StandOut CV

Deckhand CV example

Andrew Fennell photo

Deckhand jobs are engaging and rewarding, but its not always easy to land one in today’s job market.

Check out this example Deckhand CV along with our simple CV writing guide, to help you create an impressive CV that will attract employers and land you plenty of job interviews.

Guide contents

Deckhand CV example

  • CV layout and format
  • Your CV profile
  • Work experience

Education section

CV templates 

Deckhand CV 1

This example CV demonstrates how to structure and format your own Deckhand CV, so that it can be easily digested by busy hiring managers, and quickly prove why you are the best candidate for the jobs you are applying to.

It also gives you a good idea of the type of skills, experience and qualifications that you need to be making prominent in your own CV.

CV builder

Build your CV now 

Deckhand CV layout and format

First impressions count, so a sloppy, disorganised CV may cause your CV to be overlooked..

Instead, perfect the format and structure of your CV by working to a clear logical structure and applying some simple formatting tricks to ease readability.

Don’t underestimate the importance of this step; if your CV lacks readability, your written content won’t even be seen.

How to write a CV

CV formatting tips

  • Length: Whether you’ve got one year or three decades of experience, your CV should never be more than two sides of A4. Recruiters are busy people who’re often juggling numerous roles and tasks, so they don’t have time to read lengthy applications. If you’re a recent graduate or don’t have much industry experience, one side of A4 is fine.
  • Readability : To help busy recruiters scan through your CV, make sure your section headings stand out – bold or coloured text works well. Additionally, try to use bullet points wherever you can, as they’re far easier to skim through than huge paragraphs. Lastly, don’t be afraid of white space on your CV – a little breathing space is great for readability.
  • Design: Don’t waste time adding fancy designs to your CV. It generally adds no value to your application and may even end up distracting recruiters away from the important written content.
  • Avoid photos: Logos, profile photos or other images aren’t necessary and rarely add any value – save the space for written content, instead!

Quick tip: Formatting your CV to look professional can be difficult and time-consuming when using Microsoft Word or Google Docs. If you want to create an attractive CV quickly, try our quick-and-easy CV Builder and use one of their eye-catching professional CV templates.

CV formatting tips

CV structure

Divide your CV into the following major sections when writing it:

  • Name and contact details  – Head your CV with your name and contact details, to let the reader know who you are and how to contact you.
  • CV profile – A brief paragraph which summarises your skills and experience and highlights why you’re a good match for the role.
  • Core skills list – A snappy, bullet-pointed list of your most relevant skills.
  • Work experience – A structured list of your work experience in reverse chronological order.
  • Education – A summary of any relevant qualifications or professional training you’ve completed.
  • Hobbies and interests – An optional section, which should only be used if your hobbies are relevant to the jobs you’re applying to.

Now I’ll tell you exactly what you should include in each CV section.

CV Contact Details

Contact details

Kick-start your CV with your contact details, so recruiters can get in touch easily. Here’s what you should include:

  • Mobile number
  • Email address – Make sure it’s professional, with no silly nicknames.
  • Location – Your town or city is sufficient, rather than a full address.
  • LinkedIn profile or portfolio URL – Ensure they’ve been updated and are looking slick and professional.

Quick tip: Avoid listing your date of birth, marital status or other irrelevant details – they’re unnecessary at this stage.

Deckhand CV Profile

Grab the reader’s attention by kick-starting your CV with a powerful profile (or personal statement , if you’re a junior applicant).

This is a short introduction paragraph which summarises your skills, knowledge and experience.

It should paint you as the perfect match for the job description and entice recruiters to read through the rest of your CV.

CV profile

Tips for creating an strong CV profile:

  • Keep it concise: The best CV profiles are short, sharp and highly relevant to the target role. For this reason, it’s best to write 3-4 lines of high-level information, as anything over might be missed.
  • Tailor it: If recruiters don’t see your suitability within a few seconds, they may close your CV straight away. Your CV profile should closely match the essential requirements listed in the job ad, so make sure to review them before you write it.
  • Don’t add an objective: Career goals and objectives are best suited to your cover letter , so don’t waste space with them in your CV profile.
  • Avoid cliches: If your CV is riddled with clichès like “Dynamic thought-leader”, hit that delete button. Phrases like these are like a broken record to recruiters, who read them countless times per day. Hard facts, skills, knowledge and results are sure to yield far better results.

Example CV profile for Deckhand

What to include in your deckhand cv profile.

  • Summary of experience: Recruiters will want to know what type of companies you’ve worked for, industries you have knowledge of, and the type of work you’ve carried out in the past, so give them a summary of this in your profile.
  • Relevant skills: Highlight your skills which are most relevant to Deckhand jobs, to ensure that recruiters see your most in-demand skills as soon as they open your CV.
  • Essential qualifications: If the jobs you are applying to require candidates to have certain qualifications, then you must add them in your profile to ensure they are seen by hiring managers.

Quick tip: Struggling to write a powerful profile? Choose from hundreds of pre-written profiles across all industries, and add one to your CV with one click in our quick-and-easy CV Builder . All written by recruitment experts and easily tailored to suit your unique skillset.

Core skills section

Next, you should create a bullet pointed list of your core skills , formatted into 2-3 columns.

Here, you should focus on including the most important skills or knowledge listed in the job advertisement.

This will instantly prove that you’re an ideal candidate, even if a recruiter only has time to briefly scan your CV.

Core skills section CV

Quick tip: Our quick-and-easy CV Builder contains thousands of in-demand skills for every profession that can be added to your CV in seconds – saving you time and greatly improving your chances of landing job interviews.

Work experience/Career history

Now that recruiters have a good overview of your skills and abilities, you need to jump into the detail of your career history.

Give them a more thorough insight into what you can do by creating a detailed list of your relevant experience.

Start with your current role, and work backwards through all the relevant positions you’ve held. This could be freelance, contract or voluntary work too; as long as it’s related to the role you’re applying for.

Work experience

Structuring your roles

Lengthy, unbroken chunks of text is a recruiters worst nightmare, but your work experience section can easily end up looking like that if you are not careful.

To avoid this, use my tried-and-tested 3-step structure, as illustrated below:

Role descriptions

Start with a 1-2 sentence summary of your role as a whole, detailing what the goal of your position was, who you reported to or managed, and the type of organisation you worked for.

Key responsibilities

Next up, you should write a short list of your day-to-day duties within the job.

Recruiters are most interested in your sector-specific skills and knowledge, so highlight these wherever possible.

Key achievements

To finish off each role and prove the impact you made, list 1-3 stand out achievements , results or accomplishments.

This could be anything which had a positive outcome for the company you worked for, or perhaps a client/customer. Where applicable, quantify your examples with facts and figures.

Quick tip: Create impressive job descriptions easily in our quick-and-easy CV Builder by adding pre-written job phrases for every industry and career stage.

In your education section, make any degrees, qualifications or training which are relevant to Deckhand roles a focal point.

As well as mentioning the name of the organisation, qualification titles and dates of study, you should showcase any particularly relevant modules, assignments or projects.

Interests and hobbies

Although this is an optional section, it can be useful if your hobbies and interests will add further depth to your CV.

Interests which are related to the sector you are applying to, or which show transferable skills like leadership or teamwork, can worth listing.

On the other hand, generic hobbies like “going out with friends” won’t add any value to your application, so are best left off your CV.

Writing your Deckhand CV

Creating a strong Deckhand CV requires a blend of punchy content, considered structure and format, and heavy tailoring.

By creating a punchy profile and core skills list, you’ll be able to hook recruiter’s attention and ensure your CV gets read.

Remember that research and relevance is the key to a good CV, so research your target roles before you start writing and pack your CV with relevant skills.

Best of luck with your next application!

Seaworthy Secrets

How to Write the Perfect Yacht CV [With Template]

If you’re looking to craft the perfect yacht CV, you’ve come to the right place. As the Chief Stewardess onboard a 50m Super Yacht, I’ve been assisting Captains with hiring crew and gathering yacht crew CVs for 8 years.

With my experience, I am familiar with the type of yachting CVs that Captains prefer to see. It is crucial to make a great first impression to ensure that your yacht resume is given proper consideration.

In this article, I break down the essential do’s and don’ts of a Yacht CV.

Scroll down to the end of this article to find a basic Yacht CV Template to help get you started. And yes, it’s free!

You can use this template and edit it accordingly to create your own Yacht Captain CV, Deckhand CV, Yacht Stew CV, as well as an Engineer or Chef Resume. All that’s left is for you to email it to recruiters or hand out physical copies when dock walking.

Table of Contents

What is a CV in Yachting?

There are a few distinct differences between a regular CV and a CV in yachting.

  • The main one is that you need to include a photo of yourself! If you do not include a photo, it is likely your yacht CV will be tossed in the bin
  • Unlike other CV’s, you also need to include your date of birth
  • You will be highlighting your skills and attributes specific to the job you are applying for. It is a great idea to make these edits to highlight what you have to offer
  • As you travel to seek work, you will need to edit your location and availability

yacht deckhand cv examples

Layout of a Yacht CV

When a Captain has 20 to 50 yachting resumes on his desk, there is a general easy-to-read layout that they prefer to see.

  • It is very important to keep your CV to 2 pages
  • Use a simple, easy-to-read font
  • If you want to be creative with your colors, go for it. Just make sure the Captain can easily read the font
  • Keep your layout clear and simple, making sure to include all of the required information listed in this article
  • There are numerous Yacht CV examples online for you to decide your preference. A great tool to use is Canva .

Your Photo for a Yachting CV

You may not be a Yachtie yet, but you need to act the part and look like one. Follow these guidelines for the perfect photo:

  • SMILE! You want to look like someone the crew would enjoy having onboard
  • Dress in something smart/appropriate, and sell yourself as the professional yacht crew member you want to be seen as. Ideally, a polo so you look like a Yachtie
  • Take the photo from about the mid-waistline up
  • Stand by a natural background of either a marina, the ocean, or some greenery
  • Do not take a selfie! Have someone take this photo for you


This is a short paragraph highlighting the position you are looking for and any attributes and skills that make you a good fit for the job. Be very specific about what you write here, and be sure to include attributes that are beneficial to the job you are applying for!

This is the moment the Captain will decide if they continue to read the rest of your Yacht CV or not.

man standing next to a jetski

Personal Information to Add to your Yachting CV

Most yachts have very specific requirements when hiring crew, so do not leave out any of the below points:

  • Nationality
  • Visa’s held
  • Tattoo (visible or not)
  • Health Status & Smoker (Y/N)
  • Languages spoken
  • Drivers License
  • Email & phone number
  • Availability and current location

Yachting Experience

Here, you need to list all of the Yacht Jobs you have held. Be sure to include:

  • The name and size of the Yacht
  • The dates you were onboard
  • The position you held
  • Your basic roles, responsibilities, and duties while onboard
  • If you have the space, you can include the locations where the vessel cruised

Some of you may not have any maritime experience, and that is ok. If you have done any day work, be sure to include that here and highlight your duties and the dates you were onboard.

Other Non-Yachting Experience

Here, you want to include any experience prior to yachting, even if it is not yachting-related.

Captains like to see any jobs/positions you have held in the past, as skills are always transferable. This gives some insight into what you have been doing leading up to the point of finding a job in yachting.

a template of a yacht cv

Qualifications to Include on your Yacht CV

List all qualifications you have relevant to yachting in your Yacht resume.

Remember that yachts like to see add-on skills, so things such as Scuba Diving Instructor, Yoga Instructor, Masseuse, and any other certifications you hold should be included.

Here, you just want to include your highest level of education and when you graduated.

Other Interests/About me/Hobbies

This section of your Yacht CV is your chance to list out a few additional standout qualities, attributes, or hobbies. This gives a bit of insight into who you are as a person and what you enjoy doing in your spare time.

This is very important, as anyone can write anything on a piece of paper, but a reference speaks volumes.

Even if the position you held was not maritime-related, a reference is also a good indication of your character and work ethic in any position you have held in the past.

You really want to get written references wherever possible.

man driving a tender

How to Make sure your CV doesn’t get Trashed

  • Take the time to write up a good Yacht CV. I can’t tell you how often I haven’t read further than the first line because of a sloppy, disorganized Yacht resume.
  • SPELL CHECK! In an industry where you have to be meticulous in everything that you do, spelling and grammatical issues in your Yacht CV are not a good start.
  • When you save and email your Yacht CV, be sure to have it saved in a Word and PDF format.
  • When you are responding to a job posting, write a short and clear email to the person who put up the post and highlight why you are a good fit for the position and why you want to become a yachtie .

How to Introduce Yourself in an Email

Dear Captain/To Whom it may concern

Please find attached my resume and references in my application for the position of “Deckhand on a 50m Superyacht”. Although I am new to the industry, I believe I would be an asset to your team as I am motivated and driven to succeed in the yachting industry. I am also an avid wakeboarder and love being on the ocean, so I believe I will adapt well and learn quickly. I am not afraid of hard work, and I look forward to having the opportunity to speak with you further.

Thank you for taking the time to view my application.

Kind regards

Downloadable Yacht CV Template

Use this Yacht CV link to download a basic yachting resume, fill in your personal information, and get ready to land your dream job!

Now that you have crafted the perfect Yacht CV, it is time to land your dream job. For those of you wanting to know how to become a yacht deckhand , read here for more information.

For those of you looking to find out how to become a yacht stewardess, read this insider’s guide!

yacht deckhand cv examples

Hi, my name is Lisa, a Chief Stewardess in the yachting industry with 10 years of experience, as well as 8 years of hospitality experience prior to that. Being in the yachting industry has been a whirlwind of adventure, growth, challenges and some of the best experiences of my life, and I am excited to share my knowledge and experiences with all of you.

Ultimate Guide to Dock Walking: 10 Tips on How to Dock Walk

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Our team of expert recruiters have compiled valuable cv advice that applies to all positions. additionally, you can scroll down to download cv templates tailored for each role., 1. keep your cv short and to the point — two pages is ideal.

Captains are exceptionally busy people and often lack time to read an essay-length resume. We would say that you have ten seconds or likely less to really capture their attention. You therefore need to keep your yacht CV concise and to the point. A 2-page CV is ideal since you generally need that much space to properly list your experience and present yourself.

Use your yachting CV as an opportunity to build a quick picture of yourself. Its purpose is to secure an interview, while the interview itself is there to expand on your skills and experience. Include 3 key attributes that really qualify you for the role you are for which you are applying.

2. Use only one font across the entire CV

You want to make your resume as clear and easy-to-read as possible, so using one good font across your CV is advised. Classic fonts are still the best option — Arial, Calibri, Cambria, Garamond, Helvetica etc. are all easy to read, clean and professional.

While your entire CV should only be one font, you can still play around with how you stylise it. For example, increase the size of your name and important sections like “Certificates” or “Professional Experience” and put in bold the name of the yacht you’ve worked on. 

3. Include a recent and professional photograph

For many people, adding a photograph may seem like an odd thing to add to their CV, however, on a yachting CV, adding a photo is the norm. The idea behind it is to get another piece of the puzzle on who you are, make people remember you more easily and to help picture you as a crew member on their superyacht.

Your CV photo should professional-looking, with good lighting and a nice background, taken from mid waist up. Try wearing a professional and tidy white polo or a navy polo on a sunny day, as this will make it easy for people to picture you as a crew member already.

Here are a few tips on how to take a good photo:

Show us your smile — this is very important as it will make you look more approachable!

Professional and friendly are the keywords

Make sure your hair is tidy

Wear minimal to no jewellery

No selfies or vacation photos

No sunglasses or hats

Make sure the lighting is good and photo is good quality

4. Include your contact details and key attributes

It sounds so simple, but you would be surprised how many people forget to include this vital information on their yacht crew CV. Yachting is an international industry and your captain may be based anywhere in the world. Include the international dialling code with your telephone number. Make sure you include an email address and Whatsapp contact details, too. You want to make it as easy as possible for the captain to be able to contact you.

You should also include which country you are currently based in, your mailing address, along with your citizenship and date of birth. And, if you speak multiple languages, this is a great thing to highlight on your yacht resume, especially for those applying to work on charter yachts where you will be working with guests from around the world. 

5. Make it easy to read (and avoid block colour)

As you are applying for a professional role in a professional setting, your yachting CV should be clear and easy to read. Some colour is ok on a yacht CV, but we would advise that you avoid the latest trend of using block colour to attract attention. Using bold colours will be a distraction from what matters the most, which is the content of your CV. In many cases printed CVs are still used during the hiring process and having coloured blocks not only wasted ink but can also make CV harder to read when printed in black and white.

For the best results, a yachting CV should be elegant, professional and easy to read. By focusing on the content and keeping the format simple, you can create a CV that stands out for all the right reasons.

6. Double and triple spell check

Although it’s easy to make and overlook spelling and grammar mistakes, most Captains respond negatively to them no matter how insignificant they may seem. To some, a single mistake can rule out a well-qualified candidate. This is because it signals that your attention to detail might be lacking or you are not really serious about the job.

Most of us rely on the grammar checker to point out the mistakes by highlighting errors with those little coloured squiggles that appear underneath, but don’t rely on that completely. They will not recognise the difference between a correct word and the right word, or catch homophones such as your/you’re, accept/except etc. So, double check and proofread your CV a few times before sending it.

7. List your referees with contact details

Most of the time, agencies will check your references prior to putting you forward for a new position. The Captains and other HoDs also like to contact previous employers directly to get feedback before offering the position to the candidate.

You should list them starting with your most recent ones and make sure they include:

name of the yacht

email address 

phone number

8. Update your yachting CV regularly

While you may not feel as though a lot has changed since you last looked for work, you are likely to have gained a lot of new skills and experience in a short space of time. Make sure to update your yacht CV every time you look for a new yacht job.

Download a free yachting CV template

Now that you know what's needed to create a great CV, go ahead and download a professionally designed free CV template that you can fill out with your information.

Download the full YPI CREW recruitment market report

Download the YPI CREW Recruitment Market Report for an in-depth analysis of current trends in superyacht crew recruitment. Gain valuable insights into the market dynamics and trends specific to each department, providing a comprehensive overview of the industry landscape.

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Learn about different positions on board a yacht.

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My Crew Kit

Superyacht Crew CV

Write a Great CV to Secure Your Dream Job on a Superyacht

Superyacht CV Guide

As an inexperienced crew member seeking your first job on board a superyacht, it is imperative to have a good CV. Yacht crew CV's are very different from those used in the traditional business world. It is important to make sure your CV professional and relevant.

We highly recommend you follow the tips below, but don’t be afraid to make some adjustments that reflect your personality and style. It is important to strike a balance between being unique and professional.

Yacht Crew CV Photograph:

Your photograph is an important aspect of your CV. Unlike other industries, your CV will most likely be completely ignored without a photograph. Vessel owners and captains like to hire presentable crew members and it is important to portray the correct image in your photograph. Here are a few guidelines to follow:

  • The photograph should be placed in the top corner of the CV.
  • It should in colour, be a JPEG file and less than 500KB.
  • Your head and shoulders should be visible in the photo and you should ideally be wearing a white or blue polo shirt or a shirt with epaulettes.
  • Your hair should be neat and presentable.
  • No hats, caps, sunglasses or large earrings.
  • Look professional and friendly – SMILE.
  • You should take the photograph with the sea or a marina in the background.
  • You should be clean-shaven although there may be exceptions to this based on your role. Generally, guests facing staff should be clean-shaven.

Yacht Crew CV Example

Yacht Crew CV Tips

  • Keep it concise. The CV should be no longer than two pages (1 page if you have minimal industry experience). Short and sweet is the trick here – potential employers will be reading through numerous CVs and don’t want to read unnecessary information.
  • Ensure your qualifications, location, passport/visas and availability are clearly visible.
  • Always spell-check your CV! Allow family and friends proofread it to make sure it is grammatically correct.
  • Write professionally and do not use slang.
  • Always print your CV out before sending it off, sometimes the layout and format may appear different once printed. Most potential employers will print out the CVs they are interested in – make sure you are happy with the printed version.
  • NEVER LIE on your CV – some crew may be tempted to lie on their CVs in order to appear more experienced. Interviewers and employers are able to tell and you will be caught out.
  • List all relevant experience and/or transferrable skills from your previous careers and/or upbringing.
  • When applying for a job online you should attach a cover letter along with your CV.
  • You will often hand your CV out whilst ‘dock walking’, it can be a good idea to staple a business card to your CV and to hand your CV out in a plastic sleeve.
  • Save your CV under a professional file name, eg. John Smith CV, as it will appear that way for potential employers to download.
  • Ensure the name in your email address is sensible.
  • Get feedback and help from professional yachting CV services.

Superyacht CV Template Download

Create a yacht CV by using the template provided below. This template is appropriate for deckhands, steward(ess)s, yacht chefs, engineers as well as other roles. Remember to export your yachting resume into PDF before applying for yacht jobs.

Complete the form below and we will email the template to you. 

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  • Yes, please include me as long as it is not spammy and I can opt out at any stage.

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How to write a Yachting CV

If you are new to the Superyacht industry, then you have probably not written a yachting CV before. If you need help writing a Yachting CV, our guide will explain what to do and what not to do.

Writing a Yachting CV differs from a CV that you may write for a land-based job. For example, on a yachting CV, you are asked to provide a picture and give your date of birth, which is considered discriminatory if you apply for a land-based job.

At Flying Fish, we help hundreds of customers new to the Yachting industry write a professional yachting CV. The yachting CV is so important, we include ono-to-one support during our Superyacht Deckhand and Superyacht Steward/ess courses. This forms part of our Career Support Service.

First, a bit of background to a Yachting CV

Your CV is a summary of your skills, experience, and interests. It explains why you are a good fit for the Deckhand or Steward/ess position, plus all the skills and experience you have to offer the yacht.

Research indicates that the reader forms an opinion about your CV in just a few seconds. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that your CV is engaging and flawless.

The yachting CV must include character references, as talking to somebody who knows you gives confidence to the employer.

Your yachting CV needs to create a good first impression and be brief and to the point. It’s a sales pamphlet, not an essay.

The Yachting CV breaks down into seven topics. You don’t have to use our CV template format. Some crew agents may want the headings in a different order. You can design your CV template but ensure you have covered the seven headings below.

  • Personal information


  • Work/Yachting experience

Hobbies and interests

A few golden rules.

Before we dive into the detail, it is worth highlighting a few important points:

You must be honest. Don’t worry if you have not worked on a superyacht before, it’s not an obstacle to getting a job. If you are a smoker say so. If you have visible tattoos then say so and let the employer decide.

Working on a yacht, whether a small sailing yacht or a large superyacht your character is key. The employer will probably pay more attention to your character/work ethic than your qualifications.

Getting the format right

How you design your yachting CV is just as important as its content. The font you use, and how you present it also play a significant role. Choose a font like Calibri, 11 points, or Verdana 10 points as they are easy to read. Make sure you save your CV as a PDF file or similar format that can be opened on both a MAC or PC.

Personal Information

This is the easy bit, follow the prompts in our CV template. Make sure you add the international dialing code, +44, as an example. Add your current location but bear in mind this will change.

Social Media

Today we all have an online profile. You will add your name, DOB and upload a photo to your CV. Yachts interested in you will likely look at your social media to see what you do in your free time.

Ensure your Instagram, Facebook, and any other profiles confirm what you say about yourself in your CV. For example, if you tell the reader that you are a non-smoker only to find recent images on your social media feeds of you smoking, it will cast doubt in the readers mind to your honesty or perhaps lead to an awkward conversation during your interview!

Superyacht crew are likely to contact you on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Instagram. A Captain may ask you to send your CV via one of these channels. We recommend you become familiar with the process of sending your Yachting CV, via WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger.

You must add a passport-sized head and shoulders image to your CV. No selfies! Ask someone to take a photo of you in the morning or evening when the sun is lower to prevent squinting.

It’s a good idea to wear a polo or T-shirt, no branding – something comfortable. No need for a shirt or tie; after all, you won’t be wearing one onboard.

Don’t apply filters or Photoshop your image to enhance it. Keep the size of your photo below 250kb. Many boats download CVs using satellite, so file size is important.

Girls, if you have long hair, tie it back so that we can see your face. We advise wearing minimal makeup and jewelry. Men need to be clean-shaven; make sure your hair neat and tidy.

Below are some examples of CV photos taken of Flying Fish customers.

Start with the most important qualifications first: STCW Basic Safety Training , PDSD , ENG1 medical , Powerboat Level 2 , etc. All your qualifications should be bullet-pointed.

If you have any additional skills relevant to the job you are applying for, then include them here, (Watersports Instructor, Diving, PT Instructor, Beauty, massage, to name a few). We don’t need to know your GCSE results.

Yachting experience

If you have worked on a yacht before, sailed with family or friends, worked on a ferry, dive boat, etc. then here is where you provide a brief summary of your experience so far.

Detail when you were onboard, your position, and the yacht’s name. If you don’t have any yachting experience, don’t worry, remove this section from your yachting CV.

Work experience

Place your work experience chronologically, with your most recent position first. Please describe the skills you learned and how you exceeded expectations in your job, using only two or three sentences.

This is arguably the most important section; what do you like to do in your spare time? Generally, yacht crew are outgoing people who like sport, travel, and adventure.

If you share a passion for the outdoors, you will fit in well. Maybe you play a sport, keep fit, are a keen photographer, have run a marathon, or enjoy travel. All these are relevant as they show your character.

You must list two references in the same format as shown in our Yachting CV template, name, telephone, email. Your references may come from a previous employer or somebody that has worked with you. Your reference can’t come from a family member!

Most recruitment agents ask for a written reference as part of their recruitment process.

What to do next

Now that you have finished your Yachting CV, there are a couple more tasks to do.

  • Ask somebody to read your Yachting CV to ensure it makes sense and reads well.
  • Spell-check your CV, then spell-check it again!
  • Save your CV as a PDF. You can open a PDF on any device. A PDF is a condensed file, so if the reader downloads your CV, it doesn’t chew up all data.
  • Your Yachting CV may change. You will probably want to change your photo, and your location will change when you start looking for work. If you perform day work, we will add the yacht you worked on and the tasks you completed to your Yachting CV.

Once you are happy with your Yachting CV, you can start looking for your dream job. You can search for Superyacht jobs on Facebook, YotSpot , or through a Superyacht Recruitment Agency .

Learn about working in the Superyacht Industry by downloading our free guide on working on Superyachts.


Industry advice and tips about starting your new career on a superyacht.

  • Resume Builder
  • Resume Templates
  • Resume Formats
  • Resume Examples
  • Cover Letter Builder
  • Cover Letter Templates
  • Cover Letter Formats
  • Cover Letter Examples
  • Career Advice
  • Interview Questions
  • Resume Skills
  • Resume Objectives
  • Job Description
  • Job Responsibilities
  • FAQ’s

Deckhand Resume Examples

For any aspiring deckhand, having a solid resume that stands out from the competition is essential. The deckhand industry is competitive, requiring you to stay ahead of the game when it comes to your job search. A comprehensive resume is the first step towards success, and this guide will provide all the information you need to craft an effective and impactful deckhand resume. From outlining the key sections of a resume, to providing resume samples and tips for writing and editing, this guide will equip you with the tools you need to create an outstanding resume.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of resume examples .


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123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]

I am an experienced Deckhand with a passion for maritime operations and safety. I have extensive experience in operating and maintaining vessels, as well as navigating and providing general deckhand duties. I am adept in all areas of vessel operations, including fuel, cargo and deck maintenance, communications, navigation and manning. I am also knowledgeable in vessel safety, basic line handling and general seamanship.

Core Skills :

  • Vessel operations
  • Fuel and Cargo maintenance
  • Navigation and communication
  • Deck Maintenance
  • Line handling
  • Vessel safety

Professional Experience : Deckhand, Fishermen’s Supply, Portsmouth, NH June 2018 – June 2020

  • Executed all specific requirements of the vessel’s captain, including line handling, navigation, and communication.
  • Performed general deckhand duties, such as painting, cleaning, and stowing cargo.
  • Assisted in troubleshooting mechanical issues, such as engines and deck machinery.
  • Maintained a clean and safe work environment on board vessels.
  • Assisted in the loading and unloading of cargo and supplies.

Education : Marine Vocational Certificate, Great Bay Community College, Portsmouth, NH June 2018

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Deckhand Resume with No Experience

Dedicated and safety- conscious Deckhand with a passion for the maritime industry. Seeking to leverage well- honed knowledge of nautical mechanics and industry safety regulations to support the daily operations of a leading organization.

  • Excellent knowledge of maritime terms, regulations, and conventions
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Deep understanding of maritime mechanics, vessels, and navigation
  • Proficient in ropes, knots, and splices
  • Sound knowledge of safety procedures and regulations
  • Detailed- oriented, organized, and reliable


  • Assist the captain and crew in navigation and navigation- related tasks
  • Maintain and repair vessels and equipment
  • Monitor vessel security, cargo, and crew
  • Perform daily vessel checks and inspections
  • Keep track of vessel location and progress
  • Ensure the crew and passengers follow safety regulations and procedures
  • Assist in loading and unloading of cargo and supplies
  • Carry out general maintenance tasks such as painting, cleaning and polishing

Experience 0 Years

Level Junior

Education Bachelor’s

Deckhand Resume with 2 Years of Experience

I am an experienced Deckhand with two years of experience working in a maritime environment. I have a strong knowledge of vessel operations, the ability to execute assigned tasks, and a dedication to safety protocols. I am an effective team player who is able to take direction and follow protocol when necessary. I am also able to efficiently multitask, prioritize tasks, and complete assigned tasks in a timely manner. I am a dependable, reliable, and motivated individual looking to continue my work in this field.

  • Knowledge of vessel operations
  • Ability to follow safety protocols
  • Capable of multitasking
  • Professional attitude and teamwork
  • Effective communication and problem- solving skills
  • Ability to work under pressure

Responsibilities :

  • Maintaining the vessel’s deck and equipment in accordance with safety regulations
  • Assisting in navigation and piloting of the vessel
  • Ensuring equipment is in working order during operations
  • Participating in vessel maintenance and repair activities
  • Carrying out deck operations under guidance of captain
  • Maintaining and monitoring watch duties
  • Assisting in the loading and unloading of cargo and supplies
  • Responding to emergencies in a prompt and efficient manner

Experience 2+ Years

Deckhand Resume with 5 Years of Experience

Results- oriented Deckhand with five years of experience in the maritime industry. Proven track record of ensuring the safe and efficient operation of vessels and the safety of personnel. Adept at performing routine tasks, inspections, and repairs, as well as providing maintenance services to vessels. Strong communicator with excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to develop positive working relationships with crew members and supervisors.

  • Vessel Operation & Maintenance
  • Safety Compliance
  • Maintenance Documentation
  • Repair & Troubleshooting
  • Team Collaboration
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Navigated vessels as directed by captain, ensuring all safety standards and regulations are followed.
  • Performed routine maintenance and repairs of marine equipment, such as deck machinery and winches.
  • Checked vessels for signs of wear and tear, and reported any problems to captain and/or engineering staff.
  • Assisted in the loading and unloading of cargo, and monitored the transfer of cargo between vessels and port.
  • Conducted safety drills and inspections of all equipment, including firefighting and lifesaving, to ensure compliance with safety regulations.
  • Maintained accurate records of vessel operation, maintenance, and safety logs.
  • Cooperated with other crew members to accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively.

Experience 5+ Years

Level Senior

Deckhand Resume with 7 Years of Experience

Highly experienced Deckhand with over 7 years in the marine industry. Proven ability to work long and irregular hours in a physically demanding environment. Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with colleagues to ensure safe and efficient operations. Demonstrated commitment to on- time delivery of cargo, maintenance of safety standards and compliance with all relevant regulations. Possess strong organizational and problem- solving skills and the ability to adapt to changing workloads and circumstances.

  • Knowledge of marine vessels and their operations
  • Ability to maintain and repair vessels
  • Ability to operate and maintain lifeboats
  • Skilled in navigational and safety systems
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Ability to work and maintain safe working practices in a variety of weather conditions
  • Ability to read and interpret diagrams, charts and other navigational documents.
  • Perform routine maintenance and repairs on vessels
  • Monitor and control the loading and unloading of cargo and passengers
  • Assist in the navigation of vessels
  • Ensure safe passage of vessels by monitoring weather conditions and reporting any safety concerns
  • Oversee the operation of all onboard machinery and equipment
  • Maintain and repair lifeboats and other safety equipment
  • Ensure compliance with all relevant regulatory requirements and safety standards
  • Monitor and communicate with other vessels or shore personnel via radio
  • Provide assistance to passengers and crew as needed

Experience 7+ Years

Deckhand Resume with 10 Years of Experience

An experienced Deckhand with over 10 years of marine operations experience. Possesses extensive knowledge of both deck and safety operations as well as strong maintenance capabilities. Experienced in following instructions, working as part of a team and completing jobs efficiently and effectively. Proven ability to stay calm in difficult and challenging situations and successfully complete tasks.

  • Marine operations
  • Safety operations
  • Deck maintenance
  • Follow instructions
  • Problem- solving
  • Remain calm under pressure
  • Responsible for ensuring all deck operations are conducted in accordance with safety regulations.
  • Performed routine and preventative maintenance on the vessel and its systems.
  • Assisted in the maintenance and repair of deck equipment.
  • Performed watch duties when required.
  • Conducted safety drills and inspections.
  • Updated and maintained operational logs and records.
  • Assisted crewmates with daily tasks, including cleaning and sanitization.
  • Ensured vessels are kept clean and tidy.
  • Assisted in navigation, steering and watch keeping activities.

Experience 10+ Years

Level Senior Manager

Education Master’s

Deckhand Resume with 15 Years of Experience

A highly experienced Deckhand with over 15 years of experience providing vessel maintenance, navigation assistance, and deck operations. Possesses strong communication, organizational, and problem- solving skills. A dedicated team player with a demonstrated ability to efficiently and safely perform all assigned tasks.

  • Ability to operate a variety of equipment including cranes, winches, and derricks
  • Extensive knowledge of maritime law, regulations, and safety procedures
  • Proven track record of working in a safe and responsible manner
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Strong organizational and problem- solving skills
  • Ability to work in a fast- paced environment
  • Ensure safety of passengers and crew on board the vessel
  • Perform routine deck maintenance and repairs as necessary
  • Assist in navigation and piloting of the vessel
  • Monitor and adjust vessel speed and direction
  • Carry out cargo loading and discharging operations
  • Perform lookout duties from the bridge
  • Supervise the loading, stowing, and securing of cargo
  • Maintain accurate and up- to- date logs and records of activities.

Experience 15+ Years

Level Director

In addition to this, be sure to check out our resume templates , resume formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

What should be included in a Deckhand resume?

A Deckhand is responsible for a variety of duties and tasks related to the operation of a professional vessel. A comprehensive resume is essential when applying to a Deckhand position. To create a strong resume, make sure to include the following details:

  • Professional Experience: Include any and all experience in the maritime industry, such as positions held as a Deckhand, Mate, or Captain. Include the name of the vessel, owner, and charter company, as well as the type of vessel and its size.
  • Education/Certifications: List all educational qualifications relevant to the position, such as a high school diploma or GED. Also include details on any certifications you have earned, such as a US Coast Guard license, First Aid/CPR, or STCW 95.
  • Technical Skills: List any technical skills that you might have, such as boat engine maintenance, navigation, and radio communication.
  • Safety Skills: Showcase your safety skills, such as knowledge of safe working practices, safety drills, and safety equipment operation.
  • Physical Fitness: Demonstrate your physical fitness by listing any physical activities you enjoy, such as swimming, running, or hiking.
  • Leadership Experience: Showcase any leadership experience you have in the workplace, such as leading a team or managing a project.

By including all of these elements in your Deckhand resume, you can create a comprehensive and effective job application. Good luck!

What is a good summary for a Deckhand resume?

A good Deckhand resume summary should include your knowledge and experience in the maritime industry, as well as your physical capabilities and relevant certifications. It should demonstrate your leadership skills and attention to detail, and include specific examples of how you have contributed to the success of your organization. Your Deckhand resume should also list any specialized skills you possess, such as firefighting and welding. Additionally, be sure to include your ability to work with a team, your safety record, and any other applicable qualifications. By providing a concise summary of your qualifications and experience, you are more likely to be considered for a Deckhand position.

What is a good objective for a Deckhand resume?

Writing a resume can be daunting, especially when you’re trying to craft a standout objective. The objective should be a concise, clear, and convincing statement of your goals as a Deckhand.

A good Deckhand resume objective should include:

  • Relevant experience: List your experience in related roles, such as ship operations, navigation, and maintenance.
  • Essential skills: Outline the skills you have that make you an ideal candidate for the job, such as teamwork, problem-solving, and attention to detail.
  • Professional goals: Demonstrate your long-term objectives by outlining your desire to learn and grow in the role.
  • Personal attributes: Highlight your positive traits, such as reliability and commitment, that would make you an asset to the team.

By utilizing these elements in your resume objective, you can create a statement that is sure to impress potential employers. With the right objective, you can show employers that you are the perfect fit for the job.

How do you list Deckhand skills on a resume?

When you are writing your resume, you should carefully consider how to best highlight the Deckhand skills you have acquired during your career. Deckhands are typically responsible for a variety of duties related to the operation and maintenance of a boat, including docking, anchoring, and general maintenance. By listing your Deckhand skills on your resume, you can show employers that you are well-qualified for the job.

Below are some key Deckhand skills that you should consider including on your resume:

  • Able to perform routine vessel maintenance and inspections
  • Familiar with navigation and nautical terminology
  • Skilled in the use of safety equipment, such as life jackets, fire extinguishers, and emergency flares
  • Knowledge of boat operation, including handling, anchoring and docking
  • Ability to follow instructions and abide by applicable laws and regulations
  • Proficient in using marine electronics, such as radar, chart plotter, and GPS
  • Experienced in troubleshooting and problem-solving
  • Able to work both independently and in a team environment
  • Familiar with marine salvage operations

What skills should I put on my resume for Deckhand?

A Deckhand is a marine-based professional who assists with the maintenance and operation of vessels. As a Deckhand, your duties will include handling mooring lines, loading and unloading supplies, and keeping the vessel clean and in good condition. To be successful in this role, you will need to possess a variety of skills, including physical fitness and the ability to work long hours in challenging conditions. Below are some of the key skills you should include in your resume for a Deckhand position:

  • Physical Strength and Endurance: Working on a vessel can be physically demanding. As a Deckhand, you need to have the strength and endurance to lift and carry heavy supplies and equipment.
  • Safety Awareness: You need to understand basic safety protocols and be able to identify and mitigate potential hazards on board a vessel.
  • Communication Skills: You must be able to communicate effectively with your fellow crew members and understand the instructions given by your superiors.
  • Attention to Detail: You should be able to carry out given tasks diligently with a high level of accuracy.
  • Problem Solving: You must be able to think on your feet and use innovative solutions to solve unexpected issues that may arise on board.
  • Maritime Knowledge: You should have a solid understanding of maritime terminology, navigation procedures, and maritime regulations.

Including these skills in your resume will demonstrate your commitment to safety, accuracy, and reliability, which are essential qualities that employers look for in Deckhands.

Key takeaways for an Deckhand resume

When it comes to looking for a deckhand job, having a resume that stands out from the competition is key. As a deckhand, you should be able to demonstrate that you have the skills and experience necessary to perform the job. Here are some key takeaways for crafting an effective deckhand resume:

  • Highlight your experience in the maritime industry. It’s important to showcase any experience you have in the maritime industry as a deckhand, including any experience you have operating ships, handling mooring lines, and assisting the captain.
  • Showcase any special qualifications. If you have any special qualifications that make you stand out when applying for a deckhand job, make sure to highlight those on your resume. Examples of qualifications that employers look for in deckhands include a valid Merchant Mariner credential, a valid TWIC card, and any certifications in first aid or CPR.
  • Describe your physical abilities. Deckhands are expected to perform a variety of tasks, many of which require physical strength and agility. Make sure to mention any physical abilities you have that would be beneficial in a deckhand job.
  • Demonstrate your attention to safety. The maritime industry is heavily regulated and safety comes first. Make sure to highlight any safety training or experience you have that demonstrates your attention to safety on the job.

By following these key takeaways, you can craft an effective deckhand resume that will help you stand out from the competition and get the job!

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Deckhand Resume Examples and Templates

This page provides you with Deckhand resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder . Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a Deckhand resume.

Deckhand Resume Sample and Template

How to Write a Deckhand Resume?

To write a professional Deckhand resume, follow these steps:

  • Select the right Deckhand resume template.
  • Write a professional summary at the top explaining your Deckhand’s experience and achievements.
  • Follow the STAR method while writing your Deckhand resume’s work experience. Show what you were responsible for and what you achieved as a Deckhand.
  • List your top Deckhand skills in a separate skills section.

How to Write Your Deckhand Resume Header?

Write the perfect Deckhand resume header by:

  • Adding your full name at the top of the header.
  • Add a photo to your resume if you are applying for jobs outside of the US. For applying to jobs within the US, avoid adding photo to your resume header.
  • Add your current Deckhand position to the header to show relevance.
  • Add your current city, your phone number and a professional email address.
  • Finally, add a link to your portfolio to the Deckhand resume header. If there’s no portfolio link to add, consider adding a link to your LinkedIn profile instead.
  • Bad Deckhand Resume Example - Header Section

Lisa 19 Adams Street Lorain, OH 44052 Marital Status: Married, email: [email protected]

  • Good Deckhand Resume Example - Header Section

Lisa Stanton, Lorain, OH, Phone number: +1-555-555-5555, Link: linkedin/in/johndoe

Make sure to add a professional looking email address while writing your resume header. Let’s assume your name is John Doe - here is a formula you can use to create email addresses:

For a Deckhand email, we recommend you either go with a custom domain name ( [email protected] ) or select a very reputed email provider (Gmail or Outlook).

How to Write a Professional Deckhand Resume Summary?

Use this template to write the best Deckhand resume summary: Deckhand with [number of years] experience of [top 2-3 skills]. Achieved [top achievement]. Expert at [X], [Y] and [Z].

How to Write a Deckhand Resume Experience Section?

Here’s how you can write a job winning Deckhand resume experience section:

  • Write your Deckhand work experience in a reverse chronological order.
  • Use bullets instead of paragraphs to explain your Deckhand work experience.
  • While describing your work experience focus on highlighting what you did and the impact you made (you can use numbers to describe your success as a Deckhand).
  • Use action verbs in your bullet points.

Admin Support / Deckhand Resume Example

Admin Support / Deckhand

  • Performed general maintenance on boats as required, ensuring they are in optimal condition.
  • Conducted safety inspections on boats to ensure compliance with regulations.
  • Answered incoming calls and relayed information to the appropriate personnel as necessary.
  • Managed the check-in process for guests, VIPs, and other clients.
  • Maintained an organized database for boats, tracking their locations and mileage.
  • Facilitated communication between dockmen and other team members.
  • Took responsibility for ordering necessary supplies for boats.
  • Coordinated with boat crew to schedule drop-offs, provide assistance, and manage crew changes.

Commercial Fishing Deckhand Resume Example

Commercial Fishing Deckhand

  • Maintained and operated commercial fishing vessel in Pacific waters
  • Supervised crew members
  • Responsible for catching fish in a competitive environment

Deckhand Resume Example

  • Lead and guide SCUBA diving tours
  • Conduct SCUBA exploratory courses
  • Conduct theory and practical SCUBA trainings
  • Ensure safety and smooth operation of SCUBA trainings
  • Assist in daily operation of the diving boat
  • Take care of guests on board
  • Assist in maintenance of the diving boat
  • In charge of berthing and unberthing manoeuvres
  • In charge of anchoring manoeuvres and night watch
  • Responsible of water toys, lines and ship’s maintenance
  • Performs lookout duties, steering, and engine-room watches on the vessel.
  • Attaches nets, slings, hooks, and other lifting devices to cables, booms, and hoists.
  • Loads equipment and supplies onto the vessel, either manually or using hoisting equipment.
  • Signals other workers to move, hoist, and position loads as needed.
  • Operates rowboats, dinghies, and skiffs to transport fishers, divers, and other personnel, as well as to tow and position nets.
  • Follows safety protocols and guidelines while carrying out tasks onboard the vessel.
  • Teak scrubbing, wash-down and general detailing to the highest standards.
  • Daily set up of the vessel for guest use.
  • Participated in fire and abandon ship drills, rescue boat drills, lock-down and search drills during normal service and under audit conditions.
  • Team leader over guests-on shifts
  • Helming and lookout duties.
  • Launching and recovery of tenders and, operation of cranes and davits.
  • Extensive Tender driving.
  • Launching and recovery of tenders and jet skis, operations of cranes and davits.
  • Tender driving. Twin and single engine.
  • Wash-down and detailing to the highest standard.
  • Daily preparation and maintenance of the vessel (and beach setups) for guest use.
  • Amazing luxury expedition yacht with worldwide itinerary.
  • Helming and lookout duties under orders from captains and pilots in a variety of passage situations.
  • Leading role in fire teams during regular drills.
  • Anchoring and mooring operations.
  • Participated in and conducted major and minor refit works throughout my time on board, AWLGrip painting, varnishing.
  • Works on a catamaran fishing boat in various weather conditions, participating in netting, potting, and catching a variety of marine species, including Cod and Whelks.
  • Performs tasks such as working with nets and pots, operating hydraulic equipment, and moving heavy gear onboard.
  • Conducts activities such as gutting fish, grading and sorting fish and Whelks, and cleaning the boat to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.
  • Demonstrates attentiveness and alertness at all times to ensure safety and efficiency during fishing operations.
  • Adheres to fishing regulations, safety protocols, and best practices in the industry to promote sustainable fishing practices.

Lead Deckhand Resume Example

Lead Deckhand

  • Regularly assisted with mechanical troubleshooting and repairs.
  • Long laborious shifts.
  • Led the construction of barge tows, ranging from 11 to 55 barges, as a leadman, ensuring efficient and safe assembly of the tows.
  • Provided training and guidance to new deckhands on the proper procedures for building tows and adhering to safety protocols.
  • Assisted in troubleshooting and diagnosing issues with Electro Motive Diesel engines, identifying problems and implementing necessary repairs.
  • Contributed to the removal and installation of turbos, servicing of centrifuges, and maintenance of power packs.
  • Conducted power swaps between generators and maintained onboard generators on the ABVM to ensure continuous power supply.

Qualified Fishing Deckhand Resume Example

Qualified Fishing Deckhand

  • Ensured the vessel was fueled and conducted safety checks to ensure compliance with safety regulations.
  • Maintained all movable parts of the vessel, ensuring they were properly greased and able to move freely.
  • Checked the functionality of safety equipment, including fire equipment and first aid supplies, and ensured they were in good condition.
  • Verified the proper functioning of radio systems and checked the validity of flares and EPIRBs, ensuring the battery life was adequate.
  • Loaded the vessel with all necessary fishing equipment, fuel, and oils, and ensured they were topped up.
  • Maintained open communication with the Skipper, regularly reporting operational issues and any changes.
  • Coordinated and monitored maintenance issues with the vessel's owners and the Skipper, ensuring timely resolution.
  • Rigged deck cargo offshore or in port following safe practices and guidelines.
  • Moored all lines on the vessel, ensuring proper securing and safety measures.
  • Conducted scrubbing and rinsing of the vessel to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.
  • Performed oil filter changes on main engines, generators, and bow thruster, ensuring proper maintenance and smooth operation.
  • Rotated and swapped generators every 24 hours to ensure continuous power supply.
  • Replaced primary and secondary fuel filters on main engines, generators, and bow thruster for optimal fuel quality.
  • Replaced steering filters on the steering system and changed hydraulic fluid to maintain steering performance.
  • Transferred fuel from cargo tanks to running tanks as needed for efficient operation.
  • Transferred water to different tanks to correct any list or imbalance in the vessel.
  • Took on water at the dock to replenish onboard water supply.
  • Rigged deck cargo in both port and offshore locations, ensuring proper securing and safety measures.
  • Moored lines on the vessel during port stays or offshore operations.
  • Conducted daily sanitation tasks to maintain cleanliness and hygiene on the vessel.
  • Performed sanding on aluminum surfaces, followed by priming and painting to protect and maintain the integrity of the material.
  • Stood watch when needed to provide breaks for the captain and assist in maneuvering the vessel.
  • Pumped water and fuel to platforms, barges, dredges, and other designated locations.
  • Safely bound down cargo using chains to secure and stabilize the load.
  • Conducted weekly maintenance on binders and chains to ensure proper functioning and safety.

Top Deckhand Resume Skills for 2023

  • Knot tying and rope handling
  • Line and mooring operations
  • Deck equipment maintenance and operation
  • Navigation and chart reading
  • Safety procedures and emergency response
  • Firefighting and fire prevention
  • Lifeboat and life raft operations
  • Marine radio communication
  • Basic first aid and CPR
  • Seamanship and boat handling
  • Cargo handling and stowage
  • Anchor handling and mooring procedures
  • Deck cleaning and maintenance
  • Rigging and lifting operations
  • Boat and hull maintenance
  • Navigational aids and buoy identification
  • Small boat operation and maintenance
  • Bridge watchkeeping duties
  • Safety equipment inspection and maintenance
  • Hull painting and preservation
  • Vessel stability and trim
  • Marine pollution prevention and control
  • Deck repairs and carpentry skills
  • Use of power tools and hand tools
  • Crane and winch operation
  • Knowledge of maritime regulations and laws
  • Safety harness and fall protection
  • Marine weather observation and reporting
  • Basic electrical knowledge (e.g., lighting, battery systems)
  • Deck inventory and supply management
  • Marine signaling and flag etiquette
  • Docking and undocking procedures
  • Hazardous materials handling and disposal
  • Mooring line splicing and repair
  • Radioactive material handling protocols (if applicable)
  • Gangway and ladder deployment
  • Marine pollution response and cleanup
  • Maintenance of navigational lights and signals
  • Security procedures and access control
  • Emergency drills and safety training
  • Vessel communication systems operation
  • Rigging and securing cargo
  • Deck logbook and recordkeeping
  • Knowledge of international maritime codes
  • Boat and equipment inventory management
  • Anchoring procedures and techniques
  • Marine distress signals and distress communication

How Long Should my Deckhand Resume be?

Your Deckhand resume length should be less than one or two pages maximum. Unless you have more than 25 years of experience, any resume that’s more than two pages would appear to be too long and risk getting rejected.

On an average, for Deckhand, we see most resumes have a length of 2. And, that’s why we advise you to keep the resume length appropriate to not get rejected.

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How To Get a Job as a Deckhand | Superyacht Crew

So what is being a deckhand all about.

We have broken down the steps to help you find your first deck job in the super yacht industry.

Being comfortable on the water will definitely be an advantage, but it is not a prerequisite. Experience driving tenders or small watercrafts would be a transferable skill that will definitely stand you in good stead and should be listed clearly on your yachting CV.

It would be advisable to look for a junior deckhand position as your first yacht job. Form there you can process to Lead Deckhand or Bosun and eventually onto Mate or Chief Officer.

Check out our list of skills that will help you stand out when applying for your first job as a deckhand

Experience driving tenders or small water crafts

Some common rope knots

Able to swim

Water sports experience like kiteboarding, wake boarding, jets- it’s a bonus if you are an instructor

Scuba diving – a rescue diver or dive master is a huge bonus

Basic hospitality- being comfortable engaging with guests and crew onboard

Additional skills include: any trade like plumbing, carpentry, electrician, woodwork, IT etc. Living on the water means there is always maintenance to be done

Creating a Deckhand Yacht CV

It is important in the yachting industry that you tailor your CV for the specific position you are looking for. Be sure to include any additional water sports or trade skills as this will help you star out from the crowd. Any relevant yachting experience should be included in a section clearly defined, and separate from any land based experience.

Visit our Agency detailed explanation on how to prepare your cv. You can also check out our FREE CV template.

Finding Daywork as a Deckhand

What is daywork you ask? Think of it as one-day yachting internships to gain real world experience on yachts while getting paid a great day rate.

Be open to any kind of yacht daywork, as long as it gets your foot in the door with what you want to do. Learn how to do basic deck chores like exterior detailing, stainless polishing, bilge painting, and teak maintenance like a pro.

If you want to take a look at our Deckhand courses , that page should tell you all you need to know.

If you have more questions or comments be sure to get in touch .

We look forward to getting you onboard.

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RYA/MCA Online

1. what are the basic requirements you need to be eligible to work in the yachting industry, 2. what is the stcw and why do i need it, 3. what is the eng1 medical certificate, 4. what land based experience will help me find a super yacht job, 5. what are the different departments onboard, 6. what crew training is required for me to work as a junior deckhand.

  • Yachtmaster/Coastal Skipper Theory
  • Yachtmaster/Coastal Practical
  • Specialist Super Yacht Training Course (Deck Hand Training Course)
  • RYA Power Boat Level II
  • RYA Personal Watercraft Course
  • RYA Competent Crew Certificate
  • RYA Day Skipper Theory and Practical Certificates
  • VHF Radio Operator’s License

7. What crew training is required for me to work as a junior stewardess?

  • Stewardess Course
  • Proficiency in Designated Security Duties (PDSD)
  • MCA Food Safety Level 2
  • RYA Powerboat Level 2

8. How do I book my training courses?

9. how do i get my first job on a yacht, 10. are these courses worth it, or am i just wasting my money, 11. will i get hired for my first job from south africa, 12. what is daywork, 13. what are the best locations to get a yacht job, 14. how much can a motor yacht stewardess or deckhand earn, 15. what are the negatives of working on a yacht, 16. what are the positives of working on a yacht, 17. is working on a super yacht for everyone, 18. what is the minimum age to work on a yacht, 19. is accommodation provided when i am completing my yacht training in cape town.

How to write a CV for a yacht job

Here at Viking Crew, we have all you need to know how to write a CV for a yacht job. When writing a CV in preparation for the yachting industry, whether you are an entry-level crew member or a senior Officer, it isn’t always a walk in the park.  Your CV is an important tool for agencies, senior crew, management companies and even Owners when considering you for potential vacancies.

Your CV is your chance for you to sell yourself on first impression, so ensure it does. Yachting is about attention to detail, so ensure that your CV is a concise summary of your qualifications, skills, experience and attributes.

You should target your CV towards the job you are applying for, giving the reader a clear understanding of the position that you really want, you do not want to look undecided. Ensure that all grammar and spelling is checked prior to submission.

It is important that you express your experience in an easy to follow format that is well presented, you do not want to confuse anybody. Flashy colour schemes, crazy fonts and numerous yacht photographs can detract from what is vital information for the reader.

Ideally keep the CV to two pages and when sending to an agency a word or PDF file are usually preferred.

What to include:

Photograph- This should be of good quality and kept professional, whilst keeping a friendly demeanour. A clear head and shoulders shot is fine, ideally wearing a polo shirt.  You will need to look presentable and well groomed.

Personal Details:

This should include: • Full name • Nationality & other passport details. • Contact details: Phone number and a professional email address. • Date of birth • Marital Status • Any Visas held • Smoker Status/Declare any visible tattoos (visible in Polo Shirt and Shorts) • Medical Certificate.

• This should include a brief summary of your career goals and special skills, a few sentences are enough.


This should include: • All relevant school, maritime college or universities attended, along with dates • All relevant shore-based certificates • All seagoing certification


We recommend keeping this short and concise but making sure all aspects are covered. • Present your work history in chronological order (most recent employment to the oldest employment) • You should include dates to and from • Include vessel type and size including whether the vessel is private/charter • Vessel cruising programme • Rank held and brief duties with each position. For Senior Ranks, include number of crew managed etc. • Reasons for leaving: this is a small industry, ensure resasons are genuine.

Hobbies and Interests: Include any sports, activities, interests and other info that could be relevant to the industry.

References: Include at least two employment reference contacts. Ensure you check first with them if they are happy to be contacted by future employers.

For more information and tips, click here or register now to be the first to know about new vacancies.

If you're interested in starting a career in this industry, check out the courses we offer at  The Maritime Skills Academy .

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yacht deckhand cv examples

How to build a yachtie CV!

by Gemma Hulbert

I have been promising to do this blog post for what feels like years now.

I have been putting it off because I wanted to make sure I could dedicate enough time to answer the most frequently asked questions & eloquently put into words just how important it is to format your CV correctly.

Last May, I started looking to fill a Junior Stewardess position I had onboard. Using my social media & various Facebook groups, I shared that I was more than happy to take green candidates. I’ve said it before that I don’t feel as though enough Chief Stews hire green stews. While many Captains won’t allow it,  I had the freedom to pick my team & I wouldn’t let this opportunity go to waste. Within 24 hours, I had over 400 CV’S!!! To ensure the hiring process was as fair as possible, I went through & reviewed every single CV, reference letter & email. I sat in my office until 10 pm for three days in a row; I just found it so interesting to see various layouts, photographs, introductions, etc. It was very apparent who had put time into their CV & who had just thrown it together. I’m sure it isn’t surprising that I only shortlisted candidates who had put considerable amounts of effort into their CVs.

So, I am here to help!

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions from Stewardesses regarding CVs and my answers!  Please keep in mind that this is just based on my opinion.

What basics should I follow?

I follow five rules:

  • CV’s should be no longer than two pages
  • Keep font size between 10-12
  • Don’t have significant gaps – if your CV is only 1 page, that’s fine!
  • Save it as a .doc if you are using a Mac & always send your CV as a PDF to boats & .doc to crew, agents,
  • When saving your CV, ensure it is listed, for example, Anna Clarke CV.

The general order I follow is:

  • Personal Info & Photograph
  • Qualifications

yacht deckhand cv examples

What personal information should I put in my CV?

I list my info on the top left corner with a photograph on the top right side. I list the following:

  • First & Last Name (This is the header – so make it a larger font)
  • Position Wanted (This is the sub-header, write Stewardess, Stewardess/Masseuse, etc.)
  • Telephone Number
  • Email Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Nationality & visas held *Include expiry dates for your passport(s) & visas
  • Current Location *BE HONEST If you are shortlisted because you say you’re in Antibes when you are actually in Cape Town – then you are already misleading the vessel
  • Health *I always write “Excellent, No Tattoos, Non-Smoker.”

When you are a Greenie with no experience, what should you put on your CV?

Below the personal details are the Objective Paragraph. This is your time to shine! Share how your previous experiences have set you up to take on this new challenge. Have you worked in a bar? Share that your boutique bar experience has provided you with excellent bespoke cocktail knowledge. Write out what you are looking for in an Interior Team , for example: “I am looking forward to joining a dynamic Interior team with a heavy focus on training & teamwork.” It is ALL about wording & being confident in your experience.

Next, list all of your previous jobs in chronological order. Yachting-related positions, including daywork, come first & then move onto land experience. Write a least 2-3 FULL sentences about each position you held. Go into depth about all hospitality ( service, food & beverage, housekeeping, laundry & floristry ), organisation, administration skills that you have learned whilst on the job.

When sharing about your yachting experience, write out the following:

Date’s Onboard (left side of the page), Name of Vessel (centre of page), Position Held (right side of the page) Paragraph about the  position

For example: Oct 2019 – 2020, M/Y Lilly, Chief Stewardess I joined M/Y Lilly during a very busy shipyard season…

yacht deckhand cv examples

What should I leave off of my CV?

  • Any info relating to High School, as it makes you come across as very young
  • There is no need to list the negative reasons why you have left previous positions; keep it POSITIVE
  • Don’t write anything regarding salary, enquire about this during the Interview

I only have 1 season’s experience; what should I be sharing about that vessel?

I have seen Stewardess with 1 season experience Far too often only write a few words about their time onboard; this is NOT acceptable. Here are a few questions to consider when typing out your experience:

  • How many guest cabins were you responsible for?
  • Did you assist with provisioning?
  • What type of service did you do onboard? Silver service, plated, buffet, etc.
  • Was it strict or a family atmosphere with the guests?
  • Did you perform a solo drinks service at night?
  • Are you comfortable detailing a cabin by yourself?
  • What was your highlight while onboard?

For my CV photo, should I wear a Polo or Shirt?

The all-important photo is a topic that will probably be debated until the end of time! However, my personal preference is as follows:

  • White fitted polo shirt
  • Crop the image, chest it
  • Have your hair neatly pulled back. It HAS to look tidy
  • Professional and classy makeup *Less is more & don’t overdo it
  • Smile!! I want to see your smiley face!

Keep in mind that often CV’s have to be sent to Management, Owners or the Owners Representative before the interview. Therefore, ensure that your photograph is professional-looking.

yacht deckhand cv examples

Are cover letters needed?

In my experience, I have never needed to send a cover letter. I use my introduction email as a cover letter instead and then allow my CV to speak for itself. As a Chief Stew, I seldom look at Cover Letters – my focus is on your experience and the professionalism of your CV.

I hope this helps you when you are next putting together your CV! Have a question about CVs? Let me know in the comments below, and I will be happy to answer them!

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yacht deckhand cv examples


After 8 adventurous years of working on yachts, Taryn decided to return to life on land. She currently lives on the coast of sunny South Africa. Fresh off the yachts and having worked in high-end resorts and hotels, Taryn has a broad knowledge of what the industry needs and is well-qualified to find the perfect match for both crew and the yacht. Taryn’s friendly, kind demeanour and passion for the industry ensure to provide excellent and professional communication with clients and crew at all times. When Taryn is not working you can find her on the beach, participating in any form of outdoor activity or sharing a bottle of wine with family and friends.

yacht deckhand cv examples

Ciara joins our team with 5 years of experience in the industry and is based in Bristol, UK. She brings her people skills and passion for luxury customer service into recruitment whilst maintaining a calm and kind nature for both crew and clients. When not working, Ciara continues studying music history and classical music performance and enjoys walks in the countryside with her husband and sausage dog.

yacht deckhand cv examples

Mandy has 8 years of experience in the industry and brings her A-game from the South of France. She brings a unique and energizing perspective with 5 years of land-based recruitment experience in London and is sure to make anyone feel welcome with her kind-hearted nature. When she’s not working, she can be found spending time with her husband and daughter, enjoying the beauty of France.

yacht deckhand cv examples

Eloise brings 3 years of experience in the industry to our team. Currently living in South Africa, Eloise was the first member of the TYSR team and has since built lasting relationships with clients and crew. Eloise splits her time between South Africa and TYS HQ in the UK. She is incredibly caring and ensures all crew and clients get the best possible support, with high standard of customer service. When not working, Eloise spends time with friends and family enjoying wine farms and safaris in sunny South Africa.

yacht deckhand cv examples

Gemma Hulbert


Gemma founded The Yacht Stew in 2016 and has over a decade of experience in the industry. When she founded TYS she wanted to create a community for people in the industry and create an incredible support network that was both informative and nurturing. She brings her keen eye for detail, and her incredibly compassionate perspective to anything she does, and is sure to get anyone inspired. In her spare time Gemma loves to be with family and friends, or out exploring and traveling with her husband.

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Superyacht CV's

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Getting your first job as a superyacht deckhand

To get a job as a deckhand on a superyacht, you’ll need to have a combination of experience, education, and personal qualities. Here are four steps to help you get started:

Get your maritime certificates

The first step to becoming a deckhand on a superyacht is to get your basic certificates. You must have your STCW and ENG1 at the very minimum before you can join a vessel.

Of course, if you wanted to come into yachting with a formal education in maritime, this is possible too. Many deckhands come into yachting after doing their OOW through a cadetship, which can be a lucrative way of getting the bigger tickets and advancing quickly from deckhand to officer after just a few years.

Build experience through day working

To be competitive as a deckhand on a superyacht, you’ll need to have experience in the maritime field. This can be through internships, apprenticeships, or days working on other boats. You should try to gain experience in different environments, such as on sailboats or motor yachts of various sizes and with different responsibilities, such as deck maintenance, watches or shipyard work.

Keep in mind that dayworking is good for your Cv and for networking. You never know where a short temp job can take you, as every crew member on board is a potential reference if their friends on other boats ask about green deckhand that can recommend.

Develop personal qualities

In addition to education and experience, there are certain personal qualities that are important for success as a deckhand on a superyacht. These can include things like physical fitness, adaptability, reliability, and customer service skills. You’ll need to be able to work long hours, in challenging conditions, and with a diverse team. You’ll also need to be able to provide excellent service to the yacht’s guests and owners.

Not everyone joins a yacht knowing these sorts of things, but if you start with an open mind and willingness to learn, you should do fine. Listen and learn, and keep your cabin tidy 😉

Finally, networking is an important part of finding a job as a deckhand on a superyacht. You should attend maritime events, join industry organizations, and make connections with other professionals who work in the superyacht industry. This can help you learn more about the industry, and can potentially open doors to job opportunities.

Everyone you meet on the dock, at the local bars and while day working could contribute to your success or failure when it comes to your next job. If you are seen out being aggressive or overly drunk, you may not find your Cv at the top of the pile when the chief officer sees it the next morning on his desk. Just be wary of such things and understand that the community is small and everyone talks.

Of course, if you have a great CV, you will be ahead of the pack too! Have a look at our range of DIY templates, mentorship packages and full custom CV packages and get your new yachting CV organised now.

Mentorship Call with DIY CV

Deckhand Resume Samples

A Deckhand works mainly in the maritime fields and fulfills various tasks such as – preparing cabins for patrons, handling ship equipment, maintaining and cleaning machinery, painting and repairing ship areas and communicating information to crew members and maritime authorities. The job description and duties that are typically listed on the Deckhand Resume include – assisting in preparing barges for loading or discharging of products at ports; building and breaking tow using lines, winches and ratchets; greasing and maintaining machinery; and helping with other duties such as transferring rigging, cooking, assisting in making bridges and standard housekeeping and watching keeping duties .

Career advancements are bright for this position, hence the following skills will pave to be a ladder to success – the ability to lift and move heavy objects, attention to details, physical fitness, good hand-eye coordination, knowledge of maritime safety and valid driver’s license. Most of the job applicants display in their resumes training from accredited institutions.

Deckhand Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Maintenance & Repair

Deckhand Resume

Objective : A dedicated veteran of the U.S. Navy with some past experience as a Deckhand on board the USS Ronald Reagan. Fast learner and dedicated to completing a job safely and thoroughly. Always willing to learn more.

Skills : Forklift Operator.

Deckhand Resume Format

Description :

  • Sweep and washes decks using broom, brushes, and mops.
  • Loads or/and unloads material from dredges.
  • Paint decks on USCG Hamilton using brushes.
  • Lubricates machinery and equipment before cutting metal and steel.
  • Tours decks during watch to caution passengers engaged in unsafe practices and ensure departure of passengers at end of voyage.
  • Supervise welders while conducting hot-burning to prevent fires.
  • Conduct installation repair on USCG Hamilton.

Deckhand/Chef Resume

Objective : Looking for a job with a fast pace company with opportunities to advance. ABILITIES I am hard working highly motivated team player with a great sense of humor, fast learner and have a good attitude at work. I am on time and get alone with everybody.

Skills : IM a good Leader owened my own christmas tree lots for 4 years. Im very motivated i pick up the slack of others and very reliable person , very positive person and have really good communication skills.

Deckhand/Chef Resume Format

  • Keeps company vessels neat and clean by mopping, scrubbing, and painting.
  • Stand for prolonged periods of time, often while using tools.
  • Carries and operates pumps to remove drainage water from barge compartments.
  • Uses ratchets, winches, and other tools to couple barges together for safe navigation.
  • Lift and carry heavy equipment (75lbs+), up and down stairs, 200+Ft.
  • Work as a team in a safe and orderly fashion.
  • Navigate pilot safely into lock and dam facilities.

Deckhand/Captain Resume

Objective : Any kind of work im very easy going and can adapt to change of work and willing to learn i wanna learn and im very opened minded i never been fired from a job , im never late,responsible, dependable. Warehouse work late night shifts my hours are so flew able. I been a deckhand at the port of la for along time, good cumminication and very good customer service. Any work interests me.

Skills : Special skills and supervisory skills that I have accomplished.

Deckhand/Captain  Resume Template

  • Inspect vessels to ensure efficient and safe operation of vessels and equipment and conformance to regulations.
  • Follow safety procedures in order to ensure the protection of passengers, cargo, and vessels.
  • Secure boats to docks with mooring lines, and cast off lines to enable departure.
  • Arrange repairs, fuel, and supplies for vessels.
  • Organize and direct the activities of crew members and pilots.
  • Clean boats and repair hulls and superstructures, using hand tools, paint, and brushes.
  • Service motors by performing tasks such as changing oil and lubricating parts.

Lead Deckhand Resume

Headline : I am a quick learning young man who is eager to work and support his family. I possess all around basic knowledge of tools and equipment use such as basic maintenance, operating a backhoe, running a bulldozer, monitoring boilers, and lawn equipment. I am certified in fire and water safety. I have been loyal and dedicated for over eight years to my current employer and haven't had and kind of infractions.

Skills : Forklift, Computer Skills, Power Tools, Management Skills, Team Leadership.

Lead Deckhand Resume Template

  • Handled lines to moor vessels to wharfs, to tie up vessels to other vessels, or to rig towing lines.
  • Arrange for ships to be stocked, fueled, or repaired.
  • Inspected equipment, such as cargo-handling gear, lifesaving equipment, visual-signaling equipment, and fishing, towing, or dredging gear to detect problems.
  • Participate in activities related to maintenance of vessel security.
  • Observe loading or unloading of cargo or equipment to ensure that handling and storage are performed according to specifications.
  • Stand watches on vessels during specified periods while vessels are under way.
  • Break out, rig, and stow cargo-handling gear, stationary rigging, or running gear.

Deckhand/Maintenance Resume

Objective : Have experince working tongues...Roughneck.. Litlle Derrick experince.Willing to excell in that if necessary. Also have done MWD Logging..Have worked on Boats as a Deckhand.

Skills : Bilingual. Fluently speak read and write spanish. Computer savvy. Good customer assistance. Good sales rep.

Deckhand/Maintenance Resume Model

  • Build and check tow by utilizing various tools/equipment to include but not limited to wrenches, ratchets, shackles, chain straps and wires/cables.
  • Move and stack sets of rigging throughout the vessel and barges.
  • Complete transfer of liquid cargo to/from the vessel through application/removal of hoses via fittings/seals and opening/closing of valves.
  • Move pumps and hoses about the barges and place hoses in wing tank/void for removal of water.
  • Complete processes to allow the vessel to take on fuel.
  • Complete skiff operations to allow the crew to go ashore and come aboard the vessel.
  • Assist with the stocking and delivery of various supplies aboard the vessel to/from the front hole.
  • Complete periodic maintenance duties in the engine room.

Deckhand/Unlicensed Engineer Resume

Headline : Seeking a full-time position in either the hospitality or administrative industry, specializing in mixing beverages or secretarial work. I have broad experience in customer service, suggestive sales, as well as mixing drinks and serving to patrons. I possess a bubbly and outgoing personality, with a eagerness to learn new skills in order to achieve full-time employment.

Skills : carpentry, plumbing, electrical, painting, MIG welding, deckhand.

Deckhand/Unlicensed Engineer Resume Sample

  • Steer vessels and operate navigational instruments.
  • Put fishing equipment into the water and anchor or tow equipment, according to the fishing method used.
  • Maintain engines, fishing gear, and other on-board equipment; and perform minor repairs.
  • Sort, pack, and store catch in holds with salt and ice.
  • Remove catches from fishing equipment and measure them to ensure compliance with legal size.
  • Pull and guide nets, traps, and lines onto vessels, by hand or using hoisting equipment.
  • Signal other workers to move, hoist, and position loads.
  • Attach nets, slings, hooks, blades, and/or lifting devices to cables, booms, hoists, and/or dredges.

Deckhand II Resume

Objective : Searching for a new job that allows me to stay busy and work hard. I'm not afraid of hard work, thanks to the military. I'm able to work as part of a team or independently, as needed, and can take direction well. I have several different strengths and can do just about anything that includes physical labor or requires physical strain.

Skills : Microsoft Office, POS.

Deckhand II Resume Format

  • Assist with the stocking and delivery of various supplies from on the vessel to and from the front hole.
  • Put out sounders at the head of the barge (river division).
  • Complete processes to allow the vessel to take on fuel (inland division).
  • Complete daily and periodic cleaning tasks to include but not limited to trash removal, mopping, scraping, sanding and painting.

Objective : Hard worker with deckhand experience, construction courses while in high school, great laborer. Willing to learn what ever it takes to get the job done right. I have a twic card and mmc, my own truck and an open schedule.

Skills : Deckhand Skills, Aircraft maintenance skills.

Deckhand/Unlicensed Engineer Resume Model

  • Performed any combination of following duties aboard The Queen of the West.
  • Handled lines to moor vessel to wharves, tie up vessel to another vessel.
  • Helping with the launch and docking of the boat.
  • Swept and washed decks, using broom, brushes, mops, and fire hose.
  • Stood steering watches or lookout watches while underway.
  • Made rounds to ensure passenger safety and checked to make sure all ship systems are running properly.
  • In charge of new deckhand training and orientation.
  • Assisting customers with their bags and luggage and courteously greeting customers and providing them with high quality service.

Sr. Deckhand Resume

Objective : My objective is to find a career in an environment where I can meet new people and have a great impact on the business. I have a passion for technology, plus I absolutely do not mind customer service and hardworking labor. I'm all for what has to happen to get the job done. I strive to do better than expected in the most professional way.

Skills : I have chauffer license, water survial, rigging, first aid, fire watch cards, have expererience driving tractor backhoe frontend loader forklift overhead cranes hydro cranes and some welding , fitting , carpenter and mechanic experience also.

Sr. Deckhand Resume Sample

  • Performs any combination of following duties aboard tow boats: Handles lines to moor vessel to wharves, tie up vessel to another vessel, or rig towing lines.
  • Sweeps and washes decks, using broom, brushes, mops, and firehose.
  • Lowers and handles skiff in case of emergencies.
  • Stands steering watches or lookout watches while underway.
  • Paints decks, and superstructure of vessel, using various brushes.
  • Splices and repairs cables and lines using handtools.
  • Examines facewires/cables that holds vessels and tow.

Deckhand III Resume

Objective : To obtain an entry-level position in your company that allows room for growth and development and be able to utilize my education and skills to lead to a career.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Project Management, Teamwork, Treatment Team Reports, Flexibility, CPR Certified, Customer Service.

Deckhand III Resume Sample

  • Greet and board passengers in a courteous and friendly manner, while ensuring that that passengers board and disembark safely.
  • Inform passengers and employees of safety procedures.
  • Perform constant deck patrol for passenger safety and fire watch.
  • Report any passenger situations, including unruly passengers, to security personnel.
  • Maintain cleanliness of vessel decks inside and out.
  • Sweep, mop, wash and scrub decks, bulkheads and overheads.
  • Pick up trash and dispose of trash per procedures.

Deckhand I Resume

Summary : Really love to cook and clean that's why I prefer a,cooking position that's,what best fit me but work is,work so anything that's,giving to me ill take,I'm a,very fast learner hard working reliable dependable worker.

Skills : Ship Steering, Navigation, Rope Work, Watchman.

Deckhand I Resume Example

  • Perform mooring duties on stern and bow, including making lines fast, heaving and flaking.
  • Stand watch on gangway, stern and bow for two to four hours daily.
  • Adjust all lines and gangway in accordance with the tide.
  • Perform routine rounds of engine room and pump rooms.
  • Carry all passenger luggage, stow food orders, and unload garbage.
  • Perform helmsman duties including maintaining and following courses.
  • Operate anchor windlass, report on tensions.

Objective : Dependable and dedicated individual with an extraordinary combination of passion, experience, and attention to detail. Hardworking and trustworthy; pride myself on getting the job at hand completed in the allotted timeframe. Successful leader; equally effective as a team member. Highly organized, able to multi-task and accomplish multiple objectives. As I continue to work towards my career goals in construction plant/fields I am seeking employment in a more suitable area.

Skills : Deckhand training: Throwing lines, building & breaking tow, locking, docking & fleeting barges.

Deckhand Resume Sample

  • Performs any combination of following duties aboard watercraft, such as dredges, ferryboats, scows, and river boats: Handles lines to moor vessel to wharves, tie up vessel to another vessel, or rig towing lines.
  • Sweeps and washes decks, using broom, brushes, mops, and fire hose.
  • Lowers and mans lifeboat in case of emergencies.
  • Moves controls or turns hand wheels to raise or lower passenger or vehicle landing ramps, or kelp-cutter mechanism.
  • Inserts blocks under wheels of vehicles to prevent them from moving on ferry boats.
  • Loads or unloads material from barges, scows, and dredges.
  • Paint lifeboats, decks, and superstructure of vessel, using brush.

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  • Deck Department

About the Deckhand

A deckhand is a position aboard with primary duties including cleaning and maintenance of the exterior of the vessel. Vessels will usually consider a successful candidate that already has experience in the superyacht industry and is keen to learn and work hard. It is essential that the deckhand can perform assigned tasks efficiently with a positive attitude in addition to interacting with owners and guests in a professional manner.

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Job Responsibilities

  • Cleanliness of the yacht wash downs, stainless polishing, waxing
  • Assisting bosun and mate in maintenance projects; sanding and taping up for varnishing or painting, caulking, filling
  • Continued learning of yacht maintenance, operations and systems; line handling, tender driving, navigation, safety, water sports

Required Skills

  • Good work ethic
  • Positive attitude
  • Ability to learn on the job
  • Ability to take direction
  • Professional appearance

Salary Modifiers

  • Engineering experience or certificate
  • Sports certification (i.e. dive certificate, kite surfing instructor)
  • Extensive fishing knowledge
  • Tender driving license
  • Carpentry skills
  • No tender driving certification

Position Statistics

Career path, senior master, junior captain, first officer / chief mate, officer of the watch, junior deckhand.

yacht deckhand cv examples

Download and edit our CV template to suit your needs. It will set you on the right track with your first Yachting CV. You can use it as a guide to writing your CV for the Super Yacht Industry. It should be used to aid your CV writing process and for general information. It is not meant to be a definitive guide.

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  1. Yacht CV

    yacht deckhand cv examples

  2. Deckhand CV example + guide and CV template

    yacht deckhand cv examples

  3. Cv Template Resume Template Professional Cv Yachting

    yacht deckhand cv examples

  4. Yacht Deckhand CV Templates

    yacht deckhand cv examples

  5. Yacht Crew CV Information & Template Download

    yacht deckhand cv examples

  6. What should I put on my Yacht CV

    yacht deckhand cv examples


  1. Superyacht Deckhand CV example + guide [Get hired quick]

    Superyacht Deckhand CV example. CV templates This CV example illustrates the ideal structure and format for your Superyacht Deckhand CV, making it easy for busy hiring managers to quickly identify your suitability for the jobs you're applying for,. It also gives some guidance on the skills, experience and qualifications you should emphasise in your own CV.

  2. Deckhand Resume Example (Plus Template and How To Write One)

    Here's a template you can use to write your resume as a deckhand: [Your Name] [Phone number] | [Professional email address] | [City, State] Professional Summary [Two or three sentences about your industry experience and key skills] Work Experience [Job title], [Start date-End date] [Company name], [Location] [Strong verb] + [job duty] + [impact]

  3. How to write a yacht CV in 2023 [with tips, instructions, and examples]

    Whether you want to work as a deckhand on a small private vessel or join the large service staff of a superyacht, it's important to learn how to write a yacht CV. ... Yacht CV example. Summary. A dedicated and enthusiastic steward with extensive experience working on yachts and superyachts. Capable of achieving the most demanding targets and ...

  4. Deckhand CV example + guide and CV template

    Example CV profile for Deckhand. Seasoned Deckhand with experience on board both private yachts and fishing vessels. Significant experience using boat systems, equipment, and procedures, alongside driving tenders and maintaining the vessel to ensure it is sea worthy. RYA and MCA qualified with a passion for ensuring safety at sea.

  5. How To Write a Yacht Crew CV (With Template and Example)

    Here are some steps you can use to write your own yacht crew CV: 1. Start with your personal details. The first section to add to a yacht crew CV is one that contains your personal details. This can include your name, contact information and location.

  6. How to Write the PERFECT Yacht CV [with template]

    You can use this template and edit it accordingly to create your own Yacht Captain CV, Deckhand CV, Yacht Stew CV, as well as an Engineer or Chef Resume. ... Yacht Captain CV Example. Layout of a Yacht CV. When a Captain has 20 to 50 yachting resumes on his desk, there is a general easy-to-read layout that they prefer to see. ...

  7. Download Free Yacht Crew CV templates

    Download the YPI CREW Recruitment Market Report for an in-depth analysis of current trends in superyacht crew recruitment. Gain valuable insights into the market dynamics and trends specific to each department, providing a comprehensive overview of the industry landscape. Use our free CV template to stand out among the competition and increase ...

  8. Yachting CV Examples & How to write a good CV

    For example, increase the size of your name and important sections like "Certificates" or "Professional Experience" and put in bold the name of the yacht you've worked on. 3. Include a recent and professional photograph. For many people, adding a photograph may seem like an odd thing to add to their CV, however, on a yachting CV ...

  9. Yacht Crew CV Information & Template Download

    A quality CV is imperative for both deckhand and stewardess super yacht crew. My Crew Kit provides advice on what super yacht recruitment agencies look for in a good resume. Learn from our example CV, downloadable in Microsoft word format for easy editing.

  10. How to write a Yachting CV

    Choose a font like Calibri, 11 points, or Verdana 10 points as they are easy to read. Make sure you save your CV as a PDF file or similar format that can be opened on both a MAC or PC. This is the easy bit, follow the prompts in our CV template. Make sure you add the international dialing code, +44, as an example.

  11. 7 Best Deckhand Resume Examples for 2024

    John Doe. Deckhand. 123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]. I am an experienced Deckhand with a passion for maritime operations and safety. I have extensive experience in operating and maintaining vessels, as well as navigating and providing general deckhand duties.

  12. Deckhand Resume Examples and Templates

    Good Deckhand Resume Example - Header Section. Lisa Stanton, Lorain, OH, Phone number: +1-555-555-5555, Link: linkedin/in/johndoe. Make sure to add a professional looking email address while writing your resume header. Let's assume your name is John Doe - here is a formula you can use to create email addresses:

  13. How To Get a Job as a Deckhand

    Creating a Deckhand Yacht CV. It is important in the yachting industry that you tailor your CV for the specific position you are looking for. Be sure to include any additional water sports or trade skills as this will help you star out from the crowd. Any relevant yachting experience should be included in a section clearly defined, and separate ...

  14. Deckhand Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Deckhand Resume Examples. Deckhands work in the maritime field and are responsible for performing tasks such: communicating information to crew and maritime authorities, preparing cabins for patrons, handling and maintaining ship equipment, cleaning and greasing machinery, painting and repairing ship areas, and helping with watch keeping duties.

  15. Homepage

    Personal Website and CV. €1300. Best for Chefs and HOD who want to make a serious impression. Everything in the Full Custom CV Package. Your own .com domain built from scratch showcasing your work history. Hosting for 12 months. Web management for 12 months. Personalised Email Account for 12 months. Order your web design package.

  16. How to write a CV for a yacht job

    This should include: • Full name. • Nationality & other passport details. • Contact details: Phone number and a professional email address. • Date of birth. • Marital Status. • Any Visas held. • Smoker Status/Declare any visible tattoos (visible in Polo Shirt and Shorts) • Medical Certificate.

  17. Deckhand Resume

    These skills will come in handy. Especially if you are looking for a deckhand role on an active boat. If you have a trade background, such as woodworking or painting, these skills can be advantageous too as a deckhand, especially for yard periods. Superyacht Cv's can help design you a yachting resume to make you stand out from the other cv's.

  18. How to build a yachtie CV!

    CV's should be no longer than two pages. Keep font size between 10-12. Don't have significant gaps - if your CV is only 1 page, that's fine! Save it as a .doc if you are using a Mac & always send your CV as a PDF to boats & .doc to crew, agents, When saving your CV, ensure it is listed, for example, Anna Clarke CV. The general order I ...

  19. Yacht Deckhand CV Templates

    Super Yacht Resume and CV Clients Served Home Page CV Service Choices New What We Offer CV Optimization ... Deckhand; Digital; One Page; Template; ABACO EXTERIOR 1. $47.00 ABACO EXTERIOR 2. $47.00 ABACO EXTERIOR 3. $47.00 ABACO EXTERIOR 4. $47.00 ANTIBE EXTERIOR 1. $47.00 ANTIBE EXTERIOR 2.

  20. Getting your first job as a superyacht deckhand

    The first step to becoming a deckhand on a superyacht is to get your basic certificates. You must have your STCW and ENG1 at the very minimum before you can join a vessel. Of course, if you wanted to come into yachting with a formal education in maritime, this is possible too. Many deckhands come into yachting after doing their OOW through a ...

  21. Deckhand Resume Samples

    Deckhand Resume Samples. A Deckhand works mainly in the maritime fields and fulfills various tasks such as - preparing cabins for patrons, handling ship equipment, maintaining and cleaning machinery, painting and repairing ship areas and communicating information to crew members and maritime authorities. The job description and duties that are typically listed on the Deckhand Resume include ...

  22. Yacht Deckhand Crew Position

    Sports certification (i.e. dive certificate, kite surfing instructor) Extensive fishing knowledge. Tender driving license. Carpentry skills. No tender driving certification. Yacht Deckhands have 0-3 years experience and are responsible for the Cleanliness of the yacht-wash downs, stainless polishing, waxing. They earn $30K - 38K based on yacht ...

  23. Free Yachting CV Template

    Crew HQ. Download and edit our CV template to suit your needs. It will set you on the right track with your first Yachting CV. You can use it as a guide to writing your CV for the Super Yacht Industry. It should be used to aid your CV writing process and for general information. It is not meant to be a definitive guide.