Excursion Ile Maurice

L’ Île Aux Cerfs En Catamaran

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Croisière à L’ Île Aux Cerfs En Catamaran avec déjeuner ‘BBQ’


La journée commence à Trou D’Eau Douce, un petit village situé sur la côte Est centrale de l’île Maurice. Ici, vous embarquerez sur le catamaran pour naviguer le long de la côte jusqu’à la cascade Grand River Sud Est, la plus longue rivière de l’ile Maurice, d’environs 30 km. Cet endroit est très célèbre pour sa cascade qui se trouve merveilleusement entre deux canyons. Vous prendrez une navette pour vous rendre au point le plus proche de la cascade. Préparez votre appareil photo pour cliquer sur de belles images!

Après quelques photos de cette belle cascade, le catamaran se dirigera a l’intérieure du lagon. Durant la traversée, les membres de l’équipage vont s’assurer que vous passerez un moment mémorable. Ils se feront un plaisir de vous raconter des petite blagues, des histoires locales et vont jouer de la musique mauricienne locale ‘le Sega’, qui animera la journée sur le catamaran.

Après le déjeuner, vous vous rendrez sur l’île aux Cerfs, considérée comme le joyau de l’océan. Ile aux Cerfs se trouve à 2 km de Trou d’Eau Douce. Cette île est le cadre idéal pour passer une journée de détente à admirer le soleil et à s’amuser sur l’une des plages à la carte postale parfaite. L’île mesure 1,2 km de long et offre 87 hectares de végétation luxuriante et de plages de sable blanc préservées. Outre les magnifiques plage de cartes postales, l’île Aux Cerfs possède l’un des plus beaux parcours de golf de 18 trous appartenant à un complexe hôtelier. Chaque jour, des centaines de Mauriciens et de touristes visitent l’île aux Cerfs. Certains passeraient quelques heures et d’autres toute la journée. L’Ile aux Cerfs est sans aucun doute l’une des principales attractions de l’île Maurice.

BBQ Pic Nic sur l’île aux cerf Menu Normal proposé: poisson, poulet, saucisses, pain à l’ail, salades vertes, bananes grillées.

Menu proposé avec Langouste: Langouste, poisson, poulet, saucisses, pain à l’ail, salades vertes, bananes grillées. Si vous êtes végétarien, veuillez nous en informer au préalable. Nous pouvons organiser des plats végétariens.

Boissons (alcoolisées et non alcoolisées) :  Eau, jus de fruits, vin rouge et blanc, rhum local et bière Phoenix / Blue Marlin.


Tour Reviews

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A splendid and unforgettable trip. Wonderful experience. Tried parasailing, some other water activities, speed boat which entered to see a waterfall and stood there for a long time for us to take photos and so, ended up with a BBQ and drinks. It was amazing.

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Are you a Mauritian resident?

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Make the most of the unique friendliness and pleasure of navigation that Océane’s catamarans offer to discover the East coast of Mauritius

On the east coast, the clear waters of the longest lagoon in Mauritius are calling you …

Join your catamaran nearby the fishermen village of Trou’Eau Douce and spend an exceptional day under the tropical sun. Sail and snorkel at a place called “Eau Bleu” or in “Baie des 2 frères”, enjoy a succulent BBQ, appreciate an attentive service and a breath-taking landscape. This is the definition of an idyllic vacation!

Lunch is served on board the catamaran at anchor. Then take the time to make a stopover on Ile aux Cerfs, time for a tan, and a walk to capture these beautiful instagramable images. You will be back at Trou D’Eau Douce around 3:30 pm.

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Pointe Maurice Jetty, near Shangri-La Le Touesrok, Trou d’Eau Douce

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran


Can be organised with a supplement, subject to availability.

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

9.00am - 3:30pm

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Swimming in the sheltered lagoon

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

BBQ Lunch on board

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Unlimited drinks *

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran


mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Visit of Ile Aux Cerfs

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Visit of Grande Rivière Sud Est

To add in your beach bag.

  • Swimming costume and beach towel
  • Your diving mask, snorkel and flippers if you wish to snorkel (Masks and flippers available on board)
  • High SPF sunscreen to protect you over a full day in the sun (UV30 or UV50 minimum recommended)
  • Hats or Caps to protect your face and neck from UV rays
  • Sandals or flip flops
  • A windbreaker and a jacket for people who are chilly during windy periods
  • A camera to immortalise your experience


2. How do you take the weather into account on your cruises? While the weather is temperate to warm year-round, showers are not uncommon on our tropical island and rain may come and go during your cruise. In case of particularly bad weather, we will contact you to consult with you and advise you on the best decision to make. Please make sure you provide us with the correct contact information when you make your booking, in case this situation arises.


Cancellation by You You, or any of your party as applicable, may cancel your booking at any time, via written notification (email or WhatsApp) to our office 24 hours prior to your outing. Cancellation fees may be applied.

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

À propos de nous

Pourquoi nous choisir.

Premier prestataire de services local de la croisière en catamaran sur l'île aux Cerfs

+ 1000 participants

En moyenne, nous servons plus de 1 000 voyageurs par mois avec un taux de satisfaction de service de 9,2. L'un des plus élevés de l'industrie.

Nous prenons la sécurité en toute sécurité. Nos bateaux et leurs skippers répondent aux exigences de sécurité locales et sont équipés de gilets de sauvetage.

Services de transport

Pour un petit supplément, nous pouvons venir vous chercher et vous déposer à partir de n'importe quel hébergement à Maurice dans un véhicule privé.

Service client

Notre service d'assistance client dédié et permanent est à votre disposition pour répondre à toutes vos questions par e-mail ou par téléphone.

Aucun dépôt requis

Vous pouvez payer le jour de la croisière sans faire d’acompte. Si vous préférez payer à l'avance, nous pouvons vous fournir un lien de paiement sécurisé.

Confirmation instantanée

Recevez une confirmation immédiate dans les prochaines heures de votre réservation. Annulation gratuite avant 48 heures du voyage.

Notre histoire

Passionnés locaux axés sur la satisfaction de la clientèle

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Experts du tourisme local passionnés par l'hospitalité maritime

Je m'appelle Vincent et je voudrais vous adresser une chaleureuse invitation à la croisière en catamaran Ile Aux Cerfs en mon nom personnel et celui de notre équipage. Nous aimerions que vous profitiez de nos services de croisière vraiment exceptionnels.

Je suis né sur la côte mauricienne et j'ai grandi avec l'océan dans le cadre de ma vie. Maintenant, comme beaucoup de mes concitoyens mauriciens, je suis extrêmement fière de la beauté qu'elle a à offrir. Aucun voyage dans ce pays n’est complet sans vous offrir l’opportunité de découvrir les trésors cachés qui abondent sur terre et sur mer. En tant que personne ayant à cœur d'aider les autres et moi-même à établir des liens avec la nature, je me suis associée à mes collègues des secteurs maritime et touristique pour vous aider à atteindre cet objectif.

Ensemble, nous avons conçu la croisière en catamaran sur l'île Aux Cerfs afin de mettre en valeur le soleil, le surf, les plages, la détente, la cuisine et l'esprit d'exploration qui font de Maurice un paradis tropical unique à tous les niveaux. Notre croisière offre la possibilité de faire des souvenirs de Maurice et de son peuple amical. Rejoignez-nous et laissez-nous vous le prouver!

Vincent Lam


Mauritius Catamaran Cruises to Ile aux Cerfs

The Catamaran cruise to Ile Aux Cerfs is all about having a great cruising experience, enjoying water sports activities and relaxation on one of the picture-postcard beaches of the Island.

Ile Aux Cerfs Island is situated off the east coast of Mauritius. This is why all the catamaran cruises to Ile Aux Cerfs depart from the east coast of Mauritius.

Mauritius Catamaran Cruise to Ile aux Cerfs

There are two possible departure points for the Ile Aux Cerfs catamaran cruises:

  • Catamaran Cruises which depart from Trou D’eau Douce - situated on the central east coast of Mauritius.
  • Catamaran cruises which depart from Blue Bay - situated near the airport, on the south east of Mauritius.

The selection of catamaran cruises to Ile Aux Cerfs includes

Catamaran Cruise To Ile Aux Cerfs (From Mauritius South East)

Catamaran Cruise To Ile Aux Cerfs (From Mauritius South East)

Luxurious Catamaran Cruise, featuring stunning beaches, snorkeling, BBQ lunch, and unlimited drinks...

South East 7 hrs

Catamaran Cruise To Ile Aux Cerfs (From Trou d'eau Douce)

Catamaran Cruise To Ile Aux Cerfs (From Trou d'eau Douce)

Sail, snorkel, and relax on pristine beaches while enjoying a BBQ lunch and drinks..

More information about Catamaran Cruises to Ile Aux Cerfs Island - Mauritius

Mauritius Catamaran Cruise to Ile aux Cerfs

This cruise is all about sailing through crystal clear waters along the east coast whilst enjoying breathtaking sceneries of the mountains on the south east of Mauritius. The departure point is Blue Bay which is located on the south east of Mauritius.

Along the way, the catamaran makes a stop for you to enjoy snorkeling inside Mauritius’ largest lagoon on the east coast, where you can explore the underwater marine life and swim amongst superb corals and brightly colored tropical fish.

Following the lunch, the catamaran will cruise into the canal between Ile Aux Cerfs and the world class sanctuary of Anahita, before dropping you off on the famous white sand bank of Ile Aux Cerfs. After having enjoyable time on Ile Aux Cerfs, you will re-embark on the catamaran and sail back to the departure point. The total cruise time from Blue Bay to Ile Aux Cerfs is about 1.5 – 2 hours each way.

As part of the catamaran cruise, and included in the price are: Full BBQ lunch, all day open bar serving soft drinks and alcoholic beverages, tea, coffee and cakes.

Mauritius Catamaran Cruise to Ile aux Cerfs

This catamaran cruise departs from Trou D’eau Douce which is situated on the central east coast of Mauritius. After embarking the catamaran, you will first cruise along the shore, heading the direction of the Grand River Waterfalls. When reaching the Grand River, you will travel by small speed boats to visit the waterfall which is situated about 500m upstream. Following the visit to the waterfalls you will head back to the catamaran.

As part of the cruise, the catamaran makes a stop for you to enjoy snorkeling inside the lagoon allowing you to enjoy the underwater marine life and to swim amongst superb corals and brightly colored tropical fish. After snorkeling, the catamaran will head to Ile Aux Cerfs Island.

Just before arriving to Ile Aux Cerfs, the catamaran will stop in close proximity to the main beach of Ile Aux Cerfs where you will enjoy delicious lunch, served onboard the catamaran. After lunch, the catamaran will anchor for you to go off board to Ile Aux Cerfs for free time on the island. After having enjoyable time on Ile Aux Cerfs, you will re-embark on the catamaran and sail back to the departure point.

The total cruise time from Trou D’eau Douce to Ile Aux Cerfs is about 1.5 – 2 hours (including the visit to the Grand River waterfalls), and about 45 minutes cruise from Ile Aux Cerfs back to Trou D’eau Douce.

As part of the catamaran cruise, and included in the price are: Full BBQ lunch and snacks, all day open bar serving soft drinks and alcoholic beverages.

Mauritius Catamaran Cruise to Ile aux Cerfs

Difference between the two cruises

The main difference between these two cruises is of course the departure point.

Also, due to the longer distance between Blue Bay and Ile Aux Cerfs, the cruising time The catamaran cruise departing from Trou D’eau Douce also includes a visit to the Grand River Waterfalls. Regarding lunch, the catamaran cruise departing from Blue Bay, offers a chef made lunch which is prepared by one of the top class hotels of Mauritius.

All the Catamaran Cruises to Ile Aux Cerfs are full day cruises (from 09:00 / 09:30 - 15:30 / 16:00).

Inclusive in the price of all catamaran cruises to Ile aux Cerfs, is a full delicious BBQ lunch buffet which is set on Ile Aux Cerfs or onboard the catamaran.

Also, included in the price is an open bar serving throughout the day a selection of free beverages both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

More information about Ile Aux Cerfs Island

Ile Aux Cerfs Island, known also as Deer Island is a beautiful island near the east coast of Mauritius. This paradise island is about 100 hectares in size. On Ile Aux Cerfs you will find one of the world’s most beautiful beaches; one of the must-visit places in Mauritius.

Mauritius Catamaran Cruise to Ile aux Cerfs

With its swaying tropical trees, pure white sandy beaches and vivid turquoise waters, this amazing paradise island is the perfect setting for a relaxing day of sun worship.

On Ile Aux Cerfs Island, the visitors are offered a large selection of activities and indulging facilities. Water sports, beach activities, restaurants and also a 5-star hotel’s golf course, make this amazing paradise island the perfect setting for a vacation.

Catamaran Cruise Mauritius - Ile aux Cerfs

Enjoy a leisurely cruise in a modern catamaran on your way to Ile aux Cerfs island. Lunch & drinks included

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Ranked as the most popular sea activity in Mauritius, the catamaran cruise to Ile aux Cerfs island allows you to explore Mauritius’s spectacular coastline and admire the seaside splendor of island. Sail the iridescent waters aboard a stylish catamaran; sip refreshing drinks as you feel the soothing Mauritian sun on your skin. Stop to admire the GRSE waterfall or plunge into the inviting waters and snorkel your way to happiness.

The catamaran cruise starts at Trou d’eau Douce at 09:00 off the east coast of Mauritius. It is a full-day cruise that ends at 16:00. No deposit is required to book; but a prior reservation is required to guarantee your seat.

This cruise is available with either private transfer (from anywhere in Mauritius) or self-drive (you can purchase the tickets only and we will share the meeting location with you).


Cruise Itinerary

1 optional pickup.

If you opt for transfer, your driver will pick you up in at your accommodation anywhere in Mauritius. For self-drive (i.e if you are going by your own means), we will share the meeting location with you.

2 Embark the Catamaran and set sail to Ile aux Cerfs Island

You will be invited to embark our catamaran departing from Trou d'eau Douce to Ile aux Cerfs. The navigation time is roughly 30 mintues.

3 Make a stop at Grand River South East waterfall

We will stop at GRSE waterfall for a breathtaking view of natural waterfall before heading at sea en route to Ile aux Cerfs island.

  • time: 9:15- 9:30

4 Take a plunge in the water (snorkeling)

We will make soome stops so that you can enjoy a dip in the water. Free equipment (diving mask, tuba and swimfins) will be provided.

  • time: 9:30 - 10:45

5 Savor a BBQ lunch with drinks on board

A buffer lunch then awaits you onboard; feast upon juicy chicken BBQ, pasta salads. Complimentary drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks) is available.

  • time: 10:45 - 11:30

6 Arrival at Ile aux Cerfs island

Land at Ile aux Cerfs island where you will get to spend the rest of your day at your own ease.

  • time: 11:30 - 15:00

7 Return to Trou d'Eau Douce with your driver waiting

Your arrival at Trou d'Eau Douce is expected at around 15:45. If you opted for the transfer option, your driver will be ready to pick you up and drive you back to your accommodation.

  • time: 15:45

Featured Reviews

A. reiter / from malta.

10 May, 2019

Hi, just to say that we had a fantastic time today! Our driver was such a lovely man and a credit to your business. The lads driving the boat were such fun and full of historical and factual information. We have told everyone at our hotel that we had a brilliant day out, all credit goes to your employees!

Mohammed A. / from Qatar

07 May, 2019

Ile aux Cerfs is a must-stop if you're vacationing in Mauritius. The team at Seascape was prompt in their responses and provided ample of handy tips to make this day wonderful. We enjoyed the beach at Ile aux Cerfs and the food on the Catamaran was to our liking.

Would I refer them to my friends… I already have!

Lovric & Laura / from New Zealand

5 May, 2019

All in all a well organized boat cruise. The team is welcoming and didn't stop serving us drinks! The boat ride was smooth on that day (something that we were very wary about). The beach at Ile aux Cerfs is out of this world - warm water, white sandy beaches all around.

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book boat to ile aux cerfs mauritius

Full Day Cruise

Embark for a full day cruise to ile aux cerfs, ilot gabriel or ilot bénitiers, sunset & dinner cruise, embark for a 2 hour sunset cruise on board of one of our catamarans..., overnight & private cruise, experience a night onboard of one of our catamarans..., live on board, discover mauritius differently on board of one of our catamarans..., catamaran cruises mauritius - ile aux cerfs, île aux cerfs island , known in english as deer island is an island off the east coast of mauritius near the village of trou d'eau douce. the island has an undulating terrain and natural vegetation and is dotted with outcrops of volcanic rock, little lakes, gullies and magnificent white sandy beaches. the island hosts the world renown bernard langer 18-hole championship golf course managed by le touessrok hotel. nowadays there are no more deers on the island, but you will find some of the island's most beautiful beaches there..

Ile aux Cerfs is famous for its sandy beaches, beautiful lagoon and large selection of activities and facilities. On Ile aux Cerfs you are sure to spend a relaxing day if you choose to sunbathe on one of its magnificent beaches, or simply have fun if you choose to take part in the array of water sport activities on offer.

Every day, tourists and locals visit Ile aux Cerfs and spend the whole day on the island and benefit from the range of facilities and activities offered on the island. During recent years Ile aux Cerfs Island has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Mauritius.

On Ile aux Cerfs you will find many restaurants that cater for almost every palate and you should definitely try some of the local cuisine. In addition, there is a large selection of water sports kiosks which offer an array of water sports including water skiing, banana rides, glass bottom boats, parasailing and more. The island also has a small flee market offering local handicraft, textiles etc...

Ile aux Cerfs is a highly recommended location for snorkeling. The coral reef is beautiful and full of marine life, and together with the large black rocks that protrude into the water, it is an ideal place to snorkel and to enjoy the rich underwater world.

The island also has a 18 holes golf course, so if you want to experience Mauritian golfing while seeing the breathtaking views of the lagoons and the clear Indian ocean water all around, this is definitely one of the best places to go to.

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Croisières Maurice Catamaran à l’île aux Cerfs

La croisière par Catamaran à l’Ile Aux Cerfs est de vivre une grande expérience de croisière en mer, savourer les activités nautiques and les détentes sur l’une des plages vu sur cartes postales.

Ile Aux Cerfs est située au large de la cote est de Maurice. C’est pourquoi que tous les catamarans qui partent pour l’Ile Aux Cerfs sont en partance de la cote est de Maurice.

Croisière Catamaran Ile Maurice vers Ile Aux Cerfs

Il y a deux de point de départ pour les croisières vers l’Ile Aux Cerfs:

  • Les croisières par Catamaran qui partent de Trou D’eau Douce - située à l’est centrale de Maurice
  • Les croisières par Catamaran qui partent e Blue Baie - située près de l’aéroport, au sud-est de Maurice

Le choix de Croisière par Catamarans à l’Ile Aux Cerfs inclus

Croisiere en catamaran sur l'ile aux Cerfs (Sud Est)

Croisiere en catamaran sur l'ile aux Cerfs (Sud Est)

Journée Complète (09:15 - 16:15) Croisière par Catamaran à l’Ile Aux Cerfs incluant Déjeuner et Bois..

Sud-Est 7 h

Croisiere en Catamaran sur l’Ile aux Cerfs (Trou D'eau Douce)

Croisiere en Catamaran sur l’Ile aux Cerfs (Trou D'eau Douce)

Journée Complète (09:30 - 16:00) Croisière par Catamaran à l’Ile Aux Cerfs incluant Déjeuner et Bois..

Est 6 h 30 min

Croisiere en Catamaran Harris Wilson - Cote Sud-Est

Croisiere en Catamaran Harris Wilson - Cote Sud-Est

Journée Complète (09:15 - 16:00) Croisière par Catamaran à l’Ile Aux Cerfs incluant Déjeuner et Bois..

Sud-Est 6 h 45 min

Plus d’informations sur les Croisières par Catamarans à l’Ile Aux Cerfs - Ile Maurice

Croisière Catamaran Ile Maurice vers Ile Aux Cerfs

Cette croisière vous permettra de voguer sur cette eau clair et limpide le long de la cote est pendant que vous prendrez plaisir à voir des décors à vous couper le souffle des montagnes du sud-est de Maurice. Le point de départ est Blue Baie qui est située au sud-est de Maurice.

Durant le voyage, le catamaran fait un arrêt pour que vous puissiez savourer le plaisir de plongée avec tuba dans le plus grand lagon de la cote est de Maurice, où vous pourrez explorer la vie sous marine et vous nagerez parmi des coraux superbes et des poissons tropicaux multicolores.

Apres la pause pour la plongée avec tuba, le catamaran continu sa route le long de la belle cote est vers l’Ile Aux Cerfs. Juste avant d’arriver à l’Ile Aux Cerfs, le catamaran s’arrêtera pour vous faire savourer un délicieux déjeuner à bord du catamaran. Suivant le déjeuner, le catamaran naviguera entre dans le canal entre Ile Aux Cerfs et le sanctuaire connu dans le monde d’Anahita, avant de vous déposer sur le fameux bord blanc et sablonneux de l’Ile Aux Cerfs. Apres avoir savouré une journée de plaisir sur l’Ile Aux Cerfs, vous ré embarquerez à bord du catamaran et retournerez au point de départ. La durée totale de la croisière est de 1.5 - 2 heures, l’allé et le retour.

Faisant parti de la croisière, et inclus dans le prix sont : déjeuner complète de BBQ, bar servant des boissons gazeuses et boissons alcoolique, du thé, du café et des gâteaux tout le long de la journée.

Croisière Catamaran Ile Maurice vers Ile Aux Cerfs

Cette croisière par catamaran est en partance de Trou D’eau Douce qui est située au centre de la cote est. Apres avoir embarquez, vous allez au début naviguez le long de la cote, vers les Cascades de Grande Rivière. Arrivant à Grande Rivière, vous voyagerez par vedettes pour visiter la cascade qui est située à 500m en remontant la rivière. Suivant la visite, vous allez retourner au catamaran.

Inclus dans la croisière, le catamaran s’arrêtera pour que vous puissiez faire de la plongée avec tuba dans le lagon vous laissant admirer la vie sous marine et de nager parmi des coraux superbes et des poissons tropicaux multicolores. Apres la plongée avec tuba, le catamaran voguera vers l’Ile Aux Cerfs

Juste avant d’arriver à l’Ile Aux Cerfs, le catamaran s’arrêtera a proximité de la plage centrale de l’ile pour vous faire savourer un délicieux déjeuner, servi à bord du catamaran. Apres le repas, le catamaran va mouiller l’encre afin que vous puissiez partir sur l’Ile Aux Cerfs pour y passer du temps libre. Apres avoir pris du bon temps sur l’Ile Aux Cerfs, vous allez ré embarquez et naviguerez jusqu’au point de départ. Apres avoir pris du bon temps sur l’Ile Aux Cerfs, vous allez ré embarquez et naviguerez jusqu’au point de départ.

La durée de la croisière de Trou D’eau Douce à l’Ile Aux Cerfs est entre 1.5 - 2 heures (incluant la visite des cascades de Grande Rivière), et a peu près 45 minutes de voyage de l’Ile Aux Cerfs à Trou D’eau Douce.

Inclus dans la croisière, et faisant parti du prix sont : déjeuner complète de BBQ, bar servant des boissons gazeuses et boissons alcoolique tout le long de la journée.

Croisière Catamaran Ile Maurice vers Ile Aux Cerfs

La différence entre les deux croisières

La principale différence entre ces deux croisières est bien sûr le point de départ.

Aussi, due a la distance plus longue entre Blue Baie et l’ile Aux Cerfs, le temps de croisière du catamaran en partance de Blue Baie est un peu plus longue. Mauritius Ile Aux Cerfs Cruise La croisière par catamaran en partance de Trou D’eau Douce inclus aussi une visite à la cascade de Grande Rivière. Ce qui concerne le déjeuner, la croisière en partance de Blue Baie, offre un repas préparé par un chef d’un grand hôtel de Maurice

Toutes les croisières par catamarans à l’ile Aux Cerfs sont des croisières d’une journée complète (de 09:00 - 16:00).

Inclus dans le prix de tous les croisières à l’Ile Aux Cerfs, est un délicieux BBQ qui est faite sur l’ile Aux Cerfs où à bord du catamaran. Aussi, inclus dans le prix est un bar ouvert servant durant toute la journée un choix de boissons, alcoolique et non-alcoolique.

Plus d’informations sur L’ile Aux Cerfs

L’Ile Aux Cerfs, est une belle ile près de la cote est de Maurice. Cette ile paradisiaque est de 100 hectares en grandeur. Sur l’ile Aux Cerfs vous trouverez l’une des plus belles plages du monde et ainsi, elle est l’une des places qu’on doit absolument visité à Maurice.

Croisière Catamaran Ile Maurice vers Ile Aux Cerfs

Avec ses casuarinas et palmiers qui oscillent, les plages sablonneuse et blanche bordée par une eau turquoise éclatante du lagon, cette étonnante ile paradisiaque est le parfait décor pour une journée relaxant plein de soleil.

Sur l’Ile Aux Cerfs les visiteurs sont offerte une grande sélection d’activités et de facilités indulgentes. Les sports nautiques, restaurants et aussi un hôtel cinq étoiles avec un cour de golf, tous faisant de cette ile paradisiaque, le parfait lieu pour se détendre tout en savourant les nombreux sport nautique, activité de plage et aussi le golf.


Catamaran Cruises at it's best in Mahebourg

Croisières Turquoise, a long time established Catamaran Cruise Company, operates three comfortable catamarans on the South East coast of Mauritius since 1987. Enjoy a peaceful sailing experience in the calm turquoise lagoon from Pointe Jerome to Ile-aux-Cerfs. On the way, you will have the opportunity to snorkel amongst tropical fish and corals, or simply swim in the crystal clear shallow water.

A short visit to the Grande Riviere Sud Est Waterfall will hopefully make you discover some species of the endemic fauna of Mauritius. (Monkeys, bats, paille-en-queue...) and the wilderness of the flora.

A mouth-watering lunch will be served on board (Smoked marlin mousse, grilled fish and chicken, potato and rice salads, fresh salads, crispy bread, season fruits...) accompanied of white and red wine.

Free soft drinks, beer, water, rum cocktail will be offered all day long. (Alcoholic beverages will not be served before the snorkeling stop.)

After lunch, you will visit Ile-Aux-Cerfs at your convenience, swim, sunbathe or just relax, while the friendly crew will prepare the boat for the return trip. You will be sailed back to Pointe Jerome around 4:00 pm.


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mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Croisière en Catamaran à l'Île aux Cerfs (Sud-Est)

Ile aux cerfs ile maurice

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mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Lieu: du Sud-Est
Jours Opérant Tous les jours
Durée 7 h
Heure de L'Activité 09:00 - 16:00
Transports Offert en Supplément
Commentaire Bien que l'équipement de snorkeling soit disponible, il est conseillé aux clients d'apporter leur propre matériel pour des raisons sanitaires.


Une excursion en catamaran, visite à l’Île aux Cerfs, des boissons rafraîchissantes, de la bonne nourriture, du divertissement et détente.

Offrez-vous une journée mémorable sur un fabuleux catamaran de 45 pieds à destination de l'île aux Cerfs. L'île aux Cerfs est l'un des endroits les plus populaires et les plus beaux à visiter à l'île Maurice - ce sera certainement l'un des points forts de vos vacances.

Embarquez sur un catamaran spécialement conçu pour les excursions d'une journée et profitez d'une sortie en mer où vous pourrez apprécier les paysages, le climat chaud et les eaux claires pour une baignade.

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  • Naviguez sur des eaux cristallines tout en admirant des vues à couper le souffle.
  • Visite de l'île aux Cerfs et possibilité de découvrir les chutes de la Grande Rivière Sud Est.
  • Détente sur les magnifiques sables blancs de l'île aux Cerfs, l'une des plus belles plages.
  • Possibilité de faire de la plongée avec tuba pour apprécier la vie sous-marine - coraux et poissons exotiques aux couleurs vives.
  • Un barbecue pour le déjeuner et des boissons sont inclus dans la croisière en catamaran.

La croisière en catamaran à l'Ile Aux Cerfs comprend :

  • Croisière sur un catamaran de luxe de 45 pieds
  • Petit déjeuner léger
  • Pause snorkeling avec équipment
  • Détour vers GRSE (si le temps le permet)
  • Découverte de l'Ile aux Cerfs
  • Déjeuner BBQ
  • Un approvisionnement continu de toutes les boissons est offert tout au long de la journée.
  • Un immense cockpit ombragé, avec des sièges pour chaque passager
  • De grands trampolines confortables pour prendre un bain de soleil et se détendre
  • Le catamaran de luxe dispose de deux cabines queen size et des douches.
  • Un système de sonorisation permettant de diffuser diverses sélections de cd's.
  • Équipement de protection et mesures de sécurité à bord

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Le transport est disponible moyennant un supplément et comprend la prise en charge et le retour à l'hôtel ou au lieu d'hébergement à l'île Maurice.

Vous pouvez choisir parmi une sélection de types de véhicules:

Tous les chauffeurs parlent couramment l'anglais et le français (sur demande spéciale, nous pouvons organiser des chauffeurs qui parlent d'autres langues). Les chauffeurs, Mauriciens, seront heureux de vous fournir des informations sur l'île Maurice et chacun de ses sites touristiques.

Tous les chauffeurs sont très professionnels, efficaces et sympathiques. Ils s'efforcent d'être toujours à l'heure et de fournir un service fiable et dévoué aux clients.

Pointe Jerome - Région Sud-Est

Durée : 7 heures
  L'activité de croisière en catamaran est disponible tous les jours.
Départ : 09:00 
Retour : 16:00 

Journée complète de croisière en catamaran de la côte sud-est de l'île Maurice à l'île aux Cerfs.

La croisière en catamaran débute à 9h00 sur la jetée du Preskil Beach Resort, située à Pointe Jerome, dans le sud-est de l'île Maurice. Le catamaran devrait rentrer autour de 16h, dépendant de la marée et du vent.

Cette croisière consiste à naviguer dans des eaux cristallines tout en profitant de paysages à couper le souffle en toute décontraction. Votre voyage commence par un petit déjeuner léger et agréable pour démarrer la matinée. Vous pourrez égalemnent profiter de « l'open bar » tout au long de la journée.

Pendant l’excursion, vers 11h00, le catamaran s'arrête pour vous permettre de faire de la plongée libre dans le plus grand lagon de l'île. Ce qui vous permettra de contempler la vie sous-marine, d’admirer les coraux, et de nager parmi les poissons multicolores.

Après la plongée en apnée, le catamaran continue de naviguer le long de la magnifique côte Est de l’île et vous emmène à l'embouchure de la rivière de Grande Rivière Sud-est pour voir la colonie de chauves-souris géantes et les singes qui vivent sur la rive de la rivière et aussi pour voir la cascade de loin. Un délicieux déjeuner est ensuite servi à bord.

À bord, profitez d'un délicieux barbecue pour le déjeuner, d'une sélection de boissons alcoolisées (bière, rhum, cocktails) et non alcoolisées et bien plus encore. Le barbecue, préparé par les membres de l'équipage, est l'un des plus savoureux de tous les déjeuners proposés dans le cadre d'une croisière en catamaran à l'île Maurice. (Si vous êtes végétarien, veuillez nous en informer à l'avance, afin que nous puissions demander au chef de cuisine de répondre à tous vos besoins en particulier).

Après le déjeuner, le catamaran naviguera dans le canal entre l'Ile aux Cerfs et le sanctuaire de renommée mondiale d'Anahita avant de vous déposer sur le célèbre banc de sable blanc de l'Ile aux Cerfs.

Après avoir passé un peu de temps sur l'île aux Cerfs, vous rembarquerez sur le catamaran et retournerez à la jetée de l'hôtel. Les membres de l'équipage feront en sorte de rendre votre temps plus agréable, et ils seront heureux de vous raconter des histoires locales, des blagues, et vous faire écouter des segas typiquement mauriciens qui remonteront le moral de toutes les personnes à bord.

Informations complémentaires - À propos de l'Ile aux Cerfs

L'île aux Cerfs est une île magnifique située près de la côte Est de l'île Maurice. Avec ses majestueux casuarinas et ses palmiers qui se balancent et ses plages d'un blanc pur encadrées par des eaux turquoise vif, cette île paradisiaque est le cadre parfait pour une journée de détente et de soleil.

Sur l'île aux Cerfs, vous ne manquerez pas de vous détendre et de vous amuser ou de vous baigner et/ou de faire de la plongée libre dans le lagon. Vous pouvez également profiter de la large gamme d'installations sur l'île et des diverses activités de sports nautiques qui s'y trouvent.

Informations supplémentaires - À propos du catamaran

Un catamaran de 45 pieds confortable et spacieux. Un immense cockpit ombragé, avec des sièges pour chaque passager et de grands trampolines confortables pour bronzer et se relaxer. Pour le confort des passagers, ce catamaran de luxe comprend également deux cabines queen size, des douches et des toilettes.

Option VIP privée ou exclusive

L'activité peut se dérouler en exclusivité ou peut être partagée, c'est à vous de choisir.

Vivez une expérience en VIP, comme vous le méritez, avec un service personnalisé, un traitement haut de gamme et un maximum d'intimité. Appelez-nous au +230 269 1000 pour réserver cette activité sur une base privée et exclusive.

Crème solaire 

Appareils photo

Maillot de bain

Croisière en catamaran à l'Ile Aux Cerfs - Nourriture & Boissons

Une large sélection de nourriture et de boissons disponibles pendant la croisière tout au long de la journée :

Petit déjeuner léger :

  • Mini viennoiseries

Déjeuner BBQ :

  • Brochettes de poulet et saucisses
  • Filets de poissons marinés
  • 4 variétés de salades
  • Fruits frais

Sélection de boissons :

  • Boissons gazeuses

Le menu peut être modifié sans préavis.

  • Capacité maximale du catamaran : 34 pax
  • Bien que l'équipement de snorkeling soit disponible, il est conseillé aux clients d'apporter leur propre matériel pour des raisons sanitaires.
Prix par Adulte 58 Euros
Prix par Enfant (4-12 ans) 35 Euros
Prix par Bébé (0-3 ans) Gratuit

Options disponibles:

1 Choisissez le Nombre de Participants

2 Choisissez le Type de Réservation

Commander à une Date Spécifique

Lors de la réservation pour une date spécifique, il vous sera demandé d'indiquer votre date souhaitée pour l'activité, dans le cadre du processus de commande. Cette option vous permettra de réserver votre place pour cette activité à la date et à l'heure qui vous conviennent le mieux, à condition que vous confirmiez la disponibilité de l'activité auprès de l'un des agents de Vacances Maurice. Veuillez noter que si vous réservez une activité qui dure plus d'un jour, la date indiquée correspond à la date à laquelle vous souhaitez commencer l'activité.

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Coupon Ouvert

En commandant un coupon ouvert, vous vous pourrez choisir votre date préférée pour cette activité pendant la dernière étape (quand vous aurez déjà connaissance de votre emploi du temps de votre voyage) et pas pendant la procédure de commande. De cette façon, vous bénéficiez d’une flexibilité maximum concernant la date de l’activité désirée. Le coupon ouvert peut être utilisé pendant une période de 3 mois à partir de la date de son achat. Pour en savoir plus à propos de l’option du coupon ouvert, lisez s’il vous plait, notre page Commande et mode de paiement.

Le top ... personnels de bord accueillant souriant à votre service pour la moindre attention.lasortie catamaran génial accueil avec café jus de fruits viennoiseries au départ du cata. pour démarrer la journée ????repas barbecue sur le bateau excellent.... moment de détente avec baignade dans le lagon top et super ambiance musicale tout le groupe c'est amusé et personne ne ce connaissait....et la visite de l'île aux cerfs,une vrai île avec plage carte postale...le rêve....pour résumer super sortie je recommande++++
Personnel très agréable Journée superbe

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mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Welcome on board our large and spacious catamaran, ready to carry you to an exceptional journey. Enjoy this unique cruise over the turquoise lagoons of the east coast of Mauritius as we slowly glide over the waters towards Ile Aux Cerfs.

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Trou D’eau Douce

Depart from Picture postcard village of Trou D'eau Douce

Iconic GRSE Waterfall

Sail through the sea up to the iconic GRSE waterfall for some amazing green sceneries

Perfect Snorkeling

Slide through the glimmer of the turquoise water to a perfect snorkeling spot

BBQ lunch on board

Enjoy an superb lunch on board the Catamaran

Ile aux cerfs: the famous paradise island

End the day at Ile aux Cerfs to enjoy the white sandy beach

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Almost done. Please provide your contact details.

Departing at 0930 from Trou D’eau Douce we set sail for a cruise towards the stunning GRSE waterfalls nearby. There, you will be welcomed by amazing green sceneries and if you’re lucky, some monkeys may come to greet you. After that, our boat will slide through the glimmer of the turquoise water and bring you to the perfect snorkeling spot. Lunch will be served just after.

You may relax on the sun-drenched deck or enjoy the stunning views of the lagoon. After lunch we’ll up the anchor and take you to the famous paradise island: Ile aux Cerfs where you can take it easy on the beach.

You’ll be back to the mainland by 1600, but your found memories of the day will live forever.


  • Use of Snorkelling equipment
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Bottled water

Discover our Exclusive Package

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Reserve now & pay later

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Free cancellation

24 hours in advance

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Thorough Covid-19 safety measures

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Near public transportation

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

English, French


Débarcadère, Trou d’Eau Douce, Mauritius. Pick up at hotel is available. (Additional fees apply)

Pricing and Availability

Contact us below and our team will revert to you with the details of our exclusive package..

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

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mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Catamaran Cruise To Ile Aux Cerfs (From Mauritius South East)

Ile aux cerfs ile maurice

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mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Location South East
Operating Days All Days
Duration 7 hrs
Activity Time 09:00 - 16:00
Transportation Offered as Supplement
Comment Although snorkelling equipment is provided, clients are advised to bring their own for sanitary reasons.

Day trip full of sun, drinks, delicious food and lots of fun and relaxation!

Treat yourself to a memorable day on a beautiful 45 foot catamaran to Ile aux Cerfs. Ile aux Cerfs is one of the most popular and beautiful spots to visit in Mauritius – this will definitely be one of the highlights of your holidays.

Embark on a catamaran specially designed for day charters and enjoy a day out to sea where you can enjoy the views, the warm weather and cool waters for a refreshing swim.

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  • Sail through crystal clear waters whilst enjoying breathtaking sceneries
  • Visit to Ile aux Cerfs and possibility of visiting Grand River Sud Est Waterfall
  • Relax on the beautiful white sands of Ile aux Cerfs- one of the picture-perfect postcard beaches
  • Snorkelling opportunities to enjoy the underwater marine life - superb corals and brightly colored tropical fish
  • A BBQ lunch and drinks are included as part of the catamaran cruise

Catamaran Cruise to Ile Aux Cerfs includes:

  • Cruise on 45ft luxury catamaran
  • Light breakfast
  • Snorkelling break with equipment
  • Detour to GRSE (If weather permitting)
  • Visit to Ile aux Cerfs
  • Non-stop supply of all drinks is offered throughout the day
  • Snorkeling equipment provided including flippers, mask and snorkel
  • A huge shaded cockpit, with seating for each passenger
  • Large comfortable trampolines for sunbathing and relaxing
  • The luxury catamaran includes two queen size cabins and showers
  • Sound system to play various selections of cd’s
  • Safety equipment and Security measures onboard

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Transport is available for an additional supplement and will include pick up and drop off from any place / place of accommodation in Mauritius.

You can choose from a selection of vehicles types:

All drivers speak fluent English and French (Upon special request we can organize drivers who speak additional languages). The drivers, citizens of Mauritius, will be happy to provide you with information about Mauritius and each of its sights.

All drivers are very professional, time efficient and friendly. There is high emphasis on being always on time and providing reliable devoted service to customers.

Pointe Jerome - South East Region

Duration: The duration of this trip is 7 hours
  The catamaran cruise activity is available on all days
Departure time: 09:00 
Return time:  16:00 

Full day Catamaran Cruise from the South east coast of Mauritius to Ile aux Cerfs.

The catamaran cruise departs at 09:00 from the Preskil Beach Resort’s Jetty located at Pointe Jerome in the South East of Mauritius. Expected arrival time back to the hotel is 16:00, and depends on tide and winds.

This cruise is all about sailing through crystal clear waters whilst enjoying breathtaking sceneries and relaxing on the beautiful white sand bank of Ile aux Cerfs. Your journey starts with a nice, light breakfast to kickstart your day. From the moment you board the catamaran, you can enjoy the open bar service.

Along the way at around 11:00, the catamaran makes a stop for you to enjoy snorkelling inside the island's largest lagoon allowing you to enjoy the underwater marine life and swim amongst superb corals and brightly coloured tropical fish.

After snorkeling the catamaran continues sailing along the beautiful east coast and will take you up the river’s mouth of Grande Riviere Sud Est to see the giant bat colony and monkeys living on the river bank and also to see the waterfall from afar. A delicious lunch is then served onboard.

On board, enjoy a delicious BBQ lunch, a selection of alcoholic beverages (beer, rum, cocktails), non-alcoholic drinks and more. The BBQ lunch which is prepared by the friendly crew members is one of the best lunches you get to have as part of any catamaran cruise offered in Mauritius. (If you are a vegetarian, please advise us before, so we can ask the chef to cater specifically for your needs.)

After lunch, the catamaran will cruise into the canal between Ile aux Cerfs and the world-class sanctuary of Anahita before dropping you off on the famous white sand bank of Ile aux Cerfs.

After spending some time on Ile aux Cerfs, you will re-embark on the catamaran and sail back to the Hotel’s jetty. The crew members will make sure to make your time more enjoyable, and they will be happy to tell you about local tales, jokes, and play local Mauritian sega music which will lift the spirits of all the people on board.

Additional Info - About Ile aux Cerfs

Ile aux Cerfs Island is a beautiful island near the east coast of Mauritius. With its swaying casuarinas and palm trees and the pure white beaches framed by the vivid turquoise waters, this amazing paradise island is the perfect setting for a relaxing day of sun worship.

On Ile aux Cerfs Island you are sure to have some relaxation and fun or enjoy a swim and/or snorkel inside the lagoon. You can also take advantage of the wide range of facilities on the island and the various water sports activities found there.

Additional Info - About the Catamaran

A 45-ft catamaran offering comfort and space. A huge shaded cockpit, with seating for each passenger and large comfortable trampolines for sunbathing and relaxing. Also for the convenience of the passengers this luxury catamaran includes two queen size cabins, showers, and toilets.

Private or Exclusivity VIP option

The Activity can be done on both exclusivity as well as sharing basis it's up to you to choose

Get the ultimate VIP experience you deserve with personalised service, upscale treatment and maximum privacy. Call us on +230 269 1000 to Book this activity on a private-exclusive basis.

  • Sun block cream for sun protection

Catamaran Cruise to Ile Aux Cerfs - Food & Beverages

A wide selection of food and drinks available on the cruise throughout the day:

Light Breakfast:

  • Mini pastry

BBQ Lunch Menu:

  • Chicken skewers & sausages
  • Marinated fish filet
  • 4 varieties of salad
  • Fresh fruits for dessert

Selection of Drinks:

  • Soft drinks

Menu is subject to change without prior notice.

  • Maximum catamaran capacity: 34 pax
  • Although snorkelling equipment is provided, clients are advised to bring their own for sanitary reasons.
Price per Adult 58 Euros
Price per Child (ages 4-12) 35 Euros
Price per Baby (ages 0-3) Free of Charge

Booking Attributes

1 Select Attributes

2 Choose Booking Option

Booking for specific date

When booking for a specific date, you will be asked to enter your preferred date for the activity, as part of the order process. This option will entitle you to reserve your place for this activity on a specific preferred time and date that best suits you, provided that you confirm the availability with one of Mauritius Attractions’ agents firsthand. Please note that in case you order any activity which takes more than 1 day, the preferred date represents the date on which you would like to start the activity.

mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

Open / Gift Voucher

By ordering an Open Voucher you will be able to choose your preferred date for this activity during a later stage (when you already have full knowledge of the schedule for your trip) and not during the order process. This way you benefit maximum flexibility regarding the date of the desired activity. The open voucher can be used to go on this specific activity during a period of 3 months from the date of its purchase. To learn more about the option of an open voucher, please read our Order & Payment Methods page.

The bbq on the boat was so good the fish pate was sublime wish I had taken more. The crew were so welcoming to our young children and they absolutely loved the entire trip.

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Full Suitcase Travel Blog

Mauritius Catamaran Cruise & Ile aux Cerfs Tour Review (+ Tips)

By Author Jurga

Posted on Last updated: February 2, 2024

Mauritius Catamaran Cruise & Ile aux Cerfs Tour Review (+ Tips)

Looking for a boat trip, a speedboat excursion or a catamaran cruise in Mauritius, but not sure which one to choose or what to expect? Then read on!

Mauritius is a paradise-like island destination, but I had no idea that there are quite a few smaller islands nearby that are just as picturesque and just as dreamy as Mauritius itself. Obviously, the best way to see some of those little islands is by taking a boat trip. So we joined a catamaran cruise in Mauritius…

In this article, you can read about our experience with a speedboat/ catamaran cruise in Mauritius , the places we visited, and whether it was worth it. Spoiler alert – it was!

In addition, at the bottom of this article, you can find our suggestions for the best boat tours in Mauritius – both by speedboat or catamaran. We also included some practical tips for your Mauritius boat trip.

Mauritius catamaran cruise and Ile aux Cerfs tour review

One of the most popular day trips from Mauritius is a boat tour to the picturesque island Ile aux Cerfs ( see all the boat tour options here ). We opted for a sightseeing catamaran cruise that visited several nice places in one day, in addition to this popular island.

Our catamaran cruise itinerary included snorkeling, a visit to Ile aux Fouquets (the Lighthouse Island), BBQ on the boat, an excursion to the GRSE waterfall, as well as some free time at Ile aux Cerfs.

Below you can read all about this catamaran trip. It will give you a good idea of what to expect on a speedboat or a catamaran cruise in Mauritius. This should also help you decide which Mauritius boat tour is right for you. Find out!

Update: The exact same tour with the company we traveled with isn’t available anymore, but this highly-rated tour offers pretty much the same itinerary as you’ll see described below. This is another very similar tour , and – at the moment of the last update – is quite a bit cheaper. The main difference with the one we did is that these tours use speedboats rather than catamarans.

Mauritius Catamaran Cruise & Boat Trips – OVERVIEW

  • What to expect – our catamaran cruise itinerary and review
  • Is a boat trip or a catamaran cruise in Mauritius worth it?
  • Catamaran vs. speed boat
  • Practical tips
  • Best Mauritius catamaran cruises and boat trips

Boat trip in Mauritius

Mauritius Catamaran Cruise Review & Ile aux Cerfs Tour Itinerary

You are probably wondering what is Mauritius catamaran cruise or speedboat trip like and what to expect?

Well, first of all, you can expect a very relaxing day full of sunshine, stunning scenery, white sand beaches, and azure-blue water. In addition, you’ll probably meet some really friendly people, dance to some great music (because… why not), get to taste some delicious local food, and – depending on the tour – maybe even get drinks à volonté . Mauritian rum & coke included. Vacation at its best!

The review below is based on my personal experience with a Mauritius catamaran cruise. Most catamaran trips in Mauritius seem to be very similar, so this gives you a good idea of what to expect.

Boat trip to nearby islands is a great thing to do in Mauritius

Snorkeling on a Boat Trip in Mauritius

Our catamaran cruise departed on the southeast side of Mauritius. While it was raining on our way there, the sun was shining on the coast. The scenery here is amazing – the azure-blue water of the sea and lush deep green mountains in the background…

We hardly installed ourselves at the front of our catamaran as the captain announced that we’d be stopping to go snorkeling . It’s probably a good thing that they start with the snorkeling before anyone had a chance to enjoy Mauritian rum anyway…. Equipped with snorkels and flippers, we jumped into the incredibly blue and clear water.

I have to say that snorkeling here was just ok, though. There isn’t much coral and we only saw small fish. It was nice, but definitely not wow. A few days before that, I took a free snorkeling tour from my hotel in Bel Mare (on the northeast side of Mauritius) and snorkeling there was much better.

Anyway, it’s always fun to be in the water and watch the fish. I had a great time and, since snorkeling wasn’t the focus of this catamaran excursion for me, I wasn’t disappointed.

Snorkeling in Mauritius

Ile aux Fouquets – The Lighthouse Island

Our next stop on this catamaran day trip in southeast Mauritius was the so-called Lighthouse Island . Its official name is Ile aux Fouquets – named after a bird species that live here. However, there is an old abandoned lighthouse on this tiny island and so locals call it the Lighthouse Island.

There are many boat trips visiting this tiny island, with tourists coming and going all the time. However, the island itself doesn’t feel busy because all the boats are parked at a distance.

The water is really shallow here, so you have to take a smaller motorboat to get to the island. You also have to walk the last few meters in the water. Water shoes would be really handy here!

Mauritius catamaran cruise review and tips

The lighthouse standing here was built in 1864 and witnessed several sea battles between the English and the French in the bay. It has long been abandoned and is now no more than a ruin. It also looks better from a distance than from close by. But it’s definitely an interesting place to visit and gives you some insight into Mauritius’ past.

The guide gives you a quick introduction to the history of the island and after that, you are free to explore on your own. The island is so small that you don’t really need more than 10-15 minutes. You can take some pictures of the lighthouse, watch the waves crashing against the rocky shore, or try to spot some birds.

Before you know it, the guide calls you back to a small boat that brings you back to the catamaran. It’s a really interesting short stop and a part of Mauritius that most vacationers never even heard about.

TIP: If you want to visit Lighthouse Island, there are just a few tours that come here. This is the tour that’s very similar to the one we did , and here you can find the other options.

Lighthouse Island - Ile aux Fouquets in Mauritius

BBQ Lunch on Catamaran

While we were snorkeling and exploring the Lighthouse Island, the staff of our catamaran was busy preparing food.

They set up a bbq on the deck and baked meat and seafood. It was served with traditional flatbread and fresh vegetables. Absolutely delicious!

There was a vegetarian in our group and there was plenty of choice for him as well.

BBQ lunch on Mauritius catamaran cruise, Ile aux Cerfs tour

Sailing on the East Coast of Mauritius

After lunch, we set sail to Grand River South East, which is quite far away and took about an hour to get there by catamaran. This gave us a chance to lie down on the net and the soft cushions in the front area of the catamaran. It’s such a great way to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery and the wind in the sails.

TIP: Make sure you use sun protection when lounging on a catamaran or you might start to look like a boiled lobster in a matter of half an hour…

Relaxing on a catamaran in Mauritius

Grand River South East Waterfall

GRSE waterfall is one of the most impressive natural landmarks along the southeast coast of Mauritius. Many boat tours visiting Ile aux Cerfs also stop here. There are also tours from Ile aux Cerfs to this waterfall.

The waterfall itself is located a bit further from the coast, up the river, where large catamarans can’t get. So you have to change to a smaller boat that brings you all the way to the waterfall. In fact, it brings you so close that you can get a shower under the waterfall without leaving the boat…

It’s a short side excursion and the scenery here is nice, with mangroves and high rocks next to the river. The waterfall itself is also quite impressive, although this depends on what you compare it to, of course.

Grand River South East in Mauritius

Ile aux Cerfs

The last stop of our catamaran cruise in Mauritius was the beautiful island Ile aux Cerfs . If you see aerial pictures of this island, it looks like paradise: white sand beaches, lush green interior, and azure-blue waters. Picture-perfect. From the boat, it also looks really nice, but once you arrive, you realize that it’s also quite touristy.

Ile aux Cerfs seems to be one of the most popular destinations for boat tours on the East coast of Mauritius. So don’t expect to be alone here.  There are many boats coming and going to the tiny harbor of Ile aux Cerfs. Otherwise uninhabited, this tiny island comes to life during the day.

There are several restaurants and a bar on the island and a small market right by the harbor. Here you can find all the beach necessities as well as a big variety of Mauritian souvenirs.

Market at Ile aux Cerfs in Mauritius

The moment you disembark from your boat, you’re surrounded by local guides inviting you to try all kinds of water sports on the island. Sailing, banana-boat rides, water skiing… you can find it all here.

If you just take a boat to the island, you’ll have a lot of time here. You can go walking and explore the island without the crowds. Alternatively, you can just stay at the beach (which is what most people seem to do), go snorkeling or do some fun water sports…

If you are staying at a really nice resort in Mauritius (I can recommend The Ravenala Attitude with its all-in formula), you’ll have all these water sports available at your hotel as well. But if you are staying at a more local hotel that doesn’t have all this included, Ile aux Cerfs is a wonderful place to enjoy all that Mauritius beach has to offer.

Good to know: Catamaran cruises and boat trips that also visit other places on the same day, tend to spend just 1-1,5 hrs on Ile aux Cerfs. This gives you enough time to enjoy the beach, but probably not enough to explore the island further.

Ile aux Cerfs in Mauritius

Speedboat Trip

I had even less time on the Ile aux Cerfs island because I got a unique chance to take a semi-private speedboat ride back to the mainland and so I opted for that instead.

I love speedboats! And having one just to myself and a friend was a really special experience.

Other friends stayed on the island longer and came back with the catamaran instead. They said it was fun, but they didn’t see much of the island and just spent the time at the beach and did a few water activities.

Jurga from Full Suitcase on a speedboat in Mauritius

Best Mauritius Catamaran Cruises and Boat Trips

I was surprised to see how many options there are when it comes to taking a boat trip or a catamaran cruise in Mauritius. To help you easily choose the boat tour that’s right for you, I made a small selection of the best Mauritius boat trips that have a good itinerary, as well as great customer reviews.

Take a look at my hand-picked selection below. You can’t really go wrong with any of these.

  • This speedboat tour has the same pretty much the same itinerary as the trip that I did and described in this article. It includes snorkeling, a visit to Lighthouse Island, the waterfall, and Ile aux Cerfs. In addition, it stops at Ile aux Aigrettes. That’s an advantage of a speedboat – they can cover more ground at the same time.
  • Catamaran Cruise to Ile aux Cerfs with BBQ lunch . This catamaran cruise is one of the most popular boat trips in Mauritius. The itinerary includes snorkeling, sailing, bbq lunch, and Ile aux Cerfs visit. It starts and ends at Pointe Jerome in the southeast of Mauritius. TIP: This boat trip has pretty much the same itinerary but departs from the northeast of the island, so it might be a better option if you are staying on that part of the island.
  • Private Catamaran Day Trip to Ile aux Cerfs . This is a great option if you can share the costs of a private boat with a bigger family or a group of friends (or if you don’t mind splurging a bit). Private boat trips also include snorkeling, BBQ lunch, a visit to the waterfall, and free time on Ile aux Cerfs. Imagine a whole day on a private boat with an amazing crew, incredible scenery, and unlimited food and drinks… Life doesn’t get much better than that.
  • Catamaran Cruise to the Northern Isles . This is a great boat trip for those staying in the North of Mauritius (Grand Baie area). You can visit the most beautiful islands without having to spend a lot of time in the car.
  • Sunset cruises are also popular in Mauritius. Here you can find more sunset tours .

A catamaran in Mauritius at sunset

Is a Boat Trip or a Catamaran Cruise in Mauritius Worth It?

Well, as always, I guess it depends on what you compare it to and what the alternatives are.

There is so much to do in Mauritius that the choice can get really overwhelming. So if you only have a few days on the island, you may want to spend your time exploring more of Mauritius itself.

However, if you are looking for a relaxing day trip that combines beach and sightseeing, then a Mauritius catamaran cruise or a speedboat tour is a great choice. After all, that’s what an island vacation is all about – sea, beach, sunshine, stunning scenery, good food, drinks, music, and wind in your hair…

I really enjoyed my catamaran cruise in Mauritius. Snorkeling, visiting the historic Lighthouse Island, seeing a beautiful waterfall and the famous Ile aux Cerfs – we covered quite a lot of ground without much effort. I would have never been able to visit these places without a boat tour.

Furthermore, the combination of sightseeing with some relaxing time on the catamaran, delicious food, drinks, music, and good company made it a really fun and relaxing day. I’d do it again!

Scenery on Mauritius catamaran cruise and day tour to Ile aux Cerfs

Mauritius Catamaran vs. Speed Boat

The catamaran cruise that I did was a bit different than the standard catamaran tour in Mauritius because it combined a catamaran cruise and a speedboat. Normally, you have to choose one of the two, and they both have advantages and disadvantages.

On a catamaran , you have more space to walk around, there is a bathroom, and a big net in front where you can lie down to read a book, sunbathe, or simply relax. But it’s also busier as catamaran cruises take more people on board. A catamaran is also slower. If you opt for a group tour, a catamaran cruise in Mauritius is cheaper than a speedboat trip.

Speedboat goes much faster, so you can do more sightseeing in less time. That means that you can spend more time on the islands instead of on the boat or see more places in one day. You can’t really walk around the speedboat a lot, so it’s really more of a means of transportation rather than a place to relax. That being said, it can be really relaxing and luxurious. If you can afford a private speedboat tour , I wouldn’t hesitate. Contrary to group tours, a private speedboat costs less than a private catamaran.

Another advantage of a speedboat is that you don’t get seasick in it. A catamaran is, in general, also ok and I never got seasick on a catamaran. But then I never took a catamaran in rough seas. However, that shouldn’t be an issue in Mauritius anyway.

Catamaran vs. speedboat. I really like both – speedboat and catamaran. They are very different, but each fun in its own way. When it comes to choosing a catamaran cruise in Mauritius vs. a boat trip, I’d first look at the day trip itinerary and choose a boat tour based on that rather than on what type of boat it is.

Higher above, you can find our hand-picked selection of the very best boat trips in Mauritius. And below are some practical tips and things you may want to know when planning a day excursion like this.

Ile aux Cerfs tour by catamaran or speedboat - Mauritius

Practical Tips for a Boat Trip in Mauritius

  • Research and book a boat trip in advance. That way you can compare itineraries and prices, and read real customer reviews. Here you can find a big selection of boat trips and tours in Mauritius (or see our hand-picked selection of the best Mauritius boat tours higher above).
  • If you don’t like to spend a lot of time in a car, pick a boat trip that departs from a place that’s not too far from your hotel .
  • Wear your swimsuit , so that you don’t have to change on the boat.
  • Bring water shoes if you have them – it comes in very handy when you have to disembark in the water or for water activities or at the beach.
  • Sun protection. Make sure that you have a sunscreen lotion, a sun hat, sunglasses, and – ideally – also a long-sleeved summer shirt or a UV t-shirt to wear on the boat.
  • Check if towels are provided and otherwise bring one from your hotel.
  • Bring some cash if you’re planning to do any water activities on Ile aux Cerfs or buy souvenirs. Tips for your boat crew are also appreciated.

Preparing a bbq on a catamaran in Mauritius

More tips for your trip to Mauritius:

  • Airport transfers:  Private and shared Mauritius airport transfers
  • What to see: Best Things to Do in Mauritius
  • Private tours:   Private Day Tour of the South West of Mauritius  or  Private Day Tour with Customizable Itinerary
  • Must-visit: L’Aventure du Sucre in Mauritius
  • Where to stay:   The Ravenala Attitude Review

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What to expect on Mauritius boat trip or a catamaran cruise

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Wednesday 24th of August 2022

Please can you tell me the company you booked the catamaran trip through as I cannot find this specific itinerary with any of the links provided in the article.

Tuesday 30th of August 2022

Hi Julie, since we did this tour, a lot has changed and it wasn't offered anymore, so I took away those links. However, after doing some research now, I found a few tours that have pretty much the same itinerary as we did: this is the most popular tour and this tour is very similar too. The main difference is that they are speedboat tours and not catamaran. Hope this helps. Enjoy your trip!

Friday 6th of December 2019

Wow, it looks so pretty! I want to go there SO badly. I was never that interested until I saw your post (don't forget the AMAZING pictures). Anyways, quick question. My family would fly there, but want to make our trip more unique, you know? Do you reccomend any cruise lines that would take me from anywhere in the U.S. to there? Thanks so much!

Tuesday 10th of December 2019

Hi Melody, I really don't think that a cruise is the best way to visit Mauritius. Those ships just dock on the island for one day and you hardly have the time for one short excursion... That being said, it's a nice way to see many islands at once, and I'm sure there are some cruise lines that stop in Mauritius. But you'd have to research that yourself, because I have no experience with it. Also, it's so far from the US, so I think you'd have to fly somewhere in the area first and get on a cruise ship there (maybe in Seychelles or Maldives - I really wouldn't know where they start).

If you just interested in visiting Mauritius island and are not sure where to start, you should know that it's really not that hard to visit on your own. Book a flight and a hotel (you can read about one of the hotels I stayed in here: The Ravenala Attitude, but there are countless other options in a variety of budgets - check on Booking.com). And then either rent a car and explore the island on your own or book some day trips. The island isn't too big and if you stay somewhat around the middle of the island (West coast is most popular), transfer times to all the attractions will never be longer than an hour or so. Here you can read about what there is to see and do in Mauritius.

Hope this helps.


  1. Full Day Catamaran Cruise to Ile aux Cerfs by Island Hopper in

    mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

  2. Catamaran Cruise Ile Aux Cerfs Island

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  3. Catamaran Adventure Ile Aux Cerfs Mauritius

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  4. Catamaran Cruise From South East Mauritius To Ile Aux Cerfs

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  5. Catamaran Cruise To Ile Aux Cerfs (From Mauritius South East

    mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran

  6. Catamaran Adventure Ile Aux Cerfs Mauritius

    mauritius ile aux cerfs catamaran


  1. MAURITIUS (Ile Maurice)

  2. Catamaran Cruise Ile Aux Cerfs

  3. Catamaran Fun Trip

  4. #18 Mauritius visiting Islands in the North Catamaran Cruise, Îlot Gabriel


  1. Catamaran Cruises Mauritius

    Située sur la côte est de l'Ile Maurice et proche du village de Trou d'Eau Douce, l'Ile aux Cerfs est en lieu incontournable durant votre séjour. Connu pour ses belles plages au sable fin et son magnifique lagon, l'Ile aux Cerfs vous propose aussi une panoplie d'activités nautiques ainsi que divers marchés artisanaux.

  2. Croisière Catamaran sur l'île Aux Cerfs

    Nous vous invitons à profiter de cette croisière en catamaran mémorable à l'île Aux Cerfs. Votre journée commence à Trou d'eau douce. Au cas ou vous désirez votre prise en charge aller-retour de votre hôtel ou hébergement nous vous offrons ce service aussi.

  3. Croisière à L' Île Aux Cerfs en catamaran

    Vers 11h00, le catamaran fera escale au milieu du lagon, où vous pourrez faire de la plonger en apnée et profiter de la vie sous-marine pour nager parmi les superbes coraux et les poissons tropicaux aux couleurs vives. Tous les équipements de plongée en apnée seront fournis sur le catamaran.

  4. Mauritius Ile aux Cerfs Catamaran Cruise

    We invite you to enjoy this memorable catamaran cruise from Trou D'eau Douce to Ile Aux Cerfs. We can arrange a pickup/dropoff from any accommodation in Mauritius. Start your trip with a visit to the waterfall at Grand River South East before setting sail for the island of Ile Aux Cerfs.

  5. Catamaran Cruises Mauritius

    Catamaran Cruises Mauritius. Book Now. Full Day Cruise. Embark for a full day cruise to Ile aux Cerfs, Ilot Gabriel or ilot Bénitiers... SUNSET & dinner Cruise. Embark for a 2 hour sunset cruise on board of one of our catamarans... Overnight & Private CRUISE. Experience a night onboard of one of our catamarans... Live on board.

  6. Catamaran Ile Aux Cerfs East Coast

    Discover Ile Aux Cerfs, Grande Rivière Sud Est waterfall, Ile Aux Aigrettes, Ile Aux Benitiers, the Crystal Rock, Tamarin bay and its dolphins, etc. Tailor-made cruises and hiring of boats with skippers are also available.

  7. Croisière d'une journée complète en catamaran : Île aux Cerfs avec

    Le point fort de cette croisière sera votre passage sur l'île aux Cerfs à travers l'échelle déroulante à l'avant du catamaran jusqu'au célèbre banc de sable. Là, vous aurez le temps de vous détendre sur la plage ou tout simplement de passer du temps dans les eaux à hauteur du genou et de profiter du soleil. D'autres activités telles ...

  8. À propos de nous

    Ensemble, nous avons conçu la croisière en catamaran sur l'île Aux Cerfs afin de mettre en valeur le soleil, le surf, les plages, la détente, la cuisine et l'esprit d'exploration qui font de Maurice un paradis tropical unique à tous les niveaux. Notre croisière offre la possibilité de faire des souvenirs de Maurice et de son peuple ...

  9. Croisière en catamaran à l'île aux Cerfs depuis la Pointe ...

    Parcourez les lagons de Mahébourg et de Trou d'Eau Douce lors d'une croisière en catamaran le temps d'une journée avec découverte de l'île aux Cerfs ! Sans frais & Meilleur tarif garanti !

  10. Mauritius Catamaran Cruises to Ile aux Cerfs Island

    The Catamaran cruise to Ile Aux Cerfs is all about having a great cruising experience, enjoying water sports activities and relaxation on one of the picture-postcard beaches of the Island. Ile Aux Cerfs Island is situated off the east coast of Mauritius.

  11. Catamaran Cruise Mauritius to Ile aux Cerfs

    Ranked as the most popular sea activity in Mauritius, the catamaran cruise to Ile aux Cerfs island allows you to explore Mauritius's spectacular coastline and admire the seaside splendor of island. Sail the iridescent waters aboard a stylish catamaran; sip refreshing drinks as you feel the soothing Mauritian sun on your skin. Stop to admire ...

  12. Catamaran Cruises Mauritius

    Catamaran Cruises Mauritius - Visit to Ile aux Cerfs Island, Mauritius. Full Day Cruise. Embark for a full day cruise to Ile aux Cerfs, Ilot Gabriel or ilot Bénitiers. Sunset & Dinner Cruise. Embark for a 2 hour sunset cruise on board of one of our catamarans... Overnight & Private Cruise. Experience a night onboard of one of our catamarans...

  13. Croisières Maurice Catamaran à l'île aux Cerfs

    Réservez des Croisières en Catamaran à l'île aux Cerfs aux tarifs les plus bas sur MauriceCatamaran.com - Une excellente expérience de croisière qui vous amène à l'Ile aux Cerfs à bord de nos luxueux catamarans

  14. Croisières Turquoise, a long time established Catamaran Cruise Company

    Croisières Turquoise, a long time established Catamaran Cruise Company, operates three comfortable catamarans on the South East coast of Mauritius since 1987. Enjoy a peaceful sailing experience in the calm turquoise lagoon from Pointe Jerome to Ile-aux-Cerfs.

  15. Catamaran Cruise To Ile Aux Cerfs (From Trou d'eau Douce)

    Treat yourself to a memorable day by embarking on this catamaran cruise to Ile aux Cerfs. Sail through the crystal clear water, view breathtaking scenery all around, take a stroll on the beautiful white sand beaches and snorkel inside the lagoons to explore the local marine life.

  16. Croisière en Catamaran à l'Île aux Cerfs (Sud-Est)

    Offrez-vous une journée mémorable sur un fabuleux catamaran de 45 pieds à destination de l'île aux Cerfs. L'île aux Cerfs est l'un des endroits les plus populaires et les plus beaux à visiter à l'île Maurice - ce sera certainement l'un des points forts de vos vacances.

  17. Catamaran Mauritius Ile aux Cerfs

    Experience 30 Years of Unforgettable Holiday Memories. Welcome on board our large and spacious catamaran, ready to carry you to an exceptional journey. Enjoy this unique cruise over the turquoise lagoons of the east coast of Mauritius as we slowly glide over the waters towards Ile Aux Cerfs. Pricing and Availability.

  18. Mauritius Catamaran Cruise

    Full day Catamaran Cruise along the east coast of Mauritius to Ile aux Cerfs ! Catamaran Cruise - West Coast. Enjoy various fun and exciting catamaran cruises along the west coast of Mauritius discovering the amazing ... Overnight Catamaran Cruise.

  19. Catamaran Cruise To Ile Aux Cerfs (From Mauritius South East)

    Full day Catamaran Cruise from the South east coast of Mauritius to Ile aux Cerfs. The catamaran cruise departs at 09:00 from the Preskil Beach Resort's Jetty located at Pointe Jerome in the South East of Mauritius. Expected arrival time back to the hotel is 16:00, and depends on tide and winds.

  20. Croisière Catamaran Ile aux cerfs Journée Tout Inclus

    Au programme: 20 min de snorkelling en pleine mer. Puis On passe admirer des cascades en changeant de bateaux dans une rivière, puis direction l'île aux cerfs. Balade sur place d'une heure dans un cadre idyllique et encore sauvage. Repas frais mais tres banal sur le bateau ( barbecue et salades). Retour à 16h.

  21. Mauritius : Full day All inclusive Ile aux cerfs Catamaran cruise

    This private catamaran group tour takes you snorkeling in some of the most beautiful spots in Mauritius, plus a visit to Ile aux Cerfs where you can explore for around an hour. You'll also be served both a halal breakfast and lunch, along with alcoholic beverages if you like. Snorkeling equipment is provided for you, so you just need to show ...

  22. Catamaran Cruise To Ile Aux Cerfs (From Mauritius South East)

    Book the Catamaran Cruise To Ile Aux Cerfs (From Mauritius South East) via MauritiusCatamaran.com and benefit from the Best Discounted Rates.

  23. Mauritius Catamaran Cruise & Ile aux Cerfs Tour Review (+ Tips)

    Our catamaran cruise itinerary included snorkeling, a visit to Ile aux Fouquets (the Lighthouse Island), BBQ on the boat, an excursion to the GRSE waterfall, as well as some free time at Ile aux Cerfs. Below you can read all about this catamaran trip. It will give you a good idea of what to expect on a speedboat or a catamaran cruise in Mauritius.