Everything you reel in is yours to keep, and Captain Austin will happily clean any keepers for no additional cost! Captain Austin will provide all rods, reels, tackle, and live bait. If you want to go fly fishing be sure to bring your own rod. Otherwise all you need to bring is sunglasses, sunscreen, and any snacks or drinks you might need. Come aboard and do some offshore fishing! Read More

Deep Sea, Nearshore Fishing Charter near Ponce Inlet

Pelagics And Bottom Dwellers

Fishing in Port Orange

Experience the ultimate thrill of shark fishing in the shark bite capital of the world, New Smyrna Beach, with us! Our expert guides will take you to the best shark hotspots, providing you with top-notch gear and personalized instruction. Feel the adrenaline rush as you battle powerful sharks, including blacktips, hammerheads, and more. Our comfortable, well-equipped boats ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. Book with us for an unforgettable shark fishing adventure that will leave you with lasting memories! Read More

Shark Fishing Experience

Fishing in New Smyrna Beach

A little shorter trip but enough to get you out and bend a rod. We will normally fish Ponce Inlet for whatever is running. Most of the time there are Redfish, Snook, Sharks of different species, Mangrove Snapper, Sheepshead. I will provide your licenses, bottled water and tackle. All you need to bring is sunglasses and sun screen. Read More

Inshore, Jetty, Nearshore, River Fishing Charter near Ponce Inlet

Fishing in Port Orange

During this 3 hour trip we will be targeting the multiple species of sharks that roam our waters. Hammerhead, spinner,blacktip,blacknose, and bull shark just to name a few. You can expect to hook into sharks ranging from 3 foot up to 8 foot during this trip with sharks as large as12 foot possible. Read More

Inshore, Nearshore Fishing Charter near Ponce Inlet

Action Packed Coastal Shark Trip

Fishing in Port Orange

4 hour Inshore or nearshore charter realistically catching: Reds, Drum, Sheepshead, Flounder, Snapper, Snook, Blues, Ladyfish, Jacks, Trout, Pompano and of course Sharks as we will be fishing in the waters of The Shark Bite Capital, New Smyrna Beach Volusia County Florida. I use live shrimp and cut mullet bottom fishing- just like the pros do! Read More

4 Hour Inshore/Near 1-5 $375

Fishing in Port Orange

Offshore fishing in Florida provides access to an abundance of pelagic species such as mahi-mahi, tuna, wahoo, and sailfish. With its warm waters and diverse marine life, Florida’s offshore fishing scene is a prime destination for sport fishing enthusiasts and competitive anglers. Offshore fishing trips in Florida can be a thrilling and unforgettable experience for those who seek big game catches and the thrill of open-water fishing. We've recently acquired a 310 Stamas fishing boat that is sure to impress any angler. This vessel is equipped with all the latest technology, including a state-of-the-art navigation and fish-finding system that ensures a successful fishing trip. With its spacious layout and comfortable amenities, it is perfect for groups of up to six people. The Stamas fishing boat also boasts a large cockpit area, perfect for reeling in that trophy catch. Overall, the boat is a top-of-the-line choice for any fishing excursion. Read More

10hr Trolling And Bottom Fishing

Fishing in Flagler Beach

Enjoy a morning of backwater fishing in the beautiful Ormond Beach targeting Redfish, Trout, Snapper, Flounder, Snook, and more. Get out there and see some of Florida's best inshore fishing with Captain Billy, a highly experienced tournament angler and top-tier guide! You'll explore a range of fish habitats, including oyster bars, ledges, sunken structure, and flats, hunting and sight casting for crawling Redfish, Speckled Seatrout, Snook, Jacks, and more that lurk in the shallow waters around Ormond Beach. It will Depend on the season, weather, and your preferences. On the morning of the trip, you'll head out aboard his custom 21' Avid FST bay boat—perfect for this type of fishing and with a proven track record. It's equipped with a 150 HP Yamaha engine, and she gets up to a maximum cruising speed of 25 knots. Captain Billy will bring everything necessary for a blue-ribbon fishing experience, including rods, reels, tackle, bait, and most importantly, his expertise catching prizewinners. To maximize your experience on the water, make sure to remember a pair of Polarized Sunglasses, a Hat, Weather-Appropriate Clothing, and Sunscreen. Read More

Fantastic Flagler Beach Inshore

Fishing in New Smyrna Beach

Nearshore- 6 to 8 hours up to 30 miles offshore (cobia, king, shark, snapper, jack) Offshore- 8-12 hours this side of the Gulfstream (billfish, wahoo, jack, dolphin, grouper, snapper, mahi) Tuna Trips- 12-16 hours other side of Gulfstream (tuna, billfish, wahoo, dolphin) Sunset Cruises- 3+/- hours in the Florida Intercoastal Waterways through NSB, Edgewater, Oak Hill, Port Orange, South Daytona Tournament Fishing- Custom Custom Trips- TBD Read More

Fishing in Port Orange

Looking for a thrilling and unforgettable fishing adventure in Port Orange? Look no further than Captain Andrew's 4-hour inshore fishing trip aboard his 22' Cobia Center Console! With Captain Andrew's expert guidance, you'll have the chance to catch a variety of exciting fish species, including redfish, trout, snook, and more. Whether you're an experienced angler or a first-timer, this trip is suitable for all skill levels and promises to be an exciting and enjoyable experience. The boat itself is a 22' Cobia Center Console, which provides ample space for you and your group to relax and enjoy the scenery while you wait for the fish to bite. With a top-of-the-line sound system and comfortable seating, you'll feel right at home on the water. Captain Andrew has years of experience fishing in the Port Orange area and knows all the best spots to find the biggest and most plentiful fish. He also provides all the necessary fishing equipment, including rods, reels, bait, and tackle, so all you need to bring is your enthusiasm and a sense of adventure! Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to explore the waters of Port Orange and catch some amazing fish. Book your 4-hour inshore fishing trip with Captain Andrew today and get ready for an unforgettable experience! Read More

Family Fun Adventures

Need a place to stay, everything to know about booking a fishing charter in ponce inlet, what are the best fishing charters in ponce inlet.

The best fishing charters in Ponce Inlet are:

  • Always Somethin'
  • Sudden Strike Offshore Adventures
  • Top Notch Adventures
  • Com'N'Getit Fishing Charters
  • Spot Stalker Charters LLC

Why should I book a fishing charter in Ponce Inlet with Captain Experiences?

Our Damn Good Guides currently offer 80 trip in Ponce Inlet: Inshore-Nearshore Run guided by Todd .

Our guides in Ponce Inlet are rated a 4.94 out of 5 based on 3457 verified reviews on Captain Experiences.

All guides on Captain Experiences are licensed, insured, and vetted by our team. You can access their reviews, click through trip photos, read bios to get to know them, and preview trip details like species, techniques, group sizes, boat specs and more.

Looking for kid friendly charters / fishing lessons in Ponce Inlet? Check out our beginner and family friendly charters in Ponce Inlet .

What types of fishing charters are common in Ponce Inlet?

Deep Sea fishing is the most popular type of fishing in Ponce Inlet as well as inshore fishing , flats fishing , and nearshore fishing .

The most commonly sought after species in Ponce Inlet are: 1. redfish , 2. snook , 3. speckled trout , 4. black drum , and 5. mangrove snapper .

The most common fishing techniques in Ponce Inlet are light tackle fishing , live bait fishing , and bottom fishing but artificial lure fishing and cut bait fishing are popular as well.

How much do Ponce Inlet fishing charters cost?

Prices in Ponce Inlet can range anywhere from about $400 to $1,375, but the average price for a half day trip in Ponce Inlet is $532. The average price for a full day trip in Ponce Inlet is $1,046.

Is booking a fishing guide worth the money?

Hiring a guide provides a number of benefits and many choose to book a fishing guide for a combination of experience, local knowledge, convenience, and cost-effectiveness.

Working with experienced fishing guides who know the best local spots and techniques can dramatically increase your odds of a great day. Having someone who is on the water every day and knows the area like the back of their hand is going to give you the best chances of success.

Booking a guide is also more cost effective, especially if you only get out a handful of times per year. When you consider all of the costs you would incur on your own such as the price of a boat, maintenance, insurance, gas, high-quality gear and tackle, repairs, and more, you’ll find that DIY is sometimes not worth the expense.

Even if you’ve got a great setup already in your home waters, booking a guide also provides a great opportunity to experience new techniques, new locations, or even a chance at a new target species to knock off the bucket list.

What month is best for fishing in Ponce Inlet?

The most popular season for fishing in Ponce Inlet is summer, and most anglers book their trips 23 days in advance.

Do I need a Ponce Inlet fishing license and what are the bag limits in Ponce Inlet?

See here for more information on fishing licenses in Ponce Inlet, bag limits for target species, and fishing season regulations in Ponce Inlet. When in doubt, your fishing guide will always know the right rules and regulations in Ponce Inlet.

Recent Reviews of Captain Experiences

Natalie B. with Todd V. of New Smyrna Beach, Florida

Megan O. with Srbo T. of Daytona Beach, Florida

Mark C. with Neal G. of Oak Hill, Florida

Jon A. with Steven S. of Daytona Beach, Florida

Jeremy P. with Neal G. of Oak Hill, Florida

Chad P. with Brad C. of New Smyrna Beach, Florida

Dave S. with Billy P. of Flagler Beach, Florida

George S. with Neal G. of Oak Hill, Florida

Nicole L. with Todd V. of New Smyrna Beach, Florida

Raymond M. with Srbo T. of Daytona Beach, Florida

Shawn M. with Scott H. of Daytona Beach, Florida

Dave R. with Kevin G. of Port Orange, Florida

Joshua R. with Matt G. of Port Orange, Florida

Kimberly K. with Scott H. of Daytona Beach, Florida

Tim F. with Kicen G. of Flagler Beach, Florida

Tim B. with Matthew L. of New Smyrna Beach, Florida

Ben E. with Kevin G. of Port Orange, Florida

Matthew L. with Neal G. of Oak Hill, Florida

Brian B. with Billy P. of Flagler Beach, Florida

Ben H. with Nick S. of Port Orange, Florida

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Our guides are Damn Good Guides, which means they’re licensed, insured and vetted by our team of outdoor experts who know them on a first-name basis. We hand pick our Damn Good Guides, and our network spans all across the country and beyond.

The proof is in the pudding, and we’re incredibly proud of our 4.9 / 5 average review score. Hit the button below to see more trip options:

First-class Yacht Charters in Luxurious Surroundings

+357 99 302 879

[email protected]

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Booking & Prices

Standard charter bookings, book your yacht charter.

To book your charter of 2, 3, 4 or 6 hours start by choosing your preferred date and start time. Then choose the Charter Yacht you wish to book.

TO MAKE ANY CHANGES SIMPLY USE THE BACK BUTTON You can add optional extras if you wish. And, please use the notes/special requests area to tell us about any additional requirements.  If you would like a quote for a wedding, party, nighttime cruise or if you need a little more flexibility contact us to arrange a tailormade yacht charter from Latchi. Any questions please, get in touch when you call +357 99 302 879 or +357 99 400 660 and email [email protected]

standard charter prices

Our Charter guests typically choose from our hourly charter options below. However, we will happily provide a bespoke charter package for discerning customers. Please, contact us to to organise your own tailormade yacht charter.

Latchi pearl

  • 2-hours [€380.00 + Fuel]
  • 3-hours [€460.00 + Fuel]
  • 4-hours [€580.00 + Fuel]
  • 6-hours [€840.00 + Fuel

Latchi Oasis

  • 2-hours [N/A]
  • 3-hours [€550.00 + Fuel]
  • 4-hours [€690.00 + Fuel]
  • 6-hours [€950.00 + Fuel

Serenity kallia

  • 2-hours [€1300.00]
  • 3-hours [€1800.00]
  • 4-hours [€2300.00]
  • 6-hours [€3200.00]

Blue Lagoon Charters unforgettable voyages on Latchi Pearl

complimentary hot and cold beverages, soft drinks and seasonal fresh fruits will be served. PLEASE, NOTE THAT THE FUEL THAT YOU USE when chartering Latchi Pearl and latchi oasis is NOT INCLUDED IN THE CHARTER PRICES ABOVE. and you only pay for what you use. tHE COST PER LITRE OF FUEL IS THE SAME PRICE AS YOU WOULD PAY AT THE PUMP TO FILL YOUR CAR. TYPICALLY A 4-HOUR CHARTER ON LATCHI pearl WOULD COST APPROX €70-100 and on latchi oasis €120-150 IN FUEL. a 40% deposit is required to secure all yacht charters. all prices include vat.

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blue lagoon yacht charters

+357 99 400 660

7-Days a week, 9.00am until 8.00pm

Latchi Harbour, Polis Chrysochous, Cyprus

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Blue Lagoon shipyard


  1. Exclusive Yacht Charters

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  2. Blue Lagoon Charters

    blue lagoon yacht charters

  3. Yacht Charters in Latchi by Blue Lagoon Charters: Ultimate Luxury

    blue lagoon yacht charters

  4. Blue Lagoon Charters

    blue lagoon yacht charters

  5. Blue Lagoon Charters

    blue lagoon yacht charters

  6. Blue Lagoon Charters

    blue lagoon yacht charters


  1. Lukim Yu Lagoon 380 Catamaran charters with Whitsunday Rent A Yacht

  2. 'akshan blue Lagoon Egypt🏄🏼‍♂️🦸🏼⚡️

  3. Twenty Seconds of Elvis Chaos!

  4. Lagoon 620 new life, Istion Yachting

  5. Respite at Sea

  6. Women's Day Leadership Luncheon Highlight 3.8.24


  1. Blue Lagoon Charters

    Serenity Kallia Yacht is a 16.5m luxury motor yacht. she has 7 berths in 4 cabins and has 3 bathrooms. The design and layout with the galley separated from the main cabins makes it a very impressive and exclusive yacht. Serenity Kallia delivers superior accommodation, in any environment. Discover Serenity Kallia.

  2. Exclusive Yacht Charters

    Contact. BLUE LAGOON CHARTERS. +357 99 302 879. 7-Days a Week, 9.00 am until 8.00 pm. Latchi Harbour, Polis Chrysochous, Cyprus. [email protected].

  3. Group Experiences: Luxury Yacht Charters on a Budget

    Book your budget-friendly luxury yacht charter with Blue Lagoon Charters today and embark on a group adventure like no other. Book online or, for personalized assistance, call Theo at +35799302879 to discover our offers and book your yacht charters on a budget.

  4. Comino Blue Lagoon Private Boat Charter

    Luxurious private yacht charter in Blue Lagoon; Maximum capacity of 20 travelers for exclusive experience; Convenient location near public transportation; Commitment to comfort, accessibility, and safety Booking Information. When booking the Comino Blue Lagoon Boat Charter, travelers will receive a confirmation at the time of booking, ensuring a seamless reservation process.

  5. 7 Days

    Bareboat Yacht Charters in the beautifiul Caribbean Islands of St Vincent & The Grenadines. Barefoot Yacht Charters offers bareboat and crewed yacht charters. Home; Our Fleet; ... Blue Lagoon, St. Vincent. Time to return to Blue Lagoon. This is going to take around 1.5 to 2 hours - longer than you might expect, but chances are that you'll ...

  6. Destinations for Yacht Charters in Cyprus

    CHARTERS. Karnic SL800 Powerboat; Jeanneau NC33 Motor Yacht; Bavaria C42 Cruiser Yacht; Rodman 38 Flybridge; Azimut 68 Motor Cruiser; Fairline Squadron 67; Sea Ray 62 Motor Cruiser; Sea Ray 52 Motor Cruiser; Charter Types; Charter Destinations; NEWS; CONTACT; BOOK ONLINE

  7. The Marina

    They offer bareboat, skippered, fully crewed and learn to sail charters on immaculate yachts with first class service. Horizon Yacht Charters have 2 bases serving The Grenadines, and Blue Lagoon is an ideal starting point for a one-way charter to their base in Grenada, giving you a wonderful opportunity to sail The Grenadines in full.

  8. Blue Lagoon Charter Boats

    Charter a boat today and explore a world where everything is possible, and everything is within reach. Escape to a world of peace, calm and absolute bliss with Bluelagooncharterboats! Charter a boat today and explore a world where everything is possible, and everything is within reach. ... Please see the front desk of the Blue Lagoon Hotel ...

  9. Sweet Janina

    About the boat. Sweet Janina is a 58-foot sailing catamaran. The maximum capacity is 14 people, and sleeps 6 people. The boat is equipped with air conditioning and a skipper. Sweet Janina can be booked for the following trips: Up the Leeward Coast: $800 USD. Bequia: $1,400 USD.

  10. Blue Lagoon, Oludeniz, Fethiye

    View Yachts. Encircled by forested mountains and separated from the Mediterranean Sea by a narrow sandbank, the Blue Lagoon at Oludeniz is a protected nature reserve famed for its sparkling turquoise waters and wild, unspoiled scenery. Just down the coast from Fethiye, Oludeniz is a popular seaside resort, famous for its long sand and shingle ...

  11. Blue Lagoon

    WELCOME. Optimum Private Charters specialises in boat cruise services in Marsalforn. We've been creating the best tours around Gozo for our clients based around their personal preferences for over 40 years. With our own private jetty on the island of Comino, direct access from the Blue Lagoon, and a BBQ on board, we can cater for any function.

  12. Latchi Harbour

    At Blue Lagoon Charters we offer first-class yacht charter services in luxurious surroundings - direct from latchi harbour. Our yachts are quite different from each other. Latchi Pearl is a Jeanneau Cap Camarat and she is BRAND NEW for the 2022 season. With a capacity for 13 passengers, you can enjoy either larger groups or charter her for ...

  13. Blue Lagoon SHANGANI yacht charter

    The yacht broker Arcon Yachts offers charter of motor yacht Blue Lagoon SHANGANI. Year of construction - 2009; length - 21.3 m; price - €33,000 per week. +33 6 48 43 99 06. РУС ENG. About Projects ...

  14. How to: Book a Yacht Charter in Cyprus

    How do I book a yacht charter with Blue Lagoon Charters? You can book online at Blue Lagoon Charters or call Theo directly at +35799302879. Our team is ready to assist you with any queries and ensure your booking process is smooth, making it easy to secure your yacht rental in Paphos or Latchi. ...

  15. SAINT BLUE: Lagoon 380

    Tel: +1 284-494-4289. Fax: +1 305-503-9495. Email: [email protected]. Saint Blue is a brand new (2019) Lagoon 380. She offers 3 cabins and two heads. On Starboard side you will find the master queen cabin in one hull.

  16. Blue-Lagoon

    Blue-Lagoon currently operates 5 charter yachts in its fleet. Check availability of their boats and make an on-line reservation in Best price guarantee +49 211 54 69 22 23. ... Blue-Lagoon. Other charter companies You might be interested in. By Marina. Dream Yacht Charter; The Moorings; Navigare Yachting d.o.o. MG Yachts Ltd.

  17. MR T: Lagoon 380

    Tel: +1 284-494-4289. Fax: +1 305-503-9495. Email: [email protected]. Mr T is a brand new (2019) Lagoon 380. She offers 4 cabins and two heads. Each hull offers a queen cabin and a double cabin with a shared bathroom.

  18. Blue Lagoon yachts charter

    Motor yachts charter of the shipyard Blue Lagoon: 1 offer. Rent a Blue Lagoon yacht from €33,000 per week on the website of the official representative - Arcon Yachts. +33 6 48 43 99 06. РУС ENG. About Projects ...

  19. Blue Lagoon Charter Boats

    291 Followers, 242 Following, 55 Posts - Blue Lagoon Charter Boats (@bluelagooncharterboats) on Instagram: "Blue Lagoon Boat Charters is located in our full service marina nestled in Blue Lagoon Bay, mainland SVG! A Caribbean luxury destination! 🌴🌞" bluelagooncharterboats. Follow. Message. 55 posts. 291 ...

  20. Forget What You Think You Know About Yacht Charters

    Forget What You Think You Know About Yacht Charters: Latchi Pearl is Here to Redefine Your September from Blue Lagoon Charters in Latchi. Skip to the content. First-class Yacht Charters in Luxurious Surroundings +357 99 302 879. [email protected]. Book Now. Our Yachts.

  21. Blue Lagoon SHANGANI deckplans

    Yachts charter Blue Lagoon. Blue Lagoon SHANGANI. Fast request. Blue Lagoon SHANGANI. Overall information. Equipment. Photo. Deckplans. PDF brochure. Yachts by Blue Lagoon. Yachts charter Blue Lagoon. About Projects Sale. Adriatic Sea Barcelona Germany Greece Dubai. Egypt Ibiza Spain Italy Cannes. Corsica Cote d'Azur Majorca Marmaris Monaco.

  22. The 15 Best Fishing Charters in Ponce Inlet, FL

    Damn Good Ponce Inlet Fishing Charters Check real-time availability and compare rates on Ponce Inlet fishing trips. ... his custom 21' Avid FST bay boat—perfect for this type of fishing and with a proven track record. It's equipped with a 150 HP Yamaha, and she gets up to a maximum cruising speed of 25 knots. Captain Billy will bring ...

  23. Book Private Yacht Charters from Latchi Harbour, Cyprus

    TYPICALLY A 4-HOUR CHARTER ON LATCHI pearl WOULD COST APPROX €70-100 and on latchi oasis €120-150 IN FUEL. a 40% deposit is required to secure all yacht charters. all prices include vat. Book your charter of start by choosing your preferred date and start time. Then choose the Charter Yacht you wish to book.

  24. 2024 Lagoon 67 Power Catamaran for sale

    Find more information and images about the boat and contact the seller or search more boats for sale on YachtWorld. ... This Lagoon 67 is a pristine luxury power catamaran featuring a 4-cabin, 4-head layout with two bow crew cabins, each equipped with heads and showers. ... 4 LED Blue Underwater Spotlights Bluewater Legend 230V Water Maker ...

  25. Blue Lagoon shipyard

    Information and lineup of motor yachts by shipyard Blue Lagoon on the website of the official representative - Arcon Yachts. +33 6 48 43 99 06. РУС ENG. About Projects Sale Charter Management Construction Shipyards News Contacts. About Projects Sale Charter Management Construction Shipyards News Contacts. All shipyards. Blue Lagoon shipyard.