how fast can a catamaran go

How Fast Do Catamarans Go? 5 Examples (With Pictures)

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A catamaran is generally more balanced on the water and can be faster than a multi-hull vessel.

Unless you compare them to foiling monohulls like the new America’s Cup boats that sail at over 50 knots, they are not recreational vessels.

In this article, we will look at how fast each type of catamaran will go.

Table of Contents

Here are the numbers before we dive into the details:

Average Speed For Sailing Catamarans

Catamarans can vary in size from 14 ft to over 100 ft. Catamarans can come in a wide variety of design types.

Sailing Catamarans have been attempting to make advancements over their mono-hulled counterparts.

These advancements include:

  • Foils that assist with lifting the vessel out of the water.
  • Stability advancements.
  • Racers that can maintain their speed while out in the ocean.

3 Different Types of Sailing Catamarans:

1) sport catamarans.

how fast can a catamaran go

One type of sailing catamaran is a sport catamaran, which is otherwise known as recreational. These are typically supposed to have a small crew and launch and land on beaches.

Sport catamarans do not normally have living quarters and are ideal for day trips. Resorts or other rental services often use these.

These can also be used for racing.

Sport vessels have been known to travel over 30 knots but can speed over 40 knots in the proper conditions.

2) Cruising Catamarans

how fast can a catamaran go

Another type of sailing catamaran is a cruising catamaran. These often come with complete living accommodations, so they sacrifice speed over their sportier counterparts.

They can average between 9 and 10 knots, depending on the conditions. The top speed is typically around 15 knots.

It would be best if you were careful with catamarans that have living quarters. The more you weigh it down, the less speed you will have.

3) Racing Catamarans

how fast can a catamaran go

The final type of sailing catamaran is an ocean racing catamaran.

These boats are large and can reach over 100 feet in length.

The top speed of this type of catamaran is around 45 knots.

Because of the prize money for entering these in races, much research goes into their advancement.

Average Speed Of Power Catamarans

Catamarans with power motors fill a different type of boating category.

These are commonly used when speed and smoothness are favored over space or capacity.

Because of their stability, catamarans are good vessels for combating seasickness as well as transportation. We have a separate article here with all you should know about catamarans and (how to overcome) seasickness .

On a commercial level, these can be used for ferries for both people and vehicles. They are used for short term travel, often to or from islands.

Like sailing catamarans, there are a few types of power catamarans.

1) Power Cruising Catamarans

how fast can a catamaran go

Similar to sailing cruising catamarans, they also have power cruising catamarans. These also have living quarters and are stable while out on the water. The speed of these vessels highly depends on the motors equipped and the size of the boat itself.

Like passenger transport or ferries, catamarans have a high speed of about 40 to 70 miles per hour.

These are made to travel at great speeds to allow their commuters the shortest possible ride to their destination.

The military also utilizes power catamarans. They use power catamarans to transport military cargo. These ships are ideal because of their speed, holding capacity, and ability to venture into shallow ports.

2) Swath Catamarans

how fast can a catamaran go

They also have small-waterplane-area twin-hull vessels. These are called SWATHs.

These differ from the average catamaran because they also have submarine-like hulls that stay completely under the water.

Due to the hulls being submerged, they are not normally affected by waves. These are used most often in the ocean as research vessels. They can also be used for certain types of yachts. Because of their stability, they are good vessels for furniture that will not require as much securing.

These often travel between 20 and 30 knots.

Some catamarans are designed for wave piercing. These are made to pierce through waves rather than sail over them, causing them to be faster. These can be used as passenger ferries, yachts, and military vessels as well.

3) Whitewater Catamarans

how fast can a catamaran go

There are also recreational catamarans made for whitewater travel. These are sometimes called “cata-rafts.”

They are made using two inflatable hulls connected with a scaffold. These are lightweight and perfect for whitewater sports.

They are even able to be packed away in a backpack. They can take up to 20 minutes to assemble, including inflation.

They have high speeds on white water rivers and can be most compared to a canoe, kayak, whitewater raft, or other white water vessels.

Performance Characteristics Of Catamarans

Catamarans require four times the power to double their speed. A mono-hull vessel, however, would require eight times the power to double their speed.

This is because a Catamaran has less resistance in the water.

This is also good for conserving and using less energy.

Catamarans are also more stable in the water. This stability is effective at resisting heeling or capsizing. A multi-hull vessel would require four times the force to capsize as a similar-sized mono-hull vessel.

The general sailing in a catamaran is smoother and allows for activities that are not always possible on a mono-hull sailboat.

Are Catamarans Faster than Mono-Hull Vessels?

Because catamarans have less water resistance, they are generally faster than mono-hull vessels.

This is because their hulls are smaller, which means they have a smaller bow wave to fight.

A bow wave is a wave created by the displacement of water by the bow of a ship. After a certain speed, a boat has to start hauling itself over its own bow wave.

The larger hull a ship has, the larger its bow wave will be and the more power required to fight it.

Catamarans have two small and narrow hulls, so they do not have much of an issue with their bow wave. This is one reason they are usually faster than a similar-sized mono-hull vessel.

Catamarans can be between 20-30 percent faster than their monohull counterparts.

Issues with catamarans over mono-hulls are that they can take more time to turn.

How Is The Speed Measured?

Boats commonly measure speed using GPS tracking devices to measure distance traveled. Speed while sailing is measured in knots. A knot is one nautical mile per hour, which equals about 1.15 miles per hour.

How Fast Are Catamarans Compared To Other Boat Types?

  • Sailing catamarans typically average about 10 knots.
  • Pontoon boats average about 20 mph.
  • A powerboat cruiser can average anywhere between 30 and 50 mph.
  • Cigarette boats can even reach close to 90 mph in the proper conditions.
  • Sailboats average between 6 and 12 mph depending on wind conditions. This includes mono-hull between 6 to 8 mph and catamarans and trimarans between 9 and 10mph

Two different factors can determine the speed of sailing ships:

1) The hull type as listed above.

Different hulls rest in the water more or less than other types. The less of the hull that is underwater, the faster it can go.

This is because the less of the hull in the water, the less drag created while sailing.

2) The length of the boat

The longer the boat, the faster it can go. Every boat has a maximum hull speed that cannot be exceeded unless the boat can plane on the water’s surface or be lifted on hydrofoils.  For most boats, the longer the boat, the higher the maximum hull speed is.

Speed Vs. Comfort Considerations For Catamarans

If you are looking for a catamaran, you have a lot of options.

You can choose to prioritize speed or comfort.

After deciding to purchase a catamaran, the type of catamaran you should look at depends on where and what you are using it for.

You will want to make sure that you look at what type of water you will be traveling in, how many people you are traveling with on average, and what type of speed you hope to achieve.

One thing you will want to keep in mind before the purchase of a catamaran is storage. If you intend to store your boat in a marina, you are often charged for two slips due to the beam, or width, of a catamaran versus the standard mono-hull vessel.

Catamarans can be beneficial for those who get seasick because they offer a steadier ride and the ability to have more open air space. Because the living quarters are not inside the hull and under the water’s surface, you have more windows and visibility.

Both sailing and power catamarans are viable options. Also, sailing catamarans can come with back-up power engines for low winds or situations such as docking in a marina.

Catamarans that have twin engines can offer more control and precision than those on a mono-hull vessel. This is good for tight and busy areas or navigating marinas.

Overall, there are plenty of options for you, and they offer many benefits over their mono-hull counterparts.

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A complete catamaran guide.

  • Post Written By: Boater Jer
  • Published: January 26, 2020
  • Updated: November 27, 2020

A family enjoys some leisure time in the waters behind their luxury catamaran.

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There you are, out on the water when a strange craft approaches.  Is it a sailboat? It sure looks like one until it turns to face you.  That’s when you notice this boat doesn’t have just one hull. It has two hulls and it’s called a catamaran.

Catamarans are unique, and highly stable watercraft.  We’ll explore all the ins and outs of sailing the waters in one of these weird, and awesome multi-hulled craft.  Join me as we explore the wild world of sailing catamarans.

A small sailing catamaran sits on a beach.

A History Of The Catamaran

It is believed that the first people to use a catamaran design were those living in Australasia.

A map showing the region where the catamaran originated.

The succession of boat design in this region was actually very interesting.  The beginning of boats in the area was simple, albeit conventional rafts. These were fashioned from logs strewn together with plant fiber lashings such as those formed using bamboo fiber.  

Catamaran Evolution

An info graphic showing the progression of the evolution of the catamaran.

The conventional raft gave way to a minimal raft.  This design was basically a conventional raft with two cross beams added in the form of logs.  These would be eventually hollowed out to improve buoyancy.

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The next step in the evolution of boats in the Australasian region was the double canoe.  This proved to be the first real catamarans.  

After some time, the form evolved further into the asymmetrical double canoe design.  In this design, one canoe was large and the other attached canoe was smaller.

The asymmetrical design quickly evolved into the single-outrigger boat like the one shown in the photo below.

A monohull canoe with an attached exterior outrigger is shown in this file photo.

The final stage of the evolution of the catamaran in the region was to gain a second outrigger.  This in effect created the trimaran with the single central hull and dual outriggers.

Eye Witness Accounts Of Catamarans

In 1697, William Dampier wrote of witnessing a type of seafaring vessel off the coast of Coromandel.  He noted how the locals called the type of boat a catamaran. He also noted that it had multiple hulls (logs) and that they were small vessels that the person operating would have to hang partway into the water, straddling the hull (log).

The name catamaran came from the Tamil.  And yet, it was easily applied by the European visitors to the two hulled sailing vessels that sped across the water in the region.

Although Dampier may have described the catamaran in the 1690s, the type of boat was actually used as early as the 5th century by the Tamil Chola dynasty.  They used boats to move their troops from one island to another. Using this design of boat allowed them to travel heavy, travel quickly and was partially responsible for the conquering of neighboring Burma, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

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Building A Boat – Basics Of Catamaran Construction

A boat is usually thought of as being a single-hulled vessel that travels along the surface of the water.  It can have multiple types, shapes, and designs of the hull. However, it is often only thought of as having a single hull.  But, what if it had two hulls? Would that be like taking two separate boats, and making a raft over both of them? In essence, that is exactly what a catamaran is:  two boats made into one.

Advantages Of Multiple Hulls

  • More stability than a monohull
  • Wide supporting base allows for larger sails than monohull craft of the same length
  • Hull does not require the deep-running keel of a standard monohull sailboat
  • Less hull drag in the water than a monohull
  • Less power required to drive a catamaran forward than a monohull boat

Disadvantages Of Multiple Hulls 

  • Due to multiple hulls, construction is more expensive than a monohull design
  • Catamaran speed relies on lightweight materials to make a lightweight craft.  This also drives up the cost of construction.
  • Extra engineering requirements for multi-hull craft also increase the cost of construction.

Conclusion?  Well, it looks to me like everything about catamarans points towards superiority over monohulls in nearly every way.  But, you get what you pay for. I think the same thing likely applies to cars too. For instance, I have a performance car that cost me about 10k more than the equivalent non-sports car within the same class. 

Yet to drive the vehicle, it performs so much better than the normal version of the car, it really speaks volumes to the difference between a common vehicle, and a performance one.

Speaking of performance vehicles, let’s take a look now at the different kinds and uses of a catamaran.

Catamaran Types

Commercial catamarans – ferries.

Catamarans are often used as a ferry to transport people and vehicles across bodies of water as shown in this photo.

One of the most common uses for a catamaran is the commercial use of the vehicle design when it comes to ferries.  This is likely due to the wide, flat deck possibilities of a catamaran versus a monohulled boat. Not only that, but the catamaran is also a much more stable bodied vessel.  This again makes it a superior design for transporting larger land vessels like trucks and so forth. They can easily drive on the ferry without fear of the ferry tipping over.

Some ferries are designed for taking vehicles, like the one you might find in the city of Toronto.  Where it transports cars from the mainland to Toronto Island. Others are designed specifically with the sole purpose of transporting people. I took a look at one such ferry that operates in Germany.  Take a look at the following case study.

Commercial Use Case Study – The Ferry

The FRS Helgoline is a ferry catamaran operating out of Flensburg, Germany, close to the Danish border.

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According to the ferry company’s website, the ferry runs using four main engines which are run to a capacity of 12,182 hp combined.  This blasts this ferry at a speed of 35 knots or 65 km/hour. This is equivalent to 40 miles per hour. That’s pretty good considering the size and weight of the ship body this catamaran can carry.

Speaking of capacity, the ship can carry 680 passengers. At 56.4 meters long (185 feet) by 14 meters wide (45.9 feet), that’s a decent passenger capacity. 

Catamaran Passenger Capacity Versus Monohull Boat Passenger Capacity 

The general rule for calculating passenger capacity for a boat is as follows.

Length x Width / 15 = Passenger Capacity

Therefore, the FRS Helgoline should have a calculated capacity calculated as follows.

185 x 45.9 / 15 = 566  

But it actually has a capacity of 680 which is a 20% increase in capacity over a standard monohull.

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For comparison, let’s look at a superyacht.  A 48.5m (159 feet) long by 10.7m (35 feet) beam (width of the boat) Palmer Johnson Supersport 48 (valued at about $28.5 million dollars) should have a capacity calculated as follows.

159 x 35 / 15 = 371

In short, 26 feet of difference in length equates to 309 fewer passengers.  It is almost half of the capacity of the catamaran at 26 feet longer length.

A super yacht sits like a golden blade floating in the water.

Photo courtesy of

Commercial Catamarans – Service Vehicles

In port in Australia, a service catamaran sits docked in this photo.

Although Catamarans are typically used as ferries due to their stability and ability to carry wide loads on their flat decks, there are many different service catamarans out there as well.  From a support vessel to a crew transfer or search and rescue, catamarans are a solid and stable platform to build a ship on.

This is the Ardea which is a 20 meter (65.6 feet) catamaran to be used for crew transport and as a support ship.  This ship was built by the Echo Marine Group and delivered to Western Australia in early 2019. This particular vessel is in the service of the Cape Preston Sino Iron Project.  

Catamarans are used all around the world, for a variety of tasks, not just ferries or support craft.

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Commercial Catamarans – Cruise Lines

A large red and white catamaran cruise ship sits idle in the waters in front of a bustling metropolis in this photo.

Now these are the catamarans we all want to be aboard, aren’t they?  Due to the wide stance, these ships can feature massive halls and wide-open interior areas.  These ships are stable, and some would say even more stable and safer than monohull design ships.  

There are many cruise ship catamarans in use today around the world.  Some of the more ‘famous’ catamaran cruises are those which investigate the Galapagos Islands.  There are several high-end, small fleet, cruise lines operating to the Galapagos which utilize catamaran design vessels as their primary ship type. 

These ships can be extremely comfortable and stable and often offer some reprieve to those who may otherwise feel seasick. It won’t stop the feeling, but the more stable the hull, the less the boat rocks around.

Military Catamarans

The USNS Spearhead races forward along the water in this file photo.

Catamarans make excellent military transport vessels.  They are stable and the potential to have a large, flat and wide deck for transporting land craft, troops or acting as a landing pad for vertical take-off aerial craft.  The stability of the two hulls makes the vessel an excellent candidate for military use, and thus it is used for said purpose.

A photo of the rear of the USNS Spearhead - a military catamaran.

As you can clearly see in the image of the USNS Spearhead, the rear of the vessel has a moveable ramp that can be used for loading and unloading land vehicles.  The interior bay of the craft is visible in the image as well, a large area for storage of vehicles, supplies and more. The crane arm on the back of the ship also shows how it is a versatile craft, set up to act as an excellent support craft with a helicopter landing pad and ample storage and freight capacity.

Recreational Catamarans

Siting on a beach, a small catamaran sail is set against the wind swept clouds and blue sky.

Catamaran Personal WatercraftThe wind is in your hair, the warm spray from the hull cutting over the edge of each wave as you skip over the water.  That is life, let me tell you. Personal watercraft have come a long way over the years and the small one, two, three and four-person catamarans have come a long way as well. 

This image shows a homemade catamaran.

Depending on the options, you can get a small one or two-person catamaran for as little as $1500 new.  That might be an inflatable though. There are some very nice, rigid hull designed catamarans for 1-4 people that range from $3500 to $15000.  And these are basically open, personal watercraft like that shown in the image below.

Using a small catamaran can be quite challenging to learn at first.  Sailing is not for the faint of heart. It requires skill, technique, knowledge of the wind and sea, and a bit of hard work.  But it can be fun, rewarding and a great way to catch some sun and fresh air out on the water. It’s a relatively GREEN sport as well.   Given the use of sails over gas-powered motors that is.

‘Sailing Cats’ – Sailing Catamarans – Yacht & Luxury Class

This photo shows a luxury sailing catamaran yacht.

Here’s where we get into the dreamy boats of the rich and famous.  I priced out a small 43’ luxury Leopard 40 sailing catamaran. Even before I added any extras at all, the base price was $399,000 USD.  I imagine if I added a few of the multiple extras available, and some tax, freight and that sort of thing, I’m easily in half a million dollars.  And that’s the smallest base model.

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There are all kinds of luxury catamaran shipbuilders across the world.  From Asia to Europe and The Americas, it seems any major boating country has at least one company building luxury catamarans.  It’s weird that you don’t see more of them on the water though, don’t you think?

Being sailing vessels, these luxury cats require some training in sailing before you get behind the wheel.  And considering the price point, I would definitely want to be at least a semi-decent sailor with some good few years experience under my belt before I would comfortable at the helm of a half-million-dollar sailing cat.  It’s all relative I suppose. I imagine a billionaire might bat an eye at the prospect of wrecking a half-million-dollar boat. But to me, and most of you reading this, that’s likely a lot of money.

‘Power Cats’ – Powered Catamarans

A powered catamaran is shown in this file photo.

The powered catamaran is one of my favorite boats.  They have sort of a muscle car appearance with the wide and often tall front end of the boats.  I find it to be reminiscent of a large air intake on the front hood of a rally race car like the Subaru WRX, for instance.  These boats are fast, they are stable and handle very well. Catamarans are often considered the boat of choice for long sea voyages due to their stability.  

A powered catamaran will definitely cost more than a powered monohull boat of the same length.  Why? Well, the powered catamaran has one crucial downside. That is, it needs two engines. One for each of the two hulls.  Otherwise, it’s off balance for propulsion. These two engines or motors have to be in sync with each other or again, the propulsion will be off-balance.  Because they have two motors, they have double the maintenance when it comes to maintaining the propulsion system.

More components also means a greater chance of things breaking down.  In essence, it doubles the chances of the ship having a motor break down. The saving grace is that should one motor break, they have a backup, even if it does mean very unbalanced propulsion.  In contrast, a monohull vessel of the same length may only have half the chance of motor failure due to only having one motor, but if that one motor breaks, then what? Call for help, that’s what.  A cat would have a struggling chance to get itself back to port. A monohull would be dead in the water unless it was carrying spare parts or another motor onboard somewhere.

Catamaran Frequently Asked Questions

What is a catamaran cruise.

how fast can a catamaran go

A catamaran cruise is simply a cruise on a dual hull design boat.  Often used for river cruises, the catamaran which is used as cruise ships are often considerably smaller than their giant monohulled counterparts.

What is the purpose of a catamaran?

A catamaran is a design for a boat that utilizes two hulls.  Due to the flat, platform-like-potential for the deck of the boat, the catamaran is often purposed with transporting materials, vehicles, and people.  For instance, catamarans are quite often used as ferries.

Is catamaran safe?

Catamaran are very safe water craft.   The design of riding on two hulls separated by a gap in between, in essence is like giving a car a double-wide wheel base.  The wider the stance, the more stable the craft, from side to side anyway. And if the length of the boat is proportional to the width, then it becomes an extremely stable craft.  That is why catamarans are often considered the best to be used for long voyages. Yes, catamaran are safe.

What is the difference between a catamaran and a sailboat?

A traditional sailboat is a deep, monohull vessel that has at least one mast extending high into the air above the deck to hold sails.  A catamaran refers to the design of a dual-hull boat and really has nothing to do with sails. Although, catamaran do make excellent sailing boats as well, they are quite capable of acting as power boats and do not require sails if they have the correct amount of powered motors to propel them.  Sailboats, although also able to be powered if a motor is provided, are traditionally monohull and wind-powered exclusively.

Do catamarans have small interiors?

The size of an interior cabin on a boat is typically proportional to the size of the boat itself.  If a catamaran has above-deck cabins, they will likely be able to be of a larger design than those you would find on deck of a monohull boat.  This is because a catamaran has a much wider footprint than a monohull boat of the same length. This extra width would allow for larger on deck cabins.  

How much does a catamaran cost?

A personal watercraft (1-2 person) inflatable catamaran will run you anywhere from $1500-$12000 USD, depending on the quality and features.  The rigid hull catamarans of the same size start at about $4500 USD.

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A small cabin cruiser type of catamaran will typically start at about $60000 for a small base model and the price just goes up and up depending on size and features.

For Instance, a 40’, 3 cabin with 1 washroom cat will cost you about $500,000 USD for the base model.  They are considerably more expensive that a monohull of the same length. However, the trade-off is greater stability and a smoother, more comfortable ride.

Is a catamaran more work to maintain?

Technically yes.  Due to having two hulls and if powered, two motors and likely also water jets, this means you have double the oil changes of a boat that would have a single motor.  Once you get past the basic engine and hull maintenance, a catamaran is not that much more work than a monohull ship of the same length.  

The trouble with catamarans in terms of maintenance, is that once they reach a certain length, the width becomes more than a standard lane on the road.  That being said, if you ever need to transport the boat via land, it can be quite the challenge. Especially if you need to pay to have a police escort for an extra-wide trailer.  And special licensing might be involved as well.

What is the difference between a catamaran and a trimaran?

A trimaran is shown in this photo.

A catamaran is a dual hull boat.  In other words, it has two hulls. A trimaran has three hulls.  

Is a catamaran considered a yacht?

According to Oxford dictionary, a yacht is a medium-sized sailboat equipped for cruising or racing.  A catamaran, on the other hand, is a boat with two hulls. Therefore, a catamaran can most certainly also be a yacht.  And likewise, if a yacht has two hulls, then it is a catamaran as well.

Can you get seasick on a catamaran?

Seasickness occurs when a person feels nauseous from the swaying motion of a rocking ship.  These feelings may be lessened on a catamaran, due to their extra stability. However, a catamaran may be slightly more stable than a monohull of the same length, but it is still a boat.  And it will still make someone who experiences seasickness continue to feel the ill effects.

Are catamarans more stable in rough seas?

Catamarans are known to be more stable than monohull ships of the same length.  This is why catamarans are often the ship type of choice for long sea voyages due to their stability.

Why do catamarans capsize?

Catamarans are not known for capsizing.  The larger vessels that is anyway. But, it does happen from time to time.  Catamarans are known for their stability, so typically if a capsize event should occur, it is typical for them to be extreme circumstances.  

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Personal watercraft catamarans are a different story though.  These are in fact known for tipping over. Not because they are less stable than their monohull counterparts of the same length.  But instead, because they are able to go considerably faster than monohull personal watercraft of the same length (not including powered craft though).  This is due to the sailing cats being able to have a larger sail than a small monohull sailboat of the same length.

Due to the extra sail, they are able to travel faster than monohull sailboats of the same length.  This allows them to whip around on the water and at higher speeds, whipping your cat about quick can easily send it over sideways. Extra speed means fast turns carry momentum in the direction of travel and that extra speed equates to tipping over if turned too fast.  To sum up, they capsize due to user error or extreme events.

Which is safer, a catamaran or a monohull?

Due to the extra stability of having a wider footprint than a monohull, a catamaran of the same length is the safer vessel.

Are catamarans safer than sailboats?

The same rule applies to stability versus the length of the hull.  A cat will always be the more stable length for length. However, due to their ability to go much faster than a monohull sailboat, this kind of cancels out some of the added safety due to stability.  With that in mind, they may just be about the same but there is one generalization we can make when comparing the safety of catamarans vs sailboats: At the same speed, and of equal length, sailing or power catamaran will be safer than a monohull sailboat.

How fast can catamarans go?

The speed a catamaran can go is entirely dependent upon the hull design, weight of the vessel, the strength of propulsion (be it wind or powered) and so on.  The general rule is that in terms of sailing cats vs monohull sailboats, a cat of equal length can typically go faster than a sailboat.  

In terms of powered cats vs powerboats, a powered catamaran will typically require less energy to move forward than a monohull of the same sort of hull design (but monohull of course) and thus a cat should, in theory, be able to go faster than a monohull when both are using propulsion that is equal in power.


  • Wikipedia – Catamarans
  • Mahdi, Waruno (1999). “The Dispersal of Austronesian boat forms in the Indian Ocean”. In Blench, Roger; Spriggs, Matthew (eds.). Archaeology and Language III: Artefacts languages, and texts . One World Archaeology. 34 . Routledge. pp. 144–179. ISBN 0415100542 .
  • Wikipedia – Spearhead -class expeditionary fast transport

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How Fast Can a Sail Catamaran Go?

Sailing on a catamaran is an exhilarating experience, and one question that often comes to mind is, “How fast can a sail catamaran go?” Catamarans are known for their speed and stability, making them a popular choice among sailing enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore the factors that contribute to a sail catamaran’s speed and discuss some of the fastest recorded speeds.

Factors Affecting Catamaran Speed:

There are several factors that determine how fast a sail catamaran can go. Let’s take a closer look at them:

1. Hull Design: The design of the hull plays a significant role in determining the speed of a catamaran.

Catamarans typically have two parallel hulls connected by a deck structure, which reduces drag and increases stability. The hull shape, including its width, length, and weight distribution, affects how the boat moves through the water.

2. Sail Area: The size of the sails directly impacts the speed of a sail catamaran.

Larger sails capture more wind energy and generate more power to propel the boat forward. Sail area is measured in square feet or square meters and is an important consideration for maximizing speed.

3. Rigging: The rigging system refers to all the components that control and support the sails, including masts, booms, and rigging lines. Properly tensioned rigging ensures efficient transfer of wind energy from the sails to propel the catamaran forward.

4. Wind Conditions: Wind strength and direction significantly influence how fast a sail catamaran can go.

More wind means more power to drive the boat at higher speeds. However, excessive wind can also pose challenges in terms of handling and control.

5. Sail Trim: Sail trim refers to the adjustment of the sails to optimize their shape and angle relative to the wind. Proper sail trim helps to maximize speed by reducing drag and harnessing the wind’s energy most effectively.

6. Weight: The weight of a catamaran, including its hulls, rigging, and equipment, affects its overall performance. Lighter catamarans tend to be faster as they have less resistance in the water.

Now that we have explored the factors influencing catamaran speed let’s delve into some of the fastest recorded speeds:

Fastest Recorded Catamaran Speeds:

1. Sailrocket 2: In November 2012, the Sailrocket 2 set a new world sailing speed record of 65.45 knots (75.23 mph or 121 km/h). This high-performance sailboat was specifically designed for speed and featured advanced hydrofoil technology.

2. L’Hydroptère: L’Hydroptère is a hydrofoil trimaran that has achieved remarkable speeds.

In 2009, it set a world sailing speed record of 51.36 knots (59 mph or 95 km/h). This innovative design uses hydrofoils to lift the hull out of the water for reduced drag and increased speed. Paul Larsen’s Vestas Sailrocket 2: Paul Larsen broke his own record in November 2012 with an impressive speed of 65.23 mph or 121 km/h) in Walvis Bay, Namibia. This achievement showcased the immense potential of catamarans for achieving high speeds on water.

In conclusion,

The speed at which a sail catamaran can go is determined by various factors such as hull design, sail area, rigging, wind conditions, sail trim, and weight. With the right combination of these elements, catamarans have achieved astonishing speeds, often surpassing those of traditional monohull sailboats. Whether you are a sailing enthusiast or simply curious about the capabilities of catamarans, exploring their impressive speed potential is sure to leave you in awe.

  • Hull Design: Determines stability and drag.
  • Sail Area: Larger sails generate more power.
  • Rigging: Proper tension for efficient energy transfer.
  • Wind Conditions: More wind means more speed.
  • Sail Trim: Optimizing sail shape and angle.
  • Weight: Lighter catamarans have less resistance.
  • Sailrocket 2: Set a world record at 65.
  • L’Hydroptère: Achieved a record of 51.
  • Vestas Sailrocket 2: Broke the record again at an impressive speed of 65.

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Daniel Bennet


Average Speed of a Sailboat (Plus Top Speed)

What Is The Average Speed Of A Sailboat? | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

June 15, 2022

Going fast in a sailboat can be lots of fun. But what is the average of a sailboat? Well, let's find out.

The delight and gratification that comes from speed can be a big plus for adrenaline-seeking sailors. Well, nothing can fire up the adrenaline more than having a speedy boat ride out on the water. This is essentially why having an idea of how fast a sailboat can go is of great importance. When it comes to looking at the speed of a sailboat, it can be crucial to consider the types of activities that you'll be using your sailboat for. In fact, your sailboat should only be considered ideal if it meets the level of expectations required of it in terms of speed and activities on the water. Even with this, the speeds of sailboats can vary based on several factors. But what is the average speed of a sailboat?

The top speed of a sailboat will vary based on its size and purpose. For example, high-end racing sailboats are purposely designed to reach maximum speeds while larger and bulkier sailboats may be slower due to drag and friction. That being said, the average speed of racing sailboats is 15 knots (17 mph). On the other hand, the average speed of cruising sailboats is 4-6 knots (4.5-7 mph) and can attain a top speed of 7 knots (8 mph). In essence, cruise speeds of over 8 knots are quite normal.

Let's get into the details.

Table of contents

Measuring Sailboat Speed

The nautical measurement of speed is the knot. According to the World Sailing Speed Council, one knot is equal to about 1.15 mph. The knot measurement is dependent on the circumference of the Earth. So if your sailboat is cruising at an average speed of 1 nautical mile per hour, it means that it's cruising at a speed of 1 knot.

Modern sailboats have GPS tracking devices that can be used to measure the distance covered, as well as the speed at which the sailboat is sailing.

Factors that Determine the Speed of a Sailboat

Different types of sailboats can attain different speeds. There are several factors that can determine the speed of a sailboat. Let's take a look.

The Length and Size of a Sailboat

While the speed of a sailboat will depend on several factors such as currents, wind conditions, and many other factors as we'll discuss later, the most important thing that can influence the speed of a sailboat is its size and length. You may be asking yourself; what's the connection between the length of a boat and its speed?

Well, the ability of a sailboat to go fast depends on the harmonizing act between its length and the power that drives it. When a sailboat moves through the water, it creates a pattern of waves. These waves include one along the side of the sailboat, which produces a ridge of water at the bow and a trough at the stern.

If the length of the wave is almost equal to the length of the boat, it creates a huge ridge that shoves the sailboat back into its trough, thereby slamming it up against an almost dense wall of water resistance. This then gives the sailboat sufficient speed to lift its bow out of the water and the ability to skim above the bow waves while allowing it to overcome the resistance that the water or the waves create.

A sailboat, of course, needs a lot of power to get over the hump in the resistance curve. So a longer boat will have a higher speed than a shorter boat. This is because a longer sailboat will create longer waves across its hull and move faster. On the other hand, short sailboats tend to generate shorter waves, thereby will have reduced speeds. In essence, it's almost impossible for a sailboat to travel faster than the speed of a wave if the wave is longer than the boat.

In most cases, boat designers create extreme lengths to get boats over the mound of the wave resistance. While a lightweight boat can easily achieve this, it can leave you shorthanded in heavy winds as it can be easily pushed by the winds. Again, it may not have the stability needed to carry enough sails to get the appropriate power to sail on the water. So if the boat is light, it should at least have a double hull to at least compensate for its instability.

The Shape of the Hull

This may be hard to believe but some hulls are more efficient than others when it comes to creating the wave resistance that is needed to move the boat. Generally, hulls should be very slim and carefully shaped. Keep in mind that a sailboat that has a hull that's shaped like a fat tub will not be as fast as a sailboat with a very slim hull even if they're of the same length.

A proper indication that the hull has the ability to be faster depends on its aft or buttock lines. If a hull has a straight line from the lowest point of the hull to the transom and the transom is a little bit wide, the boat will not only be stable but will be much faster. On the contrary, a hull that curves a lot but has a narrow stern may not be that fast. In essence, hulls play an integral role in slicing through the water and do not push water aside and down.

Comparing the Speeds of Catamarans and Monohulls

Are catamaran or trimaran hulls more superior to Monohulls in terms of speed? Well, cruising on a sailboat with a cat hull will be much faster than cruising on a sailboat with a monohull by 25%-30% if the two sailboats are of the same length. A catamaran hull will not only achieve speeds of a racing monohull but will be more comfortable to sail on.

A tri-hull is even much better in the sense that they're generally designed towards the performance end of the spectrum. They will, therefore, double the speed of a racing monohull.

The only downside of a cat and trimaran hull is that they're more sensitive to loading and their performances will significantly suffer if they're loaded. On the other hand, a monohull can perfectly handle loading and this is a huge advantage is you're planning to sail with a crew. To this end, you should consider keeping your cat or tri boat as light as possible if you want to maximize speed. We all know that keeping your sailboat light is as difficult as they come but it's of importance if speed is your main goal.

Monohull (6-8 knots)

Most average sailboats are designed with monohulls. They're generally displacement hulls designed to split through the underwater. This not only stabilizes the boat but slices through the water smoothly. If you want to make a monohull sailboat much faster, you can consider raising the entire hull above the water.

Catamarans and Trimarans (9-10 knots)

Unlike monohulls, cats and trimarans are located on top of the water. This means that they'll be displacing less water, thereby making them a lot faster. The only downside is that this design will make the boat less stable, which can be a cause for concern given that safety should always come first while on the water. This is essentially why catamarans and trimarans have two and three hulls respectively. This will, however, make the boat extremely buoyant.

Waves play a critical role not just in the speed of your boat but also in the safety of your boat. We all know that waves are very unpredictable. They can be calm and gentle but can suddenly become wild, confusing, irregular, and angry.

Generally described as freaks or rogues, waves can be very dangerous. They can bully your boat and attempt to roll it over. Waves can also make your boat faster or slower. As such, waves can either positively or negatively affect the speed of your sailboat. Given that calm waves cannot be appropriate in achieving the maximum speed of your boat, the right wave condition that should enable your sailboat to move faster should overlap and interfere in the right way.

The wind is the only thing that propels sailboats. The wind will fill up the sails, which is then used to move the boat. Both true winds and apparent winds can be integral in moving the boat forward. True wind is essentially the type of wind you feel when you stand still and it's what pushes a boat. Needless to say, strong winds may move a sailboat faster than calm winds but this may depend on the wind direction.

How to Improve the Speed of Your Sailboat

Having looked at the average speed of a sailboat, as well as factors that may affect its speed, it's important to highlight how to improve the speed of your sailboat.

It's important to make sure that your sailboat is properly designed to attain maximum speed. The sailboat should also be properly maintained and serviced to work at maximum speed. Make sure that the hull and foils are clean and in perfect shapes. Here's what to do.

  • ‍ Make sure that the foils do not have seaweeds or plastic bags
  • Ensure that the hull is in tip-top shape and can hold tension
  • Make sure that the sails are in the right conditions
  • Make sure that the masts have the right stiffness

You may have a lot of difficulties reaching your targeted speed if the weight of the crew exceeds the appropriate capacity of your sailboat. This is because there will be some sort of drag and tension and this may significantly hinder the speed at which the boat travels. In essence, a lighter boat may be a lot faster than a heavier boat. This is what you should do.

  • ‍ Make sure that the weight is appropriate
  • Ensure that the boats overall weight is moving aft and out appropriately
  • Make sure that the maximum weight is not exceeded

The settings of your sailboat can either negatively or positively affect its speed. For instance, you should make sure that the mast rakes, mast step position, shroud tensions. Jib car position, vang tension, and keel position, as well as any other part of the sailboat, are perfectly set to make the boat faster.

You should compare various settings and figure out which type of settings gives you maximum speed. Here are some of the things to do.

  • ‍ Ensure that jib cars are in the right position
  • Make sure that your mainsails are in the right position
  • The vang tension should be efficient

The technique you use on your sailboat can make a difference when it comes to your speed. Techniques such as steering and trimming can be a huge speed factor, particularly when the conditions at sea are difficult. You should also have varying trimming techniques. Here are some important skills.

  • ‍ Know how to steer perfectly
  • Know how to control primary upwind
  • Know the right amount of curl to have in your kite
  • Make sure that you're pumping efficiently
  • Know how to play the jibs and genoas

These factors can be of great importance in increasing the speed of your sailboat. You can use them efficiently next time you want to be up to speed.

Bottom Line

Sailing speed is, without a doubt, one of the most favorite discussions among sailors. Most sailors often try to figure out how to make their sailboats faster or why a given sailboat is faster than another one. In essence, the average speed of a sailboat ranges between 4 knots to 15 knots but this may depend on the size and type of the sailboat, as well as other factors. This means that the average speed of sailboats is 8 knots but there several factors such as the type of the hull, waves, and wind conditions can affect the speed of your sailboat.

It's, therefore, important to know how these factors may affect your speed and what you need to do about them. For example, your sailboat may not be as fast as you may want if it's not properly prepared or maintained.

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I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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How Fast Does a Catamaran Go? (The Truth Unveiled)

how fast can a catamaran go

Have you ever wondered just how fast a catamaran can go? Whether you’re an experienced sailor or just curious about these unique vessels, youre about to have your questions answered.

We’ll look at the fundamental aspects of a catamaran, as well as the factors that affect its speed.

We’ll also cover the average and maximum speeds of a catamaran, the variations in speed, and how the size and design of a boat can impact its speed.

Finally, we’ll look at how weather conditions can affect a catamaran’s speed.

Get ready to uncover all the secrets of how fast a catamaran can go!

Table of Contents

Short Answer

The speed of a catamaran depends on the type and size of the boat, as well as the weather and water conditions.

Generally, a catamaran can travel at speeds of between 6-8 knots (7-9 mph) when under power, and as much as 20 knots (23 mph) under sail.

The speed can also vary significantly depending on the size and weight of the craft, the number of crew, and the type of propulsion system used.

What is a Catamaran?

A catamaran is a type of boat that is characterized by two hulls connected by a framework, typically used for recreational purposes such as sailing, fishing, and cruising.

Catamarans can be made of various materials, including fiberglass, wood, and aluminum.

The advantage of a catamaran is that its two hulls provide stability and balance, making them easier to handle in choppy waters compared to other types of boats.

Additionally, the two hulls provide a larger surface area, which makes them more efficient at cutting through the water and achieving higher speeds.

The speed of a catamaran depends on a variety of factors, such as the size and weight of the boat, the weather conditions, the type of engine, and the type of hull.

Generally, a catamaran can reach speeds of up to 15 knots, or around 17 mph.

Larger catamarans may have the potential to reach speeds up to 20 knots, or 23 mph.

The top speed of a catamaran will vary depending on the size and design of the boat, as well as the weather conditions.

For instance, if the weather is calm with no wind, a catamaran can reach its maximum speed, as there is no resistance from the water.

However, if the weather is choppy with significant wind, the boat may not be able to reach its maximum speed, as there is more resistance from the water.

Additionally, the size of the engine will also affect the speed of the catamaran, as larger engines will be able to generate more power and propel the boat forward at a faster rate.

Lastly, the type of hull will also affect the speed of the catamaran, as some hulls are designed to be more efficient at cutting through the water.

Factors that Affect Catamaran Speed

how fast can a catamaran go

When it comes to speed, catamarans are unique vessels compared to other types of boats.

They are designed with two hulls, usually made from lightweight materials such as fiberglass, and they are typically used for recreational purposes.

The speed of a catamaran depends on a variety of factors, including the size and weight of the boat, the weather conditions, and the design of the boat.

The size and weight of the boat plays a major role in determining its speed.

Larger catamarans tend to be heavier, and, as a result, may be able to reach higher speeds due to their increased mass.

On the other hand, smaller catamarans are typically lighter in weight and, as a result, may not be able to reach the same speeds as larger boats.

The design of the boat also affects its speed.

Catamarans are designed with two hulls, which help to reduce drag and increase speed.

Additionally, the shape of the hulls can affect the boat’s speed.

For example, a catamaran with a V-shaped hull will be able to cut through the water more easily than one with a flat-bottomed hull.

Finally, the weather conditions can have a major impact on the speed of a catamaran.

Wind and water conditions can significantly affect the speed of a boat, as can the temperature of the air and water.

Warmer air and water temperatures can create drag and reduce the boat’s speed, while colder temperatures can make the boat more efficient and allow it to reach higher speeds.

Overall, the speed of a catamaran depends on a variety of factors, including the size and weight of the boat, the design of the boat, and the weather conditions.

Larger catamarans may be able to reach higher speeds, up to about 20 knots, or 23 mph.

Average Catamaran Speed

When it comes to the average speed of a catamaran, several factors must be taken into consideration.

The size and weight of the boat, as well as the weather conditions, can all have an impact on how fast a catamaran can go.

This is due to the fact that catamarans are designed to be lightweight and have two hulls that provide stability and balance.

However, larger catamarans may be able to reach higher speeds of up to 20 knots, or 23 mph.

The top speed of a catamaran will depend upon the size and design of the boat, as well as the weather conditions.

For instance, a smaller catamaran may have difficulty reaching higher speeds if it is being sailed in rough waters.

On the other hand, a larger catamaran with a more powerful engine may be able to reach faster speeds in both calm and choppy waters.

In addition to the size and weight of the boat, the type of motor, if any, can also have an effect on the speed of a catamaran.

Catamarans can be powered by both outboard and inboard motors, and the type of motor will have an effect on the speed of the catamaran.

Outboard motors are typically more powerful and can increase the speed of a catamaran, while inboard motors are generally quieter and more fuel efficient .

Finally, the type of sail used on a catamaran can also have an effect on its speed.

Different types of sails can provide different amounts of thrust, which can affect the speed of a catamaran.

For instance, larger sails can provide more thrust, allowing the catamaran to reach higher speeds.

On the other hand, smaller sails can provide less thrust, resulting in slower speeds.

Additionally, the shape of the sail can also have an effect on the speed of the catamaran.

Overall, the speed of a catamaran can vary depending on the size and design of the boat, as well as the weather conditions and type of motor or sail used.

However, larger catamarans with powerful motors and large sails may be able to reach higher speeds of up to 20 knots, or 23 mph.

Maximum Catamaran Speed

how fast can a catamaran go

When it comes to the maximum speed of a catamaran, the answer varies depending on the type and size of the boat.

A smaller catamaran, such as a recreational sailing boat, can typically reach speeds of up to 15 knots, or around 17 mph.

However, larger and more powerful catamarans may be able to reach speeds of up to 20 knots, or 23 mph.

For example, a racing catamaran may be able to reach these higher speeds due to its larger size and more powerful engines.

It is important to note that the maximum speed of a catamaran will also depend on the weather conditions.

If the boat is being operated in a strong wind or choppy waters, it may not be able to reach its full potential speed.

On the other hand, if the weather conditions are favorable, the catamaran may be able to reach its maximum speed.

In general, the maximum speed of a catamaran is based on the size and design of the boat, as well as the weather conditions.

If you are looking for a fast and efficient boat for recreational purposes, a catamaran may be the perfect choice, as they can reach speeds of up to 15 knots, or 17 mph.

However, if you are looking for a boat that can reach higher speeds, a larger and more powerful catamaran may be the best option.

Variations in Catamaran Speed

When it comes to determining the speed of a catamaran, there are a number of factors that come into play.

The size and design of the boat, the weight of the passengers, and the weather conditions all have an impact on how fast a catamaran can go.

Larger catamarans with more sail area can reach higher speeds, as can boats that are lighter in weight.

In addition, the wind and waves can affect the speed of a catamaran, as can the type of engine and propeller installed on the boat.

The size of the catamaran is an important factor when it comes to speed.

Generally, larger catamarans are able to reach higher speeds than smaller ones, as they are able to carry more sail area and have larger engines.

Smaller catamarans may be able to reach speeds of up to 15 knots, while larger ones may be able to reach up to 20 knots.

The weight of the passengers is also an important factor when it comes to speed.

Heavier passengers will slow the boat down, while lighter passengers will enable it to reach higher speeds.

The total weight of the passengers and cargo should be taken into consideration when estimating the maximum speed of the catamaran.

Finally, the weather conditions can affect the speed of a catamaran.

Wind and waves can slow a catamaran down, while calm conditions can allow it to reach higher speeds.

In addition, some catamarans are equipped with engines and propellers that can allow them to reach higher speeds.

In general, a catamaran can reach speeds of up to 15 knots, or 17 mph.

Boat Size and Design Impact on Speed

how fast can a catamaran go

When it comes to the speed of a catamaran, the size and design of the boat are two of the most important factors.

Smaller catamarans tend to be lighter and more maneuverable, allowing them to reach higher speeds.

On the other hand, larger catamarans are typically heavier and less nimble, which can limit their top speed.

The design of the catamaran also plays a significant role in determining its top speed.

Modern catamarans often feature a V-shaped hull that is designed to cut through the water with greater efficiency, allowing them to reach higher speeds.

In addition, some catamarans feature a design that minimizes drag, allowing them to reach even higher speeds.

Finally, the type of propulsion used on the catamaran can have a major impact on its speed.

Most recreational catamarans are powered by outboard engines, which are designed for efficiency.

However, some larger catamarans may be powered by inboard motors, which can provide greater power and speed.

Weather Conditions Impact on Speed

When it comes to the speed of a catamaran, the weather conditions can have a significant impact.

Wind, waves, and other environmental factors can all influence the speed of a catamaran.

In light winds, a catamaran will typically reach a slower top speed than in more favorable wind conditions.

Catamarans are designed to take advantage of the wind and use it to their advantage, so when the wind is strong and steady, a catamaran can reach its maximum speed.

On the other hand, in choppy, wave-filled waters, a catamaran may struggle to reach its top speed.

Additionally, wind direction can also affect a catamarans speed.

If the wind is blowing in the same direction as the catamaran is moving, it will provide a helpful boost to the boats speed.

However, if the wind is blowing against the catamaran, it will slow it down.

In addition to wind, waves can also have an impact on a catamarans speed.

In calm waters, a catamaran can reach its top speed relatively easily.

However, in rough waters, the waves can slow the boat down significantly.

This is because the catamaran is essentially riding up and over the waves, and the energy it takes to push the boat over the waves takes away from the energy the boat is using to move forward.

Additionally, the waves can cause the catamaran to become unstable and less maneuverable, which can have a negative effect on the boats speed.

Finally, temperature can also affect a catamarans speed.

In colder temperatures, the water may be more dense, which can slow the boat down.

Additionally, colder temperatures can cause the catamaran to become more brittle and prone to breakage, which can also slow the boat down.

On the other hand, in warmer temperatures, a catamaran can reach its top speed more easily.

Overall, the speed of a catamaran is heavily influenced by the weather conditions.

Wind, waves, and temperature can all have an impact on the boats speed, and understanding these factors can help you get the most out of your catamaran.

Final Thoughts

Knowing the average and maximum speed of a catamaran can be helpful when making decisions about which type of boat is best for a given situation.

Factors such as the size and design of the boat, as well as the weather conditions, can have a significant impact on the speed of a catamaran.

If you’re interested in learning more about catamarans and their speeds, considering taking a boat safety course or visiting a local boat shop to find out more.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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How Fast Can a Catamaran Go

Sep 06, 2021

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How Fast Can a Catamaran Go

When it comes to boats, catamarans are some of the fastest vessels you will find, that offer not only speed but also comfort. But exactly how fast do catamarans go?

Catamarans can be much faster than monohulls. This comes as a result of two hulls that are narrower than just one and allow the boat to cut through the waves by reducing drag and causing planing. Planing is the lifting of a boat over the water, a process that makes them go much faster. 

Normally, a catamaran’s top speed is between 15 and 30 knots . 

They can achieve such speed thanks to the lack of a keel or centerboard . As such, catamarans are much lighter than monohulls and can slide through the waves. In addition, the two hulls allow the boat to be stable and prevent capsizing while going faster. 

Also, the two hulls of the catamaran reduce drag and make it possible for the boat to rise out of water and achieve more speed. 

The sail also helps catamarans achieve more speed. Unlike monohulls, these boats keep the sail perpendicular to the wind. As such, they get more energy from the wind, allowing them to become faster.

Some of these vessels have also managed to win races thanks to their sport design intended for speed. These vessels can reach a maximum of 60 knots , which is quite considerable when it comes to boats. 

In fact, the fastest type of catamaran so far is a racing vessel, designed to be ultra-light and sail at a normal speed of 45 knots . What allows them to fly through the water so quickly is a very narrow hull that cuts through the waves and slides over them without any bumps. In addition, these boats are great at planing . 

Sport catamarans are quite fast too. They can reach a maximum speed of 30 knots, while also providing some comfortable amenities inside so that you can enjoy the trip more and still feel an adventurous vibe.

Cruising catamarans on the other hand are slower but even more comfortable and safer than sports ones. These catamarans can sail between 15 and 20 knots and offer proper accommodation inside. Therefore, these boats are great for offshore cruising. 

Read more interesting facts on catamarans, trimarans, and monohulls on our TheBoatApp blog . Check out the features of the app and get your own virtual boat assistant that helps you organize tasks, checklists, alerts, inventories, maintenance, and more. 

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Sail GP: how do supercharged racing yachts go so fast? An engineer explains

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Head of Engineering, Warsash School of Maritime Science and Engineering, Solent University

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Sailing used to be considered as a rather sedate pastime. But in the past few years, the world of yacht racing has been revolutionised by the arrival of hydrofoil-supported catamarans, known as “foilers”. These vessels, more akin to high-performance aircraft than yachts, combine the laws of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics to create vessels capable of speeds of up to 50 knots, which is far faster than the wind propelling them.

An F50 catamaran preparing for the Sail GP series recently even broke this barrier, reaching an incredible speed of 50.22 knots (57.8mph) purely powered by the wind. This was achieved in a wind of just 19.3 knots (22.2mph). F50s are 15-metre-long, 8.8-metre-wide hydrofoil catamarans propelled by rigid sails and capable of such astounding speeds that Sail GP has been called the “ Formula One of sailing ”. How are these yachts able to go so fast? The answer lies in some simple fluid dynamics.

As a vessel’s hull moves through the water, there are two primary physical mechanisms that create drag and slow the vessel down. To build a faster boat you have to find ways to overcome the drag force.

The first mechanism is friction. As the water flows past the hull, a microscopic layer of water is effectively attached to the hull and is pulled along with the yacht. A second layer of water then attaches to the first layer, and the sliding or shearing between them creates friction.

On the outside of this is a third layer, which slides over the inner layers creating more friction, and so on. Together, these layers are known as the boundary layer – and it’s the shearing of the boundary layer’s molecules against each other that creates frictional drag.

how fast can a catamaran go

A yacht also makes waves as it pushes the water around and under the hull from the bow (front) to the stern (back) of the boat. The waves form two distinctive patterns around the yacht (one at each end), known as Kelvin Wave patterns.

These waves, which move at the same speed as the yacht, are very energetic. This creates drag on the boat known as the wave-making drag, which is responsible for around 90% of the total drag. As the yacht accelerates to faster speeds (close to the “hull speed”, explained later), these waves get higher and longer.

These two effects combine to produce a phenomenon known as “ hull speed ”, which is the fastest the boat can travel – and in conventional single-hull yachts it is very slow. A single-hull yacht of the same size as the F50 has a hull speed of around 12 mph.

However, it’s possible to reduce both the frictional and wave-making drag and overcome this hull-speed limit by building a yacht with hydrofoils . Hydrofoils are small, underwater wings. These act in the same way as an aircraft wing, creating a lift force which acts against gravity, lifting our yacht upwards so that the hull is clear of the water.

how fast can a catamaran go

While an aircraft’s wings are very large, the high density of water compared to air means that we only need very small hydrofoils to produce a lot of the important lift force. A hydrofoil just the size of three A3 sheets of paper, when moving at just 10 mph, can produce enough lift to pick up a large person.

This significantly reduces the surface area and the volume of the boat that is underwater, which cuts the frictional drag and the wave-making drag, respectively. The combined effect is a reduction in the overall drag to a fraction of its original amount, so that the yacht is capable of sailing much faster than it could without hydrofoils.

The other innovation that helps boost the speed of racing yachts is the use of rigid sails . The power available from traditional sails to drive the boat forward is relatively small, limited by the fact that the sail’s forces have to act in equilibrium with a range of other forces, and that fabric sails do not make an ideal shape for creating power. Rigid sails, which are very similar in design to an aircraft wing, form a much more efficient shape than traditional sails, effectively giving the yacht a larger engine and more power.

As the yacht accelerates from the driving force of these sails, it experiences what is known as “ apparent wind ”. Imagine a completely calm day, with no wind. As you walk, you experience a breeze in your face at the same speed that you are walking. If there was a wind blowing too, you would feel a mixture of the real (or “true” wind) and the breeze you have generated.

The two together form the apparent wind, which can be faster than the true wind. If there is enough true wind combined with this apparent wind, then significant force and power can be generated from the sail to propel the yacht, so it can easily sail faster than the wind speed itself.

how fast can a catamaran go

The combined effect of reducing the drag and increasing the driving power results in a yacht that is far faster than those of even a few years ago. But all of this would not be possible without one further advance: materials. In order to be able to “fly”, the yacht must have a low mass, and the hydrofoil itself must be very strong. To achieve the required mass, strength and rigidity using traditional boat-building materials such as wood or aluminium would be very difficult.

This is where modern advanced composite materials such as carbon fibre come in. Production techniques optimising weight, rigidity and strength allow the production of structures that are strong and light enough to produce incredible yachts like the F50.

The engineers who design these high-performance boats (known as naval architects ) are always looking to use new materials and science to get an optimum design. In theory, the F50 should be able to go even faster.

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How is Catamaran Sailing Different from Monohull Sailing?

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Sailing a catamaran is very similar to sailing a monohull in most aspects. If you learn to sail on a monohull, most of the skills are easily transferable. However, there are a couple of subtle differences that one has to be aware of:

  • When tacking, you must work hard to maintain your speed throughout the tack and often need to ease your mainsheet to prevent “windvaning”. Windvaning is when the larger mainsail on a catamaran tries to turn the boat back into the wind.
  • When gybing on a monohull, you must be very careful of an accidental gybe, and so you gybe much more slowly. On a catamaran, you can use the increased speed to your advantage and maintain speed while gybing to help depower the main.
  • On a monohull, as winds increase, the boat starts heeling which lets you know that you have too much sail up and it’s time to reef. On a catamaran, because they do not heel, you have to be very careful in terms of when to reef the massive main. Typically, you will throw in the first reef at 18-20 knots of wind speed (depending on the size of your vessel) and put in a second reef as the wind gets closer to 23-25 kts)

Most aspects of sailing a catamaran are very similar to a monohull, so making the transition to a sailing catamaran is usually not that challenging of a process!

Why are Catamarans Popular?

Catamarans have exploded in popularity in the last 5 years! There are many advantages to catamarans over monohulls.

  • Much more space on a catamaran!
  • Catamarans are far more stable than monohulls so they do not heel when sailing, and are less prone to rocking when at anchor. Making for a much more comfortable boat!
  • Catamarans have a shallow draft which allows them to enter shallower areas. In the South Pacific, most lagoons are 6-8 feet deep. This is too shallow for monohulls to enter, but a catamaran can easily enter these lagoons.
  • Speed: Often, especially downwind, catamarans are faster than monohulls
  • More light and airy living area. On a catamaran, the living space is usually up in the middle of the boat, built on the bridge deck whereas in a monohull you go down into the hull where it is darker and feels less open.
  • More storage space and room for extra systems like air conditioning, water makers, generators, larger fridges and freezers, etc… Again, having room for all these amenities makes for more comfortable living.

What is a Catamaran?

how fast can a catamaran go

A catamaran is a sailboat with two hulls. These two hulls are connected by a bridge deck. Many people will be familiar with Hobie cats, small catamarans that are popular for sailing on lakes and in calmer waters. Cruising catamarans are based on this same principle but have large hulls that can fit many cabins inside, and house large structures on the bridge deck (like a galley, salon and living area).

Are catamarans safer than monohull sailboats?

Great question! Catamarans are much more stable than monohulls, and so people are less likely to fall overboard, which does make them safer in this aspect. They are larger, more stable boats, and so in most situations, this will make them a “safer” sailboat than a comparably sized monohull.

Catamarans also have the advantage of having 2 engines, which makes them “safer” when it comes to engine problems. On a monohull sailboat , if you have major engine problems you only have the option of sailing. On a catamaran, you always have a second motor ready to help out in an emergency!

Are catamarans easier to sail?

What makes monohulls harder to sail is heeling and more confined spaces. In stronger winds monohulls heel, making most tasks a little more difficult to manage. Whether you are going forward to reef, trying to winch in a sail or moving about the boat, sailing on a heeling boat is more challenging. Catamarans, however, because of their extra stability and room, allow for much easier movement around the boat as they do not heel. For this reason, catamarans are often considered “easier” to sail.

Can a catamaran cross the Atlantic?

Definitely! Early on many catamarans and trimarans were home-built from kits, and many of these boats gave catamarans a bad rap for offshore sailing. For decades now the major catamaran manufacturers have been improving these amazing vessels, and now catamarans are safe, stable and fast on offshore passages. In 2020 we completed an Atlantic crossing in our very own Never Say Never Lagoon 400S2 catamaran.

How fast does a catamaran sail?

Not all catamarans are created equal. Many of the production catamarans like Lagoon, Fountaine Pajot and Leopard are designed for cruising. This means that they are willing to sacrifice some performance in the interest of comfort for their owners and crew. These boats still are often faster than a monohull of comparable size when on a beam reach or downwind point of sail, often seeing speeds in the double digits. Upwind, catamarans do not usually have the same ability to point into the wind (as they have shorter, stubbier keels) and do not travel as quickly.

Some high-performance catamarans from manufacturers like Outremer, Gunboat and HH, make incredibly fast catamarans that can achieve speeds in the high teens and low 20s under ideal conditions.

Want to learn more?

Learning to sail a catamaran has it’s differences from monohulls. If you are planning on sailing catamarans, then it’s best to spend a week onboard one learning how to sail and operate these vessels. We offer catamaran sailing courses in the Grenadines (Caribbean), Sea of Cortez (Mexico), Mallorca (Spain) and Tahiti (South Pacific).

Our week-long live aboard courses truly are an incredible experience! You will spend the week learning over 100 different skills and learn to comfortably sail and operate the vessel. Upon successful completion of the course, you will earn ASA certification 101, 103, 104 and 114 (up to Cruising Catamaran certification) which allows you to charter catamarans internationally.

This intensive course will give you the knowledge, skills and experience to charter catamarans, or help you set sail on your vessel! All while having a blast, snorkelling, hiking and exploring exclusive bays.

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My Cruiser Life Magazine

Fastest Catamarans for Cruising in 2023

Catamarans appeal to sailors and would-be sailors for a variety of reasons. One of those reasons is the need for speed—cats have a reputation for being faster. There are dozens of brands and tons of great boat designs that capitalize on this, and designers are constantly pushing the bounds and asking, “Really, how fast can a catamaran go?”

Performance sailing catamarans may look like your run-of-the-mill Leopard or Lagoon from a distance. But these boats are full of little tricks to boost their speeds—narrow hull designs, retractable daggerboards instead of keels, and extensive use of cutting-edge lightweight materials like carbon fiber. All of this adds up, so expect to pay double, triple, or maybe much more for a truly fast catamaran. And that means there are far fewer boats on the water, and owning one puts you in an exclusive club.

fast catamarans

Table of Contents

Neel trimarans, what is a fast catamaran, how fast can a catamaran go, are fast catamarans the boat you’re looking for, fast catamarans faqs, top brands of fast catamarans.

Here’s a list of some of the best-known and trail-blazing fast catamaran makers. These companies are making luxury performance catamarans suited for owners who want to cruise fast. These aren’t barebones race boats built for nothing but speed. Instead, these are comfortable boats that will outperform most others in their class. 

Most performance boats will be 45 feet long or more. Small catamarans don’t fall into this category, and most production liveaboard catamarans are built too heavily in order to save money.

For more than two decades, Gunboat has been setting the bar on what a performance catamaran can be. They took state-of-the-art technologies from the racing world and applied them to family-friendly cruising catamarans. The company started in the US in 2002. One of the company’s stated missions is to create boats that sail faster than the wind in anything more than 6 knots of breeze.

Since 2016, Gunboat has built top-quality boats at their La Grande-Motte, France, facility. However, they are still a boutique builder making only a handful of boats yearly. Their current offerings include the 68, 72, and 80. All boats have narrow hulls, retractable boards, high-performance sail plans, carbon fiber construction, and luxurious living accommodations.

The first hull of the Gunboat 68, CONDOR, was launched in 2019 and set out on a trans-Atlantic crossing immediately after its sea trials. The crew wrote a detailed report of the experience and the boat’s performance. CONDOR exceeded 30 knots occasionally, but average speeds were between 14 and 17 knots. Their best 24 hours saw 328 nm (an average speed of 13.7 knots). 

The company motto says it all. “Life is too short to sail a slow boat.”

Outremer Catamarans is one of the original makers of French performance cats, in business since 1984. According to their website, the company has made over 300 boats since then. A large-scale production boat maker they are not. These are custom-built fast catamarans of the highest quality, made for safety, comfort, and speed. Outremer recently received much attention when popular YouTubers Sailing La Vagabonde sailed aboard an Outremer 45 for several years.

Currently, Outremer offers boats ranging from the 45 to the 5X (48 to 60 feet long). The X models (4X and 5X) are even more performance-oriented, with more extensive use of carbon fiber and a more race-inspired sail plan.

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Catana is yet another French performance brand of luxury cruising catamaran. Today, Catana Group also makes Bali cruising catamarans, effectively marketing Catanas to the performance set and Bali’s to the cruising and charter set.

Presently, Catana is only making two models, the OC50 and the 53. Historically, however, Catana has made many beautiful boats. Notably, the 471 is a fast cruising catamaran that is a favorite among long-distance cruisers. On the smaller side, the 431 and even the 401 and 381 are quick and fun sailers that move better than their competition.

Catanas are easily recognizable by their daggerboards and narrow hulls with asymmetrical designs. In addition, they use a lightweight composite layup that results in a very stiff boat that weighs less than their competitors. Still, Catanas are not on the same level as an Outremer 5X or Gunboat–these are fiberglass boats that are built better than the competition and made to outperform many other boats. 

HH Catamarans is Gunboat’s first real competitor in the high-end performance cat market. They started in 2012 and are part of the Hudson Yacht Group. The boats are designed by Morrelli & Melvin, a highly-regarded multihull design firm, and are built in Xiamen, China, or Cebu, Philippines.

HH has boats in their model line from 44 to 88 feet long. The company focuses on providing what owners and sailors want and are looking for, so you’ll see lots of customizability within the lineup. They include features you won’t find from a lot of builders, including lots of planned real estate for solar panels (5kW or more!), hybrid drive systems, and ocean cruising OC (keels) or sport cruising SC (daggerboard) models to pick from.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by HH Catamarans (@hh.catamarans)

Balance started in South Africa in 2013. They focus on making semi-custom, comfortable performance yachts that are strong and safe and can be easily operated single-handedly or by a couple. They are live-aboard boats that strike a balance between comfort and performance. But, compared to the current offerings from Lagoon or Leopard, it’s clear that Balance cats skew far more toward performance than others do.

Models currently range from the 442 to the 750. They’re available with daggerboards or keels and made with extensive carbon fiber and all epoxy-resin composites. According to their website, the current record speed for a Balance 482 while surfing is 28 knots. She’ll cruise all day between 8 and 14 on a reach, though. They describe the 482 as a “trend-setting circumnavigator”—the perfect boat for your sail around the world route .

Kinetic Catamarans are designed by Simonis Voogd and built in Knysna, South Africa. Like others on the list, these are semi-custom, luxury, performance cruising cats with an emphasis on speed. They have all-carbon construction, carbon spars, laminated sails, and a forward sailing cockpit deck layout.

Since they are truly semi-custom, each boat is spec-ed out to each buyer’s vision. This includes standard or racing rigs, centerboards or daggerboards, and many furnishings, layouts, and outfitting options. Kinetic currently offers 54 and 62-foot versions.

What’s better than two hulls? Three, maybe. That is, three might be better if your goal is truly fast sailing. Neel Trimarans is a new French builder attempting to capitalize on this simple fact by merging the best of all worlds—the space and liveability of a cruising catamaran with the performance, sail efficiency, and stability of an offshore-capable tri.

The company presently offers models between 43 and 65 feet. They say cruising speeds are reliably over 10 knots, with 15 to 18 knots when the breeze freshens. Compared to cats, these boats’ rigid central hulls allow for stronger rigging and better upwind performance, and the central keel allows better tracking and rudder control.

Now you’ve looked at some fast cats, you might wonder what constitutes “fast.”

You will be wowed if you’re selling your 30-foot monohull and moving up to a 50-foot cat. But if you’re coming from the world of car and plane travel, sailboats of any ilk are anything but “fast.”

The first thing to accept is that all sailboats are slow . This shocks many people who think they’d like to travel and see the world by sailboat. The marketing of these “fast cats” is everywhere, and the idea that the faster boat is safer because you can “beat the weather” is especially pervasive. No sailboat at sea can outrun a front or storm cell moving at 30 or 40 knots. 

In truth, the fastest catamaran you can comfortably live aboard and cruise on will average out under 15 knots . In similar conditions, production catamarans might be doing 10 to 12. The monohull speeds of the same length might be 7 or 8 knots, and a bigger monohull with similar living space might be doing 10 or 12.

So don’t be lulled or wowed by these vessel’s maximum speed or “surfing” claims—they’re fun numbers to kick around with your dock neighbors, but what really matters is how many miles you can tick off in a day of travel.

To get more speed than this, you’ll either push the boat in ways that are not safe or comfortable at sea, or you will have to find bigger, more advanced, and even more expensive vessels. Most boats on this list are luxury liveaboard that is safe to travel the world. 

But are they fast? As the old sailor saying goes, “Nothing goes to weather like a 747.” Sailing is still sailing. And sailing is a slow, slow, slow way to see the world. 

Traditional monohull sailboats are displacement vessels that are limited by a few rules. As they push the water out of their way, they build up bow and stern waves. Push too much water, and the waves get bigger, pulling the vessel farther into the water. So no matter how you power it, it’s limited to hull speed. Hull speed is a factor of waterline length, width of the hull, and displacement. 

Modern designs favor flat bottoms like powerboats, with the idea that they can surf and plane to get more speed. Catamarans take this even further, and with some clever design tricks , it’s possible to get a catamaran well above displacement speeds for extended runs. Of course, a lot depends on the hull type, and other factors are also at play.

Catamarans are very sensitive to weight . Their speed comes from being a lightweight boat with the ability to fly across the water, contrary to how a heavy monohull plows through it. The heavier the boat, the lower it sits in the water.

Therefore, adding weight to any catamaran will slow it down. To this end, finding a performance-oriented liveaboard catamaran less than 47 feet long is difficult. Less than this, and the narrow hulls simply can’t hold the weight of you and your stuff. 

Finally, there’s the consideration of the environment you’re sailing in. The wind is obvious—they sail fastest on a broad reach. And, just like any other type of boat, they are slowest when close-hauled and on a run. 

Rough seas are another of the catamaran characteristics to consider in your need for speed. Often the boat is capable of more, but the ride is rough and uncomfortable.

So you shorten sail and slow down to find the sweet spot of comfortable sailing speed—enough power to maintain a good speed without pounding your brains out and causing undo fatigue on the crew. And, of course, the rougher the conditions, the slower the boat’s performance as she slows and in the troughs and speeds “downhill.”

Fastest Catamarans For Cruising In 2023

While they are faster than other vessels, that’s certainly not the only thing catamarans have going for them. Fast is a relative term, and “fast” sailing is still awfully slow. So unless you already love sailing, sailing fast might not have as much appeal as you’d expect.

Catamarans are great vessels with a lot of pluses. And these fast modern catamarans are some of the best—luxurious living space aboard comfortable, top-quality vessels. 

What are the fastest catamarans?

Like those used in recent America’s Cup races, pure racing catamarans use foils to lift their hulls out of the water. Whether performance-oriented or not, regular catamarans for cruising are much slower, averaging between 10 and 15 knots. Still, they generally outperform monohull sailboats of similar lengths in most conditions, especially when sailing downwind.

How fast does a 50 foot catamaran sail?

There are many designs of catamarans, and they all sail differently. In some conditions, a pure racing catamaran may sail significantly faster than the wind speed. Most cruising catamarans, whether designated as “performance” or not, will max out around 12 to 15 knots. Momentary peak speeds may be significantly higher. 

What is the fastest point of sail catamaran?

As with all sailboats, the fastest point of sail will be near a beam reach, where the apparent wind is 90 degrees from the boat’s bow. Since cats travel faster over the water, this usually means that the true wind is off the quarter, with a true wind angle of about 120 degrees off the bow.

How fast is the Gunboat 68?

Gunboat 68, hull number 1 (68-01), was launched in 2019. Immediately after sea trials, CONDOR crossed the Atlantic . The crew reported the vessel’s max speed exceeded 30 knots occasionally, with averages between 14 and 17 knots. Their best day was 328 nm, making the average speed for those 24 hours 13.7 knots (15.8 mph).

how fast can a catamaran go

Matt has been boating around Florida for over 25 years in everything from small powerboats to large cruising catamarans. He currently lives aboard a 38-foot Cabo Rico sailboat with his wife Lucy and adventure dog Chelsea. Together, they cruise between winters in The Bahamas and summers in the Chesapeake Bay.

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how fast can a catamaran go

Catamaran Hull Speed Calculator For Beginners (Table and Free Spreadsheet)

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Speed is important, it can get you out of harm’s way, and it makes sailing much more fun, but figuring out how fast a catamaran will be able to sail can be tricky. One important aspect is to understand maximum hull speed.

In this article, I have calculated different hull speeds for different lengths of boats; this includes both monohulls and catamarans but focuses on the latter. Here is the catamaran maximum hull speed table:

Table of Contents

Catamaran Max Hull Speed Calculator Table

Table explanation.

  • Length on the waterline (L.W.L.): Length of the boat when measured on the waterline, not to be confused with length overall (L.O.A.), which is the boat’s total length (above the waterline) including bowsprit, etc.
  • Displacement max hull speed: The max speed of a boat whose L.W.L doesn’t change when underway and where the vessel’s bow wave is the limiting speed factor.
  • Semi/Light Displacement or Semi planing hulls speed: A boat where the bow waves speed limiting factors can be partially overcome and therefore exceed the displacement hull speed. These hulls usually overcome hull speed by 10-30% .

How to use the Catamaran Hulls Speed Table

  • Choose your length on waterline in the left-most column, either in feet or meter.
  • Continue reading to your right and stop either at “Displacement hulls speed” or continue to “10,20, or 30%”, depending on your estimated hull efficiency. This will be your calculated maximum hull speed for a semi-displacement catamaran.

The Formula

First of all, we need to know the maximum hull speed for a displacement hull, and from that number, we will be able to calculate how much faster the semi-planing (or semi-displacement) hull will be. This is the formula for Maximum Hull Speed on a displacement boat:

Now we need to add the increased efficiency (loss of drag) of a semi-displacement hull, usually, this is somewhere between a 10-30% increase.

Note: “1.3” is the increase in efficiency, if you believe you are on the lower end of the scale this would be 1.2 or 1.1.

how fast can a catamaran go

How to Exceed Hull Speed

This calculator offers a theoretical perspective, but many other factors such as sail plan, weight, and sailor skill, of course, have a profound impact on speed. As we have seen, a semi-displacement hull can exceed maximum hull speed, but we can also see that it isn’t by much. The next step is to reduce drag even further by utilizing a planning hull.

Catamaran Hull Speed Spreadsheet

If you want more info, calculate other lengths, or see the speeds in Km/h or Mph then I suggest you check out this free spreadsheet.

Catamaran Freedom Hull Speed Calculator

Note: If you want your own copy just click, File->make a copy.

Common Questions About Catamaran Hull Design

Below I will answer some of the questions I receive concerning catamaran hull design. The list will be updated as relevant questions come in.

Is a Catamaran a Planing hull?

As we have discussed above, a catamaran can definitely have a semi-planing hull, but can it be designed in a fully planing configuration as well?

Catamarans can be configured as planing hulls, although most sailing catamarans are set up as either semi-planing or hydrofoil. Due to the high speeds needed to get a boat to planing speed, this is only possible on racing sailboats or motor-powered catamarans such as high-speed ferries.

Owner of A minimalist that has lived in a caravan in Sweden, 35ft Monohull in the Bahamas, and right now in his self-built Van. He just started the next adventure, to circumnavigate the world on a Catamaran!

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how fast can a catamaran go

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Between a Sailboat or Catamaran for Your Sailing Adventures

C hoosing between a sailboat and a catamaran for your sailing adventures is a significant decision that depends on various factors, including your sailing preferences, experience level, budget, and intended use. Here's an ultimate guide to help you make an informed decision:

1. Sailing Experience:

  • Sailboats: Typically require more skill and experience to handle, especially in adverse weather conditions. Ideal for sailors who enjoy the traditional feel of sailing and are willing to invest time in learning and mastering the art.
  • Catamarans: Easier to handle, making them suitable for beginners. The dual-hull design provides stability, reducing the learning curve for those new to sailing.

2. Space and Comfort:

  • Sailboats: Generally have a narrower beam and less living space. However, some sailboats may offer comfortable cabins and amenities.
  • Catamarans: Wider beam creates more living space. Catamarans often have multiple cabins, spacious saloons, and expansive deck areas, providing a more comfortable living experience.

3. Stability:

  • Sailboats: Monohulls can heel (lean) while sailing, which some sailors enjoy for the thrill but can be discomforting for others.
  • Catamarans: Greater stability due to the dual hulls, providing a more level sailing experience. Reduced heeling makes catamarans suitable for those prone to seasickness.

4. Performance:

  • Sailboats: Known for their upwind performance and ability to sail close to the wind. Some sailors appreciate the challenge of optimizing sail trim for efficiency.
  • Catamarans: Faster on a reach and downwind due to their wide beam. However, they may not point as high into the wind as monohulls.
  • Sailboats: Typically have a deeper draft, limiting access to shallow anchorages and requiring deeper marina berths.
  • Catamarans: Shallow draft allows access to shallower waters and secluded anchorages, providing more flexibility in cruising destinations.
  • Sailboats: Generally more affordable upfront, with a wide range of options available to fit different budgets.
  • Catamarans: Often more expensive upfront due to their size and design. However, maintenance costs may be comparable or even lower in some cases.

7. Mooring and Docking:

  • Sailboats: Easier to find slips and moorings in marinas designed for monohulls.
  • Catamarans: Require wider slips and may have limited availability in certain marinas, especially in crowded anchorages.

8. Intended Use:

  • Sailboats: Ideal for traditional sailors who enjoy the art of sailing, racing enthusiasts, or those on a tighter budget.
  • Catamarans: Suited for those prioritizing comfort, stability, and spacious living areas, especially for long-term cruising and chartering.

9. Resale Value:

  • Sailboats: Generally have a more established resale market, with a wider range of buyers.
  • Catamarans: Growing in popularity, and well-maintained catamarans often retain their value.

10. Personal Preference:

  • Consider your personal preferences, the type of sailing you plan to do, and the kind of lifestyle you want aboard your vessel.

In conclusion, both sailboats and catamarans have their advantages and disadvantages. Your decision should be based on your individual preferences, experience level, budget, and intended use. If possible, charter both types of vessels to experience firsthand how they handle and to help make a more informed decision based on your own preferences and needs.

The post The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Between a Sailboat or Catamaran for Your Sailing Adventures appeared first on Things That Make People Go Aww .

Choosing between a sailboat and a catamaran for your sailing adventures is a significant decision that depends on various factors, including your sailing preferences, experience level, budget, and intended use. Here's an ultimate guide to help you make an informed decision: 1. Sailing Experience: 2. Space and Comfort: 3. Stability: 4. Performance: 5. Draft: 6....

Go-Fast Boats: Beginner's Guide to the World of Speed

go-fast boats

Speed on the water is a rush like no other, and if by chance it captures your imagination you’ll likely spend the rest of your powerboating days chasing it. Not everyone who enters the boating world discovers his or her inner speed gene. But for those who do, it quickly becomes a passion—and likely a lifelong one. 

high performance center console boats

But assuming you end up on the “love” side of the equation, there are more than a few things that you, as a novice getting into go-fast boating, need to know. What follows is a quick, though by no means comprehensive, question-and-answer guide. It won’t provide everything you need to know, for the education of a powerboat owner, especially in the high-performance realm, never stops. But it will help you understand some of the basics.

Learn More about High Performance Boats

Different Types of Go-Fast Boats

Go-fast boats essentially break into two hull categories: 

  • V-bottom (mono hull)
  • Catamaran (twin smaller “sponson” hulls with a “tunnel” between them)

Picture “one of those Cigarette boats” and you have a classic V-bottom. Though most are powered by inboard stern-drive engines, a few are offered with outboard-engine power. Their lengths range from 20 to more than 50 feet. Most often, they have single or dual engines. They range from bare bones, meaning a steering wheel, a throttle and two gauges (speedometer and tachometer), to plush with multiple GPS units, front and rear video cameras, FLIR systems, monster stereos, plus cabins and more.

Sticking with the Cigarette mental image, a traditional V-bottom sportboat has a closed deck and a cockpit behind it. Today’s fastest V-bottom sportboats top out at more than 150 MPH.

Center Consoles

More popular these days, however, are V-bottom-based “center consoles” with open-cockpit layouts with bolster seats and lounges from bow to stern and tiny-to-generous cabins inside the consoles. Most high-performance center-consoles are powered by two to four outboards. Top speeds range from 60 to 85 MPH.

Go-Fast Catamarans

Today’s most popular go-fast catamarans range from 28 to 52 feet. Powered by twin inboard engines up to 1,750-HP, they can reach 180 MPH and beyond. Once again, it goes without saying—but still needs to be said—that boats in this rather extreme category take years of experience to learn to handle safely.

A sport catamaran, meaning outboard-engine-powered cats from 28 to 38 feet long, are the hottest things in the go-fast boat segment these days. Equipped with twin outboard racing-style engines, the fastest top out at 130 MPH. Thanks to the outstanding reliability built into today’s outboards and overall ease of use as compared to their larger, higher-maintenance stern-drive counterparts, sport cat popularity has exploded in the last five years.

high performance catamaran

How Much Does a Go-Fast Boat Cost?

If you’re looking at an entry level new go-fast powerboat, you can expect to spend no less than $100,000. That might seem like a lot of money and, in fact, it is, but it’s not out of line with the pricing in rest of the powerboat world (more than a few ski/wake tow boats list for 50 percent more than that).

Of course, you spend far less than $100,000 in the pre-owned go-fast boat market. On the flip side, you can spend more than $1 million on a new custom creation.

Other Related Costs

Being new to go-fast boating and excited about the world you’re about to enter, this you forget to ask this question. But it’s an important one, so we’re asking it for you.

Short answer: Yes.

Longer answer: Like all forms of powerboating, the high-performance segments includes costs beyond the boat, the most obvious one being fuel. High-horsepower marine engines demand fuel, often higher octane and hence more-expensive fuel, to make power. And they tend to burn a lot of it. By automotive standards, five miles per gallon is appalling. But powerboating—all powerboating—it’s world-beating, even for outboard engines.

Other costs include insurance, which is higher for go-fast boats than it is for boats in other segments. The faster the boat, the more expensive and expensive and difficult it is to insure. Though high-performance marine engines, especially Mercury Racing’s inboard and outboard offerings, have become far more reliable than they once were, they still require more routine maintenance than the lower output engines found in general-use powerboats.

Costs of Boat Ownership Guide

Go-Fast Boats: Frequently Asked Questions

How fast can high-performance boats go?

To make things simple, we’ll define any powerboat that exceeds 70 MPH as a high-performance boat. These days, there are plenty of boats that can run more than 120 MPH and several models that—with enough horsepower—can top 180 MPH. It should go without saying, but still needs to be said, that the highest tier of performance boats take years of experience and a careful, methodical progression to learn to handle safely.

How do I get involved in high-performance boating?

If your family owned a powerboat, there’s a good chance that you might end up owning one someday. Lifelong boat owners typically were exposed to the activity as children. To the outsider, the whole “powerboating thing” can seem intimidating, whereas those who grow up around boats have a hard-coded comfort level with all that boating entails.

Your best bet if you think a go-fast boat appeals to you? Get a ride in one. There are more than a few dealers around the country who can make that happen for you. If you like it, you’ll move forward. If not, move on.

Assuming you like it, you’ll need to take more rides—and we mean a lot of them—with dealers and builders. Don’t be afraid to ask hard questions and don’t be afraid to go elsewhere if the folks introducing you to the go-fast boating world can’t answer them.

How do I learn to drive (and safely handle) a go-fast boat?

Volumes could be written about the progression of go-fast powerboat ownership, but the most simple and solid path is to start small and work your way up.

  • For a novice , trying to dock a 50-foot, twin-engine V-bottom in a crosswind, much less run it at speed, would be a horrific and potentially dangerous experience.
  • For a seasoned go-fast boat owner , it’s routine—but routine that always needs to be approach with respect and caution. More than a few owners of big, multi-engine catamarans started with a 20-foot V-bottom. And it took them years, as it will take you, to progress up the ladder.

So be patient. Your life and the life of every passenger in your boat depends on it. And get instruction , whether it be from the manufacturer such as MTI or Nor-Tech or an outfit like the Tres Martin Performance Driving School. Listen, learn, ask lots of questions—there are no dumb ones—and take it slowly.

Nothing is without risk. Your job, through a slow progression to experience and competent instruction, is to do your best to minimize it. In time, you’ll be going plenty fast. That’s just what happens when the aquatic speed bug bites.

Explore Go-Fast Boat Brands

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The Blistering Speed of SailGP

The catamarans use wings, not sails, and hydrofoils help the boat fly over the water. It’s like a fast video game, with consequences.

how fast can a catamaran go

By Kimball Livingston

A generation ago, sailing would not, could not have made the short list of team sports played at highway speeds. The boats that most people race are considered fast at nine knots; screaming at 15. That’s about 10 to 17 m.p.h.

Then came the F50 catamaran in 2019, with wings instead of sails and hydrofoils that lift the boats above the friction of the water, reaching speeds beyond 60 m.p.h., as they seemingly fly above the ocean. Indeed, the crew member helping make that happen is called the flight controller, who manipulates the elevations and angles of the left and right hydrofoils centered between bow and stern.

In SailGP lingo, the controller can fly the boat higher or lower. Higher is faster, but riskier because it also gets the boat closer to a nosedive.

The boats also require a new breed of helmsmen — they call themselves drivers — who direct the rapid-fire team choreography in which decisions must be made in fractions of a second.

The wing trimmer, a term from sail trimming days, shapes the wing — an airfoil — for speed and stability. Compared with fabric sails, a wing can provide more stability even while producing more speed. SailGP wings are built from carbon fiber with titanium fittings under a light plastic wrap. The old days of eyeballing sail shape are gone from these boats.

Data from racing and practicing is accumulated and analyzed to determine optimum wing shape for speed in different conditions, and the trimmer uses hydraulic controls to achieve the target settings.

With more moving parts than an airplane wing, an F50 wing has a larger menu of shape settings.

Given more wind, a sailboat tips over farther and farther until it spills wind out of the sails or loses control. Up to a point, SailGP catamarans just keep going faster. The British team hit a record 53.05 knots. or 61.05 m.p.h., during practice last summer.

“Compared to traditional boats, what is striking in SailGP is the complexity of the control systems,” said Nathan Outteridge , a two-time Olympic medalist who drives for the Japanese team. “I should say that driving is pretty easy, until things go wrong.”

Jason Waterhouse , an Olympic medalist who is flight controller for the Australian team, manages the hydrofoils that go up and down at precise angles with precise timing. Get it wrong, and the boat can nosedive.

“I have to have muscle memory,” Waterhouse said about operating the buttons and dials. It’s like a fast video game, with consequences.

Waterhouse also controls the rake, or angle, on the horizontal flaps on the two rudders the driver uses to steer. The flight controller contributes to level flight by dialing in as much as seven degrees of differential rake between the rudder flaps. The flap on the side being pushed down by the wind is angled to push up, and the flap on the opposite side is angled to push down.

“It adds an extra 300-400 kilos [650 to 900 pounds] of righting moment,” Waterhouse said, referring to the forces working to keep the boat from tipping over.

Paul Campbell-James, the wing trimmer for the U.S. team, said that because much of the boat’s hydraulic power was generated by a battery instead of by a crew member turning a grinding pedestal, his team had given that grinder a second job.

“We set up our forward-facing grinder to also be a tactician,” Campbell-James said. The grinder spins the pedestal’s handles to generate power for the hydraulics but also looks for wind shifts.

Wing shape on these boats has taken over most of the trim-in, trim-out of normal sail control, while contributing to level flight. The key is negative camber, shaping the upper wing to pull opposite to the lower wing, countering the forces trying to tip the boat over. Negative camber adds to the effect of the rudder flaps to make for level sailing. Old school it is not.

In turning maneuvers, the crew switches sides and Campbell-James crosses the boat first to take over driving duties before others follow him across. As they come, if he wobbles the helm, the motion could flick his teammates off the deck.

At the same time, he has to keep the boat level in a dynamic turn, press a foot button to raise a hydrofoil, respond as the wing loads up on the new side and hang on against “G-forces that are unbelievable because, remember, you might be going 50 knots. That’s a lot going on.”

How SailGP’s foiling F50 catamarans sail so much faster than the wind

Jonathan Turner

Arguably the most technologically advanced sailboats on the planet right now, the one-design SailGP F50 foiling catamarans are capable of breathtaking speeds – at times, reaching four times the velocity of the wind that drives them. But how do they do it?

how fast can a catamaran go

Beating the balloon

ROCKWOOL SailGP Team, SailGP Season 4, Chicago,

Bending the laws of physics

SailGP Cadiz Season 4, Cadiz Season 4, ROCKWOOL SailGP Team, F50,

Faster and faster

SailGP, Beneath the surface, thumbnail, Season 4, ROCKWOOL SailGP Team, F50, Abu Dhabi 2023, BTS

Beneath The Surface

Watch on youtube.

SailGP, Access all areas, thumbnail, Season 4, ROCKWOOL SailGP Team, F50, Abu Dhabi 2024, AAA

Access All Areas

how fast can a catamaran go

Want to learn more about SailGP?

Meet the denmark sailgp team, find all the latest news, go beneath the surface of sailgp, sailing terms, go beneath the surface.

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How the world’s fastest sail racing boats fly above the water

Tune in to SailGP’s landmark Season 2 opener in Bermuda at the end of the month, and you’d be forgiven for thinking that your eyes are deceiving you.

20230905 SAILGP 550

The Beneath The Surface show

We go Beneath The Surface of SailGP's iconic host cities, set a spotlight on great projects and curious mind and catch all the lastest with the Denmark SailGP Team. Join us as we travel the world and explore how innovation and science is helping solve the world's biggest challenges!

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This is how SailGP's NASA-inspired wings make the F50 boats fly

Some may say the foils, which help the boats to fly above the water. Others may claim it’s the platform – that’s the two, catamaran hulls and the trampoline that connects them.

20230606 SAILGP 518

ROCKWOOL Denmark SailGP Team

The official home of the ROCKWOOL Denmark SailGP Team. Meet the team, read all the latest stories and explore a world of exciting content.

how fast can a catamaran go


Boater Pal

How Fast Do Boats Go? (20 Boat Types Checked)

Just like cars, there are many factors that go into determining the top speed each boat can go. The shape, engine, hull material and weight all play a significant role in determining the top speed. However, in this article, we will break down all the different boat types and explain how fast you should expect them to be able to go.

Most boats will go about 30-60 mph. Generally, boats such as pontoon boats, cabin cruisers, yachts, and trawlers have a top speed closer to 30 mph or less. Other boat types such as bass boats, ski boats, center consoles, and cuddy cabins will go closer to 60 mph or more.

Other boat types such as sailboats, dingies, and tug boats usually will only reach speeds of 10-20 mph. While jet skis, go-fast boats, and some bass boats can reach speeds of 55-100 mph.

Table of Contents

20 different boat types and how fast they go

Related article: How Fast Are Jet Skis? (12 Examples Included)

What are the factors that determine how fast a boat can go?

As you can see, the speed of a boat can be drastically different, even ones of the same type. There are many factors that determine speed, such as engine horsepower, drive type, boat shape, boat weight, trim tabs, weather conditions, and more. However, in this article, we’re going to simplify it to the four that affect the boat the most.

1. Engine Horsepower

The amount of force propelling your boat forward is the number one factor that affects the speed of your boat. The more horsepower you have, the faster your boat will go. However, manufacturers set a limit to how much horsepower you can have depending on each type of boat they make.

This means many boat types are limited to only the speed they can reach with the maximum amount of horsepower allowed (which is usually plenty of speed).

Many times larger boats will put multiple engines in the back of their boat in order to get more power and travel faster, as shown in the image below.

how fast can a catamaran go

2. Drive/engine type

There are generally three different types of boat engine types. These are outboards, inboards, and stern drives. Generally, outboards are the lightest, so they tend to be able to move a boat slightly faster than the other engine types. However, you can have more horsepower per engine with inboard and sterndrive engines.

The only thing that really affects the speed is the drive type. These consist of a jet drive, I/O, straight shaft, and V-drives.

Generally, jet drives lose the most amount of horsepower when transferring power from the engine to the jet. This means that a propeller-powered boat with a 200-horsepower engine may need to have a 250-300 horsepower engine to go the same speed at full throttle if it were jet drive.

Stern drives come in second when it comes to power loss. They lose about 10%-15% of the engine horsepower when converting it into the propeller. This is because they have to redirect power twice.

V-drive next, they lose about 6%-15%. This is because of the extra joint they need in order to transfer the drive shaft to the correct position. This causes them to have to redirect power at almost a 180-degree angle.

how fast can a catamaran go

Straight shaft drives are the most efficient at turning engine horsepower into power for the propeller (this means they are the fastest considering engines with the same horsepower). This is because there are no areas where there needs to be power redirected. The drivetrain goes directly from the engine to the propeller.

3. Boat weight

Obviously, the heavier the boat, the slower it’s going to go with the same engine. So many manufacturers try to make their boats as light as possible, especially if they’re building a boat for speed, such as go-fast catamarans.

Aluminum boats weigh less than fiberglass boats, which means aluminum boats of the same size and same engine will generally go faster than fiberglass boats. However, most aluminum boats have an engine horsepower limit that is much lower than fiberglass boats, meaning they generally end up only being able to go the same speed due to power limits.

4. Boat shape

The design and shape of a boat play a big part in how fast it can go. The more surface area in the water, the more drag a boat will have against the water and the slower it will go. This is why many boats designed for speed will be designed to be very narrow or with catamarans such as the image below:

how fast can a catamaran go

Meanwhile, boats that don’t care for speed and instead opt for more cargo or living space tend to have much wider hulls and lower drafts. Here is an example of such:

how fast can a catamaran go

Boat speed calculator

If you know the weight, horsepower, and type of boat, you can get a good estimate of how fast it can go. You can do this by using this boat speed calculator from

They make it really easy to just put in the information, and it will give you an estimate that should be very close to the speed your boat will be able to reach.

For example, I put in the information for my Sea-Doo Fish Pro Scout jet ski, which goes about 52-55 mph at full throttle. The calculator predicted, 57.01 mph, which still could have been my fault as its hard to predict the exact wet weight of the jet ski. You can see this in the image below:

how fast can a catamaran go

Does speed feel faster when you’re on a boat compared to a vehicle on land?

The quick answer to this is, absolutely it does. When you’re on a boat, your open to the wind and water blistering past you as you pick up speed. This makes everything seem faster than on land. Even if you’re in an enclosed boat, the feel of cutting through water and bouncing to waves makes you feel more vulnerable when compared to being in a car, which means you feel as if you are going faster.

One thing to note is that the smaller your boat is, the faster you will feel like you are going. Going 40 mph in a big enclosed cabin cruiser may seem faster than in a car, but it doesn’t even compare to the feeling of going 40 mph on a jet ski.

The fact that some jet skis can reach 70 mph is absolutely astonishing. On my Sea-Doo jet ski, it’s hard to go any faster than 40 mph because I feel one bad wave will bump me off the thing if I go any faster. I couldn’t even imagine 70 mph.

Why would you need speed for a boat?

Although it’s fun and all to go fast on the water, for most of us, it’s really not necessary. Generally, it’s going to cost more for boats that go faster, when you could easily get a similar boat that goes a little slower for much cheaper. That being said, here are the main reasons you would want a boat that is fast:

  • You fish in tournaments and need to get to fishing spots as quickly as possible
  • You want to partake in a poker run
  • You need to travel long distances every time you take your boat out
  • You just enjoy going fast

Although many people max out the horsepower they are allowed to put on their boat (some even add more than what they are allowed to) to make it as fast as possible, is that really worth it to you? Believe me, 50 mph is plenty of speed for any boat type as long as you don’t absolutely need to go any faster than that.

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140-foot-long catamaran combines innovative style, hybrid propulsion and ai to minimize environmental impact.

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Rossinavi Seawolf X launch May 2024

The 140-foot-long, 45-foot wide Seawolf X that Rossinavi the just launched in Italy is…different. And I mean that as a compliment. I think it’s cool. And as anyone who’s familiar with catamaran design can tell you, it’s not always easy to design a cool looking catamaran.

But this new breed of cat is designed to be more than just cool. Sure, the Fulvio de Simoni Yacht Design exterior and a Meyer Davis Studio interior are striking. But Rossinavi have also used AI and other innovative tech to ensure this hybrid-powered supercat is as sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible.

“After years of study and construction, it is now a source of satisfaction and pride for us to witness the launch of project Seawolf X , the first hybrid-electric multihull vessel,” says Rossinavi Chief Operating Officer Federico Rossi. “This yacht showcases remarkable technological innovations in both power management and propulsion technologies, marking the beginning of a new chapter in next-generation vessels.’

And since the one of the main goals is to reduce to reduce CO2 emissions, Seawolf X propulsion is powered by batteries and solar panels that can operate in emission-free electric mode for day trips and 80% electric mode on longer voyages.

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Seawolf X launch at Rossinavi shipyard

According to the advanced reports, Rossinavi has also developed an onboard artificial intelligence system to improve comfort and maximize energy efficiency. Simply put, their AI system can learn from constant observation and analysis to predict the needs of the guests on board. The AI software is also able to monitor the batteries to insure the ideal range.

Rossinavi Seawolf X

When it came to designing the exterior the team of Fulvio De Simoni Yacht Design created a sleek and low-profile silhouette reminiscent of a sports car. In their quest for sustainability, the Fulvio De Simoni Yacht Design integrated solar panels into the vessel beautifully.

In fact, Fulvio de Simoni sums up the spirit of Seawolf X perfectly. “We set out to envision the boat of the future, unbound by convention yet grounded in feasibility with cutting-edge technology for minimal environmental impact.”

Watch this space.

Bill Springer

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  1. How Fast Do Catamarans Go?

    August 30, 2022. ‍ Catamarans are known for their speed, and some vessels are fast enough to break world sailing speed records. Catamarans can go between 15 and 30 knots, with the fastest achieving speeds well in excess of 60 knots. Sailing catamarans are sometimes twice as fast as monohulls and cut through the water with greater efficiency.

  2. How Fast Do Catamarans Go? 5 Examples (With Pictures)

    Sailing catamarans typically average about 10 knots. Pontoon boats average about 20 mph. A powerboat cruiser can average anywhere between 30 and 50 mph. Cigarette boats can even reach close to 90 mph in the proper conditions. Sailboats average between 6 and 12 mph depending on wind conditions.

  3. The 8 Fastest Cruising Catamarans (With Speedchart)

    Some of the fastest cruising catamarans include the Gunboat 68 (35 knots), Outremer 45 (25 knots), ORC50 (25 knots), FastCat 435 (20 knots), TS 42 (35 knots), and Lagoon 440 (20 knots). Yet, there are many more cats that can reach 35 knots safely. If you are interested in knowing about the fastest cruising catamarans, I have you covered.

  4. Cruising Catamaran Speed! With Examples and Explanation

    So, how fast are cruising catamarans? Sailing cruising catamarans can travel at an average of 9-15 knots and max out around 35 kts. Power Cruising catamarans have a maximum speed of 70 knots but averages around 20-25 kts. How fast a catamaran can go also depends on the load it is carrying, its structural design, and its engine power.

  5. A Complete Catamaran Guide

    How fast can catamarans go? The speed a catamaran can go is entirely dependent upon the hull design, weight of the vessel, the strength of propulsion (be it wind or powered) and so on. The general rule is that in terms of sailing cats vs monohull sailboats, a cat of equal length can typically go faster than a sailboat.

  6. Sailing Catamaran Speed

    Sailing catamarans come in all different shapes and sizes. Some are optimized for living space and comfort, while others are designed with fast cruising speeds being the sole goal of the boat. The Gunboat 68, one of the fastest cruising sailboats currently made, can exceed 30 knots.

  7. How Fast Can a Sail Catamaran Go?

    Factors Affecting Catamaran Speed: There are several factors that determine how fast a sail catamaran can go. Let's take a closer look at them: 1. Hull Design: The design of the hull plays a significant role in determining the speed of a catamaran. Catamarans typically have two parallel hulls connected by a deck structure, which reduces drag ...

  8. Average Speed of a Sailboat (Plus Top Speed)

    That being said, the average speed of racing sailboats is 15 knots (17 mph). On the other hand, the average speed of cruising sailboats is 4-6 knots (4.5-7 mph) and can attain a top speed of 7 knots (8 mph). In essence, cruise speeds of over 8 knots are quite normal.

  9. How fast are catamarans

    A sport cruising catamaran can reach 30 knots. A racing catamaran is somewhat faster and can sail at 45 knots. The power cruising catamaran is probably the fastest vessel and can travel at 70 knots. One of the main features that make catamarans so fast is the integration of assisting foils that lift the boat off the water.

  10. How Fast Does a Catamaran Go? (The Truth Unveiled)

    Generally, a catamaran can reach speeds of up to 15 knots, or around 17 mph. Larger catamarans may have the potential to reach speeds up to 20 knots, or 23 mph. The top speed of a catamaran will vary depending on the size and design of the boat, as well as the weather conditions.

  11. How Fast Can a Catamaran Go

    Catamarans can be much faster than monohulls. This comes as a result of two hulls that are narrower than just one and allow the boat to cut through the waves by reducing drag and causing planing. Planing is the lifting of a boat over the water, a process that makes them go much faster. Normally, a catamaran's top speed is between 15 and 30 ...

  12. Sail GP: how do supercharged racing yachts go so fast? An engineer explains

    F50 catamarans can travel at up to 50 knots. John G. Mabanglo/EPA. A yacht also makes waves as it pushes the water around and under the hull from the bow (front) to the stern (back) of the boat.

  13. How Fast Do Catamarans Sail? Average Sailing Speed of a Catamaran

    In most aspects, sailing a catamaran is very similar to sailing a monohull. If you learn to sail on a monohull then most of the skills are transferable. But, there are a couple of subtle differences that we will analyze further in this article. A catamaran is generally more balanced on the water and can be faster than a multi-hull vessel. And, cruising on a sailboat with a cat hull will be ...

  14. High Performance Speed Boats: The Ultimate Go-Fast Guide

    Go-Fast Catamarans / Tunnel Boats. The real kings of high speed, these monstrous boats can reach incredible speeds, and as such can be extremely dangerous to operate. Only highly-trained, skilled captains with experience in powerboat racing should get behind the helm of one of these speed demons. One inherent danger of a tunnel boat is that air ...

  15. Catamaran Sailing

    A catamaran is a sailboat with two hulls. These two hulls are connected by a bridge deck. Many people will be familiar with Hobie cats, small catamarans that are popular for sailing on lakes and in calmer waters. Cruising catamarans are based on this same principle but have large hulls that can fit many cabins inside, and house large structures ...

  16. Fastest Catamarans for Cruising in 2023

    Notably, the 471 is a fast cruising catamaran that is a favorite among long-distance cruisers. On the smaller side, the 431 and even the 401 and 381 are quick and fun sailers that move better than their competition. Catanas are easily recognizable by their daggerboards and narrow hulls with asymmetrical designs.

  17. How Fast Can a Catamaran Sail?

    Most catamarans can sail at speeds between 15 and 30 knots. Some racing catamarans can reach speeds of up to 30 knots. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule and some catamarans can sail faster or slower depending on the conditions. However, the average cruising speed for a catamaran is around 12 knots.

  18. Catamaran Hull Speed Calculator For Beginners (Table and Free

    Max hull speed= √((Length on Water Line x g) /(2 x pi)) x 3600/1852. Now we need to add the increased efficiency (loss of drag) of a semi-displacement hull, usually, this is somewhere between a 10-30% increase. Semi Displacement hull speed = Maximum hull speed * 1.3. Note: "1.3" is the increase in efficiency, if you believe you are on the ...

  19. The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Between a Sailboat or Catamaran ...

    Catamarans: Faster on a reach and downwind due to their wide beam. However, they may not point as high into the wind as monohulls. However, they may not point as high into the wind as monohulls. 5.

  20. Go-Fast Boats: Beginner's Guide

    Go-Fast Catamarans. Today's most popular go-fast catamarans range from 28 to 52 feet. Powered by twin inboard engines up to 1,750-HP, they can reach 180 MPH and beyond. Once again, it goes without saying—but still needs to be said—that boats in this rather extreme category take years of experience to learn to handle safely.

  21. The Blistering Speed of SailGP

    The boats that most people race are considered fast at nine knots; screaming at 15. That's about 10 to 17 m.p.h. Then came the F50 catamaran in 2019, with wings instead of sails and hydrofoils ...

  22. How SailGP's foiling F50 catamarans sail so much faster ...

    How SailGP's foiling F50 catamarans sail so much faster than the wind. Jonathan Turner. January 8, 2023. Arguably the most technologically advanced sailboats on the planet right now, the one-design SailGP F50 foiling catamarans are capable of breathtaking speeds - at times, reaching four times the velocity of the wind that drives them.

  23. How Fast Do Boats Go? (20 Boat Types Checked)

    Most boats will go about 30-60 mph. Generally, boats such as pontoon boats, cabin cruisers, yachts, and trawlers have a top speed closer to 30 mph or less. Other boat types such as bass boats, ski boats, center consoles, and cuddy cabins will go closer to 60 mph or more. Other boat types such as sailboats, dingies, and tug boats usually will ...

  24. 140-Foot-Long Catamaran Combines Innovative Style, Hybrid ...

    Rossinavi Seawolf X. [email protected]. When it came to designing the exterior the team of Fulvio De Simoni Yacht Design created a sleek and low-profile silhouette reminiscent of a sports car.

  25. How Fast Can a Foiling Sailboat Actually Go?!?!?

    Despite several years of foiling behind us now, most of the world's sailing records are still held by non-foiling boats. But if foiling boats are so much fas...