sailboat bow rail


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N ot just an accessory but  an investment, reduce fuel  *  reduce wake  *  plane at lower r.p.m  reduce side slip on high speed turns  *  increase top speed protect boat from nicks & scrapes  *   increase visibility increase boat stability  *  increase comfort.

smart rail, boat spray rails

You no longer need dangerous screws or holes in the hull. Two 91" inch smart rail sections are installed from bow to stern, in order to direct water downward, thus increasing visibility, comfort, and speed, while reducing fuel cost, wakes, and side slip on high speed turns.

Made of flexible PVC, and virtually indestructible in nature, the smart rail is bonded to fiberglass, aluminum, or steel hulls by high tech structural adhesives. The acrylic adhesive is impervious to sunlight, salt or fresh water, oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, acetone, and other solvents. It has been proven in many industrial applications- aircraft, tractor trailers, buses, trucks, and transit vehicles- where temperature swings and tough usage are common.

All kits include: complete detailed instructions, rail section with bonding strips installed, cartridges of structural adhesive with mixing nozzle and needle tips, adapter supplied for use with a standard/non-ratchet caulking gun (gun not included), abrasive paper and adhesive promoter. 

sailboat bow rail

M1000 Smart Rail

Sailboat Parts Explained: Illustrated Guide (with Diagrams)

When you first get into sailing, there are a lot of sailboat parts to learn. Scouting for a good guide to all the parts, I couldn't find any, so I wrote one myself.

Below, I'll go over each different sailboat part. And I mean each and every one of them. I'll walk you through them one by one, and explain each part's function. I've also made sure to add good illustrations and clear diagrams.

This article is a great reference for beginners and experienced sailors alike. It's a great starting point, but also a great reference manual. Let's kick off with a quick general overview of the different sailboat parts.

General Overview

The different segments

You can divide up a sailboat in four general segments. These segments are arbitrary (I made them up) but it will help us to understand the parts more quickly. Some are super straightforward and some have a bit more ninja names.

Something like that. You can see the different segments highlighted in this diagram below:

Diagram of the four main parts categories of a sailboat

The hull is what most people would consider 'the boat'. It's the part that provides buoyancy and carries everything else: sails, masts, rigging, and so on. Without the hull, there would be no boat. The hull can be divided into different parts: deck, keel, cabin, waterline, bilge, bow, stern, rudder, and many more.

I'll show you those specific parts later on. First, let's move on to the mast.

sailboat bow rail

Sailboats Explained

The mast is the long, standing pole holding the sails. It is typically placed just off-center of a sailboat (a little bit to the front) and gives the sailboat its characteristic shape. The mast is crucial for any sailboat: without a mast, any sailboat would become just a regular boat.

I think this segment speaks mostly for itself. Most modern sailboats you see will have two sails up, but they can carry a variety of other specialty sails. And there are all kinds of sail plans out there, which determine the amount and shape of sails that are used.

The Rigging

This is probably the most complex category of all of them.

Rigging is the means with which the sails are attached to the mast. The rigging consists of all kinds of lines, cables, spars, and hardware. It's the segment with the most different parts.

The most important parts

If you learn anything from this article, here are the most important parts of any sailboat. You will find all of these parts in some shape or form on almost any sailboat.

Diagram of Parts of a sailboat - General overview

Okay, we now have a good starting point and a good basic understanding of the different sailboat parts. It's time for the good stuff. We're going to dive into each segment in detail.

Below, I'll go over them one by one, pointing out its different parts on a diagram, listing them with a brief explanation, and showing you examples as well.

After reading this article, you'll recognize every single sailboat part and know them by name. And if you forget one, you're free to look it up in this guide.

Diagram of the Hull Parts of a sailboat

On this page:

The hull is the heart of the boat. It's what carries everything: the mast, the sails, the rigging, the passengers. The hull is what provides the sailboat with its buoyancy, allowing it to stay afloat.

Sailboats mostly use displacement hulls, which is a shape that displaces water when moving through it. They are generally very round and use buoyancy to support its own weight. These two characteristics make sure it is a smooth ride.

There are different hull shapes that work and handle differently. If you want to learn more about them, here's the Illustrated Guide to Boat Hull Types (with 11 Examples ). But for now, all we need to know is that the hull is the rounded, floating part of any sailboat.

Instead of simply calling the different sides of a hull front, back, left and right , we use different names in sailing. Let's take a look at them.

Diagram of the Hull Parts of a sailboat

The bow is the front part of the hull. It's simply the nautical word for 'front'. It's the pointy bit that cuts through the water. The shape of the bow determines partially how the boat handles.

The stern is the back part of the hull. It's simply the nautical word for 'back'. The shape of the stern partially determines the stability and speed of the boat. With motorboats, the stern lies deep inside the water, and the hull is flatter aft. Aft also means back. This allows it to plane, increasing the hull speed. For sailboats, stability is much more important, so the hull is rounded throughout, increasing its buoyancy and hydrodynamic properties.

The transom is the backplate of the boat's hull. It's the most aft (rear) part of the boat.

Port is the left side of a sailboat.

Starboard is the right side of a sailboat

The bilges are the part where the bottom and the sides of the hull meet. On sailboats, these are typically very round, which helps with hydrodynamics. On powerboats, they tend to have an angle.

The waterline is the point where the boat's hull meets the water. Generally, boat owners paint the waterline and use antifouling paint below it, to protect it from marine growth.

The deck is the top part of the boat's hull. In a way, it's the cap of the boat, and it holds the deck hardware and rigging.

Displacement hulls are very round and smooth, which makes them very efficient and comfortable. But it also makes them very easy to capsize: think of a canoe, for example.

The keel is a large fin that offsets the tendency to capsize by providing counterbalance. Typically, the keel carries ballast in the tip, creating a counterweight to the wind's force on the sails.

The rudder is the horizontal plate at the back of the boat that is used to steer by setting a course and maintaining it. It is connected to the helm or tiller.

Tiller or Helm

  • The helm is simply the nautical term for the wheel.
  • The tiller is simply the nautical term for the steering stick.

The tiller or helm is attached to the rudder and is used to steer the boat. Most smaller sailboats (below 30') have a tiller, most larger sailboats use a helm. Large ocean-going vessels tend to have two helms.

The cockpit is the recessed part in the deck where the helmsman sits or stands. It tends to have some benches. It houses the outside navigation and systems interfaces, like the compass, chartplotter, and so on. It also houses the mainsheet traveler and winches for the jib. Most boats are set up so that the entire vessel can be operated from the cockpit (hence the name). More on those different parts later.

Most larger boats have some sort of roofed part, which is called the cabin. The cabin is used as a shelter, and on cruising sailboats you'll find the galley for cooking, a bed, bath room, and so on.

The mast is the pole on a sailboat that holds the sails. Sailboats can have one or multiple masts, depending on the mast configuration. Most sailboats have only one or two masts. Three masts or more is less common.

The boom is the horizontal pole on the mast, that holds the mainsail in place.

The sails seem simple, but actually consist of many moving parts. The parts I list below work for most modern sailboats - I mean 90% of them. However, there are all sorts of specialty sails that are not included here, to keep things concise.

Diagram of the Sail Parts of a sailboat

The mainsail is the largest sail on the largest mast. Most sailboats use a sloop rigging (just one mast with one bermuda mainsail). In that case, the main is easy to recognize. With other rig types, it gets more difficult, since there can be multiple tall masts and large sails.

If you want to take a look at the different sail plans and rig types that are out there, I suggest reading my previous guide on how to recognize any sailboat here (opens in new tab).

Sail sides:

  • Leech - Leech is the name for the back side of the sail, running from the top to the bottom.
  • Luff - Luff is the name for the front side of the sail, running from the top to the bottom.
  • Foot - Foot is the name for the lower side of the sail, where it meets the boom.

Sail corners:

  • Clew - The clew is the lower aft (back) corner of the mainsail, where the leech is connected to the foot. The clew is attached to the boom.
  • Tack - The tack is the lower front corner of the mainsail
  • Head - The head is the top corner of the mainsail

Battens are horizontal sail reinforcers that flatten and stiffen the sail.

Telltales are small strings that show you whether your sail trim is correct. You'll find telltales on both your jib and mainsail.

The jib is the standard sized headsail on a Bermuda Sloop rig (which is the sail plan most modern sailboats use).

As I mentioned: there are all kinds, types, and shapes of sails. For an overview of the most common sail types, check out my Guide on Sail Types here (with photos).

The rigging is what is used to attach your sails and mast to your boat. Rigging, in other words, mostly consists of all kinds of lines. Lines are just another word for ropes. Come to think of it, sailors really find all kinds of ways to complicate the word rope ...

Two types of rigging

There are two types of rigging: running and standing rigging. The difference between the two is very simple.

  • The running rigging is the rigging on a sailboat that's used to operate the sails. For example, the halyard, which is used to lower and heave the mainsail.
  • The standing rigging is the rigging that is used to support the mast and sail plan.

Standing Rigging

Diagram of the Standing Riggin Parts of a sailboat

Here are the different parts that belong to the standing rigging:

  • Forestay or Headstay - Line or cable that supports the mast and is attached to the bow of the boat. This is often a steel cable.
  • Backstay - Line or cable that supports the mast and is attached to the stern of the boat. This is often a steel cable.
  • Sidestay or Shroud - Line or cable that supports the mast from the sides of the boat. Most sailboats use at least two sidestays (one on each side).
  • Spreader - The sidestays are spaced to steer clear from the mast using spreaders.

Running Rigging: different words for rope

Ropes play a big part in sailing, and especially in control over the sails. In sailboat jargon, we call ropes 'lines'. But there are some lines with a specific function that have a different name. I think this makes it easier to communicate with your crew: you don't have to define which line you mean. Instead, you simply shout 'mainsheet!'. Yeah, that works.

Running rigging consists of the lines, sheets, and hardware that are used to control, raise, lower, shape and manipulate the sails on a sailboat. Rigging varies for different rig types, but since most sailboats are use a sloop rig, nearly all sailboats use the following running rigging:

Diagram of the Running Rigging Parts of a sailboat

  • Halyards -'Halyard' is simply the nautical name for lines or ropes that are used to raise and lower the mainsail. The halyard is attached to the top of the mainsail sheet, or the gaffer, which is a top spar that attaches to the mainsail. You'll find halyards on both the mainsail and jib.
  • Sheets - 'Sheet' is simply the nautical term for lines or ropes that are used to set the angle of the sail.
  • Mainsheet - The line, or sheet, that is used to set the angle of the mainsail. The mainsheet is attached to the Mainsheet traveler. More on that under hardware.
  • Jib Sheet - The jib mostly comes with two sheets: one on each side of the mast. This prevents you from having to loosen your sheet, throwing it around the other side of the mast, and tightening it. The jib sheets are often controlled using winches (more on that under hardware).
  • Cleats are small on-deck hooks that can be used to tie down sheets and lines after trimming them.
  • Reefing lines - Lines that run through the mainsail, used to put a reef in the main.
  • The Boom Topping Lift is a line that is attached to the aft (back) end of the boom and runs to the top of the mast. It supports the boom whenever you take down the mainsail.
  • The Boom Vang is a line that places downward tension on the boom.

There are some more tensioning lines, but I'll leave them for now. I could probably do an entire guide on the different sheets on a sailboat. Who knows, perhaps I'll write it.

This is a new segment, that I didn't mention before. It's a bit of an odd duck, so I threw all sorts of stuff into this category. But they are just as important as all the other parts. Your hardware consists of cleats, winches, traveler and so on. If you don't know what all of this means, no worries: neither did I. Below, you'll find a complete overview of the different parts.

Deck Hardware

Diagram of the Deck Hardware Parts of a sailboat

Just a brief mention of the different deck hardware parts:

  • Pulpits are fenced platforms on the sailboat's stern and bow, which is why they are called the bow pulpit and stern pulpit here. They typically have a solid steel framing for safety.
  • Stanchons are the standing poles supporting the lifeline , which combined for a sort of fencing around the sailboat's deck. On most sailboats, steel and steel cables are used for the stanchons and lifelines.

Mainsheet Traveler

The mainsheet traveler is a rail in the cockpit that is used to control the mainsheet. It helps to lock the mainsheet in place, fixing the mainsails angle to the wind.

sailboat bow rail

If you're interested in learning more about how to use the mainsheet traveler, Matej has written a great list of tips for using your mainsheet traveler the right way . It's a good starting point for beginners.

Winches are mechanical or electronic spools that are used to easily trim lines and sheets. Most sailboats use winches to control the jib sheets. Modern large sailing yachts use electronic winches for nearly all lines. This makes it incredibly easy to trim your lines.

sailboat bow rail

You'll find the compass typically in the cockpit. It's the most old-skool navigation tool out there, but I'm convinced it's also one of the most reliable. In any way, it definitely is the most solid backup navigator you can get for the money.

sailboat bow rail

Want to learn how to use a compass quickly and reliably? It's easy. Just read my step-by-step beginner guide on How To Use a Compass (opens in new tab .


Most sailboats nowadays use, besides a compass and a map, a chartplotter. Chartplotters are GPS devices that show a map and a course. It's very similar to your normal car navigation.

sailboat bow rail

Outboard motor

Most sailboats have some sort of motor to help out when there's just the slightest breeze. These engines aren't very big or powerful, and most sailboats up to 32' use an outboard motor. You'll find these at the back of the boat.

sailboat bow rail

Most sailboats carry 1 - 3 anchors: one bow anchor (the main one) and two stern anchors. The last two are optional and are mostly used by bluewater cruisers.

sailboat bow rail

I hope this was helpful, and that you've gained a good understanding of the different parts involved in sailing. I wanted to write a good walk-through instead of overwhelming you with lists and lists of nautical terms. I hope I've succeeded. If so, I appreciate any comments and tips below.

I've tried to be as comprehensive as possible, without getting into the real nitty gritty. That would make for a gigantic article. However, if you feel I've left something out that really should be in here, please let me know in the comments below, so I can update the article.

I own a small 20 foot yacht called a Red witch made locally back in the 70s here in Western Australia i found your article great and enjoyed reading it i know it will be a great help for me in my future leaning to sail regards John.

David Gardner

İ think this is a good explanation of the difference between a ”rope” and a ”line”:

Rope is unemployed cordage. In other words, when it is in a coil and has not been assigned a job, it is just a rope.

On the other hand, when you prepare a rope for a specific task, it becomes employed and is a line. The line is labeled by the job it performs; for example, anchor line, dock line, fender line, etc.

Hey Mr. Buckles

I am taking on new crew to race with me on my Flying Scot (19ft dingy). I find your Sailboat Parts Explained to be clear and concise. I believe it will help my new crew learn the language that we use on the boat quickly without being overwhelmed.

PS: my grandparents were from Friesland and emigrated to America.

Thank you Shawn for the well written, clear and easy to digest introductory article. Just after reading this first article I feel excited and ready to set sails and go!! LOL!! Cheers! Daniel.

steve Balog

well done, chap

Great intro. However, the overview diagram misidentifies the cockpit location. The cockpit is located aft of the helm. Your diagram points to a location to the fore of the helm.

William Thompson-Ambrose

An excellent introduction to the basic anatomy and function of the sailboat. Anyone who wants to start sailing should consider the above article before stepping aboard! Thank-you

James Huskisson

Thanks for you efforts mate. We’ve all got to start somewhere. Thanks for sharing. Hoping to my first yacht. 25ft Holland. Would love to cross the Bass Strait one day to Tasmania. 👌 Cheers mate

Alan Alexander Percy

thankyou ijust aquired my first sailboat at 66yrs of age its down at pelican point a beautifull place in virginia usa my sailboat is a redwing 30 if you are ever in the area i wouldnt mind your guidance and superior knowledge of how to sail but iam sure your fantastic article will help my sailboat is wings 30 ft

Thanks for quick refresher course. Having sailed in California for 20+ years I now live in Spain where I have to take a spanish exam for a sailboat license. Problem is, it’s only in spanish. So a lot to learn for an old guy like me.

Very comprehensive, thank you

Your article really brought all the pieces together for me today. I have been adventuring my first sailing voyage for 2 months from the Carolinas and am now in Eleuthera waiting on weather to make the Exumas!!! Great job and thanks

Helen Ballard

I’ve at last found something of an adventure to have in sailing, so I’m starting at the basics, I have done a little sailing but need more despite being over 60 life in the old dog etc, thanks for your information 😊

Barbara Scott

I don’t have a sailboat, neither do l plan to literally take to the waters. But for mental exercise, l have decided to take to sailing in my Bermuda sloop, learning what it takes to become a good sailor and run a tight ship, even if it’s just imaginary. Thank you for helping me on my journey to countless adventures and misadventures, just to keep it out of the doldrums! (I’m a 69 year old African American female who have rediscovered why l enjoyed reading The Adventures of Robert Louis Stevenson as well as his captivating description of sea, wind, sailboat,and sailor).

Great article and very good information source for a beginner like me. But I didn’t find out what I had hoped to, which is, what are all those noisy bits of kit on top of the mast? I know the one with the arrow is a weather vane, but the rest? Many thanks, Jay.

Louis Cohen

The main halyard is attached to the head of the mainsail, not the to the mainsheet. In the USA, we say gaff, not gaffer. The gaff often has its own halyard separate from the main halyard.

Other than that it’s a nice article with good diagrams.

A Girl Who Has an Open Sail Dream

Wow! That was a lot of great detail! Thank you, this is going to help me a lot on my project!

Hi, good info, do u know a book that explains all the systems on a candc 27,

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You may also like, guide to understanding sail rig types (with pictures).

There are a lot of different sail rig types and it can be difficult to remember what's what. So I've come up with a system. Let me explain it in this article.

Cruising yacht with mainsail, headsail, and gennaker

The Ultimate Guide to Sail Types and Rigs (with Pictures)

sailboat bow rail

The Illustrated Guide To Boat Hull Types (11 Examples)

sailboat bow rail

How To Live On a Boat For Free: How I'd Do It

sailboat bow rail

How To Live on a Sailboat: Consider These 5 Things

sailboat bow rail

Build Your Stern Rail

Common Styles

dual rail

L-R: 1) double; 2) double, split; 3) single (J-24 shown) 4); single, corner (J-109 shown).

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  • Grab Rails and Handles

Sea Ray Boat Bow Rails | 110 3/4 Inch Stainless Steel (Set of 2)

main product photo

  • Boat Manufacturer: Sea Ray Boats
  • Part Number: 6420V-2143425 / 6420V-2141869
  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Finish: Polished
  • Overall Dimensions: 110 3/4" L x 13 1/4" H
  • Thickness: 7/8" Dia.
  • Mount(s): (3) 1 3/4" L x 1/4" Dia. Threaded Posts Each

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Sold as seen in pictures. Customers please note every computer shows colors differently. All measurements are approximate.

Instruction / installation manual not included.

Hardware not included.

Because of the size and/or commodity of this item, we must ship via truckline. The shown freight cost is for the LOWER 48 STATES ONLY and shipped to a business at a commercial address WITH LOADING DOCK. We can ship to your residence, or possibly a nearby terminal. We can also offer international shipping. Please call or email for a shipping quote if needed.

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Railmakers, Inc.

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Custom & Production Tubular Stainless Products

Stainless Steel Railings for Yachts, Boats & Other Industries

Railmakers Inc. has served the Stainless Steel needs of the Marine Industry and other industries for over 50 years. We have supplied manufactures, the Department of the Navy, Disney, the State of California and local cities with their custom fabrication needs. Our employees have been with us for at least 15 years and several at 25 plus! We pride ourselves with quality and service to our customers.


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  • Hobie 33 Boats
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Wholesale Marine

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Boat Rail Fittings

Sea-Dog Rectangular Base 7/8" Rail Fitting, Chrome

Sea-Dog Rectangular Base 7/8" Rail Fitting, Chrome

Sea-Dog 7/8" Chrome Rectangular Rail Base Fittings Die Cast Zinc Chrome Plated Rectangular Base Stainless Tube Wall Thickness .049" Available in 2 Sizes Fits 7/8" O.D. Tube Dimensions: S-D-286160 60 Degree Rectangular Base 7/8" O.D...

Sea-Dog Hand Rail Tees, Stainless Steel

Sea-Dog Hand Rail Tees, Stainless Steel

Sea-Dog Stainless Steel Hand Rail Tees Sea Dog hand rail tee fittings are constructed of corrosion-resistant investment cast 316 stainless steel and are available in three different options.  Features: Investment Cast 316 Stainless...

Sea-Dog 7/8" Tube Connector

Sea-Dog 7/8" Tube Connector

Sea-Dog Tube Connector (Pair) Sea Dog Tube Connectors are used for connecting the ends of stainless steel or aluminum tubing by sliding inside the tube. Constructed of UV resistant injection molded nylon. Injection Molded...

Sea Dog Stainless Steel Set Screws for All Rail and Top Fittings

Sea Dog Stainless Steel Set Screws for All Rail and Top Fittings

Sea-Dog Stainless Set Screws for all Sea Dog Rail and top Fittings 1/4"- 28 X 3/16" Cone Point Hex Drive Features: Stainless Steel Sold Ten (10) per package.

Sea-Dog Round Base 7/8" Rail Fitting, Chrome

Sea-Dog Round Base 7/8" Rail Fitting, Chrome

Sea-Dog 7/8" Round Base Chrome Rail Fitting Constructed of chrome plated die cast zinc, these rail base fittings are recommended for freshwater use. These fittings install to deck with #10 fasteners (not included). Fittings can be attached to railing...

Sea-Dog Round Base 7/8" Rail Fittings, Stainless Steel

Sea-Dog Round Base 7/8" Rail Fittings, Stainless Steel

Sea-Dog Round Base Rail Fittings Sea Dog Round Base Rail Fittings are constructed of investment cast 316 stainless steel for corrosion resistance and durability.  Installs with (3) #10 FH fasteners (not included) Stainless Tube Wall Thickness ...

Sea Dog Hinged Hand Rail Tees, Stainless Steel

Sea Dog Hinged Hand Rail Tees, Stainless Steel

Sea-Dog Stainless Hinged Hand Rail Tees Features: Hinged feature allows installation without disassembling existing bimini set up Reduces possibility of scratching tubing during installation Investment Cast 316 Stainless For Use on 7/8" O.D. Tube...

Sea Dog Rectangle Base Rail Fittings, Stainless Steel

Sea Dog Rectangle Base Rail Fittings, Stainless Steel

Rectangle base rail fittings. Available in 30, 60 and 90 degree angles. Stainless steel.

Sea-Dog 7/8" Bullet End  Hand Rail Fittings End Cap, Chrome or Stainless

Sea-Dog 7/8" Bullet End Hand Rail Fittings End Cap, Chrome or Stainless

Sea Dog Hand Rail Fittings Bullet End For 7/8" Tube Part # Description Rail Height Tube O.D.* Fastener 286290-1 Bullet End n/a 7/8" n/a 288290-1 Bullet...

Sea-Dog 60 Degree End 7/8" Hand Rail Fitting, Stainless Steel

Sea-Dog 60 Degree End 7/8" Hand Rail Fitting

Sea Dog 60 Degree End Hand Rail Fitting Sea Dog hand rail fittings are constructed of investment cast 316 stainless steel for corrosion resistance and durability. Features:   Investment Cast 316 Stainless 60 Degree End Stainless Tube Wall...

Sea-Dog 7/8" Hand Rail Fitting 60 Degree Center, Stainless Steel

Sea-Dog 7/8" Hand Rail Fitting 60 Degree Center

Sea-Dog Hand Rail Fitting, 60 Degree Center Sea Dog hand rail fittings are constructed of investment cast 316 stainless steel for corrosion resistance and durability. Features: Investment Cast 316 Stainless #10 FH Fastener 60 Degree...

Sea Dog Removable Rail Mount Clamps

Sea Dog Removable Rail Mount Clamps

Sea Dog Removable Rail Mount Clamps Sea Dog Removable Rail Mount Clamps are a great option for mounting a wide variety of items including fillet tables, solar panels, GPS, cell phone holders, cup holders, binocular racks, and more to your existing rails...

Sea-Dog 90 Degree Stainless Elbow Rail Tee

Sea-Dog 90 Degree Stainless Elbow Rail Tee

Sea-Dog 90 Degree Stainless Elbow Hand Rail Fitting. Features: Investment Cast 316 Stainless Stainless Tube Wall Thickness .049" 90 Degree Bend For use with 7/8" O.D. Tube

Sea-Dog Chrome Plated 90 Degree Handrail Tee

Sea-Dog Chrome Plated 90 Degree Handrail Tee

Sea-Dog Chrome Plated 90 Degree Handrail Tee Constructed of chrome plated die cast zinc, this handrail tee is recommended for freshwater use. For use with 7/8" outer diameter stainless tubing with a wall thickness of 0.49". Specifications: 90 Degree...

Sea Dog Rail Mount Bracket

Sea Dog Rail Mount Bracket

Sea Dog Rail Mount Bracket Injection Molded Nylon/Stainless. Sold as pair. All Sea-Dog Rail Mount Brackets are designed for easy attachment to 7/8" - 1" tubing. The injection molded nylon mounting parts and rubber liners allow for positive attachment...

Sea Dog Stainless Steel 90 Degree Hand Rail Tee

Sea Dog Stainless Steel 90 Degree Hand Rail Tee

Sea-Dog Stainless Steel 90 Degree Hand Rail Tee This Sea Dog hand rail tee is constructed of investment cast 316 stainless steel for corrosion resistance and durability. Designed for use with 7/8" outer diameter stainless tubing with a wall thickness of...

Sea-Dog 60 Degree Center Hand Rail Fitting, Chrome

Sea-Dog 60 Degree Center Hand Rail Fitting, Chrome

Sea-Dog Hand Rail Fitting 60 Degree Center Die Cast Zinc Chrome Plated #10 FH Fastener Used for 7/8" Tube Part # Description Rail Height Tube O.D.* Fastener 286560-1 60°...

Perko Spring Clamps (Pair)

Perko Spring Clamps (Pair)

Perko Spring Clamps (Pair) Perko spring clamps are constructed of durable stainless steel. Sold as a pair. Specifications: Screw size: #6 Min I.D. : 1" Max I.D. : 1-3/4" Projection: 2-1/4" Width Clamp: 5/8"

Sea-Dog 60 Degree End Left Hand Set Screw Hand Rail Fitting, Chrome

Sea-Dog 60 Degree End Left Hand Set Screw Hand Rail Fitting, Chrome

Sea-Dog Chrome Plated 60 Degree End Rail Fitting Die Cast Zinc Chrome Plated 60 Degree End - Left Hand Set Screw For Hand Rail Height of 2-1/8" From Mounting Surface to Top (Far) Edge of 7/8" Rail #10 FH Fastener Stainless Tube Wall Thickness ...

Sea-Dog Round Base 1" Rail Fittings - Stainless Steel

Sea-Dog Round Base 1" Rail Fittings - Stainless Steel

Sea Dog Round Base Rail Fitting Round Base Investment Cast 316 Stainless 1/4" FH Fastener Stainless Steel Tube Wall Thickness .049" Available in 30 Degree, 60 Degree and 90 Degree Dimensions: S-D-280301 30 Degree Round Base Tube O.D...

Boat railings are an important part of any boat, as this hardware ensures that your passengers are safe while out on the water. Railings offer protection to prevent people from falling and should be inspected on a regular basis. If there is wear and tear and corrosion with the boat rail fittings, this can cause the integrity of the boat railings to be sub-par and can possibly cause serious injury. Wholesale Marine stocks a vast inventory of quality boat rail fittings and parts from leading brands like Sea Dog and Perko.

Replace or Upgrade Your Boat Railing Fittings

Constant exposure to the elements can cause rail fittings to corrode and be a safety hazard for your boat. Updating your railing parts should be a top priority. Our boat rail fittings are made with durable materials such as stainless steel and aluminum.

We offer round base rail fittings or rectangular fittings in a variety of sizes. Wholesale Marine’s stocks hard to find rail fitting tees 3-Way and 4-Way corner fitting options.

Boat railings are not an area on your boat you want to neglect. This can lead to pitted, worn, and eventually faulty boat rail fittings, and eventually unreliable railings which will not support a person’s weight. Then your craft will have to be out of commission for a while for repairs. A worn railing can even give way and cause a passenger to fall overboard. Both scenarios can be avoided if you contact Wholesale Marine, where our reps are here to help with your selection of the right boat rail parts and rail fittings.

Not sure which part you need? Contact our experienced and enthusiastic customer service team for help with any questions you may have. We are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM EST at 877-388-2628. Don’t forget to ask about our Captain’s Club Rewards Program for savings on your next Wholesale Marine purchases.

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New and Used Boat Parts and Marine Gear

sailboat bow rail

Sailboat Bow Rail

$ 325.00

Here’s a short video of the bow rail

  • Description
  • Additional information

Thi is a sailboat bow rail off of a 1986 sailboat

Weight 15 lbs
Dimensions 34 × 34 × 27 in

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  1. Bow Rails

    Try a custom bow rail. Our Bow rails can be built to any height and length. Clean up your boat's look with a sleek looking bow rail. We can custom fabricate bow rails for any boat in either stainless steel or aluminum. A bow rail can add safety and good looks. We also can repair damaged bow rails and add accessories.

  2. Marine Connection Liquidators

    Hundreds of stainless steel bow rails from 6-25 feet. We have rails to fit Boston Whaler, Mako, Wellcraft, Chris-Craft, Donzi and more. We HAVE a bow rail to fit your boat! In addition, we have hundreds of feet of aluminum and stainless steel pipe stock and all the fittings you need to custom fabricate your own rails.

  3. Bow & Stern Rails

    Bow & Stern Rails. Stainless Outfitters was founded with the purpose of providing quality stainless deck hardware, namely bow and stern rails, stanchions, bases, and lifeline systems. Boat rails are of course the most important safety feature on any boat. This is why we use only the best North American made , tig welded, and highly polished ...

  4. Marine Hardware

    With our selection of corrosion resistant marine rail fittings you can create useful guides with handrail and lifeline systems throughout your boat's bow, stern and cabin top. With Zamak, a copper zinc aluminum alloy, and stainless steel boat rail fittings options, you can secure your boat's perimeter in saltwater and freshwater ...

  5. Boat Rail Fittings, Rail Mounts & Parts

    Boat Railing Hardware: Rail Fittings, Rail Mounts & Parts Our extensive inventory of high-quality boat railing hardware for custom bow, stern, and cabintop railings includes a wide range of boat rail mounts, clamps, fittings, and marine-grade stainless tubing to ensure the construction of secure handrails and lifelines for your boat.

  6. Rail Fittings

    1400 NW 45th Street , Seattle WA 98107. home. categories. boat seating, deck & covers. rail fittings. Marine rail fittings are essential components of a boat's railing system, providing structural integrity, safety, and aesthetic appeal. Whether you're setting up a new railing system or need to replace existing components, understanding picking ...

  7. Bow Rails for Sail and Power Boats

    Because of the length and size most power boat bow rails need to be picked up from our shop instead of shipping to your location. Contact us for details. Got Questions? We Can Help. Call us at (949) 642-6506 or visit our contact page. Home; Yachts & Boats; Products; Dodger & Bimini; FAQ's;

  8. Smart Rails

    Two 91" inch smart rail sections are installed from bow to stern, in order to direct water downward, thus increasing visibility, comfort, and speed, while reducing fuel cost, wakes, and side slip on high speed turns. Made of flexible PVC, and virtually indestructible in nature, the smart rail is bonded to fiberglass, aluminum, or steel hulls by ...

  9. Sailboat Parts Explained: Illustrated Guide (with Diagrams)

    The hull is what most people would consider 'the boat'. It's the part that provides buoyancy and carries everything else: sails, masts, rigging, and so on. Without the hull, there would be no boat. The hull can be divided into different parts: deck, keel, cabin, waterline, bilge, bow, stern, rudder, and many more.

  10. Order Custom Stainless Stern Rails

    Depending on complexity of the piece, prices range from $450 to $3,500. We quote each job individually because each job is unique. Inquire if we have your design on file in our extensive database of OEM specs for North American production boats. The list includes prolific brands such as O'Day, Pearson, S-2, Sabre sailboats, Gemini and C&C ...

  11. Boat Rails

    Yes, you can DIY your marine handrail project! The easiest DIY grabrail is one chosen from Defender?s line up of prefabricated dock boarding handrails and boat safety rails. Choose the best and install in a breeze! Shop Railing & Handrails for boats of all types at Defender. Get fast delivery and free shipping on eligible orders over $99.

  12. Boat Bow and Stern Custom Welded Aluminum Rails

    Bow/Stern Rails. Our custom aluminum bow rail and safety rails are built to order. We fabricate each set of boat rails specifically to the boat that they're installing to, so rails are fully customized. Every boat is different, so it's important that we have the boat at our location to ensure that they will fit and are securely installed.

  13. Selecting Rail Fittings

    Bow forms connect two tubes at about a 110° or 125° angle. Universal tees are like normal tees except the third leg intersects at a 60° angle. ... Installation Tips for the DIY Boat Owner. Most rail fittings attach to the deck with either number 10 flat head machine screws (for 7/8" diameter rail components) or 1/4-20 flat head machine ...

  14. Sea Ray Boat Bow Rails

    Boat part number 8501696 is a set of 2 new bow rails for a Sea Ray Boats, part numbers 6420V-2143425 / 6420V-2141869 . These polished stainless steel bow rails measure approximately 110 3/4" L x 13 1/4" H overall, is 7/8" in diameter and hosts a 8" clearance - see photos from detailed measurements. Mounts via (3) 1 3/4" L x 1/4" diameter ...

  15. Yacht and boat rails and custom stainless steel fabrication

    Call us at (949) 642-6506 or visit our contact page. For over 40 years, Railmakers Inc. has built a reputation for quality yacht and boat rails and commitment to our customers in production, custom and prototype fabrications.

  16. Bow Rails

    For the past few decades, we have gone above and beyond for our clients in need of new bow rails, and we are eager to do the same for you. (705) 725-1779 (800) 268-0395 Home; About; Products; Services; Boat Stairs. Boat Stairs for Seniors. ... Since the fabrication process is such an important part of fitting your boat with new bow rails, we ...

  17. Boat Grab Rails & Boat Hand Rails

    Stainless Steel Angled Grab Rail 8", 1-7/8" Stud. $22.99. Add to Cart. Show. Browse all of your boating handrail needs. Whether you're looking for a small grab rail or something a little longer, we have plenty of options including top, surface, or stud mount grab rails as well as different flange variations ranging from no flange to a more ...

  18. Boat Rail Fittings

    We are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM EST at 877-388-2628. Don't forget to ask about our Captain's Club Rewards Program for savings on your next Wholesale Marine purchases. Secure your vessel with high-quality boat rail fittings. Wholesale Marine carries a variety of boat rail fittings for reliable safety and ...

  19. Sailboat Bow Rail

    Sailboat Bow Rail quantity. Add to cart. Categories: Bow Rails, Sailboat Parts. Description Additional information Thi is a sailboat bow rail off of a 1986 sailboat. Weight: 15 lbs: Dimensions: 34 × 34 × 27 in: Related products. Add to cart . Stanchions Rated 0 out of 5

  20. Trains bypassing Perm-2

    Answered: Starting from November 14, some departures of the trains #83/#84 (Северный Урал) and #11/#12 (Ямал) will skip all stops from Perm-2 to Chusovskaya. These trains offer the best times to arrive in Perm from Nizhny Novgorod. May I ask what are the...

  21. Perm Map

    Perm, previously known as Yagoshikha and Molotov, is the administrative centre of Perm Krai in the European part of Russia. It sits on the banks of the Kama River near the Ural Mountains, covering an area of 799.68 square kilometres. Photo: Latitude, CC BY 3.0. Photo: Заболотских Сергей, CC BY-SA 3.0. Photo: A.Savin, FAL.

  22. THE 5 BEST Perm Krai Boat Rides & Cruises

    Set sail on your destination's top-rated boat tours and cruises. Whether it's an entertaining and informative boat tour or a relaxing sunset dinner cruise, these are the best Perm Krai cruises around. Looking for something more adventurous? Check out our list of must-do water activities in Perm Krai. See reviews and photos of boat tours & water sports in Perm Krai on Tripadvisor.

  23. Things to Do in Perm Krai

    The river was very nearly frozen and boat trips were still traveling up and down. I can understand why this is such a popular place especially in the Summer so good for families couple everyone really so many activities than in winter. ... Taxis & Shuttles in Perm Krai Rail Services in Perm Krai. Near Landmarks. Things to do near Usva River ...